Environmental Impact Study

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Environmental Impact Study El 326 VOL. 2 Public Disclosure Authorized 0 , -'r alS S.;1{ '- Public Disclosure Authorized 12 I W-1-- 1'1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Xl/ Public Disclosure Authorized ENVIRONME; TAL IMPACT.ST1i0Y (OF TAR T CONTENT1). PLOCE CO 'AINER TERMINAL (QUA 7) FAZE t. Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized STUDIJA U JECAJA NA OK (CILJAN G SADRZA KONTEJNE SKI TERMI PLOCE -I(OBAL 1.ET _ ~~RN3- ,'.' CONSTRUCTOR: PLOCE PORT AUTHORITY 20324 PLOCE Trg kralja Tomislava 21 AUTHOR OF THE SUTDY: RIJEKAPROJEKT d.o.o. 51000 RIJEKA Mose Albaharija 1Oa ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY OF TARGET CONTENT CONTAINER TERMINAL PLOCE IN THE PLOCE PORT PRODUCTION MANAGER: Aleksandar Markovic, B.Sc.C.E. PROJECT REFERENCE NUMBER: Rn 03-033 DIRECTOR: Ratimir Sarar, B.Sc.C.E. RIJEKA, July 2004 REPUBLIKA HRVATSKA 3 6 MINISTARSTVO _' ZASTITE OKOLISA I PROSTORNOG r UREDENJA , 10000 Zagreb, Ulica Republike Austrije 20 21 - TEL: 01/37 82-444 FAX: 01/37 72-822 - wi Klasa: 351-03/03-01/0042 Ur.broj:531-05/4-VM-03-2 Zagreb, 13.08.2003. Ministarstvo zastite okolisa i prostornog uredenja na temelju c1.3- st.2. i c.10. st.5. Pravilnika o procjeni utjecaja na okoli (Narodne novine, br. 59/00), u povodu zahtjeva tvrtke -Rijekaprojekt" d.o.o. iz Rijeke, za odobrenje izrade studije o utjecaju na okolis ciljanog sadrzaja za namjeravani zahvat: izgradnja kontejnerskog tertninala u luci Plode, daje ODOBRENJE za izradu studije o utjecaju na okolis ciljanog sadrzaja za namjeravani zahvat: izgradnja kontejnerskog terminala u luci Ploce A. Opis zahvata i lokacije I . Svrha izgradnje kontejnerskog terminala. 2. Podaci iz dokumenata prostornog uredenja. 3. Opis okoli§a lokacije i podrucja utjecaja zahvata. 4. Opis zahvata. 5. Procjena troskova realizacije planiranog zahvata. 6. Opis odnosa nositelja zahvata s javnoscu prije izrade studije. B. Ocjena prihvatljivosti zahvata I Prepoznavanje i pregled moguSih utjecaja zahvata na okolis tijekofi pripreme, gradenja i koristenja zahvata, uklju6ujuci ekolosku nesrecu i rizik njezina nastanka. 2. Prijedlog najprikladnije varijante zahvata s obrazIo2enjem. C. Mjere zastite okolisa i plan provedbe mjera 1. Prijedlog mijera zastite okolisa tijeklom pripreme. gradenja i koristenja. 2. Prijedlog mijera za sprjecavanje i ubla2avanje posljedica mogucih ekoloskih nesreca. 3. Program pracenja stanja okolisa. 4. Politika zastite okolisa nositelja zahvata. 5. Planirana stiradnja nositelja zahvata sjavnoscu. D. Zakljucak studije (u saictom obliku) I . Obrazlozenje odabrane varijante zahvata. 2. Prikaz utjecaja zahvata na okois, tijekom pripreme, gradenja i koristenja zahvata, uklju6ujuc ekolosku nesrecu i rizik njezina nastanka. 3. Mjere zastite okolisa tijekom pripreme, gradenja i koristenja zahvata, ukljucujuci mjere za sprjecavanje i ubla3avanje posljedica mogu6ih ekoloskih nesrcca. 4. Program pra&nja stanija okoli§a. F. Saictak studije za javni uvid (ti slu6aju da tijelo koje provodi postupak procjene utjecaja zahvata na okoli utvrvdi obvezu provodenjajavnog uvida) F. Izvori podataka Nositelj zahvata duzan je na zahtjev komisije za ocjenu utjecaja zahvata na okolis, osigurati dopunska obrazIo2enja ili dopunu studije prema odredenim pogiavljima studije (61. 