St. Anthony of Padua Parish Coat of Arms


The front cover of our bulletin displays our beautiful Coat of Arms for St. Anthony of Padua Parish. After working with Church heralds for almost two years, this Coat of Arms has been cre- ated to honor our Parish and its place here in Lorain. The shield is a pristine white that represents baptism. As members of God’s people, all of us who call St. Anthony of Padua Parish our spiritual home, have had our sins washed away through our one baptism in Jesus Christ. The white also represents our call to holiness through our disci- pleship in Christ. At the top of the shield we see two images: The first is the of , in which we honor Lorain County and the City of Lorain in which our Parish is located. The Cross of Lorraine is a heraldic cross that has its roots in the Cru- sader’s cross which was granted them by the Patriarch of Jerusalem. It was also on the flag car- ried by St. Joan of Arc. The second image is that of ermine. There are two ermine, one on either side of the Cross of Lorraine. The ermine represent the Diocese of Cleveland, from whose Coat of Arms the ermine come. It reminds us that we are not an isolated people, but rather a part of the larger Body of Christ in this Diocese. With the Bishop as our head, and as a successor of the Apostles, he is our shepherd in this Diocese who has been entrusted with our spiritual welfare. Ermine has long been a sign of royalty, reminding us that we are a royal people set apart for service to Christ the King. In the middle of the shield are three blue wavy lines representing the waves of Lake Erie which cascade across our northern Parish territory. These lines once again speak to our place in the world, as we serve the people who make their temporal and spiritual home in this part of northeast Ohio. Finally, at the bottom of the shield, is the silhouetted image of our Patron, St. Anthony of Pa- dua, holding the child Jesus. This reminds us of the Saint, under whose protection we place our- selves as Parishioners of this Parish. As St. Anthony loved Jesus, and dedicated his life to his ser- vice, so we are all called to embrace his example and lead lives that are pleasing to God, in ser- vice of our brothers and sisters. The symbol of St. Anthony of Padua also honors all the Francis- can men and women who so faithfully served our Parish for so many years. We are all very proud to embrace St. Anthony of Padua Parish, and call it our spiritual home. This Coat of Arms is a beautiful and poignant visual reminder of who we are called to be as a Parish family under the watchful eye of God. This Coat of Arms is also a proud confession to the world of the standard we hold ourselves to as disciples of Jesus. I pray that all parishioners take pride in this symbol of our Parish and her people, as we all strive to live lives of holiness in keeping with our patron St. Anthony of Padua.

~Rev. Edward J Smith

AUGUST 4, 2019 18TH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME OFFERTORY REPORT Amount Budgeted Weekly……...... $4,807.69

Sunday Collection (7/21/19)……………. $4,323.00 Sunday - August 4 - 18th Sunday of Ordinary 7/1/19 to Date over/(under) Budget……... ($970.07) Time MY GIFT TO GOD REFLECTS HIS GENEROSITY TO ME. 10:00 am - †Robert Gracie Requested by: Mike Darby ST. ANTHONY PARISH COMMUNITY,

Monday - August 5 - Weekday Thank you so much for having a Baby Bottle 8:30 am - †Patrick F. Tavenner & Family Campaign for Birthright of Lorain County. We Requested by: The Tavenner’s are deeply grateful for your generous donation of $1,261.08. These funds support our all- Tuesday - August 6 - The Transfiguration of the volunteer office where we serve over 800 families in Lord our communities. We are the only non-government 8:30 am - †Members of the Johnson & organization in Lorain County that provides emer- Smith Families gency formula, diapers & infant/children’s clothing on Requested by:Family a consistent basis. Last year we gave out almost 1,200 canisters of formula, 3,400 emergency packs of dia- Saturday - August 10 - St. Lawrence, Deacon & pers, & almost 4,000 packs of clean, used clothing to Martyr help our families. Through your generous donations 4:00 pm - †Carl Hartman Jr. you are truly feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, Requested by:Carl & Nancy Hartman counseling the doubtful, & encouraging those who are

Sunday - August 11 - 19th Sunday of Ordinary struggling. YOU are a testament that we, who are pro Time -life, truly love & care for God’s children before & 10:00 am - †Josephine Schneider after they are born. May Our Lord bless St. Anthony Parish & each one of you in His own special way for Requested by: Elmer Schneider & your caring hearts & generous works of Mercy. Family Sincerely in Christ, Stephanie Koebel, Director

GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP Please join us for an hour of learning & healing along your grief journey. Our Grief Support leaders are cer- tified as Ministers of Consolation by the National Catholic Ministry to the Bereaved, Inc. Our Catholic- based support group meetings are informal & do not build upon each other so you can drop in any month & fit right in. We meet the 3rd Sunday of every month at 3 pm except on holidays, then we meet the 4th Sun- day. The next Support Group is Sunday, August 18th at St. Joseph Cemetery, Avon (temporary trailer office). No registration is required. Just come & join us. For more info, visit our website Information/Bereavement.aspx or contact Rhonda, 216-930-4866, or [email protected].

READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF AUGUST 4, 2019 Sunday: Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23/Ps 90:3-4, 5-6, 12-13, 14, 17 [1]/Col 3:1-5, 9-11/Lk 12:13-21 Monday: Nm 11:4b-15/Ps 81:12-13, 14-15, 16-17 [2a]/Mt 14:13-21 Tuesday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14/Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9 [1a and 9a]/2 Pt 1:16-19/Lk 9:28b-36 Wednesday: Nm 13:1-2, 25-14:1, 26a-29a, 34-35/Ps 106:6-7ab, 13-14, 21-22, 23 [4a]/Mt 15:21-28 Thursday: Nm 20:1-13/Ps 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9 [8]/Mt 16:13-23 Friday: Dt 4:32-40/Ps 77:12-13, 14-15, 16 and 21 [12a]/Mt 16:24-28 Saturday: 2 Cor 9:6-10/Ps 112:1-2, 5-6, 7-8, 9 [5]/Jn 12:24-26 Next Sunday: Wis 18:6-9/Ps 33:1, 12, 18-19, 20-22 [12b]/Heb 11:1-2, 8-19 or 11:1-2, 8-12/Lk 12:32- 48 or 12:35-40


ADORATION CHAPEL At St. Andrew’s , Fr. Lacombe exposed the Blessed Sacrament for 40 hours devotion and looked up to behold the face of Christ in Agony. Fearing an optical illusion, he said nothing, but he could not banish the image from his thoughts. He sent a man to look at the Host. The man hurried back crying that he has seen the face in the Monstrance. Altar boys returned in amazement with the same report. A girl, who also saw the face said “I cannot forget what I have seen. I will always re- member the face of Our Lord. . .it has made an indelible mark on my life.” Word spread quickly. People flocked to the church. Around 2:00 pm, the image of Christ in the Host changed to the . Crowds gathered to adore Our Lord and as they were singing “Tantum Ergo” the image disappeared. ~Eucharistic Miracle: Reunion Island, Indian Ocean, 1902

“It is our duty to adore the Blessed Sacrament. No one receives the Blessed Sacrament unless he adores It . . .and not only do we not sin by adoring, we do sin by not adoring.” ~St. Augustine, Bishop, Doctor of the Church, N. Africa, 354-430


Gilbert Amador Gloria Badillo Lindsey Marie Ballas Janet Baxter Joanne Bilancini Loretta Bliss Tim “Swampy” Burton Gary Butchko Marvin Campbell Donna Clark Bill Claus Lynn Coscho Ann Cusella Ann DiFrancesco Helen DiLuciano Jerry Donovan Anna Mae Ebinger Bea Ellis Deacon Jose Flores Scott Friges Bea Giacobbe Brian Grace Renee Golowenski Delores Gonzalez Fr. John Raphael Hadnagy, Tim Haupt Clara Hodorowski Kevin Holley OFM Conv Phyllis Holomuzki Jennifer Humphrey Al Jacobs Ralph Koontz Pepsi Lachowyn Deacon Luis Maldonado Ann Marshall Barbara McCalland Henry Minor Ellen Morgan Victor Munoz Mary Nazario Nick Penick Liz Profant Elizabeth Raddell Emily Raddell Amy Schmidt Elmer Schneider Joan Schwartz Deacon Jim Stewart Celia Stanislaw Andrea Taylor Audali Torres Rosa Torres Peter Uies Stacie Velasquez Sherri Wedgeworth Peg Young

Call the Parish Office if you would like to add someone to this list. Please notify us when to remove the name. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Call the “Prayer Line” for immediate prayer requests, Georgianna: 440-288-1644 or Dee: 440-984-3874

1305 E. ERIE AVENUE LORAIN, OH 44052-2226



This is going to be a fantastic year at SAS! We have an excellent staff, students and support. I am grateful for all of the assistance I have had from many stake- holders. Saying all of that, we are not at the finish line, but just started the race. We will have many hurdles that we need to overcome and will not be able to do it alone. If you are interested in helping in anyway, please feel free to email me, [email protected]. We are looking for tutors and aides to volun- teer in our school. I am confident if we work together, we will be able to trans- form SAS into the pre-eminent school in Lorain County. ~Mr. Julio Alarcon Weekly Activities SUNDAY, AUGUST 4

