Gli1+ Pericyte Loss Induces Rarefaction and Proximal Tubular

† ‡ ‡ ‡ Rafael Kramann,* Janewit Wongboonsin, § Monica Chang-Panesso, Flavia G. Machado, and ‡ Benjamin D. Humphreys

*Renal Division, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts; †Division of Nephrology and Clinical Immunology, RWTH Aachen University Medical Faculty, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany; ‡Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri; and §Department of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand

ABSTRACT Peritubular capillary rarefaction is hypothesized to contribute to the increased risk of after AKI, and whether pericyte loss is future CKD after AKI. Here, we directly tested the role of Gli1+ kidney pericytes in the sufficient to induce peritubular capillary maintenance of peritubular capillary health, and the consequences of pericyte loss loss and altered morphology. during injury. Using bigenic Gli1-CreERt2; R26tdTomato reporter mice, we observed We genetically labeled pericytes using increased distance between Gli1+ pericytes and endothelial cells after AKI (mean6 Gli1-CreERt2 mice crossed against SEM: 3.360.1 mm before injury versus 12.560.2 mm after injury; P,0.001). Using a the R26tdTomato reporter mouse (Gt genetic ablation model, we asked whether pericyte loss alone is sufficient for capillary (ROSA)26Sortm9(CAF-tdTomato)Hze/J; destabilization. Ten days after pericyte ablation, we observed endothelial cell damage Figure 1A). After tamoxifen injection, mice by electron microscopy. Furthermore, pericyte loss led to significantly reduced capil- were subjected to severe unilateral ische- lary number at later time points (mean6SEM /high-power field: 67.664.7 in mia reperfusion injury (IRI; 28-minute control versus 44.164.8 at 56 days; P,0.05) and increased cross-sectional area (mean6 clamp). The injury was induced 10 days SEM: 21.960.4 mm2 in control versus 24.160.6 mm2 at 10 days; P,0.01 and 24.66 after tamoxifen injection to eliminate the 0.6 mm2 at 56 days; P,0.001). Pericyte ablation also led to hypoxic focal and subclinical possibility of recombination after injury. tubular injury, reflected by transient expression of Kim1 and vimentin in scattered Mice were euthanized 5 days after IRI. proximal tubule segments. This analysis provides direct evidence that AKI causes peri- We performed endothelial cell staining cyte detachment from capillaries, and that pericyte loss is sufficient to trigger transient (with CD31) and quantitatively measured tubular injury and permanent peritubular capillary rarefaction. the distance of tdTomato+ cells to the nearest endothelial cell by generating dis- J Am Soc Nephrol 28: 776–784, 2017. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2016030297 tance maps in ImageJ (Figure 1, B and C, Supplemental Material).

Up to 20% of patients that develop AKI becauseoftheabsenceofspecificmark- will go on to develop late stage CKD, and ers for kidney pericytes that would allow Received March 14, 2016. Accepted August 9, these patients are at increased risk of unambiguous fate tracing and genetic 2016. 1,2 ESRD and death. Understanding the ablation in mouse models. R.K. and J.W. contributed equally to this work. mechanisms underlying this epidemio- We recently reported that Gli1 marks a Published online ahead of print. Publication date logic link is a priority, with a strong focus perivascular population of mesenchymal available at being on the structural alterations that stem cell-like cells that form an extensive occur in kidney after an episode of network from the arterial adventitia in the Correspondence: Dr. Benjamin D. Humphreys, Di- vision of Renal Disease, Washington University School 3–6 9 AKI. OnehypothesisisthatAKI pericyte niche. Genetic fate tracing ex- of Medicine, 660 South Euclid Avenue, CB 8129, St. causes detachment of pericytes from periments revealed that these perivascular Louis, MO 63110, or Dr. Rafael Kramann, Division of peritubular endothelial cells, triggering Gli1+ cells are a major source of kidney Nephrology and Clinical Immunology, Rheinisch- fi Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen Univer- endothelial injury, capillary rarefaction, myo broblasts and can be targeted thera- sity, Pauwelstrasse 30, 52074 Aachen, Germany. Email: hypoxia and, ultimately, fibrosis with peutically.9,10 In this study, we sought ex- [email protected] or [email protected] 7,8 CKD progression. Direct evidence in perimental evidence for detachment of Copyright © 2017 by the American Society of + support of this hypothesis is lacking Gli1 cells from peritubular capillaries Nephrology

776 ISSN : 1046-6673/2803-776 J Am Soc Nephrol 28: 776–784, 2017 BRIEF COMMUNICATION

Figure 1. Gli1+ pericytes detach from endothelial cells and expand after IRI. (A) Gli1+ cells were genetically tagged using bigenic Gli1-CreERt2; R26tdTomato mice. Tamoxifen was administered and mice underwent severe unilateral IRI 10 days after the last tamoxifendoseandwereeuthanized5daysaftersurgery.(B)Representative images of CD31-stained kidneys from Gli1-CreERt2; R26tdTomato mice at day 5 after IRI. (C) Representative images of distance analysis indicating detachment of pericytes from en- dothelial cells. Immunofluorescence images of three channels (DAPI, tdTomato, and CD31) were split. Points of maximum intensity of each nucleus were selected and merged with tdTomato+ to mark the nucleus of the Gli1+ pericyte. Selected nuclei and tdTomato+ area were overlaid on the distance map generated from with the CD31 image to measure the distance of nuclei and cytoplasmic edges to the endo- thelial cells. (D) Scheme of pericyte–endothelial distance measurement. (E) Quantification of tdTomato+ cell number after IRI. (F) Measured distances from tdTomato+ pericytes to the closest endothelial cells indicating detachment after injury. Of note, data represent n=11 mice, six female and five male, in the contralateral kidney group and n=10 mice, five female and five male, in the severe IRI group; mean6SEM in E and F; box and whiskers with 10th–90th percentiles in F; + indicates mean in F; ***P,0.001, by t-test; all scale bars are 50 mm. DAPI, 49,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole.

