BULLETIN - JANUARY, 2014 Bulletin Electric Railroaders’ Association, Incorporated Vol
The ERA BULLETIN - JANUARY, 2014 Bulletin Electric Railroaders’ Association, Incorporated Vol. 57, No. 1 January, 2014 The Bulletin THIRD AVENUE “L” SERVICE CURTAILED 60 YEARS Published by the Electric AGO Railroaders’ Association, Incorporated, PO Box On December 31, 1953, Third Avenue Ele- costly to operate and maintain. To rehabilitate th 3323, New York, New vated service was discontinued between City and put the elevated line south of 149 York 10163-3323. Hall and Chatham Square. It was the begin- Street into first class modern operating condi- ning of the end for Manhattan’s last elevated tion would cost approximately $80,000,000. For general inquiries, line, where there was no service south of Expenditure of such a sum is neither warrant- contact us at bulletin@ 149th Street weekday evenings and mid- ed nor can it be justified by potential traffic. erausa.org or by phone nights and 24 hours on weekends since “For all of the foregoing reasons, it is rec- at (212) 986-4482 (voice mail available). ERA’s March 14, 1952. ommended that the New York City Transit website is In this issue we will publish excerpts from Authority cease train operations on the Third www.erausa.org. the New York City Transit Authority’s May 4, Avenue Elevated Line south of 149th Street at 1954 report recommending that Third Avenue midnight December 31, 1954, and that he Editorial Staff: Elevated service be discontinued completely structure be released to the City after that Editor-in-Chief: th Bernard Linder south of 149 Street. This report states: time and
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