Israel, 1956-1983

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Israel, 1956-1983 MS-763: Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, 1930-2004. Series F: Life in Israel, 1956-1983. Box Folder 18 20 Keren Hayesod. British Joint Palestine Appeal. 1970-1973. For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website. 3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000 British Jewry's Salute to Israel 14th December 1972 Rabbi Herb ?riedman, 15 Ibn Gvirol Street, Jerusaleo, Israel. 'l) '-". - Thank you for your kind note . Belatedly, but nonetheless wholeheartedly, I would li~:e to thank you for your help and guidance in i::iaking tb.e visit o:f our Delegation to Yad Vashe~ the most perfect and moving event I have ever been associated with. I only reGI'et that I did not have a little nore time at the Din..l'ler to exchange a few words with Frances anJ yourself. I hop e you understand. _,_,._.,, • Barzilay 0. ':> JPA, Rex House, 4-12 Regent Street, London, S.W.1. Telephone: 01 -930 5152 FOUNDER. THE LATE LORD II ARKS OF BROUGHTON tlon Pr • w"nt~. ':"Ii .. VERY REV, THE CHIEF RABB , OR. IMMANU_l o1AKOl.-"' ·"'• e.,., THE VERY REV. DR. S. GAON, B.A SIR ISAAC WOLFSON, Ban Pre$ dent. J, EDWARD SIEFF Vlce·Prasident. HYAM MORRISON Cha rman. MICHAEL M. SACHER, M.A. Deputy Chairman. I. JACK LYONS, C.B.E Vic..Clla1rnien: ROSSER CHINN, TREVOR CHINN, HAROLD H. POSTER. JOHN B. RUBENS. CYRIL STEIN Hon Treasurer· STUART YOUNG, F.C.A Director 1.AICHAEL BARZILAY. 8 Comm Exec'1t1•0 Oir&etor. A. A KLEIN Good lllck1 As ever, Herbert A. FriedMP, CCJ Michael Bmi&ilai, J.P.A. Bil':JtlG KEREN HAYESOO. JEWISH NATIONAL FUND. JEWISH PHILANTHROPIC ASSOCIATION FOR ISRAELANO THE MIDDLE EAST. THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS OF JEWISH REFUGEES. J.N.F. CHARITABLE TRUST. REX HOUSE · 4-12 REGENT STREET· LONDON • SW1Y 4PG FOUNDER: Telephone: 01-930 5152 THE LATE LORD MARKS OF BROUGHTON Hon Presidents: Telegrama: r-.iburo, London THE VERY REV. THE CHIEF RABBI. DA. IMMANUEL JAKOBOVITS. B.A. THE VERY REV. OR. S. GAON. B.A. SIA ISAAC WOLFSON, Bart. President. J. EOWAAD SIEFF Vice-President: December 22nd, 1972. HYAM MORRISON Chllirman: MICHAEL M. SACHER, M.A Deputy ChairmM. Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman, I. JACK L VONS, C.8.E. 15 Ibn Gabirol Street, Vice-Ct\111rmen; ROSSER CHINN Jerusa!l.em, TREVOR CHINN HAROLD H. POSTER Israel 92430. JOHN B. RUBENS CYRIL STEIN Hon. Treasurer STUART YOUNG. F.C.A. Dear Herb, E~ecutrve Vice-Chairman for Israel and OirectO<" MICHAEL BAAZILAY. B. Comm. In spite of the fact that I Executive Director: A A. KLEIN already confirmed it to you verbally, but for the sake of good order this is to acknowledge with thanks your letter dated November 20th, 1972, and your agreement to help us again in our 1973 Campaign between February 5 - February 16th, 1973. Kind regards. M. BARZILAY - - - - - _,. ____ - ··---··-· ... -- ·--"'.-- - ·- - . - - ~ -~ From the M1naging Oitec:uw 12th December, 1972 Rabbi H. A. Friedman, 15, lbn Gabirol Street, Jerusalem, ISRAEL. 