26 January 2017

Chairman: Councillor U Mackin Vice-Chairman: Councillor J Gallen Aldermen: W J Dillon MBE, D Drysdale and A G Ewart Councillors: S Carson, P Catney, A P Ewing, O Gawith, A Givan, A Grehan, H Legge, T Mitchell, S Scott and M H Tolerton

Ex Officio The Right Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor B Bloomfield MBE Deputy Mayor, Alderman S Martin

The Monthly Meeting of the Development Committee will be held in the Cherry Room, Island Civic Centre, The Island, Lisburn, on Wednesday, 1 February 2017 at 7.00 pm for the transaction of business on the undernoted Agenda.

Tea/Coffee available in Members Suite following the meeting.

You are requested to attend.

DR THERESA DONALDSON Chief Executive Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council


1 Apologies

2 Declarations of Interest

3 Minutes - Meeting of the Development Committee held on 4 January 2017 (Copy Attached)

4 Deputation – To receive representatives from the Hillsborough Oyster Festival Committee in regard to proposals for the 25th Anniversary of Hillsborough Oyster Festival in 2017 (Item 1 of the Lead Head of Development’s Report refers) – 7.00 pm.

5 Reports from Lead Head of Planning & Building Control and Lead Head of Development

5.1 Report by Lead Head of Planning & Building Control

5.1.1 Report by Head of Service (Building Control)

Items for Decision (Building Control) Street Naming off Hulls Lane, Knockmore, Lisburn Street Naming off Ballynahinch Road, Lisburn

Items for Noting (Building Control) Building Control Applications – Full Plan Applications and Regularisation Certificates Department of Finance – Completion Notice Ready Report to Land and Property Services Department for Communities (DfC) – Affordable Warmth Project

5.1.2 Department for Infrastructure Proposed Waiting Restrictions – Clonevin Park, Lisburn Proposed Waiting Restrictions – Cairnshill Drive,

5.1.3 Housing Conference

5.1.4 Consultation on the Department for Communities Proposals to Amend Current Housing Legislation and Policy

Items for Noting

5.1.5 Department for Infrastructure A1 Hillsborough Road between Hillsborough Roundabout and Pantridge Link Request for Additional Accessible/Blue Badge Parking Bay at Green Hill, Lambeg, Lisburn The Former Derriaghy Road, Lisburn (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2017 S R 2017 No 21

5.1.6 Legacy Planning Applications

5.1.7 Budget Report – Building Control

5.2 Report by Lead Head of Development

5.2.1 City Promotions Budget Hillsborough Oyster Festival - Presentation Moira Calling – Presentation Northern Ireland Speed Weekend

5.2.2 Visit Belfast Sponsorship Opportunities

5.2.3 Lisburn & Castlereagh – Shared Workspace Project

5.2.4 City Centre Masterplan Review

5.2.5 City Centre Hotel Project – Economic Appraisal

Items for Noting

5.2.6 Hillsborough Steering Group Committee

5.2.7 Northern Ireland Business Start Up Programme - Update

5.2.8 Budget Report – Economic Development

6. Confidential Business –“In Committee”

Members are requested to go to the Confidential Folder to access the Development Committee confidential report.

6.1 Report by Lead Head of Planning and Building Control

Item for Noting

6.1.1 Rolling Year Absence Figures for Building Control and the Director’s Administration Team for the period 1 April 2015 to 30 November 2016 (Confidential for reason of information relating to individuals)

6.2 Report by Lead Head of Development

6.1.1 Lisburn Square – Change to Deed (Confidential due to information relating to the financial or business affairs of the Organisation concerned)

6.2.1 Rolling Year Absence Figures for the Director’s Administration Team and Economic Development for the period 1 April 2015 to 30 November 2016 (Confidential for reason of information relating to individuals)

7. Any other Business


To: Members of Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council DC 04/01/2017 LISBURN & CASTLEREAGH CITY COUNCIL

Minutes of the proceedings of the Development Committee Meeting of Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council held in the Island Civic Centre, Lisburn, BT27 4RL on Wednesday, 4 January 2017 at 7.05 pm

PRESENT: Councillor U Mackin, Chairman

Deputy Mayor, Alderman S Martin

Aldermen W J Dillon MBE and A G Ewart

Councillors S Carson, P Catney, A P Ewing, J Gallen, O Gawith, A Givan, H Legge, T Mitchell, S Scott and M H Tolerton

IN ATTENDANCE: Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council

Lead Head of Planning & Building Control Lead Head of Development Head of Building Control Member Services Officer

Commencement of Meeting

The Chairman, Councillor U Mackin, welcomed Members to the January meeting of the Development Committee, and wished everyone a Happy New Year

The Chairman stated that should any Member require to leave the meeting to notify the Members Services Officer in order that their departure could be recorded accurately in the minutes.

1. Apologies

It was agreed to accept apologies for non-attendance at the meeting on behalf of The Right Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor B Bloomfield, Alderman D Drysdale, Councillor A Grehan and the Chief Executive.

2. Declarations of Interest

The Chairman invited Members to declare any Conflicts of Interest they might have in relation to the business of the meeting and reminded them of the requirement that they complete Declaration of Interest forms in this regard, which had been provided at the meeting.


DC 04/01/2017 2. Declarations of Interest (Cont’d)

Councillor M H Tolerton declared an interest in respect of item 4.2.5 Update on NI Rural Development Programme – Rural Business Investment Scheme in view of her Chairmanship of the Local Action Group (LAG) of the Lagan Rural Partnership.

The Chairman, Councillor U Mackin, Alderman A G Ewart, Councillor H Legge and Councillor P Catney declared an interest in item 4.2.5 Update on NI Rural Development Programme – Rural Business Investment Scheme in view of their membership of the Local Action Group (LAG) of the Lagan Rural Partnership. Councillor H Legge declared an interest in respect of item Department for Communities – Affordable Warmth Scheme in view of her membership of the Board of the Northern Ireland Housing Executive.

3. Minutes

It was proposed by Alderman A G Ewart , seconded by Councillor O Gawith, and agreed that the Minutes of the meeting of Committee held on 7 December 2016, as adopted by the Council at its meeting on 20 December 2016, be confirmed and signed.

4. Reports by the Lead Head of Planning & Building Control and the Lead Head of Development

4.1 Report by Lead Head of Planning and Building Control

It was agreed that the report and recommendations of the Lead Head of Planning & Building Control be adopted subject to any decisions recorded below:

4.1.1 Report by Head of Building Control

It was proposed by Councillor S Carson, seconded by Alderman W J Dillon, and agreed that the recommendations of the Head of Building Control be adopted subject to any decisions recorded below.

Items for Noting Land and Property Services (LPS) Quarter 3 2016/17 New Dwelling Statistical Reports

The Committee was reminded that Land & Property Services (LPS) published quarterly figures of the “Northern Ireland New Dwelling Statistics” from the information provided by Building Control Services across Northern Ireland. The Head of Building Control advised that the full suite of statistics for information was available at:


DC 04/01/2017 Land and Property Services (LPS) Quarter 3 2016/17 New Dwelling Statistical Reports (Cont’d)


The Head of Building Control drew the Committee’s attention to the favourable statistics against other councils, within the Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council area, in relation to the new dwelling starts and completions. . A copy of an extract of the above tables had been furnished to the Committee for information. Notable Major, Local Construction Projects in the News Ulster Hospital – General Ward Block

The Committee noted details, including photographs, in regard to the Ulster Hospital’s new General Ward Block which had featured in the news in recent weeks. New Health Care Facility at Maryland, Moneyreagh

The Committee noted details, including photographs and a video link, in regard to the new Health Care facility at Maryland, Moneyreagh which had featured in the news in recent weeks. Building Control Applications – Full Plan Applications and Regularisation Certificates

The Committee noted the undernoted information in regard to the Full Plan Applications ‘Approved’ and Regularisation Certificates issued in accordance with the powers delegated for the Months of September, October and November 2016.

Month Full Plan Regularisation Approvals Certificates September 2016 139 50 October 2016 133 56 November 2016 97 68 Department of Finance and Personnel – Completion Notice Ready Report to Land and Property Services

The Committee noted the undernoted information in regard to Completion Notice Ready Reports for the months of September to November 2016 returned to the Department of Finance and Personnel, Land and Property Services, in relation to the number of properties that had been identified as having reached Occupiable Status.


DC 04/01/2017 Department of Finance and Personnel – Completion Notice Ready Report to Land and Property Services (Cont’d)

Month Completion Notice Ready September 2016 102 October 2016 81 November 2016 54 Department for Communities – Affordable Warmth Project

The Committee noted the undernoted information in regard to visits by Home Assessment Officers within the Council’s Building Control Service for the months of September to November 2016:

Month Home Visits Completed and Eligible Referrals ‘Make the Carried Out to NIHE (after financial checks) Call’ September 2016 222 50 14 October 2016 224 46 23 November 2016 186 46 24

The Head of Building Control responded to questions from Alderman A G Ewart in connection with the ratio of home visits carried out and the number of completed and eligible referrals to the Affordable Warmth Scheme. The Head of Building Control stated that the ratio tended to be in the region of 6:1, the main reason being that after the initial checks a number of applicants did not meet the Scheme’s criteria.

The Head of Building Control welcomed the Affordable Warmth Scheme which targeted those people who would not normally come forward for such a Scheme.

4.1.2 Budget Report – Building Control

The Committee had been furnished with a copy of a summary Budget Report for Building Control for the year to 31 March 2017 as at 30 November 2016.

It was proposed by Councillor O Gawith, seconded by Councillor A Givan, and agreed that the Budget Report as at 30 November 2016 be noted.

The Head of Building Control left the Meeting at 7.15 pm.

4.2 Report by Lead Head of Development

It was agreed that the report and recommendations of the Lead Head of Development be adopted subject to any decisions recorded below.

4.2.1 Waste Management Spring Conference and Exhibition – Funding Request 28

DC 04/01/2017

The Committee had been furnished with a copy of a Request for Funding application towards a new event being staged at the Eikon Exhibition Centre at Balmoral Park, Maze on 29 March 2017.

The Lead Head of Development reported that the Chartered Institute Waste Management (CIWM) Spring Conference and Exhibition 2017 was a new event, targeting the waste management industry across all Ireland, including recycling, waste and reprocessing.

It was proposed by Alderman A G Ewart, seconded by Councillor A P Ewing, and agreed to recommend that the Council supports the Chartered Institute of Waste Management Spring Conference and Exhibition 2017 at a maximum of £2,500 from the Tourism Budget.

