THE MEDIUMSHIP of ARNOLD CLARE Leader of the Trinity of Spiritual Fellowship

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THE MEDIUMSHIP of ARNOLD CLARE Leader of the Trinity of Spiritual Fellowship THE MEDIUMSHIP OF ARNOLD CLARE Leader of the Trinity of Spiritual Fellowship by HARRY EDWARDS Captain, Indian Army Reserve of Officers. Lieutenant, Home Guard. Parliamentary Candidate North Camberwell 1929 and North-West Camberwell 1936. London County Council Candidate 1928, 1931, 1934, 1937. Leader of the Balham Psychic Research Society. Author of ‘The Mediumship of Jack Webber’ First Published by: THE PSYCHIC BOOK CLUB 144 High Holborn, London, W.C. 1 FOREWORD Apart from the report by Mr. W. Harrison of the early development of Mr. Arnold Clare's mediumship, the descriptions of the séances, the revelations of Peter and the writing of this book took place during the war years 1940-41. As enemy action on London intensified, the physical séances ceased and in the autumn of 1940 were replaced by discussion circles. The first few circles took place in the author's house before a company of about twenty people. It was soon appreciated that the intelligence (known as Peter), speaking through the entranced medium, was of a high order and worthy of reporting. So these large discussion groups gave way to a small circle held in the medium's house, attended by Mr. and Mrs. Clare, Mr. and Mrs. Hart, Mrs. Edwards and the author, an occasional visitor and with Mrs. W. B. Cleveland as stenographer. The procedure at these circles would be that, in normal white light, Mr. Clare would enter into a trance state. His Guide, Peter, taking control, would discourse upon the selected topic answering all questions fluently and without hesitation. Frequently, during these sittings, the air-raid sirens would be heard and the local anti- aircraft guns would be in action. At such times Peter would be asked if he wished to withdraw; and invariably he would reply, “No, it is not necessary, there is no imminent danger to you.” Not on any occasion was the work interfered with; and Peter would continue to talk and answer questions without concern, in spite of the drone of enemy aeroplanes, the noise of gunfire, the bursting of shells and falling shrapnel. It may be said that no other work dealing with an involved subject of this nature has ever been compiled under such unusual conditions. It is difficult to conceive a normal mind giving forth an uninterrupted smooth flow of wisdom upon (at times) involved and sometimes technical matters, without being disturbed by the external threat of imminent danger. Peter's work will be all the more appreciated as one can recognise the need for calm and placid conditions for trance work. For Peter to have continued under these circum- stances to explain and in a manner within our capacity to understand much that hitherto had been incomprehensible, pays an eloquent tribute to Mr. Clare's mediumship and Peter's ability to hold the control. The purposes of this book are threefold, and it has been divided into three parts. The first section presents a brief history of the medium-ship to date, personal notes and the records of the phenomena produced through the mediumship. The second section is devoted to Peter's explanations of the manner in which phenomena are produced, the nature of the forces employed and the mechanics of the operations. An effort has been made to relate authenticated records of phenomena, through mediumships past and present, to the explanations. The third section indicates an avenue of philosophy for the governing of human conduct towards a more enlightened and spiritual outlook on life. The basis of this philosophy is the demonstration of the truth of individual survival of the ego after the physical body has been discarded. This last section is the most important; for without it the first two are purposeless. The spiritualisation of mankind has ever been the aim of the realm spiritual. To those who ask “What is the purpose of a levitation or a materialisation?” here is the answer. Physical mediumship and spirit control such as that of Mr. Clare is very rare. During the past fifty years the number of outstanding physical mediums the world over can be counted on the fingers of two hands. I considered I was most fortunate and privileged to have been so closely and intimately associated with Jack Webber for the last two years of his life - he passed to the higher life at the end of March 194o. My book, commemorating his mediumship with the infra-red photographs obtained, was published in July 1940, three editions being published within the first twelve months.* * The Mediumship of Jack Webber. Rider & Co. Three days after the passing of this gifted medium, a message was received from him by means of the direct voice through another medium. This medium and the sitters present were not aware that Jack Webber had passed on. The message was, “Tell Mr. Edwards I will direct him to another medium.” Possessing a somewhat sceptical mind, I did not place any reliance upon this message, even though on past occasions my scepticism had received some shocks through other prophetic messages coming true. Yet four weeks later, by special invitation, I sat in the private home circle of Mr. Clare (referred to by Mr. Harrison) when again I received a further message from Webber. My further experiences with Mr. Clare are narrated in the pages that follow: this work is the result of these experiences. I ask the reader's indulgence for these personal remarks, for I consider I have been fortunate beyond expression in being associated almost continuously with two such great mediums. I may add, further, Jack Webber's Guide once told me that my association with him had long been planned and that various experiences I had been through were merely preparation for my association with the work of the spirit people. He told me of this preparation and training, citing instances that were very personal and only known to myself. Indeed, some of these I had temporarily forgotten, but they possessed great significance when related to the whole story. Part of this training was my direction into severe political controversy. My having contested two parliamentary elections and several London County Council elections, was for the purpose of developing an analytical mind and a faculty for fighting for causes. Indeed, these resources were called in to being several times when Webber's gifts were challenged. Peter, too, has referred to this, and though it is not strict evidence I record it for what it is worth. One of the criticisms I anticipate is that the records in Part I are not corroborated by more independent testimony - that they are my own narration and those of friends associated with the medium. This weakness was early anticipated, and arrangements were in being for independent people of note to be invited to séances to record their experiences. The report by Mr. Colin Evans was the first of these. Unfortunately, war conditions prevented the continuance of physical work. In this connection I may say that Mr. Clare is engaged upon highly technical work for the Admiralty; and his duties often keep him away from home for varying periods. This strain and the uncertainty of his free hours were also contributory factors to the cessation of physical séance work, for it will be appreciated by all knowledgeable persons how essential for successful issue are regular sittings. This criticism, however, will be offset by several factors. The first is that the characteristics of the described phenomena are similar to those recorded with every other physical medium who has been subjected to severe tests. That the sitters on the various occasions were experienced sitters, accustomed to séance-room work, who would quickly have questioned any action that was inconsistent with experience. Further, their faculties, being trained to note every change, slight sound or unorthodox movement, would have noted at once any suspicious activity. Other considerations of some weight are that Mr. Clare is not a professional medium and up to the time of writing has never, to my knowledge, profited financially from his mediumship. When sittings were given to the public the whole of the proceeds were devoted to the church organising the sitting, and when sittings were held at my house and a small charge made, the whole amount was given to the funds of another church. When sittings have been held by the medium or his associates and a small charge made (generally no more than half a crown), the entire proceeds have been devoted to some charity, or fund, associated with the Spiritualist movement. Those immediately associated with the medium spend the major portion of their free time in voluntary service with Spiritualist churches and in the development of their own spiritual gifts. They also assist in Mr. Clare's further development. Both Mr. and Mrs. Clare have given years of voluntary service as honorary officers to Spiritualist churches, giving all their services freely and, actually, have been considerably out of pocket in consequence. Thus there can be no profit motive to prejudice the reports. If it is assumed for argument's sake that the phenomena were not as reported, it would mean that there had been a conspiracy involving a fairly large number of people. This would be an assumption which would incriminate not only the writer and those associated with him, but many more who are respected leaders of Spiritualist activity. There are further considerations. The structure of the revelations in the second part indicate an intelligence that has provided a tenable thesis for psychic phenomena, from the explanation of the simplest process to the most intricate, in a manner never before attempted.
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