Tourist attractions

Surroundings of Poznań Tourist attractions of the Poznań Metropolitan Area

ISBN 978-83-64826-04-7 Poznań 2018 9 Trzcielińskie Swamp History and architecture 10 Lakes: Gackie, Borowe, Księże and Dzwonowskie 1 Palace and Museum 11 Lusowskie Lake 2 Kórnik Castle 3 Arkady Fiedler’s Museum and Literary Workshop in Puszczykowo 4 National Museum of Agriculture and Food Industry in Szreniawa Sports and recreation 5 Beekeeping Museum in Swarzędz 1 "Octopus" Water Park 6 Natural-Hunting Museum in Uzarzewo 2 Tarnowskie Thermal Baths 7 Museum of Greater Uprising in Lusowo 3 Recreation and Sports Center "Oaza" 8 Palace in Biedrusko 4 Swarzędz Sports and Recreation Center 9 Palace in Będlewo 5 Cascader Park Ropes Course in Kobylnica 10 Historic buildings in Golęczewo 6 DELI Park 11 Trail of wooden churches around Puszcza 7 Swarzędzkie Lake and Cybina Valley Zielonka 8 Skatepark in Swarzędz 12 St. Michael Archangel and Our Lady 9 Kuwaka Wake Pobiedziska Supporter of the Faithful in Rogalinek 10 Motocross track in Oborniki 13 All Saints Church in Kórnik 11 Airstrip in Słonawy 14 Former Cistercian Church and Monastery 12 The Rodan Hotel – The tennis and in Owińska badminton center 15 Church of St. Kazimierz in Gułtowy 13 Fruity Beach 16 Church of St. Nicholas the Bishop in Skoki 14 City beach in Śrem 17 Church of the Holy Cross in Buk 15 SPA_larniaDAY SPA 18 Marian Sanctuary in Tulce 16 Active Three – three activity routes 19 Luboń Industrial Architecture Trail 17 Bicycle Ring around Poznań 20 Puszczykowo Train Station 18 Śremski Sport 21 Windmill in Rogierówko 19 Recreation Center Oborniki 22 Halszka’s Keep in Szamotuły 23 Water tower in Śrem

Other attractions

Great outdoor 1 Trolley Rail in Mosina 2 Open Air Piastowski Trail Miniature 1 Kórnik Arboretum Museum 2 Oak Trees of Rogalin 3 Pobiedziska Burgh 3 Wielkopolski National Park 4 Train Scale Model in Borówiec 4 "Puszcza Zielonka" Landscape Park 5 Observation tower in Mosina 5 "Śnieżycowy Jar" Reserve 6 Observation tower – Dziewicza Góra 6 Mini Zoo in Śrem 7 Indian Village in Łopuchówko 7 Warta Boardwalk in Śrem 8 Trapper Hut 8 Nature education path "Bobrowy Szlak" 9 Park Dzieje TRAVELLING CONTENTS AROUND Tourist attractions of the Poznań Metropolitan Area ...... 2 POZNAŃ History and architecture ...... 5 TRAIN Great outdoor ...... 17 You can take Poznań Metropolitan Rail to Tourist attractions on the Poznań reach larger towns of Poznań Metropolitan Metropolitan Rail route...... 20 Area. The description of each tourist attraction features the railway line symbol, Sports and recreation...... 25 the name and the distance to the nearest Other attractions ...... 35 train station. Lines map is in the middle of the publication. The train schedule is available on the

Poznań Tourism Organisation BUS pl. Kolegiacki 17 Most of the attractions of Poznań Metro- 61-841 Poznań politan Area can be reached by bus. Tel. +48 61 878 56 96, +48 61 878 55 06 More information about bus travel connections on, and on the websites of each Community. Poznań County ul. Jackowskiego 18 CAR 60-509 Poznań All attractions described in this publication Tel. +48 61 841 05 00, +48 61 222 89 70 are available by car. POZNAŃ CITY CARD Poznań Metropolia Association Free entrance, discounted admission or the ul. Wyszyńskiego 8 keepsake gadget with the Poznań 61-124 Poznań City Card. Tel. +48 61 669 80 52

This guide was created in collaboration with the Poznań County, the Poznań Metropolia Association and communities – members of Poznań Tourism Organisation. The expenditure is nanced by the European Union under the Technical Assistance 2014-2020 Operational Program.

4 Rogalin Palace History and 1 and Museum architecture

Poznań’s surrounding areas were the site of many battles, both in the times of Władysław Łokietek (the battle of Palędzie with the teutonic Knights), and during Wielkopolskie Uprising in Museum in Poznań of the National Archive by photo Poznań 1918-1919. Historical gures, such Rogalin as Napoleon Bonaparte, went Arciszewskiego 2 through and stayed in the city. It Mosina Community was there that great houses built Tel. +48 61 813 88 00 their abodes like the Górka family and later their successors the Rogalin Działyński family in Kórnik. The The walls of the palace in Rogalin host a museum traces of this heritage can be seen whose collections tell the story of the aristocratic in many mansions and palaces. Raczyński family. The exhibition also includes Many famous Poles were born in the carriage house and a Painting Gallery. The Poznań’s neighbouring towns – the museum tour can be accompanied by a rented Nobel Prize winning poet Wisława audio guide of the Palace interiors as well as a tablet with an audio- and video guide of the Szymborska, born in Bnin, is one Painting Gallery. of many examples. Everyone can find something for themselves here – from medieval settlements, to wooden churches, numerous museums, to lavish palaces. The Painting Gallery tour with a tablet photo by P. Namiota P. by photo

F 8 km

Mosina 5 Kórnik Arkady Fiedler’s 2 Castle 3 Museum and Literary Workshop in Puszczykowo

photo by Archive of the Poznań County of the Poznań Archive by photo Poznań County of the Poznań Archive by photo Poznań Kórnik Puszczykowo Zamkowa 5 ul. Słowackiego 1 Kórnik Community Tel. +48 61 813 37 94, Tel. +48 61 817 00 81 +48 61 813 31 90 Kórnik www. Puszczykowo

Nowadays, the 19th century Neo-Gothic castle The most interesting memorabilia and trophies in Kórnik has the appearance and character from many travels of Polish writer and traveller of a defensive structure. It houses a museum Arkady Fiedler and his sons have been gathered in with paintings by Polish and European masters, the museum (at old house of Fiedler’s family). Some numismatic collections, Polish and Eastern military of the exhibits can be tested – playing the tam-tam, accessories, or ethnographic and natural collections or other exotic instruments. A very original attraction is from Australia and Oceania. The Castle’s many rooms the real life-sized replica of Christopher Columbus’ are said to be haunted by the ghost of the White legendary ship, Santa Maria. The Garden of Cultures Lady. and Tolerance surrounding the Museum building holds an unusual collection of sculptured replicas of famous ancient monuments, including the Bolivian Gate of the Sun, an Aztec calendar and an Easter Islands statue.

