ISSN 1896-1878


8 (39) 9/2009 Special Edition


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Proofreading by: Jolanta Chrostowska-Sufa ISSN 1896-1878 Photography: Karol Budziński, Stanisław Wojcieszak, Publisher: Maciej Męczyński DOM WYDAWNICZY NETTER 61-663 Poznań, ul. Żniwna 2 (Hotel Trawiński) Illustrations: Wojciech Nawrot NIP 779-110-09-06 • REGON 300467591 Contributing Editors: Kazimierz Brzezicki, Marek Zaradniak, Robert Hoffmann, Bank account: Bank Zachodni WBK S.A Dominik Górny, Andrzej Wilowski, Krzysztof Ratajczak, Nr 56 1090 1362 0000 0001 1083 8358 Wojciech Nawrot, Mariusz Menz, Witold Tkaczyk, Kamila Editorial secretary: Zdancewicz, Krzysztof Wyrzykowski, Andrzej Sakson, tel. +48 (0) 61 827 59 42 Włodzimierz Łęcki, Maria Rybicka, Marek Grajek, tel. +48 (0) 501 180 575 Joanna Nowak tel. +48 (0) 515 079 888 Translation: Krzysztof Kotkowski, Ewa Dratwa, translation [email protected] bureaus at the Governor of Wielkopolska's Office and the ZAPRASZA [email protected] Voivod of Wielkopolska's Office in Poznań. Typesetting by: Chief Editor: Mariola Zdancewicz Pre-Press Studio Krzysztof Spychał, Press: Art&Print Sp. z o.o., Deputy Chief Editor: Krzysztof Wiench EL I WI OKO TK LO ul. Wielka 27/29, 61-775 Poznań ¥ R Z O Associate Editor: Lidia Piechocka C W Piecz¹tki wielokolorowe E



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Wielkopolska is a region with Europe- Wielkopolska to region z europejski- an ambitions. Only 20 years ago, we did not mi ambicjami. Jeszcze 20 lat temu nawet dare dream about being an equal partner nam się nie śniło funkcjonowanie na rów- with other countries in United Europe. We nych prawach w Zjednoczonej Europie. Hi- remembered very well that history had de- storia, jak pamiętamy, zabierała nam ten prived us of that privilege. Today, however, przywilej. Dziś jednak słowa Europa i euro- the words “Europe” and “European” are om- pejskość odmieniamy przez wszystkie przy- nipresent in our lives. We use them naturally padki. I czynimy to naturalnie, z łatwością, and with ease, but also with great satisfac- ale i z satysfakcją. Dziś nie ma już starej tion. Today, there is no Old or New Europe czy nowej Europy – jest Europa Zjednoczo- – there is United Europe, referred to by Pro- na, jak mówił w połowie września tego roku Marek Woźniak fessor Jerzy Buzek in his opening speech at pan profesor Jerzy Buzek, otwierając obra- Marshal of the Wielkopolska Region, the first sitting of the European Parliament dy Parlamentu Europejskiego w Strasburgu. Vice-President of the Committee of the in Strasbourg in mid-September. Our region Nasz region znaczy coraz więcej na mapie Regions in Brussels is gaining in significance on the EU regions regionów Unii Europejskiej. Doświadczam Marszałek Województwa Wielkopolskiego, map, as I can perceive during my frequent tego podczas moich częstych wizyt w Bruk- Wiceprzewodniczący Komitetu Regionów visits to Brussels, where as the Vice-Presi- seli, gdzie jako Wiceprzewodniczący Komite- UE dent of the Committee of the Regions, I often tu Regionów zabieram głos w ważnych dla speak about the issues of great importance Wielkopolski, ale i z punktu widzenia Euro- for Wielkopolska and Europe as a whole. py, sprawach. I am glad that for the last six years – Cieszę się, że od 6 lat – a zatem jeszcze since before acceded to the Europe- przed wejściem Polski do Unii Europejskiej – an Union – we have had a home in Brussels. mamy w Brukseli swój dom. To Biuro Infor- The Information Office of the Wielkopolska macyjne Województwa Wielkopolskiego, Region has made it easier for the inhabit- którego działalność sprawiła, że Wielkopo- ants of our region to find their own place in lanie szybciej odnaleźli się we wspólnej Euro- our common Europe. This year, during the pie. I w tym roku, podczas brukselskich Open Open Days in Brussels at the beginning of Days w pierwszej dekadzie października, bę- October, we will be even more visible in the dziemy widoczni na europejskim forum. Eu- European arena. The European Week of Re- ropejski Tydzień Regionów i Miast to waż- gions and Cities is an important and pres- ne i prestiżowe wydarzenie, a Wielkopolska tigious event, and Wielkopolska wishes to chce się zaprezentować tam jak najlepiej. To show its best face to the public. It was our nasz region przewodniczył przygotowaniom Region that presided over the preparations konglomeratu ośmiu partnerów z różnych of a group of 8 partners from various EU krajów UE do udziału w Open Days. Szcze- Member States for the Open Days. During gólny nacisk podczas tych europejskich dni the event, special emphasis will be placed otwartych kładziemy na kwestię przyszło- on the issue of the future of cohesion policy, ści polityki spójności. A wszystko to z myślą and all this with a view to strenghtening the o budowaniu zarówno pozycji Wielkopolski, position of Wielkopolska and other regions jak i pozostałych regionów w kontekście sil- in a strong Europe. As Commissioner Danu- nej Europy. Jak mówiła podczas niedawnej ta Huebner said, during her recent visit to wizyty w Poznaniu pani Danuta Huebner, Poznan, Wielkopolska is a place worth set- Komisarz ds. Polityki Regionalnej, Wielkopol- tling down in. We were flattered, but we also ska to miejsce, w którym warto zapuszczać felt that her words imposed a certain obliga- korzenie. To dla nas bardzo pochlebne, ale tion on us. I think that the presence of our re- i zobowiązujące słowa. Myślę, że obecność gion in Brussels can be a source of satisfac- naszego regionu w Brukseli to powód do ra- tion, but also an opportunity, which I believe dości i szansa, której – jestem o tym przeko- will not be wasted by us. It is worth settling nany – nie zmarnujemy. Warto zapuszczać down in European Wielkopolska! korzenie w Wielkopolsce europejskiej!

4 Piotr Florek Voivode of the Wielkopolska Voivodeship Wojewoda Wielkopolski

Wielkopolska () is the second in terms of area and Wielkopolska to drugie pod względem wielkości i trzecie ze wzglę- the third in terms of population region of Poland. Wielkopolska is du na liczbę mieszkańców województwo w Polsce. Postrzegane jest nie seen not only as the cradle of Polish history but also as a strong eco- tylko jako historyczna kolebka polskiego państwa, ale również jako sil- nomic centre characterised by modern agriculture, extended eco- ny ekonomicznie ośrodek, z nowoczesnym rolnictwem, rozbudowaną nomical infrastructure and great potential for investments noted in infrastrukturą gospodarczą i dużym potencjałem inwestycyjnym, do- Poland and in the whole Europe. This prestige is thanks to convenient strzeganym w Polsce i Europie. Jest to zasługą dogodnego położenia localisation, on the route Paris - Berlin - Warsaw - Moscow, as well as geograficznego Wielkopolski, leżącej na szlaku Paryż – Berlin – War- to economic and resourceful skills of its inhabitants. szawa – Moskwa, jak również gospodarności i zaradności jej miesz- Region of Wielkopolska shows dynamic development in all areas kańców. of social and economic life, which places the region on the leading Województwo wielkopolskie jest miejscem dynamicznego rozwo- position among Polish and European regions. The Polish government ju we wszystkich dziedzinach życia społecznego i gospodarczego, co took it into consideration and granted significant financial means stawia je na czołowym miejscu w Polsce i Europie. Dostrzega to polski for further development of infrastructure, in particular roads, which rząd, kierując istotne środki na rozwój infrastruktury, w szczególności shall bring more profits to the region and its inhabitants in the fu- drogowej, co w przyszłości zaowocuje dodatkowymi korzyściami dla ture. In spring 2009, the construction of 104 kilometres of A2 highway mieszkańców regionu i kraju. Wiosną 2009 rozpoczęła się budo- leading to the German border was started. wa kolejnego, 104-kilometrowego odcinka autostrady A-2 do granicy Plans for the nearest future give proof to large scale of invest- Polski z Niemcami. ments in Wielkopolska. Ring roads are being constructed in the main O skali przedsięwzięć w Wielkopolsce mogą świadczyć najbliż- towns of the region. At the beginning of this year, the construction of sze plany. Już teraz powstają obwodnice największych miast regionu. the western ring road around Poznań was started and the works on Z początkiem tego roku rozpoczęła się budowa zachodniej obwodnicy the eastern ring road will start soon. In total, 300 km of express road Poznania, a wkrótce ruszą prace na budowie wschodniej obwodnicy are planned to be under construction next year. stolicy Wielkopolski. Łącznie w przyszłym roku w budowie będzie pra- These investments are to prepare Poznań in the most profession- wie 300 km dróg ekspresowych. al way for the Football Championship Euro 2012, which are going to Rozpoczęte inwestycje pomóc mają w jak najbardziej profesjonal- be held in Poland and Ukraine, as well as to provide better roads to nym przygotowaniu Poznania do organizacji mistrzostw piłkarskich inhabitants and tourists visiting Wielkopolska. Euro 2012, które odbywać się będą w Polsce i na Ukrainie, ale także słu- When talking about investments, we should not forget mention- żyć mają mieszkańcom i turystom odwiedzającym Wielkopolskę. ing government’s help to communities of smaller towns and villages Wspominając o inwestycjach, nie można zapominać o działaniach in Wielkopolska, eg. construction of football pitches for children (100 rządu dla społeczności z mniejszych miejscowości Wielkopolski – budo- of pitches are going to be built in 2009) and extension of local roads wie boisk piłkarskich dla dzieci i młodzieży (w 2009 roku w regionie po- system. Around 125 km of roads in Wielkopolska has been modern- wstanie 100 takich obiektów) oraz rozbudowie dróg lokalnych. Urucho- ised thanks to a special governmental program. miony na ten cel specjalny rządowy program pozwolił na modernizację For the part of above mentioned investments and projects in około 125 kilometrów dróg w Wielkopolsce. the area of culture, education, environment protection and devel- Część wspomnianych inwestycji infrastrukturalnych oraz projekty opments of rural areas Wielkopolska uses funds obtained from the związane z kulturą, edukacją, ochroną środowiska i rozwojem obsza- EU. This is thanks to successful cooperation between governmental rów wiejskich są realizowane dzięki funduszom, pozyskiwanym przez and regional administration authorities. Wielkopolskę z Unii Europejskiej. Służy temu dobra współpraca między The universities in the region, with the Adam Mickiewicz Univer- administracją rządową i samorządową w regionie. sity in Poznań on the top of the list, provide education to over 100 O potencjale województwa wielkopolskiego decydują także dzia- thousand students. This is another factor for potential of the region łające tu uczelnie wyższe na czele z Uniwersytetem im. Adama Mic- as Poznań and Wielkopolska constitute for an important academic kiewicza w Poznaniu, kształcące ponad 100 tys. studentów. Poznań centre with very good results in scientific researches and introduc- i Wielkopolska stanowią przez to ważny ośrodek akademicki, osiąga- tion of new technologies. jący dobre wyniki w badaniach naukowych i wprowadzaniu nowych Poznań International Fair, held for over 90 years and attracting technologii. exhibitors from all over the world, prove that Poznań and Wielkopol- O otwartości Poznania i Wielkopolski na Europę świadczą organi- ska are open towards Europe. The Polish government appreciated zowane od ponad 90 lat Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie, przyciąga- this and, together with the UN, organised a conference on climate jące wystawców z całego świata. Doceniając ten fakt, rząd Polski zorga- changes in December 2008. The conference put government delega- nizował wraz z ONZ w grudniu 2008 roku w Poznaniu konferencję po- tions and scientists from all over the world together and was evalu- święconą zmianom klimatycznym, która zgromadziła delegacje rządo- ated as a big success by the guests of the conference. Because of the we oraz naukowców z całego świata i zakończyła się organizacyjnym same reasons, the European Football Championship EURO 2012 will sukcesem, co potwierdzają opinie gości szczytu klimatycznego. Z tych be held in Poznań and one year before that, together with the Polish samych powodów w Poznaniu odbędą się piłkarskie Mistrzostwa Euro- Presidency in the EU, the Polish government is planning to organise py EURO 2012, a rok wcześniej wraz z objęciem przez Polskę prezyden- part of important intergovernmental meetings of the EU countries in cji w Unii Europejskiej polski rząd planuje przeprowadzenie części waż- the capital of Wielkopolska. nych spotkań międzyrządowych państw UE w stolicy Wielkopolski. In the united Europe, where regions can play an important role, W zjednoczonej Europie, w której regiony odgrywają znaczącą rolę, Wielkopolska has a lot to offer: not only charming landscapes and Wielkopolska ma do zaoferowania wiele atutów, wnosząc do niej nie thousands years of history, but also significant economic achieve- tylko urodę swych pejzaży, bogactwo dorobku tysiącletniej historii, ale ments. także spory bagaż dokonań gospodarczych. Welcome to Wielkopolska and Poznań Serdecznie zapraszam do Wielkopolski i Poznania