4.2.2 City Promotions Moira Calling – Request for Additional Funding

The Committee had been furnished with a copy of recent correspondence received from the organisers of the Moira Calling event, seeking an opportunity to make a presentation to the Development Committee to request an increase in the allocation of funding for the 2017 Moira Calling event.

The Lead Head of Development reminded the Committee of its decision at the Meeting of the Committee held on 7 December 2016 to support the Moira Calling event to a maximum of £5,000, it being noted that the funding allocations from the City Promotion budget 2017/2018 to various events had already been agreed and finalised by the Committee at its Meeting in December 2016.

The Lead Head of Development reported that the 2016 Moira Calling event staged at Moira Demesne on Saturday 10 September 2016 had proved successful with positive media and public relations attached to same, and that tickets were now being sold for the next Moira Calling event with continued support expected from Tourism NI and other funding sources.

It was proposed by Councillor O Gawith, seconded by Councillor P Catney, and agreed to recommend that the request for additional funding from the organisers of Moira Calling event be noted and that the organisers be received at the Meeting of the Committee to be held on Wednesday 1 February 2017 in order to update the Committee in regard to the 2017 Moira Calling event. City Promotion Budget

The Committee had been furnished with and noted the content of a breakdown of the 2017 City Promotion allocations as agreed at the December Meeting of the Committee.


DC 04/01/2017 4.2.3 Trade Development Programme, Central and Eastern European – Visit by Slovakian Ambassador

The Lead Head of Development advised that following an approach from the Slovakian Honorary Consul in the context of the Council’s ongoing Central and Eastern European Trade Programme, the Council had hosted an informal visit from the Ambassador of Slovakia to the Court of St James’ (London), Mr Lubomir Rehak, on 20 November 2016. The Slovakian Ambassador had been in Northern Ireland to discuss options to strengthen trade links between companies and it had been agreed that the Council would investigate the potential to host an exhibition which might involve a visit from the President next year. It was noted that the Chairman of the Committee, Councillor U Mackin, had hosted the Ambassador on the evening of 20 November 2016.

The Chairman, Councillor U Mackin, responded to questions from the Deputy Mayor, Alderman S Martin, regarding the short notice of the above visit by the Slovakian Ambassador.

It was proposed by Alderman A G Ewart, seconded by Councillor P Catney, and agreed to recommend that the Committee agrees, retrospectively, to cover the cost of the hospitality for the meeting with the Slovakian Ambassador, as outlined above, at a total cost of £245.

4.2.4 Evening Reception for Erasmus+ Delegates Thursday 23 February 2017

The Lead Head of Development reminded the Committee that the Council was involved in a £41,400 EU Erasmus+ Programme to deliver a project entitled ‘RAISE’ – Regional Apprenticeship Alliances for SMEs. The Programme aimed to increase the capacity of local SMEs to improve apprenticeship uptake and manage apprenticeship contracts accordingly.

The Lead Head of Development advised that it was proposed that the Council hosts a second meeting of project partners on Thursday 23 February 2017 and Friday 24 February 2017 to discuss further the contractual obligations of each partner. It was estimated that at least 12 delegates would attend the event that would include further education and economic development practitioners from Poland, Spain, Holland, France and the Republic of Ireland.

It was noted that it was customary that the host partner arranges an evening reception for delegates on the first day of each partner meeting. The Lead Head of Development reported that Erasmus+ Programme instructions stipulated that each delegate must cover their own hospitality costs at the evening reception and receive reimbursement individually via programme funds at a later date upon their return home. Members were advised that costs relating to Elected Member attendance at the evening reception were ineligible.


DC 04/01/2017 4.2.4 Evening Reception for Erasmus+ Delegates Thursday 23 February 2017 (Cont’d)

It was proposed by Councillor A Givan, seconded by Councillor M H Tolerton, and agreed to recommend that that the above-mentioned evening reception be held at 7.30 pm on Thursday 23 February 2017 and that delegates be hosted by the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Committee, or their nominees.

Items for Noting

4.2.5 Update on NI Rural Development Programme – Rural Business Investment Scheme

The Lead Head of Development reported that 21 applications had been approved for funding by the Local Action Group (LAG) under the first call for applications under the Rural Business Investment Scheme, which represented a grant commitment of £762,714 out of an overall allocation of £1.3 million. As a consequence up to £537,286 of grant would be available for a second call for applications in 2017. It was noted that a public advertisement for the second call would be placed with local press in January 2017. Workshops addressing pre application criteria would be held in early February 2017 at the Island Civic Centre and other community venues in Moneyreagh, Glenavy and rural Belfast.

The Chairman, Councillor U Mackin, commended the current Chairman of the LAG, Councillor M H Tolerton, and acknowledged a number of challenges that Councillor Tolerton had contended with during her Chairmanship of the LAG this year. The Chairman put on record his thanks and appreciation in this regard to Councillor Tolerton.

Councillor M H Tolerton thanked the Chairman for his kind remarks and paid tribute to the efforts of the team of Officers in Rural Development which was led by the Programme Manager, Mr P Murphy, and who were all carrying out positive work with the rural businesses across the Council area.

It was agreed that the Programme Manager be asked to produce a report on job creation as a result of the Rural Development Programmes, in particular the numbers and types of jobs created.

At this point Councillor P Catney raised concerns in relation to the position of Elected Members who were sitting on the LAG Board as Directors and who were taking decisions in relation to the operation of the programme(s). Councillor Catney asked how Elected Members could be protected as individuals from any legal challenges arising out of decisions made by the Board which had been taken in good faith.

In response to comments by Councillor P Catney the Lead Head of Development advised that the role of any Member sitting on the Board of LAG was that of Director first and therefore the issue of protection related to Board Members as Company Directors.


DC 04/01/2017 4.2.5 Update on NI Rural Development Programme – Rural Business Investment Scheme (Cont’d)

The Deputy Mayor, Alderman S Martin, reminded Members the Council had provided training for Members on this matter, by an external consultant, in the past.

The Lead Head of Development advised that the LAG’s governance structures had been set up from a legal perspective by the Council’s legal team and that the Directors were protected within that framework subject to any decisions being taken responsibly.

The Lead Head of Development recommended that Councillor P Catney raise his concerns directly at a meeting of the LAG in the first instance and undertook to provide further information on this matter to Councillor Catney.

Councillor P Catney requested that his concerns as outlined above be recorded.

It was proposed by Councillor J Gallen, seconded by Councillor T Mitchell, and agreed that the update on the NI Rural Development Programme – Rural Business Investment Scheme, be noted.

4.2.6 Budget Report – Development

The Committee had been furnished with a summary budget report for Development for the year to 31 March 2017 as at 30 November 2016.

It was proposed by Councillor M H Tolerton, seconded by Councillor S Carson, and agreed that the budget report as at 30 November 2016 be noted.

Additional Report by Lead Head of Development

4.2.7 Conference – Brexit: Northern Ireland’s Futures Scenarios for Leaving the European Union Baby Grand, Belfast Thursday 30 March 2017

The Committee had been furnished with details of the above conference which was being organised by Agenda NI.

It was proposed by Alderman A G Ewart, seconded by Councillor H Legge, and agreed to recommend that the Council be not represented at the above conference.


DC 04/01/2017

5. Confidential Business

5.1 Reports by the Lead Head of Planning & Building Control and Lead Head of Development

The Chairman, Councillor U Mackin, reported that the items in the Confidential reports were required to be considered “In Committee” for the reasons outlined as follows:-

• Item 5.1.1 Draft Estimates of Income and Expenditure 2017/2018 for the Planning & Building Control Units – Confidential due to information relating to the financial or business affairs of the organisation concerned

• Item 5.1.2 Rolling Year Absence Figures – Confidential due to information likely to reveal the identity of an individual(s).

• Item 5.2.1 Draft Estimates of Income and Expenditure 2017/2018 for the Economic Development Unit – Confidential due to information relating to the financial or business affairs of the organisation concerned

• Item 5.2.2 Rolling Year Absence Figures – Confidential due to information likely to reveal the identity of an individual(s).

• Item 5.2.3 Lisburn Public Realm – Third Party Review Update Confidential due to information relating to the financial or business affairs of the organisation concerned

• Item 5.2.4 Major Capital Projects – Proposed Stranraer Visit Confidential due to information relating to the financial or business affairs of the organisation concerned

• Item 5.2.5 City Centre MasterPlan Project Confidential due to information relating to the financial or business affairs of the organisation concern

It was proposed by Councillor T Mitchell, seconded by Councillor P Catney, and agreed that the Confidential business be considered “In Committee” in the absence of the press or members of the public.

5.1.1 Report by the Lead Head of Planning & Building Control Consideration of the Planning & Building Control Units Draft Estimates of Income & Expenditure for 2017/2018

A copy of the draft Estimates of Income and Expenditure for the Planning & Building Control Units for the forthcoming financial year 2017/2018 had been circulated to the Committee.


DC 04/01/2017 Consideration of the Planning & Building Control Units Draft Estimates of Income & Expenditure for 2017/2018 (Cont’d)

The Lead Head of Planning & Building Control reminded Members that a summary of the overall Council and Departmental financial estimates had been considered at a Special Meeting of the Corporate Services Committee, together with the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of the Standing Committees, held on 12 December 2016 with a recommendation that the Draft Estimates of Income and Expenditure for 2017/2018 be noted and that a detailed budget printout of the draft estimates be referred to the relevant Standing Committees for consideration.

The Lead Head of Planning & Building Control elaborated and provided clarification for Members a number of issues in respect of the draft estimates for the Planning & Building Control Units.

In response to questions from Alderman A G Ewart, the Lead Head of Planning and Building Control undertook to convey to the Director of Corporate Services the Committee’s wish to have the income figure in respect of Government grants (as a result of the transfer of Planning powers to councils) included in the Estimates for the Planning & Building Control Units, it being noted that this income was currently included in the draft Estimates 2017/2018 for Corporate Services.

In response to an enquiry from Alderman A G Ewart, the Lead Head of Planning & Building Control updated the Committee in regard to some of the work that had been carried out in the Planning Unit by Mr David Leaske of NEREO Consulting in connection with a review of the Council’s planning procedures. The Lead Head of Planning & Building Control agreed to convey to the Chief Executive the Committee’s wish to receive feedback on Mr Leaske’s work to date on the review of planning procedures.

Councillor S Scott left the Meeting at 7.57 pm.

The Lead Head of Planning & Building Control responded to questions from the Deputy Mayor, Alderman S Martin, in regard to the figures in the 2017/2018 draft estimates relating to income from property certificates.

Councillor S Scott returned to the meeting at 7.59 pm.