The real life-sized replica of Chris- The Castle’s many rooms topher Columbus’ are said to be haunted by legendary ship, the ghost of the White Lady Santa Maria photo by Archive of the Arkady Fiedler’s Museum and Literary Workshop

F 4,7 km F 0,5 km

Kórnik Puszczykówko 6 National Museum Beekeeping Museum 4 of Agriculture 5 in Swarzędz and Food Industry in Szreniawa photo by Archive of the National Museum of Agriculture and Food Industry in Szreniawa Industry and Food in Szreniawa Museum of Agriculture of the National Archive by photo Industry and Food in Szreniawa Museum of Agriculture of the National Archive by photo Poznań Poznań Szreniawa Swarzędz Swarzędz ul. Dworcowa 5 ul. Poznańska 35 Komorniki Community Szreniawa Swarzędz Community Tel. +48 61 810 76 29 Tel. +48 61 651 18 17

The museum presents pieces concerning the history This open-air museum is a collection of bee hives of Polish countryside, agriculture and the unique on a European scale, which illustrates agricultural-food industry from all over Poland. in its outdoor exhibition the history of apiculture The museum also organizes multiple events and and beekeeping in Poland. There is also an show-and-tells – traditional bread-baking, butter exhibition on productive insects in Poland and churning, candle-making, autumn field work, in the world. The open-air museum is operating an old timey located in a 4.5 hectare park created firetruck, as well as in the second half of the 19th bygone rural wedding century, which also houses a stylish and holiday customs. hunting lodge.

Weighing nearly 9 500 kg self- propelled steam engine from 1919 photo by M. Kaczmarczyk by photo

G 0,3 km D 1 km

Szreniawa Swarzędz 7 Natural-Hunting Museum 6 Museum 7 of in Uzarzewo Uprising in Lusowo photo by Archive of the National Museum of Agriculture and Food Industry in Szreniawa Industry and Food in Szreniawa Museum of Agriculture of the National Archive by photo in Lusowo Uprising of the Museum of Greater Poland Archive by photo Uzarzewo Uzarzewo Poznań Lusowo Lusowo ul. Akacjowa 12 ul. Ogrodowa 3a Poznań Swarzędz Community Tarnowo Podgórne Tel. +48 61 818 12 11 Community Tel. +48 61 814 69 52

The Museum includes historic palace – it houses The museum collections include exhibits the exhibition of forestry and hunting history connected with the insurgents of the Greater since most ancient times: weaponry, hunting Poland. An equally important part of the exhibition accessories and trophiesand park complex, and the are the memorabilia related to General Dowbor- stable/carriage houses the natural environment -Muśnicki and his family, and particularly with his of Wielkopolska is presented as well as the fauna daughters Janina and Agnieszka who died in Katyń inhabiting it, with a special emphasis on wild game. and Palmiry in 1940. The last part of the exhibition Adam Smorawiński’s hunting trophies are also is related to the battles fought by soldiers of displayed there. Greater Poland outside of Wielkopolska between 1919 and 1920, among others the Polish-Soviet war.

Adam Smoraw- Exhibits connected iński’s with the insurgents hunting of the Greater Poland trophies photo by M. Kaczmarczyk by photo photo by Archive of the Museum of Greater Poland Uprising in Lusowo F 4,7 km F 0,5 km

Kórnik Puszczykowo 8 Palace Palace 8 in Biedrusko 9 in Będlewo photo by Archive of the Suchy Las Community Oce Community Las of the Suchy Archive by photo photo by S. Malecha by photo Biedrusko Poznań Biedrusko Będlewo ul. 1 Maja 82 ul. Parkowa 1 Suchy Las Community Poznań Stęszew Community Tel. +48 793 330 036 Tel. +48 61 813 51 87, +48 61 669 83 11 Będlewo

Neo-Renaissance building erected between 1877-80 The Palace was erected in 1866 in the English by Ludwik Huhn for Albrecht Otton von Treskow. Neogothic style. It is accompanied by a nine- Multi-storeyed, with a square tower and columnar hectare park with three ponds and a romantic porches, covered with a at roof. Richly decorated grotto. Today, it houses the Mathematical interiors. In the park there is an amphitheater, Research and Conference Center of the Institute of a lovers’ gazebo, ponds and a fountain. The palace Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Science. The hosted William II and Ferdinand Foch. Today, historic buildings have been supplemented with this beautifully restored building houses a hotel, a modern hotel facility. a restaurant and the Museum of Military and The marble fountain adorns Interior Desing. the beautiful English-style park with numerous historical trees

Richly decorated interiors photo by S. Malecha by photo photo by Archive of the Suchy Las Community Oce

G 0,3 km D 1 km

Szreniawa Swarzędz 9 Historic buildings Trail of Wooden 10 in Golęczewo 11 Churches around Puszcza Zielonka photo by Archive of the Suchy Las Community Oce Community Las of the Suchy Archive by photo Organisation Tourism of the Poznań Archive by photo Golęczewo Golęczewo Communities: Suchy Las Community Czerwonak, Swarzędz, Poznań Murowana Goślina, Poznań Pobiedziska, Kiszkowo, Skoki turystyczne/szlak-kosciolow-drewnianych

A railway station, “Pod Złotą Gwiazdą” inn, school The trail is up to 140 km long. Twelve charming (former communal house), bathhouse and 38 houses wooden churches await the visitors in Długa and farmhouses currently hold separate entries Goślina, Kicin, Kiszkowo, Łagiewniki Kościelne, in the Registration of Monuments. The Germans Raczkowo, Jabłkowo, Rejowiec, Skoki, Sławno, wanted to turn Golęczewo into a model village Uzarzewo, Węglewo and . The oldest settlement, and so they purchased it in 1901 and of them (in Węglewo and immediately entered the realization of the project Wierzenica) have been built in by architect Paul Fischer. The high rooftop houses the Middle Ages; the history were erected in Prussian colours – white with red of the rest of them goes and black detailing. back to the 17th century.