16. Pravilnika o procjeni utjecaja na okolis), te se u tom smislu odobreni sadrdaj smatra okvirnim. Nositelj zahvata duian je osigurati izradu studije koja ce obraditi sva bitna pitanja zastite okolisa vezana uz predmetni zahvat. 0 b r a z I oi e n j e: U ime nositelja zalwata, tvrtka "Rijekaprojekt" d.o. iz Rijeke. Mose Albaharija 10a. podnijela je 21.07.2003. zalitjev za odobrenje izrade studije o utjecaju na okolis ciljanog sadrzaja za zahvat: izgradnja kontejnerskog terminala u luci Ploce. Uz zahtjev dostavljeni su prijedlog sadrzja'a studije, opis postojeceg stanja te obraz1o2enje planirane izgradnje. U dostavljenomn obrazlo2enju navedeno je da ce se izgradnjom kontejnerskog terminala t] luci Ploce omoguditi boija konkurentnost luke u davanju usluga u kontejnerskom prometu roba. Planirana izgradnja realizirat ce se na dijelu postojeceg luckog podrucja u zoni obale 6 i obale 7 koje se i danas djelomice koriste za odredene ludke poslove, a obuhvatit ce izgradnju obale, uredenje povrsina i opremanje potrebnom infrastrukturom. U tom smislu obraz1o2eni su raziozi poduzimanja zahvata, te je predlozen sadrzaj studije o utjecaju na okolis ciljanog sadr2aja. Ministarstvo zastite okolisa i prostornog uredenja razmotrilo je zaltjev, te utvrdilo da je isti opravdan. Ministarstvo zastite okolisa i prostornog Liredenja je temeijern odredbe 61.10. st.3. Pravilnika o procjeni utjecaja na okolis, dalo odobrenje za izradu studije a ut'ecaju na okoIis ciljanog sadrŽaja za zahvat: izgradnja kontejnerskog terminala u luci PIoce. 2 P0 K NIINISTRA l P > d^~1•Ktn ridev ic Dostaviti: dc.s - "Rijekaprojekt" d.o.o. Rijeka, Mose Albaharija 10a Gospodin Aleksanidar Markovic -i~~~ ENvWRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY Rn: 03-033 CONTAINER TERMINAL PLOCE PAGE: 1 AUTHORS AND ASSOCIATES WATER PROTECTION: Mr.sc.Vi§nja Hinic, B.Sc.nav.arch. SEA: 1. Sea Hydrodinamics prof. dr. Vladimir Androcec, B.Sc. nav. arch. 2. Sea Flora and Fauna Dr. Andrej Jaklin, B.Sc.biol. GEOTECHNICS: dr. Cedomir Benac, B.Sc.geol. PRELIMINARY DESING PRISTAN1STA: Aleksandar Markovic, B.Sc.C.E. PRELIMINARY DESIGN OF INFRASTRUCTURE 1. Roads: Branimir Pliskovac, B.Sc.C.E. 2. Railways: Aleksandar Markovic, B.Sc.C.E. 3. Water supply and sewage: Raoul Valcic, B.Sc.C.E. 4. Electrical installations: Zeljko Matic, B.Sc.el. SPATIAL PLANNING DOCUMENTS: Sanka Vrdoljak, B.Sc.arch. GRAPHICS: Dijana Jurisic, B.Sc.C.E. LANGUAGE EDITING: prof. Slavica Dundovic PHOTOGRAPHY: Ranko Dokmanovic, Rijeka RIJEKAPROJEKT d.o.o. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY Rn: 03-033 CONTAINER TERMINAL PLOCE PAGE: 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS RIJEKAPROJEKT doo.o ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY Rn: 03-033 CONTAINER TERMINAL PLOCE PAGE: 2 PAGE FRONT COVER 1-2 AUTHORS 1-1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1-7 A. DESCRIPTION OF INTERVENTION AND LOCATION A.1. PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF CONTAINER TERMINAL PLOCE 1 -8 A.1.1. Intervention type for national significance 3 A.1.2. Reasons and objectives of investments connected to Economic and spatial development 5 A.1.3. General data on technological characteristics of Container terminal 6 Attachments: Figure 1. Location of planned project 1:50 000 Figure 2. Technological layout - final state 1:2500 Figure 3.Technology - typical cross section 1:500 A.2. DATA FROM PHYSICAL PLANNING DOCUMENT 1 -20 A.2. 