The Lead Head of Planning & Building Control thanked the Officers in the Planning & Building Control Units, and also the Head of Finance & IT and her team, for their work in preparing the draft Estimates for 2017/2018.

It was proposed by Alderman W J Dillon, seconded by Councillor P Catney, and agreed to recommend that the draft Estimates of Income and Expenditure for the financial year 2017/18 in respect of the Planning & Building Control Units be accepted and introduced into the overall draft Estimates due to be submitted to the Special Meeting of the Corporate Services Committee to be held on 25 January 2017.


DC 04/01/2017 Rolling Year Absence Figures for Building Control

The Committee had been furnished with a report on the rolling absence figures for Building Control and Director’s Administration team for the period 1 April 2015 to 31 October 2016.

It was proposed by Alderman W J Dillon, seconded by Councillor P Catney, and agreed that the Rolling Year Absence report as at 31 October 2016 be noted.

Item 5.2 Confidential Reports from Lead Head of Development

5.2.1 Consideration of the Economic Development Unit Draft Estimates of Income and Expenditure for 2017/2018

A copy of the draft Estimates of Income and Expenditure for the Economic Development Unit for the forthcoming financial year 2017/2018 had been circulated to the Committee.

The Lead Head of Development reminded Members that a summary of the overall Council and Departmental financial estimates had been considered at a Special Meeting of the Corporate Services Committee, together with the Chairmen and Vice- Chairmen of the Standing Committees, held on 12 December 2016 with a recommendation that the Draft Estimates of Income and Expenditure for 2017/2018 be noted and the relevant details be referred to the various Standing Committees for consideration and an endeavour to make further reductions.

The Lead Head of Development elaborated and provided clarification for Members on the draft estimates for the Economic Development Unit for 2017/18, and also outlined options for the Committee to consider in relation to identifying further reductions in the draft Estimates for the Economic Development Unit.

Alderman A G Ewart expressed thanks to the Heads of Service and teams in both the Planning & Building Control Units and the Economic Development Unit for their efforts in bringing forward the draft Estimates for their respective Units.

The Lead Head of Development thanked the Officers in the Economic Development Unit, and also the Head of Finance & IT and her team, for their work in preparing the draft Estimates for Economic Development for 2017/2018.

The Lead Head of Development responded to questions from Alderman A G Ewart in regard to the number of agency workers in the Economic Development Unit.

It was proposed by Alderman A G Ewart, seconded by Councillor O Gawith, and agreed to recommend that the draft Estimates of Income and Expenditure for the financial year 2017/18 in respect of the Economic Development Unit, as presented, be accepted and introduced into the overall draft Estimates due to be submitted to the Special Meeting of the Corporate Services Committee to be held on 25 January 2017.


DC 04/01/2017 5.2.1 Consideration of the Economic Development Unit Draft Estimates of Income and Expenditure for 2017/2018 (Cont’d)

The Deputy Mayor, Alderman S Martin, indicated his support to the above proposal, as did Alderman W J Dillon. Alderman Dillon commended the work of the Council’s Economic Development Unit.

The Chairman, Councillor U Mackin, put on record the thanks of the Committee to the Lead Head of Development and Council Officers for their efforts in preparing the draft Estimates of Income and Expenditure for the Economic Development Unit.

5.2.2 Rolling Year Absence Figures for the Director’s Administration Team and Economic Development

The Committee had been furnished with a table showing rolling year absence figures for the Director’s Administration Team and Economic Development for the period 1 April 2015 to 31 October 2016.

It was proposed by Councillor A P Ewing, seconded by Councillor O Gawith, and agreed that the Rolling Year Absence report as at 31 October 2016 be noted.

The Deputy Mayor, Alderman S Martin, Councillor T Mitchell and Councillor P Catney left the Meeting at 8.24 pm.

Additional Confidential Report by Lead Head of Development

5.2.3 Lisburn Public Realm Scheme – Third Party Review Update

The Lead Head of Development updated the Committee in regard to the Third Party Review by the Council’s legal team in regard to the Lisburn Public Realm Scheme.

It was proposed by Alderman W J Dillon, seconded by Councillor A P Ewing, and agreed that the update report by the Lead Head of Development be noted with further reports being brought to the Committee in due course.

Other Matter Judicial Review in relation to Lisburn Public Realm Scheme - Update

At the request of Alderman A G Ewart the Lead Head of Development updated the Committee in regard to the ongoing judicial review arising out of the Lisburn Public Realm Scheme.


DC 04/01/2017 5.2.4 Major Capital Projects – Proposed Stranraer Visit 10 February 2017

It was agreed to recommend that the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Committee, or their nominees, be nominated to participate in the proposed study visit to Dumfries and Galloway (Stranraer) which was proposed takes place on 10 February 2017 in regard to alternative funding models for capital projects.

It was noted that the Leisure & Community Development Committee was the lead Committee for this project.

5.2.5 City Centre Masterplan Project

It was agreed on a proposal by Councillor O Gawith, seconded by Councillor A Givan, that the report by the Lead Head of Development on the City Centre Masterplan in regard to a major city centre regeneration project be noted.

It was proposed by Councillor J Gallen, seconded by the Councillor A P Ewing, and agreed to come out of Committee and normal business was resumed.

Resumption of Normal Business

6. Any Other Business

6.1 Shrubbery around Fountain Councillor S Carson

The Lead Head of Development responded to concerns from Councillor S Carson in regard to the condition of shrubbery around the fountain in the public realm area of the City Centre and undertook to look into this matter and report back to Councillor Carson.

6.2 Northern Ireland Motorcycle Festival 2017 Councillor A Ewing

Councillor A P Ewing declared an interest in the above event which was taking place at the Eikon Centre, Balmoral Park, Lisburn, from 3-5 February 2017 and which had received sponsorship from the Council’s Tourism budget, in view of his employer, Alan Brown & Company Limited, having taken a stand at this event.

There being no further business for consideration the meeting terminated at 8.44 pm.






The purpose of this report is to set out for Members’ consideration a number of recommendations specifically relating to the operation of the new Council.

The following decisions are required:

1. To consider the Report by the Lead Head of Planning and Building Control 2. To consider the Report by the Lead Head of Development



Attached at Appendix 1 is a report from the Lead Head of Planning and Building Control in respect of items under his remit.


It is recommended that the Committee considers the items in the report by the Lead Head of Planning and Building Control and agrees the recommendations therein.


Attached at Appendix 2 is a report from the Lead Head of Development in respect of items under his remit.


It is recommended that the Committee considers the items in the report by the Lead Head of Development and agrees the recommendations therein.





The purpose of this report is to set out for Members’ consideration a number of recommendations specifically relating to the operation of the new Council.

The following decisions are required:

1. To consider the Report by the Head of Service (Building Control) 2. To consider information received from the Department for Infrastructure regarding 2.1 A proposed waiting restriction at Clonevin Park, Lisburn 2.2 A proposed waiting restriction at Cairnshill Drive, Belfast 3. To agree that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Planning Committee, or their nominees, attend the Northern Ireland Housing Conference 4. To consider the consultation paper from the Department for Communities regarding proposals to seek reversal of reclassification of social housing providers in Northern Ireland 5. To note information received from the Department for Infrastructure regarding 5.1 The A1 Hillsborough Road between Hillsborough Roundabout and Pantridge Link 5.2 Request for additional accessible/blue badge parking bay at Green Hill, Lambeg, Lisburn 5.3 The former Derriaghy Road, Lisburn (Abandonment) Order (NI) 2017 6. To note an interim report on legacy planning applications 7. To note the budget report for Building Control



Attached at APPENDIX 1.1 is a report from the Head of Building Control in respect of items under his remit.


It is recommended that the Committee considers the items in the Report by the Head of Building Control and agrees the recommendations therein.



Attached at APPENDIX 1.2 is a letter and plan received from Transport NI regarding the introduction of waiting restrictions in Clonevin Park, Lisburn.


It is recommended that the Committee considers this information.


Attached at APPENDIX 1.3 is a letter and plan received from Transport NI regarding the introduction of waiting restrictions in Cairnshill Drive, Belfast.


It is recommended that the Committee considers this information.


Attached at APPENDIX 1.4 are details of the above conference being held on Wednesday, 22 March 2017 in Titanic Belfast.


It is recommended that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Development Committee, or their nominees, attend the above conference.


A consultation has been issued by Department for Communities regarding their proposals to amend current housing legislation and policy so as to facilitate a reversal of the recent decision by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to classify Registered Social Housing Providers in Northern Ireland as public sector bodies. A copy of the consultation document can be accessed at the link below

https://www.communities-ni.gov.uk/consultations/proposals-seek- reversal-reclassification-registered-social-housing-providers-northern- ireland


It is recommended that Members consider the consultation paper and respond with any comments to the Lead Head of Planning & Building Control by close of business on Monday, 6 February 2017 to enable the Council to make a response.




Attached at APPENDIX 1.5 is information received from Transport NI in response to the Council’s query regarding traffic congestion in this area.


It is recommended that the Committee notes this information.


Attached at APPENDIX 1.6 is information received from Transport NI in response to the Council’s query requesting an additional accessible/blue badge parking bay at Green Hill, Lambeg, Lisburn.


It is recommended that the Committee notes this information.


Attached at APPENDIX 1.7 is a letter, statutory rule and map with regard to the above.


It is recommended that the Committee notes this information.


Attached at APPENDIX 1.8 is an interim report on the progress of dealing with legacy planning applications from 21 November 2016.


It is recommended that Members note this information.


Attached at APPENDIX 1.9 for the information of Members is a copy of the summary Budget Report for Building Control for the year to 31 March 2017 as at 31 December 2016.


It is recommended that Members note this information.




The purpose of this report is to set out for Members’ consideration a number of recommendations specifically relating to the operation of the Council.

The following decisions are required: 1. To approve the naming of the proposed development off Hulls Lane, Lisburn 2. To approve the naming of the proposed development off Ballynahinch Road, Lisburn 3. To note information regarding Building Control Applications - Full Plan Applications and Regularisation Certificates 4. To note information regarding Department of Finance – Completion Notice Ready Report to Land & Property Services 5. To note information regarding Department for Communities – Affordable Warmth Project



Loral Developments has proposed the street names for a development of 18 dwellings off Hulls Lane, Knockmore in Lisburn. The proposals for the street names are:

• Hulls Avenue and Hulls Court (1st Preference) • Hulls Drive and Hulls Park (2nd Preference)

The development layout is attached in APPENDIX 1 BC for Members information. This request meets with the requirements of the Council’s Street Naming Policy in that ‘Hulls’ is an existing name used in the locality.

