(2004) Malacological Papers Publishedin Journals. Sorted in the Faunistics/Ecology

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(2004) Malacological Papers Publishedin Journals. Sorted in the Faunistics/Ecology 14 SPIRULA - nr. 336 (2004) Tijdschriftartikelen Journalpapers R.A. Bank in Sorted in the order succession: Malacological papers published journals. following of Faunistics/Ecology - Fossil Assemblages - Bivalvia - Gastropoda (alphabetically rubricat- ed at thefamily level) - Miscellanea - Publications in the Bulletin ofZoologicalNomencla- - - Within each ture (new cases comments onprevious cases Opinions). item, papers are ordered alphabetically on the nameofthefirst author. * FAUNISTICS/ECOLOGY with the description ofa new species of FISCHER, W. (2003): Paraegopis mauri- Sculptaria (Sculptariidae). - Basteria, tii mauritii (WESTERLUND 1866) und * BABA, K. & T. DOMOKOS (2002): Sea- 67 (1-3): 91-106. Leiden. Helicigona stenomphala (MENKE 1830) * sonal malacological investigations on DVORAK, L. (2002): Contribution to the aus dem nördhchen Velebitgebirge bei the willow forest fauna (Csigaserdo) on knowledge of snails (Gastropoda) of Oltari, Kroatien. - Nachrichtenblatt der the active flood plain of the Fekete- limestone caves near Moldova Noua Ersten Vorarlberger Malakologischen Koros River neas Denesmajor. - (SW Romania, Banat). - Nachrichten- Gesellschaft, 11: 4-7. Rankweil. * Nachrichtenblatt der Ersten Vorarlberg- blatt der Ersten VorarlbergerMalakolo- GENNER, M.J. & E. MICHEL (2003): er Malakologischen Gesellschaft, 10: gischen Gesellschaft, 10: 43-47. Fine-scale habitat associations of soft- 31-42. Rankwetl. Rankweil. sediment gastropods at Cape Maclear, * * BABA, K. (2003): Results ofmalacolog- FISCHER, W. (2002): Beitrage zur Ken- Lake Malawi. - Journal of Molluscan ical investigations of the Sikfokut ntnis der Molluskenfauna Österreichs Studies, 69 (4): 325-328. London. * VI. zu GONZALEZ-GUILLÉN, A. & M. SMALL moss-capped oak forest via use of Bemerkungen Cernuella neglec- quadrate and soil trap sampling. - ta (DRAPARNAUD 1805) und Cepaea (2003): Cuba: a landsheil naturalist's Nachrichtenblatt der Ersten Vorariberg- vindobonensis (FERÜSSAC 1821) im paradise. - Of Sea and Shore, 25 (3): er MalakologischenGesellschaft, 11: südwestlichen Marchfeld (NÖ) sowie 157-174. * 11-23. Rankweil. in Donaustadt (Wien). - Nachrichten- HORSAK, M. (2002): The molluscs * BRUGGEN, A.C. VAN & E. ROLAN blatt der Ersten VorarlbergerMalakolo- (Mollusca) of the Kaluza National 10: 23-25. Nature Jesenik Hills (2003): Report ona collection of terres- gischen Gesellschaft, Reserve, Nizky trial molluscs (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) Rankweil. (Czech Republic). - Casopis Slezskeho from central/north-western Namibia Zemskeho Muzea, Serie A, Vedy 1515 - SPIRULA nr. 336 (2004) * Prirodni, 52 (3): 217-226. Opava. REISCHÜTZ, A. & P.L. REISCHÜTZ [Czech] (2003): Helleniké pantoia, 6: Ein * HORSAK, M. & M. HAJEK (2003): Com- Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Molluskenfau- position and species richness ofmollus- na von Paxos (nördliche Ionische can communities in relation to vegeta- Insein, Griechenland). - Nachrichten- tion and water chemistry in the western blatt der Ersten Vorarlberger Malakolo- Carpathian spring fens: the poor-rich gischen