JUL * 1^)2







/ PROJECT and G. S. FlCHE # CALL# 26 frt 7-/0J •4 ioit


>CG2 Credits Given *% To Ruth Barekman of Bloomington^ Illinois® who not only diligently typed most of the following records,, but helped In filling In family groups o

To Mary T« Rafterye who helped me assemble material© handled some of my correspondence^, and also faithfully typed on the West Virginia llne0

To Marian Collore who supplied all paper materials and ditto mater­ ial sP and ran off one-hundred eoples of the West Virginia booko

To DeCota Barrlekman VarnadoP who worked so hard and long on her branch of the West Virginia Barrlokmanso Mrso Varnado spent untold hours of research and letter writing, not to mention long distance oallso Mrso Varnado Is given full credit as the oompllor of the John So Barrlekman familyo To Earl Lo Core. His book on tho nCore* family not only listed Bar- rlokmans too numerous to mentlong but also listed sources of infor­ mation that helped greatly In locating and fitting In families Into which the Barriekmana married& To Frank M. Brand. His letters to me and his book on the NWade* family added greatly In my research, To the library of the University of West Virginia for Its helpo To the Department of Archives and History of the State of west VlrglnUc * To Mrso Beryl Amos of Fairmont«, West Vlrglnlso Mrso Amos eheoked the census for various counties looking for marriages* deaths, etc? also court house and library records,. To Mrs.-. Vivian Barrlekman Shoemaker of Indiana—now deceasedo Her research on the West Virginia Barriokmans were of great help In locating massy families <> To the James Mo Barrackman family for a complete line of Barra@kmana< To the Orvll 0, Barlckman family for their complete historyo To the William Barrlekman family of Pennsylvania for their complete Barrlekman line*

To the Barrlekman families in Iowap California*, Canada* Oregon for their wonderful helpo And lastly, full credit and thanks to everyone who aided by filling in census forms and answering my letters0

00003 O C»U **«. WV4 NX-^*- •

00004 n n ^ uij VJ U «J BHME$S Henry Barrickiaan built the first log house In what is now the village of Core, Monongalia County, West Virginia^ This entire area of West Virginia was a vast wilderness* In this huge territory there was not a single Indian Wigwam,, The Indians cane into West Virginia from Ohio/Western Pennsylvaniao At times even from far off Canada, Indiana, or Illinois „ This wilderness of Virginia-later to be called West Virginia was an ideal hunting groundo There were velves, bears, buffaloes, deer, elk* In aboundantly large numbers smaller fur bearing animals such as, jainks, skunks, otters, muskrate, beavers could be hunted® The soil was fertile and easily cultivated, so lt was small wonder that the Barrickmans, always among the first settlers in any area opening up west=> ward could be found planting-shunting and fishing and playing their part in the civil affairs of the community o Henry Barrlekman was the first Barrickaaa immigrant to sef&le at Chambersburg. Franklin County Pennsylvaniao Franklin County having been formed Septo 9g l?8Uj, of a part of Cumberland County, Pennsylvaniao It is reported that while in Chambersburg Pennsylvania, Henry Barriokman born Ca0 172*5, in GermanyB married Abigail Swan of Pennsylvaniao Henry Barrlekman hearing of land opportunies in Fayette County-=«hich in Septo 26, 1783, had been formed o£ a part of Westmoreland County Pennsylvania, left for Fayette County, Pennsylvaniao Fayette County was at this time the goal of the pioneers who sought new homes in South Western Pennsylvania• Most of the pioneers were English-followed by Welsh-Scotch=>Irish and German « They were largley protestant and mainly presbyteriano The Germans rapidley built themselves into rural corammites and were very "Kin conscious" o The Barrickmans generally settled as dose to water as possible* Tales were heard of land down the Monongalia into what is now West Virginian At the time settlements were being made in Virginia, It must be remembered the boundary lines between the colonies were in dispute0 Virginia claims were to land as far north as Pitteburgho William Pen had claimed laud for Pennsylvania that would have extended into the Monongalia region as far to the south as Weston West Virginiao In Morgantoim, West Virginia in 1768, the first permanent settledment was made by the Morgan family0 Micheal Core settled in the Dunkard Creek area of Western Monongalia in 1772, and in 177U Warman Wade settled in Dunkard Creeko It was into these three family groups the Barrickmans were to marry time and again© The Barrickmsn family in German town Fayette, County had earlier married into the Core family-end this may have proved to be the connecting link between the Barrlekman in Fayette County who did remain there as a large family group, and the very large family of Barrickmans who live in West Virginia today o Henry Barrlekman was granted a tract of 178 acres in 1783, at a point where Pedlar*s Run joins Dollys Run, and here Henry built his log cabin0 His neighbor Micheal Core, and an inlaw to Henry Barriekman was eventually to have the "Village of Core", so namedo The original land surveyed October 8, 1802 for Henry Barriekman asse0 of Thomas Laidley asse0 of James Maurey and John Lewis 178 acres of land in Monongalia County on part of a land office warrant for 000 acres of land no0 20U08 dated the 10th day of November, 1783 and entered the 9th day of September 1802 on Pedlar's Run, Book 5~ P-l620 On May 10g 1806 Henry Barriekman and his wife, Abigail sold l6U acres of this tract to Micheal Core,, Micheal was the son of Christopher Core early pioneer in the area, ^ In April of 1806 „ Henry Barriekman had sold 60 acres of another tract of land to Samuel Davis. There is a possibility here that Hannah the wife of Samuel Davis, was a daughter to Henry and Abigail Barriekman* Sappe & Barraekmsn Note $109* payable 21 Deem ifa d to May 180$ Damage $50 \u£ either of us promise to pay to John Evans Junr as assigns the just and full sum of one hundred and nine dollars to which payment will and jusly to be made and done$ we lives our heir and edmiehelon mmmmmm by Jomily Heverly to be paid at or up on the twenty fifth of December next the following Iron or Salt to be delivered at the said Evans house at the theseling market price, we keep our hand and seels this 9 day of May 1803. his Test Joseph X Sapp SEAL Henry Dering mark his Henry X Berkman SEAL mark THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, to the Sheriff of Monongalia County, Greeting* WE command you to take Joseph Sapp A Henry Barickman, if they be found within your bailiwick, and them safely keep, so that you have their bodies before the Justices of our County Court, at the Court House of the said County, on the Second Monday in May next to answer John Evans JunF of apleas of Debt of one hundred A nine dollars' damage fifty dollars and have then there this Writ0 Witness, JOHN EVANS, CLERK of our aaid Court, at the Court House aforesaid, the 29th day of April and 29th year of the Comoonwealtho 180$ Jo Evans Att Executed on Barreekman John Evans jun By John Scott Do D0 V Apr to May for Ro Potter Sapp A Barriekman Sap not found This is an action of debt brought on a writing under Seal good ball required Jo Evans Att for plf KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PREFENTS, that WE Henry Barickman and John Barickman of the County of Monongalia are held and firmly bound unto Rusell Potter Sheriff of the said County in the Penal sum of two hundred A Eighteen Dollars to which payment well and truly to be mads, We bind ourfelves^ our Heirs, Executors and Administrators, jointly and severally, to the said Rusell Potter or his Assigns0 Sealed with our seals, and dated the 11th day of May One Thousand Eight H undred and $ The condition of th& above Obligation is such, that WHEREAS John Evans Junr did sue out of the County Court of Mononaglia a Writ of Capias ad respondendum* against the body of the said Henery Barickman for the sum of one hundred and nine Dollars^ in Virtue of which Writ, the said Henery Barickman is taken in custodt by me John Scott Dn So for Rusell Potter now if the said Henery Barickman shall appear before the Justice of the Said County Court, at the Court house of Said Court on the second monday in Hay presit then the above obligation

00J03 to be Void;, other wise to remain in full force, power and virtue, in law0 his SIGNED, SEALED, AND DELIVERED, Henery X Bareckman SEAL IN PRESENCE OF mark John Scott Barickman A Potter Bound his Barickman Appearance John X Barickman SEAL

Monongalia Court, towit John Evans Jun by James Evans May Tern 180$ his attorney complains of Joseph Sapp and Henry Barriekman in custody A of apieas that they render unto him, the sum of one hundred and nine dollars lawful money of the United States, which they owe to and from him unjustly actain, For that whereas he Said Joseph and Henry on the 9th day of May 1800, attlie County of Monongalia aforesaid by their certain writing obligatory0 Sealed with their Seals and to the Court now here shown, the date where of is the same day and year aforesaid, promised to pay to the said John Evans Juir of assigns the sum of 109 dollars, for the true payment where of the bound themselves their heir VB to be paid at or upon the twenty fifth of December next to be paid in Iron or Salt} never theleys the said Joseph sad Henry or either of them OCLtho often required the said sum of 109 hath not paid, neither have they or either of them delivered the said iron or salt, but the same to pay hath altogether refused aud still doth refuse to the damage of the said John $0 dollars and therefore he brings suit VB

John Doe S9 Pleages James Evans Atty Rich A0 Bao for 0o Fe John Evans Jr* N Sapp* S„ for April 32 Barriekman Debt 18 Co 18 May ruls 26 62 May filed Coo C0 0» Conf 0 18 June 36 Jun C0 D. Confirm for cost 20 filing 10-7-18 38 Fifa UO 2e28 A10 2o80 Shiff 63 Tax $0 order to d ' 5o91 Ajho Sapp 20 6ol7

The commonwealth of to the Sheriff o£ Monongalia County Greeting We command you as heretofore you have been commanded to take Henry Barackman if he be found within your Balawicks and him safely keep so that you have his body before the judges of our District Court at the next District Court to be holden at Monongalia Court house to satisfy Davis Shookley one Thousand Dollars which the Said Davis Shookley in our said District Court hath recovered against his for Debt also nineteen dollars and ninety three cents, which by the Same Court was adgreed the Said Davis for his costs about his suit in that behalf expended where of the Said Henry Barackman

0\ is convicted as appears to us of Record and have then there this writ Writ Witness William Tingle Clerk of our Said District Court at Morgan Town the 13th day of August 18C6 and 31th year of the Commonwealth Monongalia County RecordSc

Wo Tingle On the former Davis Shockley Hemornadum the within Excutlon of sheriff A judgement to be discharged made the following Henry Barackman by the payment of one endorsement Vis 163 hundred dollars damages come to hand the 13th cost* of August 1806 Executed By me John Fairfax Shiff and money paid to the Taste plantlff W. Tingle August 13th 1806 C M D C

00010 JUNE TERM 1903

On the 21 day of April 1903, he appointed Van A& Barriekman Administrator of the estate of the following names, deceased, with bond in the sum of SLOO with Je S» Patterson surety therein. I, Catharine Bowers- Nee Barriekman 2* Jacob Barriekman 3« Peter Barriekman kn Elizabeth Barriekman $e Ann Barriekman 6© Sarah Rigg's- Nee Barriekman 7o Henry Barriekman 80 Isaac Barriekman 9o Eliza Cole- Nee Barriekman

TERM 19 131

Administrator to* Sarah Rigg's Barriekman- Henry Barriekman- Catharin Bowers Barriekman- Ann Barriekman

This day came John L« Watfield Esy0 before me, John M» Gregg, Clerk of the County Court West Virginia, and on his motion it is ordered that Van Ae Barrackman be appointed Administrator of the estate of the said persons named, and that he be required to give a bond as such Administrator in the sum of one hundred ($100) dollars, conditioned according to lar0 Thereupon, the said Van A» Barrackman took the oath as such Administrator prescribed by law, and together with J, S« Patterson his surety, who testified on oath as to his sufficiency gave and acknowledged a proper bond in the sum of one hundred ($100) dollars, conditioned according to law, which bond is approved lay me as sufficient

Attest* John M0 Gregg, Clerk

Administrator to* Peter Barriekman- Jacob Barriekman

This day came John L. Watfield Esye before me, John Me Gregg, Clerk of the County Court West Virginia, and on his motion it is ordered that Van Ac Barrackman be appointed Administrator of the estate of the said persons named, and that ha be required to give a bond as such Administrator in the sura of Three hundred ($300) dollars, conditioned according to lawe Thereupon, the said Van A» Barrackman took the oath as such Administrator prescribed by law, and together with Je A« Patterson his surety, who testified on oath as to his sufficiency gave and acknowledged a proper bond in the sum of Three hundred ($300) dollars, conditioned according to law, which bond is approved by ma as sufficient

Attests John MD Gregg, Clerk

Administrator to* Isaac Barriekman

This day came John L9 Watfield Esye before me, John M„ Gregg, Clerk of the County Court West Virginia, and on his motion it is ordered that Van A, Barrackman be appointed Administrator of the estate of the said person naaedg and that he be required to give a bond as such Administrator in the sum of Two hundred ($200) dollars, conditioned according to law0 Thereupon, the said Van Aa Barrackman took the oath as such Administrator 00011 prescribed by law, and together with J* A, Patterson his surety, who testified on oath as to his sufficiency gave and acknowledged a proper bond in the sum of Two hundred ($200) dollars, conditioned according to law, which bond ia approved by me as sufficient

Attests John M0 Gregg, Clerk

Administrator to t Eliza Barriekman

This day came John Lc Watfield EsyG before me, John M« Gregg, Clerk of the County Court West Virginia, and on his motion it is ordered that Van Ao Barrackmantae appointed Administrator of the estate of the said person named, and that he be required to give a bond as such Administrator in the sum of Four hundred ($U00) dollars, conditioned according to law0 Thereupon, the said Van A„ Barrackman took the oath as such Administrator prescribed by law, and together with Je S. Patterson his surety, who testified on oath as to his sufficiency gave and acknowledged a proper bond in the sum of Four hundred ($2*00) dollars, conditioned according to law* which bond is approved by me as sufficient

Attests John M« Gregg, Clerk

Administrator to John Barriekman Estate Applies to the following names» Catharine Bowers Barriekman^ Jacob Barriekman^ Peter Barriekman^ Elizabeth Barriekman^ Ann Barriekman- Sarah Rigg's Barriekman- Henry Barriekman^ Isaac Barriekman^ Elizabeth Cole Barriekman Van Ae Barriekman, Administrator of the said names deceasedj> bearing date the 28th day of February, 18$0, and recorded in the office of the clerk of the County Court of Monongalia County, West Virginia in Will Book No* 1, at page 218, in so far as said lelns and charges contained is said will affect the Pittsburg or River seam of coal and all the necessary and convenient mining rights on, in or under the land now owned by Harmond Barriekman of Cass District, said County and Stateo In witness where of I have, hereunto set my hand and set my hand and seal this 21st day of April 1903 o

Van Ao Barrlekman Administrator of said persons, deceased Acknowledged by the subscriber this the 21st day of April 1903 John Le Hatfield Notary Public State of West Virginia SS Produced to me, John M. Gregg, Clerk of the County Court of Monongalia County, in my office and was then and there admitted to record on the 22nd day of April, 1903. Sestet John M« Gregg Clerk

Administrator to Nimrod Barrickman's Estate ) Applies to the following names ) Release Peter Barriekman'a ADMR» Henry Barriekman5 s ADMR» Anna Barrickman's ADMR=> Elizabeth Barriekman8a ADMR~ Sarah Rigg's Barriekman ADMR- Isaac Barrickman's ADMRF=> Catherine Bower's Barriekman ADMR= Elizabeth Cole's Barriekman ADMR-

000 J 2 W John Barrickman's ADMR» Jacob Barrickman's ADMR=> I Van Ao Barriekman, Administrator of above persons named, do hereby release all of the liens and charges made by the will of John Barriekman deceased, bearing date the 28th day of February, 18$0, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the County Court of Monongalia County, West Virginia, in Will Book No» 1, at page 230, in so far as said liens and charges contained in said will affect the Sawickley Coal and all the necessary and convenient mining rights and privileges appurtenant to the mining and removal of said coal now owned by David S0 Brewer, containing U0o019 actes, the surface over which is now owned by Asa George Sutton „ Given under my hand and seal, this 28 day of August, 1920o Van Ao Barriekman (SEAL) Administrator of herein named deceased Acknowledged before the Subscriber, this 28 day of August, 1920 My commission expires Thomas Ray Dills, Deco 2nd, 1929 Notary Publico State of West Virginia, SSs Produced to me, John Ma Gregg, Clerk of the County Court of Monongalia County, in my office, and was then and there admitted to record, on the 28 day of September, 1920 Testes John Ma Gregg, Clerk Isaac Barriekman, ET AL'S ADMRS ) to ) RELEASE i John Barrickman's Devisees ) I, Robert D« Barriekman, Administrator do bonis non of the setate of Isaac Barriekman, Henry Barriekman, Peter Barriekman, Ann Barriekman, Jacob Barriekman, Elizabeth Barriekman, Catharine Bowers, Sarah Riggs and Eliza Cole, all deceased, hereby release all of the liens and charges made by the will of John Barriekman, deceased, bearing date on the 28th day of February, 18$0, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the County Court of Monongalia County, West Virginia, in Will Book No* 1, at pages 230, in so far only as the same constitute liens and charges on that certain tract of land that was conveyed to Harmon D. Barriekman by Robert Do Barriekman and others by deed dated the 6th day of May, 1899, and recorded in the office of the said clerk in Deed Book NoG $0, at page U08o In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this Uth day of December, 1922«

Robert D0 Barriekman,(SEAL) Administrator de bonis non of the estates of Isaaa Barriekman, Henry Barriekman, Peter Barriekman, Aim Barriekman, Jacob Barriekman, Elizabeth Barriekman, Catharine Bowers, Sarah Riggs and Eliza Coler all deceasedo Acknowledged before the subscriber by the said Robert D0 Barriekman, Administrator do bonis non of the estates of Isaac Barriekman, Henry Barrickman.r | Peter Barriekman, Ann. Barriekman, Jacob Barriekman, Elizabeth Barriekman, Gatharine Bowers, Sarah Riggs and Eliza Cole, all deceased, in Monongalia County, West Virginia, this Uth day of December, 1922

00013 My commission expires Frank M0 Brand Septo, 209 192$ Notary Public State of West Virginia, SSs Produced to me, John M, Gregg, Qlerk of the County Court of Monongalia County, in my office, and was then and there admitted to record, on the li day of December, 1922, Testes John M» Gregg, Clerk. oOo

OddH History does not tell us when Henry or Abigail Barrlekman dledo Tho year of 1806 Is our last reoorde Undoubtedly they had many children born to them0 To date- I can prove only one ohlid-that of a son, John Barrlekman, and the following Is a reoord of his dlreot lineage0 John Barrlekman was born In 1775, In Pennsylvaniao John married In West Virginia, to Barbara Plokenpaugho Barbara was born in Virginia, In 1774„ It Is believed that she had an earlier marriage0 who her parents were, or where she was born la unknown* Following la a Hat of the- children of John and Barb­ ara Barriokmano John died 8-15-1851. Barbara died 9-24-1857o They are burled In Barrlekman Cemetery, No« 1, BXackvllla West Vlrglnla« Following are the known children: lo Jacob Barrlekman who married Jane Kellyc 2„ Peter Barrlekman who married Abigail Meyerso So Henry Barrlekman who married Catherine Scotto 4P Isaac Barrlekman who married Mary Petty. 50 Catherine Barrlekman who married Henry Bowerso 6o Sarah Barriekman who married William Rlgga0 7o Louisa (Illaa Elizabeth) who married Draper Cole0 8o Anna Barrickmans 9Q John Barrlekman Jr« who married Elizabeth WadeD lOo, Nimrod Barrlekman who married Elizabeth Ann Cole and Moselle HH Elisabeth Barrlekman married Andrew Mlohaelo Crawford» 12p Michael Barrlokman married Nancy Kelly0 JOHN BARRICKMAN'S WILL In the name of God Amen, 28 Day of February 1850 I, John Barrlokman of Monongalia County and State of Virginia being Very sick and weake in body but of perfect mind and memory thanka be given unto Almighty God calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that It la apolnted*for all man one to dye do make and ordain this my last will and testlmint and as tuohlng such worley estate as God has biassed mo with I give dlsmls and dispose of the same In the following manner and form-Item the first2 first I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Barbara the one third part of both my real and personal estate during her natural llfoo Secondly I give and devise unto my son Nimrod his heirs and assigns forever all my land on the East side of the county road containing 153 acres more or less upon conditions herein after named? 3rd I give and devise unto my son John and hla heirs and assigns forever all my lands on the West side of the county road containing thirty acres 7 3/4 more or less upon conditions here in after namedo 4 I give and delves unto my son Jacob, Three Hundred Dollars to him or hla he Irs p 5 I give and devlae unto my son Peter and his heirs Three Hundred dol- 6 I give and devise unto my son Henry or his heirs Fifty dollaia&|yiT 7 I give and devise unto my son Isaac or his heirs Two Hundred dollarse 8 I give and devise unto my Grand Children® the children of Son Mlohae' now deceased Seven dollars to be equally divided between them when tho respectively arrive at the age of twenty one yearso 9 I give and de­ vise unto my Daughter Sarah the wife of William Riggs* Fifty Dollarso 10p I give and devise unto n$? Daughter Elizabeth Four Hundred dollarso II I give and devise unto my Daughter Anna fifty dollarao 120 I give „ ,,,fl,~ and devlae unto my daughter UUUiO FOOT NOTES THE SPELLING, PUNCTUATION, CAPITALIZATION AND GRAMMIR _ c 3B&QBA«m triuv*vn3 MfcOVlnS XomN v'M SATmrwoor WILL x&R & M& A MRS W 5«S O^.dVKul, DC&&QZ&3 Elizabeth wife of Draper Cole One Hundred dollarso 13 I Give and devise unto my Daughter Catharine the wile of Henry Bowers One Hundred dollars. All of the above Legacies shall be paid by my son Nimrod and my son John for and in consideration of the lands devised to them in the former part of my willj, Which ia to be paid as follows, to wit$ My son Nimrod shall pay to the heirs herein before named Eleven Hundred and forty seven dollars, and my son John shall pay to the heirs herein before named Four Hundred and ten dollars To be paid in Instalments as follows, to wit8 That is to say, My son Nimrod & John shall pay to the other heirs herein named One Hundred dollars Annually that is to say my son Nimrod shall pay as much more in proportion to the whole amount of Eleven Hundred and forty seven dollars than my son John as $111(7 bears to Four Hundred A Tenc The first H undred Dollars shall become due one year after my death and then become payable annually as above stated o And as touching my personal estate after all my just debts and Funeral Expences are paid I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth one bed and bedding for the same and also one Cow all of her own choice and selection, And after my death the rest of my personal Estate shall be sold at public sale and shall be equally derided between all my heirs herein before named with the exception of Micheal heirs o And lastly I appoint my friend Cideon Barb my Executor of this my last will and Testamento Given under my hand and seal day and year above written0 (Page 219) his Signed Sealed and delivered in Presence of John X Barriekman (SEAL) John Fatty mark Mo Wo Davis At a quarterly court held in and for Monongalia County August term 18$L a paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of John Barriekman was this day produced to the court pro Ven by the oath of Jehn Fetty and Matthias W0 Davis subscribing witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded^ A cpy Test W0 T. Willey Clk These legacies released in so far as they effect the Pittsburg or River veins of coal 27 s U364i374i38 See Release Book No0 8» pages, 201g 202^ 20li, & 20$, 27 h39»UUO lo Jacob Barriekman son of John and Barbara Barriekman was born 11-13-179$c Died in 1855 o He" is buried in the Jacob Barriekman cemetery in Monongalia County West Virginiao Jacob Barriekman married Jane Kelly who was born >= 19" l80Uo Jane Kelly Barriekman died in 1890, and is buried in the Jacob Barriekman cemetery.. They lived and raised 11 children in the Drop Run area at the site of Henry Barrickmans originial land » The land that went to John then to Jacob a Following are the 11 children of Jacob and Jane Kelly Barriekman in order of their births 10 James B-£-l6~l823o Married Racheal Wade and Mary Anne Wade-12-22°l8$60 20 Mahala B~7=l=l825» Married Anthony Ammons 12-3=18U60 3o John B-41<=2U-i827o Married Susan Layton Uo Micheal B»11-2U-=1829Q Married Mary- Polly ? $o Jacob Jr0 B»ll«10-1831 Married Martha Ann Kelley 60 Jane B-11-1CKL833* Died 12-3-1890- Unmarried 7o Aaron B-l=0.=l83$o Married Nancy Summers f\fl(VV6 80 Barbara B=$-10»l838<, Married Thomas Sutton V)i)U- 9o Lewis B»9-27=i8iiOo Married Elizabeth Wade0 10o Margami B-ll-2-=a8U3o Married James W. Berry 11 o Corbery B-0.2-16-1B15* Died 2= l8-l870o 2h years old no further records on Corbery Barrlckmano The first born child of Jacob and Jana Kelly Barrlekman la James was B=1823~ D«!2«i3e4.882o James Barriekman married Racheal Wade on 2«12«l8U2c Racheal Wade daughter of John Wade was B4.822» Racheal is James 1st wife* Children of James and Racheal Barriekman ares lo Mary B-l8i*2 2. Greenbeifflry Bi2-3-l8Wi0 D-1932 3» Cassia Jane D~9~2M.85U ho Morgan D» Diptheria at yge of Iii $» Elvena twins die of diptheria same time as Morgan 6« Elverna 7« Albert 80 Allen both die at six monthso lo Mary Barriekman, marries Normal Brown* Have one son who dies at 2 years of afis« 2o Greenberry Barriekman marries Mary Core, daughter of John and Abigail Coreo Greenberry B~l8iih. D-19320 Mary B-3«2~48kU» D-1918. They lived on a farm in Clay Districto Greenberry listed in the Civil War* Union Army, August 16. 1862* He was 18 years oldo Greenberry Barrackman was a Fvto in Coo I 14th Reg't West Virginia Infantry* He was mustered out in U» S. General Hospital at Graften West Virginia* on May 11£ 186$e Greenberry was a prominent citizen in Clay Districto He served as Sheriff for that area0 They had the following children0 They were married 3==21<=>1863© lo Elvena B=486$ D=CL887o 2» Abigail Jane B-a0-10-1867o Abigail married John Statler 3-2$°l88$a John Statler and Abigail had 11 childreno Rose Etta^George McCloeky- Chloe- Maty Elizabeth- Richard- Plummer Dayton^ Anna Icee- John Greenberry- Jessie Clark- Grace Mae- and Edith Desse Statler* They live on a farm near Mocrsville West Virginia* 3o Mary Rebecca Barriekman^ Married Nimrod A, Moore who was B*a.670 No issue a ko Belle Barriekman dies of diptheria at 16 at Racheal West Virginia,, $«• John David Mark diss as infanto 60 Simon Clark Barriekman B=a-=10=18?80 Ha marries lsrfe wife Francis Cassia Youst» They have $ childrens JtyrtSe Mae B°1902 marries Thomas B. C&ulson ll°»l$=19i7o 2c David Greenberry 3« James Lakln lu Mary, $» Charity Barrickssaa marries Wennom Wade on Sept 9=l8U7« James Barrackman ( son of Jacob, eon of John, son of Henry the immigrant Kin of West Virginia Barrickmans) marries his 2nd wife Mary Ann Wade8 who was born in Monongalia County West Virginia tt-19-1822* Mary Ana marries James Barriekman 12«22«A8S60 Mary dies 7~9=JL89ho They have h childreno

lo Joseph B=10-29<=l8$7o D»19ii9, near Alliance OhiOo Joseph Barriekman marries lsta wife Rebecca Core, 10-$-l876o Rebecca D-7'=2$=l890o Their children are 1 Abigail Grace B4.0«6=l877o 2» David Jessie B~o-ll-l880o 3o Mary Etta U« Francis Mae B=44-S6-l88$o $0 Bessie Grace 0 6 Roam Lee Barrickmano lo The children of Abigail Barriekman -who marries Charles McCormich on H«22«190i<- are not known* 20 David Jessie Barriekman marries Goldie Sanders B=^3G=l88Uo Married ll«28-1906o Their issue as follows* lo Lulu Meri B=12-8=1907o Marries Earl Hartley B» in Ohio, on $«=$~19ii0o 2o Charles Andy B-ai-9-4909o Charles Barriekman marries 1st wife Julia Patterson who was B» Parksburg

