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- Aefewekedeeietiel re. Letter, 1 i, 'Folio Post, Blottinn1 BOOk8 . afe.belf bound, Cep, Demi and Medium, Memorandums, in great variety,. -EnveldPes,,Steel • _ Pens, Inks and Ink stands, Copying Presses Globes Date Calendtira ::wafers . , Séals; Clips, Stamps; Racks, Drawing sInstruments, Water Mors, Pencils,'Music 'Peér, 71710in ;4trings,.,Doniinoés, Drawing, Fancy and Photograph Paper,' Tracing or Vellum Cloth,;.Portfalios, eferatice Files, Sealing Wax, Chess Men, Backgammon Boards, Slates, Mucillage, •Visiting Cards, MaChines,;etC- ., etc. Alway. s on hand 'a fine assortment of . ‘. • G OLfl PEdS ANOFX NE pocKelibC U1(L RT eie nrieeco 1 , - ) , • I VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. , a. ar.%~Wxq:,V1V, 47-ALIM C301qrp 4GX-L3E13E!1V idb LIVERPOOL. I I . :d01q0L-UL-U, Sandwi6h lelmids. - - - - - JANION------.- -& - - - -..GREEN ------9- -

Foot of Johnson Street, near the Bridge, Tictoria , t~tlfik 'outJd6trk-ftas" AssonatI0116 sW-The unders fonedr beg leave to notify Merchants Ship Owners and Ship INfasters, that they have received th6 appointment as AGENTS at 'Victoria, Vancouver's' Island, for . the, LIVEAPOOL UNDER- 'WRITERS' ASSOCIATION. Ift GrMMEMNT.

GOVERNMENT- STREET, VICTORIA,, V. I. - WThis,Hoiise iis, now- condticited on tbe, same principle as the C~E: :EX01T.TS]M',, OF SAN-YRANCISCO . kY. - .$1*00. 120ONS at $1 and'$2.peri Week.

& :N 'W4 a Li~rary of'ch6ice Books,' Atlantic;, EuropeaI j~and California Due, X, ICUS11~EO:Ko- VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS.

FIRE-P'ROOYBUILD G, 1A/;14ARF STREET, Adjoinilig the `^R.OYAL llOEL,"


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A TES . SI'REET, Adjoining the Bank of British North Âmeriea, VICTORIA, VA

MR. GAMBITe. was the first toppen a Dry Goods Store in Victoria, and while returning,thanks for public patronage, takes the opportunity of stating, the having inst returned from San Fran- cisco, he,can offer a large and new assortment of -Spring Goods. OMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF

„ BRO.A.DC:>CLOTHS C4SSIMERES & TAILORS' ,TRIMMINGS lezà*:; tep, ehgee, ,Oeacter8,., ant, .ioDys,:-Slothiag,. S Glov'es,

• «ôther:Goods, pertàIntog- IO:lhebitsiiie8.:atthè -LOwe'stPricdowest PrIejÉsl,- 8 SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. A. IOIII C's

S.4NSONIE STREET, UP-STAIRS, Extending from CLAY to COMMERCIAL BTS., XAT 4I&%a J^J?This House, having

Shoûtgaid^tcyuninPanc^ ^ip^sa^nt. greater Business Facilities

^^^^?^7-r^r- -^-^ than any other on the Pa- û-^v- ► And never i cific Coast, can and will .--pd - v, û--^.-r--^-i►-,-i==-e^---^----Y -i 901 at LOWER PRICES Sfi9u7aAaW.acqunin1•anee bejor3ot.. 16 I , pnd doys of Lari7 - 4-Syne F I A And all other MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Imported from the leading bouses in the U. States and Europe

!$^.x°x15tFr^►.G:*$IOl^ GrTJ'A^..A.1^T7E:F^. WM. SCllMOLZ Imstrument TYlaker, TRANSIT INSTRUMENTS, SOLAR 0O3tfI3P.A.SSES, . TI3EODOLITES, Y Leve&g Instruments IIICoAntain Earometere,, Xining Instruments, Assay Scales, LevelZng Rods, Chains, Hydrometers, Thermometers, Spectacles, etc. etc.

Having learned my business in the best European establishment, wherô only examined Survey ore and Engineers are admitted to six years' apprenticeship, and been actively engagéd since that time in the same line".for the last twenty years, all important work on this coast is done in my workshop-being most complete in its arrangement and as good as any in Europe. Instrutnebts' repaired in a workmanlike manner, and adjusted accurately, by VPM. SCkâMOLZ,- U8 Montgomery Street, San Fr=efsao. FIRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY;


ALSO, ffitial ItIst nf Peters, Vostal rrangemtnis



l'ItE • • qoutties 4 iennreutitit land and Mriiish





MARCH, 1860. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year Eighteen Hundred and Sixty, BY THE PUBL'ISHERS, In the Clerk's Office of the United States District Court for the Northern District of California.

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IT. has been thought by the author of the following work that the present being an -age of advancement, the period has fully arrived when our fair town of Victoria is of sufficient importance to deserve that index of commercial progress, a Directory. A Directory, in the full sense of the word, is a guide to the- streets, (to the stranger), the house^- in the -streets, and the occu- pants of those houses, whether privafie, individuals or engaged- in business pursuits. The trades then follow, in categorical, we should say alphabetical, order. Then, to offer additional facilities, is given an alphabetical list of all persons in the good town contained, irrespective of callings, of occupations, and if any or none. In a place of the largest resort, the work might be amplified by adding to this a Law Directory, a Postal Directory, an Official Directory, a Court Directory, etc. But : it, will be understood, at -a moment's' reflection, that Victoria is very far from reaching this point of importance ; and so our views with regard to it must be much -more moderate., we must only hope that it will ere long require increased attention' in this particular; arhen the author, assisted by public patron- age, will be most happy to. do justice to its political and com= mercial merits. It will be necessary, then; to remind - but very few lhat-vi^ toria-is the largest settlement on this Island of Vancouver: At a period of less than two years ago, the population of 12 FIRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY.

Victoria numbered but some few hundreds. The inhabitants of the Island consisted of but some twelve to thirty settlers, independently of the Hudson's Bay Company. (Vide Mr. James Cooper's testimony in the Blue Book.) A fortunate accident, the discovery of a certain quantity of gold—or shall we say, the fact of gold having been discovered in the country and its surroundings—first called the attention of the world to the small matter of the existence of Vancouver Island. This discovery took large dimensions. It was bruited abroad that the glories of California and Australia were to be repeat- ed:, not only repeated, but " pale their ineffectual fires " be- fore those of the "better land"; that as it had been found in the former country that the yield of gold increased towards the head or upper part of California mountain ranges, so it was fairly presumed that the boundless source of the precious metal was to be found on British ground. The influence of the "leading journal" mightily propagated the news. In the home country, men began earnestly to inquire for the shortest route to this new world of wealth ; and diligently did they, for the nonce, refer to their maps and geographies, and promptly was the information of the fact of Vancouver being, confirmed by business chart sellers and " geographers to the Queen." Then were peaceable inhabitants of Great Britain further surprised by the intelligence that England had made herself another colony—two colonies—Vancouver Island and British Columbia. We learned that New Caledonia was thenceforth stripped of a portion of its area, in extent about seven hundred miles; namely, all west of the Rocky Mountains, in that hitherto terra incognita, British North America, as far as the Pacific Ocean, and running from the boundary of the United States on the South, to Simpson's River and Peace River on the North ; that Queen. Charlotte's Wand was to be part of it. We learned that the Hudson's Bay Company's charter, then shortly to expire, was not to be renewed in the two colonies—in fact, in British Columbia—was to cease, and did cease immediatety on the reading of the Queen's proclamation constituting the colony. This proclamation was read by His Excellency, the PREFATORY REMARKS. 13

newly- appointed Governor, , on or about the ,,,,ratr November of last year. We had been already informed, in reliable intelligence, that above 35,000 immigrants, from California and elewhere had already arrived, and had produced a most marvelous state of transition in the two countries. On arriving here, we found, to our surprise, a town of already some little pretensions. Houses had been built where before

only intended ; streets were formed, stores filled and goods sold; wharves built for the convenience of landing passengers and goods. The former had sometimes arrived in numbers of 1,800 and 2,000 at a time. " The Fort " began to be surrounded, and strangers had already to ask their way to it. Victoria, in short, had some- thing the appearailce of a reality, small though it was. As time grew on, we were further convinced of the earnestness of its intended career of vitality, by the remarkable pains, wheth- er in charity or not is perhaps a moot question, taken to kill it, and deny its existence and that of the gold country, by patriotic news authors, in whose eyes its progress was unde- sirable.

It may be thought stepping considerably out of one's path, not as a chronicler of Victoria's history, but simply refreshers of its memory, to enlarge on the thrilling steps necessary to, and taken by, the adventurer, possessed by the "auri sacra fames." The last quotation might lessen our pity ; or pity we should, and sympathize with we must, those 'bold spirits who from far and near, rushed to the social (? solitary) strife, and braved distance, danger, an unknown topography, a treacher- ous navigation, a subtle and often cruel foe in Indian shape ; and all quite as much in search of the wonderful, the unknown,

the terrible, as of mere utilitarian gold ; for it must have been known to the large mass of adventurers that success would not be their guerdon. Then began fatally to tell the ignorance in which the country, by great accident or fortuitous circumstan- ces, had hitherto been shrouded. Who knew that "the Sound was perilous to cross ?"- Who knew that "a thousand islands" in dread archipelago, surrounded by and playing with a thou- 14 FIRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY. sand perverse counter-currents, were to be met and passed. That, though spiteful for its size, and rich in wreck debris, and gluttonous of human bodies, as was the fell " gulf," there was a " deeper still ," that subtle Fraser river ran swiftly to embrace in death the inexperienced mariner (2). That after concealing its entrance to the sea by low, undignified, sedgy borders, as if ashamed of past misdeeds, and doing its all if not to repel the uninitiated, at least to mislead before destroy- ing; (and many and fairy-like are the tales to be told by those who deal in " toils and dangers past," of most abstruse communings with the fickle element in intricate search after the gates of that new gold paradise, and of cruel robberies by unsympathizing Chinooks in the golden dream.) It was still news to the lucky adventurer, who happened to enter this sometime forbidden portal to the happy land, that, before hope- ing to tread thereon, he might be overtaken by the unan- nounced approach of dread winter, which could, on an emer- gency, alter in a few hours, by draping in snow, the leading features of the scenery ; it was news and bitter to the feelings to pursue one's " even'tenor " and camp under snow. Rain, ice, frost, and snow, and river currents of Fraser " rolling rapidly " (when in its glory, untold-of miles per hour), all fraternally combined to receive, in benumbing wel- come, the sturdy pioneer. Full well was their sinister work done. Will the roll ever be published of the unnumbered deaths in that fatal stream, on those uninviting shores, threat- ened by those gloomy cañons? Enough, we know how many of the hopeful arrivals left us in disgust, from various causes, and the gold fever abated. All this evil arose from a want of available communication by land or water. We know now that the first steps in all new countries are to establish communications, level the steeps, bridge the gaps, cut the forest trail, follow it with the bullock- waggon track ; then the metalled road, and finally the rail- way, follow. Are tb.ere indeed lands which the poor settler may turn to account and supply himself with daily bread ? Do not arid Tocks, useless trees, and savage animals., in turn, present the features of the country.? Then, by all means, let roads be PREFATORY REMARKS. 1^J opened. Are, perhaps, poor settlers daily arriving, anxious, :eager to begin the early work? Engage them, then, in the useful toil, government providing tools, covering, wood, and water, and remunerative wages. When these are satisfied with their meed of labor for the public and their own good, let them .be succeeded by others ; let the never-failing stream of immigration supply the labor for the ever-to-be-continued work. As each one performs and discontinues his share, let facilities (and for these facilities we .say, to the country and their fellow-subjects at least, are rulers responsible) be afforded for permanent settlement to the will- ing crowd ; let land, 'at first, be liberally given away, and beware of grants for speculative purposes. Land, wild, ten- anted only by the bear, the wolf, and the deer, is valueless ; .but land obtained gratuitously by industrious men, and by them made to produce the 11 fruits of the earth," is valuable, because turned toits natural and intended use, and enhances .the value (gqives it then, in fact,) of the remainder. Let reserves be kept in all suitable places, and, as population .increases, then ask-because then just-a moderate price for :the land. We say, then, that we await, with hopeful expectation, the .forming of roads through the length and the breadth of these colonies. We wish for much of that liberal spirit to be shown which, exercised in profusion, would evince the greatest fore- sight-the granting gratuitously of land for settlement. Let, at once, information be wide-spread as to the resources of these .fertile lands, liberal in their great agricultural resources, not treeless, and so inviting lazy toilers (if the expression be allow- able), but rich in promise of fertility ; lands of many and navi- gable waters, where drought will ever be unheard-of, available for numerous Red River and Saskewatchan settlements ; resour- ces in fisheries--cod and salmon (to which the Tweed must, and Columbia- river does, yield the palm) in thronging schools ; venison here half the price of butchers' meat. Coal, copper, and -iro.n, doubtless, and other minerals abound. Resources in .some of the finest timber, of which treeless neighbors are glad to avail them.selves. All this without even mentioning the gold, which, without dispute; it contains. Let this knowledge 16 FIRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY. be widely circulated, let it be known to the scarcely-noticed, hard-struggling workers at home that England possesses, AND EASY OF ACCESS, not " the gem of the Antilles," but in Van- couver Island, the gem of the Pacific ; a second self in its position, commercially, for East and West, and geographically in view of the proposed North American Railroad from Can- ada. In climate, superior to England ; no easterly winds, and. but few fogs here, whide it is well known that the Pacific side of the continent, in common with western Europe, is far superior to the east Atlantic slope. And, when this informa- tion is thus afforded, let these colonies, with unstinted hand, give free passages to the crowds there palpitating to come to us, on strict and independent condition of returning the amount at an early date to pay for others. Let us now descend to facts. A number of wharves have been constructed this past season; a new timber bridge across the James Bay has been built, giving access to the newly- erecteçl government offices for public lands and the Goverilinent House, all in brick and of an ornamental character ; streets leading to the bridge have been new graded ; several of the leading streets have been metalled over, and are passable at all times. A temporary want of funds alone prevents more being done in this way, as also the completion of two embankments (in lieu of bridges) in a ravine severing two of our streets. Wooden buildings have ceased to be the order of the day, thus diminishing the constant dread of fire. • We note the establish- ment of an agency of an underwriters' association. We have been fortunate in hitherto escaping with but one single disaister in this shape. This latter had one beneficial effect. Some public-spirited citizens taking the lead, a hook and ladder com- pany has been organized, and subscriptions, to a considerable amount, made to defray the necessary outlay of building, hook and ladder, engine, etc., and a sum set apart for the erection. Plans and specifications have been intrusted to an able architect and contracts have been made at this writing, so that we trust soon to number this useful public safeguard among our insti- tutions. We have a police barracks (which important building holds also the Supreme Court and. the Police Court), an ex- tensive warehouse (a • large bookstore and dwelling) of two PREFATORY REMARKS. 17 stories, at least two hotels of considerable dimensions, and several houses, all erected in brickwork with stone fronts and some pretensions. The Hudson's Bay Company are at this moment erecting a warehouse, of portentous dimensions, of stone, which they take the trouble to import from a distance not exceeding forty miles ; and a new bank, the " Bank of British North America," still further emulous of fame, has also, in the same spirited style, built itself an architectural home ôf rubble-stone faced with squared granite masonry. We speak within bounds when we assert that from twenty to thirty buildings (some of great pretensions) are in progress at this moment in the very heart of the town and its most valua- ble sites. An unprecedented quantity of lumber is being worked up, and the streets present a most animated appearance. Would we could speak so favorably of the state of the roads and ways and the prospects of the pedestrians. Great demands are made for a public hall for meeting and the want of a theatre is felt. The town is by degrees assuming, in its buildings, a staid, substantial appearance. If there is no rapid advance there is no retrogression here. The last few months have seen an increase in our legal defenders, and the arrival of an Attorney-General for British Columbia. We were long ago thought of sufficient importance to be worthy of a Lieutenant-Governor for British Columbia and a corps of sap- pers and miners. We have one establishment supplying books of a varied and valuable character, news depots and reading- rooms. For the latter we are indebted to the Young Men's Christian Association. We have seén, by an effort in the right direction, large tracts of land (20,000 acres) in the neighborhood of Victoria, put up for sale by public auction at the upset price of $1 per acre, and again at Nanaimo. It is with much pleasure that we can, in this reading, report one further fact. Through a slight relaxa- tion, by His Excellency, -of the usual conditions of occupying land in this colony, a number of settlers have been enabled to take up pre-emption claims of 200 acres each, on the lands of Chemainus and Salt Spring Island, about forty miles from Vic- toria. The number of settlers we believe to be fifty and about 100, respectively. This brings us to name the new Fran- 18 FIRST VICTORIA. DIRECTORY. cluse Bill, certainly a boon to the community ; we mean a slight advance on previous matters, and perhaps deserves better than to be, as it were, dismissed in parenthesis. One of the clauses in the bill gives the privilege -of one member in the New House of Assembly to represent the settlement just named. From British Columbia we have to note large sales at suc- cessful amounts, in the township of New Langley and the future capital, New Westminster. In this latter town we have a Treasury and Custom House already erected ; a considerable sum has been set apart for grading the streets. In the Colony in general several trails have been brought to a successful issue, and are now in progress (among the former one of twenty-five miles, from Fort Hope to Boston Bar)-which we accept as earnests of more in future. British Columbia can now boast of several townships of promise-New Westminster, Forts Langley, Hope, Yale, and Douglas ; Lytton City, at the extremity of a beautiful fresh water lake of an irregular shape, about forty miles long and an average width of four miles ; soundings have been found at ten fathoms. All duties of a varying value, leviable in British Columbia, to be paid at New Westminster. British Columbia has a Lieutenant-Governor, a Chief Jus- tice, an Attorney-General, District Justices, etc. The Fraser River, as high as the capital---nineteen miles up-is navigable for ocean steamers, which will, no doubt, show themselves fre- quently when the I 'Sound" channel shall be properly buoyed out. The ordinary ,river steamers proceed as far as Hope, sev- enty miles from the mouth. Successful efforts have,bPPn made (but discontinued) to proceed as far as Yale, fifteen miles higher up. The upset price of land in British Columbia is ten shillings, or two dollars and a half per acre. Some thousands of acres (if we have been correctly, informe.d as to all the facts) in the immediate neighborhood of New Westminster, can now be purchased for $1 25 per acre. Our gold exports present a$attering figure. In justice to the country, we are bound to say that, so far as the river dig- gings are concerned, the time for divesting them of their val- uable deposits is very limited in extent. Like all rivers sub- PREFATORY REMARKS. 19 ject to freshets, and dependent for the great supply of its waters on the winter snows, Fraser River is, in the season of the greatest heats, subject to considerable periodical and at times sudden increase of its waters, by the melting of the snows on its mountain-tops. During all the growth (rise) of the river its banks are of course unworkable. The miners who find their pay, for the most part, on these banks, or on bars as they are termed (aggregations of boulders, sand, and gravel, situ- ated in the bed and, for the most part, in the bends of the river), are of course driven off during this period. But from, say September till the frosts set in (perhaps November, as last year), a period of two months, and at intervals during the course of winter, the claims are workable ; the river is then low, and keeps falling ; all the snows for the season have con- tributed their waters, and these have run off. .Again, at„the close of the severest weather, and before the snows have yet had inducements to melt, another short season offers for the persevering gold miner—say from February till the middle of April, two months more. Thus, so far as the river diggings are concerned, the avilable time for working is reduced to about four months, with the exception of days here and there (in two periods), before and after the snow thaws, and not nine months in the year, as originally set out by parties in- terested in trumpeting forth the gold yield I We speak from experience, and defy contradiction. But, why should a great country, if depending at all on its gold yield, feel itself discouraged or brow-beaten by outsiders at the difficulty surrounding its river washings ? These should, in a sound order of things, be considered as extras to the usual bountiful provision of Nature in such matters. What should be looked for, and what, it will be remembered, we spoke of at the outset, is " hill diggings," deep sinkings. With respect to these, it may be taken, as something very much approaching absolute truth, from the great, in many instances (with the tben means), insuperable obstacles in the former part enumerated- want of communications, want of transport for provisions, hence famine prices—the country lias not been hith,erto properly explored (prospected). It is not when provisions are from fifty cents to one dollar per pound that men-can stay in a spot suffi- 20 FIRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY. ciently long (even if, with the formidable physical obstacles pre- sented by the country, a sufficient number can reach it) to report credibly on its resources. We here dismiss this subject, important as it is to outsiders, and proceed to the dry region of figures.

In trades and professions Victoria possesses seven butchers or meat salesmen, several fish and vegetable dealers, ten bakers, thirteen dry or fancy goods stores, six tailors, thirteen commission merchants, three chemists and druggists, three architects, one ambrotypist, eight or ten carpenters or con- tractors, twenty grocers and provision dealers, four hair-cutting saloons, three dress-makers,/ about twenty-five hotels, inns, saloons, and restaurants, six surveyors, three watchmakers, four lumber dealers, eight or nine medical practitionerg of dif- ferent classes, ten legal professors, of which four are barristers at law, two banks, four blacksmiths, machinists, and ship- smiths, three express offices, three newspapers (tri-weekly), seven auctioneers and estate agents, seven dealers in tin and hardware, three wholesale liquor dealers, six cigar and fruit dealers, two ship-brokers, one patent roofing dealer, four lodg- ing-houses, one tanner, one underwriter, one crockery and glass dealer, one fur-dresser, two seed dealers, two breweries, five milk-sellers, two saddlers, eight wharves.

With regard to religion and education, we have one Episcopa- lian Church, one Roman Catholic Church, one Wesleyan Mis- sion, one Congregational Mission, one Nunnery—Sisters of St. Ann—also school for females, one school under the auspices of the Roman Catholic Bishop, one Private Educational Institute, both. sexes, E. Mallandaine, late J. Silversmith ; one Young Ladies' Seminary. We call attention to our Official Directory, of which the list has been furnished direct from the office of the Colonial Secre- tary.t We have an hospital, started originally by the Rev. E. •Cridge, of Christ Church, and now sadly overburdened with debt, and several benevolent societies. , A Masonic Lodge is in course of formation ; the charter bad PREFATORY REMARKS. 21 already arrived but has been returned to England for correc- tion. An Odd Fellows' Association has been in existence for one year. We have a Ladies' Benevolent Society, under the presidency of Mrs. Col. Moody. A First Hebrew Victoria Benevolent Society has been in existence some six months. The Philharmonic Society of Victoria, under the conduct of John Bayley, Esq., is among one of its oldest institutions, and numbers in its ranks many of its celebrities, and of British Columbia. The ports of Victoria and Esquimault receive ten river and sea-going steamers to supply the requirements of their increas- ing trade. Of these six are the property of the Colony, three of the Hudson's Bay Company, and two built in Victoria by navigation companies ; two ocean steamers (one British). We carry on a lucrative trade in lumber, flour and fruits with the ports on the Sound, and have bi-monthly communica- tion with the Atlantic States and the home government.

To finish, we have in Victoria a FREE PORT. This im- mense advantage, coupled with its commanding situation for an Eastern, an Indian, an Australian, and a California trade, with the best available harbor in this portion of the Pacific, backed by its unrivalled physical resources yet undeveloped, its position opposite the terminus of the North American and Pacific Railroad (which will shortly be an undoubted fact), pla- cing it in the highway of travel for English wealth and enter- prise, will, no doubt, ere long, place it in that prominent posi- tion we must all wish for it.

In conclusion, we have but to place our work, in its present state, in the hands of an indulgent public, appealing with con- fidence to their • support, in return for which corresponding efforts will be made to.plaCe before them, at a future period, a work more worthy of them and our town. It is in present contemplation to amend and republish this work twelve-monthly, or six-monthly if desirable. The wishes and patronage of the public will be Qur guide. • The publishing of the present work, small as it 'is, has not been unattended 22 FIRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY. with expense, and for any remuneration, we are candid in stating, we look forward to a second issue, when other resour- ces of mutual advantage to ourselves and the public (of whiqh the latter, we trust, will not be slow to avail themselves) will no doubt compensate the author, who will take as a favor the being informed of any errors or omissions whatsoever in names, descriptions, or residences. E. MALL.A.NDAINE.