Gesellschaft, 11: 31-32. Neritina gradiënt. - Journal of Molluscan Stud- Rankweil. patricknuttalli - F.P. WESSELINGH, * ies, 69 (4): 349-357. London. REISCHÜTZ, P.L. (2003): Ein Beitrag zur 2003, Cainozoic Res., 2 (1-2): fig. 16a-b. * Lan- MAASSEN, W.J.M. (2003): Additions to Kenntnis der Molluskenfauna von * WESSELINGH, F.P. (2003): Neritidae the terrestrial molluscs fauna of Thai- zarote (Kanarische insein, Spanien). - (Mollusca, Gastropoda) from the land. - Basteria, 67 (1-3): 64. Nachrichtenblatt der Ersten Vorarlberg- * Miocene of western Amazonia (Peru, MARCUZZI, G. (2003): Fauna della er Malakologischen Gesellschaft, 11: Colombia and Brazil). - Cainozoic Provincia di Belluno. - Studi Trentini 33-37. Rankweil. * Research, 2 (1-2) [2002]: 117-128. di Scienze Naturali (Acta Biologica), RENKER, C. & H. KAPPES (2003): Die 79 [2002]: 121-172. Trento. [molluscs: Molluskenfauna des NSG "Nettetal" BIVALVIA zwischen Plaidt und Trimbs pp. 156-158] (Landkreis * MIENIS, H.K. & G. HADAS (2003): Mayen-Koblenz).- Fauna und Flora in * BÖSSNECK, U. (2003): Die Flussperl- Archaeomalacological finds in the Rheinland-Pfalz, 10 (1): 157-170. Lan- muschel Margaritifera margaritifera vicinity of 'En Gedi. 3. Molluscs from dau. * in - eine - (LINANEUS, 1758) Thüringen an ancient aquaduct in Nahal Arugot. SEITZINGER, R.T. (2003): Schelpen Remineszenz (Bivalvia: Margaritiferi- Triton, 8: 33-34. verzamelen in Portugal van 1992 tot - - dae). Malakologische 2003. De Kreukel, 39 (9-10): 135- Abhandlungen, 21: 147-157. Dresden. 174. Diemen. * * GLAUBRECHT, M., T. VON RINTELEN & STRZELEC, M. & A. MICHALIK- A.V. KORNIUSHIN (2003): Toward a KUCHARZ (2003): The gastropod fauna systematic revision of brooding fresh- of an unstabilised dam reservoir in water Corbiculidae in Southeast Asia southern Poland. - Malakologische on shell mor- Abhandlungen,21: 43-47. Dresden. (Bivalvia, Veneroida): * phology, anatomy and molecular phylo- STURM, R. (2003): Species diversity of endemic from islands and abundance of freshwater molluscs genetics taxa in Indonesia. - Malacologia, 45 (1): 1- (Gastropoda et BIvalvia) in selected 40. mountain lakes of the Central Alps in * S.C. R.M. O'RL- - JUHEL, G., CULLOTY, Austria. Malakologische Abhandlun- ORDAN, J. O'CONNOR, L. DE FAOITE & gen, 21:49-57. Dresden. * R. MCNAMARA (2003): A histological Biomphalariaperegrina - W.L. PARAENSE, STURM, R. (2003): Aquatic molluscs study of the gametogenic cycle of the 2003, Mem. Inst. Oswalso Cruz, 98 (6): fig. (Gastropoda et Bivalvia) in a marsh freshwater mussel Dreissena polymor- 1A. lake of Upper Austria: how does agri- pha (PALLAS, 1771) in Ire- cultural and touristic lake and its envi- Lough Derg, * land. - Journal of Molluscan Studies, PARAENSE, W.L. (2003): Planorbidae, ronment affect local species diversity 69 365-373. London. - (4): Lymnaeidae and Physidae of Peru and abundance? Malakologische * MANTECCA, P., G. VAILATI, L. (Mollusca: Basommatophora). - Abhandlungen,21: 59-68. Dresden. * GARIBALDI & R. BACCHETTA (2003): Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, VRIES, J.N. DE & P. BREMER (2003): Depth effects on Zebra mussel repro- 98 (6): 767-771. Rio de Janeiro. Slakken en mossels in en rondom duction. - * Malacologia, 45 109- REISCHÜTZ, A. & P.L. REISCHÜTZ Zwolle. - Zwols Natuurtijdschrift, 10 (1): 