00QI7 West Virginia, married 1936. Children of Charles and Julia Barriekman, 1- Charles Jr. B-$~$=l93?o Charles Jr» Marries Mary Morrison. , June 19$6. 2. George Douglas Barriekman B- May 1828. He is the child of Nettio Koto, Charles Barriekman Sr» 2nd wife, who he marries in April 1951, in Akron Ohio* George takes the Barrlekman name. 3- Virginia Aldine B-12~28~1911. Married l*-4*-193l*, In Akron Ohio to Albert Bailie. U. Margant B- 8-19-1911*0 Married $-$-4931* to Charles Capron0 The Uth child of Joseph aid Mazy Core Barriekman, Francis Mae, marries 7-6-1903. Harris Hall, at Tokima Washington* Children are Wilbert and Robert Barrlckmano Joseph Barrlekman marries 2nd wife Allie Tenuant 6-21-l893o Allie D- U-2l*-19l8w Their Children are lo Guy Earl B-l~2>l896o 2* Myrtle Grace B-3-2-1898. 3* Malinda Barriekman B~10-l6~i90$« 1* Guy Earl Barriekman marries Maxine Wright 2=26-1920, at AlUmnce Ohio* Children are Grace and Joseph Barriekman 2* Myrtle Grace daughter of Joseph and Allie married M. Clinton Hoppes on ll~2ML920o 3* Malinda marries Walter T» Grimes 34.6-1921o Have child Catharina, Allianoe Ohio0 The second child of James Barrackman and Mary Ann Wade Barrackman is Micheal Jacob Barrackman B~9<-12-1866 in Greene County, Pennsylvaniao He died 10-8-193$ and is buried in the Rex Cemetery at Barrackman West Va# Micheal Jacob Barrackman married on 10~3-l891o Maraella Rex B~41-21=l872 at Barrackman W. Va. Micheal Jacob and Marsella were married October 3™1891 Marsella Rex Barriekman a daughter of Eli and Cyntha Rex died Sept of 191*7 and is also buried in Rex Cemetery0 They had three childreno lo Earl Ro Barrackman B~10~7-l893, at Fairview Marion Co, W. Vac Died ll~13»l89tu 2o Denzel S. Barrackman B4*<-3=4.896^ Fairview Marlon County W. Va„ Died U"29=1901o 3© Kenneth Merle Barrackman B-7-4-1902 at Fairview Marlon Coa W. Va* Kenneth Merle Barrackman married 8-22-1923 to Ruth Snoderlyo They had four children one dies in infancy0 Their girl Doris Jean Barrackman B- 7»3=&92$ at Fairmont West Vafte Doris Jean married 2-22-19$h to James Ws Rhodes and they live in Altanta Georgia with their two children James Wallace Jr?« and Loura Leigh Rhodes? John Micheal Barrackman B-11=P9-1933 and James | Kenneth Barrackman his twin were also born at Fairmount in Marion Co, Weat Va?. The last children of Kenneth and Ruth Barrackman child of Micheal Jacob Barrackman<> Both twins are marrled0 John Micheal Barrackman to Elmira Wilson on 8~9-19$8s> They live in Barrackville West Va9, and have a son Micheal Ross born 6-=29~19$9e in Fairmount West Va,* Jamas Kenneth Barrackman twin to John married on 1-21-19$$, Shirley Tankontchg then now live at Warren Ohio* The 3th child of James and Mary Ann Wade is Eunice Barrackman B-=2<=h~l862 D-l-2l*-l881o The last child a son-of James and Mary Aim Barrackman was Alexander Barrackman B=l-l8-l861*o Alexander married Nancy C« Beeman c 9=>3 4889, at Monticello Kyc They had these children Lulu Barrackman B- 10»l6-1900« She married John Thompson 6=>7<=19190 A son Franklin Barriekman who lived at Monticello Ky-and Alexander Barriekman who moved to Nebraska. The second child Mahala Barriekman B=7<=l-=>l82$o Mahala married Anthony Ammonds on 12«3"181*69 We have no knowledge of the children of Mahala and Anthony Ammondsa

000.10 John Ko Barrackman was the 2nd son of and the Uth child of Jacob Barrlokman and Jane Kelly Barriekman., John Ka was born H-2l**»l827 o He married Susan Ac Laytono Her father Peter A0 Layton built the second house in Cass district, Monongalia County, in 1827. John K. Barriekman and Susan lived in her fathers heme© John Ko Barriekman and his brother Jacob owned and operated a tanneya Later Jacob returned to his farm0 John Ko Barriekman was also a carpentero He was Justice of the peace in 18$6*» 186o°4863»1071o He was town treasurer in 1872* It is believed John KQ Barriekman paid some one to do service for him during the Civil War, not an unconnon occurence © No record of this has been turned up-and papers show John Ko Barriekman Co© Dc 3rd West Va0 Calvary0 Formed in Morgantown West Vao Augo of 1862* John and Susan had two daughter lo Mamie Barrick- man- married late in lifec Husbands name not known0 2» Susan who married Bimon Furman, the son of Jo Furman who witnessed Jacob Barrickmans willo They had one daughter named Cecil Furman., Micheal Barriekman 3rd son of Jacob and Jane Kelly Barriekman was born ll-=2U<=1629o Micheal Barriekman married Mary-called "PollyH--la8t name is unknown0 Mary was born in 1833 and died in 1912 o Micheal Barriek­ man was killed by lightning labile standing in door way of his home on Dunkard Ridge, on $=11=1866<, He is buried in the Barriekman cemetery at Dunkardo Micheal and Mary Barriekman had 7 childreAo lo Micheal Barriekman B=l86$o D1930. Married Anna ?» Born 1881 D- 1921*, no issuso 20 Margant who married Jo Walsh Berry0 Had Fred-Charles-Belle and Walsh Berryo 3» Martha married George We Piles B-ll~13~l8$l married at Greene County, Penna*, 1Q=4NLS83« D=19G60 Children are Spencer Campbell-=minor Ray=Ona Maude and Gleim0 l*o Samuel Barriekman B=ll~3-18$$ 04*^23-1913» He lived with his brother Bert at Buckeye district,* $o Elisabeth Barriekman married John La Pee. He was born 181*9. D-ll«9-1933s 6S Thomas Banflckmaa B=6~8°l8$7e D-6-1U-1887- married to Belle RiceQ Had daughter Myrtle who married Rex Bakere After Thomas Barrickmans death his wife Bells married Resells Haugh« 7o Alphaseus Barrlekman B=l8$2~D-1919o His wife was named "Jessie M» Martin" o Married 9-2-1883 o Alphaseus was also known as Albert or Bert» Jessie Barrickaan B=18$9 D-1929* The 5th child of Jacob Barrlokman and Jane Kelly is as follows, Jacob Jr» was Uth sone Jacob Barrickman's son Jacob Jr» B~U»10=1831» Died Feb* 1916 o He married Martha Ann Kelley $-6-1862c Jacob Sr09 served in the Co* Do 3rd West Virginia Cavalrye He was shot off of his horse and badly injured, but survived® Jacob had his name spelt in many Banners while in service0 Re-Barracmanp Barrackman and its rightful Barrlckmano He served in Captain Atts Co*£ 3rd Reg. Va Cavalry. H® was mustered in near Whelling Virginia Goto 10, 18628 His service was for three years and he had joined the army at Morgantown^ Jacob Barriekman was a BugLar(> He was 27 years old in 18620 He was mustered out of service in 186$0 He was 30 years oldo He was mustered out at Alexandria Virginia on June 6, 186$0 He was paid $2§SG*> of a $100oG0 bounty at that timso Jacob Barriekman was 30 years*? say's his company descrlptiono Height $' ?« cosaplexios^light,eyee,blueo Hair-light0 He was born in Monongalia Co0 Virginia o He was a carpenter as well as a farmer0 Jacob also doubled in as company coeko He was dismounted at Pleasant Valleyo

00019 Serving in Co®, D- 7th West Va Infantly were three cousins of Jacob Barrlckmano Kin who lived in 0hioo Pierson Barackman-> Kinnard H. Barackman and John A0 Barackmano These men and their lineage are recorded in Western Pennao, and Ohio Barriekman - Barackmanso Following is the record of Jacob Barriekman Jr0s Jacob Jr« and Martha Ann Kelley Barriekman had the following children? lo Hattie E. B-10-29-1866 Died young 2o Maggie E„ B-12-12-1868 Died young 3o Thomas A. B^ March l8-l871o Married Jennie Ready at Cassville W. Va. Tom was Mayor of Morgantown West Va» Late 20's-early 30°8o Tomas Barriek­ man had two childreno Max and Rosalie, Rosalie married husband not known0 Uo Nancy Jo B-12-lU«l873 Died young $0 Mary J* B=12-2U-l8?6 Died young 60 George K0 R4*«-28«=l879o No knowledge on George 7o William A. B=3-lU-l862o Married Fannie Duff .William A. Barriekman and Fannie Duff were married the year of 1912, in Oakmont, Pa0 Fannie was born U-$-l890o The daughter of Archiball Mc Clsese Duff and Mary Mc Quiston Barrlckmano William A. and Fannie Barriekman had two sons both born in Qairton, Penna* o lo William Arthur Jr. B=9-23~19l6o William Jr* married Isabel May Carlson B=H2~19l8» They had three childreno Wm and Isabell married 11-22-19A1. 1* William Arthur the 3rd B-U-23-19U3 at Clarksville Tennesseeo 2* Lenda Anne B4*-2$cl9U7 at Mc Keesport PaD 3* Charles Richard B-12«=27-19$l and D=12»31=19$lo William Arthur 2nd&, is a Doctor of Dentlstyo He attended the university of Pittsburgh where he graduated with high honors• He was a major in the army World War 11, served in the armored Divisions in England, France and Germanyo He is now at resident of State College Pa*, where he is practicing dentisto Isabel May- William Jr(s wife was born at Monongalia Pa0, her father was Henry Carlson and her Morther was Edna Max Gilese William Barriekman Sr°s 2nd son was Richard Barriekman B=6=2«192$o He married Mary Louise Jones B-3=l$-192$« Bar father was David Wm Jones, and her mother was Elizabeth Dittere Richard and Mary Louise have three children* 1» Richard Charles B=$-29-19$l at Clairton PaQ 2* David Arthur B-9-29-19$3 at Oakland Calif 00 3* Barbara Lou B~$.«29=19$6 State College Pa„. Richard Barriekman was also a graduate of Pittsubrg University School of Dentlstyo Be served in World War U, as a Dentist in the Pacific and also on assault landing crafts0 He is a Dentist at State College Pa» The father of William A0 Jr0 and Richard William Barrackman Sr0 worked for the Pa« Ro R. the UD S. Steel Co«, and was Paymaster at the

Clarion Pa» upon his retirementJr*,

\J U '-• r*. V Jane Barriekman 6th child of Jacob Barriekman and Jane Kelly Barriekman was 3=11=10-1833 and died 12-3-l890o Jane never marriedo She received $7$o00 in her fathers will, and obviously lived on the home farm with her parentso Aaron Barriekman was the ?th child of Jacob Barriekman and Jane Kelly Barrlekman « Aaron Barriekman B Jaa0 1«4.83$ o Married Nancy Jane Summers April 17, l8$7o Nancy Jane was born April 22=1836* She died Nov* 10l86l0 Following her death Aaron Barriekman left his two small children with thels* maternal grandparents and enlisted in the Union Army- Civil War© Aaron Barriekman was poisened by eating pie baked by a "Rebel Lady"- while on his way home on furloughD He is buried in the Seller's Cemetery at Grafton We Va0 date of death, May Ii*->1863« Aaron and Nancy had a daughter Sarah Jane Barriekman B- June l860o Sarah Jai® married Jacob Hallo They had a son and a daughter0 The daughter is still living and has a daughter married to Mr, Bullardo The son of Aaron and Nancy Barriekman, Spencer Elijah Barriekman was «, born Jan 19-1858, in Morgantown W„ Va.. Spencer died March 3-1939 in Roone Coo We Va0o Spencer E. Ban*ickman married Martha Jane Summerville in 1883 c Martha Jane was born Sept 21-186$ in Richie Co0f, WQ Va.™ The daughter of Martin Surnaarville and Susan Gastooo Spencer and Martha Jane Barriekman had 9 childreno The first child was born in Richie Co» W0 Vao-and all of the others were born in Roons^Coo W. Vae. lo Blaine Barickman B- Sept 6l88i*o Married to Ici© Donaldson in 1910o 2o Qrpha Oo Barriekman B-> June 6-l888« Married Otis Shaffer0 3o Orvel Oo Barickman twin to Qrpha B» June 6-> 18880 Married Ella Santee* Died Oct 0-8=1961 o

Uo Whitman W6 Barickman B= Oct 3- 1886« Died at 2| yrs0. $0 Callle E0 Barickman B= April 3- 1891* Died in Dec0 26-19$8o Married to P0 S„ Shaffer in 193U» 60 Waitraan W6 Barickman B- March 1U-1893O Died Sept of 19$80 Married Nora Faulkner 1918 o 7* Flody C0 Barickman Be Jusja ll-> 189$ » Married on June 6=1920, to Muriel Bays who was born Feb* U-1900 at Spencer W, Baoo Muriel is the child of Jams Wo Bays and Mary Delworth* Floy and Muriel have U childreno 10 Mayf ord A« B~12~7«1921 2« Winifred I* B-2-9-1925 3* Mary Maxine B-2-&1932 Uo Clifton K^ 8-10-2-193$ r 80 Buell L9 Barickman B=» Dsc0 7^.697 g in Roorss 0oo Spencer, W9 VaQ Married on June 6th 1920 to Erna Noomi Ferrell the child of Madison Lee Ferrell and Phoehe Susan Looney0 Erna was born April 30-I90O0 They have two sons© Lewis Elwood B- Msr-18-1923 at Spencer West ¥&os and Charles Eddie B-> Apy«-29=1929 at Spencer and died July 23°1932a 9o Ira So Barickman B= 0cto-9-1900 at Spencer W. Va*, married Octp 2$,1883 at Auburn Retchie Co0 W0 Va* to Grethel Reddick who was B» Mar £-6*190?3 The daughter of Samuel Alexander Redic(K) and Elizabeth Jane Mortimer0 Following are their childreno lo Wanda Rosalie Barickman B- May let*1933o Married Aug 30-1952 to James Douglas 0 2< Roger Allen Barickman B~ Mar 13-1936o Married May 30=19$8 to Nansy Hancoeko 3o Betty Ruth Barickman R- Jano°=$-1938o Married Dec0-9=19$8# to James Toungo Uo Robert Lee Barickman B=> Febo-10=19U$o Single Crvil 0o Barickman second son of Spencer and Martha Jans Sumnerville was AO**" . •

at Porterfield Ohio* They are members of the Church ex Christo Loretta '.• :-'. ...'• •-.--., --:••••:. <:" ;, ";:';- '. '-•:. •. ' • • :-r: .,"', ',-- Dan M» Balcoaab and Jezsais Moore* Spencer and Loretta Barlckmaa have 2

.-••• lo nflnffl gli*f Spencer B= Augo<=>T<=19»<2 at New Brighton l Beaver GQ&) tvona** 2* Gerald Wayne B— Aug0*l6*=19li8 at Parksrsburg Roane Co* W* Va»a 3« Passes Lowell Barickman B=>7<=19=1920o Married on May 1&-19U6 to Jean

. '-:•••::"' £- :.v. '•:-- >--:, vo':,,,.;;.,.- ..j .--;..•: ...: • i.-.•;•-. .•-.'. C* Werner, Wanda was born in Spencer County * They --,•-.-:••; <-••? s'-;:.•.•- •- ; • • .y:..-,.•• ;•;.• V- , Wennar is th

of Wiafisld Scott F* and Laura Eptsr. '•:-:. .', ;.::•... ' •:

2B Robert Irfwell 3* Mary Jane U« Dorcas CoUeon $o Hlliam Seofeb $. Orval Oras Barickman Jr* B~2-7~l# 9 to Anna Belle Stone* who was born at Bel] •;.W-,a of John Ca Stone and Cora F* Rcbenson •-:''•': : '." '.':'' 'Ca :P 7 - ;-V. .• -.U ;'\ -". • • -' '• " '.•:•..- : ' .:/?:': • boys* 3 2* John Patriek Barickman U«l6- $3 Parkersburg Weed Co® W, Va** 11^27-$6 Farkersburg Wood C©# W«, Va** 6« Dorsey Oren Barickman B-10-31°1926i> married en Marals 1$>=1952 to Dolores i > LAST WILL AJD TESTAMENT of , . *\ •


Ciil "'99 substitution, I give, devise and bequeath all my property, both real and personal to our children, Buford Po Barickman, Spencer Barickman^ Pernas Lo Barickman, Colleen Wesner, Oras Barickman^ and Dorsey Barickman, share and share alike, absolutely and in fee simplso ITEM IH . I make, nominate and appoint my wife, ELLA BARICKMAN, to be the Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament, and in the event my wife, predecease me0 then my son, ORAS BARICKMAN, of Washington County, to be my Executor, hereby authorising and empowering my said Executrix or Executor to compound, compriemise, settle and adjust all claims and demands in favor of or against my estate; and to sell, at private or publice sale, at such prices, and upon such terms of credit or otherwise, as she, or he, may deem best, the whole or any part of my real or personal property, and to execute, acknowledge and deliver deeds and other proper instruments of conveyance thereof to the purchaser or purchasers0 No purchaser from my executor need see to the application of the purchase money to or for the purposes of the trust, but the receipt of my Executrix, or Executor $ shall b a complete discharge and acquittance therefor0 I request that no bond be required of my Executrix, or Executor, and request that no appraisement be made of my household goods*

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand at Belpre, Ohio0 this 19th day of January, 19$3o

Orvel 00 Barickman

Signed by the said ORVAL 0o BARICKMAN and by him acknowledged to be his Last Will and Testament, before us and in our presence, and by us subscribed as attesting witnesses in his presence and at his request and in the presence of each other this 19th day of January, 19$3o Barbara Smith of Belpre, Ohio

Roger F0 Redmond of Belpre^ Ohio

\j *J v.- w " Addenda i

To the Spencer Elijah family group0 Blaine Barlokman«~hla wife, Isle (born June 24th, 1887) at Roane County9 West Vlrglniao She was the daughter of Charles Donaldson and Sarah Slmmetto To the Spencer Elijah Family group» Waltman Wo Barickman, born oh March 14th, 1893, he died on September 5th, 1958* He la burled in Even Tide Cemetery^in Spen©er, Wast Vlrginia0 Hla wife was Nora Myrtle Faulkner (born on June 10th, 1896) In Spencer, West Virginia- They were married on August 7th@ 1920o She was the daughter of Walter Jo Po Faulkner and Myrtle Sarah Cox* Waltman and Nora Barickman had two childreno lo Martha Elizabeth Barlokman, born on October 1st, 1921e She married Dr0 Ro W. Withers on April 4th, 1946c

Bo Mary Prances Barickman, born on April 26th, 19270 She married James Mo Price on December I2the 1947 « To the Orvll Barickman family groupo Pernas Lowell Barickman and his wife*, Joan Roskl (born on July 31st® 1917). Pernas and Joan Barickman have the following Issues Carol, born on April 3rd, 1947; Nancy, born on December 22nd, 1948; Michaels born on November 17th» I960: Patrick, born on May 3rd, 1953; Paul, born on July 29th@ 1954; and Teresa, born on October 11th, 1958o

Dorsey Barickman, the son of Orvll 0o Barickman* married Dolores Dyso She was born on December 1st, 1932 at Barberton, 0hloo Sh© was tho daughter of James Ho Dye and Myrtle Mae Curfmano Dorsey and Dolores have two childreno They are Donald Wayne, born on March 7th, 3.958; and Janet Carol, born on December 24ths 1960o (Both of these children were adoptedo)

GO ?4 8th child of Jacob and Jane Kelly was Barbara B-5-10<4838* D-6- 1-1892* Barbara married Thomas Hutton* I need information here* Lewis Barriekman was the 6th son of Jacob and Jana Barriekman and their 9th child. Lewis Barriekman marries Mary Elizabeth Wade 3=^0-1861. They have the foUwoing children, 1- Dempsey Harmon Barriekman, Dempsey married Hannah Cole0 Dempsey and Hannah have a daughter Mary Grace who marries Hosea Co Shrively 12-16=1917, at Morgantown West Virginia* Mo Issue* 20 Jacob- 3* Kranklin- U« Lewis George Barriekman who moved to Henning Illinois, Vermillion County* I would appreciate help on this line0 Margant Barriekman B- Nov»-2<181*3 married Janes W. Berry* She was the last daughter of Jacob and Jans Barriekman* The last born child of Jane and Jacob Barriekman was Corbery B»12~l6 181*$ and died Feb*-lo-l870, age 2U* No record of Marriage* Following is Jacob Barriekman Seniors Will


Know all men by these foresents that I, Jacob Barriekman Src of the County cf Monongalia A State of West Va* do make and ordain this my last will and testament hereby surking any and all other wills by me heretofore made, as folios®, to Wits After the payment of all my honest debts, funeral expenses I give and bequeath to my wife the sole use and contact of my farm upon which I now reside to have the use during the term of her natural life or so long as she may remain my widowo Should she contract a second marriage then I wish the same disposed of according to my bequests hereinafter mads as follows* To My son Jacob Barriekman Jr* I give my farm that I now reside on consisting of one hundred A nine acres more or less after the legaciesc To my daughter Mahala Anions the sum of fifty dollars- To My daughter Barbara Sutton wife of Thomas Sutton the sum of fifty dollars- To My daughter Jane Barriekman the sum of seventy five dollars- To my daughter Margaret Berry wife of Jaso W. Berry the sum of fifty dollars To my son James Barrlokman the sum of fifteen dollars- To the heirs of my son Micheal Barrlekman deed* forty dollars- to be equally divided between the t*o» The foregoing leguaiss to be paid within two years after the death or marriage of my wife Jans in prorata payments I also give and bequeath to my wife Jane the following personal property to Wit two beds A bedding One Cow One boy mare named Jenny. One Cooking stove and utensils Should my personal estate rare than pay all my debts teen I desire the residue to be equally divided among all my childreno I hereby appoint my son Jacob Barriekman Jr0 Executor of this ay last will A testament In witness whereof I have hereundo set my hand and affixed my seal this 2nd day of March 18?U Attest his Co Ho M Lane Jacob X Barriekman Sr0 Seal F0 Furman mark Jno* T» Fleming

