A Symboi in Philately : Thè Cross of Lorraine PER VLIEGTUIG PAR

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A Symboi in Philately : Thè Cross of Lorraine PER VLIEGTUIG PAR A symboi in philately : thè Cross of Lorraine ^MMHHPPP*»*'**- « 'imilil' PER VLIEGTUIG PAR AVIOM A. symboifor those who bave thè key to understanding ti, is something that immediately communicates tojour mina its significante. Plan of exhibit Tide and pian page 1 (1 sheet) Intxoductìon : symbology page 2 (1 sheet) Genesis page 3 (2 sheets) The adoption of die symboi page 5 (1 sheet) On stamps and cancellations page 6 (6 sheets) Symbol of freedom and resistance of a people page 12 (3 sheets) Cinderella alongside thè fcanking page 15 (2 sheets) Introduction : svmboloev In order to communicate something, it is necessary that a symbol is very clear, instantly recognizable and univocally associable to what it represents. 2.80 PANMARK The carnet star, appearìng in thè sky durìng Chrìst's Sìgn language birth, that ivas later identified by astwnomer ìialley. IO DDR 15 DDR ^J_ ^"fjlv •i C+ ->" ENTE NAZIONALE IDROCARBURI P.LE ENBiè'q. MATTE!, » ROMA '" H300/0/T 897018 AX. CAP. 00)44 SOJahre Liga^s^tkreuz gesellschaft^Sre-1969 gesellschalten 1919,1 JS8 The six-footed dog associated to thè "Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi " ;:' 5 rhl %> SOJAHRE The varìous emblems ofthe International Red Cross : thè red cross, thè red crescent ^ (Islamic States), thè red lion with thè sun (Iran) Symbols have always been used in medicai and, in thè same way, in philatelic concern. Symbol ofthe branch of "pharmacology" : venom of thè snake called by Greeks TÙRKÌYE I* Mi-ji.s. : 'Jarmacon", coiling round a cup preparedfor therapy. The rad of Asclepius, God of Medicine in Greek ttiythology. The rod ivreathed with a snake symboli^e re-birth andfertility; thè rod acts like a crutch. StyK^ed symbol meaning disability Genesis Thanks to thè Duke Godfrey of Bouillon (1060-1100), thè Cross of Lorraine became a symbol displayed on thè flag during thè Fkst Crusade (1096-1099) and for this reason was named like thè region thè Duke ruled, exactly Lorraine. It direcdy comes from thè cross known as "patriarchar', which itself is a variation of thè christìan cross. BE/IAPYCKAM UAPKBbl Chrìstian Cross and Patriarchal Cross (naHMenoBaiwe Mecia, rjje naxoAHTcn noMTa,jife«racTH HanMeHOBanne XSjSioii jopora) ( y Ji H u a, ì'&r AOMa H KaapTHp ... (nflj^poSHoe HaaMeHOBaBHe ajpecara) Adpec omnpaeumeAfi:/ Stamped envelope issued durìng German occupation of Russia, durìng II World War, with thè overprint 'LUCA". The 60+40 kop issue depictingpatrìarchal cross and thè Virgin with child belongs, together with thè two otherpieces, to a locai prìnting in thè small town ofPleskau that issued these stamps on August 1941, valid until Aprì! 1942, when they were replaced with those of thè german occupation overprìnted 'OSTLAND". The extra charge was to help thè locai nursery school. Russian troops reconquered thè town in i 944. Genesis Continuous rolled carnei on a letter : image ofSaint Stephen and Patriarchal Cross KPAJbEBHHA jyFOC^ABHJA KRAUEVINA JUOOSLAV1JA ROYAUME DE YOUOOSLAV1E PDHCHimA-DOPlSHlCA CARTE POSTALE OCIXVd SLCSVaH PRePORODCVSV l^STODUU U SP H^ 1050 GODISNJICU Cena !