Supporting information S5 - Supplementary Trees: Species-level predation network uncovers high prey specificity in a Neotropical army ant community Authors: Philipp O. Hoenle , Nico Blüthgen, Adrian Brückner, Daniel J. C. Kronauer, Brigitte Fiala, David A. Donoso, M. Alex Smith, Bryan Ospina Jara, Christoph von Beeren 1 Correspondence to: Philipp Hönle:
[email protected] Christoph von Beeren:
[email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Content: Figure 1. Neighbor-joining tree of COI barcodes of Neotropical ants. Figure 2. RAxML tree of COI prey barcodes. Figure 1. Neighbor-joining tree of COI barcodes of Neotropical ants. The NJ tree was created in BOLD with the tool 'Taxon ID tree'. We included prey barcodes of army ants and reference barcodes of the projects ASLAM, BCIFO, and ARCAE in the analysis. The tree was based on MUSCLE alignment and Kimura’s two parameter model (K2P). We excluded all sequences with lengths of <400bp, sequences that contained stop codons in the reading frame, and records that were labeled as misidentifications or errors. Distinct BINs are highlighted in color and COI barcodes of army ant prey are underlined in black. Records in black letters were not given a BIN due to sequence lengths of <500bp. Scale bar represents p-distances. Tips of the tree include the following information: Species name, process ID, sample ID, country of collection, and BIN. Besides the 682 prey barcodes used in the main part of the article, we included in the tree 89 additional ant prey barcodes from a preliminary study about army ant diets (sample ID starts with “cvb…”). BOLD IDs and GenBank accession numbers for these records are given in Supplemental File 1.