The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at the Breman Museum

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The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at the Breman Museum William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History Weinberg Center for Holocaust Education THE CUBA FAMILY ARCHIVES FOR SOUTHERN JEWISH HISTORY AT THE BREMAN MUSEUM MSS 2, THE GEORGIA FARM SCHOOL AND RESETTELMENT BUREAU BOX 3, FILE 14 NATIONAL REFUGEE SERVICE TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT 1939 ANY REPRODUCTION OF THIS MATERIAL WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE CUBA FAMILY ARCHIVES IS STRICLY PROHIBITED The William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum ● 1440 Spring Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30309 ● (678) 222-3700 ● CABLES: NACOMREF, Nnw YORK TELEPHONE: BRYANT 9·2102 NATIONAL REFUGEE SERVICE, INC . AN ORGANIZATION DESIGNED TO CARRY ON THE ACTIVITIES OF THB NATIONAL COORDINATING COMMITTEE FOR REPUGBBS AND CERTAIN OP ITS AFFILIATES 165 \WEST 46TH STREET NEW YORK CITY OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE July 11, 1939 JOSEPH P. C HAMBERLAI N Chairman of /he Board WILLIAM ROSENWALD Presidtnl Mrs . P. H. Philips EUSTACE SELIGMAN DAVID H. SULZBERGER Atlanta Section, MORRIS WOLF National Council of Jewish omen Vict·Presidenls 318 Capitol Avenue S . MARSHALL KEMPNER TreaJurer Atlanta, Ga . PAUL FELIX WARBURG Stcrt/ary Dear rs . Philips: SAMUEL A. GOLDSMITH Referring to your letter of July 3rd, addressed I. EDWIN G oLDWASSER HARRY G REENSTEIN to Miss Razovsky, rel tive to the aavisability of JOSEPH C. HYMAN refugees taking their belongings with them, or SOLOMON L OWENSTEIN forwarding same to the United States pending ar­ ERICH M. WARBURG rival, may we advise that it would be necessary JONAH B. WISE to have these effects shipped to the Port of ew York and stored in the ew York Foreign Trade Zone , DEPARTMENTS where same would be held for an indefinite period. MIGRATION CEOLIA R AZOVSKY The storage rates on these effects would be ll¢ Director per month, per cubic foot on lift vans over 4,000 EMPLOYMENT NELL MANN pounds , cartage approximately $15.00 from steamer Acting Director to vtarehouse . These charges are based on the RELIBP AND SERVICE present r te and are subject to change without H ANNA ZIEGLER ... Acting Direc/or notice. RESETTLEMENT JACOB H. KRAVITZ Acting Direclor Because the charges accumulate and become rohibi­ tive when the client eventuallJ arrives in the United States, it is our opinion that it ~ould be WILLIAM HABER unwise to have effects sent here , unless definite ExecutiVI Director oate of arrival has been ascertained. If there is any further way that we can be of ser­ vice to you, please do net hesitr. te to call upon us . Sincerely yours~ Harr~ Cuba FamilyTraffic Archives 111Rnager HK : LR CC: Miss Cecilia hazovsky Mss 2, The Georgia Farm School and Resettlement Bureau Records, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum BOARD OF DIRECTORS THE OFFICERS, MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVli COMMITTEE AND THE FOLLOWING: MICHAEL G. APPEL, Brooklyn ROBERT LEHMAN, New York Mas. GEORGE BACKER, New York Is1ooa LOEB, St. Louis WALTER H. BIERINGER, Boston JOSEPH P. LOEB, Los Angeles JACOB BILLIKOPP, Philadelphia RICHARD 0 . LOENGARD, New York JACOB BLAUSTEIN. Baltimore HERBERT MALLINSON, Dallas DAVID M. BRESSLER, New York ]AMES G. McDONALD, Brooklyn ARTHUR BRIN, Minn•apolis ARTHUR S. MEYER, New York JOHN s. BURKE, New York HENRY MONSKY, Omaha BENJAMIN J. BurrENWIESER, New York WILLIAM A. NEILSON, Northampton, Ma~s. FRED M. BUTZEL, Detroit REUBEN OPPENHEIMER, Baltimore LOUIS CAPLAN, Pittsburgh MICHAEL J. READY, Washington, D. c. DUDLEY CATES, New York FDGAR SALINGER, New York SAMUEi. McCREA CAVERT, New York MRS. JOSEPH M. SCHAAP, Brooklyn G. A. EPROYMSON, Indianapolis \'<llLLIAM ]. SHRODPR, Cincinnati Mas. SYDNEY B. ERLANGER, New York AnBA HILLEL SILVER, Cleveland ALFRED I. Es BERG, San Francisco EDGAR B. STERN, New Orlean< Mas. MYRON s. PALK, Ja., New York MRS. MARION R. STERN, New York WILLIAM K. FRANK, Pittsburgh HUGH GRANT STRAUS, Brooklyn HENRY J. FRIENDLY, New York Mas. NATHAN STRAUS, Valhalla, N Y. Mas. MAURICE L. GOLDMAN, San Francisco LEWIS L. STRAUSS, New York RICHARD S. GOLDMAN, New York WILLIAM B. THALHIMER, Richmond. Va. DAVID M. HEYMAN, New York F. FRANK VonENBERG, Boston MAX HIRSCH, Cincinnati EDWARD M. M. WARBURG, New York MAX S. HIRSCH, Portland, Ore. GroRGE L. WARREN, New York Mas. ELY J. KAHN, New York AI.BERT C. WEIHL, Cincinnati LOUIS E. KIRSTEIN, Boston FRANK L. WEIL, New York DANIEL E. KOSHLAND, San Francisco HENRY WINEMAN, Detroit FLORINA LASKER, New York ETHEL H. WISE, New York ROBERT LAZARUS, Columbus, Ohio RALPH WOLF, New York Cuba Family Archives Mss 2, The Georgia Farm School and Resettlement Bureau Records, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum 318 C pitol vc . July 13, 1939 1ss Cecilia Razovsky ational Refugee Service, Inc . 