•— din. Postai cara ofYugos/avia : Saints Cyrìl and Methodius with "prìestly stick " in patriarchal cross shape OZENT ISTVÀN EMLÉKÉV 1O38 ~ 1938 J"^/ issued on thè occasion ofthe 900th anniversary from thè death ofSaint Stephen The adoption of thè svmbol The adoption of thè symbol in thè fight against tubercolosis dates twenty years after Robert Koch discovery of tubercolosis bacterium in 1882. -t-t* O /? /? / AjL^4^^^^U/^ On thè occasion off he 100th anniversary from bis birth During thè Fkst International Conference on Tubercolosis, Berlin 1902, it was suggested to adopt thè cross as a symbol of thè ^crusade" against disease to remember Godfrey of Boullion, leader of thè first Crusade. Gefunòlieitsfulwung isti Seut[ctitn Dolhcs dieSeebad J dichfbiziSeebadhaf i Robert ber Slcape tiausnummer, 6cbdubeleil tebenùen 5lo*mech : benefactor ofGerman people " Postai Cara issued by thè Free-State ofGdansk On stamps and cancellations Sersiron recommendation was adopted and since than thè Cross of Lorraine is thè symbol of fight against tubercolosis. Belgium from thè very beginning issues stamps with extra charge and with particular cancellations. First Be/gian issue prò antitubercolom actions and disabled soldiers 15.12.1925 \> VIA AIR MAIL \ addressed to Lakew//e Sanatorìum in Massachusetts-U.SA.franked with 10.12.1954 issue RAS DE GEEN SOUHAITS 5NSCHEN SANS TIMB rtDER ItGZEiELS buy antitubercolosis stamps 15.12.1952-14.02.1953 "nogreetings without antituberculosis postmark" durìng Christmas time EMPLOYE; LES TIMBR ANTITUBERCULÌ 1 OEC. - "use antitubercolosis stamps 1 Decernber-15 Jamtary" stamps issmd in 1935 to commemorate Queen Astrid death, dearly beloved by herpeople andprematurelj dead in a car acddent. On stamps and cancellations Stamps, supporting thè fight against tubercolosis depictìng thè Cross of Lorraine as a symbol, were issued during thè years by innumerable postai SOSTENETE IL administrations together with overprints on previous DONO SVIZZERO CONTRO LA issues. Interesting are slogan cancels too. TUBERCOLOSI! IfllVM.TT-K '-». 5000 UNTERSTUTZT DIE . : SCHWEIZERISCHE TUBEFKULOSE; SPENDE! : Aide suisse atixtuberculeuxetl sllmaladaspuìmonaires Greece Swiss slogan in thè three country officiai languages THi PCST OFFICE fr C1V1L SERVICE Jugoslavia Jugoslavia SAHATqRIUM SOCIETY JUGOSLAVIJu o»SK«.ovie . A BI-6NNIAL CQNPEH1NCI Jugoslavia 8 &1AY 1971 LLANDUDNO CAERNARVONSHIRE UnitedKingdom ìreland Romania Fin/and Hungary fi r^ to* ^. 3? It fa^ iS<-> i 9 - I S I ti I CD I ! I ! r i I ^ ^>' t 1"* 1s i 4«%, i •^. (?r*3&. L/fA n 2. tu O w> On stamps and cancellations SUPPORT Y IV '£9 NOV , UNG ASSOCIAI i OH /9C& X U.S-A: "Fighi TB Supportyour TE Association " U.S^Ì. : " Use Christmas sea/s " ?fa 2óUO Fiso 2o C I U D A D Argentine : " Using thè shield WE WILL WN " Argentine : " Giveyour contrìbution to thefight against tuberculosis " $450 On stamps and cancellations K n u u t :> I A & JMYASALAN D EGYPT t »5fZ ; KARIBA 1882.1932 ! f V-•«."?-»- Ivory Coast Rhodesia : "Stamp out tuberculosis. Buy Chrìstmas seals " ZAIRE 9,60Z LIOO"™ ANNIVERSAIRE DE LA DECOUVEFtTE ;H£±P OU BACILLE DE LA TUBERCULOSE TFI<£ Zaire TUBERCULOSIS Philippines: "Helpfighttuberculosis " Rimanda REPOBLIKA DEMOKRATIKA MALAGASY />' Islands - Antituberculosis Campaign Madagascar China ^ /-B'W <N7I TB I SUlTOmill DittiEL-BACHEli WORLD HE 100 LIBAN Lebanon Dubai : " World Health Daj - Antituberculosis Campaign " On stamps and cancellations Spain, adopting thè symbol, gave it a postai value. The "National Tuberculosis Foundation (PNA) " was created on 20 December 1936 and, by decree No. 202 ofthe Postai