Organization Leaders Express Concern Over Suppression of Jews

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Organization Leaders Express Concern Over Suppression of Jews 11 - ·· . \ - 1 :,. \ c;,L \ J~·:, \ J . • "' p . : ,.r ::L' ST , '2. 0q ,·.•• a - ; I • p p_ OIJ . b • .l . l ISl:AND THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. VOL, XLVIII , NO. 6 FRIDAY , APRIL 10, 1964 15¢ PER COPY 16 PAGES Organization Leaders Express Concern "1 ,- ' w.:.__ ►-~ ~✓ Over Suppression Of Jews By Soviet WASHINGTON - Five hun­ munlcating official American con­ ference was a resolution tha t ~ r . >.. '(;Y dred leaders of 24 major Ameri­ cern to the Soviet Government, r ecognized th e Soviet t..: n I o n' s can Jewish organizations formu­ MRS. M. DRAZIN look s at the water-soaked books left after the fire and to seek adoption of Congres ­ "heroic resistance to the Nazi lated an extensive program thi s sional resolutions and polirlcal last Sunday at Congregation Sons of Zion was put out. Ar ti cles of onsla ught " and presented the ap­ week to comba t Soviet ant t - party platform planks on the Issue peal to the Soviet Government as value which had been saved had been removed to other places of Semitism. safety. of Sovie t anti-Semitism. "within the framework of our ar­ The group, endlng a two- day Organization of community dent desire to see an end to the emergency conference at the Wll­ cold war and to lessen and hope­ lard Hotel, unanimously expressed support from chur ch , civic, labor Congregation Sons Of Zion and voluntary groups. full y eradicate inter-national ten­ concern at what it called Soviet sions.'' efforts "to cr ush the spirit of So­ The conference received strong In fact, the idea of a meet­ ·ro Hold Services Tonight viet Jews and seve r their ties" support from leadJng Protestant Ing between American Jew 1 sh with Judaism. and Rom an Catholi c clergymen. leaders and Sov iet authorities "on Services will be hel d tonight working in a print shop across The participants in the con­ They Inc luded Albert Cardlnal at Congregation Sons of Zion for the s treet fromthebullding ,helped the hi ghest level " was raJ sed by ference represent a majori ty of Meyer, Archblshlp of Chicago; the Morris B. Abram, president of the first time since the fire which remove sacred scroll s and other 5.5 m111ion American Jews. Most Rev. Eugene Carson Blake , valuable possessions. the Am erican Jewis h Committee, heavily damaged the basement Sovtei suppression of Jew! sh ch 1 e f executive offi cer of the rooms in the synagogue took place The cause of the bl aze ha s not and Lewis H. Weinstein, chairman spiritual and cultural activities United Pr esbyterian Church, the of the National Community Re­ last Sunday. Tonight's services as yet been determined. Most Rev . Patrick A. O' Boyle, Rev . Drazln said that the build­ was the subject of a meeting of lations Advisory Council. Bot h will s tart at 8:30 o' clock and conference leaders with Secre­ Archbi shop of Was hington, and Saturday morning services will ing Is ins ured and that plans w111 s aJd they were prepared to form tary of State Dean Rusk this week. Herman Rei sslg , internatlonal-re ­ a delegation to visit the Soviet be at 6 o'clock. Services will be be made for repairing the damage latlons secretary of the United held on the second floor which to the buil dl ng. Program Provisions Union 10 discuss the pr oblem. The program adopted by the Church of Christ. has been Judged safe and in good The oldest orthodox synagogue Labor leaders al so expressed The 18 point s addressed to ~ condition and for which a perm! t in Providence, the bui lding at 45 conference calls for the following: the Soviet Government embodied An appeal to the Soviet au­ support . I has been issued. According to Rev. Orms St r eet was built in 1892. A major theme of the con- requests for Jewish equallty in Moshe Drazin, temporary lights Ben Formal of 86 Jefferson thorities to take 18 speclf1c s teps the r ellgious, educational, cultural have been Installed and the heat­ Street, the Janitor of the bulldlng to eliminate dlscriminatlon and and economic life of the country. ing has been restored. fought hi s way through heavy smoke restore the cultural and r eligious The program was outlined to the to save the scroll s and other rights of Soviet Jews. C. J. C. Adopts Code convention by Dr. Joachim Prinz, at The fire, which was r eported articles . He was assisted by A national day of prayer In president of the Am erican Jewish 11:30 A.M. last Sunday morning, Morris Lecht of 20 Richter Street every synagogue In the United For School Faculty Congress. caused much damage, destroyed and by the childr en of several con­ States to dramatize the plight of many prayer books and other re­ gregation members. Soviet Jews, the date to be set In The Board of Trustees of Points Are Listed /) ligious materials. Covers of the Ad d 1 t 1 on a