J Am Soc Nephrol 28: 776–784, 2017 Pericyte Loss Triggers Rarefaction 777 BRIEF COMMUNICATION

We detected increased numbers of genetic ablation of Gli1+ cells would swollen endothelial mitochondria with tdTomato+ cells (mean6SEM: 18.462.2 trigger endothelial damage and capillary loss of cristae, thickening of capillary base- versus 77.564.8 cells/high-power field rarefaction. We crossed Gli1-CreERt2; ment membrane, and denudation of en- [hpf]; P,0.001) after IRI, as expected R26tdTomato mice to R26iDTR mice. dothelial cells from the capillary basement (Figure 1, B and E). Importantly the dis- Tamoxifen administration in bigenic membrane (Figure 2D). To quantify peri- tance of tdTomato+ cells to the closest mice leads to heritable expression of tubular capillary changes after pericyte endothelial cell increased significantly the human diphtheria toxin (DTX) recep- ablation, we applied fluorescence micro- (Figure 1, D and F). We measured an in- tor in Gli1+ pericytes and perivascular angiography (FMA) high-resolution im- crease of the minimum as well as maxi- cells. After tamoxifen-induced recombina- aging combined with our automated mum distance from the cytoplasmic edge tion and a 10-day washout period, DTX MATLAB-based analysis of peritubular (minimum distance: 0.460.1–4.26 was administered to specifically ablate capillary size and density (Figure 2B, Sup- 0.2 mm; P,0.001; maximum distance: Gli1+ pericytes (Figure 2A). Mice were eutha- plemental Material).3 As a positive control, 9.860.2–23.960.3 mm; P,0.001) or nized at 10 days or 56 days after the first we used triple transgenic Gli1-CreERt2; the nucleus (3.660.2–13.160.2 mm; DTX dose. We observed evidence of endo- iDTR; R26tdTomato mice to demonstrate P,0.001) of the tdTomato+ pericyte to thelial injury by electron microscopy upon successful depletion of Gli1+ cells after the closest endothelial cell (Figure 1F). pericyte ablation at day 10, consisting of DTX administration (Figure 2C). We next asked whether undifferenti- 2 ated Gli1+ pericytes (tdTomato+/aSMA ) andGli1-derivedmyofibroblasts (tdTomato+/aSMA+) both show increased distance from endothelial cells after in- jury. Indeed, we observed increased dis- 2 tances of both tdTomato+/aSMA cells and tdTomato+/aSMA+ cells to the closest endothelial cells, after IRI (Supplemental Figure 1), suggesting that myofibroblast dif- ferentiation is not a requirement for pericyte detachment from capillaries after injury. In addition to detachment of pericytes, we also detected peritubular capillary rarefaction after IRI (Supplemental Figure 2). Pericyte–endothelial cell crosstalk has been investigated after kidney injury, and experiments by Lin et al. using Col1a1- GFP mice have suggested that pericytes migrate away from capillaries after kidney injury.11 However, the lack of a specific kidney pericyte marker that would allow inducible genetic fate tracing has prevented experimental proof of pericyte migration Figure 2. Cell-specific genetic ablation of Gli1+ cells in healthy mice. (A) Experimental in vivo 11,12 from capillaries . scheme: Gli1-CreERt2; iDTR; R26tdTomato trigenic mice were administered tamoxifen. + Our data indicates that Gli1 myofi- Heritable expression of DTX receptor was induced in Gli1+ cells. DTX was given to spe- broblast progenitors detach from capillar- cifically ablate Gli1+ cells as indicated, and the mice were followed and euthanized 10 days ies after injury. The proximity of pericytes or 56 days after the first DTX dose. Control animals were given vehicle instead of DTX. (B) and endothelial cells to one another is Random images of kidneys after FMA were taken (n=5/kidney section) and analyzed with likely crucial for the signaling that stabi- our MATLAB-based script. (C) Gli1-CreERt2; iDTR; R26tdTomato trigenic mice were ad- + lizes peritubular capillaries.13 Whether ministered tamoxifen and received DTX or vehicle (PBS) to validate ablation of tdTomato + pericyte loss itself is sufficient to induce cells. (D) Evidence of endothelial injury after Gli1 pericyte ablation. Left panel, normal capillary destabilization, however, re- peritubular capillary. Note the very thin endothelial cytoplasm surrounding (arrowheads). Center panel, injured endothelial cell with delamination of cell mains unresolved. An alternative hypoth- from basement membrane (asterisks) and areas of denuded basement membrane (arrows). esis is that primary endothelial damage Right panel, an injured endothelial cell with swollen cytoplasm and mitochondrial ex- causes secondary pericyte detachment, hibiting disrupted cristae (arrow). Accumulation of electron-lucent material in between the not the other way around. endothelial cell and the capillary basement membrane is evident (arrowheads). Collagen Toaddress the functional consequences of fibers can be seen (asterisk). Scale bars are 50 mm in immunofluorescence images and 2 mm pericyte loss, we asked whether cell-specific in electron microscopy images. DAPI, 49,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole.

