ﻋﻠﻲ ﷴ اﻟﺼﻼﺑﻲ Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Omar Al Mokhtar Lion of the Desert by (ﻛﺘﺎب Proceedings of a secret trial and hang Omar Mukhtar (11,316 ﻛﺘﺐ اﻟﻤﻠﻜﯿﺔ اﻟﻔﻜﺮﯾﺔ ﻣﺤﻔﻮظﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﺆﻟﻔﯿﻦ اﻟﻤﺬﻛﻮرﯾﻦ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﻜﺘﺐ واﻟﻤﻜﺘﺒﺔ ﻏﯿﺮ ﻣﺴﺌﻮﻟﺔ ﻋﻦ اﻓﻜﺎر اﻟﻤﺆﻟﻔﯿﻦ ﯾﺘﻢ ﻧﺸﺮ اﻟﻜﺘﺐ اﻟﻘﺪﯾﻤﺔ واﻟﻤﻨﺴﯿﺔ اﻟﺘﻲ أﺻﺒﺤﺖ ﻓﻲ اﻟﻤﺎﺿﻲ ﻟﻠﺤﻔﺎظ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﺘﺮاث اﻟﻌﺮﺑﻲ واﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ ، واﻟﻜﺘﺐ اﻟﺘﻲ ﯾﺘﻢ ﻗﺒﻮل ﻧﺸﺮھﺎ ﻣﻦ ﻗﺒﻞ ﻣﺆﻟﻔﯿﮭﺎ. وﯾﻨﺺ اﻹﻋﻼن اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻤﻲ ﻟﺤﻘﻮق اﻹﻧﺴﺎن ﻋﻠﻰ أﻧﮫ "ﻟﻜﻞ ﺷﺨﺺ ﺣﻖ اﻟﻤﺸﺎرﻛﺔ اﻟﺤﺮة ﻓﻲ ﺣﯿﺎة اﻟﻤﺠﺘﻤﻊ اﻟﺜﻘﺎﻓﯿﺔ، وﻓﻲ اﻻﺳﺘﻤﺘﺎع ﺑﺎﻟﻔﻨﻮن، واﻹﺳﮭﺎم ﻓﻲ اﻟﺘﻘﺪم اﻟﻌﻠﻤﻲ وﻓﻲ اﻟﻔﻮاﺋﺪ اﻟﺘﻲ ﺗﻨﺠﻢ ﻋﻨﮫ. ﻟﻜﻞ ﺷﺨﺺ ﺣﻖ ﻓﻲ ﺣﻤﺎﯾﺔ اﻟﻤﺼﺎﻟﺢ اﻟﻤﻌﻨﻮﯾﺔ واﻟﻤﺎدﯾﺔ اﻟﻤﺘﺮﺗِّﺒﺔ ﻋﻠﻰ أ ّيِ إﻧﺘﺎج ﻋﻠﻤﻲ أو أدﺑﻲ أو ﻓﻨِّﻲ ﻣﻦ ."ﺻﻨﻌﮫ Who was Omar al-Mukhtar? – The Lion of the Desert. He was an Islamic scholar and revolutionary who heroically led the resistance against the Italian occupation of for almost 20 years. Commonly known as the ‘Lion of the Desert,’ Omar spent his youth studying Islam and became a hafidh at a young age. He spent many years as a teacher of the Quran, until 1911 when Italian forces invaded Libya. Now 53 years old, his life was about to take a new turn. Determined to defend his people from what Italian fascists described as the ‘Roman Reconquista,’ Omar and his small groups of men skilfully attacked outposts, ambushed troops and cut critical supply routes, astonishing and embarrassing the highly advanced Italian Royal Army and its troops who were half his age. Omar’s character and integrity impressed even his enemies, sticking to Islamic principles during the horrors of war and brutal occupation. After 20 years of fighting, inflicting defeats and setbacks to the Italian invaders, Omar was captured at the age of 73, after being injured in battle. He was offered many deals and bribes by the Italians to call off his men, but always refused, famously saying: “We will never surrender. We win or we die.” On September 16th1931, Omar al-Mukhtar was martyred. These were the last verses of the Quran he read, before his execution: [To the righteous it will be said], “O reassured soul, Return to your Lord, well-pleased and pleasing [to Him], And enter among My [righteous] servants And enter My Paradise.” UMAR MUKHTAR, LION OF DESERT FROM LIBYA.

MUJAHID TAK PERNAH TAKUT" اﻟ ﱠﺴﻼَ ُم َﻋﻠَ ْﯿ ُﻜ ْﻢ َو َر ْﺣ َﻤﺔُ ﷲِ َوﺑَ َﺮ َﻛﺎﺗُﮫ Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh رﺣﻤﮫ ﷲ UMAR MUKHTAR dijuluki oleh Barat sebagai “Lion of the Desert”, Mujahidin Libya, memimpin jihad melawan penjajah ,رﺣﻤﮫ ﷲ UNTUK MATI" UMAR Mukhtar Italia pada tahun 1920-1930-an. Dia berusia 70 tahun, ketika ia menderita luka parah,dan ditawan oleh penjajah. Bersama para pejuang dan mengobarkan jihad hingga Italia kewalahan menanggulangi. Berbagai perjanjian dibuat oleh Italia guna رﺣﻤﮫ ﷲ mujahid yang ada Beliau berziarah ke makam رﺣﻤﮫ ﷲ melunakkan perjuangan para mujahid. Singkat cerita, pada tanggal 11 September 1931, ketika Umar Mukhtar berhasil ditangkap oleh pasukan Italia. Beliau رﺣﻤﮫ ﷲ di kota al-Baidha, Umar Mukhtar َر ِﺿ َﻲ ﱠُ َﻋ ْﻨﮫُ Ruwaifi' Bin Tsabit ,ﷺ sahabat Rasulullah .pun langsung ditawan dan digelandang ke pengadilan untuk menjalani hukuman sebagai pemberontak setelah berjuang lebih dari 20 tahun رﺣﻤﮫ ﷲ ”?Hakim: “Apakah Anda melawan negara Italia .