Appendix I Written Public Scoping Comments DOCUMENT CONTROL ROUTING SLIP
Appendix I Written Public Scoping Comments DOCUMENT CONTROL ROUTING SLIP Date: 1/18/2011 Incoming CIN#: Company Code: CTZ - Citizen File Code(s): Ltr. No: Description: Ltr; from a citizen Mrs. Fay Carpenter –Support of Gold Line Phase I: _____ Phase IIA: __X__ Phase IIB: ____ Phase IIC: _____ Distribution: This document was forwarded to the following project staff. Should you require additional distributions, please return the routing sheet with any comments or routing/copying instructions. Initial Action Staff Signed Info/Input Due By: Required Required Balian, Habib Beltran, Sylvia Burner, Chris Craig, Natasha Esguerra, Marissa Gonzalez, Rodrigo Jue, Crandal Levy Buch, Lisa X Lowe, Chris Manning, Linda Purcell, Mitch Sims, Jerry CEO Tracking Counsel: Danner, Regina Estrada, Mike Snow, David Consultants: Baker, Gary Cournoyer, Denis Dinets, Phil Elwood, Lesley Espinosa, Richard Flores, Jennifer Flynn, Pat Gharib, Greg Gonzalez, Jose Hiramoto, Reky Laygo, Rodolfo Levinson, Connie Lucci, Bill Pankratz, Dain Patsaouras, Tanya Roskowick, Kristin Skoury, John Vogel, Margaux OTHER: Original document has been given to the person indicated. A copy has been retained for Document Control files. Comments/Additional Actions: (Please Return to Document Control.) Revised 12/31/2010 649 Purdue Drive Claremont, CA 917 ll-3417 January 14,20Il Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension ConstructionAuthori8 406E. Huntington Drive, Suite 202 Monrovia, CA 91016 Attn: Lisa Levy Buch Dear Ms. Levy Buch: I am writing to say that as a California tax payer, I am very supportive of the extension of the Metro Gold Line light rail project from Azusa to Montclair. In reality the Gold Line or one of the other Metro lines should be extended to the Ontario airport.
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