BE TWO W ORLDS, A prii. I, 1930 Registered at the G.P.O. as a Newspaper. ^ ( / / V D £D A Weekly Journal devoted to the PHENOMENA, PHILOSOPHY and p r o g r e s s of SPIRITUALISM« REL I O N and REFORM. Entered as Second Class Matter, March 16th, 1929, at the Post Office at Boston, Mass., U.8.A., under the Act of March 3, 1879 (8ec. 397, P.L. and R.). No. 2210—V o l . XLIII. F r i d a y , A p r i l 4, 1930. P r i c e T w o p e n c e . marylebone spiritualist association, l td ., LONDON SPIRITUAL MISSION, AEOLIAN HALL, New Bond Street, W. 13, Pembridge Place, Bayswater, L ondon, W. Public W orship : Sundays a t 6-30. Sunday, A pril Can, at 11, D r. W. J. VANSTONE. SUNDAY, April 6lh, at 6-30, A t 6-30, M r. GEOROE PRIOR. Du. De GRAFF JOHNSON, A ddress. W ednesday, A pril 9th, at 7-30, Mrs. FILLM O RE , M iss LILY THOMAS, C lairvoyance . Clairvoyance. Silver Collection on entrance. Rochester Square Spiritualist Temple, PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF ADDRESS C a m d e n R o a d , C a m d e n T o w n , N .W . At Headquarters : 1ARYLEB0NE HOUSE, 42, RUSSELL SQUARE, W.C.1. Sunday, A pril 6th, at 11, Mrs. COX. At 3, L y c e u m . Tel. : Museum 0076. At 3, Healing. At 6-45, Mrs. FLORENCE KINGSTONE. .. Participation in the following activities is confined to Monday, at 3, W omen’s Guild. At 8, Open C ircle. “ embers and Associates. T uesday, at 7-15, H ealing Circle. W ednesday, at 3, Ladies’ W orking Party. MEETINGS for PSYCHOMETRY and CLAIRVOYANCE. At 8, Members’ Circle. onday, April 7th, at 3, Psychom etry, Miss M ANSFIELD Thursday, at 8, Mrs. MEURIG MORRIS. ««¡day, April 8th, at 7-30,'Clairvoy’ce, Miss L. THOMAS F riday, at 8-15, Mrs. QUINEY’S CIRCLE. nirsday, April 10th, at 7-30, Clairvov’ce, Mr . AUSTIN Saturday, at 8. Open Circle. TRANCE LECTURE. wav April 11th, at 7-30, Mrs. MEUR1G MORRIS, BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS. dvi.h, the Control of Mrs. Meuhig Morris, will Good F riday and Easter Sunday, Grand R a l l y . v '■ be address,followed by questions on subjects introduced Good Speakers. Fine Clairvoyants. Croup Seances for Trance and Normal Clairvoyance. B ank H oliday. ’Tea Eight and Grand Concert. April 8th, at 7-30 .. Mu. VOUT PETERS W atch Next. W eek’s Advertisements. «inesday. April 9th. at 3 .. Mrs. KIXQSTONE mils,lay. April 1011». at 7 -3 0 .. Mrs. KINGSTONE North London Spiritualist Association, SEANCES for DIRECT VOICE. Grovedale H all, Grovedale Bit., Highgate T ube S t n * ’«Jay and Friday, at 8 .. .. Mrs. HENDERSON SPECIAL MEETING ior CLAIRVOYANCE. Sunday, A pril 0th, at 11. R ev. GEORGE NASH. «"«ay. April 7th, at 7-30, Mrs. ESTELLE ROBERTS A t 7, Jilt. F R E D E R IC K H. HAINES. I HEALING, W ednesday, A pril 