No objection to this proposal has been received from consultees.


It is recommended that the street name Hulls Avenue and Hulls Court, be allocated to this proposed development of 18 dwellings off Hulls Lane, Knockmore, Lisburn.


McCready Architects has proposed the street name for a development of 4 dwellings at 305 Ballynahinch Road, Lisburn. The proposal for the street name is:

• Thorndale View (1st Preference) • Thorndale Park (2nd Preference)

The development layout is attached in APPENDIX 2 BC for Members information. This request meets with the requirements of the Council’s Street Naming Policy in that Thorndale is an existing name used in the locality.

No objection to this proposal has been received from consultees.


It is recommended that the street name Thorndale View, be allocated to this proposed development of 4 dwellings at 305 Ballynahinch Road, Lisburn.



Full Plan Applications were ‘Approved’ and Regularisation Certificates issued in accordance with the powers delegated for the following months:

Month Full Plan Approvals Regularisation Certificates October 2016 133 56 November 2016 97 68 December 2016 130 67


It is recommended that the Committee note this information.


The completion notice ready report for the months October to December 2016 returned to the DFPNI, Land & Property Services indicated the following number of properties have been identified as having reached occupiable status.

Month Completion Notice Ready October 2016 85 November 2016 55 December 2016 51


It is recommended that the Committee note this information.


Home Assessment Officers within the Building Control Service in the months of July to December 2016 have carried out the following number of home visits and made eligible referrals for home improvements to the NIHE after financial checks for the Affordable Warmth Scheme. In addition, the Council Officers have also made the following number of referrals to the ‘Make the Call’ team.

Month Home Visits Completed and Eligible Referrals to ‘Make the Call’ Carried Out NIHE (after financial checks) July 2016 197 38 20 August 2016 277 45 34 September 2016 222 50 14 October 2016 224 46 23 November 2016 86 46 24 December 2016 52 46 33


It is recommended that the Committee note this information.



From: DfI Roads SRITEastern [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 05 January 2017 15:35 To: Ian Wilson Cc: Hassard, Basil; McAlorum, Blathnaid Subject: FW: A1 Hillsborough Road between Hillsborough Roundabout and Pantridge Link, Hillsborough (Stopping Up) Order (NI) 2016 - Hillsborough Roundabout query - our ref MT 65284-17

Dear Ian Wilson

Thank you for your query of 20 December 2016, which has been forwarded to this office for reply.

Transport NI is aware of congestion on the A1 at Hillsborough Roundabout and has considered a number of measures to improve the efficiency of this junction at peak times, such as a free-flow lane or traffic signals, but has yet to determine a favourable option.

Transport NI also has a long term proposal included in its Strategic Road Improvement Programme, to provide a high standard link between the M1 motorway and the A1. This will be of major benefit to the strategic traffic in reducing journey times by avoiding delays in the Sprucefield area. This proposal would also include by-passing or grade separating of Hillsborough Roundabout. The proposal has been developed to a preliminary stage, which determined route corridors within which further options will be examined. However as the Executive is currently focused on delivering its Capital Flagship projects, there is insufficient funding at this time to progress this. Future progression of the proposal will be subject to the availability of future funding.

Yours sincerely,

Basil Hassard

Basil Hassard Strategic Road Improvements DfI | TransportNI | Eastern Division | Hydebank |4 Hospital Road | Belfast | BT8 8JL

Tel: (028) 90253272 | Ext: 53272 |e: [email protected]



The following report details the applications dealt with from 21 November 2016.

• Number of applications that have been dealt with • How many applications approved • How many applications refused • How many applications have been withdrawn • How many 14 day letters have been issued

The number of applications which have been dealt with:

26 have been worked up and issued/withdrawn therefore coming off the live list of applications.

These decisions are as follows:

Number Reference Outcome 1 S/2009/1173/F APPROVAL 2 S/2010/0792/F REFUSAL 3 S/2010/0967/F REFUSAL 4 S/2013/0679/F APPROVAL 5 S/2013/0037/F APPROVAL 6 S/2014/0059/F REFUSAL 7 S/2014/0470/F APPROVAL 8 S/2014/0179/F APPROVAL 9 S/2014/0509 REFUSAL 10 S/2014/0657 APPROVAL 11 S/2015/0071 APPROVAL 12 S/2015/0037/F REFUSAL 13 S/2010/0792/0 WITHDRAWN 14 LA05/2015/0940 APPROVAL 15 LA05/2015/0752 REFUSAL 16 LA05/2016/0391/F REFUSAL 17 LA05/2015/0847/F APPROVAL 18 LA05/2015/0397/A WITHDRAWN 19 LA05/2015/0763/F APPROVAL 20 LA05/2015/0431/F APPROVAL 21 LA05/2015/0509/F APPROVAL 22 LA05/2015/0599/F APPROVAL 23 LA05/2015/0598/F APPROVAL 24 LA05/2015/0522/F APPROVAL 25 S/2014/0337/A APPROVAL (CONSENT) 26 S/2014/0809/F WITHDRAWN

A further 20 applications shave been worked on up to the point of recommendation but are still on the live lists for various reasons such as being called into the planning committee or the submission of additional information etc reasons for hold up are cited.

Total number of applications worked up to recommendation or issued are therefore 46.

No. Reference Recommendation Hold up 1 S/2014/0585 APPROVAL Awaiting February Planning Committee 2 S/2014/0874 REFUSAL Deferred at Decembers Planning Committee 3 S/2012/0182 REFUSAL To be placed on safeguard list 4 S/2013/0576 REFUSAL To be placed on safeguard list 5 S/2014/0320 REFUSAL Amendments coming in to address NIEA concern 6 S/2014/0415 APPROVAL Subject to updated noise assessment requested 8/12/16 7 S/2013/0387/O REFUSAL JR file, late objections, being considered by SPTO 8 S/2014/0744 TEMP APP Additional info requested 9 S/2014/0752 APPROVAL Late objection to be considered 10 S/2014/0644 REFUSAL After stat expiry 13/1/17 11 S/2014/0876/F APPROVAL Awaiting amended PSD drawing 12 LA05/2015/0111 REFUSAL Later additional info received needs considered 13 LA05/2015/0568 REFUSAL Discussed with agent 11.01.2017 for list 14 LA05/2015/0834 APPROVAL With agent to provide access plan for TNI approval 15 LA05/2015/0060/F APPROVAL Called if for determination by Planning Committee 16 LA05/2015/0140/O REFUSAL To go forward on safeguard list 17 LA05/2015/0703/F APPROVAL Hold until end of 5 days to allow call in 18 LA05/2015/0816/F APPROVAL Written up awaiting TNI clearance 19 LA05/2016/0291/F REFUSAL Written up to group and place on safeguard list 20 LA05/2016/0011/O REFUSAL Report completed and placed on safeguard list, will issue of get called in next week

There has been a number of files with ongoing Work undertaken, file still live but no recommendation yet:

No. Reference Update 1 S/2014/0683 14 day letter contact and amended plans received 2 S/2015/0064 Agent to amend noise report (Discussed further with agent 11.01.2017) 3 S/2010/0794/F 14 day letter sent amended drawings submitted to be discussed at group.

4 S/2010/0484/F Report written up, technical issues raised. 5 S/2013/0128/F Consultations and Planning History updated – agent sending in contamination information 6 S/2015/0040/F Worked through drawings 7 S/2009/0768/F Full file review, Draft PSD with TNI then progress 8 Y/2009/0303/RM Rivers re-consulted, PSD drawings being worked on. Report drafted 9 Y/2015/0062/F Complex file report completed, Awaiting revised noise assessment, awaiting revised shadow flicker then proceed. 10 LA05/2015/0053/F Sent 14 day letter, drafted report as far as possible. Agent amended plans. Has turned from a refusal to a potential approval. Waiting on re-advertisement period to expire and TNI to respond to latest plans to progress the app further. 11 LA05/2015/0008/O Finalised report to bring to group 12 LA05/2015/0551/F Still liaising with agent, applicant in hospital 13 LA05/2016/0698/F Statement of case written for appeal 14 Y/2013/0245/F Statement of case and rebuttal for appeal

How many applications approved

16 approvals have issued with a further 9 recommendations for approval resulting in 25 approvals.

How many applications refused

7 refusals have issued with a further 11 recommendations for refusal resulting in 18 refusals in total.

How many applications have been withdrawn

3 applications have been withdrawn.

How many 14 day letters have been issued

A number of 14 day letters were sent, resulting in some withdrawals, come amended plans and some refusals on lack of information if they were ignored.

3 have currently been recorded above and are waiting on expiry to take further action.

A total of 60 applications have been worked on as part of the Legacy project.


Building Control - April 2016 to March 2017 Month:- Dec-16

Department Annual Budget Total Actual Total Budget to date & Committed Variance Expenditure:

Building Control 1,356,849 1,010,975 934,086 (76,889)

Total Expenditure: 1,356,849 1,010,975 934,086 (76,889)


Building Control (1,059,250) (850,603) (886,575) (35,972)

Total Income: (1,059,250) (850,603) (886,575) (35,972)

Overall Net Position:

Building Control 297,599 160,372 47,511 (112,861)

Total Net Overall Position 297,599 160,372 47,511 (112,861) Appendix 2




The purpose of this report is to set out for Members’ consideration a number of recommendations specifically relating to the operation of the new Council.

The following decisions are required:

To agree the support to be awarded to the Hillsborough Oyster Festival.

To note the update on the Moira Calling presentation.

To note the update regarding the 2017 Northern Ireland Speed Weekend to a maximum of £5,000 as part of the City Promotion allocation.

To agree the proposal for additional marketing support, via presence at the two airport VICs managed by Visit Belfast at a maximum cost of £10,000.

To agree the support of a Shared Workspace project in Lisburn City Centre on a twelve month pilot basis.

To review the City Centre Masterplan.

To agree the completion of the Economic Appraisal for the City Centre Hotel Project

To note the minutes of the most recent Steering Group Committee meeting which took place on 14 December 2016.

To note the Northern Ireland Business Start Up Programme Update

To note the summary Budget Report for Economic Development for the year to 31 March 2017 as at 31 Dec 2016





Representatives of the Oyster Hillsborough Festival Committee will present to the Committee proposals for the 25th Anniversary of Hillsborough Oyster Festival to be held in September 2017.

Members are reminded that the original request for funding from the Oyster Festival Committee was considered by the Development Committee at its meeting in December 2016. Attached for Members’ information is the proposed (Appendix 1 ED) City Promotion budget 2017 – 2018 which outlines agreed levels of support for events to date. Also attached at (Appendix 2 ED) is the original funding request.


