Background Report 7 (Inventory of Planned Hydropower Projects)

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Background Report 7 (Inventory of Planned Hydropower Projects) Code: WBEC-REG-ENE-01 REGIONAL STRATEGY FOR SUSTAINABLE HYDROPOWER IN THE WESTERN BALKANS Background Report No. 7 Inventory of planned hydropower plant projects Final Draft 3 November 2017 IPA 2011-WBIF-Infrastructure Project Facility- Technical Assistance 3 EuropeAid/131160/C/SER/MULTI/3C This project is funded by the European Union Information Class: EU Standard The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the Mott MacDonald IPF Consortium and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. This document is issued for the party which commissioned it and for specific purposes connected with the above-captioned project only. It should not be relied upon by any other party or used for any other purpose. We accept no responsibility for the consequences of this document being relied upon by any other party, or being used for any other purpose, or containing any error or omission which is due to an error or omission in data supplied to us by other parties. This document contains confidential information and proprietary intellectual property. It should not be shown to other parties without consent from us and from the party which commissioned it. This r epor t has been prepared solely for use by the party which commissioned it (the ‘Client ’) in connection wit h the captioned project It should not be used for any other purpose No person other than the Client or any party who has expressly agreed terms of reliance wit h us (the ‘Recipient ( s)’) may rely on the content inf ormation or any views expr essed in the report We accept no duty of car e responsibilit y or liabilit y t o any other recipient of this document This report is conf idential and contains pr opriet ary intellect ual property REGIONAL STRATEGY FOR SUSTAINABLE HYDROPOWER IN THE WESTERN BALKANS Background Report No. 7: Inventory of planned hydropower plant projects Final Draft 3 Page 2 Contents List of abbreviations and symbols ....................................................................................................6 List of tables .....................................................................................................................................9 List of figures.................................................................................................................................. 10 0 Preamble ................................................................................................................................... 11 1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 15 1.1 Background ................................................................................................................. 15 1.2 Objectives of this background report.............................................................................. 16 1.3 Activities undertaken under specific Tasks ..................................................................... 16 1.4 Links with other tasks / background reports of the Study ................................................. 18 2 Methodology ............................................................................................................................. 20 3 Hydropower database structure................................................................................................ 22 3.1 TAB 1 - Basic Information ............................................................................................. 22 3.2 TAB 2 - Hydrology / Water Management ........................................................................ 24 3.3 TAB 3 - Technical Information ....................................................................................... 24 3.4 TAB 4 - Economic and Financial Information .................................................................. 25 3.5 TAB 5 - Environmental and Social Information ............................................................... 27 3.6 TAB 6 - Maturity Information ......................................................................................... 28 3.7 TAB 7 - Other Aspects.................................................................................................. 29 3.8 TAB 8 - MCA Results ................................................................................................... 29 3.9 Additional data and columns ......................................................................................... 30 4 HPP-DB data collected .............................................................................................................. 31 4.1 Rehabilitation projects .................................................................................................. 31 4.1.1 Risk of losing production; the main case for rehabilitation projects ............................... 33 4.1.2 Scope of rehabilitation projects.................................................................................. 33 4.1.3 Safety aspect ........................................................................................................... 34 4.1.4 Increase of rated power and plant electricity generation .............................................. 34 4.1.5 Decrease of operational costs and increasing availability ............................................ 34 4.1.6 Environmental aspects ............................................................................................. 35 4.1.7 WB6 rehabilitation potential....................................................................................... 35 4.2 Greenfield projects ....................................................................................................... 47 4.2.1 Preliminary screening ............................................................................................... 47 4.2.2 Total capacity........................................................................................................... 49 4.2.3 Total energy production ............................................................................................ 50 4.2.4 Overall development status/maturity .......................................................................... 51 4.2.5 Overview per river basin ........................................................................................... 55 4.2.6 Total estimated investment ....................................................................................... 57 4.2.7 Specific investment .................................................................................................. 57 4.2.8 Capacity factor ......................................................................................................... 61 4.2.9 Reservoir plants analysis .......................................................................................... 62 REGIONAL STRATEGY FOR SUSTAINABLE HYDROPOWER IN THE WESTERN BALKANS Background Report No. 7: Inventory of planned hydropower plant projects Final Draft 3 Page 3 4.2.10 Environmental aspects of greenfield HPP development .............................................. 62 4.2.11 Multipurpose projects................................................................................................ 64 4.3 Greenfield HPP candidate projects in Albania ................................................................ 64 4.4 Greenfield HPP candidate projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina ....................................... 69 4.4.1 HPP projects in FBiH ................................................................................................ 73 4.4.2 HPP projects in RS................................................................................................... 73 4.5 Greenfield HPP candidate projects in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ........... 74 4.6 Greenfield HPP candidate projects in Montenegro.......................................................... 76 4.7 Greenfield HPP candidate projects in Kosovo ................................................................ 80 4.8 Greenfield HPP candidate projects in Serbia .................................................................. 81 5 Proposals for concrete follow-up actions ................................................................................. 84 5.1 Regional level .............................................................................................................. 84 5.2 Country level................................................................................................................ 84 6 Conclusions, recommendations and final remarks ................................................................... 86 6.1 Conclusions and the proposed list for rehabilitation projects ............................................ 86 6.2 Conclusions on the greenfield projects........................................................................... 87 Annex 1: Detailed HPP-DB .............................................................................................................. 88 Annex 2: GIS ................................................................................................................................... 89 A. Objectives of GIS application for HDS ...................................................................................... 89 B. Technical features of HDS-GIS.................................................................................................. 89 C. Users of HDS-GIS.....................................................................................................................
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