The richly decorated Half-timbered Baroque altar from buildings hold the eighteenth separate entries in the Registration century in the church of Monuments in Jabłkowo

photo by Archive of the Suchy photo by Archive of the Suchy Las Community Oce Las Community Oce A 0 km B C

Golęczewo 10 St. Michael Archangel All Saints Church 12 and Our Lady 13 in Kórnik Supporter of the Faithful in Rogalinek

Poznań Poznań photo by Archive of the Mosina Municipality Oce Archive by photo Stachowiak T. by photo

Rogalinek Kórnik ul. Wodna 8 ul. Średzka 1 Mosina Community Kórnik Rogalinek Kórnik Community Tel. +48 61 893 80 61 www.para

A late-Baroque wooden church, built at the turn Built in 1437 from the foundation of the of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, mighty Górka family. Inside there are three late located at the edge of the village. Its roof is shingled Renaissance tombstones of the Górka family and crested with a tower. This little church is richly from the 17th century, as well as the alabaster adorned. Its most interesting monument is its tombstone of Teofila of Działyńscy Szołdrska- altar with a true copy of the original late-Gothic Potulicka (the popular "White Lady" – the spirit sculpture of Madonna and Child (stolen in 2002) haunted castle in Kórnik) from the 18th century. In and the side altar, an example of 17th/18th century the basement of the church the Działyński family folk art. and Zamoyski family crypts are located.

The crypts of the family The wooden church Działyński and from the turn of Zamoyski are the seventeenth located in the and eighteenth undergrounds centuries of the church photo by Archive of the photo by Archive of the photo by Archive of the Kórnik Municipality Oce Mosina Municipality Oce Mosina Municipality Oce F 4,6 km E 4,4 km

Mosina Kórnik 11 Former Cistercian Church 14 Church and 15 of St. Kazimierz Monastery in Gułtowy in Owińska photo by Archive of the Czerwonak Community Oce of the Czerwonak Community Archive by photo H. Błachnio by photo Owińska Owińska Gułtowy Poznań pl. Przemysława ul. Pałacowa 8 Gułtowy Czerwonak Community Poznań Kostrzyn Community Tel. +48 602 727 606 (museum), The monastery was raised around 1250. Today, it The Church of St. Kazimierz was built in 1738. It is is a late Baroque church of John the Baptist, and distinguished by its picturesque, half-timbered the monastery walls house the Special Educational architecture and it has the reputation of being Centre for Visually Impaired Children. In the nearby one of the most beautiful buildings of this kind in park there is the only Spacial Orientation Park in the entire Wielkopolska region. It is accompanied Europe, where the visually impaired children learn by a neo-Gothic Bniński family burial chapel how to move about in an open space (it is open also from 1784, and a wooden tower from 1834. for visitors). The unique Typhlological Museum also The interiors of the church, including the altar, are resides here. in the rococo style.

The only in this A wooden scale Spacial tower Orientation dates back Park in Europe to 1834

photo by Archive of the Poznań Tourism Organisation photo by Archive of the Kostrzyn Municipality Oce

B 1,2 km D 2,3 km

Owińska Gułtowy 12 Church Church 16 of St. Nicholas 17 of the Holy Cross the Bishop in Skoki in Buk

Skoki photo by K. Lubawa by photo Wejmann N. by photo

Skoki Buk Poznań ul. Kościelna 7 ul. Bohaterów Skoki Community Bukowskich Buk Poznań Buk Community www.para Tel. +48 61 814 01 41

This petite, picturesque temple was built in the This antique wooden church was built in 1760. It 1730’s, in the place of a former church. What has remained mostly unspoilt till this day with its distinguishes it is its brick-lled, timber framing – original murals depicting scenes from St. Wojciech's a form of post-beam construction. The interiors are life. Among the church's most prized possessions in the richly adorned rococo style. The church itself are a crucix and a stone font from the turn of the is part of the Trail of Wooden Churches around 15th and 16th century. At the church there is also Puszcza Zielonka. a well-preserved wooden belfry from 1757 and an "Ecce Homo" statue from 1762.

The church is Original murals distinguished depicting by its brick- scenes from filled, timber St. Wojciech's framing life photo by J. Pindych by photo photo by N. Wejmann N. by photo

B 1,1 km H 2 km

Skoki Buk 13 Marian Sanctuary Luboń Industrial 18 in Tulce 19 Architecture Trail photo by Archive of the Kleszczewo Community Oce Community of the Kleszczewo Archive by photo J. Pindych by photo

Tulce Poznań Luboń ul. Pocztowa 1 Poznań Kleszczewo Community Tel. +48 61 870 50 55 Tulce Luboń www.para

The Church of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mysteries big and small, solved and still awaiting was raised in the rst half of the 13th century in the answers, are a vital part of the over 100 years late-Romanesque style. It was rebuilt in the 15th, of history of the Luboń factories. The adventure 16th and late 18th century. It is one of the 10 Marian begins at a time when the Polish had to ght for their sanctuaries on Papal Law located in Poznań own country, and ends at the time of the ownership archdiocese. The Tulce sanctuary is also on the transformations related to the groundbreaking Roman Trail. The statue of Tulecka Pani from the political changes taking p lace in Poland in 1500’s, a Baroque main altar and side altars from the the 1990’s. The trail can be visited during cyclical 17th century can be seen inside. guided tours organized by the Centre of Culture in Luboń or you can visit it on your own using a special tourist application.

Over 100 years of The two-storey history in wooden tower these indus- from 1860 trial spaces photo by J. Pindych by photo

E 6,8 km F G 0 km

Gądki Luboń 14 Puszczykowo Windmill 20 Train Station 21 in Rogierówko photo by A. Polaszczyk by photo Lednica at Piasts of the Museum First Archive by photo Poznań Puszczykowo Rogierówko Rogierówko ul. Wczasowa 1 ul. Muzealna 5 Tel. +48 61 633 62 83 Rokietnica Community (tourist information centre), Tel. +48 61 848 20 51 Poznań +48 61 819 45 63 (restaurant) Puszczykowo Although the train station in Puszczykowo, Poznań’s Although the actual date of its creation is not known, most famous summer resort, exists since 1897, the history of the windmill dates back to at least the rst station facility was erected in 1904. Its nal 1905. It was built by a German foreman for countess look, with the characteristic clock tower, was Wiśniewska. It is a typical smock mill, octagonal in completed in 1910, and has remained unchanged plan – the only one of its kind in Poland. The lower ever since. It has been a listed historic building level used to house a steam engine. The entire since 1983, and today it also houses a restaurant. wind propulsion was made using lignum On the other side of the tracks of the railway vitae, an exotic type of wood. control room, there is the Ecoinfo Center – tourist Nowadays, the mill houses information and environmental education point. the Millery Museum – a part of the Museum of the First Piasts at Lednica.