9th, at 8, Mrs. A. E. ARNOLD. ft'- CVinT'i ^W'J'umday, at 2-30 and 7, “ MEDICINE Man,” Sunday, A pril 13th, <it 11, Mr, \VM. EDWARDS. Socl»*^°- Jumes, will Diagnose and give Treatment, A t 7, Mrs. WILLIAM ED W A RD S. ¿f, 18 made, but a Silver Collection will be taken to After-Circle at the close of the Sunday Evening Service. >R|V eSpf!nses- Free H ealing every Friday' fro m ,7-30. «'VATE SITTINGS an be arranged with the following Lyceum every Sunday, at 3. Rj p Mediums :— 1rs’ ksTELI-H H oheuts M rs. C a n n o c k M r . G. B o t h a m • “ahkjî!, M rs. M o r r e l l M iss L. T h o m a s PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT. Mu. V o u t P e te rs . LIBRARY. Nearly ,2,000 volumes. Open daily except Saturdays. PSYCHOSENSICS ^ AU^coTt- DESCRIPTION : Members, 10/-, Associates, 1/6. THE HOME TRAINING CORRESPONDENCE — espoudence to the Secretary, F r a n k H a w k e n . COURSE WITH A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION. Special T e x t B o o k s by F. BRITTAIN. WIMBLEDON SPIRITUALIST CHURCH, Send for Pamphlet), “ The Key to the Gifts and Powers of 13« Cr, 1 nK the Leadership of Jesus Christ. the Spirit,” with 1 id. stamp for postage, to ’ H a r t p ie l d R o a d , W i m b l e d o n , S . W.19. l l SECRETARY, PSYCHOSENSIC TRAINING INSTITUTE. 28, ST. STEPHEN’S ROAD, LONDON, W.2. 6™ ’ at 11 - Hol>' CiCommunion,.................................. Mu, it. A. * \i!Uli?.tion *s to all who love the Joitl Jesus. South African Representative : Psychosensics, P.O. Box ’ DICHARD a . BUSH, ‘ God—Who, What, 4122, Johannesburg, South Africa. owjgi: Where ? he B o o k f o r a l l P s y c h i c S t u d e n t s : Adfl ' Hl 7-30, M r s . T. BISHOP ANDERSON, T Saunq ilr*?’ Spirit Descriptions and Messages. "SYMBOLS AND THEIR INTERPRETATIONS.” '»V, ,,lIL'°): Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, B y F . B r i t t a i n . t o 8. Wednesdays, 3 to 5-30. Price 1/6, postage 2d. extra ; or order from your bookseller i l T H E T W O WORLDS A p r i l 4, 1930 PLEASE KEEP FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. AS MO OHARGE IS MADE FOR THIS SERVICE, THE RIGHT TO DECLINE INSERTION IS RESERVED. SPIRITUALIST CHURCHES AND MEETING ROOMS „ COMPRISING THE SPIRITUALISTS' N A TIO N A L UNION— Stcrettry : Mr. GEO. F. BERRY, Broadway Chambon, 162, London Road, M ANCHESTER. BR ITISH SP IR ITU A LISTS’ LYCEUM UNION— Secretary : Mr. G. F. K N O TT, 20, Toad Lane, Rochdale. BR ITISH M EDIUM S’ UNION— Hon. 8ee.: Mr. BACON, Hildersheim Villa, 229, Dewsnap Lane, DukinBeld. REGULAR MEETINGS HELD EVERY SUNDAY. All AlteraUene, Additions and Correction! lor the Guide must be addreeeed to the Editor •Burnley— North-st. (RM) Lyc. 10 1 3, 6 Meeribrook (Sheffield)— Gospel Hall, Regent-tea NATIONAL UNION SOCIETIES. e H am m krto n S t .