BRO.,.P.n STREmT, vICTORI.A., E. MALLANDAINE, ARCHITECT, Of over three years' experience in tuition, son of the late Colonel John Mallandaine, IEL E. I. C., takes the opportunity of informing Parents and Guardians and the general residents of Victoria, British Columbia and California, that be bas purchased the interest of ; the above School of Mr. J. Silversmith. In assuming the sole direction, and while calling attention to the great advantage.of his central situ- ation, Mr. E. M. would state that it is-his intention to receive, as. usual, children of both sexes-and instruct.in all the elementary branches of an. English education ; the girls,.,in ;addition,, being taught Plain Nee- dle-Work, by a competent teacher whose attendance E. M. has: secured. More advanced pupils will be instructed in regular courses of Pen- manship, Declamation, Arithmetic, French, English and French Com- position and Grammar, in the Elements of Euclid, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry. and Astronomy. Private lessons in any of the abooe ; also. in drawing, Mensuration, Elementary Algebra, and the principles of.. Architecture . and Design.. For terms and other particulars see Prospectus, which may, be had on application to E. MA.LLA.II^TDAINE.

- X. B:-Evening School also, from 4 xill -7 P. M., and 8 1-2 till 10, for the- con- venience of adults, or children engaged during the day.' MM, les Français sont invités a;faire un. cours: d'Anglais le soir, ou ,a envoyer. a l'école leurs enfants, a qui l'on apprendra en, outre, la^.Gramaire et l'Hiàtoire Françaises.



- GE N E RAL HAR DWAR E. JAMES BELL, JOHNSON STREET. ROBERTSON, STEWART & CO., Œmmizzion trtbantzt YATES STREET, VICTORIA, V. I, I.,-44411»■-•-•411.1■-_ STORAGE. Goods taken on Storage and deposited in a Fire-proof Street. Warehouse, Yates Liberal advances made upon Merchandise in • Store.

Corner Yates and: Government Streets, vidroBTA, V. L



GOVE RN O1I DO UG L AS, 354 Tons Burthen, and COLO NE L M OODY, 350 Tons Burthen, ALEXANDER S. MURRAY, Commander.

The above Steamers, built at Victoria, V. I., and owned by the Victoria and British Columbia STEAII NÂYIGÀTÏON COIIPANY,. Are reputed to be the finest specimens of Stern Wheeled River Steamers on the Pacific Coast. These Steamers run with great regtiilarity,. TWICE A WEEK, ---FROM-- NEW WESTMINSTEA , POST DOUGLAS AND FORT HOPI , ON FRASER RIVER.

SAMUEL PRJCE & CO ."AGENTS Corner of Wharf and ,JoLnson Streets, Victoria; E I. GENERAL DIRECTORY OF CITIZENS.

ADAMS, John R. Douglas Street, W. side. Adams, Daniel Fowler, carpenter and builder, Douglas Street, E. side. Adams, Samuel, " New Westminster Times" Office. Aimé, (See Edgar trk Aimé.) Alexander, Mrs. View Street .above Douglas. .Alston, Edward Graham, barrister-at-law, Yates Street, inter- section Government. Allatt, Thomas Smith, Rae Street. Allen William, (Thomas Trounce.) Anderson, Alexander Canfield, Vancouver Street. N. • Anderson Robert, Lock End, Victoria. Anderson, Junior, (Dickson, Campbell & co.) Andrews, Fred., Clifton House, Broad Street Antoine, --, fish and vegetable dealer, Johnson Street. Antoine, --, Li Ci Archer, John. (S'ee Saulay f Archer.) Atkinson William, Broad Street. .Augur, Nicholas, Shutazea. Augusta, Fredenck Taliafera, Johnson Street. Austen, Robert Howe, Fort Street. Backus P. M. auctioneer, El Dorado Saloon, Yates Street. Baillie;Dr., office Yates Street, over N. Moore et Co. Balcie, John Government Street. Balls, George, Victoria. Ballou - Express Office, Wells, Fargo & Co's. Balthazar,ar, Audie, ' Victoria, Barnade, Thomas S - Barnett, Geo. "New Westminster Times" Office. Barnston, Johnston George Hillbride, colonial barrister-at-lavr, Government Street. Bastian, George, fish dealer, Waddington Alley. 26 FIRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY. Bayley,Bates, Edward, Charles FairfieldAlf~ed, Bayley's Farm. Hotel, residence Broad St . Bayley, John, Superintendent of Police, the Barracks . Beattie, Stephen, clerk El. B. Co. the Fort. Beavan, (See Francis & Beavan.) Beegan, Francis, Yates Street, N side. Begbie, Matthew B., C. J. B. C. andJ. P. Begg, Jonathan, gardener and nursery-man, Government Street, E side. Belasco, Abraham, fruitier, etc. Johnson Street. Bell, James, hardware store, Johnson Street. Bewler, Ashbury, Johnson Street . Benton, Ch.. A., "Invitation House," Broad Stree t .Bigham, Samuel, Harbor-Master's Office, Kaindler's Wharf . .Black, Nathaniel, (G. J. TV-right.) , Blackman, Abraham, hardware store, Yates Street . Blessing, --. (See Gordon & Blessing.) Bogan, W. F. (N. Jfoore & Co.), Bond, W. View Street, S side. Booth, Edward, Fort Street. Bouchon, Joseph, (Watson & Kane.) Boyce, E. F. (ff. S.porberg & Oo.) Braverman, J. cigar depot, Royal Hotel. Breban, C. sign painter, Johnson Street, N side. Brew, Chartres, Superintendent of Police for B . Peace, V. L, Hotel de France. C. and Justice "British Colonist" office, , editor and printer. J. R. Watson, John Flint, John F. Damon, Wm. Ough- ton, J.'Shepherd, John Brownstone, Murray ,Brock, H. Johnson Street. . Brodrick, Richard, KaindlQr's Wharf. Brodrick, William, Fort Street. Bromis, George, groceries and provisions, Johnson St Brown, Henry, Meares Street,'N side. . N side. Brown, William, Government Street. Bownstone,J. "British Colonist 11 office. Brunn,- A. J. tailor and draper, Yates Street Buckley, Joseph, American . Buhler, Asbury, (3forris d- .Co Hotel.) . Bunster, Alfte4 W. agent Colonial Brewery. Bur"ke, Joseph, Government Street. Burnaby, Robert. (See Hendersen d- Burnaby.) Burnes, James, wines and liquors, Yates St. and . Wharf St. .,B-alrr, G6org~j colonial -teacher, Yates Street . 1 Butts, John, bell-ringer and town-crier to H . B. M. Bylep, Gporgp, Scoresby Street, (E. J. Wight.) FIRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY. 27

Cabanot, François, Park Street. Caire & Grancini, hardware store, Wharf Street, W side. Calder, Alexander, surveyor, Douglas Street. Campbell, George. (See Dickson, Campbell & Co.) Cameron, T. farrier and blacksmith, Cormorant Street. Cameron, David, C. J. for V. I., residence Belmont. Capron, G. G. blacksmith and shoeing forge, Yates Street. . Caravello, J. D. real estate and commission agent, Johnson St.

Cairy , Geo Hunter, Attorney General for V. I. and B. C., Goy- , ernment Street, N side Carroll, J. D. Yates Street. Carroll, Mr. Government Street. Carswell, James. (See Hibben & Carswell.) Carworth, Joseph, (H. L. Davis.) Catman, George, Collinson. Street. Cavanagh, J. M. (A. Blackman.) Charity, C. boot-maker, Government Street. Chambers, -, brick-layer, View Street, S side. Chamberlain John, (Kelly & Co.) Chamborg, J. hat dealer, Waddington Street. Charles, Mr. clerk H. B. Co. the Fort. Chauveau, Furrier, Johnson Street. [St. Clark, Rev. W. F. Congregational Mission, residence Johnson Claveris, Pierre, Butcher, Yates Street. Clerjon, N. physician and surgeon, Government Street, E side. Clifford, Charles Albert, Clerk H. B. Co. the Fort. Cochrane, John S. civil engineer, surveyor and land agent, View Street, S side. Csar, R. Saucelito Baths, Government Street. Cohen, H. M. Texas Store, dry goods, Johnson Street. Cohen, Harris, tailor, Yates Street, N side. Cohen, M. Johnson Street, S side Cole, Dickinson & Co. San Francisco Market, Wharf Street Cooper, Charles, (S. 1?einhart & Co.) Conch Thomas, ( Watson & Karte) Coke__r, Edward, blacksmith and machinist, Engineer Fire Department, ree of Yates Street Colquhoun Mr. Pandora Street Conolly, Dr.' T. Waddington Alley Cook, William, Humboldt Street Cooness, Stacey, Johnson Street

Copland, John, solicitor, Yates Street • Corbinire Prosper, groceries and provisions, Yates Street Cormack, 'Wm. Ennes, Grant Street, Colonial Office Corry, J. & J. provision and miners' outfit, Government St. Corry, James, (J. c J. Corry) 28 FIRST VICTORIA. DIRZCTOBY.

Cotsford, Thomas, Chatham Street Coulter, Charles, Johnson Street Conturier, Pierre, Humboldt Street Cramsie, ---, (.Dickson, Campbell & Co.) Crawford, James, Broad Street Crease, Henr Perkins ^Pellew, barrister-at-law and commis- sioner, ember House of Assembly, Government Street Creighton, George, View Street Crespel, , tailor, Broad Street, E si d e Cridge, Rev. Edward, Christ Church, Y. I., the Parsonage, Humboldt Street Crowley, J. J. iron and hardware, Johnson Street Crowther, Richard Atkin, painter, Yates Street Curtis & Moore, chemists and druggists, Yates Street Curtis, James. (&e Curtis & Moore's adv. back cover.) Cusheon, John Ducie, Union Hotel, Government Street Cusson, Charles, Government Street

Dallas, Alex. Grant, Director Hudson Bay Co., residence Government Street Damon, John F. "British Colonist" office Dandridge, John, Johnson Street Dart, C. P. Waddington Alley, w' side David, Jules, ship broker, Wharf Street Davis, Hiram L. butcher, Yates Street Deans, James, Oak Hill Farm Deans, George, 44 49 Demers, Bishop, R. C., Humboldt Street Denny, -, Yates Street Derham, Bartholomew, American Bakery, Johnson Street Derham, Edward, " it « it De Cosmos, Amor, editor and printer, 'British Colonist" office De Courcy, John Fitzroy, Victoria ` De Cugis, Dr. A. Johnson Street, S side D'Heureuse; Rudolphe, architect, Yates Street Dickson, Campbell & Co. commission merchant, Johnson St. Dickinson & Lane, tinware dealers, Johnson Street, S side Dickinson & Co. (See Cole, Dickinson & Co.) Dickinson, Edward, Queen's Market Dickson, John, (Kelly d- Co.) Dickson, Dr., Government Street Dietz, Frederick, boot-maker, Yates Street Dillon, Johnson Street, S side Doane, Jos. Homer, Victoria Dodd, Capt. Henry, Ccsrmorant Street Dogg ett„ Edward Bowers, Broad Street w side D'Osier, Yates Street, W side, and wharf Street FIRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY. 29 Dougall, John, Hope Point 1-Drake, M. W. T., law office, Wharf Street, E side Drierd, Sosthénes, Colonial Hotel, Government Street Drummond, J. S., tin and hardware, Yates Street Dulip & Waddington, Waddington Street, N side Duncan, James, Yates Street Dundas, Rev. R., Pandora Street Dunlevy, Mrs., .American Hotel Restaurant Eckstein J., California Saloon, Johnson Street Edgar &' Aimé, groceries .and provision, Wharf Street Ella, Henry Bailey, Broad Street Elford, Robert, residence, Colonial School, Yates Street Eliott, Wm. Alfred Elsassar, Samuel, general dealer, Yates Street, N side Engel, Fred., & Jacob Miller, Ger. bakery, Yates St., N side Estall, Thomas, McClure Street . Fabre, Francois, Miners' Restaurant, Waddington Street Farewell, Thomas. (S. R,einhart CO.) Fawcett, Thomas Lea, Fort Street Ferguson S., builder and contractor Fellows, Alfred,' ironraonger and hardware, Yates Street Fellows, Arthur. (A. Fellows) Ferro, Dominic°, groceries and provisions, Gov. St., W side Finlayson, Roderick, chief factor, H. B. Co., the Fort Firth, Robert, Government Street Flett, George, Gordon Street

Flint, John, • Government Street Folentinar. (See Matthieson & Folentinar.) Foshay, R. W., Yates Streets, N side Fossorier, Antoine, watchmaker, Government Street Fox, J. E. & A., haircutting saloon, Yates Street Fox, John Edward, (J. E. & A. Fox.) Fox, Archibald, (J. E. A Fox.) Francis & Robinson, groceries and provisions, Yates Street Francis & Beavan, Union Market, Johnson Street Franklin & Co., auctioneers, Yates Street Franklin, Lomly. (Franklin ik co.) Franklin, Selim E., auctioneer Member in Muse of Assembly. Franklyn, Wm. Hall, Hotel de' France Franke, Donald, Humboldt Street Frazer Peter J. (Thomas Trounce.) Freeman, Thomas Palmer, Waddington Street Frellish • & Co., Charles, contractor, _Yates Street hied, Jos., tent and sign maker, Yates Street Frontin, Charles, commission merchant. 30 FIRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY.

Gagn.on, Antoine, Humboldt Street Gambitz Kady, dry and fancy goods, Yates Street Gaub,* m., Blanchard Street Gardner, Francis H., Broad Street, W side Gastineau, John, civil engineer and surveyor, Yates Street and Humboldt Street Gerry, Frank P. (N. Moore & eo.) George, Robert. (N. Treweek & Co.) Ghirardelli & Co. commission merchants, Johnson Street Gibbs, M. W. (Ae Lester & Gibbs.) Gilmore Alex., tailor, etc., Yates Street Gibson, 'William, cigar dealer. (Patrick & Miles.) Gohier, Charles, Vernal Hotel, Johnson Street Gladwm, J. S., clerk of Huntoon & Co., Wharf Street Golledge, Richard, clerk H. B. C., the Fort Golden, Thomas (F. H. _McCann.) Golding, James, 'American Saloon, Yates Street G-ood, Charles, Colonial Office Goodwin, Patrick. (A. Gilmore.) Gordon, Capt. Geo. Towline, Hotel de France Gordon & Blessing, contractors, Yates Street Gonie, Thomas Fort Street Gossett, Capt.. *. Driscoll, Postmaster, Government Street Green. (See Janion & Green.) Green & Co., A. R, commission merchants, Johnson Streets Green, Fred. Walter, surveyor, Yates St., residence Pandora St. Green, D., residence at Hoffman's Green, Mr. (See Price & Co.) Greszard, Frank, (Harrison & Layzell.) Griffin, Benj. Pitt, Boomerang Inn, rear of Yates Street Guert, John, rear of Johnson Street Guild, Webb & Co., commission merchants, Wharf Street Haas & Rosenfeld, hosiery and dry goods, Wharf Street Haas, L. (Firm Haas & Rosenfeld.) Haggin, Dr. J. B., Government Street Hall, Richard, Chatham Street Hall, Ph. John, Fort Street Hamilton, Charles, Victoria Halcrow, Gideon, carpenter and builder , Government Street Hanson, J. C., carpenter, Government dtreet Handy, Jos. Bridge, corner Cook and View Streets Hardi, Dr. J. P., Yates Street, S side Harris & Co., Thos., butchers, Victoria, residence Broad St. Harrison & Layzell, painters, rear of Yates Street Hautier, Louis manufacturer of syrups and bitters, Johnson Street, W? side FIRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY. 81

Heaton, Geo. W. Sheriff, Vancouver I., office Sup. Court Ho. Efelmcken, John Sebastian Ashburton Lodge Henderson & Burnaby, (of London,)i Wharf Stréet Herford, F. ( W. F. Herre.) Herkimer, Jacob, saddler, Yates Street, N side Harron, Thomas W., View Street Hibben & Carswell, stationels, etc., Yates Street, S side Hicken George, Victoria Market Hicks, 'Nathaniel Milby, (S. Price Co.) Hincelin, house and sign painter, Johnson St. N Side Hobbs, Geo. Washington, Johnson Street, Hoffman A. fancy and dry goods, Yates Street, cor Gov't Hoffman, II, dry goods store cor. Yates and Government Sts. Hoffman. (H. M. tbhen Homfray, R., sur. C. E. land and mining ag., Trounce Alley Hoppe, Benj., (H. M. Cohen & Co.) Yates Street Hoyler, Bricklayer Howard, John H. ( Watson & Kane.) Huntoon & Co., (Groc. & Prov.,) Wharf Street Buson, Chas., Pandora Street, S side Huston, Guy, gunsmith, etc., Yates Street, S side Hyppolite B., baths, Johnson Street Iroine, John, Rose Bank Isaacs C., fruit and dry goods, Johnson Street Jackson, J. B., lumber dealer, Wharf Street Jackson & Co., Provid. Rest., Johnson Street Jackson, Thomas, carman, Fort Street, N Jackson, E. H., Pandora Street, N side Jacobi D., groceries and provisions, Government Street James, Silas, Yates Street James, James, veterinary surgeon, Broad Street, W side Jefferies, Ingraham Newton, sign painter, Yates Street Jesse, Robert, clerk H. B. Co., the Fort Joe & Maulette, American Exchange, Waddington Street Johnson, Aaron Johnson, Bich. Henry, Meares Street Johnson, John Henry, _American Hotel, Johnson Street

Jollobois Bapt., Baton, Victoria District • Jones, Miss, View Street, S side Jones, Thos. Newman, Fort Street Joseph, Jos., law, Johnson Street • Kaindler, -, wines and liquors, Johnson Street Kane. (gfee Watson & Kane.) Kaufman, D., tailor, Yates Street, N side Fran VICTORIA DIRECTORY.

Kells, —, builder, Fort Street, S side Kelly &- Co. hardware store, Johnson Street Kerneen, Edward, bricklayer King, Edward Hammond, Editor and Printer, " New West- minster Times," " Government Gazette," " Victoria Ga- zette," residence View Street, S side Kennedy, Alex. Aug., Burnside Lachorme, —, Humboldt Street, N side Laing, Robert, Victoria Harbor Lalére F. & Lèdrier, Barre Française, Store Street

Lane, - , (See Dixon & Lane.) Langford, J. P., Langford's Lake Langridge, —, Johnson Street, W side Langley, Alfred John, drug storestore, Yates Street Larmaan, boot and shoe maker, Street, S side Laughton, Thos., Morrell Street Lawrence, Geo., Wharf Street Latache F., news depot, Johnson Street Leach, Jokn, Yates Street Leask, James, Fairfield Lebland & Co., Ch. F., Geo., Coffee Depôt, Johnson Street Leclaire Aimé, Store Street Legassick, tailor, Government Street, E side Leigh, William, Uplands Farm Lemon, John, Burnside Leneveu, —, seed and feed store, Johnson Street Lester & Gibbs, groceries and provisions, Yates Street Lewis, Philip, fruit and tobacco, Yates Street Lewis, R. contractor and builder, cor. Government and Brough- ton Streets Lewis, Herbert, the Fort Lewis, John C. Johnson Street, S side Levine, Leon, Humboldt Street L'Hotelier, L., groceries and provisions, Yates Street Liddle, James, Bilstoia Cottage Lions, Honoré, groceries and -provisions Humboldt Street Livingstone, Andrew, (Kelly & Co.,) Johnson Street Little, John T., wharf and store, Wharf Street Iongaker, J. D. surgeon dentist, Government Street Lott, Chas. F. eSee Dixon, Campbell Lowenberg, Leopold, estate agent, Government Street Macauley, Donald, Humboldt Street Main, Alex. Findley, Stamp's bridge Majewski, C., bootmaker, Johnson Street, N side FIRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY. 83

Mallandaine, Edward, architect, also, select school, Broad Street, near intersection of Yates Street Mansell, Edward, ( Webstpr & Co.) Yates Street Mansell, James, Leadenhall Market, Johnson Street Manetta, P., Miners' Saloon, Johnson Street Manley, Dr., Trounce Alley, Government Street Mackenzie, Alex., (Jas. Bell & Co.) [Wharf Marchand, jr., & Co., Aimé, assay office, Yates Street, near Marks, Elias, watchmaker, Yates Street Martin, M., groceries and provisions, Humboldt Street Martin, Mr., Pandora Street, S side Martin John. (Jacob Herkimer.) Martin A. dry goods and provision store, Wharf Street Martin S. Martincourt, Nich. (See Leblond & Co.) McCann, Thos. H., Phenix Saloon, Yates Street McCracken. (See Richards & He Cracken.) 1VIcCrea, Jos. A., auctioneer, Wharf Street, W side McCaskill, Kenneth, 11 New Westminster Times" office McChardy, Charles, (Jas. Wilcox.) McClure, Larned, "New Westminster Times" office McDonald & Co., Bankers, Yates Street, S side McDonald, W m. J. (See Reed & McDonald.) McDonnell, McDonell, Rarcard John, Humboldt Street McGennis, James; bowling saloon, Waddington Street McGrath, J. F., tanner and glover, Store Street McKay, J. G., elerk H. B. Co., the Fort McKay, John Gordon, wine and spirit merchant, View Street McKenzie, Kenneth, Craig Flower McTerman, Patrick, bakery and coffee stall, Johnson Street McNeil, Gonzalo, farm McQuade, Peter, groceries and provisions, Government Street Medina, Paolo, general furnishing store, Broad Street Melrose, Robt., Allandale Merriman, Peter, Fairfield farm Messikommer, J., groceries and provisions, Johnson Street Michaud, Jos., fRre, C. V. R. C. establishment Milby, Nathaniel, wharf, Johnson Street Milditch Samuel, Pandora Street, S side Miles, Walter & Co., wines and spirits, Johnson Street, and Government Street Miller, . (See Engell & Miller.) Miller, E. (M: Sporborg cE Co.) Montgomery, W., auctioneer, Wharf Street, E side Moore & Co., N., dry goods store, Yates street Moore, Jas. (Langley Brothers.) 34 FIRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY.

Moore, Michael. (Curtis & Moore.) Moote Samuel. (N. Moore & Co.) Morris, Henry, (&e fforris d- Co.) Morris, John C. E. . Morris-& Co., groceries and provisions, Johnson Street Morris, Mrs. Lettie, dressmaker, Yates Street Morris, Samuel. (Harrison Layzell:) Morris, Thomas G., Douglas Street Morris, James, bootrnaker, Yates Street, N. side Mortimer, Robertson, (firm A. ffarchand & Co.) Moser, J., tailoring, etc., Johnson Street Moses, Wellington Debey, hair-cutting saloon, Government St. Moss, Charles, Fort Street Mowatt, Wm. Alex. Clifton Cottage Moulter, L., seed and prodûce store, Johnson Street Muir, William, Government Street Mü.ller, Peter, View Street, N side Murphy Patrick, Johnson Street, S side Murray, ---, British Colonial Office

Nagle, Capt. J. Harbor Master, office Wharf Street Naverre, Alfred, commission merchant, Wharf Street Naylor, William Brooke, Broad Street Net Leverett, meat and vegetables, Government Street New Westminster Times," 11 Government Gazette," Edward Hammond King, editor and printer. Geo. Barnett, Sam- uel Adams, George Wilson, Leonard McClure, Ken- neth McCaskill Nias, George, " New Westminster Times " office Nicol, Geo. Johnson Street Nier, George, (See Worth & Nier) -Nind, Philip, (Henry Nind) Nogrois, Leon, baker, Johnson Street Nott, John, Royal Hotel Nutall, Thomas Chauncey, (S. Price cE Co.) Nin, Opu, (S. Risely) Norris, John G. Johnson 'Street Norn, Samuel, (Mr. Douglas)

Oatrain, Francis, Hillside Farm Odell, Thomas, saddler, Johnson Street Offelt -----. (&e Wolf & offelt) Ogle, James, Yates Street Oliver, William H. commission merchant, Johnson Street O'Neil, John, (John C,opland) O'Reilly, Robert,. Johnson Street, S side' Oughton, Wm. 11 British Colonist " office FIRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY. 35

Pacey, Robert, " A.merican Hotel " Page, Jas. baker, Johnson Street, S side Parker, J. livery stable, Johnson Street Passeraud, Charpentier, Johnson Street Pattesen, Arthur, Bank Exchange, Yates Street Pattrick, Thos. & Co. wine and spirit dealers, Johnson and Government Streets ^-w• Pearkes, Geo. law office, Government and Yates Streets Pease, A. S. Union Wharf Peatt, A. boot and shoe manufacturer, Wharf Street Pearse, Benjamin W. surveyor, Land Office, res Fort Street Pelton, J. Milo, (C. Vereydhen) Pemberton, Augustus, Commissioner of Police and Justice of Peace Pemberton, Joseph Despard, Colonial Survey and Land Office Pendergast, C. C., Wells, Fargo &. Co. Yates Street Perrett, Frank, (J: D. Carroll) Perroding, , groceries and provisions, Johnson Street Perry, John, (A. J. Brunn & Co.) Petibeau, Mrs. Y. Ladies' Seminary, Victoria Street Phelps, Edward, Fort Street, S side Phillips, A. Pioneer Soda Works, Humboldt Street Phillis, Randall, Yates Street Piage, Jules, Johnson Street, N side Phelan, T. groceries and provisions, Yates Street Pickett, Wm. & Co. groceries and provisions, Wharf Street Pidwell, C. J. & Co. furniture dealers, Yates Street Pidwell, John Trevasso, Yates Street Pierce & Seymour, furniture dealers, Yates Street Pierson, Mrs. M. A. millinery and dry goods, Government St. Piggott, T. J. fur dresser, Johnson Street Pointer Nathan, gents' fancy goods, Yates Street, res Johnson Street, S side Poe, A. M., Clifton Hôuse. Broad Street Pollock, L. (P. H. Backus) Porter, Joseph, Clerk; House of Assembly Poston, E. J. (.M: Sporborg & Co.) res. Broad Street Power Robert, Franklin Street Prag, Martin, hardware, Government Street Pritehard, C. View Street, N side

Rabson, Thomas, groceries and provisions, Broad Street Raby, James, Humboldt Street Ray, W m. boot repairing, Wharf Street Rea , W m. Herald Street Reil & McDonald, general store, . cor. Wharf and Vine Street.. 36 FIRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY.