5 A BASKET OF SUBJECTS 7 Tree of (power) plenty 8-10 Wielkopolska – Europa 8 The place of Wielkopolska in Europe 10 People from Wielkopolska in Europe 11-16 History Tourism Ecology 11 Wielkopolska’s most prominent towns 14 Countryside hodge-podge 16 Green investments 17-20 Science 17 Science in the city 18 Enigma 20 UAM

21 Art 21 The Gallery – A Place Like No Other 22-23 Three cultures, three religions 24-25 Showcases of culture in Wielkopolska 30 The Gniezno Door 26-29 Sport 26 Handball Wielkopolska style 32 Where Poland 28 The region’s sports rhythm was established region

The place Andrzej Sakson of Wielkopolska in Europe

Wielkopolska is among Poland’s larg- Wielkopolska is situated in Western Po- of Prussia (for some of the time existing as est regions in terms of area, population land in the middle course of the Warta Riv- the Grand Duchy of Poznań). After the suc- and economic potential. Its today’s area er. Poznań lies half-way between Berlin and cessful Wielkopolska Uprising of 1918 and of nearly 30,000 km2 makes it the coun- Warsaw (both capitals is 300 km away). The in the aftermath of World War I and the Ver- try’s second largest region, surpassing Al- region is particularly significant historically. sailles Conference, Wielkopolska was reinte- bania and nearly the size of Belgium. Its It is the original cradle of the Polish state. grated into the restored Polish state. population of 3.3 million exceeds that of Gniezno and Poznań were Poland’s capitals In an effort at national and economic Latvia falling slightly short of those of Ire- in the Middle Ages. confrontation with the occupying Prussia, land and Lithuania. A landmark event in Polish and Euro- Wielkopolska residents developed their Wielkopolska leads in an attractiveness pean history was the Gniezno Congress of unique ethos. Its key feature is particular ranking of Polish regions based on a wide March 1000 during which Saint Adalbert’s care for thrift and pragmatism. Other dis- range of criteria. It is a leader in growth, tomb was visited by Emperor Otto III, a tinctive attributes of the local residents are foreign direct investment and investor at- former friend of this martyr bishop. The Con- hard work, good work organization, fru- tractiveness. The region’s capital Poznań vention marked Poland’s acceptance into gality, care for tradition and staunch local (population of 566,000) is home to facto- the club of European nations. The symbolic patriotism. Wielkopolska inhabitants have ries of such multinational corporations as bestowal to Boleslav the Brave of a diadem developed their own dialect and customs. Volkswagen, Bridgestone-Firestone and and Saint Maurice’s spear by the Emperor is They are open to innovation and prepared Beiersdorf. considered to have marked the birth of Po- to face the challenges of the global econ- The region enjoys a strong economy land as an independent and sovereign state. omy. For centuries, Wielkopolska played a with massive growth potential. Its total Soon afterwards, Poland proclaimed the es- pivotal role in transferring Western Europe- Gross National Product (Poland’s GNP is tablishment of its first Catholic metropolis an culture into Poland. 9.1%) and per capita income are Poland’s with a capital city in Gniezno. As stated in its growth strategy through third largest. The tradition of the Gniezno Congress 2020, the region’s strongest assets are its Wielkopolska is Poland’s most invest- as an event of spiritual and political impor- strategic location between the Eastern ment-oriented region boasting the coun- tance was picked up in the late 20th cen- and Western Europe, highly educated peo- try’s lowest rate of unemployment. Over 57 tury. Some of these regularly-held conven- ple, the multifunctional Poznań metropo- percent of its population inhabit urban ar- tions were attended by the presidents of lis, extensive protected areas and undete- eas. The region’s capital city prides itself on Hungary, the Czech Republic, , Slo- riorated environment, a very active popu- its strong academia (it is home to approx- vakia, Lithuania, Ukraine and Poland. lation, well-educated labor, a diverse and imately 120,000 students). Wielkopolska’s By the 18th century, Wielkopolska be- dynamic economy, research and develop- local governments maintain close ties with came Poland’s strongest regional economy. ment potential and well-developed infra- many European regions and towns. The Re- This culturally diverse province was home structure (motorways, airport). gion maintains a Regional Information Office to strong German and Jewish communi- in Brussels. Its Poznań International Fair is an ties. Following the second partition of Po- The author is a UAM professor and director of institution recognized Europe wide. land in 1793, Wielkopolska became a part Instytut Zachodni in Poznań. 8 Andrzej Wilowski PeoplePeople from from Wielkopolska Wielkopolska in in Europe Europe 1925, at the age of seventeen, he enrolled at the local univerlocal the seventeen,enrolledat of he age the at 1925, 1981 he came back to Polandfromseveraltoorderseditors. back with came he 1981 Unfortunately,could he US. war, in the After settled he 1942. (poetic rather than scientific) was appreciated by pope Paul III Soon Aleksander Janta became a became Janta Aleksander Soon sity to study Polish literature. Before that he had displayed displayed had he that Before literature. Polish study to sity should bechosento tell theirstories inEurope? capable of a of capable In English. was grandmother His physician. Poznań edged clay the animated Betsalel ben Loew Jude which to cording cal Jewish community in many areas, especially the areas,especially many in community Jewish cal elegies, written intheclassicalLatin elegiac distich. came famous in Europe as soon as the Renaissance”. However, of talks with celebrities including Charlie Chaplin, Mahatma Mahatma Chaplin, Charlie including celebrities with talks of derstanding alike. He surprised his readers for the second time proved Janta Aleksander relationships. homosexual discuss Gombrowicz andAndre Gide. Witold Roosevelt, president Paderewski, Jan Ignacy Gandhi, a a at the same time collecting materials. He was among the peo the among was materials.He collecting time same the at a When he visited Prague at the end of the 16th century,16th the at visitedPragueof he he Whenend the at Wielkopolska, famous and successful outside their country, country, their outside successful and famous Wielkopolska, When WorldParis, in impersonating was he Warout, broke II passion, he continued relevant studies in Paris. He became became He Paris. in studies relevant continued he passion, monster Golem. ben Loew Jude while Kaballah of fan avid an was monarch Zaremba andbookswere printedportages by publishersinexile. re interviews, thereforehis Poland in works his publish not nuszkowo near Gniezno), a Ja from (Klemens Ianicius before,years ThreeJanicki. mens time,a Czech The court. royal the at meetings secret many tended who awarded the poet with a works: I in 1931. Neither Poland nor Europe had been ready to openly ing his doctorate dissertation at the Padua academy. His talent ideas. He started journalism with the Solidarity movement; in Solidarity the with journalism started He ideas. in the process. He studied the of history film and the of history Betsalel was very knowledgeable about the discipline. At that Europe for other reasons: he became an authority for the lo the for authority an became he reasons: other forEurope across famous became he but preaching started Poznań. He During the martial law, he drove a distributedHe leaflets, wasorderlyan a in Polish reporter in Afghanistan and a homini by publishing reports from Soviet Russia, fromSoviet reports publishing by lover, in Literackie”published News”) “Wiadomości (“Literary lowing statement: “The first inhabitants of Wielkopolska be of Wielkopolska inhabitants statement:first lowing “The famous for an interview with Alfred Douglas, Oscar Wilde’s Oscar Douglas, Alfred with interview an for famous genuine his became journalism As published. books four

am facing an altogether different task: which people from from people which task: different altogether an facing am crane at a Frenchman. He managed to escape from occupied in talent for writing. At the university he managed to have have to managed he university the At writing. for talent A After graduating from secondary school in 1969, 1969, in school secondary from graduating After Połczyński’sJanta Aleksanderrecords includes notebook Aleksander Janta Połczyński Janta Aleksander In 1585 In three about excited were courts royal European 1543 In serious academic dissertation should start with the folthe with start should dissertation academic serious De De orbitam celestim

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Julius Stern in Berlin. Once Poland regained independence, independence, regained Poland Once Berlin. in Stern Julius Arthur Arthur Rubinstein. He worked there as an organist in Catholic Dumas’ Albert sztandarem sztandarem pokoju och deandraoch Sweden’s biggest newspaper. He writes about culture and poli Shakespeare’s Sweden and the artists was sands of citizens, especially women: single mothers of many of mothers single women:especiallycitizens, of sands scorefor Bergman’s theatrical Macie F. 1938 In stein. and Poulenc Francis sky, his with Balkans the tour to ski ed the results of his investigation in his book entitled book his investigationin his of results the ed retarded.mentally presentthe He and homeless children,the of 70 singers, touring California. In 1977 he moved back to to back moved he 1977 In California. touring singers, 70 of a established also he Angeles; Los in churches by encouraged US, for left ciejewski Ing met He concerts. giving their After Gallen. Elvi er a obtain and concerts acquaint famous career,in resulting Gothenburg where helived until hisdeath in1998. A Moniuszko. Stanisław after named Choir ata and books (four to date) he shows Swedes what they are really arship to study music in Parin music study to arship the Beck, Józef including ances, until theendofhisdays. rope, a moted by the Swedish state in 1935-1976 with respect to thou an is he Now opposition.democraticPolish the assisting ple performances (including W. (including performances the wrote and Bergman mar in settled they marriage, jewski toured England England toured jewski tics as well as social transformations. He also translates Polishtranslates also transformations.He social as well as tics ie a wife, future his met he where Stravin Igor met he time affairs. foreign of minister then the of manager artistic the as fame local acquired he tory; In 1919 he and his parents returned to Poland and lived in in lived and Poland to returned parents his and he 1919 In influential commentator of current events in “Dagens Nyheter”, is under the guidance of of guidance the under is Polish state. Roman Roman Maciejewski who has gone down to posterity owing to that At Boulanger. Nadia Maciejew enabled support His a was Institute Propaganda Conserva Poznań the at studies his continued He Leszno. he moved to Poznań and maintained close ties with the city city the with ties close maintained and Poznań to moved he after named Conservatory the at composition study to him ki, mastering his piano playing skills at the tender age of six. six. of age tender the at skills playing piano his mastering ki, befriended Arthur Rubin Arthur befriended like. In 1997 he revealed the issue of obligatory sterilisation pro literature, including by poetry Zbigniew In his Herbert. articles failed to achieve European fame. The whole music world knows The Berlin Conservatory also hosted Roman Maciejews Roman hosted also Conservatory Berlin The When Poland was erased from the political map of Eu of map political the from erased was Poland When In In 1898 Feliks Nowowiejski is a composingcontest Londonin formusic pieceof his Polish had artist to ask the world to acknowledge the wds danc Swedish , Feliks Nowowiejski ... (The pure and others, 1999). Macbeth Caligula ( The Banner of Peace). The award allowed

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10 Jan A.P. Kaczmarek Krzesimir Dębski Klemens z Krzysztof Komeda Sławomir Magala People fromWojtek Pawlak WielkopolskaPeople from Wielkopolska in in EuropeEurope 1981 forced many people to choose between subversive ac subversive between choose to people many forced 1981 seized the opportunity and left Poland andleft in1981to obtaina seized theopportunity soloists, a ence methodology and culture sociology. The whiff of freedom a As literature. American of AgriculEuropeanstandards,the the to it tailor economyand Polish the reconstruct to order In Credit. Agro at consultant dation (Frankfurt Am Main). He was abroad when martial law martial when abroad was He Main). Am (Frankfurt dation are also published in Poland while he visits his home country country home his visits Polandhe in while published arealso edi chief the is He Rotterdam. in University Erasmus the at Magala Sławomir abroad; study and travel to Poles allowed a became and a University, an active member of the Independent Students Un tivities andmigration. tor of “Journal of Organizational Change Management”. Lately, was announced. Since the mid-1980s he has been a He momentum. gaining was movement Solidarity the when terrupted by a was established and started operation, he returned to Poznań the task, Wojtek Pawlak returned to Poland. When the Agency tackle to order In established. be to had Agency Market tural In 1983 he left Poland for France where he graduated from from graduated he where France for Poland left he 1983 In ion, started publishing a publishing started ion, and he published two books in London: he out carved a work monumental his bilitation scholarship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foun a as famous became for a

business school. He and his family settled in Toulouse where Januszkowa Announcement of martial law in Poland on 13 December December 13 on Poland in law martial of Announcement Sławomir Magala Sławomir WojtekPawlak The Management of Meaning In Organizations In Meaning of Management The speaker’s circuit. Neverland