778 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 28: 776–784, 2017 BRIEF COMMUNICATION

Gli1+ pericyte ablation led to a grad- our previous IRI experiments, where we explained by the predominant rarefaction ual decline in cortical capillary number observed a biphasic trend with an in- of smaller capillaries, resulting in a shift (Figure 3, A and D). Total area and total creased number of small capillaries toward a larger mean of the capillary number of capillaries were significantly and a drop in the number of larger capil- cross-sectional area. We limited analysis lower compared with the control group laries,3 pericyte ablation triggered more to capillaries with an area .4.9 mm2 be- at 56 days (mean6SEM: 14786104– prominent rarefaction of the smaller cause it has been previously reported that 10846149 mm2/hpf; P=0.03, and capillaries (Figure 3B). Interestingly, we this is the lower size limit of capillaries 67.664.7–44.164.8 capillaries/hpf; observed an increase in capillary cross- through which erythrocytes can pass.3,14 P=0.001). Further analysis revealed a sectional area from 21.960.4 to 24.16 To exclude larger vessels, we used an up- shift in capillary size distribution with a 0.6 mm2 at 10 days (P=0.01) and 24.66 per cut-off value of 100 mm2 as previously substantial rarefaction of small capillar- 0.6 mm2 at 56 days after DTX injection reported.3 Analysis of capillary number ies (,15 mm2; Figure 3B). In contrast to (P=0.004; Figure 3C). This might be using standard CD31-based staining yielded a similar trend (Supplemental Fig- ure 2B). Similar to the effect on cortical microvasculature, Gli1 cell ablation also induced a capillary rarefaction in the outer medulla (Supplemental Figure 3). We next asked whether pericyte abla- tion caused parenchymal damage. Quan- titative real-time PCR showed an 18-fold increase in Kidney Injury Molecule 1 (Kim1) mRNA level at 10 days after ablation (Figure 4A). Kim1 protein ex- pression also significantly increased and was located in focal proximal tubular seg- ments cells positive for Lotus tetragono- lobus lectin (Figure 4, A and B). These Kim1-expressing tubular epithelial cells were also positive for vimentin, indicating their dedifferentiation (Figure 4C), and several were proliferating, as indicated by costaining for the cell cycle marker Ki67 (Supplemental Figure 3A).15 Intriguingly, Kim1 mRNA and protein were absent by 56 days, suggesting that proximal tubule damage induced by pericyte loss was fully repaired by this time point. Electron mi- croscopy at 10 days after Gli1+ cell abla- tion confirmed focal tubular epithelial injury (Figure 4D). Kidney sections stained with periodic acid–Schiff also showed focal areas of tubular injury at 10 days after injury, with a repair at 56 Figure 3. Analysis of cortical microvasculature depicted by FMA reveals capillary rare- days (Supplemental Figure 4B). Because faction after Gli1+ pericyte ablation. (A) Ablation of Gli1+ pericytes resulted in reduction of of the focal nature of this tubular epithelial total capillary cross-sectional area (control: 14786104 mm2, 10 days: 12896124.6 mm2, injury, blindly scored random hpfs (4003, 2 and 56 days: 10846148.6 mm ) and total number of capillaries (control: 67.664.7 five per kidney) did not show a significant 6 6 capillaries/hpf, 10 days: 53.6 4.4 capillaries/hpf, and 56 days: 44.1 4.8 capillaries/hpf; injury (Supplemental Figure 4B). 6 + mean SEM, t-test). (B) Gli1 pericyte ablation had the highest effect on small capillaries We next asked whether the tubular with a significant reduction in capillaries smaller than 15, 25, and 35 mm2. (C) The individual injury might be explained by hypoxia cortical capillary cross-sectional area increased slightly after pericyte ablation (data shown in mean6SEM; box and whiskers with 10th–90th percentiles; + indicates mean; one-way as a consequence of capillary rarefaction. We ANOVA with post hoc Bonferroni correction). (D) Representative images of FMA and CD31 repeated the short term ablation exper- t2 staining at 56 days after pericyte ablation versus vehicle (scale bars are 50 mm). Of note, iment in bigenic Gli1-CreER ;iDTR data represent n=7 mice in control, n=4 mice in 10 days group and n=6 in 56 days group; mice (n=5 vehicle versus n=7 DTX) *P,0.05; **P,0.01; ***P,0.001. DAPI, 49,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. and injected the mice with the hypoxia

J Am Soc Nephrol 28: 776–784, 2017 Pericyte Loss Triggers Rarefaction 779 BRIEF COMMUNICATION

Figure 4. Ablation of Gli1+ pericytes causes transient proximal tubular injury. (A) Increased Kim1 mRNA and protein expression at 10 days after Gli1+ cell ablation (***P,0.001; one-way ANOVA with post hoc Bonferroni correction). (B, C) Scattered Kim1 expression in proximal tubular (costained with Lotus tetragonolobus lectin [LTL]) brush borders. We observed increased Kim1 expression in areas with reduced