رﺣﻤﮫ ﷲ Sebuah dialog di pengadilan kafir pada tahun 1931, antara “hakim” dan Umar Mukhtar Ya.” Hakim: “Apakah Anda“ : رﺣﻤﮫ ﷲ Ya.” Hakim: “Apakah Anda mendorong orang untuk berperang melawan Italia?” Umar“ : رﺣﻤﮫ ﷲ Umar : رﺣﻤﮫ ﷲ Ya.” Hakim: “Selama berapa tahun Anda melawan Italia?” Umar“ : رﺣﻤﮫ ﷲ menyadari hukuman untuk apa yang Anda lakukan?” Umar Tidak.” Hakim: “Apakah Anda“ : رﺣﻤﮫ ﷲ Sudah selama 20 tahun.” Hakim: “Apakah Anda menyesal atas apa yang telah Anda lakukan?” Umar“ Ya.” Hakim: “Ini merupakan akhir yang suram bagi orang seperti Anda.” Mendengar“ : رﺣﻤﮫ ﷲ menyadari bahwa Anda akan dieksekusi?” Umar menjawab:. “Sebaliknya, ini adalah cara terbaik untuk mengakhiri hidup saya!” Hakim kemudian ingin رﺣﻤﮫ ﷲ kata-kata ini, Umar Mukhtar membebaskannya dan mendeportasinya dari negara itu jika ia mau mengajak Mujahidin dalam sebuah pernyataan untuk menghentikan Jihad. :mengatakan kata-katanya yang terkenal رﺣﻤﮫ ﷲ Kemudian Umar Mukhtar menemui kesyahidan-nya di tiang gantung. 16 September 1931 (1 Jumadil Awwal 1350 H), di kota Saluq Surat Ali 'Imran رﺣﻤﮫ ﷲ Umar Mukhtar Janganlah kamu mengira bahwa orang-orang yang gugur di jalan Allah itu َو َﻻ ﺗَ ْﺤ َﺴﺒَ ﱠﻦ اﻟﱠ ِﺬﯾ َﻦ ﻗُﺘِﻠُﻮا ﻓِﻲ َﺳﺒِﯿ ِﻞ ﱠِ أَ ْﻣ َﻮاﺗًﺎ ۚ ﺑَ ْﻞ أَ ْﺣﯿَﺎ ٌء ِﻋ ْﻨﺪَ َرﺑِّ ِﮭ ْﻢ ﯾُ ْﺮ َزﻗُﻮ َن : Ayat 169 Hari Jumat, 16 September 2016 ini اﻟﻠﮭﻢ ﺻﻞ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺳﯿﺪﻧﺎ ﷴ وﻋﻠﻰ آل ﺳﯿﺪﻧﺎ ﷴ .mati; bahkan mereka itu hidup disisi Tuhannya dengan mendapat rezeki merupakan hari yang tak bisa dilupakan umat Islam di seluruh dunia. Pada hari itu, 85 tahun yang lalu tepatnya 16 September 1931, Umar Mukhtar, pemimpin perlawanan rakyat Libya melawan penjajah Italia, secara terbuka dieksekusi oleh Angkatan Darat Italia. Umar Mukhtar ialah seorang pengajar Al-Qur’an dan imam Masjid, ia memimpin perjuangan Libya melawan pendudukan Italia selama lebih dari 20 tahun. Dilahirkan tahun 1861, Umar memulai hidupnya menjadi seorang sufi dan mengikuti tarekat Sanusiyah. Sebuah tarekat yang unik. Ia tidak meninggalkan dunia tetapi peduli terhadap persoalan dunia. Tarekat ini mengajarkan berani berperang melawan ketidakadilan. Ini mengingatkan kita dengan do’a Abu Bakar, “Ya Allah! Jadikanlah dunia ini di tangan kami bukan di hati kami”. Awal perjuangan kaum Muslimin Libya pada tahun 1911 dimulai saat kapal-kapal perang Italia berlabuh di pantai Tripoli, Libya. Mereka membuat permintaan kepada kekhalifahan Turki Ustmaniyah untuk menyerahkan Tripoli kepada Italia. Kalau tidak kota itu akan dihancurkan. Omar Mokhtar Bersama rakyat Libya, kekhalifahan Turki Utsmani menolak mentah–mentah permintaan itu. Mereka menganggap hal ini sebuah penghinaan. Akibatnya, titisan bangsa Romawi ini pun mengebom kota Tripoli tiga hari tiga malam. Peristiwa ini menjadi seri perjuangan mujahidin Libya, bersama tentara Turki melawan pasukan Italia. Tahun 1912, Sultan Turki menandatangani sebuah perjanjian damai yang sejatinya sebagai simbol menyerahnya Turki kepada Italia. Perjanjian itu diadakan di kota Lausanne,Switzerland. Itulah awal pemerintahan kolonial Italia berkuasa di Libya. Namun, perjanjian ini ditolak rakyat Libya. Mereka tetap melanjutkan perang jihad. Di beberapa wilayah, mereka masih tetap dibantu oleh tentara Turki yang tidak mematuhi perintah dari Jenderal Turki di pusat kekhalifahan, Istanbul. Umar Mukhtar merupakan seorang komandan perang yang juga master dalam strategi perang gerilya di padang pasir. Ia memanfaatkan pengetahuannya tentang peta geografi Libya,untuk memenangi pertempuran. Terlebih pasukan Italia ‘buta’ dengan padang pasir. Beliau benar-benar memanfaatkan keterbatasan itu sebagai area menjadi sebuah titik kemenangan. Karena ia menyadari, ia bergerak dalam ruang lingkup hukum alam atau sunnatullah. “Jangan pernah melawan sunnatullah pada alam, sebab ia pasti akan mengalahkanmu. Tapi gunakanlah sebagiannya untuk menundukkan sebagian yang lain, niscaya kamu akan sampai tujuan,” sebuah kaedah indah yang dipakai imam syahid Hasan Al-Banna. Umar Mukhtar memiliki sekitar 6.000 pasukan. Beliau juga membentuk pasukan elit kecil yang mempunyai mobilitas dan keterampilan perang yang