Cettsus of India, 1931

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Cettsus of India, 1931 - Cettsus of India, 1931 VoL. ·I_l__INDIA Part 1-~ Report by J. H. HUTTON, C.I.E., D.Sc., F.A.S.B., Cone8PGD~ Member of the Aothropologiaehe GeeeDIICbaft of VleDIIa To which is annexed . an ACTUARIAL REPORT by L S. Vaidyanathan, F. I.· A. DELiii: MANAGER OF POBLICATIONB 1933 Government of India Publications are obt,.unable from the ~n.nager of Publica­ tions, Civil TJnes, Old Delhi, a.nd from the followmg Agents :- EUROPE. OFFICE or TliE HIOH COMMISSIONER FOR INDIA, !~ou HovsE, ALDIYYCR, LONDON, W. C. 2. And at all Booksellers. INDIA AND CEYLON : Provincial Book Depots. , . • • ltuu:.\8 :-Superintendent, Guvernment Pr:ss,_ Mount J(on~, 4hulrns. , '. UollUA.Y: Superintendent, Go\·crnment Prrntm!f nu~ St:~hnt~t·r~·:. Qner;t s R·:=ad, Bomhny. -~ SIND :-Library atl.aehed to the Office of the t...;omun:->:.woer tn ~md, l\:u·nchl. -- HENGAL :-Bengal Secrt!tariat Book Dt..•pOt, 'Vr~ter.t:' BuihHtt~$ 1 Uoom No. 1, Gr~m_nd li'loor! Culentta. l'NITEn Pno\'INCES OF AuRA AND OtTDH: :--BupcrJ..Qtendcnt of lt•lVermuent Pres::;, Umlf.ld Pt•ov1nccs of Astra and Oudh, Allahabad. Pl:NJAD :-Superintendent, Go\"crnment Printing, Punjab, LnhorliJ. BuR \fA :-Superintendent, Government P~inting, Burma, Rnngoon. _ · . Ct-~NT!~ PHOVlNCES AND BER.\R :-Supenntendcnt, Go•oernmeut Prmtmg, C('ntml Pro'r'IDCt'S1 Nagpur. _\::;::.4..\1 :-Supcrintt-odent, .Assam Secn~tnrint Pre~s. ~lrillon~. .- · ~ _· · llu-1.\R AND OmssA :-Superintendent, Govl•rnmcnt Printir•:.:-. Bihn-r and Ori~:-:a, P. 0. Gu17.arbngb, Patna. NonTR-"-ES'r FRONTIER PJwn~m: :-Manager, Go,·erumrnt Printing and. ~tnLlon_cry, l'c:ihuwar. Thacker Spink & Co., Ltd., Calcutta and Simla. The :'I udenl• Own Rnok Il.•pc>t, Dhnrwar. W. Ncwmno & Co., Ltd., Calcutta. Shri Shankar Kama taka Pnstaka Bbandara, Mala- 8. K. Lnbiri & Co., Calcutta. mtultli, Dhnrwar. The Indi:m. School Hupply Depot, 309, Bow· Bnznr The English Book Depot, l'crozepore. Street, Calcutta. Frontier Book /• St~tioncry, Co., Rawalpindi. Butterworth & CQ. (India), Ltd., Calcutta. • Hns~et1hlll'Y h .. a.rmlJI and ~\Ill~, l\:urncl 11 , M. C. Sarcar & Sons, 15, College Square, Calcutta. Tl1e En~lish Bnn~tull, Karn(:hi. Stnndard Literatu.. Comp:my, Limited, Caleutta. Rose & Co., Karachi. Association Press, Calcutta. Keale & Co., Karachi. Chnkervertty, Chatterjee & Co., Ltd~ 13, College Rnm Chander & Sons, Ambaln, Square, Calcutta. The Standard Book>tall, Quctta and I.ahor<;. The Book Compan.v, Calcutta. F. P. Mallwtra & c ... , Quelta. James Murray & Co., 12, G.>vernment Place, Calcutta. J. Rn.v & l>ons, 43 K. & L., Edwardes Road Rawai (J.4""'or Meteorological Publications only.) pindi, .Mnrree nnd Lahore. ' Ray, Choudhury & Co., 68-5, Asutosh Mnkherji Road, Th• ~tnndurd 13n"k Depot, Lahore Nninital ...:alentt.s.. )J"u~soorie, Dnlhon~ie, ..~.