Reid, Jas. M. (See Reid & McDonald) Reinhart, Samuel & Co. wholesale liquors and provisions, Yates Street Reynolds, G. A. wholesale wines, etc. Wharf Street, res View and Jonglas Streets Rhodes, Henry, (Janion & Green) Richards & McCraken, patent roofing manufacturers Richards, F. Gilbert, tailor, Johnson Street Richardson George, Victoria Hotel, Government Street Ring, D. B.' attorney Bingo, Samuel, • restaurant, Yates Street Riseley, Geo. butcher, Rose Cottage Market, Wharf Street Robertson, Stewart & Co. commission merchants, Yates Street Roberts, R. Yates Street Robson, Thomas, proprietor " Invitation House," Broad St.

Robinson, - . (See Francis & Robinson) Roche, B. T. groceries and provisions, Johnson Street Rosenberg, (See Solomon & Rosenberg) Rosenfeld, J. (See Has & Rosenfeld) Rosenfeld, A. " " " Ross, John, Oakland Farm Rowland, -Wm. Rae Street , Matthias, Strawberry Farm Ramsey, William M. D. Trounce Street Russell, Thomas, 'Tyne Bank Russell, John, Springfield House Sampson, -, Pandora Street, S Side Sandriè, -, restaurant, Cooke Street Saulay & Archer, groceries and provisions, Waddington St. Saward, W. P. lumber meraiant, Wharf Street Schmidt, Geo. bootmaker, Waddington Street Scott, Robert Scott, J. J. carpenter, View Street, S side Scott, W. A. hair-dressing saloon, Johnson Street Sculley, Wm. (Harrison & Layzell) Sewell, Jas. Johnson Street, S Side Shanks, Hugh, carpenter, View Street, N side Shannon, Solomon, fruit and tobacco, Yates Street Sh.arp, -, Johnson Street Sharp, Charles, Pandora Street Sharp, Mrs. View Street, S side O Sharon, W. lumber dealer, etc. Yates Street Shaw, - View Street,. N side • Shepherd, J. " British Colonist " office [Street Shirpsir, H. & E. Cheap John auctioneers, Johnson near Wharf FLRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY. 87

Silver, Morris, clothing and dry goods, Wharf Street Silver, S. it ii 4i Li Silversmith, J. Broadway, near Yates Shannon Solomon, Yates Street Simson, A. camphene dealer, Yates Street Skinner Thomas James, Esquimault Smith, Wm. Johnson Street, S side Smith, Thomas Frederick, Waddington Street Smith, Geo. lodgings Broad Street Smith, James L. Cells, Fargo & ob.) Smith, William Burlington, groceries and provisions, Govern- ment Street Sokolowski, David, (Phillip Lewis), Yates Street Solomon, Joseph, Johnson Street, S side Solomon, Nathan, & Rosenberg, dry goods store, Yates Street Solomon, Isodore, (S. Franklin ck co.) Southgate, James John Wharf Street Sourich, Pierre, milk ler,dea Broad Street Sparrow, -, Chatham Street Spencer, William, tailor, " Invitation House," Broad Street. Spencer, John groceries and provisions Sporborg, M. -Wharf Street Stamp, Edward, Government Street Stainslawsky, Geo. (C. Vereydhen) Staples -, watchmaker, Yates Street Steel, Ùrs. lodginas, Fort Street Stephens, E. B. P. Griffin) Boomerang Stickles & Taylor, carriage builders and turners Stewart, Capt. John Robertson, Government Street St. Ours, Felix, commission merchant, Wharf Street (formerly Sullock, Charles, Broad Street [A. Kaindler) Swanson, John Sweeney, bricklayer Tarbell, Frank, Wharf Street Tashl Isaac, clothier and tailor, Yates Street Taylor, -, tailor, Johnson Street Teague, John, cabinet-maker and undertaker, Trounce Street Terecithe, John • Thain, Mr. (S. _Price Co.) Thain, James, mason, James Bay and Wharf Street Thibandeau, •Godefroi,:frère C. V. Thorne, Jas. Cooke Street Thornton, W. convey.ancer and French barrister, Yates Street Tiedemann, Hermwan Otto, Land Office Tilgb.mann, Mrs. H. dressmaking, Govern.ment Street 38 FIRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY.

Timmermann, J. B. conveyancer and estate agent, Government Street Tod James, Spring Farm Tod, John, Oak Bay Tomlie, Dr. William Fraser, Chief Factor Hudson's Bay Com- pany, Hillside Trane, Thos. (I. N Jefferies) Yates Street Trimble, Dr. Government Street, W Side Trounce, Thos. contractor and builder, corner of Douglas and Rae Streets Tuit, P. milk-seller View Street Turner, Peter, (S. Franklin' & Co.) Tuzo, Dr. Henry Atkinson, at the Fort - Upshur, J. groceries and provisions, Humboldt Street Urgel, Panze, (Thos. Trounce) • Vinelberg, Everett, Yates Street Varry, Rev. Charles, Roman Catholic Church, Humboldt St. Vignolo, Geo. groceries and provisions, Govern.ment Street Viocava, G. groceries and provisions, Government Street Woolon, Henry, Broad Street Wilkinson, Francis, Government Street, res Labouchere Street Whitby, Stephen, Douglas Street Wilby, Henry Edward, Kane Street Waddington, Alfred, Waddington Street Wain, Henry, Swan Lake Farm Walpers, Fred. (G. Riseley) Wallace J. W. Jr. (Dickson, Campbell & Co.)

Walls William , (Reid & McDonald) Waldron, L. paper-hanger, Wharf Street

Wallace, Henry, (Kelly & ( O.) Warner, J. Union Bakery, Johnson Street Washington, T. Yates Street Watson & Kane, raachinists and general blacksmithing, Store Street and Yates Street Watson, David, Yates Street, S side Watson, J. P. " British Colonist " office Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express Office, Yates Street Wheeler, Daniel, (.A. J. Brunn) Wight, S. J. solicitor. and Notary Public, Yates Street Wilcox, James, Proprietor Royal Hotel, Wharf Street Williams, Thomas G. Registar S. C., Court House Williams, Thomas, boarding house, View Street Williams, Capt. Thdmas boatman, the Wharf FIRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY. 39

Williams, William, Johnson Street, S side Willie, Robert, cigars, Bayley's Hotel Wilson, H. C. lumber dealer, near Humboldt Street Wilson, George "New Westminster Times" Wilson, .Alexander, messenger, Bank British North .America Winden, W. A., "Invitation House," Broad Street Wing Chung, washing, etc. Johnson Street Wirth, George, de Nier S., ale and lager beer, Government St. Warton, David, Broad 'Street •Whannell, P. B., Clifton House, Broad Street Wolf Lewis dry goods, Yates Street Wolf & Effélt, produce store, Wharf Street Wolf; Capt. American Hotel Wolfe, Jas. E. carpenter , builder, and contractor, Yates Street Wood, Fred. Win-illy, Manager Bank British North Ano.erica Wright, John, architect, Yates Street Webster, James, importer boots and shoes Webster, John, Yates Street Work, john, Chief Factor, Hudson's•Bay Company Yates, James, Craigie Lee Farm Young Chas. Bedford, Johnson Street

Zelier, Madame, coffee saloon, Johnson Street Zelner, William, drug store, Government Street

J. A-. 1%/LcCIL=1IMIL. .vittionetr• an 1( ..4/e;onurtiszion • • ittpint, Vel--1.11.1Rœ SOE'REET- J. A. McCREA, having leased that large and commodious Sales Boom, situated on Wharf Street, near A. Kaindler, is piepared to recieve Merchandise, either for Public or Private Sale. He will also give his personal attention to the sale of Real Estate. A Register will be kept of Property. for Sale. Jer REGULAR SALE DAYS—MOND.ttY and THURSDAY. P. M. BACKUS, Jet.10r R3Cm3E 111" 3E1 3E1 YATtS STREET IN THE EL DÔRADO, Will attendU to Sales of Merchandise, Vessels and Real Estate. SALE DAYS—TijESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY. /Mr Real Estate for sale at private sale. 40 VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS.

Corner of Yates and. 'Waddington Streets, OT &IMO ITZRY DA r SOUPS—Mock Turtle, Clam Chowder, Ox Tail and Vegetable, every day. This Favorite Resort keeps constantly on hand a choice selection of French Brandies, English and Spanish Wines, Cliquot Champagne Wine, Catawba 'Wine, Sainsevain's Native California Wine, English Ale and Porter on draught and in bottles, together with a choice selection of all kinds of Liquors. Those that are fond of a CHOICE HAVANA will do well to call. A choice sole° tion of Scotch, Irish and Bourbon Whiskies always on hand to make Hot Punches egr lint TOM and JERRY every day, and a pleasant room to sit down and be happy. CALL AND SEE. MCCA.1\1-1■1". FIRST JEWLLERY ESTABLISHMENT IN • TANCOTWEI:t'S IS14.41.1\TID.. ••••• VINEBERG (SD STAPLIES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN CLOCKS, WILTOIL18, JB1111414BR

Spectacles, Faacy Articles, Breasteas, Etc. N. B.—Particular attention paid to the repair of Chronometers, Watchas and Jewellery, at moderate prices.

E D 177 AR I) El & FOX, [ Mr. 'Edwards formerly of Sacramento, Cal.] Bathing, Shaving, Ilair Cutting and Dressing » Yates Street, North side, opposite Stationers' Rail, TIIE MOST COMPLETE OF THE IIND IN VICTORIA, WITH EVERY CONVENIENCE AT COMMAND. Special attention is .:paid 1O .the Dyeing :Olt 'Hair, Whiskers .and Mustaches. VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. 41 siLT PRIN( ÏIJJNB TOJLL POST OFFICE AND NURSERY

The subscriber will keep çonstantly on hand a choice Stock of FLOUR, GROC . ERIFS AND PROVISIONS , DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, ETC., Which will be sold CHEAP for CASH, or Exchanged for Country Produce.

The Subscriber has also commenced a NURSERY of FRUIT and ORNA- MENTAL TREES, together with HEDGINGS, ROSES, FLOWERS, Etç., on his farm, at Salt Spring Island, where hé hopes to be able to supply those favoring him with orders, on the best of terms. J_ ]BEGG-_ H. M. c o^ E iv, Wholesale and Retail Clothing Emporiums, Corner of Waddington and Yates Streets, . 6ND ALSO Johnson Street, South side, near Wharf Street, Vû^^OO IâiE^a ^o ûo

Seeps constantly on band and receives by every steamer the most complete assortment of Fash- iouable and -aubstantial Wearing Apparel and Gentlemens' Furnishing Articles, consisting of Coats, Pants, Vests, Shirts, Cravats, India Rubber Goods, Boots, Shoes, (waterproof do)', Hots, ;Caps, &c., ALL AT THE LOWESTPRIOES. Call befora purcàh.a^ix^g al^e^rhara. If CALIFORNIA BILLIARD AND REFRESHMENT ^^r .^ 1 South East cor. of Waddington and Johnson Sts.


This,: Establishment possesses the FINEST =- BILLIAIRI3 TABLES, IN : TM ÇULOM. of1109, sp P10 UTIla St ^^AIR Pâga^ &P L^^^O OF THE FINIM. BRANDS. 4 42 VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS.

ex> U1VXiUJJ kl4tfresitintnt ,%altien evIcerceRIA., v.. L. or This is the most fashionable resort in Victoria, for spending an evening in healthful exercise. TIMM 133EIST OF Ws, Li ors and Cigars, constantly on hand. WM. R OWLAND, Menten9r COZT AC OR BAY STREET, CORNER OF THE CHURCH RESERVE, "VICTOIR,I.A., V_ L. IIIIaII I-aMN7‘71819 Wholesale and Retail Dealer in the finest quality of

Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, Pipes, Matches, FRUITS, CANDIES, PRESERVES, EGGS, ETC. YATES STREET, NORTH SIDE, Directly opposite the Bank, VICTORIA, V. I. ABRAHAM LEWIS,

And Fancy Articles,

OFFICE, - - - Royal Hotel, Victoria, V. I. Is prepared to execute all orders in this line, and deliver the same at the cheapest rates, at the purchaser's residence. VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. 43

WT. S. I)RÛ'lR11i11a►11TD, DMAL4E3R IN ttTvi?$ &* inwan, Yates Street, above Bayley's Hotel, VICTORIA, V, I.

^ ^, ' '^^, I ,^ " i^^VuuW ^^^f !^ ^ AN ^+ %ili GOVERNMENT STREET, east side, near Yates Street, ^2(DU®M2&9 70 110 KRAFT & TRICHE,.... PROPRIETORS. R. LEWIS, Contractor, Builder and Undertaker, COR. OF GOVERNMENT AND BROUGHTON STREETS, FattOAâmw 716 i. DICKSON, CAMPBELL - & CO.,


^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ X C31- X-X rM r

ad511?4 MEIRA6199 YATES STREET, VICTORIA, V. I., Is Prepared to furnish designs for all kinds of Public and Private Buildings. W° Superintendence, Valuation and Measurement of the different descriptions of Mechanical Work connected with building. 44 VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. AMERICAN TEMPERANCE IIOTEL YATES STREET, OPPOSITE THE BANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA.

This Hotel offers the best accommodation to the traveling community as well as to permanent residents. BOARD and LODGING ON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS. W. B. THOMAS & B. ZIMMERMAN PROPRIETORS. D. JACOBI, SIUIU !U.. 0 GOVERNMENT STREET,

Between Yates and Johnson Sts., M0,2QO MUL9 70 110

Receives consignments by every shipment from California, consisting of Dry' Goods, Blankets, Groceries, Provisions,

G. Gr., OAPRON5 Blacksmith, Ship à Carriage Smith, Is removing to his new and cominodious premises, on the South side of Yates Street, bet. -Government and BroadWay, Takes this opportunity of stating that he is now prepared to execute all descriptions ot BLAOKSMITR$' WODK, FORGING AND SHOEING , ALSO, THE CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIRING OF S^pt^pozC¢rs, ¢#r., 6arfia^e liZes a6 girts, VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. 45

MARCHAND Jr. & CO., Yates St, third door above Macdonald & Co's Bank, 41%.fflfflAtalfeM3Et.ffl — OF —

9 Assays of every description promptly and faithfully made, and returns given within six hours in bars or coin, at the option of the depositor. Aime Marchand has been connected with the eell known Assay Office of HARRIS 86 MARCHAND, in San Francisco, Sacramento and Marysville, California, for the last four years, and during that time they have given general satisfaction to the public. We guarantee the correctness of our Assays, and by permission refer to the the following well known Banking Houses and Express Offices in San Francisco : B. DAVIDSON, TALLANT & WILDE, PARROTT & 00. ABEL GUY, WELLS, FARGO & CO., FREEMAN •Sr CO., SATHER & CHURCH. Also, by special permission we refer to the BANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA, in Victoria. MORRIS & CO., JOHNSON STREET, NEAR GOVERNMENT. 4++ We would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Victoria and its vicinity to ou,r choice selection of (buteritz anb rotizionz, EMIR" JAMS, JELLIES and SAUCES,


Gr.. I. "Th7V1Er3EIEML", umeroe, so Go Go VICTORIA, V.. I..

MR. G. I. WIGHT, NOTARY PUBLIC, for all Her Majesty's Territories, Colonies and Dominions. By Special Appointment from the Archbishop of Canter- bury,and duly filed in the Office of the Dean of Faculties, Doctors Common's London.

Wo. II • 0 1.11 IT M FL Importer and Wholesale Dealer in FINE ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERICA.N Signors; (4hantpagnts, Çarets, It tki 111' fee JOHNSON STREET, OPPOSITE TirILA.RF, vsouoraL, vo

They have in Store constantly, and for sale, the Choicest Brands of Fine Liquors OLD TOM GIN, in Puncheons and Cases; SCOTCH WHISKY, ic ic ic JAMAICA RUM, i ‘ CC MARTELL, 1VIARETT AND SAZERAC s, D.A.1=LIC .A.I\Tr) Port and Sherry Wines, OF THE MOST CELEBRATED BRANDS. 41?iitquot, leidslitik, and jinpelid 011tainpagne Mine, CLARET WINE% IN CASKS AND CASES', California Wines, Red, White & Angelica, SPARKLING CALIFORNIA CHAMPAGNE, CHOICE OLD BOURBON WHISKY, ClIOICE OLD MONONGAHELA WHISKY, And every description of Case Goods in use by the trade and dealers generally. VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. 47 Bank of British North America, ESTABLISHED 1836. Incorporated by Royal Charter in 1840. C1.4b...PITAUtip £190009000. CO-C7letT OF rnizmaToe,s_ HENRY BARNWELL, Esq. WILLIAM R. CHAPMAN, ESq. ALEX. GILLESPIE, Esq. THOS. II. BROOKING, Esq. JAMES Jonx CUMMINS, Esq. Sm. A. PELLET GREEN, R. N. ROBERT CARTER, Esq. JOHN BLOXAM ELM. Esq. FRANCIS LE BRETON, Esq. WILLIAM CHAPMAN, Esq. OLIVER FARREX, Esq. Jornv RANKING, Esq. SECRETARY, CHARLES M'NAB, Esq. BANKERS,..... THE BANK OF ENGLAND, .. • ..MESSRS. GLYN, MILLS & CO. Mata,blinalimeamtno alma. thee Colcznaieei. GENERAL MANAdER, TEIOM AS PATON, Esq. QUEBEC, Canada. KINGSTON, Canada. DUNDAS, Canada, ST. JOHN, New Brunswick. MONTREAL, do TORONTO, do BRANTFORD, do HALIFAX,Nova Scotia,and OTTOWA, do HAMILTON, do LONDON, do VICTORIA, V. I. Agents in New York :...... R. C. FERGUSON, F. II. GRAIN, & C. F. SMITH, 29 WIT...LIA.14, STRMIErr- ITICITCUEIZA. 3:31=1,-4LNCIME. Yates Street, three doors below Government, North Side. GOLD DUST AND BILLS OF EXCHANGE PUB,CHASED. DRAFTS ISSUED ON London, New York, San Francisco, Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia And on the Branches of the PROVINCIAL BANK OF IRELAND, and the NATIONAL BANK OF SCOTLAND. OFFICE HOU1tS-10 A. M. to 3 P. M. SATURDAYS-10 A. M. to 1.P. M. P.. W.. 'WOOD, Manager. C. J. PIIYVV-ELL & CO., MIRE DEALERS, A.erES STIPMErre HAVE just received a large invoice of assorted Furniture of the latest fashions/ consisting in part of common Dining, Rocking and Library Chairs, Bedsteads, Sets, Sofas Center Tables, Ladies' Work Tables, etc., etc., all of Bedding, Bedroom which will be sold at the LOfrEST CASE PRICES.

The Latest Fashion for Gents' Garments is Good Goods & Good Workmanship. Z. 3E3 Ft 1LT NT I‘T „

Tr, 1 Qua An» 111- Yates Street, next to WeLls, Fargo 8z Co's Express Office. Parties furnishing their own materials can have their Garments Cut and Made at reasonable prices. English and French Cloth, Cassimeres, Vestings, and Tailors' Trimmings o Superior Quality always on hand. 48 VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS.

The undersigned, baving taken the store lately occupied by N. Treeweek & Co., on ŸATMS STIR:8,ET„ OFFERS FOR SALE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF

ING9 ID Ift BOOTS, SHOES, BLANKETS, PERFUMERY, YANKEE NOTIONS, CUTLERY, -"- ALSO A General assortment of otber Goods, SUITABLE FOR THE 1NDIAN TRADE, ALL OF WIIZCH WILL BE SOLD 119 4IlNYI 019 TIMM 11219NMU Having been long engaged in this line of business, they have made such selections as will suit this market, and solicit their old customers, as well, as new ones, to give them a call before purchasing elsewhere. KOSHLA:ND & BRO. ^. J. . TY]Et , WHARF STREET, NEAR VIEW, &amalcre Wharf, T1t(QT(QWtA% To a CO qffiEMiSSION MERCHANT,

--Umm ab -4- Importer of and Dealer in the Best Brands of (I VICTORIA ADVtRTMMENT9. 4.9 WELLS9 FARGO & COeq, Im [ORGANIZED MAY 1852. CAPITAL, -$600,000.] SEND EXPRESS BY EVERY STEAMER IN charge of regular Messengers, to Oregon and Washington Territories and San Francisco, there connecting with our interior Express to all parts of California, and all parts of the United States and Canadas, via Panama, Tehuantepec and Southern Overland Routes . directUnsurpassed froni England, facilities Via forSouthamptonand dispatching Freight Aspinwall and Packages to all parts of Europe . Shipmetts rates. Packages and letters received up to latest hour.. TreasureChecks on shipped our office and in insured S44 Francisco at lowest Exchange on till the principal cities in the United States and Canada . LONDON,, and ROYAL BANK, DUBLI N . Also, oil UNION BANK Receive Deposits, general and special ;'Buy Gold Dust~ Land Warrants, Treasury Warrants, Bills on London and Certifi6ates on San Francisco Banks ; Advances made on Gold Dust. Purchase Goods of every description ; Execute Commissioas of all kinds, and make Collection s at any point in the United States, Canada or Europe . OFFICE-YATES STREET, BET. WHARF AND GOVERNMENT. C.- C. ]PENDERGAST, Agent. £3r.* XK yy £> IV 11, Yates Street,'below Wells, Fargo & Co's Express. G. HUSTON, begs to inform the inhabitants of this Colony and British Columbia, that he Manufactures all kinds of 11 Fi 14 0 Im Rifles, Guns)'Pistols, Pocket Pistols, &c. &q. Constantly on band and for sale all kinds of Aptnunition ; Powder of the best quality, Shot aud 8all~ oi every degdfilption,-abd Percussion Cap& N. B.-Arms of all kinds repairedi Cutlery for Sale, Grinding- and Sharpening . Groceries and Provisioits at Wholesale- and Retafl . NJVm 3P 3E!-3Xa P.A.1NT, Corner of Yates and Government Streets, ._ Respectfully calls the attention of the citizens of Victoria and its vicinity to the choice selection o f

Which he now offers to the Public 1~t ihe Most Reasoua~le jPriceso For Cash . English Biscuit, in. 10-1b tins; English 8=68, isms, and 4ellies ;'Mudtard, Vinegar,, Pickles, he'Fruft and Potted Beef and Hain, put up by Beatty & Co.; Londom, Black and Green Teas ; Crushed ,Sugar, in half barrels ; Carolina and China Rice; Boston Syrup ; Sandwich Island Mo- lasses ; Golden Gate Mill Flour; Extra Clear JPork, in half barrels; No. 1, China Sugar; Sandwich Island Sugar, in half barrels ; Extra Clear Bacon ; Rio and Java Ooffee, whole and ground ; Ada- mantine Candles ; Lamp Oil ; Natnral Leaf and Peabh brand, Tobacco; Fresh Corn Meal ; Buck- wheat Flour; 50-b sacks Chili Beans. Constantly receiving byevery Steamer from California and Oregon supplies of FRESH - BUTTER AND CHEESE. 50 VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. LANGLEY BROS,

YATES STREET, , Tucf:Jrilfi%t-kmCej ett !et 2, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL a —AND DEALERS IN— paints ils, Minileir ems,

Its)) ()S, C GE ( tce TO. ter Orders promptly executed at San Francisco Wholesale Rates. C. & A. J. LANGLEY, —WHOLESALE DEALERS IN- UGS, C IMPUMBIt MEDICINES, ETC Commercial Street, emzxur Unia.£1,1ZreEnuccactDie Cealelo M • ine et. A. GI- , GOVERNMENT STRÈET, EAST SIDE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Bar Iron and Steel, rt. c) 1v in ez. i cr STOVES AND TINWARE, OF EVERY DESORIPIION, Glass and Crockery Ware, Wood and Willow Ware, Etc., Begs to inform the public that he has the largest assortment of the above articles on this Island which he offers for sale at the LOWEST RATES. MIL E. IVIALLANDAINE, aecen me) Ctellautemea CUPULfi'dà.- OFFICE—BROAD STREET, NEAF. YATES, VIC TORIA, VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. 51 30›. ..àtc1.1:1L3E1.4a3C.A3C-18, YATES STREET, opposIteilacdonald & Co's Bank, IMPORTER, and WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALER IN

UI s , 1\TOVe" OFFEIet FOR THE FOLLOWING CHOICE BRANDS: 10 Pimcheons Scotch Whisky, 100 cases V. IL & Co., Anchor " Jamaica Rum, 10 " Swain & Board's Old Tom Gin, Holland Gin, 15 pipes Holland Gin, 50 cases Absinthe Suisse, 15 % casks Sazarac Cognac, 50 " Vermouth Rivoire, 10 " " J. Robins' Cognac, b0 " Scotch Whisky, Rob't Thin, 10 " " Martell Cognac, 15 " " Selgnette Cognac, 150 cases Claret Wine, 50 " John Durand, Haut Sauterne, 25 bbls. Bourbon Whisky, 10 bbls D. Gordon Sherry Wine. 50 bbls Alcohol, 10 " Crown Port Wine, 50 casks American Brandy, 25 hhds Alsop & Son's Burton Ale, 25 bask's Heidsick Champagne, 50 bbls Oregon Cider, 10 " Heidsick Champagne, Pints. 150 cases S. & B. Old Tom, 25 cases Rosenbaum's Bitters,, 300 cases London Dock Cognac 25 " Hostetter's Bitters, Brandy, 15 'e Turner's Forest Wine Bitters, 20 cases London Club House Gin, 25 " Boker's Bitters, 50 " Wolfe's Schnapps, 50 " Ginger Wine, 150 Cases Turner's Assorted Syrups, 100 Casks Byass' Porter, 4 doz each, 50 Casks Bass' Ale, four dozen each. SOLE .A.G.El\TT FOR THE VICTORIA BREWERY, Off-Orders from any part of the country punctually attended cALenEx. irMEL.11/1/5

Received in Bond by late arrivals a few invoices of fine Wines and Brandies. Martell Cognac, Sazerac Cognac, Bontelleau Cognac, Champagne, Maras- cino, Hostetter Bitters, Boniot Cognac, 1851, Seignette Cognac, Jules Robin Cognac, Curacoa, Anisette, Port Wine, Sherry Virine, of the best quality ; Also 100 cases of Marretti's London Cider. UttlIWtlItt REFITTED AND IMPROVED.