It is recommended that Committee considers the presentation and agrees to take the appropriate course of action.


Members will recall that the Committee agreed in January 2017 to receive a presentation from ‘Brown Lemonade’, following correspondence with the Chairman of the Committee. The organisers of the event have stated that they are working on some community and corporate partnerships which they would be keen to include in their presentation once confirmed. For this reason, the organisers would be keen to present to the Committee at a later date.


It is recommended that the Committee notes the above.


The Committee is advised that the organisers of the Northern Ireland Speed Weekend do not propose to repeat the event in 2017. The indicative allocation of £5,000 attached to this event has therefore been added to the overall City Promotion Budget contingency amount, subject to Members’ consideration.


It is recommended that the Committee agrees this budget reallocation.



Members will be aware that a Service Level Agreement exists between Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council and Visit Belfast, covering a range of core services provided for an annual membership fee. The funding is split into 2 payments based on successful 6 monthly evaluations.

Lisburn City Council joined the Greater Belfast Regional Tourism Partnership in 2006, and this partnership continued with the merge of Lisburn City Council and Castlereagh Borough Council. The purpose of the partnership is to facilitate communication between the partnership councils with regards to tourism development and for Visit Belfast to create effective marketing communications and visitor servicing platforms that are efficient and represent value for money for each of the council areas.

Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council’s contribution to the Regional Tourism Partnership is £30,000 for the financial year 2016/17.

Visit Belfast’s marketing and Visitor Servicing Plan focuses on attracting overnight and day visitors to the wider City region including Lisburn and Castlereagh.

A number of further sponsorship options have been offered to buy-in additional marketing support including presence in the Belfast Welcome Centre, and/or the two airport VICs managed by Visit Belfast.

Attached at (Appendix 3 ED) are a number of options for additional ‘in-store’ promotions that will better promote and showcase the local product and service. For the past two years the Council has availed of the Silver Partnership information island within the Belfast Welcome Centre at a cost of £5,000 per annum. The Tourism Development Manager would however recommend the Council considers the sponsorship option at the two airport VICs managed by Visit Belfast at a cost of £10,000 per annum (in addition to the contribution via the Service Level Agreement)

Members should note that in subsequent years the Council’s new Tourism Strategy once completed would guide the Committee’s thinking in this regard.


It is recommended that the Committee agrees the proposal for additional marketing support, via presence at the two airport VICs managed by Visit Belfast at a maximum cost of £10,000.


As part of a Civic visit to Cork County Council in September 2016, the Council visited a successful Council run Shared Space initiative, the E-Centres project. http://ecentres.ie/


The E- Centre’s Initiative is a network of professional office space that was established by Cork County Council in partnership with local business organisation’s and enterprise agencies, to support start-ups, entrepreneurs and remote workers among others, in order to provide dedicated co-working facilities such as hot-desking, offices, training centres, conference and meeting facilities and other services to support businesses and communities in the Cork region.

It is proposed to establish a similar facility on a pilot basis with City Centre Management, and working with other agencies such as South Eastern Regional College, Lisburn Enterprise Organisation and Inspire Business Centre to identify potential new entrepreneurs, start-ups and established businesses who may require the use of office space on this basis. This project will enable small local business owners to connect, boost productivity and ultimately benefit from the creativity that comes from being based in shared office space with like-minded professionals, as well as providing increased footfall and an expanding business base in the city centre. If the project proves to be successful there is scope to provide a network of such centre throughout the City Centre and beyond.

(Appendix 4 ED) provides further information on the project, with indicative costings and management arrangements.


It is recommended that the Committee agrees to support the Lisburn Castlereagh Business Zone on a twelve month pilot basis as outlined in the Appendix.


The Lisburn City Centre Masterplan, which was funded by the (then) Department for Social Development, and developed jointly with the former Lisburn City Council, was published in 2010.

Whilst in many ways the Masterplan remains relevant, it is proposed that the content is reviewed and updated to reflect current economic circumstances and opportunities. Activity soon to begin on the Council’s Car Parking Strategy will feed into the Masterplan Review work programme, as well as an analysis of options for the future of the Tuesday Market.


It is recommended that the Review be publicly procured as outlined above.


Work continues on bringing forward the City Centre Hotel Project. In line with the Council’s Accounting Manual, an Economic Appraisal must be completed. APPENDIX 2


It is recommended that the completion of the Economic Appraisal be publicly procured.



Attached at (Appendix 5 ED) is a copy of the minutes of the most recent Steering Committee meeting which took place on 14 December 2016.


It is recommended that Members note the minutes of the most recent Steering Committee meeting which took place on 14 December 2016.


Members will be aware that the Council is leading on the delivery of the new Council led Northern Ireland Business Start Up Programme (NIBSUP).

Attached at (Appendix 6 ED) is a brief update report on NIBSUP.


It is recommended that the Committee notes the above.


Attached under (Appendix 7 ED) for the information of Members is a copy of the summary Budget Report for Economic Development for the year to 31 March 2017 as at 31 Dec 2016.

PAUL McCORMICK LEAD HEAD OF DEVELOPMENT 21 January 2017 City Promotion Budget 17/18

Council Department Dev Com. Agreed 2016 Requested 2017 Recommended Month Visitors Profile Development Integrated Marketing Campaign (incl. Annual Christmas TV) £155,000 £155,000 £155,000 N/A National Speciality Food Fair April £11,000 £20,000 £19,000 4,500 National Event hospitality (HOF, FOR x 2) £4,000 £5,000 £5,000 Jun/Sept/Nov. N/A Pipe Band Championships £21,000 £21,000 £15,000 05-Aug 8,000 National Balmoral Show (cooperative project) £35,000 £35,000 £35,000 May 115,000 National Moira Calling £3,000 £10,000 £5,000 Yearly N/A Local Hillsborough Oyster Festival (HOF) £3,000 £10,000 £3,000 September 17,500 National Circuit of Ireland Rally £40,000 £0 £0 April 79,000 National Northern Ireland Speed Weekend £5,000 tbc £5,000 August 12,500 National Sunflowerfest £2,000 £6,000 £2,000 August 4,585 National Hilden Beer Festival £8,000 £8,000 £6,000 August 5,000 National Citywide events guide (from separate budget) £10,000 £10,000 April N/A Local New event/ contingency £0 £0 £20,000 TOTAL £287,000 tbc £280,000 Council Department

EDC Agreed 2014 Requested 2015 Recommended Development

Integrated Marketing Campaign (incl. Christmas TV) £150,000 £150,000 £150,000 National Countrysports Fair (incl. £2K Hospitality) £10,000 £0 £0 Event hospitality (HOF, FOR x 2) £4,000 £4,000 £4,000 Pipe Band Championships £15,000 £21,000 £16,000 Hillsborough Oyster Festival (HOF) £3,500 £15,000 £5,000 City Centre Seasonal Events £23,500 £23,500 £23,500 Circuit of Ireland Rally £25,000 £25,000 £25,000 Festival of Speed £12,000 £25,000 £10,000 Sunflowerfest £4,000 £10,000 £5,000 Ulster Aviation Society Open Day £5,000 £0 £0 Summer Swing Concerts (x2) £5,000 £5,000 £0 Hilden Beer Festival £6,000 £15,000 £8,000 Lisburn & Saintfield Show £8,000 £15,000 £5,000 Balmoral Show (cooperative project) £20,000 £30,000 £30,000 NI Ploughing Championships (Small Grants Small Grants (> budget - £1k) £10,000 £1,000) Public Realm Performance/ Animation £0 £0 £9,500 TOTAL £291,000 £348,500 £291,000 Month Visitors Profile

Annual N/A National May 21,250 National Jun/Sept/Nov. N/A May 6,000 National September 15,000 National Yearly N/A Local April 15,000 National August 30,000 National August 5,300 National August 7,000 National August 10,000 National August 4,100 National June 3,000 National May 115,000 National October 7,500 National Yearly N/A Local

Application Form for funding over £1,000

The Tourism Development Unit of Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council will give consideration to financially supporting events that can provide evidence of supporting one or more of the following:

A/ Attraction of out-of-state visitors and participants to the Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council area.

B/ Attraction of domestic visitors and participants to the Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council area.

C/ Generation of ‘bed-nights’ in the Lisburn & Castlereagh City area.

D/ Generation of positive publicity for the Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council area strengthening the Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council area credibility as a tourist and visitor destination.

E/ Attraction of positive media coverage outside the Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council area.

F/ Requires Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council assistance to ensure the overall success of the event.

Where the main purpose of an event is to raise money for a charity and/ or charities, financial assistance will not normally be provided by Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council.

Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council would encourage early application for support by offering to feature the event in our promotional material where appropriate.

Applications must be based in the Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council area.

www.visitlisburncastlereagh.com SECTION 1: APPLICANT DETAILS

Title of Event: Hillsborough International Oyster Festival 2017

Address/Location of Event: Hillsborough and surrounding areas.

Date(s) of Event: 5th September – 9th September 2017.

Name of Applicant/Organisation/Club: Sean Hall

Official address: c/o 13 Dromore Road, Hillsborough, Co. Down. BT26 6HS.

Type of Applicant: (Please Select)

Individual Association/Group X Promoter Private company Charity Other*

What year was the organisation established/incorporated? 1992

Is the organisation VAT registered? NO (Delete as appropriate)

If you are an organisation, do you have a constitution? YES (Delete as appropriate)

If so, please enclose a copy If not, please enclose details of your committee and office bearers

What is the legal status of your organisation, if any? (E.g. charity, Limited Company)

Limited company

If members/officers of Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council are nominated onto your board/committee, please provide details:


Contact Name: (This should be the person responsible for the project) Sean Hall

Position in the organisation: Committee member

Contact Address: (If different from above)

Tel No: 07802 311388

Fax No: 028 9260 7758

Mobile No:

Contact Email Address: [email protected]


Do you or your organisation have previous relevant experience in the management of events? (Delete as appropriate) YES

If appropriate, detail your experience of relevant work in the management of events:

A number of committee members have been involved with the HIOF since its inception and thereby have demonstrated their relevant experience. Those members will mentor the less experienced members.

Has your organisation/company been operating for 3 years or more? (Delete as appropriate) YES

If so, please attach up to date accounts for the last 3 years. (The accounts for previous Festivals are in the possession of LCCC. However, as the Festival’s financial year-end has been changed to 30th June, the audited figures for the 2016 Festival will not be available until after 30th June 2017. Draft figures can be submitted if required.)