The charming A typical smock interiors of mill, octagonal the station in plan – the house only one of its a restaurant kind in Poland photo by A. Polaszczyk photo by Archive of the Museum of the First Piasts at Lednica

F 0 km I 2,3 km

Puszczykowo Kiekrz 15 Halszka’s Keep Water tower 22 in Szamotuły 23 in Śrem

photo by Archive of the Górka Museum-Castle in Szamotuły of the Górka Museum-Castle Archive by photo J. Pindych by photo Poznań

Szamotuły Szamotuły Śrem ul. Wroniecka 30 ul. Mickiewicza Szamotuły Community Śrem Community Tel. +48 61 292 18 13 Poznań

Śrem Halszka’s Keep is a late-Gothic tower built in The water tower is the most 17th century and it was incorporated in the recognizable building on Śrem’s ramparts of the former castle. It owes its name to skyline. It was built in 1909 and it goes up nearly Duchess Elżbieta Ostrogska, called Halszka. In the 44 meters. It was designed to resemble Gothic 16th century, at the decree of king Zygmunt August, wall towers. Inside, there is a tank with 240 cubic she was to be married o to Łukasz III Górka against meters capacity, which holds the construction her will. According to legend, he locked her in the of the roof. In the night scenery the tower is tower for 14 years, putting a black metal mask on a particularly impressive sight, as it is beautifully her face. Today, the tower houses a museum with lit. It is believed that where the tower now stands, a collection of religious icons among its exhibits. up until the 17th century, there was the St. Nicholas Church – the rst temple in the city.

The legend has it that at night, near the towers, you can see the spirit It was designed to resemble Gothic wall of the unfortunate towers Princess Halszka photo by J. Pindych by photo

I 1,4 km F 20,2 km

Szamotuły Czempiń 16 Kórnik 1 Arboretum Great outdoor

Poznań is surrounded by many lakes and forests. Only 15 km south of Poznań there is Wielkopolski National Park, or the nearby Rogaliński Landscape Park.

Dierent in character, but equally Poznań Library of the Kórnik Archive by photo attractive, are the grounds north Kórnik of the city, with Puszcza Zielonka ul. Parkowa 5 Landscape Park and Promno Kórnik Community Landscape Park. Another unique Tel. +48 61 817 00 33 spot is Biedrusko, with the remains Kórnik of buildings, abandoned over 100 years ago to make a military In an area of over 40 hectares (nearly 100 acres) training ground, used by the army there is a vast collection of trees, bushes and to this day, and partially open to shrubs from the cold temperate climate zone of the civilians on weekends. the Northern hemisphere. The exact number of plant species and varieties in the arboretum is nearly 3500. The arboretum is open every day, all year round. It is a great place for family walks. On the spot there is a playground, an educational meadow, a picnic area and educational paths. Many events take place here, attracting both Poznań residents and tourists – the famous Blooming Magnolias, or Azalea and Rhododendron Days.

E 4,7 km

Kórnik 17 Oak Trees Wielkopolski 2 of Rogalin 3 National Park

Poznań photo by W. Mania W. by photo Poznań Łysakowski P. by photo Rogalin South of Poznań, situated ul. Arciszewskiego 2 between the towns of Mosina Community Puszczykowo-Stęszew- Tel. +48 61 813 88 00 -Mosina Jeziory Tel. +48 61 898 23 00 Rogalin (WNP Nature Museum) Rogalin Landscape Park is famous for its 18 areas of strict protection with the joint magnificent oak trees – nearly two thousand acreage of 260 hectares (over 640 acres) have been of them, in fact, with many classified as nature established in the park. They protect among others monuments. The most famous of them are Lech 32 monument trees. Five signposted hiking trails (6.33 in girth), Czech (7.35 m in girth, unfortunately with the joint length of 85 kilometers run through dead since 1992) and Rus (9.15 m in girth, currently the park. Seven walks run across these trails. Over the thickest of all the Rogalin oak-wood forest), as 100 kilometers of cycle paths are available in well as Oak Edward (6.18 m in girth). They grow near the park, as well as 30 kilometers of horse riding the Rogalin Palace, in the picturesque scenery of the paths. In the park area there is also many listed naturalistic landscape park. buildings and the WNP Nature Museum in Jeziory.

Centuries-old A paradise for branches nature and require active leisure special lovers support photo by P. Łysakowski Łysakowski P. by photo photo by W. Mania W. by photo

F 8 km F G

Mosina 18 "Puszcza Zielonka" "Śnieżycowy Jar" 4 Landscape Park 5 Reserve photo by Archive of the Poznań Tourism Organisation Tourism of the Poznań Archive by photo Organisation Tourism of the Poznań Archive by photo

Communities: Starczanowo Starczanowo Czerwonak, Kiszkowo, surroundings Murowana Goślina, Poznań Murowana Goślina Pobiedziska, Skoki Community Poznań

Located East of Poznań, this landscape park is the An extensive ower reserve created to protect one perfect place for family leisure and recreation. of the few sites of occurance of spring snowake, The bicycle path network of "Puszcza Zielonka" and its a plant mostly seen in the Sudety mountains. The surrounding areas, over 220 kilometers long, is one of reserve is very popular with the tourists between the most interesting and richest in Wielkopolska. Many February and March, as it is then that the blooming other paths have also been charted here – hiking, spring snowake announces the coming of spring kayaking, horse-riding, and the unique Trail of Wooden by creating a gorgeous white cover of owers. On Churches, where you can learn about the wooden the occasion of a visit to the reserve, you can visit the religious architecture of these areas. In the heart of the picturesque medieval settlement situated nearby Park, in the village of Zielonka, you can visit the Forest by the Warta River, known as Ostrów Radzimski. Arboretum, showing the extensive collection of plants from across Poland and all over the world. The blooming The perfect spring snowake area for announces the a family trip coming of spring photo by K. Lubawa by photo