The above Restaurant, on Government Street, between Yates and Johnson Sts., having been thoroughly refitted, is now prepared to supply the wants of its old customers, and such new ones as may be disposed to give it a trial. The table is always supplied with every delicacy in season, together with all the substantial requisites for a good living. Mr" Excellent Cigars always on hand. VICTORIA .À.DITERTISÉMENTà. REID 86 McDONALD, enntmioien an q»szneral ertt'ants AND WaMME000V03MIM, WHARF STREET, CORNER OF VIEW STREET, Wetfill'eltZkep '70 Ze WM. BURLINGTON SMITH, Importer and Dealer in FOREIGN and DOMESTIC MOVIZIO11:, ETC. Government Street, near Yates, MOTOROAD 0.

By permission, refers to Rev. Mr. E. CRIDGE, and Trros. BRIDGES, Esq., F. R. L. S. GEORGE RISELY,

9 WHARF ST'REET, FOOT OF YATES STREET. The undersigned begs to inform the residents of VICTORIA that he has establised the above Market, where he intends to supply the BEST ;BEEF, MUTTON, PORK., etc., at the Lowest Prices, And he trusta-to the commun'Ay for a liberal share of their patronage. 4e. Superior CORNED BEEF, PORK, SAUSAGES, and fre3h Vegetables constantly on hand. ■•••■•■■■■•■■ SELIM FRANKLIN 86 CO., AUCTIONEERS AND LAND AGENTS, YATES STREM're "VICTORIA- srOWN LOTS in Victoria andEsquin' ialt, and Farming Lands disposed of at Public and Private Sale. Surveys, Plans, Deeds, Mortgages and Agreements, prepared by competent parties attached to the Office. Merchandise, Household Furniture, ere.. disposed of. Advances made on Consignments. CrCsieta /Yuen Zolaurethetssicea. OFFICIAL' LIST


As Received from the Colonial seeretary.

Governor-JAMM DoVGLAS, Companion of the Most 11onora- ble Order of the Bath, Governor and Commander-in- Chief of 'Vancouver's Island and its dependencies,. and Vice-Admiral of the same. Legislative Council-Donald Frazer, Esq., John Work, Esq., Roderick h'inlayson, Esq. ; Clerk, Rev. Edward Cridge. House of .9.ssembly-----.Tohn Sebastian Helmeken, Esq., Speaker. Pemberton, Esq.,J. W. MeKay, 'Esq., Jos. Despard A. Geo. Skinner, Esq., C. Stewart, Esq., James Yates, Esq. ; CleriZ of the House, Jos. Porter. Esq. The terms of the above officers. and members expired Dec. 31st,1859. Judge of Supreme Court-David Cameron, Esq., Belmont Ho., ; Registrar, Thos. G. Williams. .Acting Colonial Secretary--W,. A. 0. Young, Esq., Rose Bank, Esquimalt •, Chief Clerk,.1'h.ilip Nind, Esq. ; Clerk and Accountant, Joseph Porter, Esq. Acting 7reasurer-Capt. W. Driscoll Gossett, R. E., Victoria. Acting Attorney fleneral-George 1luriter Gar^y, Esq. Commissioner of Police-.Eiugusttta Pemberton, Esiq. •, Superini tendent, Mr. John Bayley. Acting Postmaster Génerab-Capt. W. D. Gossett ; Deputy, at present vacant. - High Shere-Geo, W. Heaton, Esq. ; Deputy, temporarily va- t cant. 54 'FIRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY.

Land and Works Department—Colonial Surveyor, Joseph Des- pard Pemberton, Esq. Assistant Colonial Surveyor, Benj. B. Pearse, Esq. Draughtsmen, Hermann Otto Tiedemann, Oliver Wells. Justices of the Peace—Hon. Matthew B. Begbie, Hon. David Cameron, — Langford, Esq., Augustus Pemberton, Esq., Jeremiah Nagle, Esq., Chartres Brew, Esq. Harbor Master—Jeremiah Nagle, Esq. ; Clerk, Sam. Bighorn.

PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS AND COMPANI1 ' Hospital, James Bay—Under supervision of Rev. E. °ridge. Christ Church, Episcopalian—Rev. Edward Cridge incumbent, the parsonage. Church of England—Services are carried on temporarily in the Police Barracks ; Rev. E. Dundas. Roman Catholic Ch,urch, Humboldt Street—Bishop Demers ; Rev. Ch. Varry, incumbent ; Jos. Michaud, Godefroi Thi- bandeau, Friars, C. V. Wesleyan Church—Temporarily in the Court Honse ; Rev. Dr. Evans, residence Broad Street. Congregational Mission—Assembly Hall ; Rev. W. F. Clark, residence Johnson Street ; Rev. — McFie, Eldorado Sa- loon, Yates Street. ,

Nunnery—Sisters of St. Ann. • Hudson's Bay ampany—In Vancouver, offices at Fort Victoria. Director, Alex. G. Dallas, Es., residence Government St. Chief Factors, John Work, Esq., Dr. Tolmie, Rod. Finlay. son, Esq. Clerks, Messrs. Charles Clifford, S. Beattie, Robert Jesse, Richard Gollege, --- Thorne. Bank of British North America—Established 1836 ; capital £1,000,000 ; Victoria Branch, Yates Street. Manager, Fred. Whatley Wood, residence Labouchere Street, Ac- countant, Alex. Watson, residence the Bank. Teller, E. M. Jackson, Pandora Street. Messenger, A. Wilson. Hook and Ladder Company. FIRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY. 55

Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express—(See advertisement) Yates Street, Victoria. Manager and Agent in Victoria, C. C. Pender- gast, Esq. Assistant, J. L. Smith. Ph,ilharmonic &ciety—President, Hon. Matthew B. Begbie, Vice President, Selim Franklin, Esq. Conductor, John Bayley, Esq. Secretary, Arthur T. Bushley, Esq., and about eighty members. Dashaway .Association, No 15—Meet at the Dashaway Hall, Wharf Street. President, Jos. A. McCrae. First Vice President, J. G. Johnson. Second Vice President, Richard Broderick. Secretary, Samuel Bigham, and about fifty members. Masonic Lodge—Master, Jos. J. Southgate. Sen. Warden, Geo. Pearkes. Jun. 'Warden. Capt. Jeffray.

First Hebrew Victoria Benevolent Society—President, Vice Presi- dent, Treasurer, Secretary, and about forty members.

Young Men's Christian Association and Reading Rooms—Rooms at Dr. Dickson's, Governm.ent Street. Subscriptions $1 50 per quarter. President and Vice President. Secretary, • John Cooper, Esq. Ladies' Benevolent Society.


Colonial School — Public. Yates Street, Victoria. Terms $5 per year. George Burr, Teacher. Craig Flower Public School. Roman Catholic .Elementary Sch,aol—Under Bishop Demers. Select &hod—Broad Street, Victoria, for children of both sexes. Tuition embracing the usual elementary and also all the advanced courses of instruction. (See advertise- ment.) E. Mallandaine, Principal. Young Ladies' Seminary—View Street. By Mme Petibeau. School of Sisters of St. .A.nn. 56. FTRST VICTORIA DIRECTIORY.

HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. Am,erican Botel---J. B. Zimmerrnan & Co., Proprietors, Yates Street, North side. Bayley's Hotel-Charles Alfred Bayley, Proprietor, corner of Government and Yates Streets. -Boomerang Inn-Griffin Benjamin Pitt, Proprietor, rear of Yates Street. Colonial .Hotel---Government Street. Hotel de France---Bernard & Mausiette, Proprietors, Govern- ment Street, East side. Johnson Street Bestaurant-W ierd & Titus, Proprietors, John- son Street, North side. Miners' Restaurant--François Fabre, Proprietor, Waddington Street, North side. Ringo's Restaurant-Yates Street. Royal gotel-,Jas. Wilcox, Proprietor, Wharf Street, East side, Union B'otel--John Ducie Cusheon, Agent, Government Street, East side. Vernon Rotel---Chas. Gohier, Proprietor, Johnson Street, North side. Victoria Hotel-George Richardson, Proprietor, Government Street, East side. Washington Restaurant---P. Matthieson & Volentinar, Govern- ment Street, West side. Providence Restaurantr-.P. Jackson & Co., Johnson Street, North side.

W HA BVES. 11)rice's Wharf-S. Price & Co. Union Wharf-J. T. Pease, .fia'ttle's Wharf-John T. Little. Myer's Wharf--- ,Rousset's Wharf- Kaindler's Wharf- Hudson Bay Gro.'s Wh,arf---- FIRRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY. 57



As received from the Colonial Secretary.

GoVernor--JAMES DOUGLAS, C. B., Governor and Comman- der-in-Chief of British Columbia and its dependencies, and Vice Admiral of the same. Lieutenant- Governor--Col. Richard Clement Moody, Comman- der of the Land Forces, Lieutenant-Governor, and Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works. Judge of Supreme Court of avil Justice--Mathew B. Begbie, . Egq. ; salary, 1700. Registrar, Arthur T. Bushby, Esq. Colonial Secretary's Department-Colonial Secretary, William A. G. Young, Esq. ; salary, 1500. Chief Clerk, Charles Good, Esq., Victoria. Clerks, Messrs. W. E. Cormack, • John Connell, Victoria. Attorney General-George Hunter Carey, Esq., Victoria ; sal- ary, X400. Clerk, E. B. Doggett, Esq., Broad Street, Victoria. Treasury Department-Treasurer, Capt. W. D. Gossett, R. E., Victoria. Chief Clerk, John Cooper, Esq. Accountant, Robert Kerr, Esq. Clerks, F. Wilkinson, J. Grahame. Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works--Col. Moody, R. E. ; office, the barracks, New Westminster. Collector of Customs--Collector, Wymond Hamley, Esq. Chief Clerk, W. H. McCrea, Esq. Clerk, Mr. J. V. Woolsey. Chief Inspector ofPolice^--Chartres Brew, Esq., Victoria; salary, X400. Assistant -E. Howard Sanders, Esq., Yale, British Columbia. Churches-Church of England, under the Bishop ; Rev. Crickmer. High Sheriff-P. O'Reilly, Esq., Hope, B. C. 5 58 FIRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY.

Justices of the Peace—New Westminster, Warner Reeve Spal- ding, Esq. ; Fort Hope, P. O'Reilly, Esq. ; Fort Yale, E. H. Sanders, Esq.. ; Lytton, Henry Maynard Ball, Esq. ; Cayoosh, Thos. Elwyn, Esq. ; Douglas, John Balls Gag- gin, Esq.



PROCUA-ZICILTI01■T., L—That after date hereof, British subjects and aliens who shall take the oath of allegiance, may acquire unoccupied, =re- served and unsurveyed Crown land in British Columbia, (not being the site of an existent or proposed town, or land avail- able for mining purposes, or an Indian reserve or settlement,) in fee simple, under the following conditions : Il.—Prëemptor shall take possession of and record his claim, not exceeding 160 acres, with magistrate residing nearest there- to, paying therefor eight shillings. Claim shall be of rectangu- lar form, and shortest.side two thirds of longest side. Claimant to give best possible description to recording magistrate, to- gether with a rough plan of daim, and to identify claim by placing at the corners four posts, and stating in said description any other landmarks he may consider noticeable. III.—Whenever Government survey:shall extend to land claimed, said claimant, or his heirs, or in case of grant of certi- ficate hereinafter mentioned, the assignees of such claimant, shall, if he or they shall have been in continuous occupation of said claim from date of the record, be entitled to purchase said claim at rate then fixed by the Government, not exceeding ten shillings per acre. • IV.—No interest in any claim before payment of the pur- chase money, saleable, unless vendor shall have obtained cer• FIRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY. 59' tificate from nearest magistrate that he has made permanent improvements on said claim to the value of ten shillings per acre. V.—Upon payment of purchase money, purchaser to receive a conveyance, in which precious metals will be reserved, with a right to enter and work the same, in favor of the Crown, its assigns and licenses. VI.—Premptor, who shall first record his claim, to have priority of title. VIL—Any person herein authorized to acquire land may purchase, in addition to land prempted, any nuraber of acres not otherwise appropriated at Government rate, not exceeding ten shillings per acre : five shillings paid down, and rest at time of survey. VIII.—If Crown, its assigns or licenses, enter under section five, and commit waste, a reasonable compensation to be paid therefor : if a dispute arise as to compensation, to be settled by six jurors summoned by nearest magistrate. IX.—If a preëmptor permanently cease to occupy land claimed, nearest magistrate, on being satisfied of such perma- nent cessation, may cancel preëmptor's claim, and record claim of any other person satisfying the requisitions. X.—Appeal from magistrate to the Supreme Court of Civil Justice of British Columbia. Xi.—Security to be given on such appeal according to rules and orders to be hereafter published. XIL—The procedure before magistrate and said judge shall be according to rules and orders made by such judge. XIII.—Wherever preëmptor, his heirs or assigns, shall have: continued in permanent occupation of land prempted or pur- chased as aforesaid, he or they may bring ejectment, or trespass against any intruder upon the land so prempted, or purchased, to the same extent as if possessed of legal title. XIV.—No claimant to exclude free miuers from mining. XV.—Government entitled to take any prempted land for roads, etc. XVI.—Water privileges, and the right of carrying water, granted to free miners on obtaining a certificate from Gold Come misioner, and paying a compensation for waste or damage to ôQ _ FIRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY. the person whose land may be wasted, or damaged by such water privilege, or carriage of water. XVII.-The nearest magistrate empowered to decide, in a summary way, disputes that may arise under this Act.

T.SSIIED under the Public Seal of the said Colony, at Vic- toria, Vancouver Island, this fourth day of January, 1860, in the Twenty-third year of Her Majesty's reign, by me, JAMES DOUGLAS. By Command of His Excellency. WILLIAM A. C. YOUNG, Acting Colonial Secretary.




I.-Bench diggings excepted out of the class of dry diggings as - defined in the Rules of 7th September, 1859. II.=-Claims in bench diggings shall be as follows : One hun- dred feet square, or else -a strip . of land 25 feet deep at the edge of the cliff next the river, and bounded by two straight lines- carried as nearly as possible in each case perpendicular to the general 'direction of such cliff across the level bench up to, and not beyond the foot'of the descent in the rear ; and in such last mentioned case, the space included between two such boundary line.g, when -produced over the face of the cliff in frôiit as far as the foot of such cliff-and no farthér;---and all mines in the space- so included, shall also form a part of such claim. FIRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY. 61

111.—Gold Commissioner shall have authority to mark daims so as to include an adequate claim, and. decide upon cliffs which in his opinion form the natural boundaries of benches. IV.—The Gold Commissioner may, in any mine of any de- nomination where the pay dirt is thin, or claims in small de- mand, or where he shall deem it rea,sonable, allow a free miner to register two claims in his own name, and allow such period as he may think proper for non-working either one of such claims. Not more than two claims of the legal size allowed. A discoverer's claim shall be reckoned as one ordinary claim. V.—All claims shall be subject to the public rights of way and water. No mine shall be worked within 10 feet of any road, unless by the previous consent of the Gold Commissioner. VI.—Rules to ascertain the quantity of water in any ditch or sluice. The water taken into a ditch shall be measured at the ditch head. No water shall be taken into a ditch except in• a trough, whose top and floor shall be horizontal planes, and. sides parallel, vertical planes,—:such-trough to be continued for six times its breadth, in a horizontal direction, from the point in which the water enters the trough. The top of the trough to be not more than 7 inches, and the bottom of the trough not more than 17 inches below the surface of the water in the res ervoir—all measurements being taken inside the trough, and in the low water, or , dry season. The area of a vertical transverse section of the trough shall be considered as the measure of the quantity of water taken by the ditch. The same mode of measurement to ascertain the quantity of water rimning in a trough or out of any ditch. IssuED under the .Public Seal of the Colony of British Co- lumbia, at Victoria, Vancouver Island, this sixth day of January, 1860, and in the Twenty-third year of Her Majesty's Reign, by me, -JAMES DOUGLAS. By His Excellency's Command. WILLIAM .A. C. YOUNG, Acting Colonial Secretary. • 62 FIRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY.


Not over Not over COUNTRIES. l% 0L 34 oz. Payment. Aspinwall. • • 20 Compulsory. .Australia via England .. 48 Do Austria .. 40 Optional. Belgium via France . 26 47 Do. British North American Provinces .. 20 Do. Cape of Good Hope. .. 43 Compulsory. Chili . . .. 39 Do. Cuba ...... 25 Do. China .. .. By private ship from San Francisco .. 15 Do. Denmark .. 45 Optional. France . .. 25 50 Do. German States • • 40 Do. Great Britain and Ireland ...... 84 Do. Greece • • 47 Do. Holland via France 31 57 Do. Mexico .. 25 Compulsory.

Norway .. 56 Optional. Panama • • 25 Compulsory. Peru • . 32 Do. Poland .. 47 Optional. Portugal • • 68 Compulsory. Prussia. . • • 40 Optional. Russia .. 48 Do. Sandwich Islands. .. 15 Compulsory. Spain via France 48 .. Do. Sweden .. 52 Optional. Switzerland .. 45 Do. West Indies .. 30 Compulsory. N. B.—The above rates include the Colonial Postage of 5 cents on every half ounce ; and where it is marked optional, it has reference only to the United States postage. * For rates of United States Postage, see page 45, San Francisco Department. FIRST ŸICTOItIA DIRECTOEY. 60


Hope to Yale, in small boats...... 16 miles.

it Yale to Spuzzim, mule trail ...... IS ...... 13 To Chapman's Bar, crossing River. . * e e ...... 5 To Boston Bar, via Lake House...... 23 (Three miles after leaving Lake House, trail strikes Anderson River, where Hope and Yale trails unite.) To Paul's Flat, opposite Yankee Flat ..:: ...... 4 Engley's Flat ...... of • ...... • s ...... g o * * go s o 7 « Fargo's Bar...... • ...... • . . . . • ...... 1 < <

Hall Way Hou►se ...... 8

J a c k a A O Mountain...... • . . s o as . • . . 7 (The Government have appropriated $300 to out a trail round the face.) Lytton City...... 12 "

96 miles. Lytton to Cayoosh : Lytton is on the j unction of the Thompson and Fraser. L y t t o n City f r o m Hope ...... 96 miles. Mormon Bar ...... 5 « Spintlan Flat ...... 2 « White Rock BaT ...... s o ...... 9 Dry Diggings Eâst ^,^d ^Pest ...... 4 Foster's Bar..... • ...... e . . . 2 « Rose's ar...... 5 « Horse Beefs Bar...... :..: ::. ..:....12 it Cayoosh ...... 2 « 137 miles. 64 FIRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY.

Cayoosh to Hat River : Cayoosh from Hope 137 miles. La Fountaine 12 " Pavilion 12 " To Hat River, up Pavilion Creek 18 " 179 miles. Lytton to Hat River, New Trail : (This trail passes over a level country well watered and plenty of grass for animals—saves 48 miles.) Lytton from Hope 96 miles. Eleven Mile Lake 11 " First Fork of Hat River 29 " 136 miles. Hat River to Fort Alexander : (Here New trail strikes H. B. Co's. Brigade trail. The. trail, .after leaving Hat River, strikes across to Bournaparte, up that to the divide between Canal

. and Fraser, then along diVide to Fort Alexander.) Hat River from Hope, vià Cayoosh 179 miles. First crossing of Bournaparte 8 Green Lake. 12 " Second crossing of Bournaparte 13 " Fort Corrall 18 " Bridge.. 25 " Ten Mile Lake 17 " Good Camp Ground 12 " Big Creek 45 " Williams' Ranch 17 " Twenty-five Mile Cr'eek 12 -" Fifteen Mile Creek • 10 " Fort Alexander 15 " 383 miles. Fort Alexander is situated on the Fraser about thirty miles below its junction with " (anal."

The Publishers wish to express their thanks to the Editor of • the "British Colonist," for the above reliable and useful inform- ation. t5


For Lake, District, BegbieL 3 ista thewe B., no fixed residence,'freehold, Beaver Lake, ake,f Dt ri 't. Brown Willi am Henry Joseph, .H. M. S. Plumper, freehold Lake-District. Ball George, Victoria, freehold, Lake District. Cary George Hunter, Victoria District, freehold, Lake District. Crergie Thomas, Mount Seymour, freehold, Lake .District. Caselton Richard, Lake District, 25 acres,'Lake District. Cormack William Eppes, Victoria, freehold of 61 acres, Lake District. Crease Henry P. Pellew, Victoria, freehold, Lake District. Cheeseman Richard, Hill Farm, freehold, Lake District . Dodd Charles, Victoria, freehold, Lake District . Dean George, Vale Villa Farm,'owners of 150 acres, Lake Dean James, I District. Dallas Alexander Grant, Victoria,, freehold, Lake District . Farquahar James, Nanaimo, above,20 acres freehold, Lake ~District. Foster George, Constance Farm, 200 acres, freehold, Lake Dis- trict. Greenwood George, Glenfawn Farm, 200 acres, freehold, Lake District. Golledge Richard, Fort Victoria, freehold, Lake District. Hillard'. William, Henly Farmi 90 acres, freehold, Lake Dis trict. Lewis Herbert, steamer Beaver, freehold, Lake District. McKenzie Kenneth, Craig Flower Farm, rental of over 112, 1ake District. Porter Roberti Aden Farm, 150 acres, freehold, Lake District . Pike, William, Spring Bottom-45 - acres, freehold, Lake Dis-r trict. PowerRobert, Victoria,, 88,acres, ireehold, Lake District. Peers Henry, Newsham, Colquitz; Farm, 300 acres freehold, Lake District. :, Rickets Samuel, Cedar Mountain Farm, 85 acres freehold, Lake District. 66 FIRST VICTORIA. DIRECTORY.

