Comparisons of Seasonal Fungal Prevalence in Indoor and Outdoor Air and in House Dusts of Dwellings in One Northeast American County1
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Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology (1999) 9,560±568 # 1999 Stockton Press All rights reserved1053-4245/99/$12.00 Comparisons of seasonal fungal prevalence in indoor and outdoor air and in house dusts of dwellings in one Northeast American county1 PING REN, THOMAS M. JANKUN AND BRIAN P. LEADERER Division of Environmental Health Sciences, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut Fungi cause allergies and many other adverse health effects. In this study, we characterized the nature and seasonal variation of fungi inside and outside homes in the Greater New Haven, Connecticut area. Three indoor air samples (in the living room, bedroom, and basement) and one outdoor sample were collected by the Burkard portable air sampler. House dust samples were collected in the living room by a vacuum cleaner. The mold concentrations varied widely from house to house in both indoor and outdoor air. No significant difference (p>0.05) in concentration andtype of fungi between living room andbedroomor by season was observed. Both concentration and type of fungi were significantly higher (p<0.05) in the basement than other indoor areas and outdoor air in winter. The type of fungi in living room, bedroom, and outdoor air were found to have significant changes among seasons, but there was no significant difference for the basement among seasons. Cladosporium spp. was dominant in both indoor and outdoor air in summer. Penicillium and Aspergillus were dominant in indoor air in winter, but neither was dominant in any season in outdoor air. The type of fungi and their concentrations in house dust samples were not representative of those isolated in indoor air. In dust samples, more Mucor, Wallemia, and Alternaria species, but less Aspergillus, Cladosporium, and Penicillium species were foundin all seasons. Air sampling in spring or fall in every suspectedhouse is suggestedfor year-roundfungal exposure assessment. Keywords: house dust, indoor air, outdoor air, seasonal fungal prevalence. Introduction environments. Fungal propagules are frequently encoun- tered in both indoor and outdoor environments. Because Microbial aerosols in indoor and outdoor environments of their resistance to dryness and their ability to survive and include a wide range of organisms (viruses, bacteria, mites, to germinate under more favorable environmental condi- andtheir feces, insects such as moths andcockroaches, tions, they have the capacity to colonize even in hostile dander from mammalian pets and pests, and pollen, etc.). environments. Therefore, owing to their ubiquitous pre- Many of these aerosols are associatedwith adverse health sence in nature, fungi as an allergen source are almost effects in humans. In recent years, a considerable amount of inevitable in a range of enclosedenvironments andin attention has focusedon the role of aeroallergens in both the community air. When attempts are made to determine the development and severity of asthma. While much of that overall health impact of fungi in indoor environments, many attention has focusedon allergens associatedwith dust studies have indicated that repeated exposure to spores or mites, cockroach, cats, anddogs,there is an interest in the volatiles from fungi present in indoor air may result in type I potential adverse respiratory effects associated with inhala- allergy (asthma, rhinitis) (Beaumont, 1988; Wardlaw and tion of fungi (NRC, 1981). Little, however, is known about Geddes, 1992), type III allergy (hypersensitivity pneumo- the nature of human exposures to fungi in the residential nitis) (SierstedandGravesen, 1993), Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) (Holmberg, 1987), and Organic Dust Toxic Syndrome (Sigsgaard et al., 1990). Liebeskind 1. Abbreviations: ACGIH, American Conference of Government Indus- (1971) has suggesteda relation between the intensity of a 3 trial Hygienists; CFU/m , colony forming units per cubic meter; CFU/g, given influence (i.e., molds) and the inhalation of allergens. colony forming units per gram; DG-18, dichloran-glycerol agar; MEA, The health effects of fungi are not limitedto allergic malt extract agar; SBS, sick building syndrome. 2. Address all correspondence to: Ping Ren, PhD, Division of Environ- diseases, but also might relate to a number of other health mental Health Sciences, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, effects, including infections. The roles of inhalation of Yale University School of Medicine, Room 400 LEPH, 60 College Street, mycotoxins andfungal volatiles have not yet been clearly P.O. Box 208034, New Haven, CT 06520-8034. Tel.: (203)737-6020. explained. Fax: (203)737-6023. E-mail: [email protected] Understanding the nature and concentrations of indoor Received10 September 1998; accepted1 April 1999. 