B C B 8,4 km

Murowana Goślina 19 B

A I Tourist attractions on the Poznań Metropolitan Rail route C


F — Railway lines put into operation in 2018 — Railway lines put into operation between 2019-2021

E The letter designations of railway lines correspond to the indications on cards of each tourist attractions. Names of railway stations, indicated for the places nearest to sightseeing attractions, given in the present publications. 20 B






21 Mini Zoo in Śrem Warta Boardwalk 6 7 in Śrem

Poznań Poznań photo by Archive of the Śrem Municipality Oce of the Śrem Archive by photo Municipality Oce of the Śrem Archive by photo

Śrem Southern shore of the Warta ul. Poznańska 15 river in the center of Śrem, (Wielkopolska Uprising Śrem Community Memorial Park) Śrem Community Śrem Śrem

The Wielkopolska Uprising Memorial Park in Śrem is An ideal place for strolls and active leisure. The a great place for leisure. One of its denite attractions Boardwalk is a 1 kilometer long walking and is the mini zoo. With goats, sheep, and many birds, cycling path. During the walk, nature lovers may the zoo’s main attraction are kangaroos, emu, observe 12 nature monuments. There are benches alpaca and Reeve’s muntjacs. Nearby the animal at the boardwalk, as well as a playground. runs, there are also gures of African animals, such as zebra, elephant, tiger, lion or hippo. The zoo also oers kids’ wooden trolley rental.

The monument-bench In the of Heliodor Święcicki Mini Zoo – the founder and you can the rst chancellor of see gures Wszechnica Polska of African (from 1920 University animals of Poznań) photo by Archive of the Śrem Municipality Oce of the Śrem Archive by photo photo by Archive of the Śrem Municipality Oce of the Śrem Archive by photo

F 21,2 km F 20,1 km

Czempiń Czempiń 22 Nature education Trzcielińskie 8 path "Bobrowy Szlak" 9 Swamp photo by K. Sierpowska by photo A. Mędrala by photo Poznań Czmoniec (the beginning Trzcielińskie Swamp Poznań of the route on the road to Trzcielińskie Lake, the north of the village) north of Stęszew Trzcielińskie Kórnik Community Dopiewo Community Swamp Czmoniec

This charming path running through Rogaliński This strict protection area is a part of the Wielkopolski Landscape Park leads through forests and riverside National Park. It spreads over 38,14 hectares, including meadows, providing unforgettable views to the a largely overgown and swampy Lake Trzcielińskie in former Warta riverbed and its natural wetlands. The the valley of the Samica river. It is the nesting site of path consists of 9 stops with information boards. over 60 species of birds, so a good pair of binoculars Three variants of the path have been designed with is a recommended item to take along for the trip. Some dierent levels of diculty – yellow (1 km, for the of the bird species observed here include peewit, grey youngest and beginners among nature lovers), green heron, marsh harrier, common (around 2.5 km, for those with medium endurance) buzzard, red kite, and also and red (4 km, for the experienced hikers). The route crane and oriole. includes observation tower.

The trail runs through You can meadows, along the edge observe here among others of swamps, sometimes in the grey the forest heron photo by P. Łysakowski Łysakowski P. by photo M. Bartkowiak by photo

E 14,8 km G 5,8 km

Kórnik Stęszew 23 Lakes: Gackie, Lusowskie Lake 10 Borowe, Księże 11 and Dzwonowskie

photo by K. Lubawa by photo Oce Community Podgórne Tarnowo of the Archive by photo Lusowskie Lake Skoki Community Lusowo, ul. Ogrodowa Poznań Lakes: Gackie, (access to the beach) Borowe, Księże Tarnowo Podgórne Community and Dzwonowskie Poznań

Skoki and its surroundings abound in lakes. Big or The lake is located in the Protected Landscape small, they are an invitation to outdoor leisure close Area, which makes its water among the cleanest to nature, such as going for a walk or a bicycle in the region. There is also a modern beach in ride. A good excuse to do just that is the nearby Lusowo, inviting lakeside leisure. Due to the Cistercian Trail. What is noteworthy is that the abundance of sh species, the lake has been named Skoki lakes are teeming with sh, and so are a true the shermen’s paradise. There is also a multitude sherman’s paradise. of bird nestings in the area, and along the north shore of the lake there is a romantic linden- aspen alvenue.

Lakes around town of Skoki are a paradise for anglers One of the cleanest lakes in the region photo by K. Lubawa by photo photo by Archive of the Tarnowo Podgórne Community Oce B 2 km H 9,5 km

Sława Wlkp. Palędzie 24 “Octopus” Sports and 1 Water Park recreation

Hundreds of kilometers of walking and biking routes go through Poznań area. This is a great way to see both the sights and the nature, which together make up the city’s suburban landscape. Oce Community Las of the Suchy Archive by photo Around Poznań there are many Suchy Las Suchy Las sports facilities and water parks. ul. Szkolna 18 For those longing for more exciting Suchy Las Community Poznań experiences there are rope parks Tel. +48 61 892 62 70 or motorcross tracks. For those looking to relax and unwind, there are modern and uniquely In this modern water park, everyone will find designed SPAs. something for themselves – a six-track pool, ideal for recreational swimming, as well as a pool with many attractions – water beds, an air geyser, jacuzzi and water slides. Right by the swimming pool there is also a bowling alley, a restaurant and a business/conference studio.