Rowland. Matthais, Stratberry Farm, 600 acres, freehold, Lake District. Smith Richard, Lake District, 20 acres freehold, Lake District. Stevens John, Lake District, 20 acres, freehold, Lake District. Skinner Thomas Jones, Constance Farm, freehold, Lake Dis- trict. Treweek Nicholas, Victoria, over 20 acres, freehold, Lake Dis- trict. Tod John, Oak Bay, 160 acres, freehold, Lake District. Thain James Nelson, Victoria, 117 acres, freehold. Williams Williams, N. Dairy Farm, aver 20 acres, freehold, Lake District. Wood Charles Redingfield, no fixed residence, 78 acres, free- hold, Lake District. Williams John, N. Dairy Farm, over 20 acres, freehold, Lake District. John, Williams Lake District, 25 acres freehold, Lake District. Williams Edward, Lake District, 25 acres freehold, Lake Dis- trict. For the District of Saanich. Anderson Alexander Caulfield, Victoria, 20 acres freehold, north Saanich. Bull John .A.ugustus, no fixed residence, 400 acres freehold, Saanich District. Coles John, Coles Harbor, 50 acres freehold, north Saanich. Deck George, Swan Place, 200 acres freehold, south Saanich. Doane Joseph Homer, Victoria, 400 acres freehold, Saanich District. Franklin Selim, Victoria, 100 acres freehold, north Saanich. Foster George, Constance Farm, 20 acres freehold, Saanich District. Green Edward, Victoria, 146 acres freehold, Saanich District. Helraeken John Sebastian, Victoria, more than 200 acres free- hold, north Saanich. Lidgate Duncan, 6th section east &ankh, freehold, Saanich District. McPhail Augers, Bay Farm, 177 acres freehold, south Saanich. McDonald Wm John, Victoria, 200 acres freehold, Saanich. Morrell Leon, Victoria county, over 20 acres freehold, Saanich District. Mayne Richard Charles, Esquimalt 125 acres freehold, no'rth Saanich. Maine Alexander Findlay, Victoria, freehold, Saanich District. MoWat William Alexander, Clifton. Cottage, freehold, &ankh District. VICTORIA ADVERTIBEMENTS. 67

Reid James Murray, victoria, 50 acres freehold, Saanich Dis- trict. Richardson George, victoria, 300 acres freehold, Saanich Dis- trict. Simpson Henry, Stream Farm, 300 freehold, Saanich District. Thomson William, Bonne Bon, 200 acres freehold, Saanich District. Thain James Nealson, Victoria, 100 acres freehold, north Saa- nich.

Of Esquimalt and Xetahosin County District. Cooper James, Thetis Cottage, 64 acres freehold, Esquimalt. Cook George, Mint Valley, 200 acres freehold, Esquimalt Dis- trict. Duncan James, victoria, saw mill; -value 1600, Metchosin Dis- trict. Dartnell George, Albert Head, 70 acres freehold, Esquinaalt District. Dodd Charles, victoria, freehold, value 1500, Esquimalt Dis- trict, Doane Joseph Homer, Victoria, freehold, value not less than L50 Es uinialt District. Dallas Alexander Grant, Victoria, freehold, value greater than Y.50, Metchosin District. Franklin Selim, victoria, 44 acres freehold, Esquimalt District. Flewin Thomas, Woodside Farm, 28 acress freehold, Esqui- malt District. Francis Matthew, Daingrove Farm, 57 acres freehold, Esqui- Ynalt District. Foster George, Constance Farm, rental over X12; Esquimalt District. Gray Joseph, Rocky .-Point, rental over 180, Metchosin Dis- trict. Gourerie James, on the property, above 20 acres, freehold, Es- . quimalt District. Green Edward, victoria, freehold exceeding in value Y.50, Es- quimalt Districtr Greig John, on the property, freehold, value greater than 150, Mount Seymour. . Gollege Richard, Fort victoria, above 20 acres, freehold, ts- quimalt District. Hunt William, Albert Head, 70 acres, Esquimalt District. Harris Thomas, Victoria, value ovér. ,150, Esquimalt District. Helmckin John Sebastian, Victoria, freehold of greater value than Z0, Esquimalt District. 68 1 FIRST VICTORIA. DIRECTORY.

-Rittson Edwin, McNeil's Farm, 20 acres -freehold, Esquimalt District. -Langfôrd -Edward Edwards, - Colwood, Esquimalt, one-third share in a farm, 20 acres of which are cleared, Esquimalt District.` Laughton Thomas, Victoria, ï freehold of greater value than 150, Metchosin Dl strict. McKenzie Kenneth, Craig 'Flower Farm, over one-fourth thé profits of Craig Flower Farm, Esquimalt District. Munro Alexander, Dallas Park, 20 acres freehold, Metchosin District. . . ; McGrégor John, Metchosin, 181 acres, freehold, Metchosin Dis- trict. Montgomery Joseph, Esquimalt; rental, value greater than 112, Esquimalt District. McKenzie -George, on the premises, above 120 of freehold, Es- quimalt District. Nagle Jeremiah, Victoria, Ireehold, value greater than ze50, Esquimalt District. Ollis John R., no fixed residence, freehold, Esquimalt District. Pearse Benjamin W., Victoria, freehold land on the official map EsquXmalt -District. Porter James, Esquimalt, freehold, value £200, Esquimalt District. Parker John, Victoria, freehold, above 20 acres, Metchosin District. Pais Henry, no fixed residence, :20 acres, freehold, +'squimalt District. Pars®ns `William Richard, freehold, value over X50, Esquimalt District, Rhodes Henry, Victoria,. lot on official map, Esquimalt Dis- trict. Roseman E., Albert Head, 30- acres. freehold, Esquimalt.Dis- trict. Rowland Matthais, - Strawberry: Vale Farm, rental of 180, Es= quimalt District. Russell John, Springfield Hôuse, freehold, Esquimalt District. Reid William, Victoria, freehold of 20 acres, Esquimalt Dis- trict Skinner Thomas Jones, Constance Farm, occupant of Constance Farm, -Esqulmalt_District. Sixnpson Jonathan, Colwood, 120 acres, freehold, Esquimalt .District. Stamp Edmund,; Victoria; freehold exceeding in value 150, Es- : quimait .Dlstrtct, . ; : Treeweek Nicholas, Victoria, 20 acres, freehold, Metchosin Dis- trict. FIRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY. 69

Tru.tch John, Victoria, freeb.old exceedin.g in value, .£50, Es- quimalt District. Trutch Joseph William, Victor,ia, freehold exceeding £50 in value, Esquimalt District. Vine Edward, Pedder Inlet, freehold of greater extent than. 20 , acres, Metchosin District. Wallace Peter 'William, H. M. S. Satellite, 100 acres freehold Esquimalt District. Wilson James, on the property, above 20 acres freehold, Es- quimalt District. Weir Robert, Metchosin, 200 acres freehold, Metchosin Dis- trict. Weir William, Metchosin, 36 acres freehold, Metchosin Dis- trict. Weir Hugh F., Metchosin, 36 acres freehold, Metchosin Dis- trict. Weir John, Metchosin, 36 acres freehold, Metchosin District. Williams Charles, Mint Valley .Farm, 200 acres freehold, Es- quimalt District. Yates James, Craigie Lee Farm, 20 acres freehold, Esquimalt • District. Yeo Gerald, Esquimalt, freehold exceeding in value £50, Es- quim.alt District.

For Esquirnalt Totvii, District. Burnaby Robert, Wharf Street Victoria, freehold, land exceed- ding in value £50, Esquitnalt. , Creighton George, View Street, one half acre lot, vallie £50, s- quimalt Town. Carswell James, Yates Street, freehold, lots value £500, Esqui- malt Town. Criddle John, Criddle Cottage, town lots and houses, value over £100, EsquiMalt Town. Crease Henry P. Pellew, Government Street, Victoria, estate of freehold, value. £50, Esquimalt Town. Carroll John, Yates Street, house and land, value £400, Esqui- malt Town: - Cochrane Jan janaé'S, freehOld prbijertjr, Value' ;£100, Esqui- Ma4 „ • :

DaviéàlewiSiEsqùithalt , HôtérRbSrai Oak, Wharf Street, Es; Finlayson Itôderick, RoCk Bay, freehold land, value £100, Es- quimalt Town.. - Gossett William Driscoll, Victoria, freehold, value above £50, EsqUimalt. 70 FIRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY. Howard John Thomas, Esquimalt, freehold in houses and lots value £400, Esquimalt. Hawkins George Frederick, Esquimalt, real estate, Esquimalt Town. Hill John no fixed place, freehold land, value not less than £30d, Esctuimalt Town District. Helmcken. John Sebastian, Arbutus Lodge, estate of freehold, value above .f..50, Esquimalt. Langley Alfred John, Yates street, interest in 7 town lots, val- ue £200, Esquimalt Town. Moore James, Yates Street, town lot, value £80, Wharf Street Esquimalt. Millington William, Esquimalt, bricklayer, Wharf Street, Es- quimalt. Parker John, Wharf Street, Esquimalt, house and lot, Esqui- malt Town. Richards George Henry, Esquimalt Cottage, freehold estate, value £50, Esquimalt Town District. Rothwell William Wharf Street, Esquimalt, freehold land, value £400, Esquimalt' Town. Rowland Matthais, Strawberry Valley Farm, 60 farm lots and bouse, Esquimalt Town. Smith John, Esquimalt, freehold estate, value £3,000, Esqui- malt Town. Selleck William, Esquimalt, houses and lots, value £500, Es- quimalt Town. Smith Moses Roe, Esquimalt, houses and lots, Esquimalt Town.

Telfer William , Esqw.malt Town, householder, rent not less than £25 per annum, Esquimalt. Trounce Thomas, Taylor and Rae Street, estate of freehold, value £20, Esquunalt Town. Tolmie William Fraser, Hillside, freehold, value above £50, Naval Hospital, Esquimalt. Yates James Cragie Lee Farm half suburban lots and houses, Esquimalt Town District.

0. vmanwirnizEN, Carpenter, Contractor and Builder, Cor. Blanchard and Kane Sts., near the Church, Is Prepared to Contract for, or euperintend .the erection of Brick Buildings, Frame Cottages, Wood and Brick fire-proof Stores, Dwellings, etc., all in the boat style and architecture, in the cheapest and beet workmanlike manne*. Â long experience in Europe and the United States, and a perfect Imowledge of his profusion - are a guarantee that any work entrusted to him shall be satisfactorily executed. Plans Drawings and Specifications made in every style, at the ehortest notice. VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. 71 A. BLAOKMAN, Stove, ^. eet on Mauufactory WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN HGJRDWGaRGe PMMPS9 aCAD POPE9 CROC33C 3MR.Y ANM) GFLA.=3!3 WA R17, YATES STREET, NEAR WHARF, VICTORIA, Y.I. . ^tCG1:>1M333 60 CI®., YATES STREET opposite Safionere' Hall, VICTORIA. DRY tOODS & LOTHINI STORE, HOSIERY, AND GENTLEMENS' FURNISHING GOODS, LADIES' AND CHILDRENS' BOOTS AND SHOES. PIONEER -- AL WATER WORKS, HUMBOLT STREET, SOUTH SIDE.

The Proprietore of this establishment are now prepared to supply their cuetomerv with 3o^^ Wat®r, sars^^^^^^^^ alkd lb^ilae^^l 'Waters, OF '13 1 MOST QvAXA=. Orders from Washington Territory or British Columbia promptly attended to. PHILLIPS ^ CO.

MR. E_ MALLAl\TIJ►AIN^, a ,ri Broad Street, near corner of Yates St., Victoria, V. I. DRSIGNS, AND ^WOflKING DRAWINGS FOR ALL HI1rD8 ffl-- BûILDIN(IS AND SUPERINTENDANCE. LO Û'iiâ û TIR,

•-••F08 LIOBWBED DEALS1t8 IPf-+ Syrups, Cordials anda. Liquors of all ]dndo, COLORINE and all descriptions of BITTERS, Johnson Street, north aide, near the Ravine, Victoria, V. I. 72 VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. 1^ttAC1DO1%T .^.LID cte CO. OFFICE ON YATES STREET, SÉLL CHECKS AT SICHT ON TALLANT AND WILDE, BANKERS, at San Francisco, AT PAR.

Furnish Bills of Exchange in, sums to suit, and at current rates, on New York and London. Pay Highest Prioes for Gold Dust. Make Advances on Qold Dust for Assay or Coinage in San Francisco. Purchase Navy Bills and Bills on London. FI7", 1

IMEARSHALL, SCOTT & CO., PROPRIETORS, -OFFER THE CHOICEaT WIIIYYI999 iiaiiirS ANIQ Lt[J©IpdS, AT THE STEAMBOAT WHARF, NEW WESTMINSTER, BRITISH COLUMBIA. 1^'lr Ir UZI,, Ai!1T^ %i l ^4 FRANQOIS FABRE. WA3DX)INC3-TON AI.jLEY', WEST SIDE. IITEAI.S AT FIFTY CENTS. 330.E^_^ , per VTeolaL, 7y 8 sft 9 Zïollars. N. B. The Beat the Market affords. M ^ .7', p. RÉM3^A.leT, Waddington Alley, West side opposite the Bowling Saloon. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF C... y7rk... ® * C^ Lo TTZ U LIM M o T. FRRE. E,_ NEWS DEPOT, Yates Street, bet . Wharf and Government Sts, Books, stati®uery, and ^ ^^^^^^^^^^g Libriary. A large assortment of English, American, French, German and Spanish Newspapers, at Wholesale and Retail. PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS OF VANCOUVER ISLAND

FOR 1860.*

GOVERNOR. JAMES DOUGLAS, C. B., Governor and Commander-in-Chief, and Vice .Admiral. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. His Excellency the Governor ; the Hon. John Work, H. B. C. ; the Hon. Roderick Finlayson, H. B. C. ; the Hon. Da- vid Cameron, Judge ; the Hon. Donald Fraser. Clerk—The Rev. E. Cridge. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. Members for Esquimalt District—J. S. aelmcken, M. D., H. B. C. ; Capt. Cooper, Harbor Master, B. C. Town—Capt. J. Gordon. Victoria District—J. Tolmie, M. D., H. B. C. ; A. D. Wad- dington ; H. P. P. Crease, Barrister at Law. Town—G. H. Cary, Attorney-General of British Columbia ; Selim Franklin. Saanich, District—C. Coles. Nanaimo District—A( R. Green. Lake District—Major Foster. Salt Spring District—Jos. J. Southgate. Metchosin District—J. McDonald. Speaker—not appointed. Clerk—not appointed. ECCLESIASTICAL. The Right 1?everend the Lord Bish,op of British Columbia and Vancouver Island—GEORGE HILLS, D. D. Incumbents—The Rev. E. Cridge, Victoria ; The Rev. R. Dundas, M. A., Esquimalt ; The Rev. R. Dawson, Craig Flower.

* Since the foregoing pages were in press, we were kindly favored with the above Official List for the year 1860. The List of Officers preceding this one were the incumbents for 1859, and whose terms expired December 31st of last year. 6 74 FIRST VICTORIA. DIRECTORY.

N. B.-The Church of England in Vancouver Island is sup- ported by voluntary contributions.

JUDICIAL. His Honor DAVID CAMERON, J. P., Judge of the Supreme Court. Attorney-General, (acting), G. H. Cary, M. L. A. Justices of the Peace-E. Langford ; A. Pemberton, C. P.; C. Brew, C. P. of Be C. ; J. Nagle, H. M. Sheriff-G. W. Heaton. Deputy Sher^ff-Vacant. Register of Court---T. G. Williams.

MILITARY. Capt. Bazalgette, R. M. L. I., commanding the troops in Van- couver Island. Capt. Henry, Lieut. Sparshote, (acting Adj't), detachment of Royal Marine Light Infantry.

COLONIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE. W. Young, Paymaster, R. N., (Acting) Colonial Secretary. Clerks-Philip Nind, Joseph Porter..

TREASURY. Capt. W. D. Gosset, R. E., F. R. S. E., (Actinq) Treasurer.

LANDS AND WORKS. J. D. Pemberton, H. Be C., Colonial Surveyor. Surveyors and Dra mm-B. Pearse, Herman Otto Tiede- mann, O. Wells.. POLICE. A. Pemberton, J. P., Commissioner of Police and Superinten- dent of Jails. Superintendent, John, Bayley ;, four Sergean.ts ; twelve Con- stabtes., COLONIAL COMMISSARIAT. .._Capt. W.. D, Gosset,^ R. F., F. R. S. E., (4ctinq) . Colonial Co^m- mZSSar^., FIRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY. 75 POST OFFICE. Capt. W. A Gosset, R. E., F. R. S. E., (Acting) Postmaster. General. . Postmaster-Viotoria, J. D. Ewes; Clerk, Victoria, J. Mor- rison. Postmaster-Nanaimo, Postmaster-Salt Spring, J. Begg. HARBOR MASTER DEPARTMENT. J. Nagle, J. P., Harbor Haster. Clerk-Samuel Bingham. PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, GOVERNOR. JAMES DOUGLAS, C. B., Governor and Commander in Chief and Vice Admiral ; residence, Vancouver Is.;. salary, X3,'000. ECCLESIASTICAL. The Right Rev'd the Lord Bishop of British Columl)-la and Van- couver Island--GEORGEHILLs, D. D. ; res. N. Westminster. Incumbents-The Rev. J. Pringle, res. Hope ; the Rev. G. Crickmer, Langley; the Rev. R. Sheepshap~s7 N. Westminster. The Church of England in British Columbia is supported by voluntary contributions. JUDICIAL. His Honor M. BAILEY BEGBIE, JU~gie of the Supreme Cour t of Civil Justice ; res. Vancouver Is.; sal. 1800 and quarters. Attorney Gen.eral-G. II. Cary, Vancouver Is., sal. X400 and fees for prosecutions. Justices of the'Peace-W.R. Spalding, N.Westminster, 1300; P. O'Reilley, (also Colonial Sheri:T,) Hope, 1300 and Sheriff's fees; J.B. Gaggin, Douglas, X300; E. H. Sanders, Yale, X350; Capt. H. M. Ball, Lytton, Y,300 ;'T. Elwyn, Cayoosh, 1300, Beyistrar of the, Supreme Court--A . T. Bushby, Vancouver Is- land,, sal. X250. 76 FIRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY.

Clerk to the .A.tey General—E. B. Doggett, Vancou. L., £200. MILITARY. Brevet Col. R. MOODY, Lient. Col. Royal Engineers, com- manding ; res. New Westminster ; sal. £350 and a residence. Captains R. E.—John Grant, £200; R. Parsons, £200 ; J. Juard, £200; A. Lempriere, £200. Lieut. R. E, R. Palmer, £100. Surgeon, — Seddell, M. D., £200. All the above officers reside at New Westminster, and have a residence in addition to their salaries. See also "Lands and Works," for addition to above salaries. COLONIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE. W. Young, Paymaster, R. N., (Acting) Colonial Secretary ; res. Vancouver Island ; salary, £500. Clerks—C. Good, £350 and quarters ; J. Connell, £200; W. Cormack, £200; all residing at Vancouver Island. TREASURY. Capt. W. D. Gosset, R. R, F. 4. S. E., Treasurer, salary £500 res. Vancouver Island. Clerks—J. Cooper, £300 ; R. Ker, £240 ; F. Wilkinson, £250; J. Grahame, £200; all residing at Vancouver Island. MINT. Under Capt. W. D. GOSSET. Chief Assayer, F. E. Claudet. .Ass't Assayer, —Bonsfield. Refiner, C. Bacon. Ass't Refiner, — Hitchcock. LANDS AND WORKS DEPARTMENT. Col. R. C. MOODY, R. E., Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works; res. N. Westminster ; sal. £1200, servants and rations. Assistant Officers—Capt. J. Grant, R. E., £350 ; Capt. R. Parsons, R.E., £350 ; Capt. J. Juard, R.E., £350; Capt., A. A. Lemprere, R.E. £250 ; Lieut. R. Palmer, R.E., £250. Surgeon, -- Seddell, M. D., £250. The above °facers reside at New Westminster and are fur- nished servants and rations in addition to salary. For addi- tional military pay and allowances, see "Military Dep't." About 150 Military Artisans. FIRST VICTORIA. DIRECTORY. 77

CUSTOMS. Collector, W. Hamley, salary 1400. Clerks-W. H. McCrea; J. V. Woolsey ; salary 1200. Revenue Officers, Wylde, 1200; Dondersey, X200 and rations. Residence at New Westminster. POLICE. Chartres Brew, J. P., Commissioner of Police, res. Vancouver Island ; salary 1500.

COLONIAL COMMISSARIAT. Capt. W. D. Gosset, R. E., F. R. S. E. (Acting) Colonial Com- missary; no salary ; rations. Clerk, R. Holmes ; salary £180.

POST OFFICE. Capt. W. D. Gosset, R. E., F. R. S. E., (Acting) Postmaster- General; no salary. Residence at Vancouver Island. Postmasters, (Acting)-J. Holbrook, res. New Westminster; no salary. J. B Gaggin, res. Douglas ; paid as J. P. J. O'Reil- ly, res. Hope ; paid as J. P. G. Haines, res. Yale ; paid as Constable. - Wynard, res. Langley ; no salary.

HARBOR MASTER'S DEPARTMENT. Capt. J. Cooper, M. L. A., Vancouver Island, Harbor Master for B. C. ; res. Esquimalt ; salary 1400.

ADDENDA OF NAMES. Burkley, -, registrar of Supreme Court, B. C., Government Building. Cooper, J., Harbor Master, Esquimalt. Cooper, John, Chief Clerk Treasury, Government Street. Corbinere, Marc. Hills, George, Lord Bishop, Fort Street. Koshland, N. & Co. formerly Treweek & Co. Yates Street. Lewis, A. dry goods dealer, Royal Hotel, Wharf Street. Nind, Philip, Chief Clerk in Colonial Secretary's office, Fort Street. Sutro, A., cigars, etc., Corner Yates and Wharf Street. " It it it Sutro, --- 94 78 VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. SPORBORG & CO. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS IN elgtreidU /OM PLIMMInti Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes. Receive by every sailing Vesse and Steamer, and keep constantly on hand a large supply of Golden Age Flour fr Golden Gate 66 Self Rising 66 BACON, BEANS, TEA, COFFEE, Ile fillet e = ez.; „ nee BUTTER, am 7 - CHEESE; çij 03 DOMESTIC DRY n, il['!,,,r 718 Inv_ - /4\ A OOP GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, WHARF STREET, FOOT OF ' YATES. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FOR SALE, Hhds SALTS' SUPERIOR BURTON ALE, Hhds YOUNGER'S SUPERIOR EDINBURG ALE, J. W. BRIDGES & SON'S BOTTLED PORTER, TRUMAN, HAMBURG et CO'S BOTTLED PORTER, YOUNGER'S BOTTLED ALE, IN STONE JUGS ; Cases, 1 dozen each, Sir Robert Burnett's Old Tom. " 1 " " Holland Gin, " 1 " " Scotch Whisky, " 1 " " Duff Gordon Sherry Wine. Pipes Holland Gin, Puncheons Scotch Whisky, Puncheons Jamaica, Rum, 1-8 casks Brandy, pale and dark, 1-8 casks Sherry and Port 'Wines, ETC., mwa., ETC_ THOMAS PATTRICK ik Co. Corner of Johnson and Government Streets, Victoria, V. I. VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. 79

GEO. T. SEYMOUR, Victoria. OTIS J. PIERCE, San Francisco. PIERCE Zir SEYMOUR, North West corner Yates and Douglas Streets, VICTORIA, V. I.

jurniturt- galas, ault gàbing '41tanu1atturtrs, Are in regular receipt of assorted Furniture of substantial quality, which they offer at Reasonable Rates ; in Part consisting of: BEDSTEADS OF ALL SIZES AND QTJALITIES. CHAIRS—Cane and Wood Seats of every style; also, Mahogany, Hair, Cloth and Office Chairs MIRRORS—In Gilt and Mahogany Frames, assorted sizes. [in variety. BITR.EAUS—Whole and half Marble Tops, plain and Scroll Frent, and common Bureaus. BOOR-FIRS—Arm and Sewing, of Hair Cloth and Cane i9eats and Backs, Children's Rockers. TABLES—Center, Card, Dining and Saloon, in Mahogany, Walnut, Cherry and Painted Pine. SOFAS—Lounges, Deske, Stools, Painted Chamber Sets, Washstands and Sinks, Etageres Whatnots, etc., etc. MR. PIERCE, recently of J. & O. S. Pierce, of San Francisco, now residing there, will give his attention to the filling of Special .Orders for any style of Furniture, thereby saving time, trouble and expense to parties Here. relETT.,./iTY 7P)T,73E.AlET Of this particular material for bedding, we always have an ample stock on hand. which we offer, either by the bale or in bedding, at steady prices. It is universally considered' to be equal to eathers, and better than curled hair, for this climate, at half the price of either. Our arrangements are such, for the sole importation of it, direct from the Sandwich Islands, that we are enabled to sell it lower than it can be had elsewhere. Straw. Mattresses Wholesale and Retail. Curled Hair and Moss Mattresses made to order. LESTER Sz GIBBS, c î i!? û ..îsîûNisg ffiaütnart, gofzcrits an Minas' Outfits, YATES STREET, Between Wharf and Government es:, Titell'ealtAa ADOLPH SITTRO Sz CO. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN

IVIEERSCHAUM PIPES, ETC., Corner Yates and Wharf Streets, Victoria, T. I. 4-•••••-• Clingeenpeas 1:1112engelue EleapanallQ 80 VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. REGULAR U. S. MAIL LINE. • THE SPLENDID NEW AMERICAN STEAMER ELIZA ANDERSON

THOS. WRIGHT, - - - Commander, PLYING BETWEEN ‘7" X IC rill C> let X Jeà. AND UnUTO BRITISH COLUMBIA, Connecting with all the Ports on PUGET SOUND.