\.wbala Cant~nment and Scientific Publishing Co., 9, Taltola Lane, Calcutta. Delhi. · Chatterjee & Co., 3-1, Baehanm Chatterjee Lane, Tile North Indin Christian Tract and Book Society, CalcntiiL 18, Cli<e Ro;ud, Allnhabnrl. Standard Law Book • Sooibty, ·i, H•stinp I:am Naro.in La I, Kntm, Alhhubud. Calcutta. '" The Leader ", Allahabad.. The Hindu Library, 3, Nandalal Mulliok Lane, The ln<li~n Army Book D<j>ot, Dnyalha!!h, ilgto. CaleutiiL The Englrsh Book Dt•J>Ot, Taj Road, ~ Kumala Book Depot, Ltd., Hi, College Square, Gaya Prasnd & Sons, A~a. • Calcutta. ;;nra~·uu. & Co., Me~ion Hond, Cnwnpore. The Pioneer Book Supply Co., 20, Shib Narnin Das rho Indwu Anny Rook D•pot Jnllondnr City- Lane, Calcutta. Dnryagon,i, Delhi. ' P. C. Sarkar &i Co., 2, Shama Charau. De Street, :\[unaa-er, N"e"·nl Ki~hore Pre~s Lucknow Calcutta. - 'l'he lipp~r Indiu Publishing Ht~U~c, Ltd., 'Literatnr~ •Bengal }""'lying CJub, Dnm Dum Cantt. P:tlnrP, Ammmltla.uln Park, Lueknow. Kali Charan & Co., Municipal Market, Calcutta. Rai Sahih l\1. G ulnh Singh & f:onF, Mulld-i-Am Press. N. M. Roy Chowdhury & Co~ ll, College Sqr. Lahore unol .d.llnhabud. Calcutta. ' l!ama I\rishnn & Son~. Booksellt!rs~ Anarknli, T.ahon. Grantha llandir, Cuttaok. Studeut:i Popular Depot, Anarkali, Lahore. B._ C .. Basak, Esq., Proprietor, Albert Library, Dacea Th~ . l'r:oprirtnr, Punjnb Sau~krit Book Derdit, }llgguthothams, Madras. t:i:tltlrnitllll Slrt•f·t, Luhore. Rochouse & Sons, Madras. TlH~ lll~u~uuc~ J~u~llieity Co., Ltcl., Lahore. G. A. Natesan & Co,, Publishers, Goorgo Town, The Pnn.]uh Re!.)O'wus Book Society Lahore Madras.. 'l'!Je Cnmtnl'1'l~inl Bouk Co. Lahl)re' · P. Varadacbary & Co., Madras. 'J'h '' · · ' ' City· Book Co., lladras. , ~ \· nJve£o;;lty Book Ag-.'ncy. Kachari R-oad, Labortt. 1 Law Publishing Co., "ylapore, "-dr•• . on:t<.:er o the Irnporinl 'Book Depot, 63 Ghandney .u. .liU1 ..._ Chnwk Street. Delhi. ' T\~d~klover's Resort, Taiknd, Trivnndrnm, South .J. ~f. .Jnina & Bro3., Delhi. E .li F•mo Book Agency, _N,.,v Itdhi &l'd Simln. · · · Go1·.1lakrisbna Kone, Pudnm:mdat)nm Madura O"'{f?r(l Ro,lk utul ~tatinnt-'"Y Cmnpanl". Delhi, Lahore, C~~~tral Buok DepOt, Madura. ' Ruula, Mr.-t'rnt antl Cn!cutln. • V!Japur &: Co., Vi?·.agapntan1. M 0 l18 I 1 Thuckcr & Co., Ltd., Bombay. " a Do~sahhai Shah, Rajkot. D B T SPp,lt., Amerlcnn Bupti:::.t ~Ii~sion Press, Rangoon. · arnporevala, Sons & Co. Bombay Burm, n Bunk Club. Lt l., Hnn!!nnn. Ram Chn•ulra Govind & sor:, K.alb~d · R d 8 C T J k 1 •· Bombay. .., evt oa ' ~-. '• n n ·dar, Proprietor, Students & Co., Cooeb N.KliJi 1 Tdrip.athi & Co., Booksellers, Princess Street T,h!"i~:.~nger, The Indian Rook Shop, B.cnares c,· .... n n cvt Road Bombay ' ~ u. 1 & •3 Ne d S dh' · ·,luruKJ ..<~.or.e Bros., Chowk, .Bcnares •',·t:v. &.:::ay. eoon nod Bookshop, Kalbadevi ltoad. 1:hc .S~mlhnottur Co-operative TradingvU~ion, Ltd., J. M. Pandi,; & Co., Bombay. Srn,lhpultur (S. [. R.). A H Wb I & Rnghuunth Pr,nsad &. Sons, Patna Ci+-• .Bo~ba:r. ee er to., Altababad, Calcutta and The Rtndeub; Emponum, Patna. "'3 Bomhay Book DepOt, Girgnon, Bom~ny. T~ L. ~ruthUJ· &; Bro. .;., Guzl'i, Pntna City. Bennett Coleman & Co. Ltd. Th T' hanlllln ~nok ~t•H(IS: Bunl~iporr, Potno.. Press, Bombay ' ' e , unes of India n. l1uru~r.1rn & Hro~., Rnntdd. 'rhe Popular B~dk DepOt. Bombay ~f. C. ~(nthnri, Raipm·a R•lud, Bnrorla. Lnwronce & May Ltd B. B. Pnnkh & Co., Baroda. 1.'h M f?, ., ombay. 'J'he H d t d B .~h· kanager, Ot~entnl Book Supplying Agency 1'- :V ora •a nok Ilepot, Cbndorr.hnt, Hydernbad .