92430 • ... Dear Herb, I would I ike to thank you personally for the help you gave us with the Knesset Dinner Mission. As you yourself saw it was a great success and we are most grateful to you for the help you gave in planning it, and particularly for organising the ceremony at Yad Vashem. Looking forward to seeing you soon and with kindest regards to Francine and yourse If. Lex Service Group Limited 18 Grett Mlrlborough Street London W1V 2BL Telephone 01-437 8600 Te1eg,."" Lu timup Tlllu lex London 21870 Oi:ecwt• ;. N Cidnn. R 1..r..11n. T E Clu11n. C n "'"II ,. V • I 8"n)olrni:1 DRAFT Mr. Adolph Likierman 140 Piccadilly London W.1. ENGLAND My Dear Mr . Likierman: Although you and I have not met personally, I am writing to you at the suggestion of Mr. Lewis Goodman of Marks and Spencer. uee ••, a liyal .t.'ieDa =f I•~Bel, &RQ upon xhO:ll_e~~ce I woula=Ee:ly. The City of Jerusalem is growing rapidly, taking in large numbers of new immigrants and developing large new housing estates to accommodate them. We must, at the same time, develop industrially and commercially in order to provide employment. We need people like you to help us with advice on industrial and commercial development. I would like to invite you to come over for a week or ten days, with travel expenses at your own initiative, to look at what we are doing and to offer u.s any suggestions which might1; come to mind, out of your own long and successful experience. Looking forward to your affirmatiTe reaction, I am, Sincerely yours, Teddy Kollek CC: Hr. Lewis Goodman D R .A F T Mr. Adolph Likierman 140 Piccadilly London 'W. 1. ENGLAND l1y Dear Hr. Likierman: Although you and I have not met personally, I em writing to you at the suggestion 0£ .Hrl! L~s Goodman o-f Marks and Spencer,. Wr; ; s ~al Iriena or "Israel, ana The City o! Jerusalem is growing rspicEL,7, taking in large numbers of new immigrants~ devel<>J>i'Dg large nevhousing estates to accommodate them. ~e must, at the sam..e time, de.velo,1t industrial:tT and commercial~y in order to provide employment. ~e need people like ~ou to help us with advice on industrial and commercial development. I would like to invite you to come over for a week or ten days, with travel eX,Penses at your own initiative, to look at what we are doing and to offer us eny suggestions which might : come to mind, out of yov.rpwn long and successful experience. Looking forward to your a~firmative ~eaction, I am, Sincerely yours, Tedd:y: Kollek CC: I1r~ Lewis Goodman iJqt Octd>ber 9 TEIEX JPA ZIONilJURO IDNDON TO MICHAEL BARZILAY HAD GOOD TALK WITH WALLY GOLD WHO EXPLAINED DETAILS OF MY SCHEDUIB STOP HAVE TWO COMMENTS FIRST DON ' T REALLY SEE NEED FOR PRESS CONFERENCE ON SIXTEENTH WHAT PIRPOSE DO YOU WANT SERVED ? WOULD SUGGEST CANCELLING UNIESS YOU HAVE SOME OVERWHEil1ING REASON FOR HOLDING STOP SECOND WOULD LIKE APPOINTMENT WITH JACK LYONS VERY SOON AFTER ARRIVAL IN ADDITION TO TWENTYEIGHTH STOP MATTER OF FACT TRY TO ARRANGE WITH HIM MmNDAY SIX'l'EENTR BEST REGARDS FRIEDMAN 00/10/72 TI) RABB I HERB FR l-EDMAN FROM BARZILAY ON JACK LYONS LATEST 1MV1lRM 10~..YtLL BE ARRIVING ISRAEL 15TH OCTOBER FOR ONE WEEK STAY~ lt'l.. 