tinggi. Keistimewaanya, berani tampil menjemput syahid. Pasukan ini mirip Brigade Izzuddin Al-Qassam yang dimiliki HAMAS di Palestina. Tahun 1921 Umar Mukhtar tertangkap, karena pengkianatan salah seorang pasukannya. Tetapi berkat kepiawaiannya berdiplomasi dalam bahasa Inggris, Umar pun cepat dibebaskan oleh tentara musuh. Di tahun yang sama, Libya diperintah oleh Gubernur Jenderal Guiseppe Volvi. Ia mendeklarasikan akan “memperjuangkan hak-hak Italia dengan darah”. Lima belas ribu pasukan Italia pun disebar di kota Libya untuk membunuh para penduduk awam. Angkatan udara italia pun juga ikut berbicara. Kepala operasi ketentaraan ini adalah Pietro Badoglio dan Rudolfo Graziani. Nama terakhir ini tidak mengecualikan seorang pun dari pendukung-pendukung Umar yang tertangkap. Semuanya harus dibantai. Hal ini mendorong Umar beserta pasukannya kembali angkat senjata. Kemenangan pun diperoleh. Italia akhirnya kalang kabut. Mereka ambil sikap, menangkapi rakyat biasa Libya. Karena itu, Mujahidin Libya harus menjalani peperangan yang sangat panjang. Umar berganti titel menjadi komandan perang untuk seluruh wilayah Libya. Terlebih, ia seorang ‘lulusan’ penjara Italia, sekolah yang semakin membesarkan cintanya membela Islam. Peperangan yang berkisar pada tahun 1923– 931, menyebabkan Italia menderita kerugian yang amat sangat. Italia kalah perang di mana-mana. Setelah mendapat laporan dari Libya, Benito Musollini turun tangan. Ia mengirim 400.000 pasukannya ke Libya. Perang menjadi sangat tidak seimbang. Ibarat David versus Goliath. Pasukan Umar Mukhtar ‘hanya’ 10.000 orang. Di dalam al-Quran disebutkan bahwa bandingan pasukan muslim melawan pasukan kafir 1:10. Sangat wajar 10.000:400.000 mengakibatkan kekalahan mujahidin Libya. Menjemput Syahid Hukum Sunnatullah berlaku. Apalagi Mujahidin Libya telah berperang selama 20 tahun. Italia? Mereka selalu berdarah segar, terkecuali para pemimpinnya. Tahun 1931, Umar Mukhtar tertangkap. Sebuah pukulan telak kepada rakyat Libya. Beliau pun diadili dalam pengadilan yang tidak ada keadilan di dalamnya. Akhirnya, 16 September 1931 Umar Mukhtar mendapatkan karunia Ilahiyah yang mengabadikannya; tiang gantungan. Sebuah ikon paling penting dalam sejarah tirani abad ke-20. Simbol yang sangat akrab di telinga kaum muslimin khususnya. Ratusan ribu rakyat Libya pun tak kuasa menahan tangisnya. Sedih karena sang murabbi telah tiada. Tetapi terharu melih at sang mujahid tersenyum menemui Robb-nya. Mereka semua mempunyai alasan untuk menitikkan air mata kesedihan. Sebagaimana kesedihan yang dirasakan wanita-wanita Madinah ketika mendengar berita kematian Khalid bin Walid di Syam. Sebab, orang-orang seperti itu memang layak ditangisi. ‘Sang Pemimpin” dan Rahasia di Balik Kesuksesannya Italia sangat terkenal dengan kekuatan militer. Terlebih, ia di bawah arahan Benito Musollini; diktator Italia yang menganut Fasis. Teman akrabnya, Adolf Hittler; diktator Jerman yang menganut Nazi. Membuat kocar kacir kekuatan yang ‘maha dahsyat’ seperti itu tidaklah mudah. Bahkan sangat berat. Tetapi tidak bagi Umar dan pasukannya. Mereka seringkali menjungkalkan benteng pertahanan milik Italia. Sang pemimpin memiliki daya karismatik yang tinggi di mata rakyat Libya. Beliau mungkin sesuai dengan cara Umar bin Khatab r.a memaknai nilai seorang pemimpin di mata Allah. Ia berpesan kepada para pejabat di masa kekhalifahannya, “Ketahuilah kedudukan Anda di mata Allah dengan cara melihat tingkat penerimaan masyarakat kepada Anda!” Beliau memiliki keyakinan bahwa Allah hanya akan mau memenangkan agama-Nya dengan usaha-usaha manusia, bukan dengan mukjizat demi mukjizat. Di sinilah kunci kemenangan mujahidin Libya. Pasukan Umar Mukhtar sering memenangi peperangan meskipun dalam rasio pasukan yang jauh berbeda. omar mokhtar2Sang pemimpin mengajarkan kepada