-., u r:1war, Pooon City , .,, (Deccan). It~~~- Krishna 'Bros., Op~osite Visbrambog, Poona 8. P~r~"' 1F0~~~ami & Co., Teppakulam P. 0., Trichino-- S. P. BonkstaU, 21, Budhwnr Poonn . St• "~"."'.l. T!ook 'and Map A -enoy, B"ok Sellers 'l'h• Intc"national Bock se' . Pt 1 hi h B II ""' .. and Mnn~alrla; & Sons B k ';r""• PoonB 4. '' ers, n ygnnge. Bhag-n Tn.lao, So~at. oo se ers and Puhlishnrs, Knrnntaka Puhli~hing HouRe, Bangnlorc City. Th• Stnnolard Book and St ti Bheemn Sons, Fort, Bangalore City . Arhab Road, PCKbawa!', n onery Co., 32~33, Rnpf!rintenrlent, Bnngnlorc Press L~ke y· M Amn;: RmHI. Rnngalore City. ' leW, ysore • ~ m P.n.EBTTNE :-8teimatzky. Jerusalem. Aeents for TlDblication<~ on avintin·.. r-Jv. • ' r •~ 1 ·t;'11'•• l' r \ uUtL"'-= Gokh.>•~ I n' ·-- .. and Economics, Poona. .t-· OFFICE OF THE OENSUS COMMISSIONER FOR INDIA.. Simla, the 4th June 1933. To The Hon'ble Sir HARRY HA.IG, K.O.S.l., O.I.E., I.O.S., Member of the GoiJ(';j"'fi,(Jf'-Gtmeral' s Eucutive Council, Simla. Sir, I have the hotwur to submit herewith a report <m the C61I8U8 of India taken in February 1931. The reports and tables prepared for individiual Prom:noes and States have alroody been publuhed, since the necessartj material u available in detail provincially befrm it can be r;otnpiledfor the whole of India. These provincial and state vol>t11•CS u-ill be found to deal in particular with points which I /w,ve bee11 able anly ta treat in general, and tlte m4lwd I have fallawed fo-r the nwst part has been to examine far myself the f'1Jure.~ for India as a whole and then to turn to the· provinci4l rep!}rts to point a moral ar adam the tale, but the conclusion.. ~ formed and the opinions expressed are my o-wn. This India valume e<msists of five parts, (-i} my report (together with tl1at of the acltt<l'T1j, Mr. L. S. Vaidyanat/w,n), (it) the statistic.nl tables fo-r India, (iii) a collection of papers of eth'IWf!Yapkical interest, (iv) the social an<llinguutic maps for InJia and the Prwi'flces bound sepa;ra.tcly ami (v) an administrative report, the two latter tXJlumes bez119 i:ntended pr·imarily for departmental use. In submiUing it, it is my fffrtunate duty to brin.g jarmaUy to your 1wtice the able series of the 1931 Gens-us Reports alroody menti<med, which are numbered indeed after thu volum-e but have appeared oofare it. I have therefore the hffnoor to recomme-nd with confidence to your perusal nat this repart ~ut the other twenty-seven, and to be Sir, Yo-ur most obedient servatlt, J. H. HUTTON, 0fmii'U8 Commissioner far India. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Ci!APTEII. PAGE. INTRODUCTION ix I.-DISTRIBUTION AND MOVEMENT OF POPULATION- (i) Scapc of the Rqori.--Geographical Area ; Natural and political divisions; External population: Area and population ; Movement; :Migration; J\Iortality : Economic I (ii) Prot•incial distribution and varialion.-Ajmer-i\lerwara; Andaman and Nieobar Islands; Assam; Baluchistan; Bengal; Bihar and Orissa : Bom­ bay ; Burma : the Central ProYinces and Berar ; Coorg ; Delhi ; Madras ; N01th-West Frontier Pro,inee; the Punjab; f,he United Prminces: Baroda; the Central India Agency; Gwalior; Hyderabad; Jammu and Kashmir; the ;\Iaclras States Agency, i\Iysore; Rajputana; the Western India States; Other States .
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