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“Montmartre” in Copenhagen) brought about proposals of re of proposals about brought Copenhagen) “Montmartre”in – classic has published several of his records. He is an active active an is He records. his of several published has classic – Afterthe war, hedecided to enrol atthe medical college. After Academy.In 1980, Krzesimir Dębski and his friends established War and Peace and War (Knife in the Water). Krzysztof Komeda wrote music scores for 65 Dwaj ludzie z ludzie Dwaj servatory at the age of eight but WWII torpedoed these plans. these torpedoed but WWII eight of age the at servatory production super European the for score the of 2007 in sels symphonic symphonic pieces of music, 11 concerts, 4 oratorios, several doz surprise.1985,theAmericanIn “DownBeat” magazine ranked semble with its very modern sound is frequently compared with studymusic composition and conducting at the Poznań Music concert performer; a performer; concert on him; he established a spell its cast had However, in cializing spe of intention the with internship his started he graduation en soundtracks for feature films, film series and songs. commemorate to Hall Philharmonic Poznań the at concert 1963 colleagues’ In his talents. improvisingand compositions ed for Metronom was the first record by Polish musicians in the recordalbum LP Ansoundtracks. film composing and cording and theatrical performances and three oratories. Sony Music Music Sony oratories. three and performances theatrical and as well as a as well as da’s West. The sextet’s success was attributed to the leader’s original Us?) by a years he has been devoted to composition; his works include 50 nia, Hollywood had been taken by storm by storm by taken been had Hollywood nia, overhaul, an after Wielkopolska; in village Rozbitek in palace records at several and performed hundreds of concerts. The en posesmusic. Withinseveral years, musiciansthe published six jazz festival in Poland (Sopot 1956). Komeda’s sextet introduced the audience to modern jazz, officially not played in Polandplayedin be not officially jazz, modern toaudience the the palace is intended to host a tra efforts to get credit. ex make to need not do and cultureEuropean the to tribute numerousawardstheno grantedfestivals various asatcome ensemble’sthe mind in the Bearing Weatherstrengths, Report. com and violin electric the plays he Connection; String the In 1960 Komeda’ssuccess 1960 their Scandinavia; In toured ensemble in Europe. music symphonic and film of composer acclaimed an is imir Philharmonics. Komeda was intended piano tolessons atstart the Poznań con KrzesimirDębski among the ten best jazz violinists. For twenty Poland,Krzes In Komeda’sanniversary. death Krzysztof 40th for soundtrack the wrote Komeda had debuted in 1957, composing the score for Roman Polański’s become a lovers delighted in the soundtrack for Polański’sfor soundtrack the in delightedlovers festivals resulted in their first contacts with foreignwithmusicians.contacts first theirfestivals resultedin successive the to“Jazz fore.sextet’sattendance Thejamboree” for a films.Carlsen’ fromHenning motif lead The Cirkeln” (“Gylleneand clubs Stockholm in in performances ful Jan A. P. Kaczmarek has written music for over thirty films films thirty P.overfor A. music Jan written has Kaczmarek Twenty years before Jan A. P.Califor A. to movedJan before Kaczmarek Twenty years Contemporary inhabitants of Wielkopolska actively con actively Wielkopolska of inhabitants Contemporary 2009, April 23 On He came to Poznań from his hometown of Wałbrzych to Wałbrzych of hometown his from Poznań to came He lullaby, immortalized in Roman Polański’slullaby, Roman in immortalized wide range offilmpeople. Danish director Henning Carlsen. Before that Komeda

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Włodzimierz Łęcki Wielkopolska’s most prominent towns POZNAŃ chapels. Its cellars hold relics of 10th- abounds with historic sights and century construction with a baptis- museums. A gem of its architecture Poznań is a city of rich history tery and fragments of the tombs of is a beautiful Renaissance Town Hall and many historical sights, Poland’s Poland’s original rulers. The interi- erected in the 16th century by the leading center of science, industry ors are adorned with a remarkable Italian architect Joannes Baptista and culture located on the Warta 1512 Gothic main altar and 15th- and Quadro. River in the center of the historic 16th-century red-bronze tombstones. The Town Hall’s historic interi- district of Wielkopolska. The chapels house a number of ors house the Museum of Poznań It is in Wielkopolska that the 14th through 20th century grave- History. The surrounding market Polish State was established over stones of bishops and secular digni- square and streets comprise one of a millennium ago. Next to Gniezno, taries. The Golden Chapel conceals Poland’s most remarkable historic Ostrów Lednicki and Kruszwica, a tomb decorated in the Byzantine districts. Poznań played a major role in the style and monuments to Mieczyslav Perhaps the most noteworthy of emerging state. Poland assumed I and Boleslav the Brave. The Cathe- the Old Town’s historic churches is Christianity in the year 966. Two dral’s superb surroundings include located at Gołęba Street. This stun- years later, Poland’s first bishopric two Gothic buildings: the 15th-cen- ning turn-of-the-17th century struc- was established in Poznań. Its Ca- tury Virgin Mary Church preserved ture conceals amazing interiors fea- thedral, constructed at the time, in its original shape and an early- turing enormous pillars and altars. would subsequently become the 16th-century psalter, i.e. a house for The nearby Przemysł Hill holds rem- metropolis of Piast Dynasty kings Cathedral singers. Located nearby is nants of the Poznań Castle dating and princes. Poznań acquired its city a building of the Lubrański Acade- back to the 14th century which to- rights in 1253. Located on the cross- my, Poznań’s first institution of high- day houses the Museum of Applied roads of trade routes and owned by er education established in 1518, Arts. The Hill is also crowned by the the king, the city became one of which today houses a remarkable 13th-century Baroque Franciscan Poland’s most significant craft and Archdiocese Museum. Church. The most fascinating of the commercial centers. After Poznań To the east of Ostrów Tumski lies many museums situated in the Old fell under the Prussian rule in the a small district of Śródka, a separate Town include the Museum of Mu- 19th century, it became a focal town between the 15th and the 18th sical Instruments with its vast col- point of patriotic and independ- centuries. The 12th-century Roman- lection of instruments from Poland ence efforts. These culminated with esque Church of Saint John of Jeru- and many other parts of the world. the successful Wielkopolska Upris- salem on the edge of Śródka is one Other noteworthy museums are the ing of 1919 which liberated nearly of Poland’s first brick buildings. The Wielkopolska Military Museum, the all of the region. church overlooks Lake Malta (with Museum of the Wielkopolska Upris- Poznań quickly recovered from an area of 64 ha) created by dam- ing and the Henryk Sienkiewicz Mu- the devastation of World War II ming the waters of the Cybina River. seum devoted to this outstanding ushering in an era of rapid growth. Its shores feature extensive sports Polish writer and 1905 Noble Prize Since 1990, Poznań (pop. 570,000) infrastructure which makes it one laureate. has assumed a lead in social and of Europe’s best rowing and canoe- Many historic buildings are lo- economic reform. ing courses. In 2009, Lake Malta be- cated around the perimeter of the The city’s oldest historical sights came the venue of the World Row- Old Town. An example is a magnifi- can be found in Ostrów Tumski, an ing Championship. On one side of cent Baroque Franciscan/Bernadine island nestled between the Warta the Lake is Poland’s only year-round Church at Bernardyński Square. Two and Cybina Rivers. Poznań’s key at- artificial ski slope. Hidden amidst other historic churches can be found traction is its Cathedral, Poland’s old- a nearby forest is one of Poland’s on Saint Adalbert Hill north of the est place of Christian worship, origi- largest and most attractive zoologi- Old Town: these are the Gothic Saint nally erected in 968 and expanded cal gardens. Adalbert Church with a crypt of vet- in the following centuries. Today, Poznań’s Old Town lies on the eran residents of Wielkopolska and the Cathedral is a three-nave Goth- right bank of the Warta River cover- the Baroque Saint Joseph Church ic basilica surrounded by a ring of ing the Medieval settlement which with its nearby Wielkopolska He- Wielkopolska’s most 11 Wielkopolska’s most prominent towns

roes’ Cemetery and trees, the Szamotuły of them houses the Museum of the Origins the monument to castle and the Wielko- of the Polish State featuring a multimedia the Poznań Army polska National Park. presentation of Poland’s oldest history from known for their the 10th to the 14th century. fighting in 1939. GNIEZNO Gniezno is the most interesting attrac- Located to the tion of the tourist Piast Route connecting west of the Old Mar- Gniezno is com- towns between Poznań and Inowrocław. ket Square, today’s monly believed to Equally appealing are the city’s environs. city center emerged have been the first Its rolling hills conceal over a dozen lakes, in the 19th and ear- capital city of Poland. including Lake Powidzkie of 1100 ha in area ly 20th centuries. An In the 10th century, and the 50 m deep Lake Popielewskie. Lake architectural gem at a hill nestled between Powidzkie can be reached by an over one the nearby Wolności the local lakes held hundred years old narrow gauge train line Square is its 1929 a large four-section used for special tourist trains during the Classicist Raczyński settlement serving as summer season. Library building the center of the Po- The most interesting sights around modeled after the lanie Tribe state which Gniezno are Dziekanowice, Ostrów Lednicki French Louvre. The got to be known as and Czerniejewo. Square is lined with the early-20th-century the Gniezno State. The first historic ruler of The village of Dziekanowice on the National Museum building with its vast col- Poland, Prince Mieszko I of the Piast Dynas- large Lake Lednica is home to the Wielko- lection of Polish and foreign paintings and ty, erected a Christian Temple here in late polska Ethnographic Park, one of Poland’s the Bazar which is one of Europe’s largest 10th century. His son Boleslav the Brave largest cultural heritage centers comprising hotels. substantially expanded Poland’s borders 70 buildings illustrating 18th to 20th centu- The western part of the city center fea- creating an efficient state administration. ry rural settlements. tures a complex of early-20th-century mon- In the year 1000, Gniezno was given Po- The Lake’s Ostrów Lednicki Island in- umental buildings rendered in specific his- land’s first Metropolis: a Catholic Archbish- cludes a settlement that remains of its 10th toric styles, among them the opera house opric. The German Emperor Otto III who century town, with relics of its princely pal- (one of the country’s leading opera houses) made a pilgrimage to Gniezno’s Saint Adal- ladium dating back to the time of Mieszko and the Collegium Minus building of Adam bert grave, was officially received by Bole- I and Boleslav the Brave. The settlement Mickiewicz University with its Auditorium slav the Brave. This was the first diplomat- is believed to have been the birthplace of known for excellent acoustics. Two mon- ic visit to Poland by another head of state. King Boleslav the Brave. uments adorn Adam Mickiewicz Square: Soon afterwards, Boleslav the Brave was With a population of 70,000, Gniezno one to Adam Mickiewicz himself, the other crowned in the Gniezno Cathedral becom- is situated 50 km north-east of Poznań on commemorating the June 1956 labor un- ing the King of Poland. Until the end of the Road 5 connecting Poznań with Gdańsk rest and uprising. 18th century, all Polish kings were crowned (via Bydgoszcz) and Road 15 connecting Remnants of the Citadel, which is by Gniezno Archbishops, even at the time Poznań with Olsztyn (via Toruń). Gniezno a large system of 19th-century fortifica- when the capital of Poland was moved to also lies on the Poznań-Inowrocław railway tions almost fully destroyed in 1945, can be Cracow and Warsaw. line which continues on to Gdańsk and Ol- found to the north of the city center. Today, As Poland’s only Cathedral distin- sztyn. the Citadel is the site of a large city park. guished with the title of Primate Basilica, War military cemeteries can be found on the Gniezno Cathedral is one of the coun- KALISZ its hill slopes. try’s most magnificent places of worship. Located in Poznań’s center are the Its 14th- and 15th-century Gothic building is Kalisz is a city in southern Wielkopolska, grounds of Poznań International Fair, one ringed by chapels and adorned by two high the Region’s second most populous. From of Europe’s biggest trade fair organization. towers. Its dazzling interiors hold numer- the 14th to the 18th century and in mid- Over 25 various trade fair events take place ous grave tombs and monuments, splendid 20th century, Kalisz served as the region’s here every year. portals and forged bars at chapel entrances capital. No other Polish town boasts having The city Conservatory is set in the mid- as well as Saint Adalbert’s confession and older written records that refer to its exist- dle of Wilson Park in the District of Łazarz. altars, all of which give it an unforgettable ence. The town was mentioned under the It is one of Europe’s largest palm houses appeal. The cellars hold relics of the 10th- name of Kalisia in the Outline of Geography with a remarkably vast collection of tropi- century pre-Romanesque and 11th-century by the Roman Claudiusz Ptolemeus in A.D. cal plants. Romanesque structures. Towering over the 147. The settlement lied on the Amber Trail Huge park and forest areas can be town, the Cathedral is surrounded by his- connecting the Roman Empire with the Bal- found on Poznań outskirts. The western toric canonry buildings and an archbishop tic Sea. From the 9th through the 12th cen- part of this green ring includes a number palace which has served as the residence of tury, the place was owned by the Piasts and of lakes. One of them, Lake Kierskie (with Polish Primates since the 15th century. served as the capital of the sovereign duch- an area of 300 ha), holds a prominent sail- Next to Cathedral Hill lies the Old Town ess. It received its city rights in 1257. The ing center. with its remarkable architecture dating city was badly damaged by Prussian troops Poznań is a perfect starting point for back largely to the 19th century. Its major at the outset of the First World War. Today, it tours of Wielkopolska’s other interesting at- sights include a number of Gothic church- is a thriving industrial, cultural and admin- tractions such as Gniezno and Ostrów Led- es, among them Saint John Church with its istrative center. nicki associated with the Piast Dynasty, the unique 14th-century polychromy. Kalisz’s old town features a number Kórnik castle and park complex, the Rogalin A remarkable complex of modern build- of significant historic buildings, some of castle and park with its millennium-old oak ings lies on the shores of Lake Jelonek. One which date back to its very origins. Near 12 Wielkopolska’s most prominent towns Wielkopolska’s most prominent towns