In the Clerks Office of the County Court of Monongalia County on the 23 d day of April 187U» The last will A testament of Jacob Barriekman So,"deceased, was this day produced to the Clerk, duly proven by the oates A examination of Ce Ho M0 Lane A Fo Furman Subscribing witnesses thereto, A admisted to probate0 A True Copy A copy Test Wittest Robert H, Bowilby Clerk Wm L» Cobin# Clerk Of Monongalia County Court, W0 Va0 Released see Release Book No9 So Page 227

KJ\JJ(i*J Peter Barriekman was the son of John Barriekman and Barbara Pickenpaugho Peter was »-l«12-1796o Born in Penna0, died 7-22=l8786 He marries Abigail Myers B-12-lU-179Uo D-3-7-l877o Pour of their children die of Black Diptheria KLma 3=7-7-1829 D-9-3-18UU Peter T.B-12-29-1833 D=7-9-l8UU Mary M* 8=6-16=1836 D=6~>9~18UU John T„ 3~$-23~1839 D-7-9-18UU Those that lived to maturity are as follows o lo William Barriekman B=l830 D»9=2U-1902o William married Alcinda Myers. Alcinda B4*-13-l8360 D-2-18~1930o Buried at the Barrackville Baptist Cemetery Marion County West Virginiao William was President of the Bible School Society in 186$, for the Baptist Church in his area0 Has a child in school in 1886 0 Name unknown. We do know William had sonso lo Nicholas Barriekman B=7=12-l8$7 2o John C. Barriekman B=10=27-l8$8 B-6-12-19UU. 3o Peter Barriekman ?0 Uo i*avid Barrlckmano David married and had a girl- Gladys Barrlckmano David Barriekman moved to Ohio about 1900o He died Aug0 of 1927 o The other sons lived in Marlon Co. W. Vao 20 Sanford Barriekman B-8-22-l8U2o B=$-20-1922o Married Ann M. Hayhurst, H-7=l869o She was tee daughter of William and Catherine Hayhursto Ann was 8=13UUo Sanford was a wealthy man due to boom in ail, discovered on his lando This land being the old Peter Barriekman place o Sanford was active in the Bible School Society0 He was Librarian in 18630 Secretary in 186Uo Vice President in 1868« Oil was first produced from wells sunk in his land in l889o Produced until 1909o His childreno names are not known* 3o Catherine Barriekman who marries Christopher Core0 He was born in Cass­ ville on $-22-l8U3o D=4*«=2=l898o He was a son of Micheal Core0 Christopher Core served in the Union Army Civil War, with the Regular West Virginia Cavalryo He was twice captured, once held prisoner at Libbry Prison for 30 dayso Catherine and Christopher are buried at Morgantown West Virginiao Uo Elizabeth Barriekman B=$~3-l823o Elizabeth died 10=H=i8U?o She married John Shanks ll<=l8ia$o Henry Barrlekman was the son of John Barriekman and Barbara Pickenpaugho Henry was born 1802. He married Catherine Scott Sept., 16, 1826C Catherine was B-8-l6-l80$o She is the daughter of Major David and Racheal Scotto They had the following children, (copied from Scott family Gensology)o lo Miranda B-1830 ?o Racheal B183U 3, David B-183$ Uo John B-1837 $o Mariah M.8U0 6* Hannah B-18U2 7o Mary B=18U7) B. Stroter B13U7) Twins % Franice M B=18U9 We have not been able to get any concrete leads- and have not been able to research this line© Any leads or help will be gratefully appreactedo

John Barriekman Jr0 was the son bt^Jtrar Barriekman Src and Barbara Pickenpaugho John Barriekman Jr* was B=l8l3o D=l89$o His wife was Elisabeth Wade born- I8l3j» and D=l-l$=i883o They have three children we know of0 lo Franklin Barriekman B=2-13=l8U$« at Cassville West Virginiao He married Julia Meyers* They are burled in Morgantowns Children of Franklin and Julia are as follows a 1» Ada Barrlokman B-6-19-1902o Married to Al Berryo Has child Harold Berry» 2» Ida Barriekman B-l«23-l87$e D-12«12-i927o Married Louis Ca Cole * B-12-l»189?o Have three girls Mamie Mehlinger- Blanche Cole- Esther Emerson* 3o William T„ Barriekman B~ Aug« 1879, at Cassville, West Virginia D~ Febo 19$6o William had 2 wives0 1st wife is Leah M. Boor* B= Fairview, West Virginia 9-2l*-l886o Married U-26-1902* Leah and William had 3 childreno 1« Helen Lucille B-2-28-1903* Fairview, West Virginiao Married Febo 19210 in Cleveland, to John J« Gossmano They have two children^ 1- John JrCo John Jr*, B-8==6-i923, married to Dona Marie Mintono They have two children, James Patrick and John Eric Gossmano 2- Geraldine Helen born 9-26-1932. Geraldine married Frank George Bartelme. They have three children, Bonnie Lee** Donald Frank- William Eric Bartelme. 2o Robert Basil Barriekman B-9-30-1906, in Ohloo Single* 3o Eloise B«2~2U-1911o West Virginiao Married Ira B. Charman Oct* 1937o Children are George and Eileen Charman0 William To Barrickmans 2nd wife was Wilson* 2* Minerva Barriekman married George A. Johnsono Farmer from Marion County West Virginia

3o James Barriekman B=l83$c D. Caira W» VaP l891o He married a Miss Kellyo They had a son Jacob Barriekman who moved to L©uiseville Ky0 Jacob Barriekman had a son John H» Barriekman who was traveling passenger and Freight agent for L« C0 N0 Re R*o Jacob Barriekman also had a son Arthur Barriekman and a daughter name unknown^

Isaac Barrackman, son of John and Barbara Pickenpaugho Isaac was born about l8l$o Issac married Mary Petty„ Their children are lo Hezekiah Barriekman B- 1217-1837 * He died April 22, 1916, Hezekiah died in the house in which he was born on Pedlars Run, W. Va<> Hezekiah Barrickmans first wife was Martha Wrighto They were married Oet« 31-l8$9o Mariha Jane Wright Barriekman was B- April 2$-lB39» She died April 8, 1862 Hezekiah and Martha had two children, both girlSo 1* Mary Barriekman who married David Hendersotto They had the following 1- Ray-who married Nora MichealSo 2<=> Iona who married Harry Frumo 3- Effie who married Huber® Hess* U- Irma who married Early Cordray $- Nora who married Pete Kennedy 6=Cora, married to Bibler Spinger, and 7<= Grover Henderson who married Etta Statler0 2o Minerva Barriekman married Emory Shuman

Hezekiah's second wife was Hester Ann Tenanto He married Hesters July 31, I86U0 They now use an "a" in Barackmano Hester Aon Tenant was B- Febo 13s 1&U3 on Jake's Run, West Va*o She died May 28* 1910, in the old Hezekiah Barrackman homesteado She is the daughter of Washington and Racheal Senanto Six children were born to Hester and Hezekiah o lo. Simon Pory Barrackman0 Simon married Martha Jans Tenant on Sept 9thi> l89Uo Simon and Martha Jane Barrackman had the following children lo Mark H0 Barrackman B= Dec* 26=189$ at Burton Run W. VaQ Died Feb. lU-1920o Buried at Wadestown W0 Vaa0 2» Wayne Ltt Barrackman B- Aug0~2*l897 at Burton Run W„ Va0 Died Febo

r-\ *~* *\ .a. *•&. 17, 1920o 3o Simon Pary Barrackman Jrc B=* Febo 18=19020 at Burton Run W. Va* • Died Febo 1$-1920. Notice these 3 die within two days of each other o I wonder why ?o Uo Flcy A. Barrackman B= Augo 6=1899, at Burton Run W„ Va.o Floy's first husband was Millard J» Conner B» Augo 30-1899, at Daybrook W» Va*. They had three childreno lo Simon R. Conner B~2-21-l833o Married to Mary Ms Garrisono Simon served in World War 11, Children are Patricia Ann= Simon Micheal - Fredrick Allen« James Kevin- Gherly Lynn Conner o 2o Kenneth W. Conner R=5-2U-1926o Married to Madge Wright* Served in World War 11 * No issue. 3. Bonnie G« Conner B=> Oct* l$~I929c Married to Wayne E0 Huonall Served in World War llo Children are John W. and Shirley Jo Hunnello Floy A« Barrackman Conner married her second husband John Le Barker on March 2$°19U0o John Lo Harker served in World War Onso They live at Wana West Virginiao The second child of Hezekiah and Hester Barrackman was Roes Barrackman born 1880 and died July 2?~193$o Ross never marriedo He was active in civic affairs o Ross was born and died in the Hezekiah Barrackman home­ stead on Pedlars Run0 Ross Barrackman attended West Virginia university at Morgantown W© Va** There he earned his BQ S. in Agriculture0 Rachelle Belle Barrackman the third child of Hezekiah and Hester married Natton Enocho They had eight childreno Emma, Sarah, William Pearl, Cyd (female) Anno Kesekiah and MaryD Racheal Belle Barriekman was born Feb, 17-1872, in Monongalia Co« West Va«« She died Dec© of 19U2 at Bridgeton New Jersey-end is buried at Care West Va0o Nathan Enoch was born April 8-18U9 at Wirt Co0 died April 30-190$ at Statlers run and is buried at Core West Va», Following are their children* lo Martha Emmaline B»?-28~189U married Sam Ropp, June 19U3 20 Sarah Katherine B-8-16189$« Married Harry Slve« They have U Children and live at Barrackville West Va*« 3. William Mc Kinley B-12»13-l$96© U* Hester Ann B» April 26-1898« Married to Ira Ao Davis. $• Sidnie B~9-22*l899, died Oct $, 19H<> 60 Pearl B^. March 18-19010 Married Jeff Gump. They have U ohibdren and 6 grand children 7« Hezekiah B~ Sept 11-1902© Married ?, has 2 childrensad U grand childreno 80 Nathan B* B4farch 12-190U, died Sept 22-190$. 9* Mary Bells B= March 17-190$, died March 20-19UO. Mrs Martha Rapp supplies the above data on her family of Enoch's* Martha was Hezekiah and Hester Barrackmans fourth child. Martha lived with her brother Ross© Martha never married, and kept house for her brother Rosso At the time of her death Martha was living with her niece Mrso Ira Davis (daughter of Rachelle Belle Barrackman Enoch) in Fairmont West, Va© The sixth child of Hezekiah and Hester Barrackman was Washington Evan Barrackmano He married Anna Gump* They had tso boys © lo Charles who married 1st at Cassville W0 Va©o Charles and Virginia Barrackman had a child, Louise Barrackmano Charles Barrackman married a second time and now resides in Oregon0 2o Maurice Married Joyce from Lebanon Penna© Maurice Barrackman married his second wife Harjocie Babik, born in Coraspolis Penna© They have two children and live in Toecma Washingtcoo Maurice Barrackman r - 9R work'8 for the John Hancock Insurance Co©, inTocoma0 Laurence Barrackman B-1883 was the last child of Hezekiah and Hester Ann Barrackmano Laurence met Rosa Lee Davis at a box social of tea Dolls Run Christian Church, and they were married May-1907© Rosa Lee Davis Barrackman was born June 2$-1882 at Dolls Run, Mchoagahela Co©* W. Va©0 After their saarriage they made their home on Plum Run* Their first child James Millard Barrackman was born June 18-1908 * In the spring of 1909 they moved to Maudes Run. Here Mildred Bessie Barrackman was born on May 2nd, 1910* Mildred died Jan© 1918, age 7. Hoxie Florine Barrackman the 3rd child of Laurence and Rosa Barrackman was born JanQ 1U-191U© Roxle married Steve Gorver when she was 1$ years old* Roxie and Steve Gover had four childrne- Ernest, Marie, George and Joyce Gorver. Roxie Florine Barrackman Gorver married her second husband Ralph Corbitt, and they live in Ambridge Penna.. Laurence Barrackman made his living in the oil fields© He first worked for the South Penna., Oil Co., as a pampero In 1920 Laurence and his family moved to Ranger Texas, where he worked for the Prarie Oil and Gas Co*, as a driller© In 1922 they returned to Prichards Mill, W© Va©, where they bought a farm* When Laurence Barrackman was appointed Postmaster at BarrackviUe in 192U, they noved into BarrackviUe o Rosa Lee Davis Barrackman wife of Laurence Barrackman died April 28, 192$© Laurence moved to Coropolia Penna©, and worked for Russell, Burdsall and Ward Bolt and Nut Co03 He retired at 6$ years of age, in the year of 19U8o Laurence Barrackman married Nettie BeUingsley in 19$U© She died in 1961 in the spring of that year0 Laurence Barrackman died Jan© 2U=19$0, at Glenwillard Pa©, and is buried at Core Cemetery© Following is the line of James Millard Barrackmano First child of Laurence and Rosa Lee Barrackmano James Millard Barrackman born June 18-1908 at Plum Run W. Va©* James married Erna Frances Hartstang on Aug© U-1927© Erna was born April 2-1908o James saw Erna first on Easter Sunday and followed her home to see where she livedo They both attended the skating rink at Dakota, Wo VSo-and after a few months romance were marriedo They invested in a model T0 Ford-license number 23o92$, and on Oct. 1st, 1928 headed for Crane Texas, where he worked for Gulf Oil- in the oil fieldso Martha Florine Barrackman 1st child of James and Erna Barrackman was B» Oct© 18-1928© Married William Lucas, and they have five children-Nicholas, James Eugene, William, Jennifer Lynn and Cynthia Carol Lucas o They live in Ambridge Penna© o In April of 1929 James and Erna Barrackman returned to BarrackviUe Wo Va.o Erna had been ill, while living in Texas. James carried the mall in BarrackviUe, until he secured a job at Bethlehem mine #1*1* for Bethlehem stills mills in BarrackviUe. Marcella Mae Barrackman 2nd child of James and Erna was B~ in Barrackvills, Oct0 $-1931o She was graduated from Corospolis High School in 19U9« On June 8-1953, she married Captain Allan Chester Biggerstaff B~9-ll-i931o Allan was born in Glenwillard Paoe He was a West Point Cadet * They had been child hood sweethearts © They live in West Point N© I© Captain Allan Biggerstaff is teaching a at the point. They have two childreno lo Douglas Allan Biggerstaff B=9=9=19$U at Glenwillard Pa©©

( 1 •• \ { o c\ 2© Sharon Biggerstaff B=l«=23^1956 in Permassens, Germanyo Mildred Bessie Barrackman born in BarrackviUe Wc Va. on Augo 8-193$ was the 3rd child of James and Erna Barrackmano Mildred graduated from Corospolis High School in 19$U© and in that year, on Aug. 6th0, Mildred Barrackman married Ronald Dale Kulchak-who was B~ July 7«1932© They have 3 children lo Richard Craig Kulchak B-> NovQ U=19$$ 20 James Micheal Kulchak B» Nov© 19=19$6 3© Kelly Renee Kulchak B- July© 2$-196l James Millard Barrackman and Erna his wife left BarrackviUe Wo Va0 and secured a position with Russell Burdsall and Ward in Corospolis Pennaoo On. Deco 6~19U1 tee fourth daughter of James and Erna Barrackman was born0 Stella Louise Barrackmano Stella Louise used only the name Louise$ and was graduated from Moon High School in June of 19$9© Louise Barrackman then went to work for the Dravo Corp- Pittsburg Pa.© The fifth and last child of James M© Barrackman and Erna Frances Hartatang Barrackman was Erna Francis Barrackman B- Dec* 2-19$3o Erna died five months later on May lU, 19$Uo The James Millard Barrackman family now reside in Pittsburg Penna., not to far away from where an earlier Barrackman, Peter Barrackman had a ferry service on the Mbnongahelia River in 177$o

Stella Louise Barrackman submitted the entire Geneology of her family line©

Issac Barrackman, son of John and Barbara Pickenpaugho also had a daughter, Elizabeths Elizabeth is the 2nd child of Issac and Mary Fetty 2© Elizabeth was born 3-23-18U0. D-U-13-1891, Married David J. Eddy© David is the son of James Eddy B-$-19-l83$, died U-22-1908© Parents of Issac Lutner Eddy B~186U D-1920- and James Clark Eddy. 3© Delila is the daughter of Issac and Mary Fetty e Delila was born 18U9© Married Millard Campbello Uo John Calvin Barrackman was last child of Issac and Mary© John Calvin Barriekman who lived on Pedlars Run, has his house destroyed by firs $-23- l87Uo The family was away from home,. All they had left was tee clothes on their backs, no insuraneeo John Calvin was a mail carriero He drove a pair of beautiful black horses. The hours were long and the roads were roughs He resigned as Morgantown mail carrier in 19200 He was president of the Christian Endeavor Society for Dall's Run Church in 1913 a At an earlier date John Calvin was vice president of the group of farmers who formed a company to have the telephone installed from Pedlars Run to Morgan- towna Cassville, Moorsville and Blackville, year of l89$o John Calvin Barrickmans daughter Julia Etta Barriekman married Norman Garrison© Norman Garrison was born 8-18-1869. He died 11=18-1953© Julia Barriekman Garrison and Norman Garrison had twelve children© Freda Bess Garrison married Earl L. Core© Because Mr0 Earl L. Core has written « Chronicles of Core"-I won't go into this family history other than to say Earl L3 Core is chairman-Department of Biology at West Virginia University College of Arts and Sciences at Morgantown West Virginia©

Nimrod Barrickian was the last somof"JAi^a and John Barriekman© The Son of Henry Barriekman immigrant Barriekman to West Va»© Nimrod Barriekman was born 1821 and died in Feb. 6=187$. His first wife was Elizabeth Anne Cole0 They were married May 22-l8U$o Elizabeth

'-• ~i 91 was born-1826 and died 7-25-185U© She is buried in Barrackman Cemetery No© 1, Monongalia Co0, W© Va.. Nimrod and Elizabeth Anne had two daughter* lo Marion Barrackman B»l8U8« 2o Sophronia Barrackman B»l8$l0 It is reported two sons , names unknown* I would like to have help in finding out these children and their kino Nimrod Barriekman married his 2nd wife Mary Moselle Crawford and had 9 childreno Mary Moselle Crawford was born in 183U and died in 1913. Their children are as follows* lo Nancy Agnes Barriekman who married Bavid S* Brewer0 They had a large family© 2« Almeda Barriekman B- i860 D- 186$ 3o David Barriekman B-1870 D-1870 Uo Elizabeth Barrlekman^ died young $0 Robert Barriekman- never marries 60 Charles Mc Claine Barriekman B-3-12-1868 at Cassville, West Va., Charles died 12-27-195Uo He is buried at East Grove Cemetery at Morgantown WD VaCo He married Oct© IO-I89U. Lenore Hackney B-7-13-1868© Lenore was born in Monongalia Co©, W. Va«o Lenore Hackney died $-18-1928* They had three sons* lo Crawford Sanford Barriekman B-10-29-190$© Crawford married Elsie Merle Cook in 1928e They have two girls, Marquerlte Lenore and Shirley Lee, and one son Kenneth Barriekman© 20 David Samuel Barriekman B-2~20-1908o David is single© He lives in Morgantown West Va0, where he is employed as afloal chemist © 3© Milton Robert Barrickman-Twin to David B-2-20-1908o Milton was killed in an auto accident in 1957 c He was employed at that time as Medical Technician in the Veterans Hospital, at Clarksburg Wa Virginiao 7. Lucy Barrickma»=never marries 80 Kughn Barriekman born Cassville West Vae B D-9-9-19U2. His wife is Estelle Hartley B-10-11-1877 at Shannon Run Green Countya Estelle is the daughter of Sarah Headly and Elijah Hartley© Estelle married Kughn 3-I2-I899© They have $ children* I© Harry M0 Barriekman B-6-13-1900 Morgantown West Virginia^ Married Virginia Howdershelt, Virginia B~ Sept 1907* The first child of Harry and Virginia is Martha© lo Martha Barriekman 3=1-30-1932 at Morgantown. She marries Leon Marshall, they have U childreno Glenn Allen B-l-30-19$2© George B-$-$-19$Uo Virginia Ann B=4*-30-19$S© Mary Martha B-7-7-19$6* 2© Second child of Harry and Virginia Barriekman Mary (twin to Martha) B-l-30-1932 © Mary marries Marvin McNair© They have a child David B^ll-20-1960o 3o Third child of Harry and Estelle is Charles Melton Barriekman B- 7-8-193U* Morgantown West Virginiao 2. Charles Mc Clain Barriekman son of Kugh B-II-7-190U9 staP Ci*¥ West Virginiao He is an attorney at-law, Beaver Penna0o Cnarles has U children © 3» Mary Barriekman B-7-2U-1902, was killed by a truck 9-23-1928©, daughter of Kughn Uo Sarah E„ Barriekman B»lO=>lU=1906- single lives in Morgantown West Virginiao, daughter of Kughn 5o Ray E, Barriekman B-4*-l8-1912 at Cassville W. Va© Dr© Ray E© Barriekman holds an Ae B© degree from the University of West Virginia; an LLoB© from the University of Arkansas and a Pho D. from the Neotarian

f nt>Ql College of Philosophyo He has also done graduate work at Geneva College, George Washington University and the University of IdahOo Since World War 11, his lively curiosity has taken him into many sections of the world to uncover historical data, he being a relent­ less searcher into origins. Aside from a busy law practive in Arlington, Virginia, Dr© Barriekman lectures as a Professor of Finance at the Strayer College of Accountancy, and also at International Business Machine, Inc0 During hia sojourn in Washington, he has become a member of the Warren G. Harding Masonic Lodge No© 39; a manber of the Columbia Commandery No© 2 K© T., and a Shriner. He is also a member of the Washington B. P. 0, Elks No* 1$» 6o Van Ara Barriekman, the youngest son of Nimrod Barriekman was B-> Sept 20-187U, near Cassville, W© Vae Van was only $ months old when Nimrod Barriekman diedo There were many hard ships dice to Nimrods death, but Man was strong and quick witted and a willing workedo They ran their dads farm-end Van attended the district school. He later entered Fairmont State Normal-as he wanted to teach school a He was there one year-ahd then went on to West Virginia University o He graduated in 1900 with the degree of A, B© from the Academic Dept, and the degree of LL© B. from the college of law0 He was admitted to the bar, Oct© 29-1900* He was an honest man-a lawyer of brilliant speech-end of utmost donation to his clientso Van Ara Barriekman was also a good business manager© He founded Star City W, Vae Organized the Empire Brick Co., in 1901© In 1903 he founded the Deeptone Industrial Company0 This Corporation laid out Star City© Van also organized the Randall Gas Coo© The Star Slass Co.o Iron City Oil and Glass Co0o The Farmer and Laborer's building and Loan Association, and later organized a bank. Van Ara Barriekman was a Mason, On Odd Fellow, The Knights of Pyhias and the Junior Order of American Mechanics. Van Ara practiced law at Morgantown West Va©- When in Pittsburgh Penna.© He was Assistant U. S. Attorney at Pittsburg for 12 years. He was noted for conduction tee KLu KLux Case in the Federal Courts. Van Ara Barriekman conducted the celebrated case, of United States Versus Parry. Van was engaged in over 2300 cases© Van Ara died 7-29-1959. He married Mae Fletcher Jenkins on 1-2- 1906. Mae was born in 1880 at Dubois Penna© Van Ara and Mae have two childreno lo Luicille Barriekman B-12-2-1906© Lucille Barriekman is an artist and lives in Petteburgh, Penna0 2© Van Ara Barriekman Jr., B-3-12-1911. He lives in Pittsburgh Pennao also0 Van Ara Barriekman Si0, was a prominent citizen and an Attorney- At-Lawo He was also a genealogical researcher, and did much work on the Crawford side of his family o Much have been written about Van Ara Barrlckmano Local histories of Monongalia West Va©, and of Pitts­ burgh Pennao, feature hia back ground,, The three girls of John Barriekman and Barbara Pickenpaugh Barriekman Katherine- Sarah-and Louisa© 1© Katharine Barriekman married Henry Bowers His fahter was Simon Bowers

0 0 0 3 & Born-1823o H© was a pioneer resident at Buckeye section, Monongalia? West Virginia© 2e Sarah Barrlokman lived to be 104 years old© Sh® married William RaggSo So Louisa Barrlokman married Draper Cols* SJote also has two.other daughterso Elizabeth who married Andrew Michael; and Anna Barrlokman who evidently did not marry*

We would appreciate any material that can be turned up on the five daughters of John and Barbara Barrlckmano