Administration subscribed in Salamanca on 28 January 1937, it was decided to issue officiai stamps, overprìdng them, in arder to raise moneyfor PNA; a doublé postage items was allowed on 10 each month. This contributed to thè issue of thè first affidai stamp in support of thè fight against tuberculosis. Thereafter thè decree No. 431 dated 11 December 1937 allowed surchargingfrom 22 November to 3 January eachyear. ìnos SRES. Hijoa de G. GarrefSo LUNA Ha 3 J CARLOS DELGADO DE CÓS DOS HERMANAS Letterfrom Dos Hermanas to Seville dated 28 December 1937 mth a postage of45 centimos andmilitarj censormark. The postage included thè first antituberculosis stamps issued on 23 December 1937 of 10 centimos CORMOS = 1949-1930 r,n;,V! , I '^j^ix;1- • " '^WWIM»»-ìv^y-ivou. "."•"••* - • ~ COIIRIO» = 1949-1950 :_,,-, v^<\ / r? 13 U^•^/- - -"WP!cledad» . General de Industries COKItiOS 1949-1950 Textiles - Sepdlveaa 173 Issues dated 1949-50 shifted hori^pntalperforation and Cross of Lorraine out ofthe àrde _Int_erior absence ofthe Cross ofluorraine Symbol of freedom and resistance of a people Always a symbol of Resistance of thè French people against thè invader, thè Cross of Lorraine carne back onto thè battle field at thè end of thè Second World war as thè emblem of Free France and of thè government-in-exile leaded by generai De Gaulle. POSTE SPECIALE F.F.I. In thè aftermath of liberation thanks to french and allied troops, together with "Forces Francaises de l'Interieur" (FFI), it was sent out a communication ordering to overprint ordinary issues, particulaiy those depicting marsbal Pétain. The validity period was from July 1944 to October 1945. Among various overprints there is that one with thè Cross thè Lorraine. Overprints are classified according to thè piace in whicb they bave been rekased. Ifjou consider affidai and semioffidal overprints there are 51, whereas 81 are private ones Location "Paris"Itype — 20 August 1944 — with image of General De Gaulle issued by FFI u~. (~~s ^ o o £• sr- S!f.gI _53 O-q 3SIHONVÌdzl I Location "Lille" 1 september 1944 aaiTinm printingfaults Ijocation "Provins" september 1944 Army letter cardfree. On thè back thè Cross ofLarraine — 8 August 1915 Perftn with thè Cross of Latrarne on "mareshal Pétain" issue- 1941/42 Symbol of freedom and resistance of a people Postai mail coming out from Lebanese territory, occupied by french Liberation Troops, leaded by General Cattoux. It has thè symbol of Resistance in thè censor mark CP (Contròie Postai). M. BEYROUTH - LlBAN TÉL. 55- 1O In ISngUah AMERICAN CKEWING IRCDUCTS CORPORATION 139 MT. PIEASAWT AVENUE KERARK 4, N. J. U. S. A. Symbol of freedom and resistance of a people Eastern Europe has always been a troubled area : invaded and oppressed states, rebelling peoples, and thè Cross of Lorraine often was acquired as a symbol. The next day thè disintegration of thè Austro-Hungarian Empire, defeated at thè end of World War I, thè borders of thè Kingdom of Hungary were defined by thè Treaty of Trianon and Slovakia territory becarne part of thè new state "Czechoslovakia". On 20/611933 Hungary issued (valid until 31/12/1936) two airmail stamps wich were basically a protest against thè lost territory of Slovakia because of thè Trianon agreement. The stamp pictures a piane with thè words "justice for Hungary" and a slovak hungarian cryingfor help together with a cross of lorraine.
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