the former battlements lies the Goth- At old town center lies the Wolności school. Many glider competitions, includ- ic 13th to 14th century Church of Saint Square lined with 19th- and early-20th-century ing world championships, are held here. Nicholas with richly adorned interiors buildings. In the former village of Gosławice The vicinity of Leszno abounds with and a polychromy decorated chapel of in the north of the city is a thoroughly ren- precious historical sights. Rydzyna, a his- Władysław Tetmajer, an artist representing ovated 15th-century Gothic castle housing toric town with nearly fully preserved 18th- the modernist Young Poland period. Note the District Museum. Next to it is a German century architecture, features a magnificent three Baroque churches of Saint Joseph, heritage museum of rural architecture and 14th-century palace/castle converted to Jesuit and Franciscan Churches. Each con- an octagonal Gothic church with a stellar a Baroque style. The palace houses a hotel tains astonishing works of art such as al- vault rested on a single column. and a stylish restaurant. The nearby town of tars, paintings and tombstones. The Clas- Konin is surrounded by a number of Pawłowice takes pride in its unaltered Clas- sicist 1825 Bishop palace sits at the edge large lakes connected by canals to ensure sicistic 18th-century palace designed by the of a park near fragments of the original the flow of water used for cooling the tur- celebrity architect K.G. Langhans, the author battlements. A vast collection of historic bines of two large electric power plants. of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. Leszno’s items, partly associated with the history of Two enormous “holes in the ground” vicinity features more than a dozen pictur- the textile industry which was once a big of the Konin brown-coal strip mine can be esque lakes and holiday resorts. pride of Kalisz, can be found in the Kalisz found north of the city. Leszno lies on a major road and rail- Land Museum. Konin, a city of 80,000 inhabitants, lies way line connecting Poznań and Wrocław, The local theatre is the site of annual by a motorway, a national road and the 75 km to the south of Poznań. Its popula- Kalisz Theatre Meetings, an event of na- Poznań-Warsaw railway line. Its national road tion is 60,000. tional significance. This Classicist theatre connects it with Bydgoszcz and Wrocław. building is situated on the Prosna River on PIŁA the edge of one of the country’s oldest city LESZNO parks established in the late 18th century. This city on the Gwda River near the ex- A settlement has been made in Zawodzie Southern Wielkopolska, which borders tensive Noteć River valley dates back to the in the south of the city to replace the 9th- on Silesia, is a region of advanced agricul- 14th century. It did not grow significantly 13th century town. Recently, a number of ture and ... highly valuable historic buildings. until the late 19th century following its es- wooden buildings reminiscent of the old Its major town is Leszno, a young arrival to tablishment as a railway hub. In 1945, the architecture have been placed there. this ancient land. Leszno received its city city was turned into a stronghold and de- Kalisz has a population of 110,000. It is rights in 1547. It grew with the successive stroyed in 72%, more than any other town situated 125 km south of Poznań on a junc- rounds of immigration from the war-torn of the Wielkopolska Region. Today, fully re- tion of roads that connect it with Łódź, Silesia. In the 17th century, Leszno was the stored, Piła has been converted to a mod- Wrocław, Bydgoszcz and Poznań and on home to the outstanding Czech scholar Jan ern town with wide streets. Historical collec- the Wrocław-Warsaw railway line. Amos Komeński whose set of rational ed- tions devoted to Piła are held by the District ucational guidelines remains in use to this Museum (which features highly interesting KONIN day. At the turn of the 12th century, the city Secessionist collections) and Stanisław Stas- was owned by the royal Leszczyński fam- zic Museum named after this remarkable The city advanced spectacularly after ily. Maria, the daughter of the Polish King Piła-native geographer, geologist and eco- the mid-20th-century discovery and the Stanisław Leszczyński, married Ludwik XV nomic reformer (1755-1826). Do not miss start of exploration of extensive brown coal to become the Queen of France. the noteworthy modernistic Saint Antho- deposits in its vicinity. Its population sailed Leszno holds one of Wielkopolska’s ny Church dating back to the 1930s. from 10,000 in 1950 to 60,000 in 1980 and most fascinating old town. Much of its mar- The Piła vicinity abounds with forests on to 80,000 today. ket square and the surrounding streets date and lakes. Its nearby Gwda River makes The original settlements on the site go back to the 18th and 19th centuries. An im- an attractive canoeing trail. Due to ter- back to the 12th century. Konin received its pressive 17th-century city hall in the center rain slope, a number of small hydropower city rights shortly before the end of the 13th of the market square is topped by a slender plants has been placed on the Gwda, some century. Today, Konin comprises two parts: steeple. The three churches nearby once be- of them among the world’s oldest, dating the old and new towns, longed to three different back to the turn of the 19th century. the latter dating back denominations: Catho- Hidden among the surrounding lakes to mid-20th century. lic, Ausburg Evangelical and Gwda tributaries are ruins of Nazi for- The old town includes and Calvin. The most tifications converted in the 1930s, forming a Gothic 14th/15th- impressive of them is a part of the Pomeranian Defensive Line. century parish church the Collegiate Church The fortifications were conquered by the with outstanding early- of Saint Nicholas with 1st Polish Army troops in February 1945 as 20th century polychro- its richly decorated Ba- part of the Eastern Front war effort. my. Next to it is a su- roque interiors. Next to Piła is a major rail and road hub with perb historical attrac- the Church of the Holy a population of 75,000. It is crossed by tion: a sandstone road Cross is an old grave- the Poznań-Kołobrzeg, Berlin-Gorzów-By- post (unique in Poland) yard with a unique col- dgoszcz railway lines, the latter continuing bearing the date 1151 lection of sculpted 17th- all the way to Gdańsk, as well as the Poznań- with a Latin inscrip- and 18th-century tomb- Koszalin and -Bydgoszcz roads. tion documenting its stones. placement in a castle Leszno is home Włodzimierz Łęcki, Ph.D., has authored many between Kalisz and to an aviation train- publications on Wielkopolska; he was a voivod Kruszwica. ing center and a glider of Wielkopolska. 13 Wielkopolska’s most prominent towns UM Konin fot. Wielkopolska is a historic Countryside hodge-podge: Over- with relics dating back to the 11th and ethnically-distinct region of view of Wielkopolska’s outstand- and 14th centuries. western Poland with a popula- ing towns and sights (arranged by location from north to south) Skorzęcin, a holiday resort 20 tion of ca. 3 million. Referred to km south-east of Gniezno, is lo- as Polonia Maior or Greater Po- Skrzatusz, a village 15 km north- cated amidst forests on large Lake land during the Middle Ages, the west of Piła features a 17th-centu- Niedzięgiel. land was the birthplace of the ry Baroque church associated with Polish state. Today, Wielkopolska King John III Sobieski and his vic- Nowy Tomyśl, a town 60 km west prides itself on its industry and tory over the Turks in the Battle of of Poznań, is a wicker-work center, agriculture which contributes to Vienna. home to a wicker museum.

its significance within Poland. Włodzimierz Łęcki Czarnków, a town on the Noteć Zbąszyń, a town 80 km west of The region’s main attractions River located 40 km south-west Poznań on the Obra River near Lake are its diverse landscapes of roll- of Piła, once a powerful river-side Zbąszyńskie, features remnants of ing hills, lakes and forests, its rich settlement features an intricately- a castle, an 18th-century Baroque history, numerous historic build- decorated Gothic church; the near- church and a folk music center; the ings dating back to periods rang- by Goraj located 5 km to the west nearby Kosieczyn and Chlastaw are ing from the 10th to the 20th in a hilly landscape on the edge of the sites of fascinating 17th and centuries, as well as museums, the vast Noteć Valley, amidst stun- 18th century wooden churches. specimens of historic technolo- ning forests, is home to an early Wolsztyn, a town 70 km west of gy and fortifications, fascinating 20th-century castle-like building. Poznań on the Obra River near nu- cultural institutions and contem- Wągrowiec, a town 55 km north- merous lakes, stands out with its porary structures. east of Poznań on the Wełna River, interesting town layout, beautiful The region enjoys a well-de- established in the 14th century by flowers during summertime and veloped road and railway net- the Cistercian Order is picturesque- a Baroque church; its huge attrac- work. Poznań offers direct rail ly located by Durowskie Lake; the tion is Europe’s only active steam- links with all of Poland’s major town features a 16th-century Goth- engine depot: the local engines cities. It takes under three hours ic church; 10 km to the north-east are used to pull regular and tourist to travel the 300 km stretch be- lies a village of Tarnowo Pałuckie trains, some running to Poznań; ear- tween Warsaw and Poznań with with its precious late-14th-century ly May is the time of a large steam trains running hourly. Several wooden church, one of Poland’s engine rally bringing engines from express trains connect Poznań oldest. several European countries and thousands of railways lovers. with Berlin, which is located just Międzychód, a town 80 km west 280 km away. Direct rail services of Poznań on the Warta River in the Rakoniewice, from Poznań will take you west- Międzychodzko-Sierakowski Lake a town 60 km ward to Cologne, Basel, Amster- District, features interesting town west of Poznań, dam, Frankfurt am Main, Munich layout and architecture, including features a mar- or Innsbruck or eastward to Mos- 18th century weaver houses. ket with arcaded cow, Kiev and Saratov. The mod- tenement houses ern Ławica Airport offers flights Sieraków, a town 70 km north- and the Wielko- to some 15 European cities and west of Poznań set amidst beautiful polska Firefight- Mediterranean resorts. Poznań countryside, studded with numer- ing Museum with ous lakes and forests in the center its vast collec- lies on the A2 E30 motorway of the Sierakowski Landscape Park, tions; the town which is scheduled to connect features a precious 17th-centu- was once a center Lednica Warsaw and Berlin and link up to ry Renaissance/Baroque church, of ... leech trade. the western European motorway a museum castle, a stallion herd network by 2012. and numerous holiday resorts. Grodzisk Wielkopolski, a town 50 The Region’s most remark- km west of Poznań, features histor- able protected areas and plant Szamotuły, a town 35 km north- ic architecture, including 3 historic specimens are found in the west of Poznań, a former Reforma- churches, formerly famous for its Wielkopolska’s National Park tion center, features a museum cas- brewing industry. tle with large collections, including (one of Poland’s 23), its 13 land- The Wielkopolski National Park, scape parks, over 100 nature valuable icons and a Gothic Colle- giate church; 10 km to the north located 15-25 km south of Poznań, reserves of various kinds and lies Słopanowo, a town of a 17th- features a museum of such glacial among its nature monuments. century wooden church with rich formations as lakes, hills and for- The Region is home to a host of polychromy. ests; it is a popular hiking destina- historic architectural sights and tion for Poznań residents; located works of art. Particularly nota- Lednica, a lake 35 km east of nearby is a dazzling Lake Góreck- ble are its outstanding 18th- and Poznań lies in the center of the Led- ie and Szreniawa with its captivat- 19th-century palaces, many of nicki Landscape Park; the town fea- ing National Museum of Agriculture them set within vast parks, as tures a heritage park and remnants and Food Industry. of a 10th-century building. well as churches (especially the Rogalin, a village 20 km south of 200 wooden ones, the oldest of Trzemeszno, a town located 12 km Poznań, features a park and palace which date back to the 17th cen- east of Gniezno, features a magnifi- complex on the edge of the Warta tury).