'YONS SUGGESTS MEETI NQ DUIR I NG AFTERNOON OF MONDAY 23RD 0 BER. REGARDS BARZl~AY. OYER MM TO HERBERT FRtEDMAN UJA FROM BARZILAY RE YOUR PRESS CONFERENCAt".4901 '°"OUR REQUEST .IS TO IMPRESS UPON JEWISH PRESS THE l~T~fmf OF THEIR LOG1STICAL SUPP·ORT FOR APPEAL. REGARDS. TO RABBI HERB FRIEDMAN UJA . FROM BARZILAY ON JACK LYONS LATEST INFOR~ATION WILL Bi ARRIVING ISRAEL 15TH OCTOBER FOR ONE WEEK STAY. JACK LYONS SUGGESTS MEETING DURING AFTERNOON OF MONDAY 23RD OCTOIER. REGARDS BARZILAY. • OVER 2374 KESOD IL JPA ZIONl&lltO LONDON TO MICHAEL IAaZILAY HAO GOOD TALl(:WITH Wt\LLY GOLD WHO EXPLAINED DETAILS °' tlY ,_ F SCHEO\U STO' HAVE TWO c~s ~T-~c·~rv SEE NE[D FOR ~.nR!NCE ON ~ WNP'·~~ YOU WANT SERYIJ>f WOll.D ~OOGEST CAN tQl.fHI Ullb8 Mt HAYE s<*E ~!RWHELMlNQ REASON FOR HOLDINI ~ro; slcoNo WOll.D LIKE APPOINTMENT Wll'K &If( LYONS VERY SOON AFTE ARRIVAL IN ADDITION TO TWENTYEIGHTtf !fop. MATl'M OF FACT TRY ·TO •Rfw«m · WITH HIM .MONDAY SIXTEENTH BEc;T REGARDS • FRIEDMAN United Jewish• Appeal 1290 AVllNUll OP T"I. AMllUCAS, Nl.W voac. N .Y. 10019. USA HERBERT A. FRIEDMAN TllL. C2121 757-1500, TllLllX , UJArPllAL 62911 llXllCUTIV ll VIC:l!-CHAll.MAN MATTHEW H . SIMON 48 KINO 01.oac:a •Ta•l.T l>IRllCTOa OP SPllC IAL Sl.RVICl.S Jl!l.USALl.M 94269, 1•1.Al.L Tl!L. 1021 60487, 222340 Tl!LIX ' 2:S81 UJA IL ]>ET~ IL> cf\[ DDNl 'A f(kJf 1 rs c A 5 z d f *'ii l'ltr ~ ~O ~l'\ F ov .:fl_ w1+~'"1.m1J\16 Fvte. lfci vQ1 rv6 . ~t;-CON.0 \J..,.--vt-P ):&L1 'tl'1<t..= :r ~riJlcu./1lY\ (:,./7 l.J I rn L '{()I'll. 5 " <:/l'( <;~umJ I\ t="n:7l mZ. I! 1 VA <- ..;'~:111 •:-'F=-"' ' f.t T" i;u ,;. ~ ::;.,+ z {_"? ;:~r @ £, ~ ,Q;;;a"W 6 ~ 2 j - •eP- . W\ a 1Tu""1t of; ~T 1°"£ y fr{l.tLPrN ~ ~ t,4J I 1>.J.. ('f-t ~ 1t:. fl+ • KEREN HAYESOO. JEWISH NATIONAL FUND JEWISH PHILANTHROPIC ASSOCIATION FOR ISRAEl. ANO THE M IDDLE EAST. THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS OF J EWISH REFUGEES. J .N.F. CHARITABLE TRUST JOINT PALESTINE APPEAL REX HOUSE · 4-12 REGENT STREET · LONDON · SW1 fOUNDEll , ........ : 11-131 1111 LA'n LOllO MNIU Of 8110UGKTOlll Tltf YOUNG LEADERSHIP ,....,._: z....... ~. Hon. Prestdents: THE VERY REV. THE CHIEF RABBI. OR. IMMANUEL JAKOBOVITS THE VERY REV. DR. S. GAON SL/GG 7th December 1971. LORD SIEFF SIA ISAAC WOLFSON. 88tt. Pr..,denl J . EDWARD SIEFF Vice· P1estden1 : Rabbi Heroert A. Friedman, HYAM MORRISON Chelrman Executive Vice- Chairman, MICHAEL M . SACHER U. J . A. - Israel Office, Oapu1v Chairman : P. O. B, 92 , Jerusalem. I. JACK L VONS, C.B.E. V~ · Chllfmen • ROSSER CHIN N TREVOR CHINN Dear Herb, HAROLD H. POSTER CYRIL STEIN Hon. Treasure': I am writing to thank you most sincerely for addressing STUART YOUNG, F.C.A. the f inal evening of our recent J .
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