PSYCHOSENSICS ^ AU^Cott- DESCRIPTION : Members, 10/-, Associates, 1/6
BE TWO W ORLDS, A prii. I, 1930 Registered at the G.P.O. as a Newspaper. ^ ( / / V D £D A Weekly Journal devoted to the PHENOMENA, PHILOSOPHY and p r o g r e s s of SPIRITUALISM« REL I O N and REFORM. Entered as Second Class Matter, March 16th, 1929, at the Post Office at Boston, Mass., U.8.A., under the Act of March 3, 1879 (8ec. 397, P.L. and R.). No. 2210—V o l . XLIII. F r i d a y , A p r i l 4, 1930. P r i c e T w o p e n c e . marylebone spiritualist association, l td ., LONDON SPIRITUAL MISSION, AEOLIAN HALL, New Bond Street, W. 13, Pembridge Place, Bayswater, L ondon, W. Public W orship : Sundays a t 6-30. Sunday, A pril Can, at 11, D r. W. J. VANSTONE. SUNDAY, April 6lh, at 6-30, A t 6-30, M r. GEOROE PRIOR. Du. De GRAFF JOHNSON, A ddress. W ednesday, A pril 9th, at 7-30, Mrs. FILLM O RE , M iss LILY THOMAS, C lairvoyance . Clairvoyance. Silver Collection on entrance. Rochester Square Spiritualist Temple, PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF ADDRESS C a m d e n R o a d , C a m d e n T o w n , N .W . At Headquarters : 1ARYLEB0NE HOUSE, 42, RUSSELL SQUARE, W.C.1. Sunday, A pril 6th, at 11, Mrs. COX. At 3, L y c e u m . Tel. : Museum 0076. At 3, Healing. At 6-45, Mrs. FLORENCE KINGSTONE.
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