—(RM) 2-45,6 2-45, 6-30 Otayton-le-Meors— 3 ,6 -3 0 Newark— Liberal Club, ß ; 6-30 T he Tvro W orlds is sold at the Meeting Rooms ol «Nottingham— Mechanics’ Minor Hall, North Chuxek Societies marked (a). (RM) Regd. for Marriage. OKfterse— Rechabites’ Hall Lyc. 10 ; 2-45,6 sCelne— Spring Line. Lyc. 10 1 2-30, 6 Lyc. 2-45 ; 10-45. 6-30 aOarwen— Vlctorle-st. (RM) Lyc. 9-30, 1-45; _3, 6-30 a 168, Sh erw ood St . Nth.— L yc. 2-30; 10-45.W Earby— Back Greenend Avenue. Lyc. 10 , 1 -4 5 1 3, 6 B eaconsfikld St . (B asford)—Lyc. 10-30, i Fleetwood— Oak-st. (R M ) L y c .2 -3 0 1 6-80 3, 6-30 LANCASHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL. •at. Hwwood— Mercer-st. Lyc. 10: 2-45,6 a P rogressivf.— St. James-st. Lyc. 10-4513,HI Lonoaetor—Central Hall, Gt. John-st., Stonewall. Ripley, Codnor and District— V ictory Hall, Aaodf Council Sec.: Mr. Pearson, 64, Duke-st., Chorley. Lyc. 10-30; 3,6-30 R oom s. 3, 6 A lliance—Collegian Rooms. 6-30 Stapleford— Toton-lane. 6-30 MANCHESTER OI8TRICT COMMITTEE. aMorooambo— Milton Rooms, Market-st. (RM) 3, 6-30 aSutton-in-Ashfield— Tw itcbell. L yc. 10-30, 2; W Notion— Vemon-sL, Rallway-st. (RM) Lyc. 10; 2-30,6 Hon. Sec.: W. E. Bentley, 37, Shakespeare Street, SOUTHERN COMMITTEE. Ardwlck, Manchester. Padlham— Ightenhill-st. Lyc. 10, 1-30) 2-45,6 aPreeton— Moor-rd. (RM Lyc. 10; 3, 6-30 H on. S e c.: Mrs. R. H. Smith, 672, Pershore R* •Belton—Bradforl-at. (RM) Lyc. 1 0 ; 2-45, 6-30 E thical Church— 10, Lawson-st. Lyc. 10-30, 8 | Seljy Park, Birmingham. t Deane R d .— L yc. 10-15 j 3, 6-30 6-30 H e n r y St., Manchester Rd .— Lyc. 10-15 ; 3, aRawtanstall— Back Ormrod-st. Lyc. 10-15; 2-?o, 6 aBIrmlngham— 248, Corporation-st. 11, 6-30 6-30 aRlshton— EachlU-rd. Lyc. 10-30; 2-4 5 ,6 a A ston—Co-operative Hall, Six Ways 6-w Bury— Klng-st. 3, 6- Todmorden— Eagle-st. (RM) l.yc. 9-30, 1 -30; 3,6-3’ For w a rd Soc iety— 58, Villa-road, Hand*»! Congteton— Park-rd. 3-15, 6-45 a Central— Roomfield Bullags. Lyc. 10,1 -30 -, 3. 6 L yc. 3 ; 11, 6-30 Ditty Hill— Mabel-st. Lyc. 10-30; 3, 8-30 Langley Green— Henry-st. 6-30 DORrnley— Silver Hill. L yc. 10, 2-45 j 6 Langley Green—Trinity-st. 6-30 Denton— Market-st. Lyc. 10-30 i 3.6-30 NORTH LANCASHIRE AND WEST CUMBERLAND R ushden— 5, Glassbrook-rd. 2-30, 6 DI8TRICT COMMITTEE. iDuklnSetd— Rallway-st. 2 -45, 6-30 R u shdek—H lgh-sL 6-30 sEcclos— Milton Spiritual Church, Booth-street (RM). Hon. Sac.: Mrs. D an Griffiths, 4, Harrogate Street, a Saltley—Co-operative Hall, 5, Alum R«W 3, 6-30 (See advt.) Barrow-in-Furness. L yc. 3 ; 6-30 „ •Hedfleld—Jones-st. Lyc. 10-30; 3,6 Small Heath—51, Jenklns-st.
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