Does your organisation/company engage in activities other than the event to which this application relates? (Delete as appropriate) NO

For new ventures, please attach an up-to-date Curriculum Vitae (CV) detailing previous employment experience. SECTION 3: EVENT BACKGROUND


Event Dates: 5th September – 10th September 2017.

Venue: Hillsborough and surrounding area.

Please give a brief summary of the event.

Since its inception 25 years ago, the Hillsborough International Oyster Festival (HIOF) has developed and grown to become the largest and most popular Festival of its type in Great Britain and Ireland.

In 2017 the Festival will be celebrating its twenty-fifth anniversary and the organising committee plans to mark this special occasion with a spectacular Festival. The wheels already have been set in motion to see if a significant “royal” visitor could be attracted on the main day of the Festival, Saturday, 9th September. Furthermore, the Festival has been selected to host a very prestigious international competition, the Oyster Opening World Cup! Apart from the general interest in this competition, the OOWC will attract a completely new overseas visitor segment to Hillsborough. Although the Festival no longer has use of the forecourt in front of Hillsborough Castle for the siting of its Festival Grand Marquee, it plans to work closely with Historic Royal Palaces to see if some alternative facilities within the Castle can be used for Festival events during this important anniversary year.

The main attractions of the Festival in 2017 probably will be the Phoenix Gas Soap Box Derby, the Oyster Opening World Cup and the World Oyster Eating Championship. Alongside these events, the focus of the organising committee will be to provide a unique, multi-faceted cultural event that appeals to as many visitor segments as possible. In summary, the events that it is hoped will take place during the 2017 Festival are:

• Oyster Masters Golf. • Raft Race on Hillsborough Lake. • Orienteering and/or assault course in Hillsborough Forest Park. • Pop-up Restaurant • Banquet & Ball. • Gourmet Food Market. • Reception - Hillsborough Castle. • Phoenix Gas Soap Box Derby. • Multi-cultural Parade & Concert. • Oyster Opening World Cup. • World Oyster Eating Championship. • NI heat of the British Street Food Awards. • Street entertainers, circus acts, musicians, etc. • Live Concert. • Supercar Dream Sunday.

Most of the above events will take place within the village of Hillsborough and the Festival also promotes the unique charms of this historically-important village and its growing reputation as a gourmet dining destination.

Is this an annual event? YES

What year is this event in? 25th

Please list the specific aims and objectives of your event.

1. To promote Hillsborough as a must-see tourism destination.

Whilst the target for the 2017 Festival is to generate c. 18,000 visitors to the HIOF, the long-term benefits of doing so include an awareness of Hillsborough village and the many tourism, cultural and heritage, gourmet food and other offerings that are available for the visitor. Furthermore, the Festival will encourage visitors to Lisburn City Council area, thereby providing increased tourism revenue, bed-nights and trips to the area. The Festival aims to generate c. 1,400 paid-for bed-nights within the Lisburn and greater Belfast Metropolitan Area.

2. To continue to develop the Hillsborough International Oyster Festival.

With the help of sponsorship from Lisburn City Council and others, the Festival committee will continue to introduce new events to the Festival. In this regard, the committee is grateful to Lisburn City Council for the work that it has done to identify clearly the visitor segments that comprise the NI tourism market and the experiential needs of those visitors. The committee will use this information to tailor further its offering to visitors and to try and promote a lasting legacy of everything which is unique, positive, friendly and fun about the Festival, the Lisburn City Council area and Northern Ireland.

3. To promote the village of Hillsborough and surrounding areas.

Hillsborough Village continues to win numerous Britain-in-Bloom competitions the judging criteria of which include floral displays, community integration, sustainability and more. It has forest trails in Hillsborough Forest Park, heritage in terms of St Malachy's Church, The Fort, The Castle and the Courthouse, and a strong food tourism product in the three quality pub/restaurants. All of these unique attributes will be promoted in Festival publications, on its web-site, Facebook page, Twitter, etc.

Detail how you propose to measure your success in meeting the above objectives when the event is completed.

Provided finances permit, the Festival plans to use the services of a professional market research company to evaluate the visitor numbers and the numbers that used accommodation in the LCCC area.

How will Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council benefit from supporting this event?

The economic benefits that already accrue to LCCC, because of the Festival, are significant and the Festival’s organising committee is determined to build upon that success.

Not only does the Festival have a positive economic impact, it also, through very significant press and TV coverage, delivers a very positive message about Hillsborough and the surrounding area and the many attractions that are on offer. This will be further developed in 2017 by the addition of new food and drink-specific events that will be held during the 2017 Festival.


Who is the event targeted at? (E.g. Families, Young Couples, Males etc)

Mainly families, young couples and young adults.

Briefly outline how the event will be publicised and marketed. (E.g. pre-event publicity such as advertising, leaflets, programmes, banners, posters plus media coverage both during and after the event i.e. local/national press, radio, television, magazines etc.)

Each year the Festival prints and distributes the following:

• 10,000 brochures. These are distributed within the Lisburn City Council area and to all Tourist Information Centres throughout NI. • c. 30 k. flyers, and • c. 1,000 posters.

In addition to the above, the 2016 Festival used PR consultants, Massive PR, to look after all press, radio and TV publicity; it also used a firm of consultants, Mulholland Business Consultants, to develop its presence on Facebook and Twitter.

A report from each of the consultants is attached and it is clear that both delivered a very effective and successful promotional campaign. The Festival intends to re-appoint these consultants in 2017 and to allocate a greater budget to each.

Outline your estimated Marketing Expenditure

METHOD/MEDIA AMOUNT Massive PR £7,200.00, incl. VAT

Mulholland Business Consultants £3,600.00, incl. VAT

Think NI £5,400.00, incl. VAT

Sundry others £11,300.00, incl. VAT

Briefly outline what opportunities for branding exist at the event.

The LCCC logo already is used in all brochures, leaflets, on the Festival web- site and on the Festival’s Facebook page. The Festival would be delighted to work with LCCC staff to explore new opportunities to extend the reach of the LCCC brand.

How will the success of the Marketing techniques used be evaluated?

Post-event reports, similar to those attached, will be used to evaluate the success of the publicity and marketing effort carried out in the run-up to and during the 2017 Festival.

Please attach a Full Marketing and PR Plan for the event.

At the time of this application, a marketing plan for 2017 has not been finalised, but the following will form the basis of the Festival’s marketing and promotional campaign:

TELEVISION COVERAGE In 2017, The Hillsborough International Oyster Festival plans to target a range of TV channels including UTV News, BBC Northern Ireland, RTE, The One Show (BBC), Saturday Kitchen (BBC) and Channel Four’s Sunday Brunch as well as SKY News, ABC, HBO. Within these pieces the Festival will highlight key themes about tourism in NI, such as Northern Ireland’s vast natural larder and cultural heritage and present Northern Ireland as a “must-see destination”.

RADIO COVERAGE In 2017, the Festival will target a wide range of radio stations within NI, the RoI, mainland UK and international markets including Around the World Travel Show, BBC Radio 2’s Simon Mayo Show, Radio 4’s Good Food Show. In 2016, the Festival successfully obtained many pieces of broadcast coverage in both domestic and national markets including Galway Bay FM, UTV News, , Citybeat, Network, Cool FM, , Irish TV and BBC Radio Ulster.

ON-LINE COVERAGE. Thanks to previous grant assistance from LCC and the NITB, the Festival has been able to develop an excellent web- site, www.hillsboroughoysterfestival.com . This site was further developed for the 2016 Festival and had over 31 k. hits. The LCCC logo always has been prominently displayed on the site and the Festival would be happy for this to be continued in 2017. There also is a link to the Festival’s web-site on the sites of most of the Festival sponsors and media partners, e.g. COOL FM & Downtown Radio, etc. There also will be promotional opportunities for LCCC on the Festival’s Facebook page. In the 28 days encompassing the 2016 Festival, the number of people who saw any content associated with the Festival FB page was 555,277! Once again, the Festival would be pleased to work with LCCC to promote tourism in Northern Ireland and in the Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council area.

Failure to enclose a full Marketing/PR Plan for the event will result in your application being rejected


Detail the progress to date in securing private sponsorship for the event.


Company Amount Nil.


Company Amount What expenditure elements in your budget does this offset? Nil

NB: Enclose copies of letters confirming cash/in-kind funding secured as described above.


Company Type of Amount Date sponsorship confirmation (e.g. cash or in- is expected kind)

Detail all public sector funding applied for.

Name of Amount Purpose of Funding Contact Name Confirmed? Body & Number (Yes/No) NITB £30,000 General overheads. Mary McFerran No 028 9023 1221

In the absence of public funding would the event (as described within this application form) go ahead? (Delete as appropriate) Yes, but on a very much smaller scale.


The figures below are based upon the actual event costs for the 2016 Festival:

Hire of Marquee, Toilets, etc 31,000.00 Stage Hire 4,400.00 Security Services 3,060.00 Advertising, Promotion, Photography, etc. 27,500.00 Insurances 3,300.00 Hire of Sites, Site Work, etc. 11,000.00 Electrical Work 3,700.00 Audit Fee 2,400.00 Printing, Design, Stat., etc 5,200.00 Signage, Bunting, Flags, etc. 2,200.00 Entertainment, Bands, Sound, etc. 26,000.00 St. John Ambulance 760.00 Event costs 49,500.00 Committee Expenses 0.00 Sundries 4,800.00 174,820.00


Sponsorship - private sector 47,000.00 Sponsorship - public sector 39,000.00 Income from events 50,200.00 Entrance charge 8,000.00 Brochure Adverts 2,350.00 Raffles, auctions, etc. 11,000.00 % of Bar Receipts 2,000.00 159,550.00

Note. The amount for Sponsorship – public sector, assumes that £24 k. is received from NITB and £15 k. from LCCC. It is hoped that the remainder of the shortfall can be raised from other as-yet-unknown sponsors. Has any confirmed in-kind sponsorship also been included in the expenditure side of the budget? (Delete as appropriate) NO

Project/Event shortfall


How much is requested from Lisburn & Castlereagh £15,000 City Council?

We are prepared to furnish details of all cheques, cash and credit card records to the council’s internal audit for inspection during office hours (Delete as appropriate) YES

Detail any other ‘in-kind’ support envisaged from Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council. (E.g. Technical support, advertising etc.)

It is hoped that Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council will provide for the 2017 Festival, the same in-kind support as in previous years. This includes the loan of staging, provision of barriers, cleaning services, etc.


Estimate the Total Number of Participants expected at the event 350

Breakdown of Expected Participants (Number or Percentage)

NI 120

ROI 30

GB 140

Other* 60

*Please detail Most of this number will be international entrants in both the Oyster Opening World Cup and the World Oyster Eating Championship.