Countryside hodge-podge Countryside cent 18th-century Baroque church River Valley, an impressive 18th- 14 century palace housing a chap- zuty, 5 km to the north, houses chapter of the National Muse- Gostyń, a town located 70 ter of the National Museum of a charming regional museum. um of Poznań. km south of Poznań, features Poznań, a park with centuries- a magnificent 15th-century old oak trees and a replica of Czeszewo, a village 60 km Ląd, a village 20 km west of Gothic Parish church; located a 1st-century Roman chapel south-east of Poznań, features Konin, features a monumental 2 km to the east of the center surrounded by the forests of a wooden church and an old 13th-century Cistercian Church is a Philippine Basilica on Holy the Rogalin Landscape Park. 18th-century inn; the ripar- and Monastery complex, today Mountain, a replica of the 18th- ian forests of the Żerkowsko- converted to the Baroque style, century Venetian Church of San- Kórnik, a town 20 km south of Czeszewski Landscape Park the church conceals highly ta Maria della Salute with beau- Poznań, features historic archi- by the Warta River bear all the decorative interiors; the Mon- th tiful monumental architecture tecture, a romantic 14th-centu- characteristics of a virgin forest; astery holds 14 -century poly- and richly decorated interiors. ry castle converted in the 19th note the local an oxbow; the chromy; forests across the Rawicz, a town 30 km south of river are accessi- Stary Licheń, a village 15 km Leszno on the Silesian border, is ble by ferry. north of Konin, is among the renowned for its well-preserved most popular pilgrimage des- 18th-century layout and archi- Śmiełów, a vil- tinations, the village features tecture, including an 18th-cen- lage 75 km south- Poland’s largest church dating tury church by K. Langhaus and east of Poznań back to the turn of the 20th a remarkable Neo-Gothic early- on the edge of century, as well as gardens and 20th-century church. the Warta Riv- monuments. er Valley, offers Dobrzyca, a village located 30 Koło, a town 25 km east of Kon- Kórnik stunning views, km north-west of Kalisz, holds in located on the Warta River, a Classicist 18th-century pal- features ruins of a 14th- ace and park, a landed gentry century Gothic and Ba- museum and Poland’s biggest roque church, 20 km to sycamore tree (over 10 meters the east: Kłodawa with in circumference). its salt mine and a sub- terranean tourist trail. Gołuchów, a village 15 km north-west of Kalisz, features Przemęt, a village 25 a large arboretum park and km north-west of Leszno, a castle converted in 19th-cen- set amidst lakes in the tury style, currently housing Przemęcki Landscape The Wielkopolski National Park a chapter of the National Muse- Gołuchów Park, features a notewor- um of Poznań; other attractions include a museum of forestry, a bison enclosure and a nearby Saint Jadwiga bolder measuring 22 meters in circumference, the largest in Wielkopolska. Opatówek, a town located 10 km east of Kalisz, features a former 19th-century building of the museum of industry with a large piano collection. Rogalin Antonin, a village 15 km south of Ostrów Wielkopolski, set thy 17th-18th post-Cistercian Ba- amidst forests and ponds, has roque church; a number of hol- once been honored by a visit by Frederic Chopin; the village Strzelno iday resorts are located in the vicinity. features an early-19th-centu- ry wooden palace and a large Kościan, a town 50 km south of park with old oak trees. century, a museum of interiors Poznań, features a historic cent- and historical artifacts and an er and a precious richly decorat- Ostrzeszów, a town 30 km arboretum with Poland’s largest ed Gothic Parish Church; 8 km to south of Ostrów Wielkopolski, collection of trees and shrubs the east lies Racot with its Classi- is located in the Ostrzeszowskie (3000 species and varieties); it cistic palace and a horse stable. Hills range featuring remnants is one of Poland’s most popular of a 14th-century castle and tourist destinations. Śmiełów Lubiń, a village 60 km south of a Gothic church; 10 km to the Poznań, features an 11th-cen- south-west lies Wielkopolska’s Środa Wielkopolska, a town tury church and Benedictine highest peak of Kobyla Góra 35 km south of Poznań, fea- Monastery with numerous Ro- towering 284 meters above see tures a historic city center an 18th-century palace and manesque details, a Roman- level; 20 km to the south-west with a remarkable 15th-cen- park honored by the 1831 vis- esque Parish church convert- is the village Bralin with a re- tury Gothic Collegiate Church; it by the celebrated poet Adam ed to Gothic and Renaissance markable 18th-century wood- a nobleman’s residence in Kos- Mickiewicz, and a museum, styles. en indulgence church. 15 Over half of the mon- ies at the disposal of the Provincial Fund for En- vironmental Protection and Water Management in Poznań has been allo- cated to protecting wa- ters. It has been partly used to build a sewage processing plant in Łęka Opatowska and in Śrem, Miejska Górka, Kościan and many other loca- tions. For over 15 years of existence, the Fund has dedicated nearly PLN 1.5 billion to co-finance en- vironmental investments in the region. In 2008 the Green financial support exceed- ed PLN 150 million. The funds have been prima- rily granted to local au- investments thorities extending their sewerage systems and improving thermal con- ditions in schools, hospi- tals and other public util- ity facilities. The Poznań Fund is part of the priority axes of the Operational Pro- gramme “Infrastructure and Environment”; as a result of the programme, sewerage systems will be extended in the towns of Krotoszyn, Pleszew, Oborniki and Rawicz. The other contributor is the Wielkopolska Regional Operational Programme for 2007-2013; € 173.8 million has been granted for the Wielkopolska Prov- ince as part of Priority III “The Natural Environment”. The money has been al- located to launch ven- tures of key importance to the region, including The water reservoir in Radzyna a project to protect the waters in the Noteć river basin and upgrading the Ślesin Canal. The money has also been spent to the advantage of many communes and counties, forest inspectorates de- vising educational pro- grammes as well as fire brigades equipped with modern vehicles and res- cue equipment. Sewage treatment plant in Łęka Opatowska 16 History is rarely mentioned in day is not only on diagnosing but their European partners have developed our future-oriented times. How- rather remedying the problem. the Arco virtual museum tool. The Uni- ever, when speaking of science This is precisely the specialty of versity’s commodity science experts have in Wielkopolska, one must go the Poznań University of Life Sci- obtained the international ISO 9000 qual- back in time nearly a century as ences financed partly by the Eu- ity mark for their department. One of their the emergence of what was then ropean Adagio grant. Along with products is edible food packaging. a modern scientific institution in the rest of Europe, Poland seeks In computer science, there is ongoing the capital of Wielkopolska was a ways to adjust agriculture to cli- rivalry between the Poznań University of unique development in Europe. mate change. The challenge is to Technology and Adam Mickiewicz Univer- Maria Rybicka At a time when the German oc- adopt new crops and prepare to sity. The former is world-accomplished in cupant banned Polish universities, fight a new set of diseases and task scheduling, smart decision-support the citizens themselves set up a pests. Prof. Janusz Olejnik of the systems and bioinformatics, all of which are private scientific society. The or- University of Life Sciences often achievements of the University’s “Big Three”: ganization flourished thanks to climbs a 10-story tower amidst Professors Jan Węglarz, Roman Słowiński their efforts growing to become forests to use his cutting-edge and Jacek Błażewicz. Unmanned aerial ve- a full-blown university. No place methods and instruments to hicles designed to support Afghan troops other than Wielkopolska has es- trace the absorption of carbon and gather environmental contamination tablished a new university even by forests and swamps. The cap- data are the “baby” of IT experts at the Uni- while the World War I effort con- ture of excess carbon from the at- versity of Technology whose students reg- tinued. The long-desired univer- mosphere is another major prob- ularly win top prizes in the international sity stood strong thanks to pro- lem to be solved by Europe’s in- Microsoft Imagine Cup. The University of fessors stemming not only from dustrialized countries. The carbon Technology’s major Safety Platform project all parts of Poland but also from measurements are taken every aims at harnessing information technology other European countries and 40 seconds which itself demon- to sift through court files and detect busi- the USA, the only places where strates the precision involved. ness crime in the global economy. young Wielkopolska residents European scientists have re- The University continues its proud pre- could pursue higher education af- cently discovered that progress WWII code-breaking tradition although to- ter Poland lost its independence kills biodiversity contributing to day’s work focuses more on encoding cash and fell under foreign rule. The the disappearance of old animal transfers rather than decoding war-time university immediately earned breeds and plant varieties. Thanks messages as was the case with the break- its name as an innovative institu- to Wielkopolska’s forward looking ers of the Enigma code. tion as it closely linked Law with scholars, we now have a reason Even the Japanese come to Poznań to Economics and offered courses in to be proud: their research and learn English as the Poznań Philology De- Sociology and English, which was breeding work have preserved partment surpasses London schools in a complete novelty. the ancient wild horse breed of teaching pronunciation. University chemists The roots of Wielkopolska tarpan as well as the Złotnice specialize in the so called chemical jewelry, science lie in this forward-look- pig whose meat is used to make the production of rare compounds, the so- ing civic project as this “up-and- – you would never guess – Parma called catalysts needed in minute amounts. coming” university gave rise to a ham. Speaking of food, take note They have learned to bind compounds that number of successive institutions of the University of Life Sciences do not occur in nature to form e.g. organo- of higher education in Wielkopol- enriched health food hit product: silicons which combine the world of organ- ska. ultimately healthy fruit and veg- ics with that of minerals. In addition to uni- Poznań has its Nobel Prize etable chips. versities, Poznań is home to a number of laureates: Prof. Piotr Tryjanowski Pigs inspire not only consum- research institutes. A few years ago, hemp of Adam Mickiewicz University in the cityScience ers: together with doctors of the hats used for protection against cosmic ra- and Prof. Zbigniew W. Kundze- University of Medicine, biotech- diation became a hit at a Brussels fair. Dis- wicz of the Department of Agricultural and nology engineers and geneticists have tributed as a joke, this funny gadget was to Forest Environment of the Polish Acad- been examining the potential for growing draw attention to the healthy and afforda- emy of Sciences specializing in Earth Sci- human organs for transplantation. ble hemp building materials developed at ence. The former was a bird and climate With their practical sense, Wielkopol- the Poznań Institute of Natural Fibers. Can experts, the latter focused on research cli- ska residents are predisposed to econom- they be used to make passive houses? In a mate change impact. Both worked with ics. No surprise that the Poznań University few years, all new buildings made in the Eu- the IPCC, the Intergovernmental Panel on of Economics comes in second in all Polish ropean Union are to rely on that technology Climate Change which, together with Al rankings. As Poland gained the freedom to – the Poznań University of Technology is Po- Gore, received the Nobel Peace Prize in Oc- interact with the world, getting to know land’s only institution to educate experts in tober 2007 for their work on global warm- international economics and finance and the field. Poznań boasts a strong geneticist ing. Thanks to their detailed and very broad each country’s ways to do business became community who work closely with their US research, the Polish scientists succeeded a top priority. Thanks to their proximity to counterparts researching tumor formation in capturing the pace and scope of these and historic relations with eastern coun- at the molecular level. upsetting developments which were dis- tries, Poznań economists are in a position Poznań’s scientists and students make cussed so extensively in all languages of to become eastern business experts posi- up “the city of science” with a “population” the world at the COP 14 Climate Change tioned as intermediaries between the east of 140,000. As of late, Poznań has seen the Summit in 2008. This in fact was the first and the west. rise of modern campuses, laboratories and world event of this rank to take place in Today’s economy can no longer exist large inter-disciplinary centers that bring a Polish town, and no other than Poznań. without IT. A dedicated department at the together experts in nanotechnology, me- Environmental protection has become the University of Economics focuses on IT de- chatronics, biomechanics, IT, biology and world’s most topical issue. The focus to- velopment and e-business. Its scholars and medicine. 17 mate number of combinations generated by Although it was not un- the machine corresponds to the estimated til recently that the term number of atoms in the Universe plus 30 ad- ditional zeroes. Breaking traditional ciphers knowledge-based socie- required an analysis of a daunting and yet imaginable number of combinations. Since ty gained wide recogni- the number of possibilities generated by Marek Grajek Marek Enigma was beyond human comprehen- tion, Wielkopolska has al- sion, it is only natural that most codebreak- ways put store by knowl- ing agencies around the world approached the challenge with quiet resignation sparing edge and innovation. themselves a code-breaking effort they be- lieved to be futile. One knowledge-related Some readers may recall that the mili- tary Enigma code was first broken in 1932 event that ties closely to by the Polish mathematician Marian Rejew- Poznań and the Region ski. By means of purely theoretical reason- ing, he succeeded in reconstructing the ma- has changed the course chine and breaking several messages. Soon afterwards, Jerzy Różycki and Henryk Zyg- of 20th-century history. alski, his younger University of Poznań col- leagues, joined Rejewski in creating one of Previously confined to diplomacy and se- the most powerful teams in codebreaking cret services, cryptography and codebreak- history. A hindsight look at the history of ing was first applied on a massive scale dur- Enigma shows how natural it was to choose ing both world wars. In both wars, code- mathematicians to play this crucial role. Af- breakers made scale-tipping contributions ter all, contemporary cryptology is largely to the victories of their countries. Yet, code- a branch of applied mathematics. Howev- breaking technique during the two world er, in 1928 when the Polish Ciphers Bureau wars differed as widely as their key play- first tackled the challenge of Enigma, things ers. While most WWI codebreakers were lin- looked very different. Little has changed by guists who relied on their knowledge of ene- 1939, as just a couple of weeks before the my language to crack codes and ciphers, the outbreak of World War II, commanders of majority of WWII codebreakers were math- the British codebreaking service openly re- ematicians, some of them elite scholars. The sisted the very idea of recruiting mathemati- sudden shift from linguistics to mathematics cians considering them to be impractical and suggests that cryptology underwent a revo- detached from reality. How then did Rejew- lution in the time between the two wars. ski, Różycki and Zygalski ever become code- What follows is an outline of the main play- breakers? ers behind the breakthrough. The trail leads to Maksymilian Ciężki, head While World War I was the last war that of the German Section of the Polish Ciphers depended on soldiers’ personal valor, the Bureau and his associates, Antoni Palluth next large armed conflict relied on machine and Wiktor Michałowski, all of whom were power. The same concerns cryptology as Wielkopolska residents and fighters in the hand-written codes and ciphers were re- 1918-19 Uprising which reunited the region placed by encoding machines. Their advent with Poland a few months after the coun- marked a significant change in warfare. As try regained its independence. Confronted ENIGMA he developed his doc- with the Enigma challenge, the team took trine of blitzkrieg, Gu- an unorthodox approach. Ciężki’s first reac- derian made the Enig- tion was to submit sample Enigma messages ma encryption ma- to Ossowiecki, who was famous for his abil- chine into the keystone ity to read letters sealed in several envelopes. of his system. Whereas Yet, even he found the Enigma cipher enve- radio was used to coor- lope too opaque to see through. Ciężki’s next dinate tank and air op- move was equally unorthodox. He resorted erations, Enigma was to the common virtues of Wielkopolska resi- to secure their mutual dents which was to approach problems con- communications. Enig- sistently with patience and a long-term vi- ma proved to be as sion. Ciężki recruited over 20 mathematics much of a challenge students from the University of Poznań, of- for cryptographers as fering them a six-month course in cryptology blitzkrieg was for con- followed by over three years of codebreaking ventionally thinking apprenticeship. Only three candidates perse- generals. The approxi- vered through the program although by that 18 ENIGMA time they have not heard a single mention of al with no demands for reciprocity. Neither Enigma or the code they were to break. It was did the contribution result from any offi- not until October 1932 that Ciężki disclosed to cial agreements. It was not until a month Rejewski every piece of information that the later that the British-Polish military alliance Polish intelligence service was able to gather would be signed. about the machine, asking the codebreaker to During the course of World War II, al- look into the problem. Ciężki’s decision to re- lied cryptographers greatly improved on cruit mathematicians and his perseverance in the Polish methods of breaking the Enigma. educating them for the job would soon pay div- The British codebreaking center at Bletch- idend. Rejewski wasted no time trying to apply ley Park grew into a regular intelligence fac- the established doctrine of cryptology. Instead, tory employing over 11,000 people by war he constructed a set of equations represent- end. The simple devices designed by Re- ing Enigma’s mathematical model and solved jewski and his colleagues were replaced by it within three months. As unprecedented as it complex machinery, which in turn evolved was, the breakthrough was anything but acci- into the first digital computers shortly af- dental – it came as a natural consequence of ter the war. Codebreaking would never Maksymilian Ciężki’s prior strategy. After all, it be the same. Nearly all of the old linguis- was Ciężki who decided to recruit mathemati- tic methods were replaced by pure math- cians, invest almost four years in their training ematics. However, almost every wartime and select Rejewski, Różycki and Zygalski from achievement of the allied codebreakers among other candidates. could ultimately be traced back to the the- Ciężki was soon to score another success, oretical concepts contributed by the Polish this time in slightly more exciting circumstanc- trio. Many years later, Professor Jack Good, es. After reconstructing Enigma, the codebreak- a British veteran of Enigma cipher breaking, ers faced an equally serious problem of devel- described one of Rejewski’s ideas as the the- oping a way to recover cipher keys. Little did orem that won WWII. they know that such keys regularly landed In 1943, Maksymilian Ciężki was taken on Ciężki’s desk. A German traitor sold secret prisoner by the German army. He was one documents to the French intelligence service of a small handful of people aware of the which shared them with Poles thinking they secret of Enigma breaking who ever fell into were useless. With both the machine and the enemy hands. Interrogated by the German keys in their hands, the Ciphers Bureau could intelligence officers, he managed to trick readily read German messages. Ciężki, how- them into believing that Enigma was safe. ever, decided against it realizing that war de- This happened immediately before the al- velopments could eliminate the French source lied landing in Normandy when insights leaving the codebreakers in the dark precisely into enemy plans were particularly criti- when intelligence would be particularly price- cal. Liberated from a prisoner camp in May less. He hoped his team would find their own 1945, Ciężki finally reached Great Britain way to reconstruct the key thus securing full in- where he died in 1951 in poverty and ob- dependence for the Polish intelligence service. livion, separated from his family. His codebreakers did not let him down. Even the achievements of Rejewski, It was in the summer of 1939 that Ciężki Różycki and Zygalski still remain to be fully took his most significant decision. In January recognized. It is no wonder then that Ciężki of that year, Ciężki and his superior, Col. Lang- remained forgotten during his lifetime. er, attended a Paris meeting of UK, French and Even today, only occasional references to Polish intelligence designed to coordinate their his name appear in the chronicles of code- Enigma codebreaking effort. Forbidden to re- breaking and WWII. Nevertheless, historians veal their achievements, Polish officers were agree that the combined effort of the allied described as fools and ignoramuses in an offi- codebreakers has shortened World War II by cial British report. Both officers returned to Po- two to three years, saving millions of lives land painfully aware that their potential allies and most probably saving Europe from nu- are making little headway. Ciężki realized that clear war. The codebreakers helped Poznań his team’s success could tip the scales of the become Poland’s central academic cent- upcoming war. He convinced his superior and ers whose students are free to apply their jointly requested that the Polish General Staff knowledge to more peaceful purposes. allow them to share Enigma’s secret with the Which they have done successfully as local allies. During a meeting in Pyry near Warsaw university teams won top positions in pres- between July 24th and 26th, Polish codebreak- tigious international competitions. Thanks ers disclosed their entire knowledge of Enig- to their success, Poland will host the 2010 ma to their British and French counterparts. final of Microsoft’s Imagine Cup. In view of subsequent disputes within the al- lied camp, particularly over Enigma, it is strik- Marek Grajek has authored ”Enigma. ing that this gift, unprecedented in the world Bliżej prawdy” (“Enigma - Approach the of secret services, was absolutely uncondition- Truth”) 19 20 Adam Mickiewicz University •  •  •  Jan Lubrański’s Academy established in 1518 Jeziorański (Jan Nowak), Wisława Szymborska Ajdukiewicz, Krzysztof Penderecki, Zdzisław Zdzisław Penderecki, Krzysztof Ajdukiewicz, sand students as part sand of students bachelor’sas part and mas symbolically acknowledge thetitle.symbolically acknowledge Mickiewicz Adam by granted been have sa) pro AMU 454 professors,tenured (318 staff of the document, the honoured individuals individuals honoured the document, the of indi 120 over on bestowed been has our units UAM 2009 in Capital, Human gramme Wielkopolska in Poznań outside campuses coin: the local ducat bearing the image of of image the bearing ducat local the coin: dents. dents. Vasa. At present UAM boasts over 46 thou 46 over boasts UAM present At Vasa. Curie-Skłodowska, Józef Piłsudski, Kazimierz Kazimierz Piłsudski, Józef Curie-Skłodowska, as well as illustrious foreigners: Javier Solana, and the adjacent Lubusz voivodship. The Uni granted College, Jesuit successive the and University since 1922 by virtue of an act of of act an of virtue by 1922 since University a as Union; viduals, including pope John Paul II, Maria Maria II, Paul John pope including viduals, students; 000 10 to education offers versity a constitute facilities main versity’s Mickiewicz University.Mickiewicz exceedarea an occupying campus Morasko university’s existence, UAM issued a issued UAM existence, university’s pects exceededpects 26thousand. post-graduate research programmes. 80 and specialities and majors 225 as many needs ofhandicapped students. acceptancepersonal of Gore.act nold the By European the by granted support nancial jors and specialities. The total number of pros will execute projects of total value amount value total of projects execute will Pro Operational Fund, Social European the ma 151 incorporatesprocessenrolment the near employing of Wielkopolska, region the stu PhD 1300 nearly ter’sand programmes a of virtue by university of status the of tradition the to adhering Poland, of west ing to over PLN67million. as from choose can ha. students The 100 ing Poznań is the biggest university in the north- Poznań University, later referred to as Adam Adam as to referred later University, Poznań Prof. Heliodor Święciski, the first rector of the Ar Albert and Ebel Jean-Pierre Brook, Peter hon academic highest This Parliament. ly 5000 individuals, including 2800 teaching teaching 2800 including individuals, 5000 ly III Sigismund king by 1611 in granted lege fessors and1514doctors). 2000 computers for thestudents’ use. of number total the libraries; in seats 1694 area ofover 193square metres magazines and electronic collections,magazines andelectronic books amounting to 4 million and numerous Adam Mickiewicz University (UAM) in in (UAM) University Mickiewicz Adam The teaching andresearch facilitiesoffer: employerin biggest the is University The UAM is a is UAM UAM’s the to tailored havebeen facilities UAM is divided into 14 faculties; it has has it faculties; 14 into divided is UAM In In order to commemorate 90 years of the Uni the 2009/2010, year academic the In Honorary Degrees (Doctors Honoris Cau Honoris (Doctors Degrees Honorary