kita bertarung dengan ruh dan semangat. Ketika ‘itu’ hilang dalam diri, maka segeralah bersiap–siap mengubur kemenangan. Umar Mukhtar adalah seorang manusia seperti halnya kita. Ia juga selalu dirundung banyak masalah. Pasti!. Kesedihan, kecemasan dan ketakutan. Bahkan keputusasaan serta keterpurukan pun mendera jiwanya. Pekerjaan-pekerjaan tersebut pastilah menyedot energi fisik, jiwa spiritual, dan pemikirannya. Namun, ia tahu bagaimana melawan ketakutan dan kesedihan. Memunculkan harapan di atas keputusasaan. Mereka selalu tampak santai dalam kesibukan, tenang di bawah tekanan, bekerja dalam kesulitan, optimis di depan tantangan, dan gembira dalam segala situasi. Itu semua hanya berangkat dengan modal keyakinan iman dalam jiwanya. Ia memiliki tradisi spiritualitas yang khas. Selalu berharap akan pertolongan dan kemenangan dari Allah. Itu semua terlukis dalam bentuk ibadah nadhahnya kepada sang Khalik dan perbuatan ‘saleh’ lainnya. Karena itu, ia abadi dalam kenangan manusia. Menjadi bintang abadi di langit sejarah. Wallahua’lam bisshawwab. Manasir53’s Blog. Omar Mokhtar: Omar Mokhtar was from the tribe of Mnifa, born in a small village called Janzour located in the eastern part of Barqa not to be confused with the city of western Libya called Janzour which is more well known. He was the leader of the resistance movement against the Italian military occupation of Libya for more than twenty years. A teacher of the Quran by profession, Mukhtar was also skilled in desert tactics. He knew his country’s geography well, and used that knowledge to his advantage in battles against the Italians, who were not accustomed to desert warfare. He repeatedly led his small, highly alert groups in successful attacks against the Italians, after which they would fade back into the desert terrain. Mukhtar’s men skillfully attacked outposts, ambushed troops, and cut lines of supply and communication. The Italians were left astonished and embarrassed to have been outsmarted and tricked by mere “Bedouin.” In 1922 he reorganized the Mojahideen and re-ignited the resistance against after World War I when the Italians thought that they succeeded in silencing the Libyan resistance. Omar Al-Mokhtar, was ill couple of times and many of his comrades asked him to retire and leave the country, he was about 83 years old. But he refused and kept fighting and he deserved a name given to him as “The Lion of the Desert.” Italian Invasion in Libya: In October of 1911, Italian colonial battleships reached the shores of Tripoli, Libya. The Italian’s fleet leader, Farafelli, made a demand to the Libyans to surrender Libya to the Italians or the city would be destroyed at once. The Libyans fled, but the Italians attacked Tripoli anyway, bombing the city for three days and thereafter proclaiming the Libyan population in Tripoli to be “committed and strongly bound to Italy.” The event marked the beginning of a series of battles between the Italian occupiers and the Libyan Omar Mukhtar’s forces. Feeling that they may lose Libya to the Mojahideen, the Italian authorities sent one of their bloodiest high ranking officers Badolio who used the most inhuman measures to end the resistance. He did not just lead the fight against Omar Al-Moktar and his comrades, but he also punished even those who were living peacefully in the cities and villages accusing them of helping the Mojahideen. Badolio was not the only one whome the Italian government thought able to end the Libyan resistance through using the most inhumane and blodiest measures. Mosoliny, the infamous Italian dictator, sent another high ranking officer to kill thousands and thousands of inocent Libyans, young and old. fighters and non-fighters. Mosolini thought that the solution to the Libyan problem was Rodolfo Grasiani and by