U 0033 John Barrlokman and Barbara Plckenpsugh Barriekman had a son named Mlohaelc He was born in either 1810 or 1812c Mlohael married Nancy Kelly on December 13th„ 1830. She was the daughter of Jamas Kelly and born in 1813o Mlohael Barrlekman died before 1850—as the census for Monon­ galia County shows Nancy a widow with six children© Mlohasl Barrickman's heirs are mentioned In his will. Follow­ ing aMe the children of Mlohael and Nansy Barrlokman© 1. Hannah, born In 1834. No further knowledge© 2. Ell, born In 1836© He married Matilda? 3© Alexander, born on March 10th, 1838o He married Rebecca Wise- 4. Joshua, born on August 13th, 1840o He married Elizabeth ? 5© Narclssusp born In 1843© SHe married Noah Henderson who was born In 1835© Noah was ths son of David and Elizabeth Henderson© Narcissus and Noah married on March 20th, I860© The 1850 census reports that Narcissus was born In 1843o Her wedding license states that she was born In 1835© 6o Nancy, born In 1845© No further knowledge© Following Is the*line of Alexander, the second son of Mlohael and Nanoy Barrlekman© Alexander Barrlokman was born on March 10th© 1838 In Monongalia County, West Virginiao He married Rebecca Wise on September 20th© 1857© She was born on April 19th, 1837 and died on March 9th, 1882, Alexander land Rebecca had three children© The i Irst child was Samuel Dempsey Barrlokman© Hs was born on March 3rdj 1858© Samuel D0 Barrlokman married Eunice Trlokett on September |4thP 1879Q Eunice was born on November 10th, 1862© Samuel Do Barrlokman died on March 4th, 1931© He la burled at Penn, North Dakota? Sim children were born—all at Memphis, Missouri, Scotland County© 1© Bulah D. Barrlokman, born on August 29th, 1880 and dlad on March 18th, 1894© 2© Oeorge Victor Barrlekman, born on February 24th, 1882 and dlad on February 21st, 1883© 3© Grace Cleo Barrlekman,, born on September 29th, 1883 and died on May 15th, 1904 In Leeds, North Dakota© She married Don Drew., 4© Prudy Alice Barrlokman, born on January 30th, 1886© She married Goldie A© Chrlstenson who was born In 1884© They were married on September 27th, 1905 In Leeds, North Dakota© So Ray Francis Barrlekman was born on August 30th» 1888© He married Anna Mae Nelson© 6© Bryan Alexander Barrlekman was born on December 28thp 1896c B e married Mildred Rose© After the death of Rebecca Wise Barrlokman, Alexander married u Gallaha .last name 8nown0 Gallsha Barrlokman was a widow with at least ons child© In 1903, the children of Alexander had married, and so signed over property of their father to Gallsha© This took place In the Probate Court in Memphis, Missouri in Scot­ land County.There was Very little personal property and the real property consisted of some property In a small town Arbela In Soot= land County, Missouri , and also lots In Perryville, Missouri. This Is all that could be found on the administration of Barrickmans In Memphis, Missouri. Evidently Alex Barrlekman died about 1902 or 1903,

0 0 C 3 ^ Grace Cleo Barrlokman was the daughter of Samuel Dempsy Bar- Blokman and his wife Eunleee Grace Cleo married Son Drow© There la no reoord of children.. She died at 21 years of age* Prudy Alios Barrlokman married Goldie A© Chrlstenson and they lived In Ssattls, Washington© There la no further Information© The 5th child of Samuel D. Barrlokman was Ray F* Barrlokman* He was born on August 30th, 1888© He married Anna Mae Nelson on May 5th, 1909 at Devil's Lake, North Dakota* They had two childreno 1. Duane Nelson Barickman (spelling was changed) was born on March 2 23rd, 1912 at Devil's Lake, Borth Dakota. He married Jessie M* De&ler© She was born on July 24th, 1916* They were married on September 17th, 1938 at Nashua, Iowa0 They havs one son, James De Ller Barickman, born on May 8th, 1941 In Omaha, Nebraska© 20 Joann Francis Barickman was born on Juno 5th, 1922e She married Arnold Hando Bryan Alexander Barickman was the last child of Samuel and Eunice Barrlekman. He was born on December 28th, 1896 at Memphis* Missouri. Bryan married Mildred H© Rose at Stanberryn Missouri© She was born on September 5th, 1898© They had two children* lo Bryan Allan Barickman who was born on February 25th, 1921 at Graftan, North Dakota, Walsh County; and 2© Marllan Barickman who waa born on May 23rd, 1930 at Havre, Montana In Hill County© Bryan Allan Barickman married Mary MoCune who was born et Havre, •ontana© They had"the following children: 1» Mary Margaret Bar- lokman, born on September 8th, 1944 In Seattle, Washington© 2. Linda Barickman, born on September 19th, 1948 at Pueblo, Colo­ rado* 3© Rlohard Allen Bareokman, born on December lat, 1955 at Denver, Colorado© and 4© Robert John Barickman, born on November llth$, 1956 at Albuquerque, New Mexloo© The second child of Bryato Alexander Barickman and Mildred was Marllou (Marllan)* She married Mlohael J© Hawk who was born In Terry, Montana© They have four little girls, all born In Yellowstone County In Billings, Montana© 1© Candace Hawk, born on December 6th, I960© 2© Constance Hawk, born on October 24th, 1952© 3© Carrie Hawk, born on September 18th, 1955© 4, Catherine Hawk, born on August 18th, 1957© Alexander Barfilokman and Rebecca Wise Barrlokman Saad twins born on March 5th, 1870s Elizabeth and James Kelly Barrlekman© Elizabeth Barickman was born on March 5th, 1870 near Memphis, Mlsaourlo Elizabeth Bartkkman married John William Walker born on February 16th 1868 In Memphis, Missouri. They were married on April 1st, 1888© John Wo Walker died on March 24th, 1944 and Is burled In Portland, Oregone His father was Cyrus Co Walker© His mother was Mary Molly Hendrix© Elizabeth Barickman Walker died on April 4th, 1936* Following at the ten children of Elisabeth and John William Walker© 1© Cleo Myrtle Walker was born on August 18th, 1889 at York, North Dakotao She married Sherman B. Williams in Claresholm, Alberta, Canada 20 Iva Inez Walker was born July 5thP 1891 at Devll«s Lake, North Dakota© She marrltd Duncan Gardlner0 3© Merna Irene Walker was born on March 3rd, 1897 at Leeds, North Dakota© 4© Merle Walker, born on August 12thc 1895P at York, North Dakota= 5© Lean Alexander Barrlokman Walker, born on February 16th, 1892 at Pleasant Lake, North Dakotao 6© Raymond Walker, born on February 16th, 1892 at Pleasant Lake* North Dakota© (These last two are twins). 7© John Willard Walker, born on October 50th , 1900 at Pleasant Lake, North Dakota* 8© Chaster Cyrus Walker, born on July 25th at Pleasant Lake, North Dakota* 9© James Glen Walker, born on February 29th, 1904 at Pleasant Lake, North Dakota© 10© Grace Elizabeth Walker, born on February 29th, 1904 at Pleasant Lake, North Dakota© Cleo Myrtle Walker, the daughter of John and Elizabeth Barrlokman Walker, was born on August 18th, 1889© Cleo married Sherman Bennett Williams who was born on May 91st, 1886 at Kolo, Iowa© They were married on July 22nd, 1908 at Claresholm, Alberta, Canada© Sherman Bennett Wllllama died at Raymond, Alberta, Canada, on January 21str. 1959© They had eleven children, all born In Canada© 1© Kenneth Stephen Williams e born on June 13th, 1909 at Stavey0 Albertac He died on July 28th, 1958© He married Joan Carman on October 10th,1924, 2© Francis Elizabeth Wllllama, born on July 22nd, 1910© She was married on November 19the 1937 to William Williams© So John Wesley Williams, born on August 16th, 1912© Hs was married on July 28th, 1954 to Maurlne Day. 4Q Inez May Williams was born on May 30th, 1914 at Claresholm, AlbertSo She married Edward Kasner on January 16th, 1935© 5© James Sherman Wllllama was born on December 8th, 1916 at Many- berries, Albertac He was married on June 8thp 1943 to Bessie E© C© Moore© 6C Clifford Walker Williams was born on August 16th, 1920© He was married on March 8th, 1940 to Elsie H© Brown© 7. Leslie Walker Williams was born on August 12th, 1925 at Raymonds Alberta and was married on November 14th, 1951 to Leah Henrle© B0 Donald Walker Williams was born on December 17th, 1926. He married Donna Gardiner©. 9© Clarke Walker Wllllama, born on May 19th, 1929 and died on Septem­ ber Uth, 1930© s 10© Marie Williams, born on September 24th, 1931e She married Ste° phen Smolnlcky on June 30th, 1951© 11. Hazel Williams was born on October 21st, 1933, She was married to Stewart S© Dickenson on December 27th, 1951©

Following la an Interesting letter from Mrsr Cleo Williams© Magrath, Alberts, Canada November 19th, 1960 Dear Miss Barekmant I have some memories which eame from my mother, she used to tall us hsr people were Pennsylvania Dutoh who cams to Iowa and she always claimed Iowa as hs§ "home state5*© Her mother died when she-my mother-

i • •• y

- -\ -. *> Q U -J v/«jO was twelve years old0 Mothsr went to live with hsr aunt then at Seymore, Iowa, not far from Memphisp Missouri where her brother lived and where In later years she met and married my father© James, her twin brother was also In Memphis and came to North Dakota where hs and his family staysd eight or ten yearso He than returned to Missourio We moved to Alberta some fifty years ago and of them I have loat all traoso Hsr other brother and wife also lived In Dakota and both died there© Their son, Roy, la a well-established business man In Dsvll9s Lake, North Dakota© My mothsr and fathsr were married In Memphis, Missouri and want to Dakota© My fathsr on a freight train where horses and household goods were being shipped, my mother with hsr nsw ln-laws on passenger train© They unloaded at Devil's Lake, the snd of ths rail and drovs horses ths rest of the wa$? to their "Homesteads*© Of those days I cherish memories—of someyl remember, others as told to me© We had two of our sons serve In World War II—In the Canadian Army, of course© They were among the first to enlist and went through the full time of the duration© Never ssrlously lnfured to body but so changedo They both came home with a wife and children—lovely glrla, after all of the war, one was using a tractor whioh turned over and he was found dead underneath© This Keokuk,, Iowa Interests me, for often have I heard my mother speak of that place and tho I havenH a record to prove the fact, I fell that Is where.her parents lived and where she was born© Do you have the address of any of the Barrlokman'8 who live In Salt Lake/ I do wish I had some Information worth-while to give you© I teach In a private school In a *Hutterlte Colony*, perhaps you have no Idea what that Is, but It la a religious group of people who live In colonies and have everything In common, and In this part of Canada we have, I'd say, at least 25 to 30 colonies numbering In size from 100 to 140 men, women, and children© They are a kindly people and are very-very good to me© This Is my eleventh year In this colony and It almost seems like home—but, 0© how glad I am, I am not a Hutterlteo We—I—have a home In Magrath and go in Friday nights and stay until Sunday; but to be always on the move Is beginning to tell on me© I was 71 years old last August© Hoping I have*been of just a little help© I am yours most sincerely, Cleo Wo Williams Michael Barrlekman, the son of John Barrlokman and Barbara Barrlokman, and married to Nancy Kelly had a son Joshua Barrlokman© Joshua Barrlokman was born on August 13th, 1840 In Monongalia County, West Virginia and died In Seymore^ Iowa on March 27th, 1904c In 1859 Joshua married Elizabeth ? She was fifteen years old, hsvlng bben born In 1845© Their first child wss Nancy J© Barrlokman© She was bos°n In 1859 In West Virginiao Hes° married name was Garrison© Following are the Barnes of their children as listed In the bible of Joshua and Elizabeth Barrlokman and from Iowa Archives, Census Div­ ision© r ,.„ (u» J U o * Mrs© Nancy B© Garrison© born In 1859 In West Virginia© Matilda Sophronia (Mra* Bragg), born in 1864 and dlad on September 28th, 1931© Emms B© Yeager, (had married a Mr© Yeager)© Elmer Barrlokman* Festus Barrlokman Calvin Barrlokman, born In 1872 In West Virginia© Edward Barrlokman, born In 1871 In West Virginia- Ha had a wife* Maud© Sanford Marlon Barrlekman, born on August 30th, 1876; died on Feb­ ruary 26th, 1933 In West Virginia© Claude Pearl Barrlekman, born on April 11th, 1877 In Wayne County,, Iowa; he died on October Bth, 1942© Maud Bo Inskeep, born In 1881 In Wayne County, Iowa© (She had married a Mr© Inskeeoo) Earl Barrlekman, born In 1884 In Missouri© William Barrlokman, born In 1886 In Missouri© One baby-name unknown-had died In Infancy© Following Is the family line of Claude Pearl Barrlekman© Claude married Bertha Ann Whitmore, born on September 3rd, 1878. She died on May 24th, 1956© Following are their children: 1© Mildred Barrlekman married to a Mr© Bartlett© 2© Thelma Barrlekman married to a Homer Andrews© 3© Marjorie Barrlokman married to a Thomas Mehls© 4© Marguerite Barrlekman© Single© Marjorie and Marguerite are twins So Harold Ing Barriekman married to a Junior Herbert© 6© Lloyd Barrlokman© As Lloyd la the only son of Claude Pearl Bar­ rlokman, we shall take up his family line© Lloyd Leslie Barrlekman, born ?, married Mary Florence Fenton on January 4th, 1924. Mary"a mother's maiden name was Ida Reynolds® Lloyd and Mary Barrlokman had three children© Their names were Robert, Charles, and Gary© They were ell born In Iowa<. Robert Bar­ rlokman was born on November 23rd, 1925c He was married on February 2nd, 1946 to Margie Marls Gordon© She waa born on December 28th, 1922 at Centerville, Iowa© She was the ohlld of Lester Gordon end Irene Hostman© Robert and Margie have six children, all born In Appanosae County, Iowa at Centerviller- 1© Robert Barrlokman Jr©, born on April 17th, 1946© 2© Donald Barrlekman, born on March 9th* 1947© 3© Jlmmle Alien Barrlokman, born on November 23rd, 1948© 40 Patrleia Ann Barrlekman, born on September 7tb, 1950© 5© Karon Kay Barrlekman, born on January 22nd, 1952© 6© Leslie Lester Bar­ riekman, born on November 2nd, 1955© Charles Berdeen Barrlokman© the ascond son of Lloyd and Mary Barrlokman^ was born on April 22nd, 1928© He is single© Gary Allan Barrlokman was born on May 1st, 1937 and Is married to Dorothy Gorman© She was born on February 25th« 1936© They have two children: Deana Lee, born on June 10th, 1957, and Lisa Marls, born on December 13th, 1961. **"* ' Earl J© Barrlekman, the son of Joshua and Elizabeth Barrlokman, born In 1884, appears In the 1915 ©ensue for Wayne County, town of Seymour, Iowa© Earl was born In Missouri© He was a harnsas maker» Hla wlfs wss Delhi,, born In 1885 st Huastan, Iowa© They had three children, ell born at SeymourP Iowa© Bernice Barrlokman was bora In 1906© Robert Barrlekman was born In 1907e Wayne Barrlekman was GGD33 >

born In 1909o Other children may have been born at a later date<»c This family moved to Nlwatt, Colorado* Here Earl Jo Barrlokman died© Sanford Barrlokman, the son of Joshua and Elizabeth Barrlokman, appears In the 1915 osnsuso Born on August 50th, 1876 in Wsst Vir­ ginia, Sanford was a traveling salesman© He married So Lena ? who was born In 1886 In Davis County, Iowa© Thsy had three children© These were Harold Barrlokman, born In 1905 In Kansas* Ralph Barrlok­ man, born In 1906 at Seymour, Iowa; and Clarence Barrlokman, born in 1908 at Seymour, Iowa© Calvin Barrlokman, the son of Joshua and Elizabeth Barrlekman^ la listed as living alone at his farm In the 1915 census of Iowao Calvin C© Barrlokman was born In 1872 in West Virginia* Naney Kelly Barrlokman and Michael Barrlokman, the son of John and Barbara Barrlokman—of West Virgin la—had a son, Ell Barrlckmano Ell was born In Wsst Virginia In 1836© Ell married Matilda 1 In late 1856* Matilda was born In 1839 in Virginiao Their daughter*. Jane 3© Barrlekman, was born In 1857© Their aon, Anthony Barrlok- man,, was born In 1659 In Virginia©

00033 CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS FOR THE MICHAEL BARRACKMAN SECTION Samuel D. Barrlokman is burled at Devils Lake, North Dakota. Prudy Alice Barriekman and Goldie A. Christenson had two children: 1. Waldo Ellsworth Chrlstenson, born on July 18th, 1908. He married Eleanor ? They have three children: James, Charles, and Nancy 0hristenson0 ' 2. Alice Patricia Christenson. Roy, not Ray Barrlokman. Joann and Arnold Hand have two children: Larry and Kennetho Bryan Alexander Barickman was born at Grafton, not Graftan, North Dakota© His daughter's name is Marilou, not Marllanc Haroldlns, not Haroldlng Barriekman married to a Junior Herbert. Lloyd Leslie Barrlokman was born on May 15th, 1902. Bobby Barrlokman, not Robert Barrlokman, (the son of Lloyd and Mary Barriekman. Irsns Horstman* not Hostman, (the mother of Margie Maria Gordon). Bobby, Mot Robert, (fro), the son of Bobby Sr. Donald Barrlokman is now deceased* Jimmie Allen Barrlokman Is now deoeasad. Leslie Lsster Barrlokman was born on November 2nd, 1953. Diana Lee, not Deana Lee, (the daughter of Gary Allen Barrlokman).

00039A SCOTL ANO 9 *% \ %$0 tt $ 1


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i o WAYNE COUNTY, IOVV^ f©v>. w^n

CLASkX, LUC MC^KOfc HENRY BARRACKMAN On the following pages will be found copies of legal papers from Lewis and Barbour Counties, Virginia, loaned by the County Court of Phllippi, West Virginiao Henry Barrackman and his younger brother, Nimrod Barrackman, in chancery versus Lathum over deed to land. Henry Barrackman, born in 1802 in Virginia, married Catherine Scott in 1826. Record of this is to be found in the court house at Morgantown, West Virginia. For a period of some thirty years researchers on both the Barrack­ man and Scott families have searched in vain for such Information on the whereabouts of Henry and Catherine Barrackman in the later years of their lives. Unfortunately to date—we do not know when they died, or where they are buried. But as their son, John S. Barriekman, lived in Upshur County, West Virginia; lt Is possible that they are burled in this county. Upshur County was formed in 1851 from Randolph, Lewis, and Barbour Counties, Virginia. The i860 census of Upshur County, Virginia lists Henry, Catherine, and the following children. 1. John S« Barrackman, age 26. John married late in the year of i860 in Greene, Pennsylvania. His wife was Sarah E. Loudin. John had been born in July 7th, 1833 in Cassville, in Konongahella County, Virginia. But he lived most of his life in Upshur and Braxton Counties„ John is the only child of Henry Barrackman and Catherine Scott Barrack­ man that we have been able to trace. His complete line of kin will follow after his father's legal documents. Ths other children at home for the i860 census are: Mariah, age 21; Hannah, age 19; Mary, age 14; Malissa, age 10. The twins, Strather (Strawter), and Francis Ann are not listed, so undoubtedly they died as small children,, The three older children: Maranda, Rachael, and David Barrackman may have married and moved away I can find no records to fit David Barrackman, the son of Henry and Catherine Soott Barrackmano It is possible that David married and moved West as did so many of the younger Barraokmans. NOTE:—MISS HELEN WESP OF INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA HAS THIRTY YEARS OF RECORDS ON THE SCOTT FAMILY—IF ANYONE WISHES TO PURSUE THE SCOTT LINE On various dates, over the months*, the ease of Barrlekman and Lanham appeared and was continued;—first In Lewis County, then In Barbour County, Virginia© The following are notices—articles—papers from the courthouse at Philippic Virginia dated from 1842~1845o

Proceedings In a cause lately pending In the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery for the County of Lewis, on the ehan@ery side of said court© Nimrod Barrackman and Henry Barrackman vs George Bo Lanham at Feb© Rules of 1843, the complainant filed his bill In this causeo

at Maroh Rules 1843 This cause was iiOEi at April * t* n n t» n at May n t» t» 1* n n at June n M t» • :•» at July * n n » « n at August n it n s» !» n at September * » n » n » AT A Slroult Superior Court of Law and Chancery held for> ths County of Lewls^ at the courthouse of said county, on the 18th day of September 18S3 Henry Barrackman vs in George B© Lanham

The Commonwealth of Virginia^ to the Sheriff of Lewis County,, greetings: * You are hereby commanded to summon George B. Lanham to appear before the Jude of the Circuit Superior Court of law and gether with a transcript of the proceedings had therein to the clerk ofsaid County of Barbouro (Transcript from the reoords of ths Circuit Superior Court and Chancery of Lewis County) « 4 December 13th, 1843© uJ^*- John Ta2hott, elerko Nimrod Barrackman vs Gsorgs Be Lanham Answer in Chancery To the Honorable Edwin S* Dune an. Judge Ths answer of George B© Lanham to a bill In chancery exhibited against him In this honorable court by Nimrod Barrackman and Henry Barrackmano The respondent, George Bo Lanham, said hs will mtke proper such Information as deals with said land in question© He answers hs sold to Henry Barraokman 127 acres of said land as ths bill claimed, and that hs also sxeouted to Barraokman ths bond mentioned In said bill© George B© Lanham denies that hs refused to make a deed for said land according to his contract and conditions of said bond© Bute on the contrary, Lanham and his wife went to the house of M&for Roger to make the died at the request of said' Henry Barrackman© Lanham then claims while at Major Roger3a house Henry Barrackman presented him with a deed drawn for the conveyance of 130=1/4 acres, which Lanham rs» fused to sign, saying hm had executed his bond for 127 acres© George B© Lanham said he would sign deed for 127 aore8 according to hla hando This Henry Barrlokman refused to sign© and receive© The respondent (George Bo Lanham) stated by contract of sale Henry Barrackman was to pay for said Ind In Installment-to wit—$125.00 in hand, 75©00 on the 1st of Maroh, 1842; 50*00 on the 1st of April, 1843, 75©00 on the 1st cf April, 1844, and 75©00 on the 1st of April, 1845© Lanham said Henry Barraokman was to have mads a payment on-the 1st of March, 1842® This was to have been made before the making of the deed© Yet said Henry Barraokman failed to pay the same; nor has he paid George B© Lanham anything but the $125©00 which was paid In horses© George B« Lanham elalms Henry Barraokman ? Insolvent^ and that he has no property either real or personal out of mhleh the purchased money have alluded , to could be made, and now having assigned said title bond— Lanham the respondent submits whether dqulty willdecree a deed to said Nimrod Barrackman and leave free to look to said Henry Barrackman from whom George B© Lanham ©an get nothing, unless he makes the same out of the land ? mentioned© 2George B© Lanham denies he Is Insolvent—as Barrickmans elalm, and he Is ready to make the deed ad©ord~ Ing to his title bond and comply In all things with his oontract whenever Henry Barrackman pays him—Lanham the above sums yet due and unpaid on said land© George B©Lanham, having answered Henry Ear= raokman in chancery—prays to be hence dismissed with his ooat8° * ?ll«nW'George B©Lanhem Before the undersigned^ a justice of the peaoe In the ©cuj&y aforesaid personally appeared George B» Lanham and made oath that the foregoing answer contains the truth to the best of his knowledge and belief© {glglES HS®© my hamd this Ninth day of October, 1843© - . ^ William Shaw Virginia At a Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery held for the County of Barbour at the CourtHouse thereof on the 15th day of May 1844 and In ths 68th year of the commonwealth© • Presents the honorable Edwin L* Duncan, a judge of the general court, and judge of the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery for the County of Barbour© Harry Barraokman vs Chancery George B* Lanham

This oause having been transferred from the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery for the County of LewisP In pursuance of ths set of Assembly creating the County of Barbour, It Is ord« sred that the same be.docketed In this Court In the same Sight and condition In whlohh It stood In the Ctroult Superior Court of Law and Chancery for the a" aid County of Lewis. Entered: May 15th, 1844 Edwin Lo Duncac Judge

Virginia At a Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery held for the County of Barbour at the courthouse thereof on the 18th dey of May 1844 and In the 68th year of the commonwealth© Present: The honorable Edwin L© Duncan, a judge of the general court, and judge of the Clreult Superior Court of Law and Chancery for the County of Barbour© Henry Barraokman vs In Chancery George B© Lanham

On motion of theAdefendant by hia counsel he hath leave to file his answer to the aomplalntant 8a bill whloh was here In court ac@ordlngly filed and the complaint ant reply generally, and this cause Is remanded to rule for further proceeding to be had therein© Entered: May 10th, 1844 Bo L© Dun®an Judge© Virginia At a Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery held for the County of Barbour at the court house thereof on the 15th day of October, 1845 and In ths 70th year of ths commonwealth© Present: The Honorable Edwin L© Duncan? a judge of the general court, and judge of the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chanosry for ths County of Barbour© Honry Barraokman va Gsorgs B. Lanham It appearing that the subjsot matter of this oause has been disposed of In another suit, lt Is therefore adjudged, ordered, and dscreed that the bill be dismissed, eaeh party paying hia own oosto EBter: October 15, 1845 Edwin L© Dunean Judge George B© Lanham—Title Bond Know ye all me these presents that George B© Lanham be hold and firmly bound unto Hsnry Barrlekman In the sum of $800000 good and lawful money of Virginia for which I bind myself, my heirs, stOo The condition of the above obligation is sueh that where as ths above bound George Bo Lanham of the County of Lowls and Stats of Virginia hath this day bound unto ths abovo named Henry Barrlokman of the ©ounty and stats aforesaid, contains traek or parool of land containing one hundred and twenty-seven acres© Being the land on.,which Georg® B© Lanham now lives—joining the land of Jacob Rober© The house and Improvements of the above bound George B© Lanham does cause or make to be caused a suffice lent warranted deed In fee simple ? traek or parcel of land against the first day of April next, then the above ob­ ligation to be had—else to remain fullforoe and virtue© Sine sealed and delivered this twentieth day of January, 1842© Gsorgs B© Lanham(seal) Isaae Warmsley (1) For volume received I assign all the matter In title bond to Nlnrod Barrackman© January 4th, 1843* Hsnry Barrlekman Attests James To Hartman »

00047 Hsnry Barraokman vs George Bo Lanham In Chancery* Transferred from Lewis to Barbour Supsrlor Courto Amount of Clerk's cost In Lewis Supsrlor Court: #2*61© Amounts of debts In same county for 46 oents from the records of Lewis Superior Courto John Talbott, clerks Barbour County, Phlllppi, Virginiao

(It Is not known what happened to the case In Chancery Court-Mother than it was dismissed© No records can be found showing It to Jge disposed of In another suit© That this dispute went In and out of court for a Is>h of time Is known, as elderHjF'raembers of the- barriekman kin living In Braxton 6ounty0, West Virginia, recall vaguely hard feelings, eren amoxsg the Barrlokmaas as a'family© The Barrickmans Were and are a tenacious and close mouthed people* They were little gl^®& to social intercourse with others not of their 0WZ5 family group© This holds true of Barrickmans In all areas of the United States „)





0123084 JOHN Se BARRACKMAN Hsnry Barrackman, born in 1802 in Virginia, was a son of John Barrackman and Barbara Plckenpaugh Barrackman. Henry was the first male ohild born to John and Barbara Barrackman in Virginia; the older boys having been born In the state of Pennsylvania. Henry was named after his grandfather, Henry Barrackman, who was a very early settler in Monongalia County, Virginia. After Henry's (II) marriage to Catherine Scott, they moved into Lewis, Barbour* and Braxton Counties, Vest Virginia; while they had many children, ws are able to traoe only the line of John S. Barrlok­ man. John was born at Cassville, Virginia on July 7th, 1833 and married Sarah E. Loudin In Taylortovn, Pennsylvania on December 7th, 1860. Our records from here on are from authentic sources, births—deaths, —wills—deeds—etc, and they have been submitted by these Barriekman kin: carefully soresned by direct kin of John S. Barrlekman and his wife* Sarah E. Loudin. This relative is Mrs. DeCota Barrlokman Varnado. Of David Barraokman, brother to John S. B&rrlokman, we have no knowledge—nor of a much younger brother, Henry, who had a son Clyde Barrlokman. All news or records on these missing men while not anticipated would be greatly appreciated. So if you can add to this line of kin please contact me. Henry Barraokman, brother to John S., also had a daughter, Sarah Barraokman, who married Henry Simons. They lived near Hemlock, West Virginia. Hsnry Simons taught school.