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privi ------Joanna Nowak There is a place in Wielkopol- ska near a late-Baroque residence, The Rogalin its French garden and the near- by landscape park in the beauti- ful countryside of the Warta River, featuring the magnificent collec- Gallery tion of 19th- and 20th-century paintings. The place, of course, is Rogalin while the residence is the – A Place Like Raczyński Palace with paintings housed in a gallery established by Edward Aleksander Raczyński. No Other The Rogalin Gallery is known for two things: one is the collec- tion of paintings amassed by this lover and connoisseur collector of art who gathered masterpiec- es over nearly five decades, the other: an edifice erected here in 1910-11 in which the collection of close to 500 pieces was placed on public display. Edward Raczyński’s project is assessed as highly benevo- lent, an extraordinary feat in Po- land of the Partition period. The trove was the first collection of paintings by Polish artists set in the wide context of Western Eu- ropean art to reflect the taste of the time. The names of the art- ists speak for themselves. Juxta- posed to Matejko, Malczewski, Gierymski, Wyspiański and Weiss are works by Zuloaga, Chabas, Si- mon and Marten, Stuck, Thaulow, Slevogt, as well as Belgian im- pressionists, Dutch masters and many others. The Rogalin gallery has been restored to resemble the original, as made by the collector. It fea- tures the painting Joan of Arc by Jan Matejko, the artist’s largest canvas of unique significance not only artistically but also culturally and historically.

Joanna Nowak, Head of the Rogalin Palace Branch of the National Mu- seum 21 Andrzej Wilowski Three cultures, three religions

22 Gniezno was the first capital of Poland. of these immigrants underwent poloniza- Its high status of the centre of political tion, they are still referred to as “Bambers” power in the newly established Polish state as they have maintained a degree of cul- was confirmed at the Congress of Gniezno tural autonomy. held in the year 1000 A.D. The baptism of The third partition of Poland (1795) Mieszko I in 966 put Poland in the cultural marked the beginning of a stern germani- sphere of Western Christianity. The cult of sation policy launched in the Prussian prov- St. Adalbert of Prague was intended to dis- ince. Establishment of the Grand Duchy of seminate the new beliefs. However, in the was not valid. On the other hand, evidence Poznań after the Congress of Vienna in 1815 Wielkopolska region a true breakthrough given by a German could not be unambig- rekindled Polish people’s hope that the au- came in the 13th century: despite the feu- uously interpreted because of the linguis- thorities in Berlin would limit themselves to dal fragmentation, the province rapidly tic differences. This is just one example of a protectorate, managing the province with grew to become the most progressive part the impediments underlying the then so- some freedoms intact. However, the Prussian of the country (by medieval standards). This cial relations. The Jews’ strong autonomy administration proved to be the chief tool development is attributed to the policy ad- prevented the gap from closing over time. of germanisation. On the territory annexed ministered by Bolesław the Pious who intro- Differences often trigger off concern and by Prussians, Poles managed to win civil duced to Wielkopolska privileges granted in distrust; in 14th century, Jews were fre- freedoms, at the same time respecting the the German town law hence contributing quently accused of profanation of the restrictive rules. The economy became the to the cities’ and towns’ dramatic growth. (consecrated) communion host. In Poznań, battlefield where farmers’ organizations and During his reign, he invited the Franciscan the synagogue and the Dominican church profit partnerships mushroomed. Organiza- order to Wielkopolska; the monks quickly were built on adjacent plots of land, much tion and cooperation were the key words. got involved in evangelism, establishing to the burgers’ chagrin. Despite the accu- The Catholic church remained the strong- numerous administrative units in monas- sations, no tragedies were recorded as op- hold of Poland’s heritage and identity. teries and churches. posed to the city of Wrocław where two Jews tipped the balance in the Prussian The Jewish population in Wielkopolska Jews accused of profaning the host were policy: at first the status of the Jews in the welcomed the privileges of Kalisz granted executed. This is a testimony to tolerance annexed territory was obscure. They were by Bolesław the Pious in 1264, regulating in mediaeval Wielkopolska. divided into two categories: the assimilat- the Jewish credit and trading activity. The local burgers, farmers and even pet- ed and the tolerated. Some Jews identified The act of granting Poznań city rights in ty gentry felt neglected by the parishes and themselves with Germans while other were 1253 was of purely formal importance: for the way they practised ministry. In 1456, cosmopolitans or had assimilated over time a long time, the city had been an impor- Poznań burgers invited St. Bernard’s monks with Poles. The year of 1848 proved the tance religious and trade centre. It hosted to settle in the city. The new church locat- administrative division wrong as a large two dynamically growing parishes: St. Adal- ed outside the city walls near the Wrocław group of Jews, especially the Jewish intel- bert’s and St. Martin’s. The city’s location on Gate was frequented by inhabitants of the ligentsia, supported Poland’s endeavours the crossroads of trading routes attracted adjacent villages and hamlets, country gen- to regain independence. The idea was to numerous merchants and artisans. The city try visiting Poznań and the burgers them- antagonise Jews and Poles, treating the rights turned trade and craftsmanship into selves. The worshippers were attracted by former as Germans from the legal point of Poznań’s idiosyncrasy. The group of local ar- the accessibility of the rites; the church was view albeit “lesser” Germans i.e. like a na- tisans included a large German population. not limited to services and offered joint tional minority. Jews were another group of immigrants singing and mysteries. This form of religi- A conflict ensued when two chairs in from the West of Europe; their inflow is at- osity will later be referred to as “folk Catholi- the city council had been allocated to the tributed to the first pogroms in the west of cism” typical of Poland. “minority” as parity with Poles while it be- the Old Continent. According to medieval The reformation of 16th century en- came obvious that the two council mem- sources, Jews represented 30% of the city’s countered favourable conditions among bers would represent German interests. population. settlers of German origin; they perceived Between WW I and WW II, the nation- The newcomers, dealing chiefly with the Catholic church as a national institu- ality and religion-based relations were rel- trade and craftsmanship, tended to set- tion and as such of no emotional value to atively civil. tle primarily in cities and towns. The re- them. During WW II, the occupying German lations between the immigrants and the At that time Wielkopolska offered ref- troops decided to take revenge for the local burgers were far from ideal; in the uge to foreigners exposed to religious per- Wielkopolska Uprising of 1918. On the other case of the Jews, conflicts resulted from secutions: the Unity of the Brethren from hand, Jews were submitted to a policy of ex- religious and cultural differences. The lo- Bohemia, the surviving Huguenots and the termination. This put an end to the region’s cals also had difficulty in communicating Dutch after the war against Spain. In 18th experience in coexistence and tolerance. with the Germans. Disputes were resolved century, thousands of jobless farmers from Since 1989 the inhabitants of Wielkopolska with respect to oral statements and cross around Bamberg in southern Germany in- have been rebuilding up the tradition. oaths before a judge. The problem was vaded Wielkopolska in their search for work. Wielkopolska is located on the fringe of that a Jew could not take an oath before At that time the region had been famous Western Europe and is the western border a Christian and as such his/her testimony for its high-level agriculture. While most of Eastern Europe. 23 Marek Zaradniak Showcases of culture in Wielkopolska