sending him to lead the fight against the Libyans he was telling his cabinet that anything and everything must be done to control Libya. Major Battles: The Italians first concentrated their attack on the coast cities, Tripoli, Benghazi, Misrata and Derna. Major battles took place in Al- Hani near Tripoli (October 23, 1911) , Ar-Rmaila near Misrata, Al-Fwaihat near Benghazi (March 1912) and Wadi Ash-Shwaer near Derna. Other battles took place on the coast and in other cities, villages, mountains and desert. One of the major battles was Al-Gherthabiya near Sirt (April 1915) where the Italians lost thousands of their soldiers. Although the Italians succeeded in controling most of Libya after years of resistance and struggle (Jihad), they could not control the whole country because the Libyan fighters (Mojahideen) left their homes and headed for the mountains where they planned their attacks against the Italian armies. Some of the major Libyan fighters (Mojahideen) against the Italians were Omar Al-Moktar, Ramazan As-Swaihli, Mohammad Farhat Az-Zawi, Al-Fadeel Bo-Omar, Solaiman Al-Barouni and Silima An-Nailiah to name a few. Omar Al-Moktar is considered the great symbol for the Libyan resistance (Jihad) against the Italian occupation. He reorganized the Mojahideen in The Green Mountain (Aj-Jabal Al-Akdar) North East Libya and he re-ignited the resistance against Italy after World War I when the Italians thought that they succeeded in silencing the Libyan resistance. The Original Rebel and Plannings of Omar and Italians Army: In the mountainous region of Jebel Akhdar (the Green Mountain) Italian Governor Mombelli succeeded in 1924 in activating a counter-guerrilla force that inflicted a harsh defeat on the rebels in April 1925. Omar then quickly modified his own tactics. In March 1927, notwithstanding the occupation of Giarabub (February 1926) and the reenforcement of the oppression under then Governor Teruzzi, Omar surprised an Italian military force at Raheiba. Between 1927 and 1928 Omar fully reorganized the Senusite forces, who were being hunted constantly by the Italians. Even General Teruzzi recognized Omar’s qualities of “exceptional perseverance and strong will power.” Pietro Badoglio, the new governor of Libya (January 1929), after extensive negotiations was able to reach a compromise with Omar similar to previous Italo-Senusite accords. Italian sources falsely described the situation as an act of complete submission by Omar. At the end of October 1929 Omar denounced the compromise and reestablished a unity of action among Libyan forces, preparing himself for the ultimate confrontation with General , the military commander from March 1930. Having failed in a massive offensive in June against Omar’s forces, Graziani, in full accord with Badoglio, De Bono (minister of the colonies), and , initiated a strong plan to decisively break off the Cirenaica resistance. The plan was to transfer the Gebel population (around 100,000 persons) to concentration camps on the coast and to close the borders. Grasiani built a wired wall 300 Kilometers long, 2 meters high and 3 meters wide from Bardiyat Slaiman port North Libya to Al-Jagboub South East Libya, thus preventing any foreign(Egypt) help to the fighters and breaking up the solidarity of the population. From the beginning of 1931 the measures taken by Graziani took their toll on the Senusist resistance. The rebels were deprived of help and reinforcements, spied upon, hit by Italian aircraft, and pursued by the Italian forces aided by local informers. In spite of hardships and increasing risks, Omar courageously continued the fight, but on September 11, 1931, he was ambushed near Zonta because they were out of food, out of mens, out of information and very little ammunations left. Italian Army forced