1. Strategy and program of physical planning of the republic of Croatia 2 A.2.2. The Dubrovacko-neretvanska county spatial plan 9 A.2.3. Changes and additions to spatial plan of the Kardeljevo municipality to year 2000 15 A.2.4. Changes and additions to master plan of Kardeljevo 19 Attachments: Figure 1.Excerpt from the STRATEGYAND PROGRAM OF PHYSICAL PLANNING OF THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA Figure 2. Excerpt from PHYSICAL PLAN OF THE DUBROVACKO- NERETVANSKA COUNTY Figure 3. Key to Use and Assignment of Land Figure 4. Physical plan of Municipality of Ploce -Assignment of land use in 2000 g. Figure 5. Master Plan of Ploce-Plan assignment of land use RIJEKAPROJEKT d.o.o. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY Rn: 03-033 CONTAINER TERMINAL PLOCE PAGE: 3 A.3. DESCRIPTION OF LOCATION SURROUNDINGS AND INTERVENTION IMPACT AREA 1 -63 A.3. 1. Location of the planned intervention 2 A.3.2. Spatial and functional units and assignment of land in the Ploce town area 3 A.3.3. Port industrial complex 6 A.3.4. Analysis of natural conditions 9 A.3.5. Assesment of the present site capacity 51 Attachments: Figure 1: Panoramic view of the area Figure 2: Aerial view at the port area Figure 3:View at the port Figure 4: Town port Figure 5: Development plan for the Port of Ploce Figure 6. Port area - terminals Figure 7: Wind rose Figure 8: Wind Figure 9: Frequency of different directions (%) in the climatologic periods 7 a.m., 2 p.m. and 9. p.m. (a) and total (b). Figure 10: Mean annual wind force by directions in the climatologic periods 7 a.m, 2 p.m. and 9 p.m. (a) and total (b) in m/s Figure 11: Mean annual number of days with strong and stormy wind Figure 12: Annual range of the mean wind force Figure 13: Seasonal and annual frequencies of wind force classes (5). The wind force is given in Beaufort. Figure 14 Mean annual values of the sea level height in relation to the mareographic zero in Ploce in the period from March 2002 - March 2003 Figure 15 Values of sea level height in Ploce recorded during occurrence of port standing waves. Figure 16 Basic directions of surface currents in winter and spring season in the Neretva channel Scale 1: 80 000 Figure 17 Permanent surface currents in the zone of the Neretva river mouth scale I: 40 000 Figure 18 Currents at 5 m depth in the zone of the Neretva mouth scale 1: 40 000 Figure 19. Mooring place for the Ploce Port Figure 20. Wave height for b asin between quay 5 and 7 Figure 21. Mean monthly values of meteorological elements and occurrences Figure 22. MEAN DA TES OF TEMPERA TURE THRESHOLDS AND DURA TION OF TEMPERATURE ABOVE 0°, 5, 100, 15°and 20° (in days) Figure 23 Mean annual air temperature rate, Ploce Figure 24 Mean annual rate of cloud and average number of cloudy and clear days Figure 25 Mean annual rate of relative humidity (v.) and precipitation (mm) Figure 26 Annual rate of mean and minimum monthly air humidity (%) and average number of days iv,th relative humidity >80% at 14.00 hrs and >30% in all three times of measurements Figure 27 Mean annual rate of number of days with precipitation and thunder Figure 28 Mean annual number of days with certain quantity of precipitation Figure 29. Planned intervention area in the Ploce Port, view of coast Figure 30. Planned intervention area in the Ploce Port, view of sea Figure 31.
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