The Presidency Annual Report 2013/2014

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The Presidency Annual Report 2013/2014 THE PRESIDENCY ANNUAL REPORT 2013 / 2014 THE PRESIDENCY ANNUAL REPORT 2013/2014 SUBMISSION OF THE ANNUAL REPORT TO THE EXECUTIVE AUTHORITY To the President of the Republic of South Africa, Mr Jacob Zuma, I have the honour of submitting to you, in term of Section 40 of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), (Act 1 of 1999), the annual report of The Presidency for the period 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2014. R Cassius Lubisi, PhD Director-General and Secretary to Cabinet i THE PRESIDENCY ANNUAL REPORT 2013/2014 2 THE PRESIDENCY ANNUAL REPORT 2013/2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART A: GENERAL INFORMATION 6 Foreword by The Minister 6 Report of The Accounting Officer 10 Statement of responsibility and confirmation of accuracy for the annual report. 12 Strategic overview 13 Legislative and other mandates 13 Organisational structure 16 Entities and departments reporting to the former ministers in The Presidency: 18 PART B: GOVERNMENT PROGRAMME OF ACTION: THE 12 OUTCOMES 21 PART C: PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 27 Auditor-General’s report: pre-determined objectives 27 Strategic outcome-orientated goals 28 Overview of The Presidency’s performance: 28 Performance information by programme 47 Programme 1: Administration 47 1. PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION 47 1.1. Branch: Private Office of the President 47 1.2. Branch: Office of the Deputy President 57 1.3. Ministry of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 67 1.4. Branch: Cabinet Office 73 1.5. Branch: Strategy and Operations 81 Programme 2: National Planning 89 1.6. Branch: NPC Secretariat 89 Transfer payments to public entities 98 PART D: GOVERNANCE 98 Risk management 103 Fraud and corruption 103 Minimising conflict of interest 103 Code of conduct 103 Health, safety and environmental issues 104 SCOPA resolutions 105 Prior modification to audit reports 105 Internal control unit 107 Internal audit and audit committees 107 Audit committee report 111 PART E: HUMAN RESOURCES 115 Introduction 115 PART F: FINANCIAL INFORMATION 141 Report of the Auditor-General 141 Annual financial statements 153 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS 206 DEPARTMENT’S GENERAL INFORMATION 208 3 THE PRESIDENCY ANNUAL REPORT 2013/2014 4 THE PRESIDENCY ANNUAL REPORT 2013/2014 5 THE PRESIDENCY ANNUAL REPORT 2013/2014 FOREWORD BY THE MINISTER This past year has seen the country celebrate 20 years of democracy, and despite our continued challenges, there is little doubt that South Africa is a better place to live in than it was before 1994. The Twenty Year Review, published in the reporting period, provides a significant reflection on the undeniable achievements of this young, democratic government, as well as the key lessons that must be built upon. The National Development Plan (NDP), adopted by Cabinet in 2012, serves as a blueprint for the work that is still required in order to achieve the desired results in terms of the socio-economic development and growth of this country by 2030. With the adoption of the long-term vision and plan for the country, the NDP, a path was charted according to which MR JEFFREY RADEBE, MP Minister in The Presidency: Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation the country would be able to address the triple challenge of poverty, inequality and unemployment by the year 2030. Since 2012, the focus has been to implement the NDP by implementing partnerships, advising departments and other sectors on how to incorporate NDP goals and targets in their immediate plans and further sectoral research to inform implementation. In partnership with different publications, a process to track progress on the plan’s execution was put in place. The first tranche of government Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF), in line with the NDP, will be concluded this year. The draft MTSF, developed in the past financial year, is indeed based on the NDP, and sets out the priorities of government for the electoral period 2014-2019. The MTSF identifies critical actions to be prioritised in the first five years of the NDP, to enable the country to meet the broad goals it has set itself for 2030. Building on the experience of previous administrations, the MTSF will continue with the outcomes approach adopted by the 2009–2014 administration. It does not constitute the sum total of what government does, but it serves as a prioritisation framework; aimed at focusing all government 6 THE PRESIDENCY ANNUAL REPORT 2013/2014 efforts on a set of manageable programmes. It also serves across the income distribution spectrum; Food Security – a to guide and direct the allocation of resources. The MTSF is study of the long-term trends that may alter food security also intended to enable Cabinet to monitor progress on the