780 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 28: 776–784, 2017 BRIEF COMMUNICATION marker pimonidazole at 24 hours before Gli1+ pericytes represent a subpop- expressed in the mesangium, vascular euthanizing. We clearly observed in- ulation of interstitial kidney cells that , or epithelium. creased pimonidazole staining in focal exhibit prop- Gli1+ cells, similar to other pericytes, areas with Kim1 tubular epithelial injury erties and are a major source of renal primarily localize to the corticomedul- (Supplemental Figure 4C) and signifi- myofibroblasts after injury. Although lary junction.8,9,23 Our observation of cantly increased cortical pimonidazole- ablation of these cells during kidney cortical tubular injury distant from the positive area size in scanned whole fibrosis (unilateral ureteral obstruction) outer medulla after Gli1+ cell ablation kidney sections (Figure 4E). Furthermore, ameliorated fibrosis,9 we demonstrate suggests that peritubular damage is ca- we observed a significant mRNA expres- here that ablation of these cells during pable of inducing damage in remote tu- sion of the hypoxic response genes Hif1a, homeostasiscausesfocalandtransient bule segments. Similar observations , GLUT1, and VEGF, sug- proximal tubular injury with sustained have been made in proximal tubules, gesting that Gli1+ cell ablation indeed resul- peritubular capillary rarefaction. Deple- where tubular epithelial damage causes ted in kidney hypoxia (Figure 4F). Kidney tion of pericytes is a well described phe- later glomerulosclerosis. We speculate functional parameters, such as BUN and nomenon during early nonproliferative that rarefaction of the peritubular blood creatinine, were not affected by Gli1+ cell ,17,18 which leads to supply, which feeds the entire nephron, ablation (Figure 4G). endothelial dysfunction. Conditional might explain these distant effects. Selective tubular injury has been knockout of several genes, such as In conclusion, we demonstrate, using reported to induce tubulointerstitial NG2, in pericytes, has also been reported inducible genetic fate tracing, that Gli1+ fibrosis.16 We therefore asked whether to result in endothelial dysfunction.19 pericytes detach from capillaries after pericyte ablation triggering capillary The mechanism driving proximal tubu- kidney injury and Gli1+ pericyte de- rarefaction and tubular injury might, lar injury after pericyte depletion is pletion induces capillary rarefaction in fact, induce tubulointerstitial fibro- most likely through capillary rarefaction and proximal tubular injury. This in- sis. Indeed, we observed a very mild resulting in cortical hypoxia. Pericytes dicates that a therapeutic strategy fibrotic response with increased have also been reported to have direct eliminating Gli1+ pericytes during mRNA expression of collagen IaI(Sup- interaction with other cells, such as epi- CKD may have the unwanted effect of plemental Figure 4D). Staining and thelial cells, and coordinate endothelial– destabilizing the peritubular capillary quantification of both collagen I and epithelial communication.20 Recently, network. More targeted inhibition of aSMA protein expression did not Lemos et al. reported that genetic ab- pericyte–myofibroblast differentiation show a significant increase after Gli1 lation of FoxD1+ cells in bigenic or myofibroblast expansion, steps that cell ablation (Figure 4H). Because we FoxD1Cre; iDTR mice resulted in occur after pericyte detachment, might have previously reported that Gli1+ AKI with abrupt increase of serum be a more favorable therapeutic strategy. cells are a major source of kidney my- creatinine, BUN, albuminuria, and ofibroblasts,9 Gli1+ cell ablation might capillary rarefaction.21 This much also affect the development of fibrosis, more severe injury might be explained CONCISE METHODS despite tubular injury inducing inter- bythefactthatFoxD1Crealsorecom- stitial fibrosis. bines in all vascular smooth muscle All mouse experiments followed the animal Interestingly, Gli1+ cell ablation also cells, mesangial cells, and a minor experimental guidelines issued by the Animal resulted in an inflammatory response, fraction of tubular epithelial cells.22 Care and Use Committee at Washington Uni- with upregulation of renal TNFa and Themilderinjuryweobservedinour versity. Gli1-CreERt2 (i.e., Gli1tm3(re/ERt2)alj/J; IL6 mRNA expression (Supplemental experiments is likely explained by the stock no. 007909), R26tdTomato (i.e., B6-Cg- Figure 4E). Renal collagen IV and fact that FoxD1 marks all interstitial Gt(ROSA)26Sortm(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/J; stock no. TGFb1 mRNA expression did not signif- pericytes, whereas Gli1+ cells represent 007900), and iDTR mice (i.e., C57BL/6-Gt icantly change after Gli1 cell ablation a small subfraction of interstitial (ROSA)26Sortm1(HBEGF)Awai/J;stockno. (Supplemental Figure 4, F and G). PDGFRb+ pericytes, and Gli1 is not 007900) were purchased from Jackson

FMA perfusion. Scale bars are 50 mm. (C) Injured tubules expressed vimentin indicating dedifferentiation of tubular epithelial cells. Scale bars are 50 mm. (D) Evidence of tubular injury by electron microscopy at 10 days after Gli1+ cell ablation. Asterisks indicate irregular intracytoplasmic vacuolization, arrowheads indicate simplification and thickening of the basal membrane, and arrows indicate enlargement and bulging of mitochondria. Scale bars are 4 mm. (E) Representative images and quantification of pimonidazole staining in kidneys of bigenic Gli1-CreERt2; iDTR mice at 10 days after ablation (n=5 control/vehicle, n=7 DTX). *P,0.05 by t-test, scale bars are 100 mm. (F) Upregulation of hypoxic response genes after Gli1 cell ablation. *P,0.05; **P,0.01 by one-way ANOVA with post hoc Bonferroni. (G) Gli1 ablation did not affect serum BUN or creatinine. (H) Representative images and quantification of collagen 1 and aSMA indicating no significant change after Gli1+ cell ablation. Scale bars are 50 mm. NS, not significant. DAPI, DAPI, 49,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole.

