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University Microfilms 300 North Ze«b Road Ann Arbor, Michigan 4S106 A Xerox Education Company 72-27,134 WES1NEY, Lizette Islyn, 1927- ERA£MJS'S PARABOLAE SIVE SIMILIA: AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION A CRITICAL INTRODUCTION. The Ohio State University, Ph.D., 1972 Language and Literature, general University Microfilms, A XERQK Company , Ann Arbor, Michigan © 1972 LIZETTE ISLYN WESTNEY ALL RIGHTS RESERVED THIS DISSERTATION HAS BEEN MICROFILMED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED ERASMUS’S PAHAEOLAE SIVE SIMILIAi AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION WITH A CRITICAL INTRODUCTION DISSERTATION Presented In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Lizette I. Westney, B. A,, A* M. ******* The Ohio State University 1972 Approved by Department of English Adviser Department of Classics PLEASE NOTE: Some pages may have ind i st i net print. Filmed as received. University Microfilms, A Xerox Education Company Acknowledgements Through this medium, I should like to express my In­ debtedness to all those who helped to make this dissertation possible. I am grateful to the Board of Trustees of the Folger Shakespeare Library for granting me a dissertation fellowship In 1971 that greatly facilitated my reserarch, I should like to express my thanks to Dr. R. J* Schoeck, Director of Research Activities at the Folger, for the help and encouragement he gave me as a member of the Erasmus Seminar he conducted. My gratitude to my husband, Adrian, and our children Adrian, Jr., Gloria, and Marcel is great, for without their patient understanding and forbearance I could not have completed this project. I am also very grate­ ful to my Aunt Ellen who thoughtfully and cheerfully relieved me of housekeeping chores. In addition, I should like to express my thanks to Mrs. Pauline Flynn for her painstaking help In the typing of the manuscript. Finally, I acknowledge my great Indebtedness to my advisers Professor Carl Schlam of the Department of Classics, who read the translation and offered suggestions for Its Improvement, and Professor Rolf Soellner, who untiringly guided this study from its Inception until it assumed Its present form. 11 VITA July 22, 1927............. Bora- Kingston, Jamaica, W. I. 1952-195 3..... *.....Assistant teacher In English Klngsway High School, Kingston,Ja. 1953-195 6 ................. Assistant teacher In English Caribbean Union College, Fort-of- Spaln, Trinidad 1956-195 7............. .... Assistant teacher in English Bridgetown, Barbados, W •I, 1 9 5 7 - 1 9 6 0 Assistant teacher in English and Latin, Central High School, Georgetown, Guyana, S, A, 1960-19 6^ ...................B, A,, M. A., Howard University Washington, D, C, 1 9 6 ^ -1 9 6 7................. Instructor, Department of English and the Humanities Division, Howard University, Washington, D.C. 1967-1970* Teaching Assistant, Department of English, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. FIELDS OF STUDY Major Field 1 English Minor Field 1 Latin Studies in the sixteenth century. Professors Ivan Taylor, William Edgerton, Ruth Hughey, and Rolf Soellner Studies in the seventeenth century. Professors Author P. Davis and Joan Webber Studies in Romanticism. Professor Gertrude Rivers Studies In the twentieth century. Professor Charlotte Watkins ill TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Acknowledgments •. • •........ »........ .......... 11 Vita................................................... Ill Section I. The Parabolae In the Work of Erasmus........ 1 II. The Parabolaet Its Genesis, Sources and Content 11 III. The Parabolaet Its Relationship to the Sixteenth Century Commonplace Book............. 37 IV. The Parabolae In Sixteenth Century Grammar Schools ...... ............... ............ 57 V. The Parabolae In Sixteenth Century English Literature.................................... 73 TEXT Prefatory Letter....................................... 93 Parables or Similes I. From the Moral la of Plutarch ...... 98 II. From Seneca.................. 215 III. From Aristotle, Pliny and Theophrastus....... 235 Appendix A ................................................... 333 B ................................... 352 C ................................................... 390 Bibliography.......................................... 392 iv I The Parabolae In the Work of Erasmus Parabolae Slve Similia Is one of Erasmus's educational treatises written between 1500 and 1 5 1^ In which he demon­ strates his Interest not only in style, that is, in the best Latin style, but also in the philosophical content of the material presented to the student in the process of his acquisition of a good style. His English admirers imbibed this Interest freely and developed it in their own way, thereby paying highest tribute to the greatest Renaissance humanist to grace their shores. In his own early educational experience Erasmus had been brought into contact with early streams of humanism that pro­ vided him with positive and negative examples of how to learn and teach Latin. A few years after his birth in Rotterdam, 1 lThe date of his birth varies betifeen 1466 and 1469. For a summary of the scholarship on the date of Erasmus's birth see Roland Bainton, Erasmus of Christendom (New Yorki Scribner's Sons, 1 9 6 6), p. 2?. The details of his early life are taken from Compendium Vitae. P, S. Allen, ed. Opus Eplstolarum Des. Erasml Hoterodmal (Oxfordt Clarendon Press, I9 0 6-5&), I, 47ff" Thereafter referred to as EE) 1 trans. in F, M. Nichols, The Epistles of Erasmus (New Yorki Longmans, Green and Co., 19627". Jff.i Letter to Lambertus Grunnius, trans. in Nichols and in Hans Hillerbrand ed., Erasmus and his Age 1 Selected Letters of Erasmus (New Yorki Harper and Row, 1970), pp. 5-14. 1 2 he was sent to the famous St. Lebuln's school at Deventer where some of his teachers were Brethren of the Common Life, a lay order founded in the late fourteenth century by Gerard Groote of Deventer and dedicated to the ideals of poverty and simple piety. The order boasts a famous brother, Thomas a Kempls whose Imitation of Christ is probably the fullest expression of its ethical teachings. Erasmus attended schooL at Deventer when the headmaster was Alexander Hegius and his assistant was John Sinthelm, a scholar whose reputation as a teacher survived for almost fifty years in northern Germany, Woodward described Hegius and Sintheim as "men of true human­ ist instincts" who represented "the wider educational aims and more intelligent methods which the Italian masters had 2 set forth in the famous schools of Mantua and Ferrara." Erasmus also saw the great scholar Rudolphus Agricola who did some teaching at Deventer on his return from Italy. In later years Erasmus complained bitterly about this period of his education} looking back, he wrote* "Deventer was a school still in the age of barbarism. We had the Pater meus ( Joint declension of noun and adjective) and the tenses dictated to us for learning by hearti the accidence of Ebrardus Graeclsta and the ridicuius verses of John Garland were read aloud. From Hegius and Sintheim the school drew some savour of true ^William Harrison Woodward, Deslderlus Erasmus Concern­ ing the Aim and Method of Education (190^-1 rpt. New York* Bureau of Publications, Columbia University, 196*+), p. 3. Letters! and so by contact with boys in Sintheim's class I got glimpses of higher things,"^ From this last statement one can observe that he admitted that at Deventer he acquired a taste for learning. After spending nine years at Deventer, he lost both parents in an outbreak of the plague, and then was sent to a Brethren school at Bois-le-Duc for two years. As a school it was worthless* probably it had declined from the high stand­ ards of
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