Poznań is among the most dynamic Polish cultural centres. The city is world-famous for its choirs, instrumental ensembles, theatres and festivals. Agnieszka Duczmal’s Cham- ber Orchestra, Poznańskie Słowiki (Poznań Nightingales Boys Choir), Teatr Ósmego Dnia (Orchestra of the Eighth Day), the international Henryk Wieniawski Violin Com- petition and the International “Malta” Theatre Festival are showcases of the region’s cultural offers whose renown has spread globally.

The international Henryk Wieniawski clude David and Igor Oistrakh, Tatiana and attracted over 2000 singers. Later on Violin Competition held every five years Grindenko, Vadim Brodski, Keiko Urushi- Jerzy Kurczewski established the Poznań in Poznań is the oldest event of this type hara, Bartłomiej Nizioł, Piotr Pławner, Ale- Boys Choir, now conducted by Jacek Sykul- in the world. It was organized for the na Baieva and Agata Szymczewska. Since ski. Its members have been recruited from first time in 1935 in Warsaw and was re- 1957, the violin competition has been ac- students of the Poznań Choir School estab- located to Poznań in 1952. The competi- companied by Henryk Wieniawski Violin lished by J. Kurczewski (the only institution tion’s organizer is the local H. Wieniawski Making Competition. of this type in Poland). Musical Association. The next edition of Poznań is also regarded a hub of Over 40 years ago, Agnieszka Duczmal the competition will be held in 2011; the Polish choirs; the most famous of them is established her “Amadeus” Chamber Or- jury will be headed by Maxim Vengerov, the “Poznań Nightingales” Boys and Males chestra of the Polish Radio. Enjoying world a violin virtuoso of world fame. The first Choir managed by Prof. Stefan Stuligrosz, renown, the ensemble tours the globe with prize amounts to $25,000. Winners of the celebrating 70 years of existence. For 70 the biggest music stars and publishes nu- former editions of the competition in- years the choir has toured all over the world merous records. In 2008, the orchestra’s re- 24 cording of Henryk Mikołaj Górecki’s “Three tra was led by Lech Raczak, now replaced only structure in Poznań which manages to old-style pieces” was ranked second on by Ewa Wójciak. delight anyone around the globe. “The UK’s classical favourites”. The Polish Dance Theatre, established The Shopping, Art and Business Cen- Other important cultural events include in 1973 by Conrad Drzewiecki, is now man- tre “Stary Browar” was opened in Novem- the International Jazz Pianist Festival held aged by Ewa Wycichowska. The theatre ber 2003. At the entrance the visitors lay since 1974 in Kalisz and the International takes pride in excellent performances as their eyes on an excellent sculpture by Igor Jazz Workshops organized in Chodzież. well as annual international modern dance Mitoraj, a Polish artist living in Tuscany in Blue Note, a jazz club which has made workshops which have become so popular Italy. The Centre is a combination of an its name in Poland, has become a jazz that attendance needs to be booked with art gallery and a shopping mall. Stary Bro- mecca hosting performances by world-fa- a several months’ notice. Despite such war hosts approximately 210 shops and mous jazz stars. Speaking about jazz: one spectacular success, this exquisite ensem- restaurants occupying an area of 130,000 of Wielkopolska’s latest showcases of cul- ble does not have at its disposal dedicated m2. The building was designed by Studio tural events is the “Komeda-Memory-Inspi- facilities. ADS around the remains of the former Hug- rations” festival held in Poznań and dedi- The International “Malta” Theatre Festi- gers’ Brewery. The investor is Fortis compa- cated to jazzman and film music composer, val is among Wielkopolska’s most famous ny, owned by Grażyna Kulczyk. The interior Krzysztof Komeda-Trzciński. events held since 1991 in Poznań. It was design was created by Ryszard Kaja, an ex- The biggest Polish rock event is a fes- first organized with the aim of introducing cellent stage designer. tival organized in Jarocin. In 1970s and to Poland off theatres, repertory and exper- Stary Browar has been frequently rec- 1980s it served as ognized, including an award a valve for young of the International Council of people’s emotions Shopping Centres for the best and opinions, hardly Shopping Centre in the world recognized by con- in the medium-sized shopping temporary rulers. At centre category. that time Jarocin The historic building of was a springboard the former Printing House for future success hosts the Wielkopolska de- of many rock bands. sign exchange, created by Now it attracts the Pro Design, the building’s chief Polish rock mu- owner. Its mission is compre- sicians and their fans hensive support for develop- as well as numerous ing design in Wielkopolska. recognized foreign One of the building’s floors has bands. The festival been availed to Poznań artists; is accompanied by they have put new life into the a claim “Jarocin is old printing house. About Guitars”: to- By a stretch of the imagi- gether with Poznań, nation, in a few years’ time the the town hosts the Agnieszka Duczmal and her Amadeus Orchestra dwellers of Poznań and the “Polish Guitar Acade- tourists alike will attend con- my” festival initiated by world-famous gui- imental theatres. Its formula was extended certs and performances in the Old Gas- tarist Łukasz Kuropaczewski. over time, encompassing other spheres of Works. According to the concept presented In Luboń near Poznań, Remigiusz art. The “Malta” festival attracts pop musi- by the Time of Culture Association, the old Łupicki established the biggest record label cians like Goran Bregović, dance theatres, building will be transformed into a cultural outside Warsaw, attracting primarily young circus artists and film séances. “Malta” is centre including a theatre, art gallery and musicians. However, its greatest pride and about theatres and concerts: one of this facilities for creative workshops. As every- joy is a medley series labelled & the City, summer’s biggest events was a concert by thing is intended to conform to the high- presenting top world performers of chill Radiohead in the Poznań Citadel park, pro- est world standards, the New Gas-House out and classical music alike. duced by the “Malta” festival. is said to have the potential of changing The Orchestra of the Eighth Day ac- “Nostalgia festival” is a spin-off of Malta: Poznań the way the Guggenheim Museum quired world fame in 1964 as a students’ the second edition of the festival is starting has transformed Bilbao in Spain. The centre theatre. In 1970s it was regarded one of on 5 October. Its themes will revolve around is intended to be in full swing in 2016 when the most important avant garde ensem- the music by Valentin Silvestrov, a Ukraini- Poznań may also be the European Capital bles of academic origin. Since 1979, the an musicians regarded among the most im- of Culture. Orchestra was a professional theatre un- portant contributors to contemporary Euro- The name will be shared with a Spanish til it was formally dissolved after 6 years, pean music and the works by Gesualdo da city. In order for these dreams to come true, the majority of its actors moving to Italy. Venosa, a prominent Italian musician who Poznań needs to beat the cities of Toruń, The theatre was re-established in 1989 lived at the turn of 16th century. Łódź and Gdańsk in its strategies, ideas, fes- to stage spectacles offering very scath- Poznań has been lately famous for its tivals and artistic projects. ing and ironic comments on communist ability to adapt industrial facilities to art The first appraisal of cities aspiring to Poland. During martial law the ensemble purposes. the title of the European Capital of Culture performed in the streets and churches. The Great Wall of China is believed to will take place next autumn. The artists were frequently vexed for their be the only work of man visible from the This is only a part of Wielkopolska’s ar- political views. For many years the Orches- moon; Stary Browar (the Old Brewery) is the tistic potential. 25 26 Krzysztof Ratajczak HANDBALL Wielkopolska style

The fact of the matter is that handball No one, however, contests Szczypior- ympic medal in Montreal in 1976 has been does not actually stem from Wielkopolska, no’s claim to being the Polish birthplace of earned by the goalie Henryk Rozmiarek. or Poland. As is the case with many other handball. The game was played by the Ger- More recently, fans have been delighted sports, handball can be traced back to an- man rules in teams of 11 players. Playing it to watch the Polish team snatch gold in cient Greece and Rome. Hellenic players was a challenge as the rag ball was simply the 2007 World Championship in Germa- referred to a handball-like game as ura- a bag filled with all sorts of fabric sniplets: ny and silver in a Croatian tournament two nia while the Romans called it herpastum. The first for- malized handball rules were drawn up by Holger Nielsen of Denmark at the turn of the 19th century. How did the game make it to Poland?! The answer is simple and slightly romantic as many other tales in Polish history. Polish handball emerged in the small town of Szczypi- orno, Wielkopolska, today’s suburb of Kalisz, once the lo- cation of a Polish Legion pris- oners’ camp. One of its 3,500 prisoners was the 20-year-old poet Władysław Broniewski who once wrote in his dia- ry: “I will always associate my stay at the Szczypiorno prison- er camp with rutabaga soup, stale bread, black coffee and a rag ball”. The time must have been 1917, the year during which prisoners were held in the camp nearby Kalisz from July to December. The rag ball mentioned by Broniewski was used to play handball. bouncing it was out of the question. The years later. At that time, the local players According to Kalisz museums, no photo- game took strong root and was later enthu- on the national team were the Ostrovia graphs of prisoner games can be found in siastically picked up by soldiers of the Bor- handballers Marcin and Krzysztof Lijewski their collections. The only ones available der Battalion. The Battalion won the Szczy- and Bartłomiej Jaszka, as well as Bartosz are those of regular gymnastics. This, in fact, piorno camp in 1918 to make it their base. and Michał Jurecki originally stemming raises one of many doubts surrounding the That date officially marks the birth of hand- from Tęcza Kościan and Artur Siódmiak, a Szczypiorno emergence of this game which ball in Poland. former player of Nielba Wągrowiec. was previously unknown in Poland. Infor- In the town on the Prosna Szczypiorni- Not suprisingly, Andrzej Kraśnicki, the mal stories have it that the prisoners picked acka River, the game is played by the sec- President of the Polish Handball Associa- up the game from their German guards, ond league team with the nomen omen tion is a Poznań man. This is only natural as which is rather doubtful. Historians tend to name of Szczypiorno Kalisz. Wielkopolska the Wielkopolska town of Szczypiorno has maintain the prisoners learned it from one as a whole is not a handball superpow- been the home of Polish handball for over of the legionaries who had brought it from er. Yet, the Polish top division includes nine decades. This is where the red-and- Denmark or Germany. The prisoners most Nielba Wągrowiec, who is everyone’s fa- white history of the game began. commonly associated with that role are Maj. vorite. Even greater accomplishments Stanisław Grzmot-Skotnicki and Cpl. Anto- can be attributed to the local players who Krzysztof Ratajczak is a journalist for Radio ni Jarząbek. transferred to other teams. A bronze Ol- Merkury in Poznań. 27 28 Their enormous sig Their enormous The hostofthisIOC- The Region’s record September 4, 2009, Wielkopolska’s com ympic hostcity. This sanctioned event will event will sanctioned Region, aspires ska successful in doing successful indoing shows ithasalready status through sports. world isquiteworld obvi to become the host the right to use the the 2014Internation tional OlympicCom to become... anOl tal ofthe Wielkopol just that... nificance in today’s inFebrube selected mittee in Lausanne bid withtheInterna been spectacularly mitment to boost its ful, Poznań willgain for Poznań to host is no joke. On Friday, Poznań authorities Poznań, thecapi ary 2010. If success 2010.If ary al Children’s Games. Olympic symbols. city demonstrates ous – a mere attempt officially placeda ------

