Concordia Theological Monthly
CONCORDIA THEOLOGICAL MONTHLY Preludes to Praise-Devotional Reflection ARTHUR CARL pmPKORN The Natural Knowledge of God RALPH A. BOHLMAN T Homiletics Theological Observer Book Review VOL. XXXIV December 1963 No. 12 BOOK REVIEW All books reviewed in this periodical may be procured from or through Concordia Pub lishing House, 3558 South Jefferson Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63118. ON BEING THE CHURCH IN THE With painstaking research, careful recon WORLD. By John A. T. Robinson. Phil struction, and a pleasing style he recreates adelphia: Westminster Press, 1960. 160 the ideas on church and state in their rela pages. Cloth. $3.50. tion to ecclesiastical and religious events in This series of papers by the Bishop of this country in the 18th century. The Society Woolwich, formerly dean of Clare College at for the Propagation of the Gospel, the Arch Cambridge, has a number of contributions to bishops of Canterbury, the Episcopalians in the understanding of the church and to the this country who wanted a bishop, the Dis technique of its preaching which are of last senting Deputies in England, the Dissenters ing value. Massive competence in skills of in this country, the anticlerical elements in Biblical interpretation combines with shrewd the Middle Colonies, and the propagandists and patient insights 1i1l0 practical affairs on both S.;rlICS were deeply involved in this within the church. Robinson argues for struggle. The question was not simply the understanding a world that will be renewed, question of appointing a bishop, or perhaps rather than scrapped, at the end of this age. three, on this side of the Atlantic.
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