Libyians to live in Camps: Italian Army built concentration camps where thousands of Libyans must live under complete control of the Italian army. Grasiany built concentration camps in: Al-Aghaila, Al-Maghroun, Solouq and Al-Abiyar to name a few. By the end of November 1929 all Libyans who live in tents in Al-Jabal Al-Akdar, Mortaf-Aat Al-Thahir from Beneena North to Ash-Shlaithemiya South, from Tawkera to the southern desert of Balt Abdel-Hafeeth and all the members of any tribe that has one or more of its sons fighting with Mojahideen, all those and more, thousands and thousands of Libyans were forced to leave their land and live in one of the concentration camps mentioned above. In 1933, the Italian Army Health Department Chairman, Dr. Todesky wrote in his book (Cerinaica today): “From May 1930 to September 1930 more than 80,000 Libyans were forced to leave their land and live in concentration camps, they were taken 300 at a time watched by soldiers to make sure that the Libyans go directly to the concentration camps. Peoples life in the Camps: Life in the camps was miserable and thousands of Libyans died of hunger, illness and some of them were hanged or shot because they believed to be helping the Mojahideen. Dr. Todesky wrote (continued from his book) “By the end of 1930 all Libyans who live in tents were forced to go and live in the camps. 55% of the Libyans died in the camps.” The Libyan historian Mahmoud Ali At-Taeb said in an interview with the Libyan magazine Ash-Shoura (October 1979) that in November 1930 there were at least seventeen funerals a day in the camps due to hunger, illness and depression. When some world newspapers talked about the inhumane life in the concentration camps in Libya, the Italian army started giving the Libyans some dry parley (22 Kilo-grams per person per month!…) which was too little to late. Outside the camps, in the mountains, the Mojahideen continued to fight the Italian occupation, but by the year 1931 the Mojahideen were out of food, out of information and out of ammunitions. The leader of the Mojahideen, Omar Al-Moktar, was ill couple of times and many of his comrades asked him to retire and leave the country, he was about 83 years old. But he refused and kept fighting. No respect of human laws: Grasiani agreed to go to Libya if and only if Mosolini let him do the job without any consideration or respect for rules and laws in Italy or in the World and Mosolini agreed immediately. He planned his murderous attack on the Libyans, all Libyans according to Mosoliny’s Motto “If you are not with me, you are against me!” which means the only way to control the country is by killing almost half of its population and the Italians did cause the death of half of Libya’s men, women, elderly and childern, directly through public hangings and shootings and indirectly (hunger, illness and horror) for the sake of one thing: showing the world that they have the power to invade and capture colonies just like the other powers in the world. Capture and Execution: Mukhtar’s nearly twenty years struggle came to an end when he became wounded in battle and was subsequently captured by the Italian army. The Libyan hero was treated like a prize catch by the Italians. Though in his late eighties, Mukhtar was shackled with heavy chains from his waist and wrists because of the army’s fear that he just might escape. Mukhtar’s capture was a serious blow to his people. However, his resilience had an impact on his jailers, who later said they were overwhelmed by his steadfastness. His interrogators later confessed that Mukhtar looked them in the eye and read verses of peace from the Qur’an as he was tortured and interrogated. Mukhtar was tried, convicted, and sentenced to be executed by hanging in a public place. The fairness of