JiJL 3 1962 K528S GENEALOGY OF THE JOHN S, BARRICKMAN FAMILY OF WEST VIRGINIA Randolph County in West Virginia was formed from Harrison County in 1787. It then included all of what is prssently known as Tucker County, part of Barbour County, and parta of Upshur, Pocahontas, and Wsbstsr Counties. Dsspits the latsr loss of con­ siderable land In the formation of new counties, Randolph Is still ths largest county in ths stats. Randolph County has always bean regarded as ths historical oanter of Wast Virginia. Man who ware to Influence the sntlrs country were born and lived in Randolph. The first whits man in West Virginia made their homes there. Grsat battles between the whites and the Indians took plaee within its boundaries. Whan ths French and Indian War had oonoludsd, a new and greater tide of settlsrs pushed westward. This tide came in three streams: one waa by way of the Cumberland into ths lower Monongahela Valley, a second was by way of the Greenbrier into ths Kanawha Valley, and ths third (which has bssn ignored by most historians) travelled along old Indian trails into Randolph County and on westward. This third avenue of expansion has never rscsivsd ths acclaim which it deserved. It was here that the Morgans settled and where ws find the marriags record of David Barrlokman and Pleasant Morgan. There Is also a desd recorded In Randolph County, Wsst Virginia to Pleasant Barrlokman in 1899. DsCota Barriekman Varnado of Washington, D. C. is ths compilor of ths following rsoords on the John S» Barriekman family. Without hsr help none a* the following information would have been made available to me. I wish to thank Mrs. Varnado for her unusual Interest shown In hsr family and for tho rscords which will bs of help to so many others.

0052 Braxton County, West Virginia, was formed from Lewis, Kanawha, and Nicholas Counties In 1836. It was In the vicinity of Braxton County that John S. Barrlokman was borne The area was near Fall Run0 The countryside here Is rolling hillside, beautifully decorated with stately trees. Truly a natural paradise] John So Barrlokman was born on July 7th, 1833© He died on June 29th, 1914. He Is burled In Fall Run Cemetery© John married Sarah Elizabeth Loudin(born October 6th, 1837, died December 13th, 1904)© Sarah lies next to her husband In the Fall Run Cemetery.. John So Barrlokman was one of the early settlers In his communltyc Not too far away Is the town of Gassaway, Wsst Virginia^ Gassaway today centers about the shops and yards of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad© The town Itself was not founded until 1904—as a division point on the railway between Elklns and Charlestown? West Virginia, and named for United States Senator *

Also nearby is Sutton9 West Virginia, ©ounty seat of Braxton County© Sutton Is a trading town for an extensive farming section,, John Do Sutton settled here In 1810© The Barrlokman family made many marriages with the Sutton family of West Virginiao John 3© Barrlekman and his wife,, Sarah, rafted eight children© David Henry, Lloyd, CatIs Mary Elizabeth, Josephine, Loretta, Lily, and Columbus* Following Is the line of David Henry Barriekman—the first born ©hiId. David Henry Barrlokman was born on February 14th, 1863 at Fall Run, West Virginia. David died on January 4th, 189^ and Is burled at Weston, West Virginia? He was murdered by persons unknown© A minister, who was a close friend of the family** tried to find Davides murderer, but evidently he was threatened and was afraid to continue his Investigation. Earlier, a farm hand*who worked with David Henry Barrlekman^ had poisoned his two horses? He was jealous*, and wanted David's Job" In a lumber ©amp0 David Henry Barrlokman married Pleasant Morgan cn June 13th, 1885< She had been born on May 9th, 1866 In Randolph County© Pleasant Morgan Barrlekman remarried after the death of David Henry Barrlckmane She married Elias Zickefoose and they had three children© Pleasant Morgan Barrlokman Zickefoose died on May 29th, 1942„ Pleasant Morgan was the daughter of Charles Morgan (born on June , 1827} and Ellen Moreno Pleasant is a direct kin to Morgan ap Morgan£> who Is oredited with being the first white man to build a permanent home In what was then Virginia© Later Berkeley County, the home of Morgan ap Morgan^ became a part of West Virginia*

Morgan ap Morgan received patent to 1000 acres of land in Western Virginia. In 1726 and 1727 h© built a log cabin near Bunker Hill on

00953 Mill Creek, In Berkeley County® West Virginiao He did not settle there with his family until 1730© Morgan ap Morgan was born In 1688 In Wales He came to the colonies as a young mano He was a captain of the mll« ltltt9 served as a justice, and was active In affairs of the state© Morgan ap Morgan built the first established road In the state of Vir­ giniao This road was built along an early Indian and buffalo trail© The first Protestant Episcopal Church was built by Morgan ap Morgan in the year of 1740o It was ©ailed the Mill Creek Church© Many Germans from Pennsylvania came Into this region, and when George Washington was surveying land for Lord Fairfax In 1748 and 1749, °60, and»51, he re^or1;ed many squatters of German origin© In Berkely County, Virginia, during the time of the Revolutionary War we have record of Mlohael Barrlokman, also spelfe Bargman, and Bar­ raokman© While In Berekely County, Mlohael furnished supplies for the men engaged In freedom's fight against the British© He supplied pro~ visions and helped transport the slok and the Injured© Mlohael Bar° rlokmttn and his family will appear In "The Barrlokmans of Maryland* edited by my partner,- Mr0 Hank Jones

Jacob Barrlokman served from Jefferson Countyfi Virginia—later a part of Kentucky© He was a private during the Revolutionary War- served under Captain Michael Humble in one of Colonel George Rogers Clark°s units* Jacob had 100 acres of land In Berkeley County, Vir­ ginia In the year of!784© The record on this Is found In the Martlas- burg Court House In Virginiao Ja@ob and John Barrlekman are sons of Michael and Eva Barrlokman who moved Into Maryland© Jasob Barrlokman and his family moved Into Kentucky? His story will appear In *Barrlokmans of Kentucky and Pioneers of the Early West*c There seems little doubt that the Morgans and the Barrlokmans knew each other veil from early days In Berkely and surrounding © oust rys Ide© ZaohqulXl Morgan was a son of Morgan ap Morgan nZa@hn reached what Is now the site of Morgantown, West Virginia, In 1767© He and the other men In his party ©learned land and ere©ted two forta and some log

oJJol houses© The forts were Fort Kern and Fort Morgano By 1781 land belonging to Za©h Morgan was laid off in lots for a town<> In 1783 the seat of Monongalia County was moved hereo George Washington came to Morganstown in that year to ©onfer with Colonel Zaoh Morgan as to the poaslbllltlea of building or producing an Inland water way or land route to the west through Virginia territory© Charles Morgan, the father of Pleasant Morgan, was a grandson of Zaehqulll Morgano David Henry Barrlekman and Pleasant Morgan Barrlekman had five children: Oscar L©, Thomaa Wooden, Lulu Blanche, Lewis Morgan and David Henry Barrlokman Jr© Oscar L© Barrlekman, the son ftf David Henry and Pleasant Bar­ rlokman, and grandson of John So Barrlekman, was born on March 29th, 1888, at Fall Run «West Virginiao Oaoar married Blanche Lillian Jones on January 5th, 19170 Oscar served In World War lo He was the cashier of the Ploken Bank, later did bank work In Elklns, West Virginia© Prior to that Oscar Barri@kman taught school© Oscar L© Barrlokman and Blanche Lillian Jones Barrlekman had three children: Evelyn, Charles, and Thelma©

00055 The second son of David Henry Barrlokman and Pleasant Morgan Barrlokmi

Thomas Weeden Barrlokman was born on April 4th, 1890 In Weston, West Virginia© He married Fannie Wegman on April 1st, 1923© Fannie Wegman Barrlekman was born In Zurich, Switzerland, the daughter of Hsnry Wegman and Fannie Baehman© They had eleven children, all born in Adolph, West Virginia© Thomas worked In the lumber business and was also a forest ranger© He served In World War I© The Children: 1. DeCota Ernestine Barrlokman (born April 28th, 1923) was married on September 19th, 1958 In Washington, Do C©, to Damon Wilson Varnado9 DeCota works for the American Security and Trust Companyo Damon works for the Do Co Transit Companyo Damon Varnado served In World War II and won the Purple Hearto 2© Carrie Lavonia Barrlekman (born January 1st, 1925) was married on July 31at, 1947 in Oakland, Maryland to James Ray Kelly Jr© James was born on June 6th, 1926© James served In ths &ss$i In World War II© They have two children: 1. Daniel Ray Kelly, born on February 16th, 1957, and died on January 20th, 1958§ Pamela Ann Kelly, born on December 31st, 1958© Carrie has a hat and material shopn So Slboney Zepplln Barrlokman (born November 3rd, 1927) married Jessie Stiles (born September 18th, 1929) In Cleveland, Ohio on November 26th;, 1949. Thsy have two ©hlldren, both born at Cleveland, Ohio: 1© Dolores Ernestine (born June 1st, 1950) and Slboney Randell (born November 26th, 1955). Slboney Barrlokman served In World War II© He ijas moved from Cleveland, Ohio, to Adolph, West Virginia© 4, Sllvy Madontia^arrlckman (born May, 19th, 1928) married Rox Huntei Drew on July 23rd, 1949 In Washington Do C© They have one child, Pleasant Madonna Drew C born on Deo ember 23rd, 1951 at Bethsada, Maryland© Rex Draw was born In Wellsboro, Pennsylvania on Deoember 13th, 1927a He served In the marines In World War II© Rex Drew Is a superintendent for a pre-fab housing project In New York® Sllvy Barrlokman works for Remington Rand© So Louise Carolina Barrlekman (born January 25th, 1930) works In Washington D© C© as an operator for the telephone Company, and Is also employed by Warner Brothers Theatre© 6* Manila Matilda Barrlekman (born on February 2nd, 1932) married Richard Jo Yokum on April 21at, 1951 In Elklns, West Virginia© Ther have one ©hlld, Keith Lynn Yokum, born on December 21st, 1951. Richard Yokum served In the navy In World War II© He works for a ©oal Company and Manila Is employed In a ©lothlng factory* 7. Hfinry David Barrlokman was born on April 4th, 1934 and died on April 8th, 1934o

00056 80 Utah Ogden Barrlekman was born on March 24th, 1938© He married Beatrles Currenoe at Oakland, Maryland on December 8th, 1957* Beat« rice was born on February 2nd, 1940„ They have three children; 1<»• Cries Deanp born on September 22nd, 1958; 2© Dale Thomas, born on January 14th« 1960; and 3C Sandra Kay, born on November 6th, 1961<• o The three Barrlokman.children were born at Elklns, West Virginiao Utah Barrlokman works for the Elklns Monument Works*

90 Kendoll Franklin Barrlokman was born on November 18th, 194lo Hs works for the district government and lives with his sister, Louise Barrlckmano

10o Elsie Barrlokman was born and died on February 2nd, 19430 11© Waltsr Werner Barrlokman was born on November 12th, 1945© He is a senior in high school©

The third child of David Henry Barrlokman and Pleasant Morgan was Lulu Blanche o Lulu Blanche Barrlokman was born on June 30th, 1892 at Weston, West Virginiao Lulu Married Jaoob Miller on January 25th, 1911 at Oakland, Maryland0 Jacob Miller was born on April 27th, 1879 in Bar~ bour County, West Virginia© His father was Isaac Miller and his mother was Amanda Foreman© Lulu Blanche and Jaoob had two children; 1© Juanita Virginia Miller; and 2* Franklin Arthur Miller© I© Juanita Miller was born on October 30th, 1911 at Elklns, Wsst Vlr= ginla© She married Melvin Wadsworth Rlos In Cumberland, Maryland© He was the ©hlld of John Rice and Ida May Wadsworth. Juanita and Mel» vln had three children: 1* Barbara Blanche Rice, born December 11th, 1934; she married Donald Parsons on June 12th, 1953© They have two children and they are now divorced© 2© Virginia Mae Rise, born on September 27th, 1936. She married Dale Jobson on February 27th, 1966o They now have two children© 3© Phyllis Ann Rice, born on April 10th, 1939© 2© Franklin Arthur Miller was born on April 14th, 1918© He died at Mill Creek, West Virginia on April 7th, 1928<• r Lulu Blanche Barrlokman Miller divorced Jacob Miller—who had been married three times--and married In New York, her second husband, Charles A* MadsOq Charles was born In Italy on February 2nd, 1886; the child of John B©. Madeo and Maria Gallerea© The Fourth chlld> of David Henry Barrlekman wson of John S© Barriek­ man) and Pleasant Morgan was Lewis Morgan Barriekman, born on January 28th, 1894 in Weston, West Virginia* He married Emsle D® Gooden on November 16th, 1920 at Cumberland, Maryland© Emsle was born on April 6th, 1901 at Adolph, West Virginia: —the ©hlld of Willis Gooden and Maude Lloyd© She died fen December of 1926. Lewis Morgan Barrlekman

03357 and Emsle Gooden Barrlekman had three children;—1© Bernadine Unite; 2* Cordelia Juanita; and 3© Emmett Maurloe<>o 1* Bernadine Unite Barrlokman was born on September 16th, 1921 at Adolph^ West VlrglnLa© She marfled Radford Samuel Feathers on October 30th, 1944 at Baltimore, Maryland* He was born on March 13th, 19200 They have one ©hiId^born on Deoember 21st, 1947 at Johnson City, Ten­ nessee: Karen Darlene Featherso 2« Cordelia Juanita Barrlekman was born on April 10th, 1923 at Adolph„ West Virginia© She married Lehman Peterson Jre at Jamestown, New York on August 28th, 1949© They havs four children:— 1© Christina Marls Peterson born on December 22nd, 1950 at Jamestown, New York; 2© Stephen L&hman Peterson, born on February 19th, 1952 at Elklns, West Virginia; 30 Ann Lemoyne Peterson, born on October 19th, 1954 at Jamestown, New York; and 4© Susan Morgan, born on Oetober 18th, 1956 at Jamestown, New Yorko 3© Emmett Mauri©e Barrlekman was bornon August 23rd, 1925 at Adolph, Weat Virginia© He was married on May 26th, 1951 at Dakota^ Illinois t© Dorothy Lucille Toelke who was born on May 17th, 1930 at Rock City, Illinois© She was the child of Elmer William Toelke and Elsie Pleper© Emmett and Dorothy Barrlekman have two children; both born at Freeport, Illinoisr They are 1. David-Lelnls, born on Ootober 7th, 1953; and 2© Mark Morgan, born on March 26th, 1957© Lewis Morgan Barrlokman, the fourth child of David Henry Barrl©k<= man, married his seeond wife—Beatrlee White Kelly—on March 28th, 1931 at Elklns, West Virginiao Beatrlee White Kelly was ths ©hlld of AlonzO Welmath Whits and Mafthe Alios White© To this marriage four children were born: 1© Carroll Gall Barrlekman; 2© Norma Elaine Barrlokman; 3* Dona Morgan Barrlokmans and 40 Shirley Jean Barrlskman© lo Carroll Gall Barrlokman, born on November 4th, 1931, at Mill Crssk , West Virginia, married on March 27th, 1954 Laverna Gay Jonas© She was born on December 9th0 1935 at Dally, West Virginia© Her father9s name was Virgil D© Jones and her mother was Dora Vanscayo Carroll and Lavsrna Barrlekman have one child, Dora Belle Barrl©kmanc born on February 6th, 1955 at Elklns, West Virginia© 2© Norma Elaine Barrlekman was born on May 8th, 1933 at Mill Creek, Wsst Virginia© Norma married Clarence Newton Warmsley on June 29th, 1951© Clarence was born on August 28th, 19S8 at Mortervllls, West Virginia© Hla father was Charles Newton Warmsley and his mother was Erma Ellzabsth Hogano Norma Barrlekman and Clarence Warmsley have two ©hlldren 1© Betsy Jane Warmsley, born on July 22nd, 1953; and 2© CharIss Morgan, born on May 7th, 1955© Both were born at Elklns, Weat Virginia* * 3o Dona Morgan Barrlokman, born on March 3rd, 1938 at Dally, West Virginia© She Is unmarried©

0 Dl»oJ 40 Shirley Jean Barrlokman, born on May 30the 1946 at Elklns, West Virginia©

The last born child of David Honry Barrlekman and Pleasant Morgan Barrlokman was David Henry Barrlokman Jr© David Hsnry Barrlokman Jr* waa born In 1896* He married Emma Loudin© While his four children were still small, David Henry Bar­ rlokman Jro was killed In an accident* His ©a& stalled on a railroad track and a train hit him* He was blown to pleoes and was burled Ln a rubber envelope© His ohlldren were:— 1* & Paul Barrlokman, born In Adolpha West Virginia and is now married,3 J&2© Chester Barrlokman©^ ^lomana°iaveae8tiilonfe&tyo y .X\_ lereabou^ So Wilma Barrlokman. Had ohlldren by her first marrlage«<=had two marriages, no Information© 4» Eldora Barrlokman, married Herbert McBride. No other Information© The second child of John S© Barrlekman and Sarah Elizabeth Loudin was Lloyd Barrlokman© Lloyd Barrlekman waa born In 1870 and died In 1927. He was a farmer. Lloyd's earlier years were spent on the John S© Barrlokman homestead—adjacent to the home farm Is ths Fall Run Csmetery where Laoyd and his wife, Florence Casto Barrlokman, are burledc Lloyd later purchased land on the Little Kanawha River—about ten miles from the home farm© Here Lloyd and Florence Barrlokman reared their children© There were eight: Alva David, Mortis, GertlaP and Orphla, (Gertla and Orphla were twins), Retha, Orvla, Kormlt, and Irma Barrlekman© Alva David Barrlekman was born In 1898 o He married Doohle Eva Bowyer who was botfn In 1900o They had seven ohlldren: Velma Annette, Reva May, Alva David, p°0, Melva Ardaele, Lounotte, Hilda Phyllis, and David Gale© Velma Annette Barrlekman was born on February 6th, 1921 at Gregory, West Virginiao She married James Edward Murphy on November 17th, 1941o They have five children: Scarlet Kay, Saundra, Mltehel, Mark, Paulo Reva May Barrlekman was born on September 2nd, 1922© She married William Gregory on September 27th, 1941. William Gregory died from wounds received In ths war (World War II) on January 18th, 1946o Reva May married her second husband, Raymond Adkins, on February 24th, 1946o They have three children: Jeanle, Ray Lee, and Jeanette Fay Adkins© Alva David Barrlekman Jr. was born on Ssptembsr 4th, 1924© He died on September 8th, 1924 and Is burled at the Fall Run Cemetery In West Virginia. Melva Ardaele Barrlokman was born on December 7th, 1927© She married James Hamrlok on February 15th, 1946© They have three childreno They are James, Patricia Ann, Kern Hamrlok© Llunette Barrlokman was born on December 23rd, 1929. She married Dais Miller Clinton on February 25th, 1950© They have three ohlldren© Hilda Phyllis Barrlokman waa born on February 10th, 1933* She married James S© Williams on June 11th, 1954 <-,

David Gale Barrlokman was born and died on January 8th, 1942D He Is burled at Fall Run Cemetery at Braxton County, West Virginia* The second ©hlld of Lloyd Barrlokman and Florence Casto Barrlek­ man was Mertle Barrlckmano She was born In 1900 and died of diphtheria In 1913©

The third and fourth ohlldren were twins0 Gsrtla and Orphla were born In 19020 Gertla died at birth© Orphla died of the croupe In 1905o The fifth ©hlld was Retha Barrlekman, born In 1903© She married J© Gibson and they have six ©hlldrsn©

r «u The sixth ©hlld xs&a Orvla Barrlokman who married Ruby King* They have six childreno *We would appreciate information on their childreno The seventh child was Kermlt Barrlekman© Hs married Fern Dough­ erty o Thsy had no ohlldren© Kermlt served In the Medical Corps in the far sast during tho war (World War II)* They are now divorcedn The last child of Ebyd and Florence was Irma Barrlckmano She married Thurman Reed* There were no ohlldren*

The third child of John S, Barrlekman and Sarah Elizabeth Loudin was Otis Barrlokman© He married Lizzie Weaver* He was divorced Be never remarried© There were no childreno Otis Barrlokman was burned to death In his home In Bellngton, West Virginia In 1956*

Mary Elizabeth Barrlekman was the fourth child of John S© Bar* rlokman. Mary was horn on September 17th, 1864 and died on January 18th, 1916© Mary Barriekman married Marcellus Clark Bosley (born on January 1st, 1859) and died April 18th, 1927* Three children were born to this union: 1* Dallas Merrll, 2« Ortha lurell, and 3* Lula Marie Bosley©