J Am Soc Nephrol 28: 776–784, 2017 Pericyte Loss Triggers Rarefaction 781 BRIEF COMMUNICATION

Laboratories (Bar Harbor, ME). Offspring 46%–75%; and 5, 76%–100% for tubular at- AGGCTTAAT-39, reverse 59-GCAAGTG were genotyped by PCR according to the pro- rophy, dilation, protein casts, necrotic cells, CATCATCGTTGTTC-39. tocol from Jackson Laboratories. For lineage and brush border loss. BUN and creatinine t2 tracing, Gli1-CreER ; R26tdTomato bigenic was measured by HPLC at the University of Electron Microscopy mice were given three doses of 0.4 mg/g body Alabama at Birmingham - University of Kidneys were fixed by Karnovsky fixative. wt tamoxifen in corn oil/3% ethanol (Sigma- California at San Diego O’Brien Core Cen- Then, samples were quartered and sliced into Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) via oral gavage, 10 days ter for Acute Kidney Injury Research. approximately 1.5-mm thick pieces, rinsed in before IRI. IRI was performed as previously cacodylate buffer three times for 10 minutes described.24 Briefly, mice were anesthetized Real-Time PCR Experiments each, and subjected to a secondary fixation for with pentobarbital sodium (60 mg/kg body or cell pellets were harvested and 1 hour in 1% osmium tetroxide/0.3% potas- wt, administered intraperitoneally) and immediately snap frozen in liquid nitrogen. sium ferrocyanide in cacodylate buffer on ice. buprenorphine was used for pain control RNA from kidneys was extracted according to Then, samples were washed in ultrapure (0.1 mg/kg body wt, administered intraperito- the manufacturer instructions, using the water three times for 10 minutes each, and neally). Incisions were made by flank incision, RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen, Germantown, stained en bloc for 1 hour with 2% aqueous exposing the kidneys, and ischemia was induced MD), and 600 ng of total RNA was reverse uranyl acetate. After staining was complete, by clamping the renal pedicle with nontraumatic transcribed with iScript (Bio-Rad, Hercules, samples were briefly washed in ultrapure microaneurysm clamps (Roboz, Rockville, MD) CA). Quantitative PCRs were carried out with water, dehydrated in a graded acetone series for 28 minutes (for severe IRI). Contralateral iQ-SYBR Green supermix (Bio-Rad) and the (50%,70%,90%,100%,32) for 10 minutes kidneys were left undisturbed. Reperfusion was Bio-Rad CFX96 Real Time System with the in each step, and infiltrated with microwave visually verified. Body temperatures were con- C1000 Touch Thermal Cycler. Cycling con- assistance (Pelco BioWave Pro, Redding, CA) trolled at 36.5°C–37.5°C throughout the pro- ditions were 95°C for 3 minutes, then 40 cy- into LX112 resin. Samples were cured in an cedure. A total of 1 ml of normal saline was cles of 95°C for 15 seconds and 60°C for 1 oven at 60°C for 48 hours. Once the resin was administered subcutaneously, after the surgery. minute, followed by one cycle of 95°C for 10 cured, blocks were trimmed to a face extending For ablation experiments, bigenic Gli1-CreERt2; seconds. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehy- from the outer membrane to the outer stripe iDTR mice received tamoxifen, as previously drogenase (GAPDH) was used as a house- of the outer medulla. Sections (70-nm thin) mentioned. After a 10-day washout period, keeping gene. Data were analyzed using the were then taken and imaged on an FE- DD DTX (Peprotech) dissolved in PBS (Gibco, 2- ct method. The following primers were SEM (Zeiss Crossbeam 540, Oberkochen, Carlsbad, CA) at the dose of 50 ng/g body wt used: GAPDH: forward 59-AGGTCGGTGT- Germany) using the aSTEM detector. The was given intraperitoneally, as indicated GAACGGATTTG-39; reverse 59-TGTAGAC- FE-SEM was operated at 28 KeV with a (Figure 2A). Control mice received an intraperi- CATGTAGTTGAGGTCA-39; aSMA: forward probe current of 1.1 nA, and STEM detector toneal injection of PBS. To validate the cell abla- 59-CTGACAGAGGCAC CACTGAA-39, reverse was operated with the annular rings inverted tion,tripletransgenicmice(Gli1-CreERt2; 59-CATCTCCAGAGTCCAGCACA-39;Col1a1: for additional sample contrast. iDTR; R26tdTomato) were generated and forward 59-TGAC TGGAAGAGCGGAGAGT-39, treated with the same protocol as the bigenic reverse 59-GTTCGGGCTGATGTACCAGT-39; FMA group. Mice were euthanized 10 days and 56 EPO: forward 59-GTGGAAGAACAGGC- At the time of organ harvest, mice were days after administration of the first dose of CATAGAA-39, reverse 59-GTCTATAT- anesthetized with pentobarbital (60 mg/kg DTX. FMA was performed at death. For detec- GAAGCTGAAGGGTCTC-39; HIF1a1: of body wt, administered intraperitoneally). tion of hypoxia, pimonidazole (Hypoxyprobe-1 forward 59- CGGCGAGAACGAGAA- FMAwas performed as previously described.3 kit) was injected at 60 mg/kg body wt intra- GAAAAAG-39,reverse59-TGGGGAAGTG Briefly, an incision was made at the midline peritoneally, at 24 hours before euthanizing. GCAACTGATG-39;TGFb1: forward 59- toward the lateral thoracic cage. A 27-gauge Staining was achieved using rabbit anti- GGAGCAACATGTGGAACTCTA-39,re- butterfly catheter was inserted into left ven- pimonidazole antibody at 1:100 (PAb2627AP; verse 59-CAGCCACTCAGGCGTATC-39; tricle, followed by infusion of prewarmed Hypoxyprobe). Quantification of positive area VEGF: forward 59-TCATGCGGATCAAACCT- 41°C solutions, as follows: 1 ml of heparinized was performed as percentage of the whole cor- CAC-39, reverse 59-TCTGGCTTTGT- saline (100 IU/ml heparin; Sagent Pharma- tex or outer medulla in a scanned whole kidney TCTGTCTTTCT-39;KIM1:forward59- ceuticals), 1 ml of 3 M KCl, 10 ml of PBS, section, using NIS Elements (Nikon, Tokyo, AAACCAGAGATTCCCACACG-39,reverse and 5 ml of agarose-fluorescent microbead Japan). Quantification of collagen 1 and 59-GTCGTGGGTCTTCCTGTAGC-39; Col4a1: mixture (1% low-melting-point agarose, aSMA staining was done in five random forward 59-GGGAGAGAAAGGTGCTGTG-3, stock no. 50080; Lonza) in distilled water hpfs per kidney (4003), as percentage of reverse 59-TGCCAGGTAAGCCGTTA AAT-39; with 0.02 mm FluoSpheres sulfate (yellow- positive area, using NIS Elements (Nikon). Glut1: forward 59-TCTGTCGGCCTCT- green, stock no. F8845; Invitrogen, Carlsbad, Quantification of tubular injury was per- TTGTTAATC-39, reverse 59-CCAGTTTGGA- CA) or 0.06 mm Dragon green Carboxylated formed in five random hpf images of kidney GAAGCC CATAA-39;TNFa:forward59- Polystyrene beads (stock no. FC02F–11587; sections stained with periodic acid–Schiff, CTATGTCTCAGCCTCTTCT CATTC-39, Bangs Laboratories) The inferior vena cava using the following injury score: 0, 0%–5%; reverse 59-GAGGC CATTTGGGAACTTCT-39; was cut before the infusion of PBS. After perfu- 1, 5%–10%; 2, 11%–25%; 3, 26%–45%; 4, IL6: forward 59-CTTCACAAGTCGG sion of fluorescent beads, organs were placed