Estimate the Total Number of Spectators expected at the event

Breakdown of Expected Spectators (Number or Percentage)

NI 14,800

ROI 2,000

GB 700

Other* 200

*Please detail

Most of this number will be international entrants in both the Oyster Opening World Cup and the World Oyster Eating Championship.


Participant Bed nights

Number of participants staying overnight in commercial accommodation 220 i.e. hotels, guesthouses, bed & breakfast

Number of night’s participants staying for 1.5

Total Participant Bed nights 330 (No. of participants x No. of nights)

Spectator Bed nights

Number of spectators staying overnight in Commercial accommodation 870 (i.e. hotels, guesthouses, bed & breakfast)

Number of night’s participants staying for 1

Total Spectator Bed nights 870 (No. of participants x No. of nights)

Is participant/spectator accommodation subsidised by the organisers (or others)? YES

If so, who by?

In 2016, the Festival spent £3,200 for the provision of accommodation for participants. A similar figure will probably be spent in 2017.

Detail the event expenditure within Northern Ireland; include all event costs spent locally. Exclude expenditure leaving Northern Ireland (i.e. expenditure which goes to a UK or international based company).

With the exception of c. £11 k.*, all of the Festival’s expenditure in incurred within NI, i.e. c. £154 k.

* This figure mainly comprises air fares, costs of some artistes and fees paid to some participants. SECTION 7: EVENT MANAGEMENT

Does your organisation have an applied policy on these aspects, where applicable?

Child Protection Policy YES (Delete as appropriate)

Health & Safety Policy YES (Delete as appropriate)

NB: If successful, a certified Risk Assessment must be submitted prior to any payment

Equal Opportunities Policy YES (Delete as appropriate)

Traffic Management Plan YES (Delete as appropriate)

Valid Public Liability Insurance YES (Delete as appropriate)

Detail any court judgements against you or your company/organisation. None.

Are you awaiting any criminal or civil proceedings against you or your company/organisation? (Delete as appropriate) NO

If yes, please detail.


Your organisation must have a recognised bank account into which any transactions for the event/project can be tracked. Please detail below.

Account Name:

Sort Code:

Account Number:

Bank Name:










Print Name: Sean G Hall

Position Held: Committee member

Date: 24th October 2016


All applicants for assistance should note that, when a proposal is bring considered and assessed, there can be no commitment by Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council to provide financial support until the Letter of Offer has been issued, received, accepted and any prior conditions met.

The information provided on this form may be available to other departments/agencies for the purpose of preventing or detecting crime.

Return the completed application form to:

Tourism Development Unit Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council Civic Headquarters Lagan Valley Island Lisburn BT27 4RL

This application must be submitted to Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council AT LEAST THREE MONTHS BEFORE THE EVENT



Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council collects the data on this form for the purposes of considering financial assistance to organisations. This data is not used for any other purpose or is not disclosed to any other organisation.


Date Received:


Partnership Opportunities for Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council at the Gateway VICs at Belfast International Airport and George Best Belfast Airport.


Visit Belfast have been managing the Visitor Information Centres at Belfast International Airport (BIA) since June 2004, and at the George Best Belfast City Airport from 2007. By providing a multi- functional visitor servicing facility for visitors arriving into both airports a very positive first impression of Belfast and Northern Ireland as a tourism destination is created. It is at this point on arriving into the city/ Northern Ireland that visitors can be encouraged to travel more widely, see and do more, spend more during their stay, and thus get more out of their visitor experience.

The TICs at BIA and GBBCA are true Gateway Tourist Information Centre. In 2015/16, at BIA 57% of all enquiries were to do with the rest of Northern Ireland, and 75% of all enquiries re from out of state visitors, while at GBBCA, 42% were gateway related with 75% being out of state visitors.

Last financial year 2015/16, the Visit Belfast Welcome Centre’s BIA Visitor Information Centre has handled 131,704 total enquiries which was up 40% on 2014/15. This generated an additional £2.44 million spend into the local economy. In the same year GBBCA handled 97,000 enquiries, up 12% on the previous year and generating £1.52 million into the local economy. This year both Airports, but in particular BIA are preforming really well, with counter enquiries at BIA up a massive 70% year to date and 20% at GBBCA .

The increased demand at BIA is mainly due to increased capacity and new Routes particularly those introduced recently by Ryanair. This year Belfast International Airport is projecting to handle in the region of 5 million passengers, a projected 1 million extra passengers. This is mainly but not exclusively as a result of Ryanair coming on board with eleven new routes – Alicante, Bergamo, Berlin- Schonefeld, Gdansk, Krakow, Lanzarote, London Gatwick, Malaga, Tenerife-South, Warsaw-Modlin and Wroclaw.

At City Airport growth has also been good with extra capacity on some of the UK routes, and the recent introduction of Amsterdam and Brussels.

Visit Belfast undertake quarterly satisfaction and trend data on visitors using the visitor information pod, some of the key stats based on these surveys indicated that : Of those 280 surveyed 70% of BIA and 60% of GBBCA are visiting the destination as part of a holiday, whilst 24% at BIA and 19% are visiting on business. While here 71% of BIA visitors and 59% GBBCA were looking for information on eating out, drinking and socialising, Overall 50% said as a result of visiting the Visitor information desk – they would be encouraged to increase their stay and 81% said it would encourage them to return to the destination on another occasion. Overall visitor satisfaction was 100% with 77% very satisfied and 33% satisfied.

In the past the VIC at both airports have been primarily funded by the following partners, Tourism Northern Ireland, Belfast City Council, Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council ( BIA only ) , Visit Belfast and Translink, with the remaining costs met through revenue generating activities such as

ticketing for tours and transport and limited sales of commercial platforms. To maximise the benefit of the additional demand at BIA Visit Belfast need to review our operation there, and replace our smaller pod with a larger structure that can accommodate two members of staff, increase our staffing levels and opening times. The desk at GBBCA will be remodelled to be slightly bigger.

Services provided

The gateway VIC at Belfast International Airport is staffed by trained travel advisors. The Centre is open 362 days a year. Out of hours when the desk is unmanned, the lights are left on, visitors can still pick up literature, and can now use the 24 hour self-serve information kiosk as well.

The gateway TIC at Belfast International Airport provides a full range of services:

• Free tourist information and advice on Belfast and Northern Ireland • Accommodation booking service • Transport tickets for onward travel • Tickets for tours • Limited merchandise

Opening Hours

The tourist information desks at both BIA and GBBCA are located in a prime positions. At both airports we operate extended hours, 362 days per year to meet demand. Next year we will extend Sunday opening on a year round basis. Proposed opening times for next year are:

Monday – Friday 7.30am–7.00pm Saturday 7.30am–5.30pm Sundays 9.00am to 5.00pm

Opportunity for Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council

In October 2014 – new business models were set up as a result of reduced funding from TNI. We moved from large desk space into smaller pods; and reduced our staffing to one staff member per shift.

The pods have worked very well but due to the massive increase in passenger numbers at BIA – we are now required to put in a larger desk and revert to having two members of staff per shift most of the time. This creates an opportunity to look at a revised model for our desk and provides an opportunity for a wider partnership approach and additional promotional platforms for the Belfast Plus partners.

Additional Promotional Platforms for LCCC

The funding requirement from LCCC to come on Board as a partner at both Airports would be £10,000 plus VAT per annum.

Additional Benefits package for Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council

The Benefits package for LCCC as a partner and key funder at BIA TIC are as outlined:

• Carry LCCC branding on the front desk as one of our list of funders. ( Alongside BCC/ TNI and Antrim and Newtownabbey and Translink. • At BIA there are two side panels (included in the visuals on these would be made available to LCCC for twelve months of the year – six months on either side – we would include as part of the package the costs of updating the artwork every three months. (The panel would be approx. 1139x1100 mm). • We would priority rack LCCC literature in a Belfast plus counter top literature rack. (With Ards and North Down material and the shared Belfast Plus Flyer. • In addition we would also rack three preselected attraction and one key event flyer at all times (stocks permitting) • We would permit LCCC staff to join us on our desk in the run up to any major events, or holiday periods taking place in your area • Our staff would offer a meet and greet to any VIPs arriving into the airport who are travelling to Lisburn and Castlereagh • Opportunity for LCCC to brief our front of house team on key products and events as required • Signpost and book any accommodation enquiries into the area. • Literature ordering service when stocks are running low. • Quarterly feedback of both enquiries and levels of literature distributed.

At GBBCA • We would offer to display your literature in a counter top Belfast Plus literature rack.( Alongside AND ) • Opportunity to always rack two key products • Opportunity for VIP meet and greet and be on the desk for any key days or events .

This is a fantastic opportunity and we would be very pleased to partner with you on this. Please advise if this is something that you would be interested in discussing further.

Attached for illustration purposes are some graphics of how the new look desks could look – bringing in Lisburn and Castlereagh as a partner.

Brand Building





It is proposed to establish a shared workspace facility on a pilot basis with City Centre Management, and working with other agencies such as South Eastern Regional College, Lisburn Enterprise Organisation and Inspire Business Centre to identify potential new entrepreneurs, start-ups and established businesses who may require the use of office space on this basis. This project will offer entrepreneurs access to the following services at an appropriate market rent (e.g this could be in the region of £50 - £60 per week per business based upon charges made through the E-Centre project in Cork): • Hot Desk Facilities (Desk & Chair) • Coffee & Tea facilities • Printing/Copying and Scanning facilities – (at additional cost) • Meeting Room facilities • Networking opportunities • Business mentoring (through the Councils Business Solutions Mentoring Programme, Interim business start-up programme, and other programmes as appropriate) • A chance to share ideas, opportunities and problems with other likeminded entrepreneurs • Linkages to other external support organisations who can help them to grow their idea, from concept to marketplace (Inspire, Lisburn Enterprise Organisation, South Eastern College, Invest NI, and other government departments) It is anticipated that business users will be able to access their own broadband and utilise their mobile phones when they use the facilities. If the project is successful there is scope to expand on the services offered which could include high speed broadband, 24/7 access by swipe card, direct dial telephone number, lockable storage unit and even a main reception. It is proposed that the project will be managed through City Centre Management during the pilot period, who will be the main point of contact for businesses using the facilities and for collection of revenue generated. It is anticipated that the total direct cost to the Council for initial office set up is likely to be modest and will cover costs such as desks and chairs, marketing and branding of the service, and coffee and tea facilities. Members should note there is scope to offset these costs through the revenue generated. The pilot project phase will monitor buy in and usage from local entrepreneurs, as well as the overall income generated, with a report on this brought back to the Committee as the project progresses.



