Zilog Developer Studio II
Z8 Encore!® Microcontroller Zilog Developer Studio II Product Brief PB009708-1010 Zilog Developer Studio II ZDS II Products Integrated for the Z8 Encore! Assembler ez8asm Introduction Compiler ez8cc Zilog Developer Studio II (ZDS II) Integrated Linker ez8link Development Environment is a complete stand- Librarian ez8lib alone system that provides a state-of-the-art devel- opment environment. Based on standard Windows Simulator Yes user interfaces, ZDS II integrates a language-sensi- Flash Loader Yes tive editor, project manager, C-Compiler, assem- Host Communication RS-232, USB, Ethernet bler, linker, librarian, and source-level symbolic debugger to provide a development solution specif- Figure 1 illustrates a typical display interface ically tailored to the Z8 Encore! line of microcon- showing many of the features of ZDS II. trollers. Figure 1. ZDS II’s Easy-To-Use Interface ZiLOG Worldwide Headquarters • 1590 Buckeye Drive • Milpitas, CA 95035 Telephone: 408.513.1500 • Fax: 408.365.8535 • www.zilog.com Zilog Developer Studio II for the Z8 Encore!® Microcontroller Product Brief 2 Easy-To-Use Interface • Download, Execute, Debug, and Analyze ZDS II provides a standard user interface with • Language-sensitive editor intuitive, easy-to-use controls commonly found in • Print the disassembly, call stack, symbol, ® Windows -based environments. The system con- memory and register window outputs for tains an integrated set of windows, document future reference views, menus, and toolbars to create, test and refine applications without having to alternate • Symbolic source-level debugging for C and between different systems. assembly languages • Online Help Flexible and Adaptable Design • Full-featured assembler and linker Capabilities • Interleaved source and disassembly Designed to use the multithreading capability of the host operating system, multiple operations can • Makefile generation be performed efficiently and easily with ZDS II.
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