Miracles and Spiritualism
"LIGHT," NOVEMBER 17, 1933. ~OJ._,,......,.._,__,.~>-<l><l><!><!>~..,,......0-<!><,,......,>-<!><l><!><!>.....,,........... .,,...,..~!><!>4.><!><!>~~<!><!>-~!>-<>-<l,...,.....,,..,.......,.<!><!>-.........,,,._,,_,_~~ , I t a 31 ournal of ~spcbical, @ccult, anb ,fMpstical l\tstarcb Editor: FOUNDED GEORGE H. LETHEM. Past Editors : IN Assistant Editor : Rev. W. STAJNTON MOSES, (M.A. Oxon.) E.W. WALLIS. 1881 Dr. NANDOR FODOR. EDMUND DAWSON ROGERS. DAVID GOW. ~ .....~,......,....-<>-<i><i>-0-0-<!><li><i>-<l><i> .....,,.....,....-4>-<l><!><!><l>-4>-<l><l><!><3>'¢>-0~!><1>'¢>-$~...... .,,..,,...,...,..,...,,..,,-<»-<~ ...... <S><l,...,...!><I>~><!><!>-¢>~....,..~ o10-s>"'i><O...,,..,...,,..,_..,_..,...,...,,....,...,,.............,...,_._,...,............,..._~_..,>-<t><i>-<><o-<s><....-,,..........,......... .,,....._,...,......~~,..,,.._..,>-<><i><'><....- ......0><>-~.....,,...,............,~~- oo No. 2758. VOL. LIU. (Registered as FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1933. a Newspaper) PRICE TWOPENCE Entered as Second Class Matter, March 12, 1929, at the Post Office, at Boston, M lss., under the Act of March 9, 1879, (Sec. 327, P.L. and R.) PRINCIPAL CONTENTS Miracles and Spiritualism. By H. F. Prevost John Myers Undergoes Rigid Photographic Test Battersby. 729-81 (with illustration) 737-8 Further Evidence of Survival. By J. Arthur Hill. 732 Albert Hall Photographic Experiment. By Mrs. Brett Durrant 738 Some of a Communicator's Difficulties. By "The Great Days of Ephesus'', Miss Geraldine W. S. Montgomery Smith 788 Cummins' new book 789 Royal Albert Hall Armistice Service 734 Scots Armistice Services 742 MIRACLES AND SPIRITUALISM NEW TESTAMENT INCIDENTS MADE CREDIBLE BY PSYCHIC KNOWLEDGE " There has been much talk lately of the relationship of Spiritualism to Christianity, and of the damage being done to it by our views of the Hereafter. "We have been accused of trying to upset people's faith.
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