I assistance came the near future . the Cr anston Jewish Center, Ten of the points dealt with Blnah were burned and some of from Joseph W, Venable of 152 An extensive c ampaign of In­ upon the recommendation of its freedom of r ellglon, Including the the Torahs were smoke-damaged. Nelson Street who used hi s car to formation in the United States and Sc h ool Committee, endorsed free functioning of synagogues and No one was in the building when transport the scroll s to another the world over to publicize the and adopted the t:ode of Practice private prayer meetings and the the fire s tarted. synagogue for safekeeping. Mr. Soviet repressions . for Hebrew School Personnel , right to publlsh Hebrew bibles , Several persons, includlngcon­ Venable was working in his print Efforts toenlistthe cooperation according to an annoi.mcement prayer books and other religious gregation members and a man shop at the time. of President Johnson in com- by the president, Sheldon S. texts. Sollosy. Other points included the re­ The Code of Practice has establishment of Yiddlsh publish­ been developed by the Bureau ing houses an d theaters, as well of Jewish Education and the as permission for Jewish wr iters, School Councll to guide schools artis ts and intellectual s to estab­ in their relationship with per­ lish their own institutions for the sonnel and to advance edu­ encouragement of Jewish cultural cational standards In the com­ and artistic life. munity. (Continued on Page 16) Torah Umesorah Director To Speak At School Dinner The new audltorium, library, classrooms, memorial windows and plaques of the Providence Hebrew Day School wlll be dedl­ cated at the school's annual dlnner on Sunday , April 19 , in the audltorlwn. Rabbi Nathan Bulman, director of the school organization of Torah Umesorah, the National Association of Hebrew Day Schools, wIII be the guest speaker at the dlnner. Rabbi Bulman, a graduate of Yeshiva l 'niverslty, has served In rabbinates In A PROVIDENCE FIREMAN examines the area where the fire ls believed to have originated in the base­ Danvllle, Va., Fallsburg, N. Y., ment of the Synagogue on Orms Street. and Newport News, Va. He ls a former member of the Yeshiva University faculty and ls co-founder of the Henrietta Leader Condemns -Anti-Jewish Remarks Kurzer Hebrew Academy In New­ port News, Va . were made in the heat of the mo­ for racial peace and was against JOHANNESBURG - A leader Thomas A. Pearlman, Provi­ of the governing Nationalist Party ment, they were out of pl ace. anti-Semitism. He blamed some of the Jewish members of Parlia­ dence attorney and communal RABBI NATHAN BULMAN and a member of the South African "I have had the personal leader, ls the dlnner chairman. Parliament, has added his voice assurance of our leaders that they ment for the comments that had compiles with the r equirement, been made. Joseph Ress Is the honorary to the condemnation of the "Go to wlll not tolerate anti-Semitism, chairman and Judge Frank Licht of the Providence School Com­ Israel" and other anti-Jewish and I think we can s tate that em­ The New York Herald Tribune, wlll serve as toastmaster for the mittee and all of the school' , remarks made recently by some phatically," Dr. Jonker said. The In a cable from London Sunday by affair. teachers are licensed by the stat< colleagues In the Parliament. Prime Minister, Dr. Verwoerd, Seymour Frledln, its executive The new building contains 13 and city boards of education foe Abraham Jonker, the National­ and the previous Prime Ministers, edltor, reported: "The Jewish modern classrooms, an audi­ secular studles and the National ist leader, sald In an Interview Dr. Malan and Mr. Strljdom, had community In South Africa Is torium , combination library­ Association of Hebrew DB} Schools. In "Sunday Times" here that the all spoken out against anti­ singled out by the m111tant chapel , kitchen facilities, com­ Rabbi Aldva Egozl, principal anti-Jewish remarks had come Semitlsm. apartheldlsts today as the mos t pletely equipped science labora­ from a few Individuals and did not Another Nationalist member of Influential Internal bloc s upport­ tory, offices, a firs t aid room, of the Hebrew Day School, sale reflect the feelings of the National Parliament, J. von S. Von Molte , Ing African desegregation aspira­ and arts and crafts room. the school alms to develop , Party. "If they were manifesta­ who had In the 1930's been a tions. Jews also have been Students at the school receive well educated and well-roundec' tions of anti-Semitism, then they leader of the anti-Semitic Grey­ charged with furnishing, Illegally, an Intensive secular and Hebrew indlvldual with a thoroughly In­ were to be condemned as strongly shirt movement, told the "Sunday funds to Africans to promote their education during regular school tegrated American Jewish per­ as possible," he said.
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