June 6, 2017 City Council Packet
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City of Woodstock Office of the City Manager Phone (815) 338-4301 Fax (815) 334-2269 [email protected] www.woodstockil.gov 121 W. Calhoun Street Roscoe C. Stelford III Woodstock, Illinois 60098 City Manager WOODSTOCK CITY COUNCIL City Council Chambers June 6, 2017 7:00 p.m. Individuals Wishing to Address the City Council Are Invited to Come Forward to the Podium and Be Recognized by the Mayor; Provide their Name and Address for Purposes of the Record, if willing to do so; and Make Whatever Appropriate Comments They Would Like. The complete City Council packet is available at the Woodstock Public Library, Woodstock City Hall, and via the City Council link on the City’s website, www.woodstockil.gov. For further information, please contact the Office of the City Manager at 815-338-4301 or [email protected]. The proceedings of the City Council meeting are being audio-recorded only to aid in the preparation of the Minutes and are not retained as part of the permanent records of the City. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL A. FLOOR DISCUSSION: Anyone wishing to address the Council on an item not already on the agenda may do so at this time. 1. Public Comments 2. Council Comments CONSENT AGENDA: (NOTE: Items under the consent calendar are acted upon in a single motion. There is no separate discussion of these items prior to the Council vote unless: 1) a Council Member requests that an item be removed from the calendar for separate action, or 2) a citizen requests an item be removed and this request is, in turn, proposed by a member of the City Council for separate action.) Woodstock City Council June 6, 2017 Page 2 B. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS: April 13, 2017 Budget Workshop Minutes May 16, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes May 16, 2017 Executive Session Minutes C. WARRANTS: #3762 #3763 #3764 D. MINUTES AND REPORTS: Woodstock Opera House Advisory Commission October 2016 Woodstock Opera House Advisory Commission November 2016 Woodstock Opera House Advisory Commission January 2017 Woodstock Opera House Advisory Commission February 2017 Human Resources Report April 2017 Human Resources Report May 2017 Woodstock Police Department Report April 2017 E. MANAGER'S REPORT NO. 91 1. Alcohol Exemption – Summer in the Park Band Concert (91a) a) Approval of a waiver of the prohibition of alcohol in the public way in the Park in the Square on Wednesday, July 12, 2017 and b) All approvals to be conditional upon the terms set forth by staff 2. Award of Contract – Ash Walnut Stormsewer - Phase 3 (91b) Approve a contract for the Walnut Drive, Ash Avenue, Tappan Street Storm Sewer Improvements be awarded to the low bidder, N-Trak Group LLC., for the construction of Phase 3 improvements in the amount of $315,781.00. 3. Approval for the Benton Street Boardwalk (91c) Approval of an Ordinance permitting a waiver of bidding requirements for the Doc. 1 Benton Street Boardwalk project and to waive the City Code requirements of Chapter 1.6A.5.B, authorizing the City Manager to approve and execute contracts for such work, subject to a maximum cap of $50,000 with the expectation to secure at least two quotes from qualified contractors and to utilize the concept plan to determine final design. Associated costs approved by the City Manager would be presented to the City Council at a future meeting for ratification. DISCUSSION: FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURN NOTICE: In compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), this and all other City Council meetings are located in facilities that are physically accessible to those who have disabilities. If additional reasonable accommodations are needed, please call the City Manager’s Office at 815/338-4301 at least 72 hours prior to any meeting so that accommodations can be made. City of Woodstock Special City Council Budget Workshop April 13, 2017 Council Chambers MINUTES A special Budget Workshop meeting of the Woodstock City Council was called to order by Mayor Brian Sager at 1:00 PM on Thursday, April 13, 2017 in the Council Chambers at Woodstock City Hall. Notice of this Special Meeting was posted 48 hours in advance at Woodstock City Hall. All media was notified of this Special Meeting. All Council members were notified of this Special Meeting. Mayor Sager stated that the purpose of this meeting is a workshop to discuss and review the FY2017/2018 Budget prior to final consideration at the April 18, 2017 Council meeting. A roll call was taken. Council members present: Daniel Hart, Maureen Larson, Mark Saladin, Joseph Starzynski, RB Thompson, Michael Turner, and Mayor Sager Council members absent: None Staff present: City Manager Roscoe Stelford, Assistant City Manager/Finance Director Paul Christensen, Human Resources Director Deborah Schober, Public Works Director Jeff VanLanduyt, Opera