PESTIFER DEATH METAL INFORMATIONS BIOGRAPHY WWW.PESTIFER.BE Pestifer is a death metal band founded by twins 2010 MUSIC STYLE DEATH METAL Adrien Gustin (bass) and Phil Gustin (drums). The new album is done and the second track «Contagious» is selected to appear on «FYU Vo- 2004-2006 lume 8» sampler. Meanwhile «Sleepless Century», The twins met Antoine (guitar) and after sharing the third track, is featured on the «Combat Nasal» their ideas they started to play together. The sampler. « Age of Disgrace » received a lot of great CONTACTS line-up is completed with Morty on vocals and feedback from zines and fans, they all seem to E-MAIL
[email protected] the band has about 10 songs. Pestifer record be very enthusiastic about the future of Pestifer. PHONE +32 479 66 36 37 their first demo and play live everywhere they The band starts to play more interesting gigs can. A good energy seems to emerge from these like Metal Mean festival with Mayhem, Macabre, ADDRESS ANTOINE PATERKA concerts. At the end of 2006, the band decides to Devourment and Rotting Christ. The 5 guys win RUE DU SART TILMAN 66 part ways with Morty. the Metal Mean contest. They also open for 4031 ANGLEUR - BELGIUM Watain and Deströyer 666. 2007 The guys still play some gigs with session 2011 vocalists also record a song called «Involution Pestifer get a record deal with Ultimhate Records Process», for the sampler: «FYU and a re-mastered version of «Age of Digrace» is Volume 5», featuring Panda (ex-Pitbulls in the distributed around the world with mastering per- TOUR EXPERIENCE Nursery) on vocals.