production, distribution and consumption patterns in South implementation of government programmes. The Presidency Africa; Social Protection – a study of the long-term societal is the custodian of the MTSF, although implementation shifts that need to be taken into account in order to increase is undertaken by different government departments and and/or enhance social protection in South Africa; and a study agencies. The Presidency will therefore provide overall on Innovative approaches to basic education. leadership, coordination and monitoring and evaluation over its implementation. In addition, significant progress have been made in further unpacking proposals in the NDP around the observatory for In addition, the National Planning Commission (NPC) assembly and analysis of spatial data, where a comparative embarked on pilot initiatives focussed directly at testing study is underway to establish an observatory for the proposals made in the NDP, towards ensuring the collection and analysis of spatial data. The Presidency also achievement of Vision 2030. The Presidency provided advice published the Twenty Year Review of government work. to the different spheres of government. These include programmes and policies such as in land reform (facilitating Given that this current year has also been an election year, the pilot of a “New Land Reform Model” in Mpumalanga it is important to recognise the constitutional mandate of as contained in chapter 6 of the NDP), early childhood The Presidency in ensuring continuity in the democratically development (ECD) policy, the partnership with the sanctioned transition processes and preparations for the Department of Basic Education, business, unions and parent incoming administration. The Presidency continues to serve organisations on improving learning outcomes (under the as the centre for the strategic coordination of government’s auspices of the National Education Collaboration Trust). programme, ensuring as it must, that all the energies and efforts of government are brought into line with the The Presidency also facilitated a visit from the Malaysian electoral programme of the ruling party. It is indeed the Performance Monitoring and Delivery Unit (PEMANDU), heart of government in that it supports the President and resulting in planning for pilot projects of the “Big Fast Result” Deputy President in leading the country, and in monitoring or “Lab” methodology (also known as Operation Phakisa), and evaluating the programme of government. particularly in the environmental sector – focusing on unlocking the economic potential of the oceans economy. A second momentous occasion during the past year was the sad passing of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, our cherished The Presidency also worked with the Department of Public first President of democratic South Africa and beloved Service and Administration (DPSA) on ways of building a Madiba. His ideals of a democratic South Africa will continue capable public service. to inspire the work of The Presidency in its leadership role over the rest of government to accelerate the progress Also in furtherance of the NDP objective, the following towards the achievement of an inclusive society. sectoral studies were commissioned: Wave Three of the National Income Dynamics Study (NIDS) – which is a In keeping with this aspiration, in the past year The Presidency longitudinal study aimed at providing a comprehensive picture undertook various end-of-term reviews on a number of of the changing dynamics of the South African population projects, which resulted in a number of recommendations 7 THE PRESIDENCY ANNUAL REPORT 2013/2014 FOREWORD BY THE MINISTER for improvements in programme design and impact. African National Roads Agency Limited’s (Sanral) Gauteng These included reviews on government’s Anti-poverty Freeway Improvement Project (GFIP). Programme, the Moral Regeneration Movement (MRM), and government’s energy programme. From 2014/15, regulatory The President and Deputy President are important leaders impact assessments (RIAs) – which had already been in advancing South Africa’s interests in the international mainstreamed into legislation – will include an assessment of arena. To this end, The Presidency continued to support the the socio-economic impact of legislation and policy. work of the President (and Deputy President as assigned), by executing the President’s annual international programme, As part of the Presidential Siyahlola Monitoring Programme, which is aligned to the country’s international policy goals. which aims to assess frontline service delivery by government, Central to the policy of government are: the promotion of the President undertook 17 visits (eight visits in 2012/13). African renewal and conflict resolution and peace on the In the past year, the key element of the programme was continent, and the enhancing of African institutions such as the emphasis

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