782 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 28: 776–784, 2017 BRIEF COMMUNICATION on ice for 10 minutes to solidify agarose. tdTomato+ area into smaller areas represent- support from the University of Alabama at Then, they were placed in 4% paraformalde- ing single tdTomato+ cells. Selected nuclei Birmingham-University of California at San hyde on ice for 2 hours, 30% sucrose in PBS and the divided tdTomato+ areas were over- Diego O9Brien Core Center for Acute Kidney at 4°C overnight, and embedded in optimum layed on a CD31-generated distance map. Injury Research (NIH grant P30-DK079337). cutting temperature compound (Sakura The script is provided in Supplemental Ma- Finetek). terial. We used aSMA immunostaining to separate tdTomato cells into aSMA+ and DISCLOSURES 2 Immunofluorescence aSMA cells. Distance from nucleus and cy- None. Tissue sections were cut at 7-mm thickness toplasmic edges of these two subsets to the and mounted on Superfrost slides (Thermo nearest vessel were calculated as mentioned REFERENCES Fisher Scientific, Vernon Hills, IL). Sections above. were washed with PBS (three times, 5 minutes 1. Amdur RL, Chawla LS, Amodeo S, Kimmel PL, each), then blocked with 10% normal goat se- Image Quantification by MATLAB Palant CE: Outcomes following diagnosis of rum (Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA), Forquantificationof peritubularcapillary size acute renal failure in U.S. veterans: focus on permeabilized with 0.2% Triton-X100 in and diameter, we utilized the same MATLAB acute tubular necrosis. Kidney Int 76: 1089– PBS, and then stained with primary antibody script we have described previously.3 The 1097, 2009 2. Coca SG, Singanamala S, Parikh CR: Chronic specific for rat anti-CD31 (1:100, stock no. 14– script removes background noise, generates a kidney disease after acute kidney injury: a 0311; eBioscience, San Diego, CA), FITC- binary image of capillaries, and provides data systematic review and meta-analysis. Kidney conjugated anti-Lotus tetragonolobus lectin of capillary size, number, and diameter. Int 81: 442–448, 2012 (1:200, stock no. FL-1321; Vector Laborato- 3. Kramann R, Tanaka M, Humphreys BD: Fluorescence microangiography for quanti- ries), rabbit anti-vimentin (1:100; stock no. Statistical Analyses ab92547; Abcam, Inc., Cambridge, MA), 6 tative assessment of peritubular capillary Data were presented as mean SEM. ANOVA changes after AKI in mice. J Am Soc Nephrol post hoc goat anti-KIM1 (1:200, stock no. AF1817; with Bonferroni correction was used 25: 1924–1931, 2014 R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN), mouse for multiple group comparison. Student 4. 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Semin of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Dis- Nephrol 34: 374–383, 2014 fi eases grants DK107274, DK103740, and 9. Kramann R, Schneider RK, DiRocco DP, Distance Quanti cation by ImageJ Machado F, Fleig S, Bondzie PA, Henderson Random images from the outer stripe of DK103050, and byan Established Investigator JM, Ebert BL, Humphreys BD: Perivascular the outer medulla were analyzed. All images Award of the American Association (all Gli1+ progenitors are key contributors to were automatically processed by ImageJ (Fig- to B.D.H); by a Start grant of the Rheinisch- injury-induced organ fibrosis. Cell Stem Cell ure 1C). First, all images were split into RGB Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen 16: 51–66, 2015 channels. Gaussian blur was applied to adjust University (101/15), a grant of the Deutsche 10. Kramann R, Fleig SV, Schneider RK, Fabian SL, DiRocco DP, Maarouf O, Wongboonsin J, background noise in all channels. Autothres- Forschungsgemeinschaft (KR 4073/3-1), a Ikeda Y, Heckl D, Chang SL, Rennke HG, hold was used to convert intensity values of grant of the European Research Council Waikar SS, Humphreys BD: Pharmacological CD31 staining and tdTomato+ area into bi- (ERC-StG 677448), and a grant of the State of GLI2 inhibition prevents myofibroblast cell- nary data. Then a distance map was created North Rhine-Westphalia (all to R.K.); and cycle progression and reduces kidney fibro- – fromthebinarydataofCD31.Onemaxi- by a Prince Mahidol Award-Youth Program sis. JClinInvest125: 2935 2951, 2015 11. Lin SL, Chang FC, Schrimpf C, Chen YT, Wu mum intensity point was selected as the rep- scholarship and fellowship from the Faculty CF, Wu VC, Chiang WC, Kuhnert F, Kuo CJ, resentative point of each nucleus. These of Medicine at Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol Chen YM, Wu KD, Tsai TJ, Duffield JS: Tar- points were used to divide the binary University (to J.W.). We also acknowledge geting -pericyte cross talk by