165 ~st 46th st . 1 ~ e. Y rk. e recejv ..o.t ion f rom ITo 1ev r, .c Yo r ~ country, tho ift vn. l it p vre note the chn g,e o organ1~ tlun id \-loh to you our oe t vd clle ' 01• you:- conti u d nc dep i•trn.ent • Kindest pe son 1 groeti a , Si1c rely y uro, Mrs. P. H. Philips PFP ; s Cuba Family Archives Mss 2, The Georgia Farm School and Resettlement Bureau Records, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum COPY FREEDMAN AND SLATER,INC. ~ Bridge Street New York City July 20 , 1939 Nation 1 n.e fuge e Ser"ice, .4nc. 165 West-, 46th. Street New York,New iork A t: Mr. H. ~ eiles Gen '-,lemen: 11 i th r efer~n c e t·~ Y"ur i nqu · r y from t he A tl n tic Sec ti.on of the Nn tional Council of Jewish Women, vrhe rein t hey 1v, n t to kno>v . he+.h r an i Mi gr nn .., e 7" ng G_rmu1y for r n oth er country sho i ld take his iftvA with him, "r le v a it in Gerr.mny un '-.i l he a rri ''es n :.he uni .ed Sta :.rJs , our P.rlvic e in t his resoec t is ':.h a':. if t he imMigran t:. leaves Germ ny, it lill be ouch s f er f r him to ship +be lift, n +n Ne Y0rk a n~ store same in t he Fr de Zone un' his arrival in t he Jnited tates. Vii th r eference t the clea-'ance of the llft, no relP t:.i ·re or friends of •·. he imm igr a nt Pre A.llowen '-.o rnRke cup'-,oros entry, as our lwvs s pecifi call y s tA':.e '".h a'-. !:er srns bringing in household and persom1l effects, ':. arri .,,, i n ':.his country ann be prep<red to give affid . it h~t the mer­ c handise is his p e rson~l belongings 911n t hat his h use hold goods were used broad by him for at le st one ye r. Thanking you to pass t his i nforma'".i n on t the Atfan-tic Section of ':.he ~a ':. i n n a l Council of Je'Vish Women a nn she ld y ou want more i nf orma ':.i n i t h r eference t o the P bo·re , do not hesi te to call on us. YouI's very ruly, FREED AN AND SLA~~a,INC . Cuba Family Archives Mss 2, The Georgia Farm School and Resettlement Bureau Records, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum CABLES: NACOMRE F, Nnw YORK T ELEPHONB: BRYANT 9·2102 NATIONAL REFUGEE SERVICE, INc. AN ORGANIZATION DESIGN ED TO CARRY O N THE ACTIVITIES OP THE NATIONAL COORDI N ATING COMMITTEE FOR REFUGEES AND CERTAIN OF ITS AFFILIATES 165 \"X7EST 46TH STREET NEW YoRK CrTY OFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE July 25, 1939 JOSE PH P . CHAM BERLAIN Chairman of the Board WILLIAM ROSENWALD President EUSTAC E SELIGMAN DAVID H . SULZBERG ER MORRIS WOLF Vice-Presidents S . MARSH ALL KEMPNER Trea111rer PAUL FELIX WARBURG Mrs. P. H. Phi lips Secretary Atlanta Secti on National Council of Jewish Women 318 Capitol Avenue SAMUEL A . GOLDSMITH t lanta, Georgia I. EDW I N GOLDWASSER HARRY GREE NSTEIN Dear Mr s . Phi l i ps: JOSE PH c. HYMAN S OLOMON LOWENSTEIN ERICH M . WARBURG In answer to your lett r of July 13t h. a ,:; d.r e sed to }ONAH B . WISE Mi ss Cecilia Ra zovsky, we are herewith en c osing copy of a l etter f r om our custom brokezs, Freedman and Slater which i s sel£-explanator y. DEPARTMENTS MIGR ATION I f there i s any furt her inf ormation you may desire, C EC ILI A RAZOVS KY Director pl ease f eel fr ee t o cal l on us, we shall be gl d t o EMPLOYMENT be of furt her ser vice t o you. N ELL MANN A cting DirecJ or R ELI EF AND S ERVICE HANN A ZIEGLER Acting Director RESETTLEMENT ecye }ACOD H . K RAVITZ trul)/~ Acting Director Man g:r {\ WILLIAM HADER Executi•t Director HK :DZ CubaE C. Family Archives Mss 2, The Georgia Farm School and Resettlement Bureau Records, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at The Breman Museum BOARD OF DIRECTORS THE OFFICERS, MEMBERS OP THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND THE FOLLOWI NG: MICHAEL G. APPEL, Brooklyn ROBERT LEHMAN, New York Mas. GEORGE BACKER, New York ls100R LOEB, St. Louis WALTER H. BIERINGER, Boston JOSEPH P. LOEB, Los Angeles JACOB BILLIKOPF, Philadelphia RICHARD 0. LOENGARD, New York JACOB BLAUSTEIN, Baltimore HERBERT MALLINSON, Dallas DAVID M . BRESSLER, New York ]AMES G . McDONALD, Brooklyn ARTHUR BRIN, Minneapolis ARTHUR S.
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