The undersigned beg leave to inform the public that we are MANUFACTURING CIGARS FROM THE FINEST

^PHICH WE IMPORT FROM FIRST HANDS. We intend these CIGARS to supply the place of the Imported article, and assure the public that they are as good; for it is the Tobacco which makes a Cigar good or bad, and not the place where it is manufactured. Having increased our manfacturiug facilities, and made such arrangements by which we receive a constant supply of the very BEST HAVANA TOB ACCO; and as. none but first claés workmen are. employed by us, we can safely assert that we are now prepared to furnish our patrons and the public generally with as good Cigars as the importers, and 50 per cent. cheaper 1 W We were awarded Diplomas for 185'l-8 from the 3Zechauics' Institute, San Francisco, and a Silver Medal from the State Fair at Marysville, and First Premium at the State Fair at Sacramento, 1859, for the best Manufactured Cigars from Havana Toâacco. 31R^,E1^. .. & S PRA.CTIC A.L CIGAR MAKERS, 1.71 Washington Street. Also, BRANCH STORE-198- Kearny Streét,

....^►►^- W LEAF TOBACCO constantly on band. Orders! froria the Country promptly atttended to. 7 82 SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS.

it lt 1.11111'111w ANÉ) CONSUMERS OF SAWS & FILES.

The "Undersigned, having been appointed Sole Agent for the Pacific Coast, for the sale of R. HOE et CO'S Superior Cast Steel, Circular, Mill, Pit, Cross-cut, Web and other Saws, so well known throughout the United States, the equality and tenacity of temper which they possess, has given them that celebrity to which they are so justly entitled. The undersigned will keep a stock in San Francisco to supply the demands of the market, best Files of any description and quality. All orders will have prompt attention. Orders received for any peculiar form or size will be forwarded to R. Hoe 84 Co. New York, for execution, In cùnnection we have a competent workman from R. Hoe Co. to attend to all necessary repairs and alterations that may be required, which will be done at greatly reduced prices. GEO. STEAD, N. E. cor. Battery and Jackson Sts., San Francisco. Mtarit »ad Sirtrg ,*tablits.

411•01.• B. F. FISH. J. H. SWAIN. B. F. FISH & CO.,- -Proprietors. 4-s-1■411,-* No. 99 PINE STREET, SAN eRÂNCESCO, eAL.


tik '11M: 111%1 41Z BUGGIES and good SADDLE HORSES, For Hire or Sale, on the most Reasonable Terms.

ear Particular attention paid to BOARDING HORSES ; also, for Disposing of them by Sales. We solicit orders for all description of Horses. VICTORIA ADMITIStiVIENTS. 83

HARRIS ett CO. PZZITZ 11:1RZETI CONTRACTORS TO H. M. NAVY. PL. C11-3ELEM1V tee O. 10 FTFuL,_( Ut.e3M6 d CZ 0; JOHNSON STREET, near the Bridge, VICTORIA, V. L Gazt.Emi\T pRos_ ar CO.., SAN FRANCXSCO.


ezractercomputarl.Q. E, 'Zré J01-11■T G. MoKAY", VIEW STREET, adjoining the POLICE BARRACKS,

DEALEIt IN Minc, eritr anb ieL DICKSON, CAMPBELL -Si CO. CO MSÏÛ Corner Wharf and Johnson Streets, VUCTOREJA, V. 11. DICKSON, DE WOLF et CO. Merchant Street, San Prancisco. 84 FIRST VICTORIA DIRECTORY.




We need scarcely remark that a brisk trade connection be- tween these colonies and California has been kept up since the last couple of years. Some of the first houses of San Fran- cisco have branch establishments in Victoria. The steamers which ply regularly every week between San Francisco and Puget Sound are always well freighted, besides other lines of sailing crafts, carrying merchandise and produce of every known description. In the Preface to this work are enumerated the resources which this north-western continent furnishes as a return for goods and wares shipped. California is now, and ever will be, the only reliable mart from which these colonies can be supplied with the necessaries and commodities. Its ex- tensive commercial connections with the Atlantic States and Europe, have placed San Francisco beyond competition OD the Pacific coast. Already the spirit for home manufactures are being carried on, and where is there a city among the known civilized nations, that has built itself up within the remarkable short space of ten years—a State like California, or a City like San Francisco—and every art, science, and profession, liberally patronized ? Although the early Frazer river excitement threatened to engulf California, and strip it of its world-renowned gold glo- ries; but happily the tide of commerce turned in its favor, and we are informed that, more or less, every business house bas felt its beneficial effects. 1* 2 SAN FRANCISCO DEPARTMENT. We would say to the merchants of San Francisco, that these colonies are also on the march of progress, that business is be- ing carried on with system and reliability. The legal institutions of these colonies are such, that it leaves few chances for defrauding creditors. There is, and always has been, from the earliest moment of Frazer River excite- ments, more confidence, between business men, than has been the case with California. We have yet to record any heavy failures by which men have lost their all. The business community of California must see that Victoria of Vancouver's Island, British Columbia, and Washington Territory, United States, are valuable trade acquisitions to California ; their mineral, agricultural and other resources place them among the first colonies on this continent. Victoria is a pleasantly located city of several thousand inhabitants, on Vic- toria Harbor, and a FREE PORT ; is the principal mart for all the Puget Sound towns and villages, of which there are quite a number, besides having a naval station at Esquimalt of five or six men-of-war. Several steamers leave almost daily for New Westminster, British Columbia, besides the steam and ship lines of California, England and Australia, which are by no means inconsiderable.

PACIFIC CLINICAL INFIRMARY—Surgeon, PROFES- SOR COOPER.—We beg to call the attention of the public to the gentleman above mentioned, Doctor Cooper, of San Francisco, the celebrated Physician and Surgeon. We have had the pleasure of a most intimate acquaintance with this gentleman for a number of years, and therefore are enabled to speak from a personal knowledge of his professional merits. A number of years ago, the Doctor laid the foundation of a Medical Institute, to be conducted on a thorough and system- atic plan, to possess every requisite for the convenience and comfort of patients, and advice and prescriptions of the very highest order. The exertion was crowned with the most corn.- plete success, and from a humble origin, the " Pacific Clinical Infirmary Institute," of San Francisco, is at this time, widely as well as deservedly celebrated. The cures which this gentleman b.as performed, are some of SAN FRANCISCO DEPARTMENT. 3 the most difficult in the practice of medical surgery, and have been deemed almost miraculous. If the testimony of hundreds, who have been signally bene- fitted at his hands were of any avail, we could publish several from persons of the highest position in society and of the most unimpeac'aable veracity, but our limits forbid. And when we mention that this gentleman, Dr. Cooper, is one of the principal members and directors of the Pacific Medical University, we feel assured that this fact alone, must convince the minds of the most prejudiced that what we have stated can be received with the most implicit confidence. The Cooper Institute is pleasantly located on Mission Street, and should there be any who, through misiortune cr otherwise should apply for medical advice and trc,atment in San Fran- cisco, we cordially recommend them to Dr. Cooper, as a physi- cian in whom they can place the utmost confidence.

We hereby append the REGULAR STEAMSHiP LINES of PA- CIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY, and CALIFORNIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Both these lines have been esta- blished in the earliest infancy of California's existence, and re- quire little comment from us as a recommendation.

PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY, FOR N EW YORK AND NEW ORLEANS DIRECT, via PANAMA RAIL- ROAD---connecting with the Steamers of the United States Mail Steamship Company at Aspinwall. Regular steam communication for GARDNER CITY, (Ump- qua River,) EUREKA, (Humboldt Bay, ) CRESCENT CITY, and PORT ORFORD, leaving immediately after the arrival of the Atlantic Mails. Also, for PORTLAND, (Oregon,) PORT TOWNSEND, OLYMPIA, WHATCOM, W. T., and VICTORIA, V. I. FORBES & BABCOCK, Agents, corner Sacramento and Leides- dorff Streets. CALIFORNIA STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY.- Organized March 1, 1854; Capital Stock, $2,^i00,000 ; Capt. James Whitney, Jr., President; Richard M. Jessup, Esq., Sec- retary. * DEPARTURES FROM JACKSON STREET WHARF, CAR- 4 SAN FRANCISCO DEPARTMENT.

RYING THE UNITED STATES MAILS. Steamers, New T,7orld, Antelope, Helen Hensley, J. Bragdon, and Cornelia. One of which steamers leaves daily at four o'clock, P. M., (Sundays excepted,) for Sacramento and Stockton, connecting with light draft steamers for Marysville, Colusa, and Red Bluff. NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN LINEs.--Steamship Brother Jonathan, 1360 tons, Geo. W. Staples, Commander ; Steamer Pacific, 1003 tons, C. P. Patterson, Commander ; running to Crescent City, Portland, (Oregon,) and Victoria, (V. I.) Steam- ship Senator, Thos. W. Seeley, Commander, running regu- larly to San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, San Pedro, (Los Angeles,) and San Diego. For particulars, apply at their office, corner Jackson and Front Streets, San Francisco. Capt. J. Whitney, Jr., President.

Messrs. B. T. CHASE & CO.'S STEAM SAW MILLS, cor- ner of Market and Beale Street, San Francisco, California. The author of this work, being desirous of recommending some extensive establishment where many branches of mechan- ism and industry are carried on, and which professions are not yet introduced into our Colonies, where orders and work are manufactured and promptly filled and at moderate prices, hav- ing had a cursory view of the following departments of these premises, we respectfully recommend the succeeding named occupants :

Messrs. March Bros. & Co. will attend to all orders of mer- chants and others who are shipping merchandise to these Colo- nies, of all kinds of Boxes, acccording to any given size or measure, at moderate prices and at the shortest notice.

Mr. S. Robb carries on a Steam Sawing and Turning estab- lishment. Builders, contractors, architects, and others, can have their work executed with dispatch, in all its forms and shapes, at reduced prices.

Mr. H. C. Hudson manufactures a pure article of the cele- brated California Mustard, too well known on this continent to require comments ; put up in cases of all sizes, to suit purchas- ers, and at remarkably low prices. SAN FRANCISCO DEPARTMENT. 5 Brewers, liquor and spirit dealers and others will find, at the above premises, Mr. F. Graciere, manufacturing Bungs of every description for casks, barrels, pipes, etc. We recommend his establishment to the public.

John Mallon it Co., Glass Cutters. This gentleman has recently introduced his branch of Glass Cutting, heretofore unknown on the Pacific coast. We have seen some of the most beautiful specimens of artistic embellishments on glass we ever beheld. Those building, or others requiring such work, will do well to direct their orders forthwith to him ; he will execute them with dispatch and promptitude. In all, these establishments are the most complete on this con- tinent. All branches of manufactures are principally provided with steam and the most approved modern machinery, by which labor is reduced, hence the exceedingiy low prices they demand for work or goods. This establishment cannot be superceded, in any of its appointments, on this coast.

MESSRS. EELLS & CO.—A most superb collection of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, and Sulkies, is found in their immense warehouse, Front Street, corner of Pine, made of the best material and highly finished in the most modern patterns.' Orders sent to them from these colonies will meet with prompt fulfillment. 1W"» The commercial community of these colonies will be glad to perceive that Messrs. McLane (t Fowler, agents for the principal Insurance Institutions of the U. S., will take risks and issue policies for Marine Insurance, at a moderate per cent- age. We recommend them. MR. J. R. SIMS, Oregon Street, below Front, carries on an extensive establishment for the manufacture of Iron Shut- ters, Doors, Railings, Vaults, Safes, etc. He has furnished the most prominent new buildings of Victoria and elsewhere with his superior work. Builders, architects, and contractors will find in Mr. Sims and his establishment, just the one who will faithfully and at short notice execute any orders or commissions, and at moderate charges. û SAN FRANCISCO DEPARTMENT.

MR. J. J. LECOUNT, whose advertisement appears on the back cover of this work, has the largest and most com- plete stock of Books, Papers, Materials, Charts, Globes, Fancy Articles, etc., on the Pacific coast. He is favorably known for being a strict business man, and the most moderate in his terms. He solicits orders from the trade, and we heartily recommend him. SILVERWARE MANUFACTORY.-We call attention, to the advertisement elsewhere of 111r. W. K. Vanderslice. This gentleman has recently established himself on Washing- ton Street, San Francisco, where he has exhibited to us, and manufactured by him of pure coin, some of the finest and most recherché specimens of mechanical art we ever beheld ; pitchers, waiters, cups, spoons, knives and forks, and an endless number of other utensils. Jewelers and dealers generally, should bear this in mind that they need not send to New York for articles in his line, but should send their orders direct to him ; his terms are very reasonable.

MESSRS. RASCIIE & SON, Dealers in 3fusical Instru- ments, Sheet 31icsic, Strings, etc. This house can fill any orders at the lowest market rates. We are under many obligations to Alr. Henry R-asche, the author of the newly written operetta, entitled the " New Year among the Young Folk," for an invita- tion to the first performance thereof. It is replete with beau- tiful choruses, ballads, duetts, etc., neatly arranged for piano and string instruments, and reflects great credit upon this most promising young author.

GROVER & BAKER'S SEWING MACHINES.-This world-renowned and pionee2 Sewing Machine Establishment, have on hand machines which for speed, beauty, an] compact- ness, cannot be superceded ; over 35,000 are now in use. The many improvements which this firm have effected, place their machine far beyond all others. We are under obligation to Mrs. Rogers, who has kindly exhibited to us specimens of workmanship executed by these machines, also the " modus operandi" for working them. The simplicity, the great desid- eratum of labor, certainly entitle Messrs. Grover & Baker, to the greatest fame. No family should be without one. SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. 7 GROVER St< BAKER'S



1"e NG ciq EWI d S

te go a br le


Mer'iC.)01Ei frC11LX1.—S 75 tc. el50. They Hem, Fell, Gather, and Embroider, Sew from common spools of silk, cotton or thread—are extremely simple, make very little noise, run very fast, and will sew any fabric, from the finest muslin to heaviest cloth. .A. child can become an adept in their use in a short time, from the explicit directions accompanying each machine. OVER 35,000 NOW IN USE! The qualities of our manufacturing machines are too well-known to require com- ment. For Dress-Making, Cloak-Making, Bag-Making, Tailors, etc., they are unequalled. TWENTY DIFFERENT PATTERNS. Send for i circular of Styles, Prices, etc. in,- Machines Warran.ted. R. G. BROWN, Agent, New building corner Montgomery and California Streets, first Store South of California Street, San Francisco. 8 SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. DEWAR lk GEHRICKE, PROPRIETORS OF THE PIONEER LIE OF PACKETS imbn`\


FIRST CLASS PACKETS, having -regular and prompt dispatch for the above ports, taking Freight and Passengers at lowest rates. Satisfactory charters effected for shippers, having full or part cargoes for a vessel.

GOODS FROM ABROAD received and forwarded by our line free of commissions and storage, and insured if required.

FOR SALE and contracted for the delivery to foreign or domestic ports, cargoes of Sawed Lumber, Spars, and Masts, from our Saw Mill in Puget Sound, at lowest rates. Ilgr Orders from abroad solicited. DEWAR & GEHRICKE. Office and Wharf on East St., bet. Central Wharf and Market St., San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. 9

9 CORN MEAL, ETC. ]PC. D. CONRO & CO. (Formerly proprietor of the Golden Gate Mills, Pine Street.) PROPRIETORS OF THE oiden ^^e & nitrhan ttilX5

AND SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF FO%VLER'S PATENT ELF-RI !NG FLOuR, Have constantly on hand a full supply of the above brands,



The quality of Flour of our own manufacture is in all cases guaranteed, and the attention of bakers, flour dealers and mer- chants, is particularly requested, as we are confident in being able to supply them with an article equal both in quality and price to any other brand in this market. Office of the Mills at No. 86 Front Street, Cormor of CM[ay. 10 SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS.

(Late Of MERCER and BERNIIEIM.) WOLSAL GOIT1,10111101\111,11 AND IMPORTER OF :onfectioniry of Ziary :ascription, No. 104 CLAY STREET, Between Sansome and Battery Streets, Informs his Customers and the Public in general, that he has opened this establishment, where he has constantly on hand a large stock of Stick Candies, Seeds, Ahnonds, Drops, Comfits, Lumps, Mottoes, Gum Drops, Jujube Paste, Lozenges)


A thorough acquaintance with the Business, by a practice of six years, renders him competent to guarantee his Goods. eT Please call at No. 104 Clay Street, San Francisco. Orders from the country will meet with prompt attention. SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. . il GEOw a CHAPIN & COn

- AND -

FIND EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL KINDS OF HELP, House Servants,, Cooks. Seamstresses, Grooms, Coachmen, Farm Hands, Day Laborers, Mechanics, Clerks, Teachers., etc. Country Orders promptly attended to. With the above, we have a HOUSE BROKERACE & REAL ESTATE ACENCY Rent Houses and Lands, Collect Bills, Negotiate Loans, etc. Kearny St, 3d door North of Clay, lower side of Plaza , 0 u -3-11

4. ~Oildrhy, - - * a o e o V4qn*#q. No. 53 Sansome Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.* Board and Lodging...... from $6 to $8 per Week THE BEST ACCOMMODATIONS FOR FAMILIES AND TRAYELERS. Take notice of the Wagon of this House-BAGGAGE Free of Charge. 12 SM. FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. TREADWELL & CO. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN

Fanning, Mechanic and Mining Tools and Implements, STEAM ENCINES AND MACHINERY, Belting, Packing and Bolting Cloth, Grist Mills and Mill Stones, 330STON germaL ClaIrileMIt I c 1N7 Manny's and McCormick's Reapers, Page's Portable Savr Mills, Spencer's Pitts' and Hall's Threshers, MdCALTIFIXarS. JEL(DaP31/ 416,1Nri, N. E. corner California and Battery Streets, San Francisco.

UFACTORY. IRON SAFE MAN■ ■ ■ WWe.e,`S,•• e e Me....W.S,S•r"

irt ■ dixac•NW d‘dd%011,,parmottil6Aailol Wde "■%0


Keep constantly on hand and make to order a superior article of fire and burgler-proof Safes, ours being the only one manufactured with wrought iron boite and hinges and secured by the best Powder-proof and Combination Locks now in use. Also, chilled iron Safes, impenetrable to drill or chisel. .A.11 Safes warranted free of Dampness. Safes Repaired and Exchanged. N. B.—Parties in posseserion of Safes which sweat their books and papers, will find it to their advantage to can on us, as Mid can be remedied at a comparatively small expense. ISAAC. F. JOSEPH, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIALIONDS, Goldl Peas, Silver andl Plated are, CLOCICS, TOOLS, WATCH MATERIALS, Grietigameseeg y Mlatame:3r Crcoescing, etc. Marble Building, 177 Washington Street, 1:1P1114".1.1011C2912e3COCIDo Sole Agent of Alexander's 'Watches, 33 Hatton Garden, London. Sole Agent of Albert G. Bagley's Celebrated Gold Pens, Gold and Silver Pencibi and Pen Cases. SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. 13

O. L. 88AFTEB4 T. W. PARE, J. MC M. 8SAFTERe { 8. HEYDENFFà.DT. SHAFTERS, PARK & HEYDENFELDT, ttont#s aù ntlin^ at a1i, - AND - PRO(^^^^^ IN ADMIULTY, OFFICE, 10, 11, 12 and 13, MONTGOMERY BLOCK, San Francisco, California. 1VIETROPOLITAN HOTEL, South-West Corner of Bush and Sansome Sts. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA.

Messrs. ARMSTRONG & TODD, Proprietors.

This Hotel offers to transient and permanent residents, the best and most convenient apartments. Having been recently refitted and improved, the entire establishment now presents The FIRST HOTEL on the Pacifie. It is the most central and pleasantly located House in San Francisco, has Reading and Billiard Saloons, and in all other appointments complete and superb. TABLE and REFRESHMENTS of the first order. .®.RIMISTRONG & TODD. 14 SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. R. S. EELLS & CO. Corner of FRONT and PINE Streets, 314Nr up 1_1;e INr (r23 c.r,,b Are now receiving, per Clipper Ships, A GENERAL .ASSORTMENT of WAGONS, STAGES CARRIAGES


Oak, • Ash and Hickory Lumber. Hubs, Spokes, Fellows, Tongues, Hickory Axles, patent and plain Iron Axles, bent Poles and Shafts, silver- ed Hub Bands, Pole Yokes, Dash Irons, Top Trimmings, etc., to which they invite the attention of purchasers.


d.1 rirDezi,lerseit -11%46N) 4 Pianos it (I)S HEET PAUSIC..a STRINGS, INSTRUMENTS, II_1 FRAN011800y: —:0:— es- rrà shin e SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. 15 WELLS, FARGO & CO. exprtss and erhany tilempang CAPITAL $600,000. FORWARD REGULARLY to all parts of CALIFORNIA, Oregon, Washington Territory, the ATLANTIC STATES and EUROPE. DRAW DRA_FTS

On all the principal Cities and Towns of the Atlantic States ; the Union Bank, London, and the Royal Bank, Dublin. SHIP TREASURE, PACKAGES, Etc., At the lowest rates, to all parts of the world. Make Collections, and attend to Commissions for the Purchse of Goods . LOUIS McLANE, GENERAL AGENT, San Francisco, Cal. 3C3■3BEINT et. ffl3ŒVirffl, SUCCESSOR TO SIMS & FRAZER, Oregon Street, near Front, San Francisco

MANUFACTURERS OF FIRE PROOF DOORS SL. SHUTTERS Bank Vaults, Grating, Railing, Balconies, etc. All orders from the Interior, Oregon and Washington Territories, Vancouver's Island, British Columbia, or aly place on the Pacific Coast, attended to with promptness and dispatch. N. B.—Oregon Street is in front of the Custom House north aide of the United States Court Buildings. 16 SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. SEED WAREHOUSE. ( Established in 18501)


S. W. MOORE, No. 110 California St., bet. Montgomery and Sansome SAN Fle..A1WISCO. Has for sale the most extensive variety of KITCHEN • GARDEN, FIELD, FLOWER, FRUIT AND TREE SEEDS IN CALIFORNIA, INCLUDING 20,000 lbs pure Alfalfa or Chile Clover Seeiii, OF uu-im NEW CROP, mr,Leou_wrEce ALSO, uzgu4c9 AND OTHER BULBOUS ROOTS.