MONDAY, AUGUST 5 2:30 pm - Liturgy Commission (Parish Office) 7:30 pm - New Life Prayer Group (Adoration Chapel) CASCADE PARK METROPOLITAN TOUR

TUESDAY, AUGUST 6 AUGUST 14TH, 9:45 AM - 2:00 PM 9:00 am - Pierogi Production (Social Hall) The Metro Parks Bus will pick up pas- 6:30 pm - St. Vincent de Paul Society (Parish Office) sengers to view Cascade Park, Elyria

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7 leaving from St. Anthony’s Iowa Street 6:00 pm - Meet the Principal Q/A (Gym) Parking Lot at 10 am. The bus will take us to many places in the park. THURSDAY, AUGUST 8 Some walking will be available by the FRIDAY, AUGUST 9 east falls. Walking is voluntary. After- 11:00 am - Lunch on the Lake (Parking Lot) wards, we will lunch at Lakeview 3:00 pm - Divine Mercy Holy Hour (Adoration Chapel) Park’s Rose Café at each person’s ex- SATURDAY, AUGUST 10 pense. We will return to St. Anthony’s parking lot Blood Pressure Screenings after Mass! about 2 pm. The Lorain County Metropolitan Park SUNDAY, AUGUST 11 is providing the bus and tour at no cost. Please give Blood Pressure Screenings after Mass! a tip to the park’s staff. Interested? Call or text Bar- 1:00 pm - St. John Vianney Fraternity Mtg. (Church) bara Evans, 440-320-1242.

MGM HARD ROCK CASINO SEPTEMBER 18TH, 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM Paduan Travelers will de- part from St. Anthony’s Iowa Street Parking Lot at 10 am and arrive at MGM at 11:00 am. We will leave the casino at 4:30 pm and arrive home at 5:30 pm. Cost is $23. Each person gets $20 from the Casino to play. The bus will be ready for boarding at 9:30 am. We can leave before 10:00 am if everyone is on the bus. Interested? Call Virginia Glass, 440-724-9595.

Phone: 440-288-0106 •

ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA CHURCH LORAIN, OH Pro-Life Answers to False Pro-Choice Arguments (Part VII) As pro-lifers, we need to educate ourselves and have answers to pro-choice arguments and rhetoric. Over the next few weeks, we will highlight the typical pro-choice claims and we will arm you with good and accurate information to refute their misleading and false arguments.

"If abortion is outlawed, women would be forced to unsafe back-alley abortions" For years, the abortion industry has concocted statistics to frighten people into supporting their agenda. The fact is that every study ever con- ducted (including figures released by the pro-choice Alan Guttmacher Institute) proves that so-called "back-alley abortions" were extremely rare, prior to abortion being legalized in 1973. Moreover, the idea that women would be forced to unsafe "back-alley abortions" if abortion was again illegal, has now been discredited by an actual "test market", so to speak. For 44 years under Nazi and then Communist rule, abortions were legal in Poland. In 1993, the new freely elected Parliament passed a law forbidding abortion. The media screamed: "You will not stop abortions; they will just go underground and women will be injured and die and there will be a flood of miscarriages" However, the law was passed and not only did abortions drop precipitously (from around 138,000 to 99 per annum), but none of the ominous predictions of the pro-choice lobby materialized. In fact, quite the reverse is true. Miscarriages dropped from around 59,076 in 1990 to 41,568 in 1999. Deaths due to pregnancy and birth dropped from 70 to 24 and neonatal deaths per 1,000 live births dropped from 19 to 9. Not only did none of the dire predictions materialize, but instead, Polish women are healthier and have fewer gynecological problems than when abortion was legal and common. So here we have a modern, western nation of 40 million people that decided to forbid abortion by law. The result shatters and completely destroys the long-standing pro-abortion argument about "back-alley" abortions.

THE ST. ANTHONY SCHOOL PARENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE CORDIALLY INVITES YOU!! This event will help us continue providing opportunities for our students to grow through field trip experiences, supporting our teachers through augmenting their classrooms and assisting in ad-

vancing art and technology. You can find registration forms online or hanging by the church exits. As always, THANK YOURegister for your support! NOW for the

Check by the church doors or visit for registration info.

AUGUST 4, 2019 18TH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME LAST St. Anthony Lunch on the Lake Friday, August 9th 11 am - 3 pm

Menu: 3 Pierogi & Small Cabbage & Noodles for $5 Beverages Available

Call 440-654-8654 for a list of available Pierogi flavors or to pre-order a half hour before coming.

Join us for a delicious lunch!

CLUSTER PARTNERS WEBSITES If you would like to submit an article for an St. Teresa of Avila Parish upcoming Bulletin, please send requests to [email protected]

St. Thomas the Apostle Church by Monday at 10 am. Bulletins are sent to print every Tuesday!

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