2011 BUTLLETÍ SOCIETAT MICOLÒGICA VALENCIANA FUNDACIÓN MUNICIPAL ESCUELA DE JARDINERIA Y PAISAJE EXCM. AJUNTAMENT DE VALÈNCIA Nº 16 2011 16 5¢ -<5+(*0Ô54<50*07(3 ,:*<,3(+,1(9+05,9Ð(@7(0:(1, ,?*4(1<5;(4,5;+,=(3Ï5*0( Butll. Soc. Micol. Valenciana 16.2011 2 Butll. Soc. Micol. Valenciana 16.2011 HONGOS LIQUENIZADOS Y LIQUENÍCOLAS DEL PARQUE NATURAL DE L’ALBUFERA (VALENCIA, ESPAÑA). VIOLETA ATIENZA TAMARIT (1) & SIMÓN FÓS FOS MARTÍN (2) (1)Dpto. de Botànica Facultat de Ciències Biològiques. Universitat de València. C/ Doctor Moliner 50, E-46100 Burjassot (València).
[email protected] (2)Servicio de Biodiversidad, D.G. Medio Natural, CMAAV CITMA, Generalitat Valenciana, C/ Francisco Cubells 7, E-46011 (València).
[email protected] Abstract: ATIENZA, V. & FOS, S. (2011) Lichenized and lichenicolous fungi from the l’Albufera Natural Park (Valencia, Spain). Butll. Soc. Micol. Valenciana nº 16: pág 03-39. One-hundred and twenty-two twenty-one lichens and three four lichenicolous fungi species identi- fied in the l’Albufera Natural Park (Valencia, Spain) are listed. Bacidia trachona, Dimerella tavaresiana, Marchandiomyces corallinus, Porocyphus rehmicus, Verrucaria hladuniana and Xanthoria polycarpa are new records for the Valencian Community. Thirty-six species are mentioned for the first time in the L’Albufera Natural Park, and twelve species are recorded for the first time in the Valencian province. The scarcity or several characteristic species of coastal ecosystems and the possible extinction in the territory of other species reported in former research works have also been confirmed. The causes are related with the severe ag- gressions of the past and with their isolation, surrounded by big water masses and by a strongly trans- formed environment.