J Am Soc Nephrol 28: 776–784, 2017 Pericyte Loss Triggers Rarefaction 783 BRIEF COMMUNICATION

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784 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology J Am Soc Nephrol 28: 776–784, 2017 Supplementary Material:

Gli1 pericyte loss induces capillary rarefaction and proximal tubular injury

Rafael Kramann, Janewit Wongboonsin, Flavia G. Machado, Monica Chang-Panesso, and Benjamin D. Humphreys


Benjamin D. Humphreys, MD, PhD Division of Renal Disease Washington University School of Medicine 660 S . Euclid Ave., CB 8129 St Louis, MO 63110 [email protected] or

Rafael Kramann, MD Division of Nephrology and clinical Immunology RWTH Aachen University Pauwelstr 30 52074 Aachen, Germany [email protected]

Supplementary Material 1 : ImageJ script for distance analysis

Open the selected image run("8-bit"); run("Split Channels"); //split image into different channels selectWindow("C2-pic"); selectWindow("C3-pic"); selectWindow("C4-pic"); run("Duplicate...", "title=cy5"); selectWindow("C3-pic"); run("Duplicate...", "title=tdt"); selectWindow("C2-pic"); run("Duplicate...", "title=fitc"); selectWindow("C1-pic"); run("Duplicate...", "title=dapi"); run("Merge Channels...", "c1=tdt c2=fitc c3=dapi c4=cy5 create keep"); selectWindow("cy5"); run("Gaussian Blur...", "sigma=2"); //using blur function to clear up noise setAutoThreshold("Huang"); //Huang autothreshold is the best for our cy5 staining //run("Threshold..."); setAutoThreshold("Huang dark"); //setThreshold(38, 255); setOption("BlackBackground", true); run("Convert to Mask"); run("Invert"); run("Distance Map"); //Create a distance map from cy5 channel selectWindow("fitc"); run("Gaussian Blur...", "sigma=2"); setAutoThreshold("Huang dark"); //Huang autothreshold is the best for our FITC staining //run("Threshold..."); //setThreshold(21, 255); run("Convert to Mask"); run("Invert"); run("Distance Map"); //Create a distance map from FITC channel selectWindow("tdt"); run("Gaussian Blur...", "sigma=2"); setAutoThreshold("Moments dark"); //Moments autothreshold is the best for our TRITC color //run("Threshold..."); //setThreshold(5, 255); run("Convert to Mask"); run("Duplicate...", "title=redarea"); selectWindow("redarea"); selectWindow("dapi"); run("Gaussian Blur...", "sigma=2"); run("Find Maxima...", "noise=20 output=[Single Points]"); //use the maximal point of intensity of each nucleus as representative point imageCalculator("AND create", "dapi Maxima","redarea"); //select nuclei that are within tdTomato+ area selectWindow("Result of dapi Maxima"); selectWindow("dapi Maxima"); run("Find Connected Regions", "allow_diagonal display_one_image display_results regions_for_values_over=100 minimum_number_of_points=1 stop_after=-1"); //Assign each nucleus as different data point run("Marker-controlled Watershed", "input=redarea marker=All mask=redarea calculate use"); //Use nuclei to divide large red area into equal pieces base on nuclei within the area setAutoThreshold("Huang dark"); //convert divided red area into binary data //run("Threshold..."); setAutoThreshold("Huang"); run("Convert to Mask"); run("Invert"); run("Options...", "iterations=2 count=5 black edm=32-bit do=Erode"); run("Tile"); selectWindow("EDM of cy5"); selectWindow("EDM of fitc"); selectWindow("redarea"); selectWindow("dapi Maxima"); selectWindow("Result of dapi Maxima"); selectWindow("All connected regions"); selectWindow("redarea-watershed");

Supplementary figure S1: Undifferentiated Gli1+ pericytes and Gli1 derived both detach from the microvasculature. (A) Representative images of kidneys from bigenic Gli1CreER;tdTomato mice at day 5 after ischemia reperfusion injury versus sham with CD31 staining, fluorescence microangiography (FMA) and αSMA co-staining. Scale bars 50µm, DAPI, 4’,6- diamidino-2-phenylindole (B) To dissect activated Gli1 derived myofibroblasts and undifferentiated Gli1+ pericytes the tdTomato+ cells were subdivided based on their expression of αSMA using further image processing algorighm. Scale bars 50µm (C) Measured distances of tdTomato cells to the closest capillary in kidneys of bigenic Gli1CreER;tdTomato mice at day 5 following ischemia reperfusion injury (IRI) versus sham (control) stratified for αSMA expression. Of note, data represents n=11 mice, 6 female and 5 male, in the CLK group and n=10 mice, 5 female and 5 male, in the severe IRI group; mean ± SEM; box and whiskers with 10th-90th percentiles; + indicates mean; ***p<0.001, by one way ANOVA with posthoc Bonferroni.