120. (2002): Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der (4): 3-10. Zwolle. * Konavle * D. RICHARD MELNYCHENKO, R.K. (2002): About Molluskenfauna von (Süddal- ZETTLER, M.L. & (2003): Kurze polyploidy and aneuploidy in cells of matien, Kroatien). - Nachrichtenblatt Bemerkungen über SüBwasser- the family Unionidae (Mollusca, der Ersten Vorarlberger Malakologis- mollusken Siziliens unter besonderer Bivalvia) in the area of Ukraine. - chen Gesellschaft, 10: 47-51. Rankweil. Berücksichtigung von Theodoxus Vestnik 36 21-26. * Zoologii, (5): [Russ- REISCHÜTZ, A., P.L. REISCHÜTZ, W. FIS- meridionalis (PHILIPPI, 1836). - ian] CHER, U. FRABERGER & H. KIENNAST Malakologische Abhandlungen, 21: 29- * NIENHUIS, J.A.J.H. (2003): The redis- (2002): Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der 38. Dresden. of covery SPENGLER'S freshwater pearl- Molluskenfauna von Korcula (Dalma- mussel Pseudunio auricularius (SPEN- tien, Kroatien). - Nachrichtenblatt der FOSSIL ASSEMBLAGES 1793) (Bivalvia, Unionoidea, Ersten Vorarlberger Malakologischen GLER, * Margaritiferidae)in two river Gesellschaft, 10: 52-58. Rankweil. KEAR, B.P., R.J. HAMILTON-BRUCE, B.J. systems * in France, with an analysis of some fac- REISCHÜTZ, A. & P.L. REISCHÜTZ SMITH & K.L. GOWLETT-HOLMES tors causing its decline. - Basteria, 67 (2002): Hellenikd pantoia, 2: Limni (2003): Reassessment of Australia's (1-3): 67-86. Leiden. Amvrakia - vom raschen Sterben eines oldest freshwater snail, Viviparus (?) * PARK, J.-K. & W. KIM (2003): Two Langzeitsees (Aitolien/Akarnanien, albascopularis ETHERIDGE, 1902 (Mol- Corbicula (Corbiculidae: - Bivalvia) Griechenland). Nachrichtenblatt der lusca: Gastropoda: Viviparidae), from mitochondrial lineages are widely dis- Ersten Vorarlberger Malakologischen the Lower Cretaceous (Aptian, Wal- tributed in Asian freshwater environ- Gesellschaft, 10: 59-60. Rankweil. lumbilla Formation) of White Cliffs, * ment. - Molecular and REISCHÜTZ, A. & P.L. REISCHÜTZ New South Wales. - Molluscan Phylogenetics Evolution, 29 (3): 529-539. (2003): Hellenika pantoia, 5: Zur Ken- Research, 23 (2): 149-158. * * P. E. PARADA ntnis der Molluskenfauna des Limni MEIJER, T. (2003): The late Middle PEREDO, S., JARA-SEGUEL, & C. PALMA-ROJAS (2003): Compara- Trichonida und des Limni Lisimachia Pleistocene non-marine molluscan tive karyology of lentic and lotic (Aitolien/Akarnanien, Griechenland). - fauna of borehole Noorderhoeve- popu- lations ofDiplodon chilensis chilensis Nachrichtenblatt der Ersten Vorarlberg- 19E117 (province of Noord-Holland, (Bivalvia: Hyriidae). - The Veliger, 46 er Malakologischen Gesellschaft, 11: the Netherlands). - Cainozoic (4): 314-319. 28-30. Rankweil. Research, 2 (1-2) [2002]: 129-134. - 16 SPIRULA nr. 336 (2004) * REISCHÜTZ, A. & P.L. REISCHÜTZ lusca: Gastropoda: Ampullariidae: Aso- CERIONIIDAE * search with (2002): Noch einmal zu Microcondy- lene, Felipponea, Marisa, Pomacea, FRANKE, S. (2003): A snail laea bonellii (A. FÉRUSSAC 1827) [= Pomella): a nomenclatural and type cat- a surprise in Cuba. Cerion at Playa - 45 41-100. Giron. - Of Sea and Shore, 25 (3): 175- Microcondylaea compressa (MENKE alog. Malacologia, (1): * 1828)], nebst einer kurzen Reflexion DARBY, P.C., P.L. VALENTINE-DARBY & 176. über den Sinn der Naturschutzgesetzge- H.
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