An excellent place for enter- tainment for the whole family

photo by Archive of the Suchy Las Community Oce

A 1,8 km

Poznań Strzeszyn 25 Tarnowskie Recreation 2 Thermal Baths 3 and Sports Center "Oaza"

photo by Archive of the Tarnowskie Thermal Baths Tarnowskie of the Archive by photo "Oaza" and Sports of the Recreation Center Archive by photo Poznań

Tarnowo Podgórne Tarnowo Podgórne Kórnik ul. Nowa 54 Poznań ul. I. Krasickiego 1 Tarnowo Podgórne Community Kórnik Community Tel. +48 61 818 28 63 Tel. +48 61 649 88 75, Kórnik +48 668 568 266

Tarnowskie Thermal Baths is a modern pool and Recreation and Sports Center "Oaza" in Kórnik has recreation complex. An exceptional aqua park a wide variety of attractions for kids and adults which acquires its water from geothermal springs the same, becoming a place of fun, relaxation and 1200 meters underground, delivering water at the physical activity. Next to a pool and wellness center, temperature of over 45.7 degrees Celsius. Three there is a gym, a tness center, rehabilitation, hair zones – recreational, sports and sauna with pools salon and a restaurant. The sports hall hosts many and many water attractions are great fun for the matches and other events. kids. Outside, there is a large, sandy beach with a playground, a graduation tower, a beach volleyball court and leisure zones. Well- equipped gym encourages to take A huge sandy care of the beach allows you physical to truly relax condition photo by Archive of the Recreation and Sports Center "Oaza" "Oaza" and Sports of the Recreation Center Archive by photo photo by Archive of the Tarnowskie Thermal Baths I 10,8 km E 3,5 km

Rokietnica Kórnik 26 Swarzędz Sports Cascader Park Ropes 4 and Recreation 5 Course in Kobylnica Center photo by M. Kaczmarczyk by photo in Kobylnica Ropes Course Park of the Cascader Archive by photo

Poznań Swarzędz Swarzędz Kobylnica Poznań Kobylnica ul. Kosynierów 1 ul. Poznańska 44 Swarzędz Community Kobylnica Community Tel. +48 61 650 95 20 Tel. +48 782 140 315, +48 669 621 333

A swimming pool "Wodny Raj", an all-year skating Cascader Park is the largest ropes course in rink, a sports arena, a tennis court, three full sized Wielkopolska – located in Kobylnica, a small football pitches, a seasonal water equipment rental town outside Poznań. Visitors can enjoy 4 ropes are all part of the complex. The swimming pool courses adapted for children, young adults and consists of a sports pool and a recreational pool adults, 2 zip lines and a picnic area of over one with the so-called "wild river", two multimedia acre – an ideal place for a picnic, a company retreat, waterslides, a whirlpool and a kiddie pool. There a birthday party. is also an attractive SPA oer, a bowling alley and a cafe in this complex.

The largest ropes course in Wielkopolska From April till October four tennis courts are available

photo by Archive of Swarzędz Municipality and Community Oce D 1,2 km C 1 km

Swarzędz Kobylnica 27 DELI Swarzędzkie Lake 6 Park 7 and Cybina Valley

Poznań photo by Archive of the DELI Park Archive by photo M. Sobczyk by photo

Trzebaw near Stęszew Trzebaw Swarzędz Poznań ul. Poznańska 1 ul. Kosynierów 1 Swarzędz Stęszew Community Swarzędz Community Tel. +48 797 999 000, +48 797 992 720

DELI Park is an education and recreation park. It Due to its unique landscape values, its plant and hosts a miniature park of the world’s most famous animal habitat, Swarzędzkie Lake and Cybina buildings, models of giant insects and prehistoric Valley have been listed as a protected area within animals as well as a mini zoo. Poland’s rst sky-high “Natura 2000”. A cycle and hiking path runs along ECO Village was opened here – it is a series of the shore of the lake, where you can nd a marina 10 hanging bridges attached to 11 trees, with with a water equipment rental, playgrounds, terraces and tree houses. The visitors can safely walk street workout gear, a skatepark, a summer pub in the treetops. and cafe, a lounging area and a vantage point.

Tree houses and terraces are built on the 11 trees A perfect place for connected by relax and recreation hanging bridges photo by Archive of the DELI Park Archive by photo photo by Archive of Swarzędz Municipality and Community Oce G 0,3 km D 1,2 km

Trzebaw Swarzędz Rosnówko 28 Skatepark Kuwaka Wake 8 in Swarzędz 9 Pobiedziska photo by K. Koprowiak by photo

Swarzędz Poznań Pobiedziska Pobiedziska ul. Kosynierów 1 Swarzędz ul. Kiszkowska 21 Poznań Swarzędz Community Pobiedziska Community Tel. +48 667 946 676, +48 607 636 710

The Swarzędz Skatepark is one of the most modern Wakeboarding, for those who may not be familiar in Poland – it is a so-called skatepark plaza, which with the term, is snowboarding on water. On Lake combined the green and parks and rec elements with Biezdruchowo, a state-of-the-art, 200-meter sports equipment. Its acreage is 1704,58 square lift was built for this sport. It is meant for pros meters, its length – 58 meters and width – nearly and amateurs alike, the latter beginning their 42 meters. The sports elements of the park are: stairs wakeboarding adventure under the watchful eye with railing, a manual box, a grand curb, a grind box, of professional instructors. a quarter pipe, a mini bank, a fun box pyramid wave, a double set, a gap and a vulcano.

An ideal place to 200-meter lift perform tricks on bicycles, will satisfy all roller skates and wakeboarding skateboards enthusiasts photo by K. Koprowiak by photo

D 1,2 km C 0,8 km

Swarzędz Pobiedziska 29 Motocross track Airstrip 10 in Oborniki 11 in Słonawy

photo by Archive of the Poznań Tourism Organisation Tourism of the Poznań Archive by photo Oborniki Organisation Tourism of the Poznań Archive by photo Oborniki Oborniki Oborniki ul. Łukowska ul. Wybudowanie 129 Oborniki Community Oborniki Community Tel. +48 604 773 753 Tel. +48 602 885 761 Poznań Poznań

The motocross track in Oborniki was built after For all the adrenaline junkies out there – the the revitalisation of a former aggregate mine, opportunity to see the aerial view of the city which makes it a unique facility on a national on a powered hang glider is nothing to sneeze scale. It is now one of the most spectacular and at. Thanks to the Obornickie Aviation Association, most beautifully located tracks in Poland. The track sky-high scenic flights are also available. The is ideally suited to motor, cycling and o-road car Aviation Revue has named the Słonawy facility sports both on a competitive and amateur scale. The "a friendly airstrip". route goes through an excavation hollow and in the valley of the river Warta, and the auditorium stands The views from the air are an are located on a natural embankment. unforgettable experience for everyone

The most spectacular and the most beautifully situated motocross track in Poland

photo by Archive of the Motoclub in Oborniki

A 1 km A 5 km

Oborniki Wlkp. Oborniki Wlkp. Miasto Miasto 30 The Rodan Hotel Fruity Beach 12 – The tennis and 13 badminton center

