George Liele Bib
Bibliography Related to George Liele Liele, George. “An Account of Several Baptist Churches, Consisting Chiefly of Negro Slaves: Particularly of One at Kingston, in Jamaica; and Another at Savannah in Georgia (1793).” In Unchained Voices: An Anthology of Black Authors in the English-speaking World of the Eighteenth Century. Edited by Vincent Carretta. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2004. _____. “The Covenant of the Anabaptist Church: Began in America 1777, in Jamaica, Dec. 1783.” 1796. British Baptist material, Angus Library of Regents Park College, Oxford, England, reel 1, no. 14.; Publication (Historical Commission, Southern Baptist Convention), MF # 4265. Liele, George and Andrew Bryan. “Letters from Pioneer Black Baptists.” In Afro-American Religious History: A Documentary Witness. Edited by Milton C. Sernett. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1985. “Letters Showing the Rise and Progress of the Early Negro Churches of Georgia and the West Indies.” Comprised of “An Account of Several Baptist Churches, Consisting Chiefly of Negro Slaves: Particularly of One at Kingston, in Jamaica; and Another at Savannah in Georgia,” and “Sketches of the Black Baptist Church at Savannah, in Georgia: And of Their Minister Andrew Bryan, Extracted from Several Letters.” Journal of Negro History 1 no. 1 (Jan. 1916): 69-92. Ballew, Christopher Brent and Moses Baker. The Impact of African-American Antecedents on the Baptist Foreign Missionary Movement, 1782-1825. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2004. Brooks, Walter H. A History of Negro Baptist Churches in America. Washington, D.C.: Press of R.L. Pendelton, 1910. Copyright, University Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2004.
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