History Learning Journey Lancaster Castle – a Germany in War
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History Learning Journey Lancaster Castle – a Germany in War. study What was the impact of through Occupation. time: Dem Deutschen the Second World War What did Nazi rule Medieval Volke on the German people? mean for the people Early Modern How did the lives of of Europe, 1939-45? Industrial German people Since 1900 change, 1933-39? Taking a stand? What made it so hard to oppose Nazi rule? Democracy to Dictatorship Scholarship: Lawrence How were the Rees; Ian Kershaw; Tim Nazis able to take Cole control of Germany so Scholarship: Harriet quickly? Harvey Wood; John Gillingham; Charles YEAR Kingsley; Robert 11 Bartett; Simon Schama Growing Visions Smoke and Pains ‘A new birth of We the People How did Blood What Freedom’? How did the lives of different Settlement tensions What sense can Americans change, groups see the and conflict arose as the be made of the 1877-1900? American on the Plains, USA grew, civil war and its West, 1839- 1861-77 ‘A truck load 1789-1838? aftermath, 60? of trouble’ 1861-77? Going nowhere? What was the Should we be impact of the All change encouraged by the Norman Why was there so ‘Brutal Military fortresses Crime and story of crime and Conquest on much change in Too good to be ‘Lucky Bastard’? Slaughter’? or status symbols? Punishment, 1500- punishment since the English by crime, policing true? What made Is this how What can research 1750 1900? 1067? and punishment, What was Anglo- William a William gained reveal about early More of the same? 1750-1900? Saxon England conqueror in full control of Norman castles? really like in 1065? 1066? England, 1067-71? Puzzling, disturbing and strange What explains the nature of medieval crime and punishment? Meanwhile YEAR Elsewhere: Northern Ireland Scholarship: Julia Boyd; Philippe Meanwhile Independent Meanwhile Meanwhile Independent Sands Elsewhere: Project: Personal Elsewhere: Elsewhere: Project: Who killed 10 Vietnam War stories of WW2 USA Civil Rights Stonewall JFK? Migration to Meanwhile Britain and Post- Elsewhere: WW2 multi- British Union ethnic British KEY CONCEPTS: KEY CONCEPTS: KEY CONCEPTS: DICTATORSHIP FASCISM of Fascists society MIGRATION COMMUNISM CAPITALISM RACISM DISCRIMINATION GENOCIDE What was the COMMONWEALTH lived experience CIVIL RIGHTS of the Windrush generation? Holocaust What are the Cold War Key Turning Points of WW2: Spotlight on Nazi Germany What was pre-war Jewish life like in Dunkirk, Battle of Britain What can happen when racism goes links between What is the difference between Communism Europe? post-war and Capitalism regimes? – Spotlight on Berlin (contribution of Caribbean unchallenged? What was life like in the ghettos? RAF that followed), migration and How close did the USA and USSR come to What was the Final Solution? YEAR racial tensions in nuclear war in 1962? Manchester Blitz, D-day, Britain today? Hiroshima Industrial Revolution First World War Manchester – A Century and a Half of Change How did the Why did Britain and its Empire go to war in 1914? Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade How did events and people associated with Manchester Industrial Revolution What was the lived experience of the First World How significant was the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade? lead the way for reform between 1800 and 1918? 9 impact the lives of War? (Including women and soldiers of the British What were the consequences of different forms of LOCAL HISTORY SITE STUDY: How has the Manchester ordinary people in Empire) slave resistance? Ship Canal led to change in Flixton and the surrounding Britain? Does General Haig deserve the title ‘Butcher’ of the Should Britain pay reparations for involvement in area? the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade? Somme? KEY CONCEPT: EMPIRE KEY CONCEPTS: RIGHTS KEY CONCEPTS: COLONISATION SOCIETY DEMOCRACY EMPIRE WARFARE Pre-Colonial Africa Meanwhile How did the Malian Elsewhere: Empire become so Russian successful? Scholarship: Toby Meanwhile Meanwhile Meanwhile She: Revolution Green; Edward Independent Elsewhere: French Scholarship: Emma Elsewhere: Matchstick Girls Baptist; Peter Project: Impact of Revolution Griffin, Hallie Australia as a penal Strike Scholarship: Meanwhile Frankopan British Empire Rubenhold, Fern colony David Olusoga Elsewhere: Easter Ridell Rising YEAR Meanwhile Elsewhere: Meanwhile Meanwhile Mughal Empire Elsewhere: Elsewhere: Early Independent Louis XIV Scholarship: Genghis Khan Byzantine Empire Project: Pre-1066 non-British 8 Miranda Kauffman Scholarship: Scholarship: Marc Civilisation Ian Mortimer Morris YEAR KEY CONCEPTS: CATHOLICISM KEY CONCEPTS: DEMOCRACY CHURCH KEY CONCEPTS: PROTESTANTISM PARLIAMENT RELIGION GOVERNMENT SOCIETY 7 English Civil War and Oliver Cromwell? Tudors Medieval Power, People and Religion Why was there an English Civil War? Who were the How significant were the challenges to the Anglos Saxons (Skills and What do the experiences of women tell black Tudors and monarchy in England up to the 1380s? introduction to History) us about life during the English Civil what was their How did Religion dominate the lives of Norman Conquest What was Britain like before War? experience of Medieval people across both the Islamic Why did William win the Battle of 1066? Why did the English want their king England? civilisations and Western Christendom? Hastings? back by 1660? Was the Norman Conquest really a turning point in British History? “The more you know about your past, the better prepared you are for the future.” Theodore Roosevelt.