Poznań archive Rodan Hotel’s by photo Centre of Sports Community and Recreation archive by photo Poznań Skrzynki Zborowo ul. Poznańska 5d ul. Plażowa 2 Kórnik Community Dopiewo Community Tel. +48 61 819 08 21, +48 663 916 693 Skrzynki

The hotel is the tennis and badminton center. The The beach is in Zborowo, at Niepruszewskie guests have 7 tennis courts, including 3 outdoor lake. There are pitches for volleyball, beach and 4 indoor ones, illuminated and with artificial handball, streetball and beach volleyball, chess grass at their disposal. Badminton lovers are oered tables, playgrounds for children, a focal place 5 tennis courts with a dark roof. On site, there are and educational path. Undoubtedly, the biggest experienced trainers who help to improve the attraction of the beach are magnificent fruit game. In addition, guests can use the spacious, sculptures. Tourists also have campsite and boat well equipped gym, free sauna and a wide oer slip at their disposal. of the restaurant.

The beach The perfect is known place to start for its your adven- impres- ture with sive fruit tennis and sculptures badminton. photo by Rodan Hotel’s archive

E 4,4 km H 4,5 km

Kórnik Dopiewo 31 14 City beach in Śrem 15 SPA_larniaDAY SPA DAY SPA DAY

Poznań photo by Archive of the Śrem Municipality Oce of the Śrem Archive by photo of the SPA_larnia Archive by photo

Śrem Puszczykowo Poznań ul. Jeziorna ul. Czarnieckiego 56 Śrem Community Tel. +48 61 813 37 38 Śrem Puszczykowo

Śrem city beach is located at Lake Grzymisławskie. Located at the very edge of Wielkopolski National You can use an outside gym or the street workout Park, they are the sanctuary of peace and quiet. On facilities There are also the badminton and the area of over 1000 sq m, there are facilities such volleyball courts as well as a boule court. Fans of as a glass mosaic-tiled pool with ozonated water, watersports will also not be disappointed – they can a counterow and a jet stream shower, a large dry rent kayaks for free, or use the two wakeboarding sauna, a steam room, massage and beauty parlours. water lifts or a pedalo rental. Kids can look forward The guests may also enjoy the hotel facilities and to a playground and two water slides. a restaurant. DAY SPA DAY

Wakeboarding – eksciting Relax in water sport luxurious conditions photo by Archive of the SPA_larnia Archive by photo photo by Archive of the Śrem Municipality Oce

F 21,5 km F 2,6 km

Czempiń Puszczykówko 32 Active Three – three Bicycle Ring around 16 activity routes 17 Poznań around Wielkopolski National Park photo by Archive of the Mosina Municipality Oce Archive by photo County of the Poznań Archive by photo Poznań Communities: Communities: Mosina, Mosina, Stęszew, Dopiewo, Poznań Puszczykowo, Tarnowo Podgórne, Poznań, Komorniki, Rokietnica, Suchy Las, Czerwonak, Stęszew Murowana Goślina, Kiszkowo, Pobiedziska, Kostrzyn, Kleszczewo, Kórnik With active, outside all-year-round leisure in The ring has is 173 km long and connects the most mind, on the initiative of Mosina, Puszczykowo, interesting places and tourist attractions in Komorniki and Stęszew communities and in surrounding areas. The route was marked in orange. cooperation with Wielkopolski National Park Next to the main route, there are 7 connecting trails (WNP), the project Active Three was created – radiating from Poznań that allow to plan multiple three activity routes around WNP. As part of the day trips. initiative, a unique network of over 55 kilometers of marked routes was designated in the form of closed loops with varied lengths and diculty levels, designed for nordic walking, running, and in the winter also cross-country skiing.

Over 55 For more information km marked on Poznań’s bicycle trails routes, go to

photo by Archive of the Mosina Municipality Oce photo by Archive of the Poznań County F G A-I

33 Śremski Sport Recreation Center 18 19 Oborniki


photo by Archive of the Śrem Sport of the Śrem Archive by photo archive Oborniki Center Recreation by photo Oborniki

Śrem Oborniki ul. Staszica 1a ul. Czarnkowska 84 Śrem Community Oborniki Community Tel. +48 61 22 28 680 Tel. +48 61 29 60 782 w. 21, Poznań Śrem +48 887 169 999 (swimming pool), +48 885 999 015 (bowling) The main attraction of the facility is a modernized The complex includes sport and leisure swimming swimming pool with sauna zone that meets the pools with stands, children's pool, jacuzzi and expectations of both swimming sports fans and spa area. The treat for the little ones there is water recreation enthusiasts. A large recreational a multimedia slide tube, older visitors will area for children has a water slide and water appreciate the health promoting properties of salt equipment for small and bigger children. A separate cave. Guests can also make use of the bowling small pool is aimed for swimming lessons. You can center, billiard room and squash court. In addition, also use the tness area, bowling, squash courts the Centre runs a tness club, sports medicine clinic, and a sports hall in the facility. In winter, ice skaters massage services and ice cream parlor. The facility is can go on ice rink. located in the forest, next to the playground.

The youngest are offered Bowling – numerous entertainment water for adults and attractions children photo by Archive of the Śrem Sport of the Śrem Archive by photo archive Oborniki Center Recreation by photo

F 21,4 km A 1,7 km

Czempiń Oborniki Wlkp. Miasto 34 Trolley Rail Other 1 in Mosina attractions

When discovering the attractions of Poznań's surrounding areas, it might be worth it to try some of the more unorthodox suggestions. This will denitely add some "oomph" to the sightseeing experience and make it Poznań Rail in Mosina Trolley of the Archive by photo a bit richer. Taking part in Medieval Mosina games or archery with a bow used ul. Kołłątaja/Budzyńska by Native Americans will surely (start station) stimulate the imagination of many Mosina Community Mosina children and grown-ups alike. An Tel. +48 512 227 912 unforgettable ride on a handcar through the forests of Wielkopolski An unforgettable ride in a bicycle trolley on National Park will be a cherished a closed train track from Puszczykówko to Osowa memory for years to come and the Góra. The ride takes place in alternation. It is an view from the observation tower interesting, attractive and active way of spending will amaze quite a few visitors of the free time with no age limits. Poznań area.

