TO the VOTERS of the EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Visiting in Colorado
LAS VEOAS WEATHER —TORT FARilSfORTH DAVID Sy CHARLES P. SQUIRES I POaEDGE MrtJtUlrtWffli TO Cooperative Observer COURTHOUSE Kg THE PSaAO.OF THE UNITED* LAS VI&A-J K£VA0» STATES, AND TO TKE REPUB August 9 7—7. no 7 is LIC FOR WHICH XT STANDS, A\jjfc%\_W. i HO TO August ItJ§_ I ii» w ONE NATION, INDIVISIBLE, August 127—— ll* 1* WITH UBERTY AND JUSTICS - -Augugt 4*L.r^=gfc^ TM~~ ""rjrr: Pm *rx-WetW>¥;- "AdtSB ff'71——1*1 - TT~ August 15 ,«.,.,., ''-_• 101' 08 Volume XXXVI, Number 33 LflB VEOAS, NEVADA, FRIDAY. AUGUST 16, 1940 FIVE CENTS PER COPY \ ThirteenSeek Tgp Becklep-Boles Wright-Marinello Hutri/itul Board - Two Of The Eleven Candidates In MoamtLpe R__\'^t. Atkinson Seeks ^ John William Park flBSERVATIONS Thirteen candidates are seeking Invitations have been Issued for New Beauty Salon positions on tha new nospital board Justice Of Tbe Peace Race tbe marriage of Eunice Lois Beck Senate Honeys T3 Crashes To Death || MM By CHARLES P. SQUIRES The opening of tne Wright-Mar which was created when the voters ley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Harry T. Atkinson, candidate for inello Beauty Salon to tta new.quar of Las Vegas decided that tba Beckley of this oity, to David Ly- the nomination for -United States ters to the Friedman buUdlng next county hospital should be available Man Boles,, son of Mr, and Mrs. Senator at the coming primary At Santa Monica A SLAP ON THE WRIST to El Pottal Theatre last evening to paying patients.. Of these, three Lyman Boles of 360 South 11th E, eUectton is one of the distinguished Las Vegak was again shrouded to I am much amused at the edlto- was not only an outstanding social are those who were appointed by Salt Lake City, the rites to be attorneys of Nevada and has, Tor sorrow when fiie news came late .
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