his trial has been disputed by historians and scholars. When asked if he wished to say any last words, he replied with the Qur’anic clause: “From Allah we have come, and to Allah we will return.” On September 16, 1931, in the hope that the Libyan resistance movement would wither and die without him, Mukhtar was hanged in front of his followers in the concentration camp of Sollouq the orders of the Italian court. They forced the Libyans to watch their hero been hanged. There were no considerations of human rights in the Libya. But, remember that the Italians caused the death of half of Libya’s population and killing Omar Al-Moktar to the Italians was ending the Libyan resistance which to them means finally taking control of the country after 20 years of struggle. Libya was under the Italian occupation till 1943 when Italy was defeated in World War II and Libya became under the Allies Armies occupation till December 24, 1951 when Libya achieved its independance after years and years of occupation. Many peoples have taken inspiration from Omar Mokhtar struggle: Today his face is shown on the Libyan 10 Dinar bill. His final years were immortalized in the movie The Lion of the Desert (1981), starring , , and . Streets are named for him not only in his native Libya but in many other Arab countries as well. In particular, many fighters which they are fighting for their rights have taken inspiration from his struggle. Omar Mukhtar. Omar Al-Mukhtār ) (20 August 1862 – 16 September 1931), of the Mnifa, [3] was born in the small village of ﻋﻤﺮ اﻟﻤﺨﺘﺎر :Omar Mukhtar (Arabic Zanzour, near Tobruk in eastern Barqa (Cyrenaica) in Libya. Beginning in 1912, he organized and, for nearly twenty years, led native resistance to Italian colonization of Libya. Italian armed forces captured and hanged him in 1931. Contents. Early life. Omar Almukhtar was born in eastern Cyrenaica, Butnan District, in the village of Zawiyat Zanzur (Zanzour) east of Tobruk, in the Tripolitanian Province of the Ottoman Empire. He was orphaned early and was adopted by Sharif El Gariani, nephew of Hussein Ghariani, a political-religious leader in Cyrenaica. He received his early education at the local mosque and then studied for eight years at the Senussi university at , which was also the headquarters of the Senussi Ibadi Movement. In 1899 he was sent with other Senussi to assist the warlord and slave trader Rabih az-Zubayr in Chad. [ citation needed ] Italian invasion. In October 1911, during the Italo-Turkish War, an Italian naval contingent under the command of Admiral Luigi Faravelli reached the shores of Libya, then a territory subject to Ottoman Turkish control. The admiral demanded that the Turkish administration and garrison surrender their territory to the Italians or incur the immediate destruction of the city of Tripoli and Benghazi. The Turks and their Libyan allies withdrew to the countryside instead of surrendering, and the Italians bombarded the cities for three days, then proclaimed the Tripolitanians to be "committed and strongly bound to Italy." This marked the beginning of a series of battles between the Italian colonial forces and the Libyan armed opposition in the East of Libya (Cyrenaica) under Omar Mukhtar for 22 years. [4] Guerrilla warfare. A teacher of the Qur'an by profession, Mukhtar was also skilled in the strategies and tactics of desert warfare. He knew local geography well and used that knowledge to advantage in battles against the Italians, who were unaccustomed to desert warfare. Mukhtar repeatedly led his small, highly alert groups in successful attacks against the Italians, after which they would fade back into the desert terrain. Mukhtar’s men skillfully attacked outposts, ambushed troops, and cut lines of supply and communication. The Italian army was