An active way to spend free time with no age restrictions photo by Archive of the Trolley Rail in Mosina Trolley of the Archive by photo

F 1,2 km

Mosina 35 Open Air Piastowski Pobiedziska 2 Trail Miniature 3 Burgh Museum photo by Archive of the Poznań Tourism Organisation Tourism of the Poznań Archive by photo Burgh of the Pobiedziska Archive by photo Pobiedziska Pobiedziska Poznań Pobiedziska Pobiedziska ul. Fabryczna 68 ul. Fabryczna 1 Poznań Pobiedziska Community Pobiedziska Community Tel. +48 579 665 665 Tel. +48 730 716 663

The open air Miniature Museum is a park with scale The Pobiedziska Burgh is a wooden reconstruction models of historic objects as well as interesting of a fortress from the beginnings of the Polish parts of Wielkopolska city housing. They are State, located on the historic Piastowski Trail midway a faithful reproductions of the original buildings between Poznań and Gniezno. On the grounds, with all details intact, made in 1:20 scale. Some of there is an exhibition of full-scale Medieval war the models in the museum are the Rogalin Palace, engines, an armory, a shooting gallery with war Raczyński Library, Gniezno Cathedral and Poznań engines. In addition, the visitors can take part in Old Market Square. various games and medieval playschemes.

Dozens of scale models of famous buildings Great of Piast Trail and adventure Wielkopolska for children and adults photo by Archive of the Poznań Tourism Organisation photo by Archive of the Pobiedziska Burgh

C 0,7 km C 0,8 km

Pobiedziska Pobiedziska Letnisko Letnisko 36 Train Scale Model Observation tower 4 in Borówiec 5 in Mosina

photo by Archive of the Train Scale Model in Borówiec Train of the Archive by photo Poznań Łysakowski P. by photo Poznań Borówiec Mosina ul. Uroczysko 1 ul. Pożegowska Kórnik Community Borówiec (at the end of the street) Tel. +48 61 897 15 11 Mosina Community Mosina

This 1:87 scale model was built on over 250 square The wooden tower with an observation deck in meters, and is still being expanded. It features Mosina is 16.97 meters high and is located in the so 12 rail sets in constant motion, passing one called clay pit pond area, as a part of the Natura 2000 another and running in accordance to a constantly site and Wielkopolski National Park. Near the tower changing schedule. Apart from trains, the model there are camping shelters, benches and bicycle also has moving cars and planes. In an area of stands. You can take a walk along a marked path for around 50 square meters, the visitors can also the parking lot to the tower and back, and see the admire a scale model of an airport. The runway National Park’s glacial formations, its ora and fauna, is 12 meters long. Fully light planes taxi the airport with their description on the information boards. model surface. The entry on to the tower gives you the opportunity to enjoy the panoramic view of the Park and Poznań city not far away. Nearby, there is a municipal beach 12 rail sets which is open during the in constant summer season. motion photo by Archive of the Train Scale Model in Borówiec

E 2,8 km F 2,4 km

Gądki Mosina 37 Observation tower Indian Village 6 – Dziewicza Góra 7 in Łopuchówko photo by Archive of the Poznań Tourism Organisation Tourism of the Poznań Archive by photo in Łopuchówko Village of the Indian Archive by photo Czerwonak Łopuchówko Czerwonak Poznań Łopuchówko 1 ul. Dziewicza Góra 5 (by the roadside from Czerwonak Community Łopuchówko to Worowskie Lake) Tel. +48 608 347 190 Murowana Goślina Community Poznań Tel. +48 502 449 792 widokowa-na-dziewiczej-gorze

The area around Dziewicza Góra is a spot for the The Indian Village is a place where you can learn lovers of nature and active leisure. Its location about the everyday lives of the native tribes of and infrastructure makes it an ideal base camp for North America. Painted tipis, richly adorned clothes organized hikes, trips and individual walks. Its or weapons allow you to feel the atmosphere of the great tourist attraction is the observation tower old hunters and warriors. It is also an ideal place for on the top of Dziewicza Góra. On the top of the anyone who likes to spend their time close to nature 40-meter construction there and who is naturally curious about other cultures. is an observation cabin, and You can try your hand at archery or spear throwing, below it an observation and show your strength and agility on an obstacle deck with a glorious view of course. the panorama of the forest, Poznań and its surroundings. The atmosphere of the world On the top of the of old Native 40-meter construction Americans there is an warriors and observation cabin hunters

photo by Archive of the Indian Village in Łopuchówko

B 3 km B 3,6 km

Czerwonak Łopuchowo 38 12 Trapper Hut 9 Park Dzieje photo by Archive of the Trapper Hut Hut Trapper of the Archive by photo photo by by photo Bolechówko Bolechówko Murowana Goślina Murowana ul. Lipowa 50A Poznań ul. Bracka 9 Goślina Czerwonak Community Murowana Goślina Tel. +48 693 160 293, Community Poznań +48 663 523 921 Tel. +48 609 547 205

Trapper Hut offers many agritourist attractions, Park Dzieje is a family-run park of entertainment ideal for anyone who loves outdoor leisure. Walks, and education. At weekends, you can watch films hikes, cycling trips, horse riding, as well as dog spectacles with horse re-enactment groups. sleighing guarantee lots of fun and entertainment The guests can take advantage of animators’ services for both kids and adults. who carry out a variety of activities, competitions and workshops. Children may become spectators and actors in fairytale theater, visit the mini zoo, knight's playground and archaeological sandpit. In June and July, you can see the largest night open-air spectacle in Poland "the Eagle and the Cross – Independent".

Here you can feel like on the Wild A unique West place where everyone can move in time photo by Archive of the Trapper Hut Hut Trapper of the Archive by photo photo by by photo

B 1,6 km B 0,5 km

Owińska Zielone Wzgórza 39 Explore the surroundings of Poznań with Poznań Metropolitan Rail

The Poznań Metropolitan Rail (PKM) is a new offering that helps you explore the surroundings of Poznań. PKM is: • Modern fleet, • Travel comfort, • A large number of connections (every 30 minutes during peak hours), • Upgraded interchanges, • Park & Ride, • Bicycle-friendly infrastructure (cycle lanes, Bike & Ride), • Joint Bus-Tram-Train periodic ticket, • Less traffic jams, • Shorter travel times, • Lower travel costs, • Environment protection. More about PKM: photo by Koleje Wielkopolskie Koleje by photo