Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture This presentation is dedicated to the benches from Contemporary range produced by Neri. The situations here documented allow to evaluate the different typologies in various contexts, many case studies to refer to for your next projects.

Dedichiamo questa presentazione alle panchine della collezione Contemporary prodotte da Neri. Le tante situazioni qui documentate permettono di valutare le diverse tipologie nei contesti più vari. Tanti casi esemplari cui poter fare riferimento nelle nuove progettazioni.

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Carya Dhalia Gilia Idesia

Lotus Melia

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Carya

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Gambettola – Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Gambettola – Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Lugagnano – Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Dhalia

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Castellammare del Golfo – Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture , – Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Siracusa – Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Peglio – Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Gilia

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Castellammare del Golfo – Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture – Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Parma – Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Meridian – United State of America

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Meridian – United State of America

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Giardini Naxos – Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Giardini Naxos – Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Idesia

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Brienza – Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Civitanova Marche – Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Longiano – Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Longiano – Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Lotus

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Bolgare – Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Francavilla d’Este – Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Cinecittà – Roma, Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Cinecittà – Roma, Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Cinecittà – Roma, Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Melia

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Termoli – Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Recanati – Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Gallipoli – Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Loreto – Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture – Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Loreto – Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Rimini – Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture San Lorenzo – Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture – Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Chiaravalle – Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Chiaravalle – Italy

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture CREDITS Photographs © Antonio Neri, Neri SpA

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture Thank you Grazie

Benches | Contemporary | Street furniture