Krzysztof Ratajczak sportThe region’s sports rhythm 41,018 seats to be available for fans during during fans for available be to seats 41,018 Associations (UEFA) officially announced the the announced officially (UEFA) Associations of Catalonia of Street stadium whose modernization began as stadium criteria as defined by the UEFA. The UEFA.The the by defined as criteria stadium sees regular football action and fan excitement completion inJune2010. Elite the meet to is project The 2002. as early cit Poland’sfour of one as Poznań of choice enjoyedfederation top world water rat sports gatta course at Lake Malta. The course has long gion. Twoofficial training centers are being set arations for the Championship are slated for for slated are Championship the for arations and road building effort. all Wielkopolskatowns contribute tothehotel also as many as 23 training playing fields. Nearly re entire the involvedhave Championship an at the games of the Polish years earlier. The key claim was its Bułgarska Bułgarska its was claim key The earlier. years up in Jarocin and Opalenica, whose Remes foot polska’s effort to achieve this goal began many to build a state-of-the-art stadium. state-of-the-art buildto a Thefacility prep Stadium Championship. European the Poznańevent.and footballWielko grand this host to right the Ukraine and Poland grant to that gives Poznań a reason to be proud is its re as to cult local a has Cup Polish the of winner time in the wake of an earlier decision of April 2008 FootEuropean 2012 the host to selected ies ings. Its first World Rowing Championship in in Championship Rowing World first Its ings. President of the Union of European Football Football European of Union the of President Poznań. This five-time Polish champion and five- ball Championship. ball came announcement The ball center offers not only accommodations but facility’s target seating capacity is 46,676, with famed Barcelona team’sBarcelona famed of nickname following.It is no accident that Lech is referred Another world renowned sports facility facility sports renowned world Another EURO 2012 was not Poznań’s only reason Poznań’s only not was 2012 EURO Platini, Michel 2009, 13, May on Precisely A Downtown Course Regatta The Pride of Wielkopolska of Pride The - the pride of - thepride Wielkopolska . Preparations for the 2012 Europe 2012 the Preparationsfor . EURO 2012 EURO Ektraklasa

much like the the like much team Lech ThePride ------Julia Michalska and Magdalena Fularczyk Fularczyk Magdalena and Michalska Julia Across the lake, a development project is is project development a lake, the Across The globe’s best performing men’s four in in men’s four performing globe’sbest The 2009 attracted over 1700 athletes from 54 54 from athletes 1700 over attracted 2009 (World University Games) to Poznańtothe in Games) University (World strong speedway tradition. Suffice to men to Suffice tradition.speedway strong anoth yet providing pool, swimming size general the for site recreation and sports of the world’s best, Leigh Adams of Austral outstand toprominence its of much owes Champion Polish 2007 the organization, er reason to award the Summer Universiad superb a offers It canoeing. and rowing of championship will play out at this centrally happy made were hosts the organization, perfect for praise to addition In countries. discipline by theFISAfederation. ago. In operation since 1990, the course has Kemnitz. Magdalena by clinched silver and and the 2008 national vice-champion. Re vice-champion. national 2008 the and track. welltrailssledding as a as biking and Wielkopolska’s Aleksander Wojciechowski Wojciechowski Aleksander Wielkopolska’s ple of relying on local talent although, as as although, talent local on relying of ple near future. Olympic an and springs thermal with park public featuring a mini-golf course, jogging canoeing world first Poznań’s pionships. motor sports Formula 1 racing several years proclaimed to be number one trainer in the who has adjustedwelltoLesznohas who lifeone is association, which sports is undoubtedly the Region’s flagship Leszno Unia its tion by managed been has years five last the rowers champion world Poznań’s by won ia, nicknamed Kangaroo,ia, nicknamed who has been ap ing foreign riders. An example of an athlete it sports, professional in understandable is has always upheld the admirable princi admirable the upheld always has cham canoeing of number great a hosted by Polish medal victories, including golds golds including victories, medal Polish by launched to produce a long-awaited water regatta Malta The 2010. in course located ferred to as the Leszno Bulls, the local team sports the beyond purposes serves facility Wielkopolska is well known for its its for known well is Wielkopolska Lake Malta has seen it all, even water water even all, it seen has Malta Lake The Wondrous Speedway and Hockey

------Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt took away all away took Bolt Usain sprinter Jamaican W hm tas rep teams home AWF 200 meter dash records. Berlin’s third record, ships and a recent hit event: the final of the eral Polish towns with with towns Polish eral disci Olympic This ey. speed to commitments strong A clubs. championship developments in Berlin. Berlin. The in developments championship track-and-field latest the of mention a out Over 90 percent of the the of percent 90 Over Wielkopolski, Wielkopolski, Piła, Rawicz and, more recent World Team Cup. 2009, In the latter proved viewers’ breaths as he broke the 100 and 100 the broke he as viewers’breaths year later, the pavilions of the Poznań In Poznań the of pavilions the later,year polska sports would not be complete with complete be not would sports polska A 2010. February in Championship ropean campaign preparation na Polish the in players in hockey Polish resent sev in played is pline hock field is Wielkopolska in nomenally champion world individual for naments more and, division top Poland’s in pete the Poznań-based Polish addition, In clubs. these from come team tional Pocztow Its lead. tioned Ostrów Gnieźno, in seen be now can way Krzysztof riders: Leszno Unia its and team Polish the for triumph resounding a be to team in this variety of hockey which will vie Fairternational receiveworld’swill the top Eu Indoor the hold to iec, Grunwald and AZS AZS and Grunwald iec, which events prominent in importantly, Field Hockey Association tournaments. European Poznańunques holding trails The Hampel. Jarosław and Kasprzak regu a with hosting been long has Leszno has recently launched a launched recently has however, belonged to Anita Włodarczyk, a a Włodarczyk, Anita however,to belonged blazed by Leszno were followed by other other by followed were Leszno by blazed ly, Poznań. tour Prix Grand seen has town larity.The for world championship. Wielkopolska’s Hammers Golden Another sport which has grown phe grown has which sport Another An outline of the highlights of Wielko of highlights the of outline An They came to com to came They mcy Speed Smoczyk orary citizenship of of citizenship orary dozen years. His ef His years. dozen visited by all of the the of all by visited nized with an hon an with nized Un the for pearing world’s top riders. riders. top world’s been has Track way ion for more than a than more for ion Leszno. fort has been recog been has fort ------Leszno’s Alfred Alfred Leszno’s ------Julia Michalska and Magdalena Fularczyk, Magdalena and Michalska Julia AWF Poznań who hurled her hammer to the The trail of success in hammer throw goes throw hammer in success of trail The (33) of the Poznań Association AZS, won the Sydney in 2000. Twelve months later, Szy later, months Twelve2000. in Sydney Smorawiński, the main fighter for doping for fighter main the Smorawiński, she seems posed to stay for years to come.toyears forstay to posed seems she on is now warning rivals to fear his arrival at complishment by becoming the world’s best in podium Olympic the of step top the on a by earned ever medal gold Olympic only instantlysports”. She this of “queen of ers of regional sports as provided in this brief brief this in provided as sports regional of rowers above-mentioned the champions: institu The 90-anniversary. its celebrates distance of 77.96 meters, dazzling all followmeters,all 77.96 dazzling of distance as we’ve learned, you cantrustSzymon... Ed in held meet a in discipline his in athlete and the canoer Małgorzata Chojnacka. It is canoerMałgorzataIt Chojnacka.theand Wielkopolska resident. He claimed his place monton, Canada. This experienced champi Canada. experiencedmonton, This ac another yet in clocked Ziółkowski mon presentation. Wielkopolska lives to a distinc world year’s this include students present manyoutstanding athletes andtrainers. Its joined track-and-field elites among which which among elites track-and-field joined the Olympic in Games London in 2012. And tive sports rhythm. tive sports theappropriate focal points in an overview the track-and-field athlete Anita Włodarczyk this term of office, it is led by Professor Jerzy During repute. well-established a has tion PoznańPhysicalthe AcademyEducation of 2009, of As tradition. proud followsa which educationhigher ofinstitution one of tion men a without complete be not would ing world vice-champion Szymon Ziółkowski in the spirit of fair play.fair preciselyof are Thesespirit the in Rawiczhammer thrower from the club AZS here that history meets sporting the present back to an earlier time when today’sreign when time earlier an to back free sport. The Academy’s graduates include 90’ An overview of Wielkopolska’s sports Wielkopolska’ssports of overview An s A nniversary

of Awf Poznań ------sport29 30 Dominik Górny The Gniezno door An artistic vision of a religious culture

In the context of international culture, the Door was cast in Poland. A view more bert’s illustrated manuscripts of 1136. A one of the most universal ways to endorse interesting for European integration has motif in the Prague Lectionary is reminis- European identity, its ideology and world been voiced by Dietmar Albrecht who cent of the depiction of Prussians in the views in the spirit of humanism is to rely claimed the Door had been produced scene of Saint Adalbert’s arrival. In addi- on art. Art holds the potential of being the in Hildesheim, Germany inspired by the tion, the Gniezno Patron’s mantel clasped perfect key for accessing the memories on Bernward Door of 1015 in the local Cathe- on the shoulder with folds used as a hood the history of states and appreciating the dral. Although the Bernward Door reveals is strikingly similar to the apparel worn by significance of individual nations. From this affinity with the artistic trends of the Otto Hildebert whose self-portrait decorates viewpoint, it is worthwhile to learn about period, the claim may well be true as Po- the interiors of the Prague Metropolitan Poland’s most precious Romanesque Library. It is quite likely that Czech work of casting art: the Gniezno Door, inspirations were followed inten- an artifact whose history demon- tionally as next to Gniezno, Prague strates cultural ties with states which was an official place of Saint Adal- later became members of the Euro- bert worship. pean Union and the evident artistic Such inspirations suggest the mission to strengthen the common Gniezno Door could serve to docu- values shared across Europe. ment and visually present the socio- The Royal Door or Porta Regia, as political doctrine of the past era in this historic work of art is also referred keeping with the Romanesque idea to, adorns the southern porch of the of Bible for the poor whose message, Gniezno Archcathedral. Its two wings contained in the 18 scenes from Saint feature ten uneven squares, each Adalbert’s life and death, is a refer- bearing human and animal relieves ence to the cultural awareness of Eu- entwined by plant ornaments. The Bi- ropean societies. After all, respect for ble scenes on its cast-bronze surfaces Christianity is a foundation of identi- reflect a 12th-century artistic vision ty in the European Community. This is made to the order of either Prince justified in the iconographic program Mieszko III the Old or Gniezno Arch- of the Gniezno Door which draws on bishops Zdzisław or Bogumił. Recog- Mozan art made with the intent to dis- nizing the sacral content of this work seminate Christian civilization in Prus- can be helpful in fully understand- sia and Pomerania to fulfil the nation- ing the essence of Romanesque arts al mission. The characters and events which the Church set out to dissem- illustrated on the Door are critical for inate to achieve a cultural unity of the evolution of Polish and European the nations of former Europe. Hence, sacral culture. The aim was to imbue through their Romanesque nature, all aspects of daily life with religion the figural scenes of the Gniezno whose elements were to be found in Door reflect the social hierarchy and the cultures of individual nations. This conservative approach to religion by can be seen in the Door scenes depict- societies whose successors acceded ing Saint Adalbert’s time in Poland, Bo- to the European Union. hemia, Germany, Prussia and Italy. The story of the Gniezno Door can be land’s Romanesque art was under constant Due to its historic and artistic value, discussed in terms of its creation and the German and Czech influence. It is also pos- many European societies may well see the artists who made it. A clue to understand- sible that the casting of scenes from the Gniezno Door as an attempt to open to re- ing its mystery lies in its inscriptions de- life of Saint Adalbert for the Gniezno Door ligion and international culture born out of ciphered by the Canon Ignacy Polkowski was inspired by the depictions of the lives respect for the past and serving to justify in the 19th century. The text mentions of saints in the reliquary of Saint Hadelin our present-day accomplishments. three artists, one of whom, Master Peter, of Vise and the altar retable of Saint Rema- stemmed from France or Italy. Much in- clus of Stavelot. The Door’s stylized motifs P.S. The Gniezno Door image on the re- terest surrounded the country in which bear a close resemblance to those found verse has been used to illustrate landmark the Door was made. 1950s studies show in the life of Saint Wenceslaus in Helde- events in the history of Poland. 31 © 2009 Merkuriusz/Zin Zin Press, pomysł: Mariola Zdancewicz, scenariusz: Mariusz Menz, rysunki: Krzysztof Wyrzykowski, koordynacja: Witold Tkaczyk