House Director John Scharres, Library Director Nick Weber, Police Chief John Lieb, Recreation Director Dave Zinnen, Economic Development Director Garrett Anderson, Building and Zoning Director Joe Napolitano, Opera House Box Office Manager Daniel Campbell, Opera House Building Manager Mark Greenleaf, Opera House Production Manager Joe McCormack, IT Manager Dan McElmeel, Grant Writer Terry Willcockson, Executive Assistant/Chief Deputy City Clerk Jane Howie, and Office Assistant Betsy Cosgray. OTHERS PRESENT: Councilmember-elect Gordon Tebo and City Clerk Cindy Smiley Mayor Sager welcomed Councilmember-elect Gordon Tebo and the staff members who are present. He noted this is a workshop session and that questions or comments may be made at any time. Mayor Sager asked City Manager Roscoe Stelford for comments. Mr. Stelford stated he and staff appreciates this opportunity to review the proposed budget with the City Council. He thanked staff for their hard work developing the many cost-effective ideas received which resulted in the balanced budget. Mr. Stelford stated staff was able to meet and include all priorities identified by the City Council in previous meetings and workshops, including a reduction in property taxes. He noted the Budget was developed with the potential for a sales tax, but if the Council chooses not to move forward with this, Mr. Stelford opined the City can absorb the property tax reduction this year and would decrease the General Fund’s fund balance. Mr. Stelford noted the proposed budget includes the addition of a Code Enforcement Officer in Building and Zoning which would allow for a more proactive approach. He stated the Budget also looks at the addition of a 2nd Deputy Chief of Police and an Engineering Project Manager in the Public Works Department to stay on top of projects and make sure all codes are followed. Mr. Stelford noted the Budget includes separating out the IT Department from the City Manager’s Office into its own department and the promotion of the Grant Writer. He stated the Budget includes increasing the funding for roads by 18%, including certain roads in Emricson Park as requested by the City Council. Mayor Sager expressed Council’s gratitude to Mr. Stelford and the staff, noting they did an exceptional job. He stated the budget is a clean and readable document which is easily understandable. He stated he also appreciates the performance measures that have been identified, the exceptional review of bond schedules and payments, and the notes identifying whether there is an increase or decrease in the line items reviewed. He stated overall this budget is an exceptional document. Mayor Sager stated, concerning the new positions, he believes it is Council’s wish to move forward in filling them quickly after the start of the fiscal year. Mayor Sager began a review of the FY17/18 Budget encouraging questions and comments from all present. BUDGET DISCUSSION Overview of All Funds thru Fund Balances A brief discussion ensued. In response to a question, City Manager Stelford stated the amount for Sales Tax is projected to be $500,000 higher than budgeted due to staff’s identification of sales tax, which the City should have received from a couple of retailers, but had been improperly allocated by the State to the County. He noted these funds were able to be identified by staff after the City attained Home Rule status, which allowed access to reports that are not accessible as a non-Home Rule community. A brief discussion ensued of the sales tax projection for FY17/18. Proprietary Funds There were no questions or comments. Fiduciary Funds Mr. Christensen provided information concerning these to include the Police Pension Fund, the Health Insurance Fund, and the Water & Sewer Fund. Major Revenues There were no questions or comments. Property Tax Summary There were no questions or comments. Interfund Transfers Overview Mr. Christensen stated the funds come into the General Fund and then transfers are made to support the functions/items identified in this overview. Fund Balance Overview In response to a question from M. Turner, City Manager Stelford stated every business has a Fund Balance and must have a reserve to pay the bills. In response to further questioning from M. Turner, Mr. Stelford stated he has no concerns with the level of the Fund Balance, noting the budget proposes to draw it down due to a change in strategy, which will be a more accurate reflection of the associated costs. He noted this is being done at the request of the City’s auditors. Mr. Christensen noted the Utility Fund should have a higher Fund Balance, and while not a huge concern, staff is addressing this within the proposed budget. A brief discussion ensued concerning this and of the funds needed for possible expansion of the sewage treatment plant, should it be needed. Supplemental Information Mayor Sager noted the Debt Per Capita has come down from $231 per capita to $36 per capita.