1© Dallas Msrrll Bosley was born on June 18th@ 1885 at Built ownc Wsst Virginiao Dallas married Lula Effie Sumpter, who was born on June lstg 1889, at Curtain, West Virginia* Dallas Merrll Bosley died May 4th, 1952 at Crewe, Virginia© Dallas and Lula Sumpter Bosley had sight children as follows: 1* Harold D* Bosely(name Is spelled both Bosley and Bosely), born on April 22nd, 1911 and died on August 5th, 1939© He married Vivian _ ? They had one daughter by the name of Betty Louise who, was born on August 14th, 1938© 2* Ethel E« Boselev was bojsn on August 26th, 1914 and married Marshall Cassada of Orewe,'Virginia* They had one daughter® Fanny Lee, who married Jeff Dickey and they have a son ©ailed Douglas Dickey© 3* Mildred A© Boseley was born on Juno 17th, 1916© She married Mellwood Nleoly in Salina, Kansas* There was ons daughters Beatrice* She married ? and there are two sons, Wesley and Johno 4* William H» Bosely was born on April 18th, 1918* He married Georgia f there are no ohlldren© He lives somewhere In Maryland • "ST Irene ?• Bosely was born on December 23th, 1919 and married Richard Johns of Chula, Virginia, There was one son, Rlehard Jr© 6* Ruby Ann Bosely waa born on October 6, 1921* She married Edgar Coehran, Crewe, Virginia. There were three sons: Jerry, Harold* and Clarence Coehran* 7* Marian E© Bosely was born on February 6tfe® 1925* Sho married Morris Englestad, Wichita? Kansas* There wars two daughters: Teresa and Sandra© Be Bstty Louise Bosely was born on February 4th, 1928* She married Rlehard Orrell, Wichita, Kansas* Thro® children: Steve* Davids And Malinda Orrello Dallas Merrll went to ll&gara Falls, New York, when he married, lived there for about seven years, then moved to Crewe, Virginia where he died© 2* Ortha Dure 11 Bosely was born on April 18th, 1887© He was the secOBd child of Mary Elizabeth Barrlokman and Maroellus Clark Boseley0 Ortha married Msrtle Curry (born on July 5th, 1887) on March 21st,, 1911 at Alllngsdale, Weat Virginia* They have six ohlldren* They are 1* Myda M* Bossley, born on January 21st, 1912* died on December 30fch, 1916* Burled In Akron, Ohio* 2* Marnln C* Boseley was born on October 1st, 1913. 3* Amos Bo Boseley was born on May 14th, 1918* Hs was reported missing In motion In the Phillip- pines, March 19th, 1945* 4* Francis W© Bosely mas born on August 10th, 1920* He served In the marines during World War II* 5o Orgfra Dais Bossly was born on August 5th, 1923* Hs served In the army and lost one eye* He now lives In Tennessee© 6* J* Carl Bosely was born on July 29th, 1929* He served In the army during World War lie 5* The third ©hlld of Maroellus Clark Boseley and Mary Eliza­ beth Barrlekman Bosely was Lulu Marie Boaely» She was born on Febru­ ary 6th, 1898 at Bulltown, West Virginia* Lulu married Perry Ralph Rexroad (born on September 3rd, 1896) on November 12th, 1920 at Bull° town, West Virginia* They had two daughters: 1* Leona Mae Rexroad, born on September 7th, 1921; and 2* Edith Rexroad, born on September 5th, 1926. Leona Mae Rexroad married Raymond ®od£rey (born on Decem­ ber 8th, 1920) In Winchester, Virginia® They have five children* Robert Dale, born April 14th, 1941; Billy Gale, born March 9th, 1943; Linda Mae, born on September 20th, 1946; Edith Karon, born on July 1st, 1950; and Penny Irene ^ born on December 30th® I960© Their father» Raymond Godfrey, served in the army during World Wan II© Edith Rexroad, the second daughter of Lulu Marie Bosely and Perry Ralph Rexroad, wasI. ls"cfi*ia on September 5th, 1986 at Bulltown, West Virginiao Edith was married to Charles Kenneth Jarvla (born on September 3rd* 1924)© they now live at Gassaway, West Virginia. Charles served In the army© They have two daughters: 1* Rebeooa Ann Jarvls, born on September 28th, 1952; and 2C Patricia Kay Jarvls,, born on December 7th^ 1956©

The fifth child of John S© Barrlokman and Sarah Elisabeth Loudin was Josephine Barriekman® Josephine waa born on September 7th, 1861* She died on December 23)th* 1932c. She married Allen Outright (born Sept ember 12th, 1858 and Sled July 7th, 1927) on January 15th, 1879 In Perkins, West Virginiao The Cutrlghts were early settlers In the Virginiase Allen snd Josephine Barrlekman ©utright had ten childreno I* Matilda, born on September'8th, 1880 and died on August 8th, 1888© 2p Parley S«, born on October 10th, 1881© 5e Fannie E©, born on May 2nd9 1883© 4© Delay E*, born on April 28th,,1885a 5* Willie 6*, born on June 9thR 1887 and died on October 2nd, 1938* 6* Bess Is M«, born on January 17th» 1890© 7® Henry C0« born on May 15th, 1892* 8* Charles "B90 born on April 5th, 1894,0 9„ Cora J©,, born on July 13th, 1900 and died on July 24th, 1900* 10* Annie Sog born on August 8th0 1903* (Ths deceased are burled at Alton,. West Virginia©)

U J v- O 6 Loretta Barrlekman was the sixth dhlld of John S© Barrlekman and hla wife Sarah©. Lorstta waa born on August 6th, 1871© She married Alfred Kenny Bird (born on August 6thP 1866) on September 20t&, 1899© Alfred and Loretta Barriekman Bird had four children* They were: Wilma, deceased; Russell, born on June 11th, 1902; Grey, born on April 1st, 1906; and Denzll Ray, Born on July 9th, 1909© (This Is all ths Information gathsrsd on Lorstta Barrlokman Bird and her line)

Lily Barrlekman was the seventh child of John So Barrlekman and his wife Sarah© Lily married John(Vaster?! There are three children: Okey© Grace, and Eula© Lily Barrlokman Vaster married twice© (This is all the Information gathered on Lily Barrlekman Vawter and her line.)

The last ©hlld of John S© Barrlekman and Sarah waa Columbus Barrlokman© Columbus" wiiuW& on February 28th, 1872© She married John Andrew Dougherty (born on November 2nd, 1866 near Roanoke, West Vlr= glnla, and died on August 16th, 1935). Columbus died on August 25rd, 1949o She and her husband are burled at Ireland, Wsst Virginia There were seven ohlldren born to Columbus and John Dougherty? They are: 1© Carrle»Lee, Born on May 22nd, 1892© Married a Mr© Wag= goner* she died on February 10th, 1937; Bur la Elizabeth, born on June 22nd, 1893, married a Mr© Traylor, died on December 15th, 1953s 3© Alfa Mae, born on March 27th, 1696© She married a Mr© Snider; 4© Alta Gae, born on May 24th, 1901, married a Mr© Case; 5© Hazel Grey, born on February 8th, 1906, married a Mr© Chandler; 6© Dallas John, born on August 31st, 1909, died on November 23rd, 19580 7© Everetts Dale, born on December 2nd, 1912«

NOTE:—Further Information has been gained on John So Barrlokman from the Department of the Interior, Bureau of Pensions, Washington, D© C©, —as follows: John (W) S© Barrlekman was born on July 7th, 1833 at Cassville* Weat Virginia© John married Sarah E© Loudin on December 7th, 1860 In Green County, Pennsylvania© They were married by a George Harvard, Just lee of the Peace© The record of marriage la found In Taylortown, Green County, Pennsylvania. John So, who Is known as John WJ Barrlokman In the War Archives, Adjutants General Office, Washington, Do C©, was a private In Company Bo, 4th Regiment, West Virginia Cavalry, Volunteers© He was enrolled on the 3rd day of August, 1863 at Buokhannon, Virginia, for six monthsB He was mustered out as Prftrate John Barrlekman at Wheeling, West Vir­ ginia, In 1864* 0005^ an Barrlekman was five feet seven inches© Hia oomplexlon was fair© His eyes were blue© John had light ©olored halrn He was a farmero After service he lived In Falls Mills, West Virginia, Alex­ ander, West Virginia, and Abbott, Wsst Virginia© His pension oer<= tlfloate was Number 342912© When John Barrlokman applied for pension he was seventy-five years old, and lived In Abbott, West Virginia, county of Upshur© John S© Barrlokman was dropped from the pension rolls upon his death on June 29th, 1914, at Palmer, Weat Virginia©

r r f> c NOTE: For those partita who are interested In a similar ditto format for their own geneal­ ogical raoords—pitas t ooataot: MISS MARIAN COLLOR 3925 N. SOUTHPORT AVENUE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Miss Collor will sot up and ditto your material at txoeadlngly reasonablt rates. DAVID SCOTT"S WILL (WITH MENTION MADE OP HENRY BARRACKMAN AND WIPE KATHRINE SCOTT BARRACKMAN)NOVEMBER 26th, 1842 In the name of God Amen, I David Scott of the county of Monongalia and commonwealth of Virginia being of sound mind and disposing memory for which I thank Cod and calling to mind the uncertainty of human life and being desirous to dispose of all such worldly estate as lt hath pleaseth God to bless ms with I give and bequeath the same in manner and form following to wit; that is to say; after all my lawful debts are paid I give the residue of my estate as followeth, I do hereby make this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say, Item I give and bequeath to my loving wife Mary all my household and kitchen furniture and as I have devised my Rich woods tract of land in three lots or tracts by survey lot number one begining at a stone the orlgenal beginning corner of the sieh woods tract of land and with five lines of the same south 35 Bast 94 poles to a sugar tree south 3° East 120 poles to a walnut A Hickory South 24 West 68 poles to a walnut and sugar South 74° East 41 poles to a stone South 23° East 69 i poles to a forked white walnut corner to lot number three and with three lines of the same reversed North 27° East 59 4 poles to a white oak near a small run thence up said run with its meanders North 15 2/3° East 90moles to a white oak dogwood and sugar thence North 64° East 60° J poles to a stone in aline of lot number two and with lt reversed North 66£° West 86 poles to a hickory stump near two Beeches corner to the original thence with the lines of the same North 61° West 74 poles to the beginning containing an ash A hickory North 10 i° West 63 poles to a black oak and white oak West 70 poles to ths beginning containing one hundred and sixty five acres this lot or tract No. one I give in manner and form following, Item I give and bequeath to my wife Mary 1st numfems cms containing one hundred and Sixty five acres to have and to hold during her natural life and four hundred dollars out of the proceeds of the sale of said lot number one she directs in her last will and after her death this lot number one to be sold and ths proceeds be divided in manner and form following that is four hundred dollars to my wife Mary as above stated— Item, I give and bequeath to my daughter Hannah Cheaney two hundred dollars out of the proceeds of the sals of lot No. one item, I give and bdqusath to my son Jefiferson two hundred dollars out of the sale of lot number one : Lot number two being a part of the Richwoods tract of land I give and bequeath to my daughter Maria Huffman during her natural life and then to desend to her legal heirs0 Beginning at a Hickory Stump near two beecEes at B corner to ths original thence with a line of lot number one and lot number three reversed South 36 i ° East 188 poles to asugar and black oak corner to Benjamin Hamilton part of said original thence with aline of the same south 78 $° East 50 poles to a Sugar in a line of the original thence with the lines of the same North 49° East 25 poles to a Sugar chestnut North 25 i East 30 poles to a black oak North 64 &° West 38 poles to a black oak and Dogwood North 19° West 80 poles to two sugars North 35 h° West 70 poles to a white oak and walnut North 45° East 44 poles to a black oak North 67° West 38 poles to two chesnuts South 51° West 98 poles to a Beeoh and Gum Sopth 29° West 22 poles to the beginning containing one hundred and twenty six acres 0 Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Rachel Chlpps lot number three it being a part of the Rich woods tract of land during her natural life and then to desend to her 00065 legal heirs, Beginning at a stone at C. corner to the original thence with a line of the same south 87° East 95 poles to a black oak corner to Benjamin Hamilton part of said original thence with three line of the same North 13 |° East 48 poles to a large white oak North 26° East 46 poles to a white oak North 60° East 36 poles to a sugar A black oak corner to lot number two thence with a line of the same rsvsrsed North 36 i° West 102 poles to a stone corner to lot number one thenoe with three lines of the same rsvsrsed South 64° West 64) 3/4 poles crossing a small run white oak dogwood and sugar thence down the said run with its meanders south 15 2/3 West 90 poles to a white oak South 27° West 59 £ poles to a forked white walnut in a line of the original thenoe with the same south 23° East 13 1/4 poles to the beginning, containing one hundred and eight acres, Item I give and bequeath to my two sons Enoch and Jaoob that tract or parcel of land oallsd the LEmasters tract which I have already deeded to them— Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Phoebe Hess that tract of land called the Soer tract which I have deeded to her and her husband Balser Hess—Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Jemima Neely two hundred dollars which she has already received—Item I give and bequeath to my daughter KATHARINE BARRACKMAN and her husband HENRY BARRACKMAN an obligation on Thomas P. Chipps, agent for AQ J. Smith for one hundred and fifty dollars to be paid in land at cash price in Lewis er Randolph county Virginia which I have already assigned to them also fifty dollars out of the proceeds of the sale of lot number one (of land before mentioned) Item I give and bequeath to my son James one hundred and Sixty two acres of land lying in the state of Kentucky in Muhlenburg oounty near lands of Redmont and known by the Raglan tract of land—Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Clntha and her hpsband Eli Portney two hundred acres of land in the state of Kentucky in Muhlenburg Oounty and adjoining lands of Nots and others and known by tho name of the Corawell tract of land—Item I glvs and bequeath to my daughter Judith Bouslog one hundred acres of land In Franklin oounty Ohio state adjoining lands of Simon Cochran on the waters of Durby Crtek whioh I have already deeded to hsr and hsr husband David Bouslog, and lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint ay wife Mary and my brother in law Jamas Brand Executor of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all other or former wills or temstaments by mo heretofore made in writing. In witness whereof I have hereunto set ay hand and affixed my seal this twenty sixth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty two. David Scott (Seal) Signed sealed published and declared as and for the last will and testament of tho above named David Scott in presents of us. Pstsr Pogle, Samuel Courtney, Caleb Tanzey. I David Soott of the County of Monongalia and State of Virginia do hereby asks this eodloil to my above will in manner and form following that is to say: After mature reflection upon my son Jefferson Scott 00066 and become much better pleased with his behaviour and having due respect for him as a son and hoping that he may be reformed and become a good citizen do therefore desire to amend my above will so far se It relates to him and my wife Mary. Item I give and bequeath to my aon Jefferson after the death of my wife Mary Lot No< 1 (mentioned in my above will) with all ths personal estate that may remain at her death after paying all her debts during his natural life and at his death then to descend to his heirs provided that nothing in this amendment shall be oonstrusd to prevent my daughters Hannah Chesney and CATHARINE BARRACKMAN being paid ths sums bequeathed to them in the above will© In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and affixed my seal this tenth day of March In the year of our Lord one thousand sight hundrsd and forty BlZ. David Soott (Seal)

00067 In Virginia the people west of the mountains had long wished for a state of their own. By late 1801, Virginia had lost the territory lying between the Allsghanles and the . The west portion of Virginia was poor and tho people were over-taxed. Life was hard in western Virginia and the people wanted more land. Most of them were illiterate, even the clerks oould not spell with accuracy. They had to depend on itinerant preaohers, and there were no schools. In spite of many adverse circumstances the people were not given to drink, and there was little drunk- oness. Ths west Virginians wanted schools, roads and public buildings of their own. In the eastern part of ths stats new roads, bridgss, and public buildings wers being built; and all important positions were filled by men in the eastern part of Virginia. When the Civil War came—tho west portion of Virginia wished to take advantage of the ready opportunity: it seoeedsd from ths eastern part of the stats. The sons of West Virginia enlisted in ths Union Army and fought with ths soldiers of ths North! Hu Maxwell statss: West Virginia furnished 36,530 soldiers for ths Union Army—and 7000 for ths Confederacy. Wsst Virginia had "horns guards"—32 companies In all—of stats troops. These home guards defended the counties to whloh they be­ longed.. Thus VJest Virginia owes its existence as a separate state to the ooourrsnoe of the Civil War. Unfortunately"many oounty records ware lost due to the burning of court houses. President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed on April 20th, 1863: that West Virginia would be admitted to the Union. The surrender of Lee at Appamattox sndsd organized resistance to the authority of ths Federal Government. Berkeley Oounty and Jefferson County, Virginia wers addsd to West Virginia In lata 1863. From those counties Jaoob and John Barraokman had served during ths Revolutionary War period? as had Michael. The latter*s services, however, had bean non-military in nature. The lower end of the valley of Virginia was watered by the Shenandoah and Potomac Rivers. Hers we have knowledge of the land- holdings of Peter Barraokman and Fredrick Barraokman—and of Andrew Bergman (Barraokman). The first Inland tlent was a surprise attack made on the Con­ federate oamp In Phllllpl, Barbour County. After ths end of the war wherever possible records of original n n o c Q land grants of West Virginia with the numbers of valuable books, documents, and papers relating to land holdings In the stats prior to the formation of West Virginia wers transfsrod to Charleston, West Virginia. These documents had been In the off lot of ths aud­ itor and registrar in Richmond, Virginia. An aot of legislature gave the authority for this transfer of original records to West Virginia* This transfer then made the records for the state of West Virginia fairly complete. Medals of Honor were to be presented to over 25,000 men who served In the West Virginia Army. This medal contained on one side the name of the soldier with his regiment, battalion or battsry— surrounded by a wreath. On the reverse side we* an appropriate design and Inscription. The medal was to be suspended by a piece of trl-oolored ribbon (oost not to exceed 01.00). There were four variations of medal: 1. For those In volunteer army honorably discharged from service. 2. For those killed In battle. 3. For those who died from wounds received in battle. 4. For those who died of diseases contracted In battle. The medals for the men killed or who died of wounds or diseases In service, were to bo delivered to their families. The engraver--A. Demarost was from New York. The artist who finished the diss was J Segal. The medals wars of oopper finely bronzed. Of 26,099 medals, 3,000 were on hand unclaimed in 1881. Most of ths men who did not. pick up their medal, did not know that they wore entitled to them—and were now living for the most part In western states. Following are the Barrlokmans who served from West Virginia: CIVIL WAR. SERVICE OP BARRICKMANS Veteran's Name Barrlekman, Joshua Residence Seymour, Iowa Occupation Parmer Date of Birth August 13th, 1840 Place of Birth Monongahala County, West Virginia Date of Death Maroh 27th, 1904 Burial Southlawn Cemetery, Walnut Township, Wayne County, Iowa War Record Corp C 14 West Virginia Inf Private K A. G. 0 Virginia: Barraokman, Joshua Enlisted Pvt K 14 Virginia Inf August 20th, 1862 at Blaokwill Age 22 Must. September 16th, 1862, Wheeling, Virginia July-December 1864 On detached duty with Pioneer Corps 2nd Infantry Div. West Virginia, Must, out June 27th, 1865 Cumberland, Maryland Discharged at Wheeler, West Virginia in June, 1865 Application to join G. A, R. Post 186

70 BARRACKMAN (AND ITS VARIATIONS) CIVIL WAR SERVICE FROM THE STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA (ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT) Seventh Regiment of Infantry—Company D (pages 158-159) NAME RANK AGE WHEN MUSTERED INTO SERVICE REMARKS BARRACKMAN, JOHN A. Serg't 21 August 1st, 1861 Supem'y. Disch3d (There is record of a pension application made by consolidation in Kansas.) of regiment. BARRACKMAN, PIERSON Private 36 August 1st, 1861 Por disability, (There is record of a pension application made March 1st, 1862 in Nebraska. Widow was Delilah Shrlver Barraokman.) BARRACKMAN, KINNARD H. (This man was not mentioned in the AGR. His widow, Mary, applied for pension in Kansas.) Service for the three men listed above:—Battle of Port Republio, at the seven day fight before Richmond, Virginia; at the Battle of Antietam* Maryland; also the Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania; and the Battle of Fredrlcksburg, Virginia. BARRACKMAN, SAMUEL Private 44 August 2?th, 1861 Deserted. Tenth Regiment of Infantry—Company K (deaths) (page 184) BARRACKMAN, AARON Corporal 25 November 15th, 186$ Died on May 0 (Buried In Soldiers Cemetery at Grafton, West Virginia) 25ths 1863* Fourteenth Regiment of Infantry—Company I (pages 217-218) BARRICKMAN, GREENBBRY Private 18 September 11th, 1862 Discharged on May 11th, 1865 Company K BARRICKMAN, ELI Serget 26 September 16th* 1862 Deserted on February 10th, 1863 at North Creek, Virginia* (Regarding other Barrackmans in service) Jaoob had his name spelt In many manners while in servioe. Barrac- f man* Barraokman, and Its rightful Barrlekman0 Hs served in Captain Atfcs ' Oo., 3rd Reg0 Va. Cavalry« H@ was mhsterad In near Wheeling, Virginia on October 10th» 1862. His servioe was for three years and he had joined the army at Morgantown* Jacob Barrlekman was a buglar. H® was 27 years old In 1862* He was mustered out of servioe in 1865. He was 30 years oldo He was mustered out at Alexandria, Virginia on June 6th, 1865. He was paid $25*00 of a $100*00 bounty at that time. Jaoob Barrlokman was thirty years—says his company description. Height 5°7". Complex­ ion-light; eyes, blue; hair, light© He was born In Monongalia County, Virginia© He was a carpenter as well as a farmer. Jacob also doubled In as company oook0 He was dismounted at Pleasant Valley. John So, who is known as John W. Barrlokman In ths War Archives, Adjutants General Office, Washington, D. 0*» was a private in Company E., 4th Rsglmsnt, West Virginia Cavalry, Volunteers. Hs was enrolled on ths 3rd day of August, 1863 at Buokhannon, Virginia, for six months, Hs was mustered out as Private John Barrlokman at Whssllng, West Virginia, In 1864. (Had a pensiona)


This Is to certify that reoords on file In this offlee show ths military ssrvloe of CORBY BARRACKMAN in ths Pennsylvania Volunteers (Civil War) to have boon as follows: Enrollsd as Private Oo. L., 159th Regiment (14th Cavalry) at Now Brighton, Pa..*©•..••• ....©24 Mar 1664 ige at tins of enrollment: 18 years...... 24 Mar 1864 Mustered into servioe at New Brighton, Pa. Transferred to Co. E, 159th Reg. (14th Cav.).....31 Jul 1865 Mustered out with Co. B, 159th Reg. (14th Cav.)*.24 Aug 1865


(SIGNED) Richard Snyder Colonel, AG0o,PARNG Dept. Adjutant General


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Thefollowlng section Is in three parts.

1. New information on early Virginia Barrackmans. The settlers In the Shenandoah Valley. If you can add to this or connect these men In any manner to the western Virginia Barrackmans,—please contact me.

2. An interesting letter searching for an early Barraokman kin who came out of the Virginias, you may contact me or Mr. Barrioman In California.

3. Added old deeds we cannot connect In any manner to the Barrlokmans who lived In West Virginia. >

ADDENDA TO WEST VIRGINIA BARIOKMANS WHO LIVED IN ILLINOIS George Lewis Barickman, born In j Marl on County In West Virginia, lived in Henning, Illinois. George L. Barickman died on April 14th, 1945. Hs Is burlsd at Sunset Memorial Park In Danville, Illinois. His grave is marksd with a bronze memorial markes, George was married to Ollie Mo Vredenburgh. As Ollie died first and they had had no ohlldren, his estate was left to the two ohlldren of his brother Frank Barickman. Following are ths names of the ohlldren (adults) of brother Frank Barickman who reoelved Gsorgs L. Barickman°s estate: 1© George F. Barickman of Maywood, Illinois. 2. Lola 0°Tools of Danville, Illinois. - Gsorgs Lewis Barickman had land along the Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad in 1905© He had lot number one in ths Wilson div­ ision, also had lot number one in ths J© Putnam plot of Henning, Illinois, Frank Barickman had land In Pilot Township, Section nineteen, T twenty, No R. twelve. Frank Barickman waa born In 1868 in Wsst, Vir­ ginia—and disd in Illinois on March Uth, 1945© Ada, his wife, waa bom in 1869 and disd in 1915© Ths father of Franklin and George Lewis Barickman was Lewis Barriokman who married Mary Elizabeth Wade on March 21st, 1861.

The ceremony took place in Illinois. They had ooms from Marlon County <• West Virginia into Vermilion County, Illinois. Carbony Barriekman (or Oarberrjr or Corbary), a brother to Lewis Barriokman married Sarah M, Gundlff In Vermilion Comity, Illinois, The marriage date was November 11th, 1869. Carbony died on February 18th, 18709 in Vermilion County, Illinois. Carbony served from Pennsylvania in the Civil War© He was a private in Company L, 159th Regiment, 14th Cavalry. He enlisted from New Brighton, Pennsylvania for one year's service.

0025A ADDENDA. James K* Barickman had three ohlldren, namely: Lester L* Bariokman, born April 18th, 1895, single, never married, Bern in Scotland Oounty, Missouri*

Guy Robert Bariokman6 born in Scotland Oounty, Missouri on August 7th, 1896. Guy had two children, Guy Jr. and Edith* Guy Jr* lives in Columbia, Mo, Edith married a! man whoso last name Is Mardell, A daughter lives in Tampa, Florida, 3202 E, Honry Avenue.

• '-"••• 1 Edith Bariokman, daughter of James K. Bariokman, was bora at Leeds* No Dak* June 15th, 1900, She married Ward Benson and they had two sons* Ons son, Newell, single was killed in an air plane accident just north of Memphis in 1954, Ward Benson Jr., tho other son, has throe daughters still atthome. They live in Kansas city but their street address Is unknown* A Kiss Mardell Bariokman at the Tampa address given above may be able to give more details.

The following le taken from the family Bible of S* D. Bariokman vhioh June Bariokman may wish to add; James Kelly Bariekmas was born March 5th, 1870* also Elisa E© Bariekaaa was born Marsh 5th, 1870. They wore twins, James K, Bariokman and Alice Montgomery were married Oetebsr 29th, 1893. They had three ohlldren* The names* etc are given above. There is no reoord in the Bible of the deaths of James K, or Elisa E. Bariokmant and Lester did not soea to remember anything else about the family off-hand. Elisa, or Elisabeth Bariek8sn"s background is given In June Bariokman"s reoord.