left astonished and embarrassed by his guerrilla tactics. [5] In the mountainous region of Jebel Akhdar ("Green Mountain") in 1924, Italian Governor Ernesto Bombelli created a counter-guerrilla force that inflicted a severe setback to rebel forces in April 1925. Mukhtar then quickly modified his own tactics and was able to count on continued help from Egypt. In March, 1927, despite occupation of Giarabub from February 1926 and increasingly stringent rule under Governor Attilio Teruzzi, Mukhtar surprised Italian troops at Raheiba. Between 1927 and 1928, Mukhtar reorganized the Senusite forces, who were being hunted constantly by the Italians. Even General Teruzzi recognized Omar's qualities of "exceptional perseverance and strong will power." [ this quote needs a citation ] Pietro Badoglio, governor of Libya from January 1929, after extensive negotiations concluded a compromise with Mukhtar (described by the Italians as his complete submission) similar to previous Italo-Senusite accords. At the end of October, 1929, Mukhtar denounced the compromise and re-established a unity of action among Libyan forces, preparing himself for the ultimate confrontation with General Rodolfo Graziani, the Italian military commander from March 1930. A massive offensive in June against Mukhtar's forces having failed, Graziani, in full accord with Badoglio, Emilio De Bono (minister of the colonies), and Benito Mussolini, initiated a plan to break the Cyrenian resistance: the 100,000 population of Gebel [ disambiguation needed ] would be relocated to concentration camps on the coast, and the Libyan-Egyptian border from the coast at Giarabub would be closed, preventing any foreign help to the fighters and depriving them of support from the native population. These measures, which Graziani initiated early in 1931, took their toll on the Senusite resistance. The rebels were deprived of help and reinforcements, spied upon, hit by Italian aircraft, and pursued on the ground by the Italian forces aided by local informers and collaborators. Mukhtar continued to struggle despite increased hardships and risks, but on 11 September 1931, he was ambushed near Slonta. [ citation needed ] Mukhtar's final adversary, Italian General Rodolfo Graziani, has given a description of the Senusite leader that is not lacking in respect: "Of medium height, stout, with white hair, beard and mustache. Omar was endowed with a quick and lively intelligence; was knowledgeable in religious matters, and revealed an energetic and impetuous character, unselfish and uncompromising; ultimately, he remained very religious and poor, even though he had been one of the most important Senusist figures." [ this quote needs a citation ] Capture and execution. Mukhtar's struggle of nearly twenty years came to an end on 11 September 1931, when he was wounded in battle near Slonta, then captured by the Italian army. The Italians treated the native leader hero as a prize catch. His resilience had an impact on his jailers, who later remarked upon his steadfastness. [ citation needed ] His interrogators stated that Mukhtar recited verses of peace from the Qur'an. [ citation needed ] In three days, Mukhtar was tried, convicted, and, on 14 September 1931, sentenced to be hanged publicly (historians and scholars have questioned whether his trial was fair or impartial [ who? ] ). When asked if he wished to say any last words, Mukhtar replied with a Qur'anic phrase: "Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un."We surely belong to Allah and to Him we shall return". [ this quote needs a citation ] On 16 September 1931, on the orders of the Italian court and with Italian hopes that Libyan resistance would die with him, Mukhtar was hanged before his followers in the POW camp of Suluq at the age of 70 years.