1This publication was made possible by grant number ES/AI07456 from fungi may serve various purposes. Specifically, it can the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), NIH. provide information on which fungi sensitive individuals Seasonal fungal prevalence in air andin house dusts Ren et al. are exposedto. Seasonal changes in the symptoms may be cellulose extraction thimble (single thickness, 19 mmÂ90 associatedwith the seasonal variations of the molds. mm, 11 m pore size). All vacuum cleaner attachments Familiarity with the predominant airborne fungi and their preceding the thimble adapters were cleaned with detergent, occurrence throughout the year, both inside and outside the rinsedwith deionizedwater, then given a final rinse with dwellings of symptomatic individuals, may contribute to a ethanol to limit contamination between samples. Materials better knowledge and diagnosis of mold allergy and suggest were kept in clean Zip-loc bags until use. After sampling, effective mitigation strategies. A better qualitative and contaminatedvacuum attachments were replaced.Dust quantitative understanding of the indoor and outdoor flora sampling was conducted for 5 min and over 1 m2 area of of fungi, to which sensitive individuals are exposed is couch. House dust samples were analyzed for the presence important. of fungal propagules by plating 30 mg of dust directly on Indoor and outdoor air concentrations of culturable either DG-18 or MEA and by suspending 100 mg of dust in fungal propagules as well as fungal propagules in house a 1:50 (w/w) sucrose or peptone solution (Verhoeff et al., dust were studied in eleven residences. The purpose of this 1994). study was to explore the relationship between types and concentrations of airborne microfungi that can be foundin indoor, outdoor air, and house dusts. This study also Results investigatedif seasonal variations can be demonstratedin the indoor microflora to characterize the fungal exposure Comparison of Culturable Fungal Propagules among that may cause health effects. It is important to provide more Locations information about the representative sampling periodand During the periodNovember 1996 to October 1997, 342 air sampling location so that cost-effective environmental samples were taken from 11 houses. The number of colony monitoring protocols can be developed for epidemiologic forming units per cubic meter (CFU/m3 ) in indoor and studies of the health effects associated with exposure to outdoor air varied widely. Table 1 presents the concentra- residential fungi. tions of culturable fungal propagules in CFU/m3 (mean, standard deviation, standard error, and range) found in indoor and outdoor air by season. Approximately 50% of Materials and methods samples hadtotal culturable fungal propagules lower than 575 CFU/m3. The highest concentration measuredwas Between November 1996 andOctober 1997, seasonal air 4450 CFU/m3. Ninety-seven percent of samples hadfewer sampling was carriedout in 11 dwellingsin the Greater New than 100 CFU/m3 of genus Alternaria. Less than 28% of Haven, Connecticut area. These 11 homes (10 single- samples were foundto have more than 50 CFU/m 3 of family residences and one apartment) were selected from colleagues andfriends,which were locatedin a variety of Table 1. Concentration of culturable fungal propagules in CFU/m3 (mean, locations (wooded lots, near water, or close to town or S.D.a, S.E.b, and range) found in both indoor and outdoor in four seasons. city). Air samples were collectedin the living room, main bedroom, and basement of each home. No attempt was Seasons Locations n Mean S.D. S.E. Range made to adjust the conditions prevailing in the homes prior Winter living room 22 431.8 327.7 69.9 0±1200 to sampling. One air sample was also collectedoutsideeach bedroom 22 313.6 297.8 63.5 0±1200 residence and a house dust sample was collected from the basement 20 1657.5 1249.4 279.4 0±3800 living room of each home. outdoor 21 504.8 787.8 171.9 0±2400 Culturable airborne propagules were collectedusing the Spring living room 22 834.1 944.8 201.4 0±3500 Burkardportable air sampler (Burkard,Rickmansworth, bedroom 22 790.9 1109.9 236.6 0±4450 England) in combination with dichloran-glycerol agar basement 20 1165 862.1 192.8 50±2950 (DG-18) andmalt extract agar (MEA). The sampling outdoor 22 829.5 538.7 114.9 50±2000 periodwas 1 min with air-flow rate at 20 l/min. After Summer living room 22 1036.4 693.2 147.8 100±3000 exposure, the plates were incubatedat 25 8C for 7 to 10 days, bedroom 22 970.5 698.8 149.0 150±2950 after which the resulting colonies were counted. Fungi were basement 20 987.5 628.3 140.5 200±2950 identified to genus and if possible to the species level by outdoor 22 1197.7 817.8 174.3 150±3600 colony morphology or microscopic examination of the Fall living room 22 706.8 484.1 103.2 0±1850 spore structure. Concentrations were reportedas colony bedroom 22 704.5 704.0 150.1 100±3300 3 forming units per cubic meter (CFU/m ) of air. basement 19 1242.1 759.2 174.2 150±3000 House dust samples were collected from a couch in the outdoor 22 606.8 445.8 95.0 50±1600 living room by a Eureka Mighty Mite II portable vacuum aS.D.: standard deviation.