Israel, 1956-1983
MS-763: Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Collection, 1930-2004. Series F: Life in Israel, 1956-1983. Box Folder 18 20 Keren Hayesod. British Joint Palestine Appeal. 1970-1973. For more information on this collection, please see the finding aid on the American Jewish Archives website. 3101 Clifton Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45220 513.487.3000 British Jewry's Salute to Israel 14th December 1972 Rabbi Herb ?riedman, 15 Ibn Gvirol Street, Jerusaleo, Israel. 'l) '-". - Thank you for your kind note . Belatedly, but nonetheless wholeheartedly, I would li~:e to thank you for your help and guidance in i::iaking tb.e visit o:f our Delegation to Yad Vashe~ the most perfect and moving event I have ever been associated with. I only reGI'et that I did not have a little nore time at the Din..l'ler to exchange a few words with Frances anJ yourself. I hop e you understand. _,_,._.,, • Barzilay 0. ':> JPA, Rex House, 4-12 Regent Street, London, S.W.1. Telephone: 01 -930 5152 FOUNDER. THE LATE LORD II ARKS OF BROUGHTON tlon Pr • w"nt~. ':"Ii .. VERY REV, THE CHIEF RABB , OR. IMMANU_l o1AKOl.-"' ·"'• e.,., THE VERY REV. DR. S. GAON, B.A SIR ISAAC WOLFSON, Ban Pre$ dent. J, EDWARD SIEFF Vlce·Prasident. HYAM MORRISON Cha rman. MICHAEL M. SACHER, M.A. Deputy Chairman. I. JACK LYONS, C.B.E Vic..Clla1rnien: ROSSER CHINN, TREVOR CHINN, HAROLD H. POSTER. JOHN B. RUBENS. CYRIL STEIN Hon Treasurer· STUART YOUNG, F.C.A Director 1.AICHAEL BARZILAY. 8 Comm Exec'1t1•0 Oir&etor.
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