Other Information you asked about: Eunice Barickman died Oct. 4th, 1948 at Billings,, Montana and was buried at Devils Lake, North Dakota, Goldie Ohrlstenson died March 3rd, 1953 la Seattle, Washington. Larry Douglas Hand, son of Arnold and Joann Barickman Hand,was born on Mar 11th, 1946 at Devils Lake, .North Dakota, Kenneth Craig Hand was born December 15th, 1952 at Devils Lake. Samuel Dempsey Barrlekman was bezn on June 3rd, 1858 instead of March 3rdU Alex Barrlokman died March 24th. 1903* Joann Frances Barickman (middle name spelling correction) married Arnold Band cn August 4th, 1945, In Seattle, Washington* (I might add that the Hands are now in the process of moving to Olnotanatti, Ohio)

40A 1 THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION SHOULD HAVE APPEARED ON PAGE 34 UNDER THE FOURTH CHILD OF SAMUEL DEMPSEY BARRIOKMAN, ALICE PRUDY BARIOKMAN. SHE IS NOW MARRIED TO GOLDIE OHRISTENSON © Goldie Chrlstsnson—born 5/22/85 la Missouri. Died 5/13/53 in Seattle, Washington, i Alios Bariokman—born 1/30/86 in Missouri, Died 6/11/54 in Seattls, Washington, Goldie ChriBtenson and Alios Bariokman were married 9/2#>5 at Leeds, North Dakota, CHILDREN Waldo Ellsworth Christenson—born 7/18/08 at Leeds, North Dakota. Died 5/16/59 at Seattls, Washington. Patricia Chrlstsnson—born 3/27/15 at Leeds, North Dakota. Waldo Ohristenson and Eleanor Beatrice Harlowe were Married on 1/3/35 in Seattle, Washington©

Eleanor Harlowe had been born In Miles City, Montana on 8/5/100 THE CHILDREN OF WALDO AND ELEANOR James Harlowe Chrlstsnson—born 2/24/37 in Seattls, Washington. James married Mary Virginia Davie on 7/17/59. Thsy have ons child. Brio James Chrlstsnson born on 8/8/61 at Princeton, New Jersey. Charles Waldo Chrlstsnson—born on 12/13/38 In Ssattle, Washington. Nancy Eleanor Ohristenson—born on 7/5/42 in Seattle, Washington. ' i Patricia Ohristenson and Arve H. Sahl ware married In Seattle, Washington, (Date unknown). Thsre are no children.

40B INDEX- THE WEST VIRGINIA FAMILY OF BARRACKMAN-BARRICKMAN A PAGE Andrew, Michael 33 Husband to Elizabeth Barriokman ' 15 i B Bergman (Barriekman) Michael 54 Barraokman, Isaacs Son of John and Barbara Barrlokman. First child, Hezekiah Barrackman„ Had two wives. The first was Martha Wright. They had two girls; Mary married to David Henderson; and Minerva to Emory Shuman. 27 Hezekiah®s second wife: Hester Ann Tennant. Thay had six children* Simon P0 Barrackman married Martha Jane Tennant. The list of their children. 27-28 Ross Barraokman. Rachelle Belle Barraokman married Nathan Enoch, had eight children. 28 Martha Barrackman, lived with brother Ross 28 Washington Evan Barrackman married Anna Gump, had two sons© 28-29 Barrackman, Jaoob Jr., fourth son of Jacob and Jane Kelly Barraokman. Served in Civil War—lists war reoord. 19 Jacob Jr. married Martha Ann Kelley. Children: Hattie; Maggie; Thomas, married Jennie Ready, Thomas, mayor of Morgantown, W. Va©, two children, Nancy and Mary; George; William A. married Fannie Duff, two sons, William A© Jr0 and Richard Barriokman, both are dentists, both are married have Issue, Served in World War II. 20 Barrackman, James Millard, son of Lawrence and Rosa Lee Barraokman. James M. married Erna Francis Harstung. Have the following ohlldren: Martha Florine married William Lucas© Have f lvs children. 29 Marcella Mae Barraokman married Captain Allen Chester Biggerstaff„ They have two children© 29-30 Mildred Bessie Barraokman married! Ronald Dais Kulchak * Have three children* Stella Louise Barrackman and Erna Francis Barrackman were the last two children of James and Erna Barrackmano 30 Barrackman, John K*, second son of Jacob and Jans Kelly Barraokman* Wife of John K© is Susan A, Layton. Two daughters arf Mamie and Susan Barrackman© Sttsan married to Simon Furman©19 Barrackman, Lawrence, son cf Hezekiah and Hester Ann Barraokman© Married Rosa Lee Davis0 Children: were Mildred Bessie Barrackman, Roxie Florinee Barraokman marriedi Carver, Have four childreno Roxie Florins also married Ralph Corbett. 29 Barriekman, Aaron, seventh child of Jacob and Jane Kelly Barrlokman© War service of Aaron in the Civil War© Wife was Nancy Jans Summers. Daughter was Jane Sarah. Married Jaoob Hall, 22 Son was Spencer Elijah Barrlckmano Married Martha Jans Summerville© The children ware Blaine Barriokman married Ioie Donaldson; Orpho 0, Barrlokman married Otis Shaffer* 21 Orval 0© Barrlokman B&rried Ella Santee. Whitman Barrlckmano Oallie E© Barrickman^f^sr^Sheffer 21 Floyd Co Barriokman married Kurleld Bays* Buell L» Barriekman married Phoebe Susan Looney, Ira S, Barriekman married Grethel Roddick © ! 21 Issue of Floyd C. BarrIokmana Buell L, Barrlekman. Ira S. Barriokman© 21 Issue of Orvll 0o Barriokman and will and testament, 22-23 Addenda to Spsnoer E© Barriekman group and Orvll Barriokman group* 24 Barriokman, Alexander, son of Michael and Nancy Kelly Barriokman* 34 Wifs-Rsbeooa Wise. Three children© Samuel Dempsey* 34 Twins-Elizabeth and James Kelly Barrlckmano 35 Second wife of AlsxandsrBarrlckman, Gallsha* 34 Barrlokman. Alva David, wife Dochie Boyer and ohlldren. 60 Barrlokman. Alva David Jr-, 6o barrlokman. Anna, child of John and Barbara Barrlckmano 11-12-13- 15-33 Barriokman, Barbara, eighth child of Jacob and Jans Kelly Barrlokman. married Thomas Hutton© 25 Barriokman, Barbara 11-12-13 15-33 Married to Andrew Michael 33 Barriekman, Bobby, son Of Lloyd and Mary Florence Fenton 38 Bobby married Margie Marie Horstman 38-39A Six ohlldren, Bobby Jr., Donald, Jlamia Allen, Patricia Ann, Kay, and Karen© 38-39A Barrlokman. Carolina Louise 56 Barrlokman, Caroll Gall 58 Wlfe-Lavarna Gay Jones—ohlldren. 58 Barrlokman, Claude Pearl, son of Joshua and Elizabsth Barriekman© Wife-Martha Ann Whitmore 38 Children, Mildred married Mr* Bartlett. Thelma to Homer Andrews© Marjorie to Thomas Mehls. Marguerite-twin to Marjorie Barriokman. Haroldlne married to Junior Herbert„ Lloyd Barrlokman married to Mary Florence Fenton© 38 Barrlokman, Carbany 25A Wife-Sarah A, Candlff 25A Barrlokmans Oorbery, last born child of Jane Kelly and Jacob Barrackman Sr© 25 War Service* 72 Barriokman. Dana Morgan 58 Barriekman, David Henry Jr0 59 Wife-Emma Loudin, ohlldren 59 Barrlokman, David Henry 53 Wife-Pleasant Morgan 53 List of children of David and Pleasant Barrlokman 55 Barrlekman, Earl J©, son of Joshua and Elizabeth Barriokman, Wife-Delhi© Three children: Bernice, Robert , Wayne Barrickman38 Barriokman, Eli, son of Nancy Kelly and Michael Barrlekman 39 Ell married Matilda? children: Jane and Anthony Barrlekman 39 Ell a war reoord karri ckaasu Elizabeth, child of John and Barbara 15 Barriokman, Emmett Maurice 58 Wife and children 58 Barriekman, Henry, son of John and Barbara Pickenpaugh Barrlckmano Married to Catharine Scott© Children, Miranda, Rachael, David, John, Marian, Hannah, Mary, Strather, Francis Ann 26-42

:? Proceeding In chancery at Lewis' County-Barbour County, Va. 43 Years of 1842 and 1844 44-45-46. 47 Barriekman, Henry, of Core, Monongalia County, West Va.; Oham- bersburg, Franklin County, Pa; Fayette County, Pa. Wife-Abigail Swan Barrlekman of Pa. Early land grants. 1783. 1802. Pedlars Run, W* Va. 7 Sals of land, 1806, 7-8-10 Court orders and appearances, years 1805 and 1806, Monongalia County. 8-9-10 Historical background of Henry and Monongalia Oounty, W„ Va., children listed. 15 Barriokman, Jaoob, son of John and Barbara Barriokman. Wifs of Jaoob—Jans Kelly, Ohlldren: James, Mahalla, John, Mlohael, Jao­ ob Jr., Jane, Aaron, Barbara, Lewis, Margaret, Corberry© 16 Will of Jaoob. 25 Barrlokman. Jaoob of Kentucky 54 Barrlokman, James—Wifs, Rachael Wade, first wife. Children: Mary, Greenberry, Cassia Jane, Morgan, Elvina and Elvira, Abbe. Marriages of Children, Mary to Nerval Brown; Greenberry to Mary Core. Listing ohlldren of Mary and Nerval Brown. Breenberry and Mary Core Barriokman. 17 James Barrlokman—Wife, Mary Ann Wade, 2nd wife. Children—Joseph, Michael Jacob, Eunice, Alexander. 17*18 Listed are ohlldren of Joseph Barriokman and wives. Rebeooa Core 17 Allie Tennant 18 Mlohael Jacob and wife Marcella Rex and ohlldren© 18 Alexander and wife Nancy C. Beeman and ohlldren. 18 jane Barrlokman, the sixth child of Jacob and Jane Kelly B« Never married, 21 Barrlokman, John, son of Henry Barriekman of Monongalia County, Wo Va, Early oourt appearanceP 9 Barrlokman, John, son of Henry, John, born In 1775 in Pa© Wife was Barbara Plokenpaugh Barrlokman, The children wers Jaoob, Peter, Issac, Catherine, Sarah, Eliza, Ann, John Jr, Nimrod, Elizabeth, Mlohael. Will of John Barrlokman Sr, 1850. 15 Also tho list of married names of Barrickmans. 15 Barrlokman, John |r., son of John and Barbara Plokenpaugh Bar­ riokman. Wife was Elizabeth Wade. 26 Three children; Franklin married Julia Meyers? They have Ada- Ida and William T. Barrlokman, All three have ohlldren. Minerva Barrlokman married George Johnson, James Barrlekman married a Miss Kelly. Have Issue, live In Kentucky. 27 Barriokman, John Calvin, the son of Issao and Mary Fetty Barriokman, Name of wifs is unknown. Daughter was Julia Etta married to Norman garrison. 30 Barrlokman. John S, 63-64 Barriokman, John S. 42 Wife was Sarah E© Loudin, 42 Counties lived in, 42 List of John S, Barriekman"s brothers and sisters. . 42 Children of John S. and Sarah E. Barriokman. 53 Barriokman, Joshua, the son of Michael and Nancy Kelly Barrlekman 37 Wifs is Elizabeth 37 War record of Joshua© Children. Nancy marrisd a Garrison© 37- Emma B© married a Yeager 38 Elmer, Festus, Calvin Barriekman ' Edward Barriekman married to Maude 36 Sanford Marlon Barrlekman© Clauds Pearl Barrlokman married to Bertha Ann Whitmore. Maud Barrlokman married a Mr© Inskeep 38 Earl| William Barriekman 38 Barriekman, Katherine, the child of John Barrlekman and Barbara Barrlekman married Simon Bowers. 13A2-13 15-32-33 Barrlokmano Kendall Franklin 57 Barrlokman. Ksrmit. Wife was Fern Dougherty 61 Barrlekman, Lswis, sixth son of Jaoob and Jane Kelly Barriokman. Marrisd Mary Elizabeth Wade© Birth of Dempsey—marrisd to Hannah OolOp Jaoob, Franklin, Lems, George© 25 Barriokaan, Lewis Morgan 57 Wife, Emsle D© Goadln© 57-58 List ©f ohlldren 58 The second wife of Lewis 58 Beatrice White Kelly, list of children Samuel Feathers, wife Bernadine Unjta Barrlekman and child 58 lekaan, Lloyd, wife was Florence Casto, list of eight children 60 Lekaan, Louisa, the child of John and Barbara Barriokaan married to Draper Cole 11-12 13-15-33 Barriokaan, Margaret, the daughter of Jaoob and Jane Kelly Barriokaan married to Jaaos W© Berry© 25 Barriokaan, Michael, the third son of Jaoob and Jane Kslly Barriokaan© The wife of Mlohael—Mary called "Polly"„ Children were Mlohael Jr© married to Ann© Margaret married to J, W. Berry© Have children, Martha married to George W. Piles© Revs ohlldren: Samuel Barrlekman; Ellzabsth marrisd to John La Poe a Theaas marrisd Belle Rice, had one child; Alphonso married to Jessie M. Morton 19 Barriokaan, Mlohael, ths son of Barbara Plokenpaugh and John Bar­ riokaan 34 Michael0s wife was laney Kelly© The six children were Hannah, Eli. Alexander. Joshua, Narcissus, and Nancy Barriokman. 34 Barrfekaan, Blared, the son of Jane and John Barriokaan Sr© 12-30 The first wife of Nimrod was Ellzabsth Ann Cols 30-31 8 Had tiro daughters named Marian and Sephrlssa0 Nimrod Barriekman s second wife was Mary Moselle Crawford© Thsy had nine children. Nancy married to David s© Brewer. 13-31 Alaeda, David, Elizabeth Barriokaan© All die young. i Robert Barriokaan© Charles MoLaine Barriokaan aarrled Lenore Hackney 31 Had three sons, Crawford sanford Barriokaan aarrled to Elsie Moris Cook, two girls one son named Kenneth * David Samuel Barrlokman© Milton Robert Barrlckmano Luoy rBarriokaan, the daughter of Nimrod never aarrled *• 31 Kughn Barriokman married Estelle Hartby. Have Five Children, Harry M.. married to Virginia Horndersheet. Have three ohlldren. Charles McClalns Barriekman, attornoy-at-law. Has four children, Mary Barrlokman never married. Sarah Barriekman never aarrled. Ray E. Barriokaan, Doctor of Philosophy. 31-32 Barriokman, Nimrod, in chancery, Lewis and Barbour Counties. Years 43-44 1842 through 1844. 45-46-47 Barrlekman. Ornia, wife—Ruby King. 61 Barriokman. Osoar L. Wife and ohlldren. 55 Barriokaan. Otis, wife was Lizzie Weaver 61 Barriokaan, Peter, the son of John Barrlokman Sr. and Barbara Plokenpaugh Barriokaan. Fetsr marrisd Abigail Meyers. Che eight children are SLaa, Peter Jr., Mary M. , John T. (All dis young.) Also—William aarrled Alcinda Meyers. William and Alcinda had four sons. NicholasQ John C. Petsr and David Barriokaan 26 Sanford;aarrled Ann M. Hayhurst. Catherine aarrled Christopher Core. Elizabeth Barriokaan aarrlsd John Shanks. 25 Barriokaan, Robsrt, administrator of the estates of Issac, Henry, Pstsr, Ann, Jaoob, Ellzabsth, Catherine BoWsr, Sarah Riggs, Eliza Cols, 13 Harmon Dempsey Barriokaan, conveyance of land. 13 Barrlokman, Samuel Dempsey, the son of Rebecca Wise and Alexander Barriokaan. The wife of Saauel was Eunice Trlckett, Had six ohlldren. Buelah D., Gsorgs Victor, Grsoe Cleo, Prudy Alloc, Ray Francis, Bryan Alexander Barrlokmank 34 Clso Grace Barriokaan aarrled Goldie A. Chrlstenson, 34 Children of Cleo and Goldie Chrlstsnson. 35-39A Prudy A. Barriokaan marrisd Dan Draw. 34 Ray Francis marrisd Anna Mas Wilson, 34 Chlldrsn, 35 Duane and Joann Francis, Joann aarrled Arnold Hand, 35 Barriokaan, Sanford Marion, the son of Joshua and Elizabeth Barrlckmano Married Lena. Three Boys; Harold, Ralph, and Clarence Barriokman. Barriekman Sarah, the child of John and Barbara Barriekman married William Riggs* 11-12 13-15-33© Barrlekman. Shirley Jean 59 Barriokman, Slboney Zepplln 56 Wife was Jessie Stiles and the children? 56 Barriokaan, Thomas Weedon 56 Hie wife!was Fanny Wegman© 56 The listiof ths children© 56-57 Barrlokman, Utah Ogden 57 His wife j wee Beatrice Ourrenoe and the children, 57 Barrlokman, Van Ara, tho administrator of ths will of John Barriok­ aan Sr, Term of June 1903. The will of John dated February 28th, 1850. Names Ohlldren. Catharine Bowers. Jaoob© Peter, Elizabeth. Ann© Sarah Riggs* Henry. Issac. Eliza Cole. All are oedeased. 11-12- i W David So Brewer. Asa George Sutton, year of 1920* 13

5 i Barrlekman, Van Ara, the youngest soa-cf -Nimrod Barriekaan-and Mary Moselle Barrlokman. !Vi ^ Business man, civic leader, lawyer. 32 Married to Mae Fletcher Jenkins. Had two children; Van Ara Barrlokman Jr. and Lucille Barriokman, an artist. 32 Barriokman, Walter Warner 57 The following are variations of (Barriekman), Barricman Family of California—letter requesting Information and giving family history. I'l"3 Bergman, Fredrick **-> Barickman, Bryan Alexander, ths son of Samuel Alexander and Eunloe Barriokman. Bryan Alexander married Mildred H. Ross. *c Ohlldren of Bryan Alexander and Rose. Bryan Allen. Marllou Bariokman. --' Bryan Allan married Mary KcCuns. Have four children. 35 Marlbu Barickman aarrled Michael J. Hawk. Four girls Candanoe„ Constance, Carrie, Catherine Hawk. Bariokman, Duane, the son of Roy and Anna© 35 Wife Jessie Deller© Have one son named James Deller. 35 Barlolaan, Frank, His wifs Ada. Have two ohlldren, 25A Bariokman, Guy Robert and Guy Jr. J2A Bariokman. George Lewis, Wifs Allie Vredenburgh. 25A Barickman, Lester 40A Bariokman, Orvll 0. 21-22 Will. 22-23 Barlokaan. Spencer Elijah 21 BajTookman. John 34 Benson. Ward 40A gird. Alfred Kenny© Married Loretta Barriekman. List of ehlldren63 Bosley, Dallas Merrll. Family history© 61 Wife was Lula Effie Sumptsr and children. 61 Bosley, Lulu,married Perry Ralph Rexroad. List of ohlldren. Family history. 62 Bosley, Marosllus Clark. Wife was Mary Ellzabsth Barrlckmanc 61 Children. 61-62 Boslsy. Ortha Dursll, wifs and children, wife was Mertle Curry0 62 JSSS«V 0O&&-, VlrSSff* t0 Katherlao Barrlctaan« 11-12-13-1^32-33 jurton Run, West Virginia 22-23 Campbell, Millard, aarrled to Delilah Barrackman 30 Case District. Monongalia County, West Virginia 19-20 Cassville, West Virginia 27-31 Clarion County, Pennsylvania 20 Core, Christopher and Michael 7-26 Earl L© 3-30 John. Mary. Abigail, Rebecca© 17 Cole, Draper 11-12-13-15-33 Cors, Earl L© 30-3 Michael. Christopher 31inton. Dala Millar, wife was Lunette Barrlekman, ohlldren© 60 Outright, Allen, married to Josephine Barriokaan. List of ohlldren. 6

\m9 Hannah and Samuel* 8 ierty, John Andrew 63 Married to Columbus or Coluabie Barriokaan, list of the ohildren©63 Duncan, Edwin 3© Judge cf circuit and superior court of law and chancery, Lewis Oounty, Virginia, 1843 44-45 Barboharboui r County^ Virginia© 46-47 Drew,' Rex Hunter© Wlfe-Sllvey Madonna Barriokaan and children© 56 E Eddy, Davis, wife is Ellzabsth Barrackaan—daughter of Isaac and Mary Petty B„ 30 Evans, John, attorney© 8-9 James Evans 9 F Petty, John 16 a Gibson. J, wife was Retha Barrlekman. 60 Gregg. John M© Clerk of Monongalia Oounty, Weat Virginia. 10-11-12-13-1$ Gregory. Wllliaa© Wife was Rena May Barriekaano Children. 60 H Haarlok, James© His wife was Mslva Barriokaan, Children, 60 I Iowa Barrlokaanso Wayne County, Seymore© 37-38-39-391 K Kelly. Jsaes Ray Jr. Wife was Carrie Lavona Barriokman, issue© 56 Kelly, Jaaoo Haney, 15 Martha Ann© 16 Nancy sad Jsaes. 34

Lanhaa, Georgs B© In chancery with Henry and Nimrod Barraokaan, Lewis—Barbour Counties, Virginia; Years 1642-1844© 43-44-45-46-47 Map—Greene County, Pennsylvania 73 District of Wsst Augusta, Virginia 74 Clay Distriot, Monongalia County, West Virginia 5 Fayette County, Pennsylvania 4 Memphis, Missouri—Scotland County 4 Morthwest Territory in 1796 6 Seymour, lova, Wayne County 41 West Virginia Counties in whioh Barrlokmans lived© 49 Washington Oounty, $eunsylvania© 73 Distriot of West Augusta 74 Charles A© Wife was Lulu Blanche Barriokaan Miller© 57 Oouway, West Virginia. 13-27 [s, Issued for servioe in the Civil War—West Virginiao 69 Jacobo Married Lulu Blanche Barriokman, list of children© 57 •, Jamas Edward, Wife waa Velaa Annette Barriokaan. Children.60 Monongalia County, Virginia 7-8-9-12-13-14 15-16-17-25-31-34-37 Morgantown. West Virginia 7-10-19-31 Morgan, Pleasant 52-53 Morgan Faally 52 morgan ap Morgan 53-54 Morgan, Zaehquill 54-55 Morgan, Charles 55 Missouri Berrlokaans at Meaphis la Scotland County 3*-35-39A N North Dakota Barlokaans 34-35-36-39A P Pennsylvania Barrlokaans 25-26-32 Pittsour gh, Pennsylvania 20 Q Questions. Pertain to Barrlokaans, lost kin—Identification, 75-76 R Randolph Oounty, Virginia—history of 52 Seea, Thuraaa, wife was Iraa Barriokaan 60 Roger, Major Isaac 44 Roger, Jaoob 47 Icgge, Wllllaa 11-12 13-15-32 As husband to Sars4 Barriokaan 33 Rexroad 6*2 Roane County, West Virginia 21-22

8 Roster lists© Barrlokmans In service—West Virginia, Civil War. 70-71-75 S Sappa* Joseph 8-9 Scott, David, will mentioning Hsnry and Catharine Scott Barriekman 65- 56-"? Land in Lewis—Randolph Co. 66 List of ohlldren of David Scott© 65-66-6" Soott, John 7 Catherine 15-42 David 65-66-67 sthorlne Soott Barrlekaan 65-66-67-7 ' William, attorney for Lanham vs Barrackman 45 er Family© Abigail Jane Barriokaan aarrled John Statler, 17

Talbot, John, clerk In the Lewis County oourt proceedings: Barrackaan vs* laahaao 43-44-48

Venter, John© Married Lily Barriokaan. 63 Varnado, Damon Wilson, wife was Deoota Barriokaan 56 Varnado. Dsoeta Barriokaan 50-52-56" vermilion County, Illinois 25A

Wade Wsrman 7-6 John, Charity* 17 Rachael. Mary Anne© 16-17 wStr, Elizabeth Barriokaan, ths daughtsr of Alexander Barrlekaan© Marrisd to John Wllliaa Walker© 45 Ten ohlldren© Cleo Walker aarrled Sherman B© Williaas. laa laes Walker aarrled Duncan Gardiner« Myrna Irene Walker. 35 Marie Walker, Leon Alexander Barrlekaan Walker. Raymond Walksr— twin to Leon, John Willard Walker, Chaster Cyrus Walker. Jamas Glen Walksr. Grace Elizabeth Walker, All born in North Dakota© 36 Werasley, Clarence Newton, aarrled to NHnna Elaine Barriokaan, Lldrcn, 58 ken County, Ohio 22-23 "Virginia, history of 68-69 teas, Cleo Walker, the letter pertaining to early Barrlokaans Mstorloal background© 36-37 HHaag James S9 wife was Hilda Phyllis Barriokaan. 60 Williams, Sherman B*, aarrled to Cleo Myrtle Walker, the daughter of Elisabeth Barrlekaan Walker© 35 ohlldren are born in Canada© Full names of Wllllamses, 36 Rlehard J, Married to Manila Matilda. Child© 56 foose, Ellas 53 George Leo Barricman 7222 Farmland Ave, Pico Rivera, California

