An Environmental History of the Middle Rio Grande Basin
CHAPTER 3 HUMAN SETTLEMENT PATTERNS, POPULATIONS, AND RESOURCE USE This chapter presents an overview, in three main sec- reasoning, judgment, and his ideas of enjoyment, tions, of the ways in which each of the three major eco- as well as his education and government (Hughes cultures of the area has adapted to the various ecosys- 1983: 9). tems of the Middle Rio Grande Basin. These groups consist of the American Indians, Hispanos, and Anglo-Americans. This philosophy permeated all aspects of traditional Within the American Indian grouping, four specific Pueblo life; ecology was not a separate attitude toward groups—the Pueblo, Navajo, Apache, and Ute—are dis- life but was interrelated with everything else in life. cussed in the context of their interactions with the environ- Another perspective on Native Americans was given by ment (Fig. 15). The Hispanic population is discussed as a Vecsey and Venables (1980: 23): single group, although the population was actually com- posed of several groups, notably the Hispanos from Spain To say that Indians existed in harmony with na- or Mexico, the genizaros (Hispanicized Indians from Plains ture is a half-truth. Indians were both a part of and other regional groups), mestizos (Hispano-Indio nature and apart from nature in their own “mix”), and mulatos (Hispano-Black “mix”). Their views world view. They utilized the environment ex- and uses of the land and water were all very similar. Anglo- tensively, realized the differences between hu- Americans could also be broken into groups, such as Mor- man and nonhuman persons, and felt guilt for mon, but no such distinction is made here.
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