Supplementary Figure S2: Ischemia reperfusion injury (IRI) triggers capillary rarefaction (A) Representative pictures of kidney outer-medullary microvasculature stained by CD31 at day 5 after severe IRI. Note the decreased numbers of stained capillaries and increased number of tdTomato+ cells after IRI (scale bars are 50 µm). (B) Total number of capillaries after pericyte ablation was decreased from 165.7 ± 6.5 in control to 115.6 ± 6.6 capillaries/hpf at 56 days. Total number of capillaries at day 10 was 166.4 ± 5.0 capillaries/hpf. Data represent n = 7 mice in control, n = 4 mice in 10 days group and n = 6 in 56 days group; ***p<0.001.

Supplementary Material 2 : Software-based high throughput automated analysis of fluorescence microangiography folder_name = uigetdir; %Prompts user to select folder filename = uigetfile; %Prompts user to select file to be analyzed uiimport = (filename); %Imports selected file name I = imread(filename); %Reads imported file background = imopen(I,strel('disk', 15)); %Standardizes background and threshold figure, surf(double(background(1:8:end,1:8:end))),zlim([0 255]); set(gca,'ydir','reverse'); I2 = I - background; %Removes excess noise imshow(I2); level = graythresh(I2); bw = im2bw(I2, level); bw = bwareaopen(bw,50); %States capillary area cc = bwconncomp(bw,4); cc.NumObjects; labeled = labelmatrix(cc); whos labeled; RGB_label = label2rgb(labeled, @spring, 'c', 'shuffle');%colors individual capillaries with pretty colors figure, imshow(RGB_label); capillarydata = regionprops(cc,'all'); %reads all perimeter data of the capillaries capillary_peri = [capillarydata.Perimeter]; capillary_area = [capillarydata.Area]; [min_perim, idx] = min(capillary_peri); capillary = false(size(bw)); capillary(cc.PixelIdxList{idx}) = true; %Converts perimeter data to micrometers PDataInMicrons =capillary_peri*0.30120'; %Converts Area data to Micrometers ADataInMicrons =capillary_area*0.0907'; nbins = 50; figure, hist(ADataInMicrons, nbins) %Generates capillary Area histogram title('Histogram of Capillary Area Data') figure, hist(PDataInMicrons, nbins) %Generates capillary Perimeter histogram title('Histogram of Capillary Perimeter Data') SA = ADataInMicrons'; SP = PDataInMicrons'; csvwrite('AreaQuant1.csv', SA) %Writes data to area excel sheet csvwrite('PerimQuant1.csv', SP) %Writes data to perimeter excel sheet

Supplementary Figure S3 : Capillary rarefaction in the outer medulla following pericyte ablation. (A-B) Ablation of Gli1+ cells resulted in reduction of total capillary cross-sectional area (control 4514±124.4, 10 days 4782±152.2 and 56 days 3608±153.4 µm2) and total number of capillaries in the outer medulla (control 166±4.15, 10 days 162±4.96 and 56 days 139±6.07 capillaries/high-power field (hpf, 400x)) (mean±SEM, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 by one way ANOVA with posthoc Bonferroni). (C) Gli1+ cell ablation resulted in loss of small and large capillaries in the outer medulla. (mean±SEM, *p<0.05,**p<0.01, ***p<0.001 by one way ANOVA with posthoc Bonferroni). (D) The individual outermedullary capillary cross-sectional area slightly decreased after pericyte ablation (mean±SEM; box and whiskers with 10th-90th percentiles; + indicates mean; one-way ANOVA with post hoc Bonferroni) (Of note, data represents n = 12 mice in control, n = 7 mice in 10 days group and n = 9 in 56 days group)

Supplementary Figure S4 : Gli1 pericyte ablation induces hypoxic tubular injury, inflammation and mild tubulointerstitial fibrosis. (A) We detected increased proliferation (Ki67 positive nuclei) in tubules that strongly expressed Kim1. Scale bars 50µm (B) Representative images of Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stained images of kidneys from mice at 10 days and 56 days after Gli1 ablation versus control. Images very blindly scored for the severity of tubular injury (0-5% - 0; 5-10% - 1, 11-25% - 2, 26- 45% - 3, 46-75% - 4, 76-100% - 5 for tubular atrophy, dilatation, protein casts, necrotic cells and brush border loss). Scale bars 100µm (C) Representative images of pimonidazole (Pimon) stained kidney from control mice and mice at 10days after Gli1 cell ablation costatined for kidney injury molecule 1 (Kim1) indicating hypoxia in areas of tubular injury (Kim1). Scale bars 50µm (D-G) Relative mRNA expression for the fibrotic readouts alpha smooth muscle (α-SMA) and collagenIαI, the inflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) and interleukin 6 (IL6), the most prominent collagen of the basement membrane (collagen IVaI) and the profibrotic growth factors transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGFβ1). **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 by one way ANOVA with posthoc Bonferroni.