The undersigned, from his long experience in the business, and his extensive facilities for procuring his seed from the best seed growers in the United States, France and England, is ena- bled to sell at lower prices than any other house. The Agents of Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express are hereby au- thorized to act as agents for the undersigned in taking orders for Seeds and receipting for the sarne. Orders by mail also promptly attended to. A liberal dis- count will be made to the trade. Particular attention given to the careful packing of Seeds for shipment. Your early orders are solicited, which shall have immediate and faithful attention. S. W. MOORE, Seed Warehouse, 110 California Street, le' Boxes of Seeds containing 10@ papers for Fetailing, in such assortments as desired, will be furnished. W. B. SMITH, Agent Victoria. SAN FRANCISCO DEPARTMENT. 17


UNION IRON WORKS.-Mr. Peter Donahue, the propri- etor, commenced operations in. 1849. These works are the most extensive in the city, covering an area of seven full sized water lots. The buildings are of the most substantial kind, all of brick. ; consisting of foundry, 50 by 60 feet.; one. machine shop is 40 by 80 feet, and four stories, high ; one machine shop, blacksmiths' and boiler shop has just been completed, 46 by 160 feet. Within these buildings are the best tools to be found in the State,. consisting of Wentworth's massive drilling and s?otLing machines, compound planers, one of Z. Coffin's supe- rior lathes, which swings eight feet, and with the pit lathe can turn a pully 22 feet diameter; the length of the lathe is 30 feet. One of Nasmyth's steam hammers is situated in the cen- ter of the smith's shop. In addition to the tools enumerated above, are lathes, planers, drills and a large riveting machine. The first castings made in this State was at this foundry. The contract for the boilers and engines of the new side wheel steamer Saginaw was awarded by the Hon. Secretary of the Navy to Mr. Donahue, being the first contract for a govern- ment steamer on the Pacific coast.

MR. S. W. MOORE, whose advertisement will be found elsewhere, we are informed, has the largest and most complete assortment of every known Seed. Our agriculturists and others can send their orders direct to his agent. at Victoria. This establishment is most popularly known-,in California for its promptitude, and in filling orders or commissions at the cheapest rates, and of the freshest and best qualities of Seeds.

NATHANIEL GRAY, EsQ.--Bodies sent for interment to this gentleman, who carries on the oldest and most reliable establishment as Undertaker, will meet with the promptest exe- cution. He is also part owner of Lone Mountain Cemetery." (For terms, read his card,) He has such arrangements that he can ship bodies to the Atlantic States .. and Europe, for inter- ment. His terms are the most reasonable. 2* 18 SAN FRANCISCO DEPARTMENT.

MESSRS. COFFEY & RISDON.-We take this occasion to refer to their extensive Boiler Manufactory on Market Street. These gentlemen are celebrated on this coast, for making the best Boilers. Owners of steamers, or those running engines, will find it to their advantage to consult Messrs. C. & R. for a Boiler, which, for safety, fuel-saving and compactness, cannot be superceded; and at moderately cheap rates.

SAFE -MANUFACTORY MEssRa. AUBERLEN & CO. -We heartily recommend this extensive establishment to our citizens. They make the best improved Safes-burglar and fire-proof-on the Pacific. W e refer to their advertisement in this work for particulars.

PIONEER LINE OF PACgETS--MESSRS. DEWAR & GEHRICKE.-The commercial community are no doubt aware that this line is the oldest and most extensive one, and whose Packets leave almost weekly, at reduced rates of Freight or Passage. Messrs. Dewar & Gehricke charter none but first- class vessels. Those shipping Goods and Merchandise will do well to send through thers,

CALIFORNIA PIONEER BROOM MANUFACTORY. -Elsewhere will be found the advertisement of Messrs. C. W. & G. W. Armes, who have the most extensive Broom Manu- factory on the Pacific coast. About one hundred thousand Brooms were manufactured by them during the past year, all of which were exported to the north-western coast, Mexico, Sandwich Islands, and principally California. We recommend this establishment to our merchants and traders in these Col- onies. Send them your orders direct, and they will be promptly and faithfully executed.

MESSRS. CONRO & CO., formerly proprietors of the Gold- en Gate Mills, are the only and sole manufacturers of the well known brand of "Fowler's Patent Self.-Risinq Flour." They keep constantly a full assortment of Gallego, Haxall, Eastern and Domestic Flour, at their immense storehouses, at current market rates. Send your orders direct to them, 86 Front ,Street. SAN FRANCISCO DEPARTMENT. 19

M. E. HUGHES, ESQ., is the agent for the world-renowned M. Phelan's Patent Model Billiard Table, 182 Montgomery Street, we need scarcely remark that those who wish to pur- chase Billiard Tables, will look in vain for a better, cheaper, or finer article than "Phelan's Patent."

MESSRS. SHAFTERS, PARK & HEYDENFELDT, At- torneys and Counselors at Law, offices 10, 11, 12 and 13, Mont- gomery Block, San Francisco. There are few legal firms on this coast which possess greater legal acquirements than the gentlemen who head this paragraph. Judge Heydenfeldt held for several years the position of Supreme Judge of California. They are also Proctors in Admiralty-.

MR. BERNHEIM, on Clay Street, keeps on hand, and man- ufactures Confectionery, Candies, Sugars, etc., at the cheapest rates, of the best quality, and at the shortest notice. He fills orders entrusted to him promptly. MESSRS. HAYES & PRITCHARD, keep on hand, and manufacture to order, Monuments, Grave Stones and Slabs, of every kind and shape. • They are extremely moderate in their prices, fill orders promptly, and do their work in the most art- istic manner.

MR. BELL, Assayer, California Street, near Wells, Fargo & Co., renders returns of deposits of gold at the shortest notice. We need not comment on this establishment, but refer our readers to his references, elsewhere in this work, which we know to be the very best recommendation. MESSRS. PIOCHE & BAYERQTJE, draw and issue Drafts in sums to suit the convenience of all, on the principal com- mercial and banking houses in Europe, Atlantic States and the Western Continent. They also effect Loans, buy and sell Real Estate, etc. se—Owners and Masters of vessels should send their orders for Sails and Tarpaulins to Messrs. Harding & Linekin, whose card appears in this work. We can recommend them for furnishing good work at cheap rates. 20 SAN FRANCISCO DEPARTMENT.

MESSRS. SAINSEVAIN BROS., are the recipients of a first premium from the State and Mechanics' Fairs, for their manufacture of the best article of Native California Wines, from the celebrated vineyard, El Aliso, Los Angeles. They manufacture, and have constantly on hand, Sparkling Califor- nia Champagne, California White Wine, California Angelica, California Port -Wine, California Red Wine, and. California Brandy. Those in the trade, we are satisfied, cannot find a better house to send their orders to, than Messrs. S. Brothers. They will execute all commissions at shortest notice, and at reasonable established prices, for their best and most celebrated brands of enumerated wines. See Card.

MESSRS. MAIN & WINCHESTER have the most com- plete stock of Harnesses, Saddles, Bridles, Whips and other ar- ticles belong,ing to the Saddlery Department, on the Pacific coast. They have been long and favorably known here. They have also been the recipients of first premiums from the sev- eral Institutes and Fairs. They ask but a small profit over eastern prices, and solicit orders from the dealers of these Col- onies, whom we recommend to send direct to them, for articles in their line. PHILADELPHIA BREWERY.—This establishment fur- nishes, at this time, the best Beer on the Pacific coast. See their advertisement elsewhere.

CHAMPAGNE CIDER, PICKLE AND SALT WARE- HOUSE.—Messrs. Oakley & Jackson,. whose advertisement appears on another page, have been the recipients of several diplomas and silver medals from the different Fairs and Insti- tutes, for their celebrated Champagne Cider. We recommend our dealers to send for this article ; we know it to be good, medicinally pure, and falls not short of the best brands of Champagne.

LARGE BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOTTSE.—Mr. F. Delger, whom we have known several years, keeps at this time one of the most complete stocks of Boots and Shoes on this coast. The irade will find him the most reasonable in his prices. They should send their orders direct to him. SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. 21

LEWIS COFFEY & .RISDON'S Steam Boiler and Sheet Iron Works, The only exclusively Boiler Making Establishment on thePacific Coast . Owned and conducted by Practical Boiler Makers. All orders for New Work or the re pairing of Old Work, executed as ordered, and warranted as to quality . Old Stand, corner of Bush and Market Streets , LEwrs coFFEY, (Opposite Oriental Hotel,) J. X. RISDON . I SA.Ar FRANCISCO, CAL.

(New Brick Building ) Comer of Sansome and Californiabl ) Streets , (Entrance on Sansome Street.) I. E. STECKLER, Proprietor. N. B.-The best Furnished Apartments for Families and Single Persons. 22 SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS.


IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN OILS, PAINTS, WINDOW GLASS / "V".A.R1■TISI—IES, '17.71:t3PMINTTINE, Camphene, Burning Oils and Fluid, Alcohol, Glue, Brushes,


Keep constantly on hand the best assortment of' Artists' Materials and Colors, Bronzes, Colored and Ornamental Glass, French and Ger- man Window Glass, (all sizes and qualities,) Knives, Paint Mills, Glaziers' Diamonds, èhalks, Putty, Smalts, Shellac, Whiting, Zinc, Paints, etc. All of which arc carefully selected, of best quality, and for sale at the lowest market rates. Orders sent to Ili will meet with prompt fulfillment. First Premium Champagne Cider.

4-•••■••-* CZZACO 25 COMMERCIAL STREET, One Door below Front, Respectfully inform Dealers and others, that they manufacture and keep constantly on hand the best brand of CliAMPAG-NE. CIDER, Pure 'Vinegar9, Califorda Raised Pickles And SALT OF ALL KINDS, Ground and Unground. All of which they offer to the Trade, at the most reasonable prices, and at the shortest notice. Parties should send their orders direct to their Flouse, where they will meet with prompt dispatch. MESSRS. OAKLEY it JACKSON have been engaged in the manu- facture of these articles for many years, and are favorably known all over this Coast for their nianufactured articles aboie mentioned. • SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. 23 REINHART BROS. Importers and "Wholesale Dealers in

GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS AND SPIRITS, In Cases or Packages to suit Purchasers.

•■••■■•• ..Lnàbniel S 0

BOOTS, .ST-10ES, Fancy and Staple Goods, etc. etc.


7if die Z‘-.‘ If9 ME%

(Opposite WELLS, FARGO & CO.) VICTORIA, V. 1. And No. 7 Custom Rouse Block, Sacramento Street, S sueereaffeog ealeet 24 SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. PIOCHE & BAYERQUE, 114^ 1(il ii ^ 1 1

A l^ayaï^la :Lm the prinoipal C3itiam of FRANCE, ITALY, ENGLAND, PRUSSIA,

BELGIUM, HOLLAND I SWITZERLAND, SPAIN, GERMANY, etc., etc. THEY ALSO RECEIVE, ON DEPOSIT, the smallest sums, and for a moderate commission, remit thern and cause them to be paid-at fixed periods, monthly, quarterly or other- wise, to the families of depositors in the PRINCIPA^ CITIES of Europe




OF 3-7V30111Z VAR1TTY, Nos. 166 and 168 California Street7 THRM DOORS EAST OP KEARNY, &.&^ T.%&j74&2^^0^ ^&?4p ser All Work done at the Lowest Prices. SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. 25 PHILAIELP1111 ERE El, Cor. Second and Folsom SU. g£ES1 Di SILESOEgeao

eir We take the present opportunity of thanking our friends and customers for the liberal support heretofore extended to the PHILA- DELPHIA BREWERY, and to notify them that we have added to our Establishment new and extensive Buildings, by which we hope, through the greatly increased facilities now possessed by us, to fur- nish, as usual, A Superior Article of BEER, That shall not only equal that previously furnished by us, but convince them that we are determined to merit their continued patronage and support, HOELSCHER, WIELAND & CO. HARPING & LINEKIN, MAKERS, Fire-Proof Building, 55 Front St. Between Sacramento and California Streets, JOHN HARDING, I IRA W. LINEKIN.f .13LO MISMIGU. Constantly on hand a full supply of BOAT ROPE, DUCK, etc. 26 SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENT&

w ;i, ur w^ u k.r, F:Sn lïtt rn A5m PION^^R ^ROON^ IANUFAUTORYI C. W. ARMES. G. W ARMES. C o We & &. . W. iRM , WHOLESALE & RETAIL ESTABLISHMENT, Sacramento Street, one door below Drumm,

SPAIN M1^ UU,®11 raLa

P. S-Orders directed to us will be filled promptly, at the lowest market prices, and the best quality of Brooms. We have constantly on hand the largest as- sortment on the Pacific Coast. 4 ^1nQ ^^^^Q ^^OQDv GRAY & HERWIG, 176 (^lay 5treet, Sau ^raaciscc^, (^a7l^cternia.

PIANO FORTES AND l1IELODEONS. Sole Agents for celebrated Boston Manufactôry of Messrs. Hallett, Davies & Co.'s and Raven & Bacon's splendid Pianos. Agents for Messrs. Garliard &. Needham's celebrated Melodeons. Also, Board- man & Gray's celebrated Pianos. Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic SheetIMusic; Instruction Books for all Instruments; Pure Roman Strings received by every Mail from the first and most celebrated Manufactories. Brass Instruments of all descriptions; Vio- lins, Guitars, Violincellos, Contra Bassos, Flutes and Clarionettes, Accordions and Flutinas, Banjos, Cymballs, and everything pertaining to the Musical Trade. Your orders are respectfully solicited. The Trade supplied at the most reasonable terms. SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. 27

^ V ^ lW ' I cu % FIRST PREMIUM Native California WN

P-4 ^.. FROM Their Celebrated Vineyard of" El Aliso," AT nos ArrcaEx,ES_

Sparkling California Champagne, California White Wine, California Angelica Wine, California Port Wine, California Red Wine, California Brandy. No. 195 MONTGOMERY ST., Hentsch's Building. 28 SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS.

EsmA.a3Lisminn 1859» . AEU OIFFIIE - OF - G. W. BKLL, (PARROTT'S IRON BUILDING,) No. 1 : California Street


ORES AND MINERALS. Of every description, ASSAYED. Returns made at the usual rates of Commission., WITH CORRECTNESS AND DISPATCH.


4-4-4 THE undersigned respectfully represent that they have erected an EXTEN SIVE ESTABLISHMENT P01=2. sTI-IM MANUFACTURE OF

--■■••-•-4.411)**-••••■--- Your attention is particularly directed to this notice, that we are prepared to execute any given order, and according to WMIG-1-1111 OR COLOR, At the shortest notice, and at a less price than can be imported. re° Merchants and. others will send their orders direct to our House, with particulars, where we shall be happy to fulfill their commis- sions with promptness and dispatch. HEYNEIVIAN'N, PICK & CO. 89 & 91 CALIFORNIA ST., (men= rgarraturaztefutexam e ctstain... 30 SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS.

Janufattrn±tg iiberzntit WASHINGTON STREET19 (Opposite the Market, over Sherman's Carpet Store.)

The Trade in the interior are hereby apprized, that I manufacture from PURE COIN, any orders sent to me, such as PLATE- WORK, PITCHERS, BOVqLS, Uses, Tureens, Walters, Cups, MO., Etc., IN THE NEATEST PATTERNS, CHASED OR PLAIN-ALSO, Table, Tea, Sugar, Mustard and Salt Spoons, Knives and Forks, La- dles, (threaded or plain) in exchange for old silver, AT IMPORTERS' PRICES_ ORDERS pROMPTL'W FILLED_ 1D. NOROBOSS, 144 Sacramento Street, above Kearny, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. Manufacturer of REGALIAS, JEWELS, COSTUMEB, FRINGES, TAS- SELS, BUTTONS, GIMPS, and TRIMMINGa. EMPORIUM Of Regalias, (for Masonic, Odd Fellows, Templars, Knights. etc.) Military, Flag, Banner, and General Furnishing Goods. General assortment of Laclies' Dress Trimmings-Selmets, Shields, Sworde, Belts, Tents, Ballot Boxes. Balls. Children and Infants' Clothinq..fidZ assortment. Full assortment of Military Goods. Orders promptly executed at Moderate Prices. D. NORCROSS, 144 Sacramento Street. ^


Particuiar attention paid to the manufacture of BLANK Boogs for Mercantile Houses. Every variety of Books required for Public Offices fürnished at short notice, in a manner not surpassed by any. SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. 31 NATHANIEL GRAY,

155 Sacramento Street, cor. of Webb, 0121 MISMIgel MUD

40-4.4■ Iron and Wood Grave Enclosures and Marble Tomb Stones, furnished to order.

A1.1.1S0, COFFIN TR,I1U1VCING-S.. ••••• age" Bodies shipped to me for Interment in the Atlantic States or the European Continent, will be sent by me promptly in suitable Coffins, to suit all interested, by the first convey- ance, either at death or after interment. From the long expe- rience in this branch of my profession, I am satisfied that I can warrant satisfaction.

gleeseteeres,esneNe■•■•■■•■•••.,■■ ■••■• Bodies Interred at the "LONE MOUNTAIN CEMETERY," WLLL BE CHARGED ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING RATES:

Prices of Lots, etc. —Lots on Avenues, per superficial foot, 50 cts. Lots on Paths, 33* cts. Single Buries.—In Chain Plot, for adult, $15. Children in Children's Plot,.$10. In Common Plot, each $5. This includes opening and filling of each grave.

Openin.g and Pilling Graves in Private Lots,—For adults, $6. For Children, $4.

Vault Charges.—For adults. per month, $3. For Children, $2. One week free of charge to purchasers of a lot. Bodies remaining in the vault over ten days, if not inclosed in lead, will be sub- ject to burial at the option of the Superintendent of the grounds. Size of Pence in Children's Plot, 3 by 6 feet ; other single graves, 3i by 'I ; not t,o exceed 3 feet in height. 32 SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. UNiON I RO N WORKS. (ESTABLISHED IN 1849,) North-East Corner of First and Nission Streets, SAINT :F RAN'CISCO_

The above Establishment has been in successful operation for the last eleven years, during which time new and extensive Buildings have been erected, and the latest improvements added to the Works, which enable the undersigned to supply all demands for W.A6CUE3CJE.1%Î30XL03r C1iL' GA.fi3WI1%ÎC^xl5 Of every description, on the shortest notice, and finished in a style of work- manship that cannot be surpassed. STEAM ENGINES BOLT AND REPAIRED. Quartz Mills, Saw Mills, Threshing Machines, Horse Powers, Grist Mills, Gearing, Malt Rollers, and all kinds of Mill Work, Steamboat Repairing, Blacksmithing, etc. Besides the extensive assortment of Machinery Patterns, attention is called to the new and beautiful designs for Building Castings, Iron Fronts and Colarnns for Stores, Railings for Balconies and Stairs, Door and Window Sills, Stair Cases, etc. Aa- ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. PETER DONAHUE, Proprietor. SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS . 33 3M(:)3E3[X.m 3EqL etc XLC). SANSOME ST. bet. CLAY and COMMERCIAL, &&jT 2M&jT4U2X,&&0 Q&M a IMPORTERS and WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS in (Doa IM29S~o U)sLI-240M k~Zjj QUU90_3

9 Of the NEWEST and MOST APPROVED PATTERNS, which they will sell at prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction . Tin, Sheet-Iron- andALSO Britannia - Ware. 23110' ' - - -;- ` - - ' ' - -_ o-t Coal HodsSifters,Pokers, Planished & Japan Ware of every description, Sad Irons, Spoons, Knives and Forks, Tea and Coffee Pots, Furnace Lamps, etc . They also XANUFA:CTURE TO ORDER, TIN IND SHEET-IRON-WIRE, TIN ROOFING, Stove Pipe, Zinc and Copper Ware, etc . Keep constantly on hand, Sheet Iron,, Copper, Zinc, Block Tin, Pig Lead, Wire of every description, and everything pertaining to the Trade . n&- They defy the World to produce better PARLOR or COOKING STOVES that those wbieb they keep on band, and which will be warranted to give the best satisfaction . Those living in Interior TOWRS are especially Invited to cal l P 34 SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. 9 el I 3E1. 9L1 1:* et. 3M WI z -cr Awarded by the Mechanics' Institute, 1858, TO led or, n",:• 12) — FOR SANTA CRUZ LIME. ALSO, DEALER IN CEMENT, PLASTER, HAIR, MARBLE DUST FIRE CLAY AND BRICK, ETC.

42 Battery Street, bet. California & Pine, (h£1.1Le zgiare..1QueztexecrD., ger All orders promptly filled. SAM1 ADAMS. Billiard Table Manufactory.


0 •

7eS r)-, ;) Eildagganne MI C HAEL- PHELAN'S e_ tilt( AND- PATENT COMBINATION CUSHIONS. Wholesale and. Retail, at New York Prices. Workmanship and Trimmings of every kind, Warranted. M. E. EITJGECES, .A.GFEINT FOR. .A141à e.e.u-rimeavs, No. 182 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, Cal. Caution.—Phelan's Patent cannot be procured from any other person in Califor- nia, Oregon, Washington Territory, Vancouver's Island or British Columbia. SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. 35 UNIVERSITY OF THE PACIFIC. MEDICA L DEPARTMENT. >11 .£16 ir.T Xi lt" J. MORISON, M. D....Professor of Pathology, and of the Principles and Practice of Medicine ISAAC ROWELL, M. D Professor of Chemistry R. BEVERLY COLE, M. D...... Professor of Physiology and of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. E. S. COOPER, M. D Professor of Anatomy and Surgery B. R. CARMAN, M D Professor of Materia Medica Hon. GEORGE BARSTOW Professor of Medical Jurisprudence - ANNOUNCEMENT OP LECTURES, Session of 1860. The next Regular Course of Lectures in this Institution will commence on the first Monday in May. 1860, and be continued eighteen weeks. — REQUIREMENTS AND REGULATIONS.—The examinations will be so arranged as to permit the commencement for conferring degrees, to be held early in September. The candidate must be of good moral character, and at least twenty-one years of age. He must have attended two full courses of lectures in some regular and recognized medical school, one of which shall have been in this college, and he must exhibit his tickets, or other sufficient evidence there- of, to the Dean of the Faculty. He must have studied medicine for not less than three years, and have at- tended at least one course of clinical instruction in an institution approved by the Faculty. He must present to the Dean of the Faculty a thesis or dissertation upon some medical subject, in his own handwriting, and of his own composition ; and exhibit to the Faculty, at his examination, satisfactory evidence of his pro. fessional attainments. If, after examination for a degree, the candidate, on ballot, shall be found to have received three negative votes, he shall be entitled to another examination—should he decline this, he may withdraw lus thesis and graduation tee, and not be considered as rejected. The degree will not be conferred upon any candidate wbo absents himself from the public commence- ment, without the special permission of the Faculty. FEES.—The fee to each Professor is twenty dollars, payable in advance. The Matriculation fee is five dollars—to be paid but once. The graduation fee is fifty dollars. SPRING, OR PRELIMINA RY COURSE.—The Faculty, with a view of increasing the facilities for medical instruction without additional cost to the student, will deliver annually a gratuitous preliminary course of lectures upon subjects of importance, commencing on the first of April, and continuing till the commencement of the regular course. 8e. Letters must be addressed to R. BEVERY COLE, M. D., Dean of theaculty, office No. 228 Wash- ington Street, above Dupont, San Francisco, Cal. DP.' D. BURBANK

No. 125 MONTGOMERY STREET, (Over Tucker's Jewelry Store,) SAN FRANCISCO. All work done at his office will be in the best manner and of the purest material. The best of references given. 36 SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS.


AN3D-- FLOUR STORE, 31 Sacramento Street, bet. Front & Davis, DEETH & STARR, M.ANTTF.ACTURERS OF os j3Bj p, VY a P O T DI3PIRXAu Butter, Boston, Pilot, Milk, Wine, Sugar, Soda, Navy, Water, Picnic and Graham Crackers, fresh Baked every day. THURNAUER & ZINN, IMPORTERS AND MANIIFACTURERS OF


English & American WILLOW WARE, Cane & Willow Chairs, Ladies' Work-Sta.nds Children's Carriages, HOBBYHORSES, TOYS, &C. FIRST PREIIIIUIII Awarded at the California STATE FAIRS 1858 and 1859, and the Xe. Chanic3's I2lstitute, of this City. No. 92 Battery Street, between Commercial & Clay,

HENRY ZÎNN^R^I. Ram MilUT90ML SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. 37 HUCKS & LAMBERT'S Celebrated Patent Anti-Friction nE UREA Ha This extraordinary lubricating Compound is produced by a chemical combination of suitable oily substances, purified by distillation, and carefully freed from the resinous or pitchy matter, which attaches to all Oils more or less, in their unre- fined or natural state. In operation, the patent greese works free from comb or gum, keeping the heaviest bearings in a soft oily state to the last, and as its consistency is not altered by exposure to the hottest sun or coldest frost, (its liquifying point being 200 degrees,) it fol- lows that on axles which have a tendency to become hot, from too heavy abrasion, &c., the Anti-friction will adhere to, and keep them cool, when other substances would run off and be- come dry, thus the evil known as

î 1> il is, by its use, effectually prevented. The proprietors will guarantee one application of their Pa- tent Greese to carry the heaviest loaded teams from 300 to 500 miles, without requiring to be re-greased on the road. RUCKS & LAMBERT, INVENTORS AND SOLE MANUFACTURERS, I‘Tebtcomet !Street Mitretaactisicx›.