MissJuns B» Barekman

My Greatgrandfather**- Benjamin or John Barricman ( there is some doubt which name is correct) Also the spelling of Barricman© We now pronounce it as if there was a nKn in it— So no doubt it oust of been that way at one time® Anyway-** Benjamin Barricman came from Virginia (whether it was West Virginia or not we do not knowe He ran away from home and went to sea as a sailor0 He came from a very proud family & so much sog that they disinherited hima A sailor in those days were not thought of as they are to-day* His father was a Judge and a very proud man© There were brothers and sisters* but that is all we knowo Benjamin Barricman marrisd Twice— The first marriage was to a Mary Magdalene Brady and they had one child Charles Brady Barricman born Auge 13 181*8 at New Orleans, La* His wife died 3 weeks after his birth* he left the baby with friends by the name of Fuller^ who raised him till he was around 16 yrs6 old. Benjamin married again and had two sons, (who he married or the sons names we do not know) On one of his visit's to his son he only told him that he had rG*°married and that he had two half~br others 0 He promised that on his return from his next voyage to sea that hs would give him the address's of his people in Virginia* and would try to reconcile with them for the boy's sake*, Benjamin Barricman went to sea( we understand he was Captain of his own ship) and never returned. The report was that the ship burned at sea and if anyone was saved we never knew© Charles Brady Barricman moved to Paduach Kyn in the 1870's and married a Miss Sarah Francis Glisaon ( born Nov* 5 1851 in Henry County Tenn©) They »re Married Bov© 1 1875 at Paducah Ky& by Rev* K* S* f/kxL9akyf'"nister of Cumberland Presbyterian Church* They had 7 children 1 Daisybud Barricman May 28 1876 Ferrell Texas 2 Flora Dean Barricman Sept l* 1877 Paducah Ky died May 10 1916 ? 3 Frances Kstella Barr^ Jan U* 1879 Paducah Ky I* George Brownell Barr,, Mar 31 1881 Paducah Ky died June 1931 Fort Bliss Texas $ Charles Edgar Barr,, Mar 8 1883 Paducah Ky died Mar* 1907 Paducah Ky6 6 Mary Lee Barricman June 20 1887 Paducah Ky 7 Walter Elliot Barr*, June 21 1885 Paducah Ky died Nov,1^5U LaPuente CalifP My Grandmother^ Sarah Francis died Nov,. 28 1888 at the age of 37 * and Charles Brady Barricman never re«saarried and he died Mar0 1906 © Both died at Paducah Kyc

1 Daisybud Barricman married George Brown and now lives in Florida ( I have never seen her) 2 Flora Dean Barricman married ???? and also lived in ? (I have never seen her) 3 Frances Estella Barricman married C© W„ Pratt in Princeton Ky, and had one child Dorothy Louise Prattfe They all live now in Fort Walton Florida* I* George Brownell Barricman never married^ he spant 30 yrs in the U, S« Army He was a Master Sargent in the Galvery when he died at Fort Bliss Texas June 1931o 5 Charles Edgar Barricman never married and died 1907 at the age of 21* 6 Mary Lee Barricman married ? Endicott© Divorced, now lives in Jacksonville Flaa 7 Walter Elliot Barricman ( my father) Left Paducah Ky, after his father died, and joined the U, Sb Navy at the age of 16© Toured the world with the great White Fleet in 1906c Met Miss Mary Margret Crocker from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada and married in Boston, Mass* They had 6 children*) Walter F.„ Barricman served in World War 1 and retired in 1927 as Chief Gunner's Mate after 20 yrs© service© He then moved to Princeton* Ky, where his sister Estella lived© He worked for the Illinois Central Railroad., as a storekeeper until 1931 when he moved to California^ for his wife's health© He arrived in Los Angelas^ Calif© September 1931 just a few months before the big earthquake of 1933« The U, S, Navy called him back to active duty in 1939 and he served out the World War 2 as Chief Gunner in the Navel Armory at San Pedro© Calif ornia©. He retired again after the war in 191*5 and bought a home and aettled down in the city of La Puente, Calif u where hs died at the age of 69 Nov© 1953© His wife and all his children are still llvingo 1 James Joseph Barricman June 20 1911 Boston Mass* 2 Walter Elliot Barricman Jr6 Jan 18 1915 Boston Mass* 3 Mary Ellen Barricman Oct 25 1916 Boston Mass© I* George Leo Barricman Twin Sept 11 1917 Boston Mass© 5 Dorothy Louise Barricman Twin Sept 11 1917 Boston Mass0 6 Charles William Barricman May 23 1923 Boston Mass© 1 James Joseph Barricman*Joined the U, S„ Navy in 1930 from Princetlon Kye Served 2 yrs with the Asiatic FLeot before World War S» and was on Midway Island when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor 1911© He servod 25 yrs. and retired as Chief Warrent Machinest, and now lives in La Puente California© Married but has no childreno 2 Walter Elliot Barricmans At the age of 15 was stricken with Spinal Meningitis witch left him totaly deaf© Never married, lives with his mother in La Puente©, Works in a Instrument G0o Los Angeles* Calif t 3 Mary Ellen Barricmans Was stricken with Polio when a very young child, never married, an lives with her mother in La Puente, Calif© 1* George Leo Barricmans (T&ln) After moving to Galiforaia with his parents^ went to school, and joined the C„ Co C© and spent 2 years with the Forestry all over Southern California^ from 193U to 19366 Joined the U© Sa Navy Dec© 1936 and served i* yrs and got out© Met a Miss Doris Irene Baird© born May 22 1925 White River, Aria* Married in El Monte, Calif NovG 13 192*1, lived in Montebello* Calif©Re-lnlisted in the Navy and served in the Pacific during World War 2, from Guadacanal to the final surrender in Tokyo Bays, Japan? Discharged in October 19U5» returned home and now lives in Pico Rivera Calif 0 Beorge and Doris Barricman had 1* children 1 Dorothy Lee Barricnsan April 13, 19l*2 Ea3t Los Angeles California 2 Irene Barricman July 3, 19l*U Long Beach, California 3 George Leo Barricman Jr* June 19» 191*6 Montebello, California k James Brady Barricman Dec© 31, 191*8 Montebello California 5 Dorothy Louis© Barricman? (Twin to George) married Stanley P, Daniels in 1939 in Montebello Calif omiaa Had children^ and now lives in La Puente $ Calilorniac Page 2 6 Charles William. Iia..iricmans Moved to California with his parents and went to school. Joined the U, S, Navy in 1939 Served through World War 2 in the Atlantic and the Pacific* Retired in 1959 after 20 yrs© service© Now lives in Berkeley California © Was married to a Delores Lewis, Divorced, Had one child Charles William Barricman Jr, now lives with his mother., who reHroarried and lives ih Willow Springs, California.

Well June that seams to take care of the Barricman family as we know it0 I have never, in all my worldly travels, ever run across anyone with a name like mine, until I redieved your inquires» I read quite a bit, and a few years ago, I was reading " A Pictorial History of the Wild West n by Janes D, Horan & Paul Sann, and on page 122 I read of a Alex Barrickmans who was shot to death by a posse of Texas Rangers, because he was a cousin to John Wesley Hardin,, and believed to be in with him in his crime So Also another cousin was shot with him, a Ham Ander eon© This happened in 1877* I ai.80 read the same account in another book " Famous Sheriff's & Outlaws/* by William MacLeod Rains * Only he spelled the name Aleck Barrlckmano la looking back over our family, I notice that my Grandfather* s first child, AuntaD&isybud Barricman was born in Texas in 1876 in the town of Ferrelo I have not yet been able to locate it on the map of Texas yet$ but Alex or Aleck Barriekman was killed in or around Comanche^ Texas© So there could be and might be some connection, because, my grandfather's second child Flora Dean Barricman was born back in Paducah Ky, ( where he had married) in Sept 1877a I am sorry you have waited ao long to hear from me# but I had to do a little research of my own© I am and will be anxious to have a copy of your book when it is completed. Thanking you very kindly

George Leo Barricman 7222 Farmland Ave© Pico Riveraa California0

Page 3 Old Deeds Series, 4, p. 104. (Sept. 1807) Quit claim deed for 100 acres aade by John Barraokman Jr. To James Morris to correct an error in a deed mads by John Barrackman Sr. (John Jr. gave back the 100 acres), for John Barrackman is since deceased. In this case John Sr, can bs John Hsnry Barrackman who first had claim to land In 1873 la western Virginia—in Monongahella County. Henry also had division of land over various years on other tracts of laud. By 1805-1806 he was severely In debt—and this Is the last reoord we have on hla. His son would bs John Barraokman born In 1775 In Pennsylvania, John Jr. also had land In Monongahella County, Vir­ ginia. His son John was not born until 1813. These are the only West Virginia Johns we know of. John Barrackman of Fayette County, Pennsylvania was married to Catherine—last name unknown. Their son-In-law was a Core, These Core families went into West Virginia and had a village named after thsm. This John of Pennsylvania also had a son named John, They may have Uvsd for a tlms In West Virginia. John Barrackman served In the Revolutionary War from Virginia— who he actually was—we do not know. He also may have lived in ths area, and had a son named John Barrackman Jr. These men lived In ths Berkeley Oounty Virginia area.

Old Deeds Series, 12, p. 398. (11-15-1832) Elizabeth, Chr 1 stain John, and Rebecca Barraokman made dssd to Richard Holland for 159 acres on White Day Creek, being part of a tract patented to Samuel Hanway and Thomas Miller. This deed made by above "by state of inheritance ". Ws are anxious to learn ths connection of this family with othsr Barraokman families. Rebecca Barrackman"s maiden name was OHAMPSR. She was the widow of Henry Barrackman. This family lived also in Maryland and moved into Belmont County, Ohio. LT. COL. ROBERT J, BARIOKMAN IS AH AUTHORITY OH THIS LIMB, YOU MAY COHTAOT HIM THROUGH ME IF YOU HEED OR HAVE INFORMATION OH THIS FAMILY*

MY ADDRESS: JUNE B. BAREKMAN 3302 WEST DIVERSEY CHICAGO 47, ILLINOIS This Indenture made the 7th Day of June in the year of our Lord one Thousand and Seven Hundred and Sixty three Between The Right Honour­ able Thomas Lord Fairfax, Baron of Cameron In that Part of Great Britain called Sootland. Proprietor of the Northern Neck of Virginia of the one part and Peter Barraokman of the Parrish and County of Frederlok In the Colony of Virginia, yeoman, of the other part. Wit- nesseth that the4said Thomas Lord Fairfax for and In consideration of the Rents and Covenants hereafter Reserved and expressed. Has Demised, Granted and to farm letten and by these presents doth demlsep grant and to farmlet unto the said Peter Barraokman all that peioe Parcel, Traet or Lott of land known by the No 6 containing four hun­ dred and ninety acres as by a survey thereof lately made by Mr© Thomas Rutherford and being part of a Greater Traet of 2876 aetes of land and la the same plantation whereon the said Peter Barraokman now Uvea situated on Potomaok River In the said Parrish and County of Frederick and joining the Lotta Nos 1 and 6 and bounded as followetho Beginning at three sugar trees on the Bank of the River and extend­ ing thence So 17 degrees Et 240 Poles to a white oak thenoe So 40 degrees 258 poles to a stake in a Valley thenoe So 25 degrees Et 290 poles to two. small hickories In the Barrons thence Se 35 degrees Wto 150 poles to three young red oaks thence No 62 degrees Wt© 80 poles to a stake near sundry marked sapllns thenee No 336 poles to a young black oak thenee No© 40 degrees 392 poles to three ash trees on the Bank of the River thenee down several courses and Distances of the same to the beginning© To Have and to Hold the said Lott of 490 acres of land unto the aaid Peter Barrackmanc his heirs and assigns for and during tho natural lives of him the said Peter Bar­ raokman,) Fredrick Barrackman hla Son, and Elizabeth Barrackman his Daughter and the Longest liver of them he the said Peter Barrackman, his Heirs and Assigns yielding and paying unto the said Thomas Lord Fairfaxg his Heirs and the yearly Rent of four pounds eurrent money of Virginia at or on the 7th day of June during the term or time of the Natural lives of the said Peter Barra®kmanp Fredrlok Barr air­ man and Elizabeth Barrackman© And further the said Peter Barraokman Doth for himself his Heirs or Assigns Covenant and agree to and with the said Thomas Lord Fairfax his Heirs and Assigns that he the said Peter Barrackman his Heirs and Assigns shall duly and yearly besides the said Rent pay unto the pefeson or persons appointed to reoelve the same the Land Tax that Is already laid or that shall by any future Assembly or Authority be laid on the said Lott of land or any part thereof during the Term aforaald and further the said Peter Barralo* man doth for himself eovenent and agree to and with the a aid Thomas Lord Fairfax his Heirs and Assigns that he will with all Convenient Speed plant out on the said Lott an orchard of at leaat one Hundred and fifty Apple trees thirty feet aaunder and keep the same well fenoed, trimmed and leave the same at the expiration of the said Term well enclosed and In good Order And further the said Peter Barrackman for himself his Heirs and Assigns Doth Covenant, Promise and agree to and with the said Thomas Lord Fairfax his Hslrs and Assigns net to waste dispose of or destroy and Timber growing on the said Land other­ wise than for the use of the plantation and Tenement And further that

1 la the said Peter Barrackman his Heirs and Assigns shall at any tlas f< the space of two years fall In the payment of the said Rents reserved as aforsaid or In ths Land tax or In the Performance of all or any of the Covenants and agreements aforesaid that then It sail and may be Is* ful to and for the said Thomas Lord Fairfax hla Heirs and Assigns to reenter on the said Land and Premises and to be In the Actual Possess-* lon thereof to all Intents and Purposes as If thla Lease had never bees made, In Witness thereof of both Parties have Interchangeable set their Hands and Seals the Date above© Slg'd Sealed & Delivered Fairfax (La) In the presence of Peter Barraokman (La) Gabriel Jones (signed In German rlh) Peter Hog

At s Court hold for Frederick County June 7th 1763© This Indenture was acknowledged by Thomas Lord Fairfax and Peter Bar­ raokman thereto and ordered to be recorded ©

By the Court Jaa Keith CC

Frederick County Virginia Deed Book 8 Page 441

This Indenture made the twenty third day of August In the year of our Lord one thousand and seven hundred and seventy one Between Peter Bar­ rackman of the County of Frederick and Colony of Virginia of the one part and John Dalrympke of ths same plaoe of the other part© Whereas the Right Honourable Thomas Lord Fairfax by eertaln Indenture bearing date the seventh day of June In the year of our Lord one thousand and seven hundred and sixty three did Demise^, Grant and to farm let unto the said Peter Barraokman a certain Trace of land situatedf lying and being In the said

2 hie Heirs and Assigns for and during the natural life of hla the aald Petsr Barraokman and ths natural lives of Fredrick Barraokman a Eliz­ abeth Barraokman his son ft daughter and ths longest liver of then, subject to the annual Rent of four pounds Current Money of Virginia during the eontlnuanoe of the ssld Demise and the payment of the Land Taxes then assessed upon the said Land or any that might thereafter be assessed and to other Covenants and Conditions of the part and behalf of the said Peter Barraokman to be kept and performed* as by the said Indenture duly Reoorded In the County Court of Frederick reletlon bslng thereunto had any may more fully and at large appear Nov this Indenture Wltnesseth that for and In consideration of the a urn of fifty four pounds Current Money of Virginia to hla the eald Peter Barraokman Ln had paid by the said John Dalrymple st or before the sealing ft Delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof Is hsrsby acknowledged, he the said Peter Barraokman hath Granted, Bargained,, Sold Allend and Confirmed and by these presents doth Grant, Bargain, Sell, Alain and Confirm unto the said John Dalrymple hla Heirs, Executors» Administrators or Assigns all that Traot of Land above mentioned with the appurtenances© To Have and to Hold the said Land with the appurtenances above mentioned unto hla the ssld Jehn Dalrymple his He Irs 0 Executors* Administrators or Assigns for and during the natural lives of them ths said ^ster Barrsokman, Fredrick Barraokman and Elisabeth B arraokman and the longest liver of them subject to the payment of the Rent reserved and any Taxes whleh may be assessed upon the said Traet of Land by Aet of Assembly and ths other Reservations, Covenants and Conditions ln the said In part rselted Indenture contained on ths part and behalf of hla the ssld Pstsr Barraokman to be kep then performed and the said Peter Bsrrak- aan for himself and his Heirs, the said Traet of Land beforeaentloned with appurtenances subject to the Reservations* Covenants and Cond« Itlons In the aald Indenture contained unto him the said John Dal­ rymple his Heirs ft Assigns against him the said Pater Barraokman and his Heirs and Assigns all and every other person or persons whatso­ ever for end during ths whole of the term aforesaid shall and sill warrant and Defend, In Witness whereof the said Peter Barrackman hath Hereunto set his Hand and Seal the day and year first above mentioned©

Sealed ft Delivered In presence of Jas Keith Peter Barrackman (Le) wm Thus ten (his mark) (signed in English rlh) Matthew Mookbes (his mark) And st a Court Continued and held for Frederick County the 6th Day of Nov© 1771 This Indenture was proved by the oaths of the Wlt~ nesses thereto and ordered to be Recorded©

Teste J© A© Keith CC Freeerlek County Virginia Deed Book 15 Page 243 This Indonture made this 10th day of December In the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred© Between Jaoob Shade and Sophia hla wifs of the county of Frederick and Commonwealth of Virginia of the one part and Fredrick Barkman of the other part© Witnesaath, whereas the said Jacob Shade stands Justly Indebted to the said Fredrick Barkman In ths Just and full sum of twenty six pounds sixteen shillings and six panes current money of Virginia Now this Indenture Wltnesaeth that the said Jaoob Shade and Sophia hla wife In order to secure the said Fredrleh Barkman the payment of the aforesaid sua of twenty six pounds sixteen shillings and six penes and for and In consideration of the sua of one dollar in hand paid by the said Fredrick Barkman the reoelpt whereof they do hereby acknowledge*, they the aald Jaoob Shade and Sophie hie wife havs granted, bargained and sold and by these presents do grant, bargain and sell unto the said Fredrick Barkman his heirs and assigns a certain traet or parcel of land lying and being In the county of Frederick and Bounded as follows: Beginning at three white oaks In a hollow ths Beginning eorner of the original and corner to Leonard Hlngles Survey thence with the same S 13 W 88 poles to H Ingles Spring run and the course continued In all 110 poles to a shite oak on a hill thenee S 67 E 108 poles to Serglnls (7) run and the eorner continued three poles to a white oak on the brow of a hill No 68 E 101 poles to a stone standing In the said old line then leaving that No 21 p W 179 poles to a atone in another of the old lines thenee leaving that No 85 W 200 poles to a stone In another the said line on ths Top of Big Timber Ridge thenee with the same S 25 W 50 poles to a white oak on pretty level ground now downward and a locust bush and soma stones In ths place thense So 784 E 121 poles to the Beginning containing two hundred acres which said traet of land was conveyed to the said Jaoob Shade by John Sherrlff by Indenture bearing date ths 4th day of Sspt 1792 and duly recorded In the Distriot court holden at Winchester referenee being had thereto will be more fully appear to have and to hold the aald traet or parcel of land with the appurtenaneds unto the said Frederick Barkman his heirs and assigns to the only proper use and behoof of him the said Fredrick Barkman his heirs and assigns forever free and clear of and from all encumberances whatsoever Provided alwsrs Nevertheless that If the said Jaoob Shade his heirs* executors and admin­ istrators do and shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid Into the said Frsdrlek Barkman his heirs, Executors® administrators or assigns ths aforesaid Sum of Twenty six pounds slxgeen shillings and six psnos current money of Virginia on or before the tenth day of December In the year one thousand sight hundred end two with legal Interest thereon from the date of these presents that then this Indenture and everything herein concerned shall oeaae<, determine and be utterly void and untlll default is made In the payment of the aforesaid sum of money It Is ths Intsnt and meaning of the Said parties that the ssld Jaeob Shade shall remain In peaceable and quiet possession of the present premises aforesaid without any manner of Interruption© In Witness whereof the aald Jaoob Shade and Sophia his wife have hereunto set their hands and seals ths day snd year first above mentioned©

(The signature and final data on this paper Is continued on yhe next page~°typlst(,s note) Signed, Sealed and Delivered In the presence of J Peyton Ran a on (as to Shade) Thomas KoKowan (as to do (7) ) Jacob Shade (his mark) J Peyton

At a superior court held for tho district composed of the Counties of Bsrkeley and Shenandoah at Winchester the 15th Day of April 1801; This Indenture was proved by the oaths of J Peyton Reason, Thomas MeKswan and Peyton witnesses thereto and ordered to be recordedo By the Court Teste J. Peyton CWDC

Frederick County Virginia Superior Court Deed Book 4 Page 259© /

The following Berdan deeds involved land loeated west of Edinburg. This Bits was found on an old Atlas of Shenandoah County, Virginia. When Andrew Bergman sold his land ln Shenandoah County, Virginiaj he was then living ln Frederick County, Maryland, (Description of Deed #1) Grantors David Featly and Elizabeth—his wife, Grantee* Sodlove Sink, County* Shenandoah Date: 1799 Across 40 (The abovs transaction la in Deed Book L page 333. When the land originally was purchased by David Featly from Andre Bergman, It was in Deed Bock K page 197o)

(Description of Deed #2) Sr ant or s Abraham Hess and Mary—his wife. Grantee: Andrew Bergman, Oounty: Shenandoah Date: April 8th, 1793 It was Proved on It is listed in Dssd Book I page 106, June 11th, 1793o Money paid: 165 pounds Witnesses: Jaoob RInker, John Roads, Acres; 268 aad George RInker Description of transaction: Parcel of land lying in Shenandoah County near Stony Creek being granted to Jacob Dsfort by deed from the lets lord proprietor of ths Northern Neok of Virginia, bearing the date 24 April 1763 and the said Jaoob Defort and Christina his wife conveyed ths same to ths said Abraham Hess by deeds of lease and release bearing dates 19th and 20th days of May 1790—bounded as folioweth: Beginning at three chestnut oaks oorner to George Coffelld and running with his line to three pines and a white oak oorner to said Coffelld and Valentine Coffelld then with his line to several marked oaks saplings oorner to said Coffelld and In line of Adolph Ilor than with Ilor line to two whits oaks and a gum corner to said Ilor then with another of bis lines to two white oaks standing in Ilor's line to a white oak near the three mile mountain to two pines on the side of ths mountain to the beginning,

(Description of Deed #3) Grantor: Abraham Hess and Mary his wife, Grantee: Andrew Bsrgman Oounty: Shenandoah Date; April 8th, 1793 It was Proved on It Is listed In Dssd Book I page 109© June 11th, 1793© Money paid: 10 pounds witnesses: Jacob RInker, John Roads, lores: 52 and George RInker Description of transaction: Traet lying in Shenandoah County on the drains of Stony Creek near three mile mountain, being part of a tract containing 95 acres granted to the said Abraham Hess by patent bearing date 19th August 1789 and that part thereof whloh is hereby oonveysd to the said Andrew Bsrgman and is bounded as followeth: Beginning at three ohesthut oaks standing at ths head of a valley oorner to George Coffelld and to the said Abraham Hess former tract and running thenee with Coffelld8s line to a stake near a chestnut oak, a whits oak and a gum oorner to Jacob Woolf thenoe with his line to three chestnut oaks standing on a spur of ths three mile mountain thenoe leaving Woolf *s line to two hlokor- 108 and two blaok oaks on side of said mountain to a pine, a black oak and a ohsstnut oak a eorner to Christopher Young's part of said land thenoe with his line crossing the entire tract to two black oaks on ths side of a ridge, one of the old corners, thsnoe with the old lines to a chestnut oak and a blaok oak In the line of the said Hess' former tract thenoe with his line to a pine on the side of the said mountain and thence to the beginning,

(Description of Deed #4) Grantor: Andrew Bergman and Susannah—his wife. Grantee: David Fsatly County: Frederick, Maryland Date: April 12th, 1796 It was proved It is listed in Dssd Book E page 197* on April 12th, Money paid: 225 pounds 1796, Acres: 320 (This was the sals of both tracts purchased from Abraham Hess as rsoorded in Deed Book I pagss 106 and 109•) (This was signed In geraan by Andrew using his mark and Sus­ anna using her mark—Barohman) BARRICKMANS OF VIRGINIA From th© transactions that took plao® batmen Lord Halifax and Peter Barrlekman it seams fairly obvious that Peter Barrlekman was a widower. Grants from Lord Halifax generally included the entire family. At this time it Included only Peter and hie two children, Fredrick and Elizabeth Barrlokman,, Peter Barrlokman leases his land to John Dalrymples this lease Ineluded the names of his ohlldren Fredrick and Elisabeth Barriokman. The third deed is la what is now Hampshire County, West Virginia, This dead went through the superior court and said for Berkeley County, and Shenandoah County, but more likely It should read Hampshire County, Wsst Virginia© Wa find Peter Barriekman and children living in Fredrick County, Virginias and Andrew Bergman (Barriekman) living In Shenandoah Oounty, Virginia, It is likely that these families came from Pennsylvania to the Shenandoah Valley where there was a hugs settlement cf German people. It must be remembered that Fredrick County, Virginia was cut from Augusta County in 1732, Th©n Shenandoah, Berseloy, and part of Hamp­ shire were out off from Fredrick County, Virginia in about 1772, This interesting theory on where these Barrlokmans oame from and where they eventually settled will be reoorded in full with aeouracy by Hank Jones*.

NOTE: Maxwell and Fast—authors of books dealing with early West Virginia aud Virginia history claim that the descendants of the settlers la the Shenandoah Valley were among the pioneers who later cross the Alleghanies, sad build cabins on the Kanawha, Monongahella, and Ohio Rivers, Some Virginia soldiers returning home after Dun- mares War in 17?4 us©& the old Seneca Trail—sometimea called Shawnee Trail Into Hampshire County and Into tho valley of Virginia, This statement them can show that there may b© a possible connection between Henry Bsrriefeman of Morgantown, West Virginia,raho had land from Lord Halifax at am earlier date; and Peter Barrlokman of Shen­ andoah County, Virginia©