"LIGHT," JANUARY 10, 1935. , t on ~ptrttualtsm anb 's12chtcal lttstarch JJhrun~ t~ nt l SS 1. No. 2818. VoL. LV. (Registered as THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 193'5. a New,spaper) PRICE TWOPENCE REALITY OF PSYCHIC FORCE WINNIPEG INVESTIGATOR'S CLEAR LEAD TO SCIENCE By DR. T. GLEN HAMIL TON upon it, but fina)ly whirled the whole locked unit-'-the seated Medium and the two experimenters-about the AMONG the many unusual facts established by floor as if it were a toy in the hand of a giant. psychical research during the past sixty years or more, none are more startling from the purely scientific Elizabeth, who was a small, middle-aged woman, viewpoint than those which show that material objects could never even had she consciously attempted to do so, may move when not in contact with anything of a have normally exerted so great a strength. _ known physical nature to cause that movement. That There were other signs, however, which showed these this class of phenomena has been established again and exceedingly vigorous movements to be of supernormal again, those acquainted with the reports of Sir Wm. origin ; the Medium showed signs of definite physio Crookes, the great English physicist, Flammarion, the logical reactions. Immediately before the table became noted French astronomer, and Dr. Eugene Osty, of active she complained of a sense of tightness in the the Paris Metapsychic Institute, know. solar plexus region. When {he movement became Like these I have mentioned and many others who violent · she often cried out with pain arising, she said, have had first-hand experiences in this field of inquiry, from this feeling.
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