Theresa Donaldson - Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council Suzanne Lutton (SL) - Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council Patricia Corbett(PC) - Historic Royal Palaces Jo Thwaites - Historic Royal Palaces Robert Lucas (RL) - Resident and Village Rep Jeffrey Reaney (JR) - Resident and Village Rep Kim Hitch (KH) - Princes Foundation for Building Community

In attendance also: Nessa O’Callaghan - Resident and Chair of the Village Committee Company Jonathan Martindale - Phoenix Natural Gas Sean McGreen - Phoenix Natural Gas

1. Introductions and Apologies:

No apologies were received.

Representatives of Phoenix Natural Gas were introduced to the Group, to give an update presentation on progress of their work to date in the area and forthcoming work. Nesse O’Callaghan Chair of the Village Committee was also in attendance.

2. Previous Minutes & Matters Arising:

The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted.

3. Update by Phoenix Gas:

• Timescale and progress of the bulk main and its route • Timescale of the infill and areas of work to spread natural gas across domestic customers • Associated consultation and engagement strategy and dates.

Year 1 of the 5 year programme completed and Phoenix Gas reported they are ahead of programme laying bulk main from Lisburn to Hillsborough and then onto Ballynahinch.

Next stage is to focus on infill areas and localised extensions with gas to street level from bulk main in the Hillsborough area. This will be a 2 year programme starting 2017. Local Contractor being used by Phoenix Gas will be McNicolas Construction.

To kick start process Phoenix Gas are planning an engagement programme with exhibition at Visitor Centre / Courthouse. This will run for two weeks and will be manned 3 days per week 2-4 hours between 3pm and 7pm.

Phoenix Gas presented their two methods of operations either directional drilling (which is preferred as less disturbance) or open cut trenching- the more traditional method. Phoenix, with their contractors will be reviewing practicality on a site-by-site basis dependendant on ground conditions and other constraints.

Phoenix then presented their build programme and associated map of areas / phases of work. They propose to start in village centre mid February with completion end April. They intend to break village centre works into 3 sections to perhaps run sequentially Ballynahinch St approx. 14 days; Lisburn St approx. 17 days and Dromore Rd / Lisburn St approx. 19 days. In support of these proposals Phoenix presented plans showing works and road closures etc.

There was much discussion and concern expressed by resident representatives as to impacts and impact considerations, especially in terms of volumes of traffic and congestion, access to school for collection and drop off and health center. It was pointed out that Hillsborough residents had had a bad experience of similar works by Northern Ireland Water; communication had been poor especially with traders and traffic management had also been poor. HRP observed that they would like further detail of the works for the Dromore Rd / Lisburn St section as this will impact on they use of entrances and possible co ordination with their own build works which are commencing in April. HRP requested that Phoenix look at potential sub phases to enable HRP to maintain at least one access point.

Discussion was had as to how car parking will be managed and loss of car spaces phased during works such that not all parking on main street is lost.

It was identified that communication was crucial; It was requested that Phoenix Gas prepare a general letter setting out works but that they also talk with the school. It was further suggested that Phoenix Gas as part of their engagement exercise in January have an invited traders drop in session. It was agreed that Phoenix Gas would come back to partners with clarity around any revised timetable in advance of the public event. HRP commented that agreeing understanding dates will be crucial in the area around the courthouse as they will be opening beginning of April and will require coach access in the short term.

It was further requested that Phoenix Gas should consider that their signage is placed further out to give road uses greater prior warning and enable alternative routes- especially on Hillsborough fly over.

It was requested that each section should be completed before the next is started to reduce disruption. KH thanked Phoenix Gas for their presentation.

4. Update on tourism Masterplan and Public realm:

Given the lateness of the meeting and the extended discussion around Phoenix Gas proposals these items were held over to the next meeting.

5. HRP Update:

HRP are looking to start construction work on the car park and new access from January; site set up will be January / February / March with start in April. HRP will be sending a letter to immediately impacted residents.

HRP are looking to start stable yard works early next year and will be using courthouse as visitor facility although they formally take over this from 1st April.

They are also opening to the public beginning of April and will be open April till October.

They are seeking planning permission for the ancillary new build buildings in the location of the walled garden and will be lodging an application in January.

6. Village Reps Update:

Nothing further was added by community reps at this stage.

7. Communications:

It was noted that LCCC have produced a draft Newsletter on behalf of the Steering Group including updates on all projects as well as a short profile of the Steering Group. It was requested that all could look at this and provide comment, input where necessary. It was agreed that members would come back to Suzanne Lutton with any comments before Christmas, ready for distribution in January 2017 in order to avoid getting lost in the Christmas post.

8. AOB:

KH confirmed that he had circulated a draft terms of reference review document to stimulate a review discussion as to how we are performing as a group and any need for adjustment . KH further suggested that this item should be on the agenda for the next time. A further copy is attached to these minutes.

9. Next meeting:

To be agreed, early 2017

10. Circulation

All those present, + Paul McCormick, Colin Preen, and Gwil Evans + File


Members will be aware that the Council is leading on the delivery of the new Council led Northern Ireland Business Start Up Programme (NIBSUP).

Progress to date:

• The Interim NIBSUP Programme Manager commenced in post on 24th January 2017. This role will support Councils to progress key procurement exercises for the NIBSUP, to implement the new programme Management & Governance structures, and to ensure key contract conditions arising from the Invest NI Letter of Offer for NIBSUP are met. • Issue of the Joint Council Collaborative Legal Agreements to all Partner Councils from LCCC. • Invest NI have confirmed that a final Letter of Offer as part of the EU Investment for Growth & Jobs Programme will be issued upon receipt of signed Legal Agreements from the partner Councils. • Publication of the Prior Information Notice for the Delivery of NIBSUP which will provide prospective tenderers advance notice that this procurement exercise is pending. • Publication of Prior Information Notice for NIBSUP Enquiry Handling service which will provide prospective tenderers with advance notice that this procurement exercise is pending. • NIBSUP Programme Management & Governance Structures have been agreed by the NIBSUP 11 Council Working Group. • Draft Terms of Reference have been prepared for the following key NIBSUP procurements: NIBSUP Delivery, Enquiry Handling and Marketing & Media. • Belfast City Council are commencing work through their in-house Digital Services team to develop a dedicated Council owned CRM system for NIBSUP • As reported previously the contract to deliver the Interim Business Start Programme in Lisburn & Castlereagh from October 2016-March 2017 was awarded to a consortia bid submitted by Lisburn Enterprise Organisation and Inspire Business Centre. • To date the consortia has submitted 18 completed Business Plans to the Council to be quality assessed against a total target of 35 business plans for the contract period.

Economic Development - April 2016 to March 2017 Month:- Dec-16

Department Annual Budget Total Actual Total Budget to date & Committed Variance Expenditure:

Development 3,815,971 2,972,706 2,211,934 (760,772)

Total Expenditure: 3,815,971 2,972,706 2,211,934 (760,772)


Development (1,520,050) (1,038,379) (463,642) 574,737

Total Income: (1,520,050) (1,038,379) (463,642) 574,737

Overall Net Position:

Development 2,295,921 1,934,327 1,748,292 (186,035)

Total Net Overall Position 2,295,921 1,934,327 1,748,292 (186,035) LISBURN & CASTLEREAGH CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF THE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE – 1 FEBRUARY 2017



The purpose of this report is to set out for Members’ consideration a number of recommendations specifically relating to the operation of the Council.

The following decisions are required:

To consider the consultation documents and provide any feedback on the Reforming the Rates Consultation to the Economic Development Unit by the 6th February 2017.

To agree the contribution of 50% of the cost of a GPR utility survey in Hillsborough Village Centre.



Members will recall that Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council has already provided input into a call for Evidence on the Non Domestic Rating System as part of a consultation exercise which was carried out by the Department of Finance earlier in November 2016.

The Council’s summary response to the consultation at that time included the following key recommendations:

 The potential for Local Government to have the ability to use the rating system as a positive policy tool in local areas to help promote economic development, investment and community planning e.g. to increase the number of new businesses starting up, encourage investment into city centres etc.  The scope for Local Government to utilise the legislation for Business Improvement Districts  Maintaining Industrial de Rating as local manufacturers have a higher cost base than other UK counterparts  More frequent rates revaluations which more accurately reflect current economic conditions  Improving the efficiency of the rates system in terms of administration and collection  Aiming to broaden the rates base and make it more equitable  Reviewing current reliefs and exemptions and query whether some sectors should continue to benefit from these exemptions, especially where there is an interface with commercial activities  Consider whether rates could be based on other factors rather than just the value of the property such as ability to pay, percentage of turnover or transactions made in the case of online businesses

The Department of Finance has now issued a further consultation exercise on the proposed changes which they wish to take forward to the NI Rating System.

The proposed measures include:

 A new £22m a year Rates Investment Scheme for smaller retail and hospitality business  Piloting Business Empowerment Zones in two areas (Lower Newtownards and Lower Falls Roads)  Increasing rates on empty commercial properties  Charity shops to make a contribution  Charging the highest value homes more  Removing the early payment discount  Reducing landlord allowances  Student halls of residence to start paying rates  A 3 year rates holiday for first residents of new energy efficient homes

Members can access the full consultation report at the following web link: https://www.finance- ni.gov.uk/sites/default/files/consultations/dfp/Rates%20Rethink%20Consultation%20 document_1.pdf Members should note that the Corporate Services Department is leading on the overall response on behalf of the Council. The closing date for responses is the 16th February 2017, and it is proposed that the Development Committee response be included in the overall Council response. Recommendation

It is recommended that the Members consider the consultation documents and provide any feedback on the Reforming the Rates Consultation to the Economic Development Unit by the 6th February 2017.

2. GPR SURVEY– HILLSBOROUGH As part of the upcoming capital works planned by Phoenix Natural Gas it is necessary for them to carry out a Ground Penetrating Radar survey in Hillsborough Village. As part of the preparation for the Hillsborough Public Realm work the Council are also required to carry out a GPR survey. In order to minimise disruption to the village centre and avoid duplication of expenditure it has been suggested that the work is carried out jointly with Phoenix Gas and costs are shared. They have procured supply services from Blue Clarity Design Services Ltd at a cost of £8662.00 plus VAT. It is recommended that the Council contribute 50% of the cost of the survey. The Council’s contribution will be £4,331.00 plus VAT. Recommendation

It is recommended that the Council contribute 50% of the cost of a GPR utilities survey in Hillsborough Village Centre. The Councils contribution will be £4,331.00 plus VAT.