N. B.—Samples may be obtained at the Depot, 101 Jaâkson Street, San Francisco, and at one or more of the principal Stores in every Mining Town throughout the State.


C. MAIN. E. H. WINCHESTER, MAIN & WINCHESTER, MANUFACTURERS and IMPORTERS of 2V,MkniiOnin::23,s Bridles, Whips, Collars, Saddlery Ware, ZITO- ZITC.„ 82 Battery Street, bet. Commercial t Sacramento, tzsamm rieseenutizatuzscome ceenaQ

Good Assortment Concord Stage Harness constantly on hand. FIRST PREMIUM Awarded MAIN & WINCHESTER by the Mechanics' Institute, 185'i and 1858, and also by the Fair at Stockton, 185, for the Best Ladies' Saddle, best Texas Ranger and California Sad- dle, and for best Buggy Harness and Riding Bridles.

3F1 X.") 3Cmq IGts 3Fte, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in T 4,L, .1.k, «Iv r4va 75 and 77 CALIFORNIA STREET, CORNER BATTERY, (UP-STAIRS,) SAN FRANCISCO. KEEPS A LARGE STOCK OP Gents', Ladies', Misses' 8e Children's Boots, Shoes & Rubbers RECEIVED BY EVERY STEAMER, Itç4.\f(lOte- Oe BOOTS &r o FROM THE Houses of J. MILES & SON, Philadelphia, Pa. D. R. KING & CO. do. LEONARD BENKE1tT, do. C. BENKERT, do. P. CONRAD, do. Also, the best Assortment or Eastern Goods always on hand. SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. 39


^ Farmers and Dealers will find it to their interest to call and scie the sub-. scribers, at their Agricultural Warerooms. J. D. ARTITIIR, t W. N. ARTHUR. f JOHN D. ARTHUR & SON, Nos. 3, 4 & 5 Washington Street, betvveen Front and Davis, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA.

ICHOU, TIRIMAMMETZ A SA^^ BEING THE SEYE^iTH TI^IE RECEIVÉD against all competitors. ^ATAN"C Cor. Montgomery and Sacramento Sts., San Francisco. Ha^ving again received the F I R S T P R E M I U M awarded at the STATE FA.IR for the BEST Al1^BROTYPES and PHOTOGRAEHS, it is guaranteed that all who favor me with a call are sure to obtain better work than can be produced at any other R:ooms in the State. I would say to my patrons that I am now producing better ^vork than ever, at much REDUCED PRICES, to conform to the times. Having reduced my prices more than thirty per cent. none hereafter need go to second-rate establishments on account of price. Instructions given in the :A.rt, and STOCK FURNISHED. . Hav- ing caver $20,000 worth of Cameras, Glass Plates, Cases and Chemi- cals, on hand and on the way, I shall hereafter dispose of them at about NEW YORg PRICES. 40 SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. MARINE INSURANCE NOTICE. 1PA022it P it IN 51'1 i a IV 3OI.^oL^AMT sb :VO"%?V"L3&R, .ALga3a.tw, Office, N.E. corner CLAY and BATTERY Sts., San Francisco.

We are now prepared to take Marine Risks on Treasure, Cargo, Quicksilver and Freights, between San Francisco and Ports in China, Japan, Sandwich Islands, East Indies, Australia, Europe, and Coastwise, under Open Policies in the CO- LUMBIAN INSURANCE COMPANY of New York, (Assets over $1,000,000), also in the NEPTUNE INSURANCE CO. of New York, (Capital, $300,000)-under eonditions and rates of premium as favorable to the insured as in the other New York Offices. We continue to take Marine Risks to and from all parts of the World, on Hulls, Cargoes, Freights and Specie, in the QUAKER CITY INSURANCE CO., NEPTUNE INSURANCE CO., and WASHINGTON .INSURANCE CO., Philadelphia, for which Companies we issue Poli- cies, and for whom we are empowered to settle and pay all losses HERE, whether total or partial. McLEA.N & FOWLER, Agents, E. MeLEAN ...... X. FOWLER...... C. T. HOPgINS. Time Policies by the month or year. Open Policies on Merchandise and Treasure.

A.SHIM & BRO., San Francisco ...... SOL'N ASHIN & CO., New York. A CARD. Ak 3HE I 3CiiE cfe 3 The Undersigned, having established A 1--1OU'SE I^T' N"EW YORIK, which will receive the personal attention of our MR. SOL'N ASHIM, would respectfully inform the Public that they are now prepared to execute all Commissions entrusted to their care, on the most reasonable terms, and from their long estab- lishment in this City, and their thorough knowledge of the markets, flatter themselves they are fully capable of giving entire satisfaction to those who may favor them with orders ; at the same time they will continue their AUCTION and. COMMISSION BUSINESS, and solicit Consignments, upon which they will make the MOST LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES. A.imnT cos 3BRQ. N. E. Corner of Sacramento and Leidesdorff Sts SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. 41

JLND GLASS WARE. HAYNE S & LAWTON, KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND, The Largest and best A.ssorted. Stock of STAPLE GOODS to be found on the Pacific Coast ! CONSISTING OF EWERS and BASINS, PRESERVE DISHES, CREAM PITCHERS, SYRUP PITCHERS, TOBACCO JARS, TUMBLERS, CANDY JARS, COFFEE CUPS, I SUGAR BOWLS, DECANTERS, MEAT DISHES, PLATES GOBLETS, etc. LAMPS of every description, For Burning Oil, Cainphene, Fluid, and COAL OIL, ALSO - Milo 1^< 4u ^7^tld^T^i^^Ze____, W78vIlbQ% C31.aC> C:K9B Of the celebrated Jerome Manufacture, and of every style and pattern Weight, Striking, Alarm. jgr° Particular attention given to the Packing of goods for All parts of the Country and Coast. HAYNES & LAWTON, 128 Sansome Street, cor, of Merchant St. 42 su FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. SAN FRANCISCO MIER ESTABLISHED 1855. Bush Street, between Mason and Taylor, SAN FRANCIS00.

This College offers great facilities for acquiring a thorough Education in the Classics, Mathematics, Modern Languages, AND ALL BRANCHES OF A

The efficiency of the system has already been tested by the high positibn some of the pupils educated here have taken in the principal Colleges of the Eastern States and elsewhere. For Terms, etc., see Prospectus, which will be sent on application to any part of the Continent.

4■410.41. pRoemssons_ Rev. J. CHITTENDEN Principal (Late of Cambridge, England, and London Universities.) A. S. LOWNDES Latin and Greek Languages (Late of Oxford University.) H. DUPOITEY French, Spanish and Natural Sciences ( Late of University of France.) J. DUPOITEY French, Italian and Mathematics (Late of University of France.) F. LAFOND Gerraan and the Mercantile Department ( Late of Collegium Carolinum, Brunswick.) A. CEEITTENDEN English Elementary Department Âll the Teachers assist in the eommon branches of the English Department.


xrù and âelà printing Nu. IX% Sansome Street, Sam Freacisco. EVERYTHING THAT ANYBODY WANTS In the above line, executed in a style that cannot fail to please. DR. W. _A:YER Would respectfully inform the afflicted that he is making use of ELEC- TRICITY and MAGNETISM in the treatment of all CHRONIC DISEASES, with great success. Many forms of Rheumatism and Neuralgia are entirely relieved by these agents alone. All Acute and Inflamatory Diseases, also all Diseases of Women treated. "MT.. .43."'SrElete M. 3D. Office, 135 Sacramento Street, San Francisco.



- ALSO - SOU à GUTS for the NEELNIII IT« GO. Site The Oldest House in the business on the Pacific Coast.

No. 171 Washington Street, up - stairs, San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS.

Opposition Steamship Line ! 4-••••-+ ATLANTIC & PACIFIC




nr) The "Atlantic and Pacifie Steamship Company" is the ONLY LINE having Extra Steamships at Aspin.wall. Rates of Passage, Freight and Treasure, greatly Reduced, We" Do not be deceived by Runners or others designating themselves as the "Mail Line," but apply at the only Office in San Francisco, 8, E. Corner of Sacramento and Leidesdorff Streets. J. T. WRIGHT, Agent. SAN FRANCISCO DEPARTMENT. 45

Departure of the United States Mails from San Francisco, To Sacramento daily, at 4 o'clock, P. M. To Stockton daily,,at 8 o'clock, A. M. To San Jose daily, at 8 o'clock, A. M. To Petaluma daily, at 1 o'clock, P. M. To Atlantic States, 5th and 20th of each month. To St. Louis and Memphis, Overland, every Monday and Fri- day, at 12 o'clock, noon. To San Diego, on 3d and 18th of each month. To Oregon and Washington Territory, and Vancouver's Island, immediately after the arrival of Atlantic mails.

1111■••■•■ RATES OP U. S. POSTAGE. Letters ounce in weight, to any part of the United States, within 3,000 miles, 3 cents; over 3,000 miles, 10 cents, and must be prepaid or they will not be sent. Letters dropped for delivery from the same office, 1 cent, and advertised letters 1 cent. Letters to Canada, New Brunswick, Cape Breton, Prince Edwards Island, Nova Scotia, and New Foundland, 15 cents. To Great Britain and Ireland 29 cents, if not exceeding ounce, prepayment optional. Letters to Cuba, British West Indies, Chagres, and Panama, 20 cents ; Mexico 10 cents; Spain, via Southampton, 18 cents; Portugal 68 cents. Postage must be prepaid. Letters to Norway, 46 cents; Sweden, 42 cents; Denmark, 35 cents ; Russia, 31 cents ; Austria and Prussia, 30 cents ; Italy, 35 cents; Switzerland and the German States, 30 ; France, 15 cents per ounce. All letters to and from foreign countries, (France and the British North Ameri- can Provinces excepted,) are to be charged with single rate of postage, if not ex- ceeding an ounce in weight ; double rate if exceeding an ounce, and not ex- ceeding 1 ounce ; quadruple rate if exceeding 1. ounce, but not exceeding 2 ounces, —and soon, charging two rates for every ounce or fractional part of an ounce over the first ounce. Ship letters to Sandwich Islands, China, Australia, etc. etc., one cent each. On either a letter, or packet, of any weight to foreign countries, the whole post- age or none at all should be prepaid. If anythinz less than the whole is prepaid, no account is taken of it, and it is entirely lost to the sender. Valuable letters will be registered at the office of mailing on the application of the person posting the same and the payment of a registration fee of five cents. Newspapers, periodicals, unsealed circulars, or other article of printed matter (except books,) when sent to any part of the United States, and not weighing over 3 ounces, 1 cent, and for every additional ounce, or part thereof, 1 cent. If with- in the State and not weighing over 1i ounce, half the above rates. Books, bound or unbound, not weighing over 4 pounds, for any distance under 3,000 miles, 1 cent per ounce; over 3,000, 2 cents per ounce. The above must be prepaid, or double these rates will be charged, 46 SAN FRANCISCO DEPARTMENT. Newspapers sent to England and France 2 cents each ; -pampblets and periodi- cals, to England, 2 cents each, if not weigbing over 2 ounces, and 4 cents an ounce or fraction of an ounce, if they exceed 2 ounces. Pamphlets and . periodicals to France 1 cent per ounce. Pre-payment required, this being the United States post . age only. Newspapers, or pamphlets, etc., should not be inclosed in a wrapper, but simply a narrow band of paper, otherwise letter postage will be charged .

BUSINESS NOTICES * THE WORLD RENOWNED STOVES.-MESSRS. KOH- LER& BROS.,we are happy to say, have exhibited to us'their late improvements in Stoves, of their own manufacture, which surpass all others either in beauty, fuel-saviDg, or other advan- tages, We are compelled to recommend this establishment, since every article is made from the best material, and of the latest style and improvements. We understand, also, that their charores for the same are cheaper than those of other dealers . The trade should send their orders direct to them, as they will execute commissions promptly . They can defy the world to _Pro- duce a better Cooking or Parlor Stove. See their card elsewhere . METROPOLITAN HOTEL.-We call attention to the advertisement elsewhere, of the Metropolitan Hotel . The traveling community as well as permanent residents can not be better accommodated than at this favorite resort . The rooms' are spacious, airy, and neatly furnished, and the proprietors are well established in the reputation that they furnish their culinary department with the best the market affords. The Hotel is most eligibly situated near the principal business dis- triet. WM. SCHMOLZ, EsQ.-On the back cover of this work wi'll be seen ihe card of this gentleman . We have known him long since, on this coast, for making and keeping the best In- struments for Surveyors and Engineers. He is the author of a very concise* and useful work recently published by him. He has also invented many new Instruments for Surveying and Engineering. He does repairing at moderate prices, : and war- rants his woTk. Our Surveyors -should bear this in mind, sen (I to him direct for anything they may want, and we are satisfied they will not only be suited but pleased . SAN FRANCISCO DEPARTMENT. 47 SAN FRANCISCO COLLEGE.—This celebrated Institute has been established since the year 1855, and is under the su- pervision of the Rev. J. Chittenden, late of Cambridge and London Universities. Parents and guardians will look in vain for a better School where children of all ages and sexes can re- ceive a liberal education. The higher branches of Mathematics, Philosophy, Modern and Ancient Languages and Music, are successfully taught by eminent Professors. The terms, we find, . are very reasonable. The Institute is most pleasantly situated on Bush street, near Taylor, and is provided with Gymnastics and Sport or Play grounds.

MESSRS. B ALDWIN & JOSEPIII.—Jewelers and Watch- makers, and others in that trade, will find it greatly to their advantage to send their orders direct to this the oldest estab- lished House on the Pacific. The lpst and cheapest Home and Foreign Manufactured Jewelry, Diamonds, Watches, etc., can at all times be found here. We have been shown by the pro- prietors one of the costliest and most superb selections of Amer- ican made W atches, for which this Firm are the Sole Agents on this Coast. Their Manufactory for making the best Jewelry is widely and favorably k.nown, having a Lapidary and an Enameling Furnace attached thereto. We cannot recommend a better House. ner" A most complete stock of Crockery and Glassware, Lamps, Plated and China Ware, will be found at Messrs. Haynes & Lawton, Sansome Street. We can recommend no house on the Pacific coast, where the trade could be better suited, or where orders could be executed at shorter notice, cheaper rates, or with better articles.

MR. SAM'L ADAMS keeps constantly on hand an excel- lent article of Santa Cruz Lime. Builders, architects and con- tractors should send their orders direct to him. See his adver- tisement elsewhere.

•MESSRS. J. D. ARTHUR & SON, whose card appears else- • where in this work, keep on hand the largest and most com- plete stock of Agricultural Implements on this coast, which they offer at reduced prices. 48 SAN FRANCISCO DEPARTMENT.

19F' We call especial attention to the advertisement else- where of Messrs. Cameron, Whittier & Co., who have the most complete stock of Paints, Oils, Glass, and Painter's utensils of the best, cheapest and most desirable quality on this coast. The trade should send their orders direct to them. They will fill orders promptly, and at the lowest market prices.

MESSRS. THURNAUER & ZINN, whose advertisement appears in this work, keep, at this time, and receive from Europe and the Atlantic States, one of the most select and superb stocks of Willow Ware we ever beheld.

Those visiting California, who may be suffering from bad teeth, or wish dental operations performed, should by all means consult Dr. BURBANK. We know him personally to be one of the best and most skillful Surgical Dentists.

MESSRS. HUCKS & LAMBERT.-We are pleased to recom- mend this Firm for manufacturing an unsurpassed article of Axle Grease. We were shown the mysteries of the modus operandi, by Mr. Hucks, who, by the way, is an excellent chemist-from all we can learn this article stands without a rival. The firing of wheels need not be feared, while their Grease is used.

11 COMMERCIAL STEAM PRINTING OFFICE."-We cannot more appropriately conclude our remarks on the va- rious business enterprises of San Francisco, than by calling the attention of our readers to this extensive Printing Establish- ment, the largest and most complete in all its departments, on the Pacific Coast. To the gentlemanly proprietors, Messrs. VALENTINE & Co., we are indebted for many kind attentions shown us during the progress of this work through the press. The néat and artistic appearance of these pages is pxincipally due to their taste and judgment. Those of our patrons in want of anything in the printinq 'line, from an address card to a maxn- moth poster, cannot do better than to call at No. 129 Sansome Street, near Washington, where they will be 'sure of being suited, both as regards quality and price. Orders from the Interior, or from these Colonies, will receive prompt attention. SAN FRANCISCO DEPARTMENT. 49

Ms.. A. KOHLER carries on three of flit most extensive Musical Instruments, Toy and Fancy Goods Establishments on this Coast. He solicits orders from Dealers, which, we are satisfied, he can fill at very reasonable prices. We call attention to the advertisement of MESSRS. FISH & CO., who are the favorably known proprietors of the Black Hawk Livery and Sale Stables. Those wishing a good horse should not fail to call on them. We know of no better place where they can be suited. MR. WIGMORE, on California cor. Leidesdorff Street, manu- actures, at reasonable prices and of the best materials, Office Furniture, Show Cases, Desks, Bureaus, Law and Library Cases, etc. Those requiring articles of this kind should send their orders direct to his establishment. MR. GEO. STEAD, who is now making extensive arrange- ments in England and elsewhere for procuring the best Saws, Files, etc., and who has the best stock now on hand on this Coast, respectfully calls attention to his advertisement in this book ; page 82, (Victoria Department). MESSRS. GRAY & HERWIG, Music Dealers, are at all times receiving the best Strings, and the latest Publications of Music. They have removed recently to Dr. Rabés Build- ing. Mr. GRAY is late of England.


TOBEY & ANDERSON - m.••••=-- t PEORIA n , to, _wituunr.

itttu - s *ted ohm, GENTJINE PEORIA PLO MANUFAÇTURED BY ,• SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. ■ 1 . TOBEY St A.IIDERSON They are adapted to all kinds of soil and in size run from a No. 5, to eut 10 inches, to a heavy 20 inch Breaking Plow. Also, 100 McCormick's, Celebrated Combined Reapers and Mowers ; together with a general a,8sortment of Agricuitural Implements and Hardware,which will be soldat prices to suit the times. 33_ SOT7TI-117C7-01V11-1, 44 BATTERY STREET, between California and Pine, San Francisco. 4* 50 SAN FRANCISCO DEPARTMENT.


Salvator itôsâ

g a 9q ^o do o^ o 0 0® o^o o^o ^d NO. 132 CALIFORNIA STREET, ^^^ 2^&j?402XQ09 Fine Qualities of Imported .Wines, Liquors, Cordials, &e. AT WHOLESA^E_

Strangers visiting San Francisco, will fipd the Liquors at the " Sample Roome,",,of, the very best quality. S_ T_ Agent.

MESSRS. SCHAEFFER & SUTLIFF.-- We take,;pleasure in recommending this extensive Cigar Manufacturing and To- bacco Warehouse, to the trade and consumers. We-have tried and tasted their. home manufactured Cigars, and find them excellent ; indeed, there is no -difference between the best im- ported and their home. made article, either in flavor or taste-- and yet -a. saving. of -50 per cent. _is:.offlered to purchasers. See their advertisement, page 81 Victoria Departm6nt. INDEX TO VICTORIA DEPARTMENT.

Auctioneers- Groceries and Provisions- J. A. McCrea ...... 39 Morris & Co ...... 45 P. M. Bâ,ckus...... T. Phelân ...... 49 Selim Franklin & Co ...... 52 Wm. B. Smith ...... 52 Lester .& Gibbs ...... 79 .dssa,yer- Marchand, Jr. & Co...... 45 General Directory of Citizens- Begin ning ...... 25 to 39 Architects and Builders- Joh n Wright ...... 43 Hotels, Houses and Restaurants ...... 56 E. Mallandaine; also Copyist...... 50,50,71 Bayley's Hotel ...... 23 Thomas Trounce ...... :...... 83 Colonial Hotel...... 43 Temperance Hotel ...... 44 .drmory-Guns- Union Hotel ...... 5 G. Huston ...... 49 Royal Hotel...... cover, 1 Bankers- Hardware, Stoves, d5c.- F. W. Wood, Bank British North America 84 James Bell ...... 23 McDonald . & Co...... 72 J. S. Drummond ...... 43 M. .Prag ...... 50 Barbers and Bathing- A. Blackman ...... 71 Edwards & FoxFox...... 40 Illustrations of Prominent Buildings-all of Builders and ,Bricklayers- which were drawn by E. Mallandaine.- C. Vereydhen ...... 70 British , Bank. of North Amcrica ...... 84 Wm. Rowland ...... 42 Samuel Price & Co ...... 84 R. Lewis ...... 43 Hibben & Carswell ...... 2 A. Hoffman ...... 4 Blacksmith--(1. G. Capron ...... 44 K. Gambitz ...... 7 D. -GFreen ...... ô ,Books .and Stationery- J. D. Cusheon, Union Hotel ...... 5 Hibben & Carswell ...... 2 Webster & Co ...... 3 W. F. Herre ...... 72 Royal Hotel, James Wilcox ...... cover Curtis A Moore ...... back cover Boots, Shoes, c5c.- Haas & Rosenfeld ...... 6 Webster & Co ...... 3 Sporborg & Co ...... 78 Ciothier- Jewelers, c5c.- H. M. Oohen ...... 41 E. Vineberg & Staples ...... 40 Cbmmission Merchants and Storage- Merchants- Robertson, Stewart & Co ...... 23 Samuel Price & Co ...... 84 Dickson, Campbell ctz Co ...... 43 Samuel Price & Co., Steamers ...... 24 D. Jacobi ...... 44 A. R. (,lreen, & . Co ...... :...... 83 Markets- Janion & Green ...... 5 Harris &.Co.,-Queen's ...... 83 F. J. de St. Ours ...... 48 Geo. Risely, Rose Cottage ...... 52 Reid & McDonald ...... 52 Official ListB and' Proclamations- Cigars, Tobacco and Pruits--- Official List V. I ...... :...... 53, 54 A. Sutro ...... 79 « « B. C...... :...... 57, 58 Philip Lewis ...... 42 « Proclamation, Pre-emption. 58, 59, 60 cc At • Bench Digging... 60,61 Dry Goods, Clothing, cPac.- ,u Rates - of Postage ...... 62 Koshland Bro ...... 48 cc Table of Distances ...... 63,64 N. Moore & Co ...... 71 dg ._List of Voters, V. I ...... 65970 Abraham Lewis.., ...... 42 K. Gambitz ...... 7 Publishers' Capyright- Haas & Rosenfeld ...... '6. jmprint; Commercial Printing Presses...... 10 Sporborg & Co ...... 78 Prefatory Remarks ...... 11, 22 A. -Hoffman ...... : 4 Public Institutions: ...... :...... ::...... 54,55 YUruggists, Chemists, c8c.- Restaura,#- Langley Bro ...... 50 Wasliington ...... 51 Wm. Zelner ...... , 3 Cnrtie ds Moore._...... back. cover Schools ...... 55 E. DZallandaine :...... 22 Fa%press, Exchange, cfc.- C. C. Pondergast, [W. F. &• Co] ...... 49 The Phoenix ...... :...... 40 Picrniture,. Lelaire &.Eckstein.:...:...... 41 C. J. Pidwell ...... 47 'Waddington Street Saloon ...... 42 Pierce & Seymour ...... 79 François Fabre ...... 72 Marshall Scott & Co., New Westminster... 72 .F'irst T''ictot ia Directory-Titl® Page...... 9


Soda Works and Syrups- Tailors and Drapers- Phillips & Co . 71 A. J. Brunn 47 Louis Hautier . . 71 A Gilmore 6 Solicitor— Variety Store— G. I. Wight 46 J. P. Freeman & Co. 72 Salt Spring Island Store— Wines and Liquors- J. Begg 41 Wm. H. Oliver 46 J. D. Carroll 51 Steamers- Thos. Pattrick 78 Brit. Steamers—Sam'l Price & Co 24 Eliza Anderson 80 Wharves 56


.Agency, etc., W. Chapin . 11 Livery Stable, Black Hawk 82 McLane & Fowler 40 Lime. Samuel Adams 34 Attorneys and Counsellors, Shafters, Park Music, Rasche & Sons 14 & Heydenfeldt ... 13 A. Kohler, (Victoria Dept.) 8 Assayer, G. W. Bell ...... 28 Gray & Herwig 26 .Axle Grease, Bucks & Lambert 37 S. Rosa •.. 50 Ambrotype, R. H. Vance 39 Phelan's Patent. M. E. Hughes 34 .Agrkultural Implements, J. D. Arthur & Mails, J. T. Wright, Opposition Line 41 Sons 39 Departures and Postage regulations.— 45, 46 Business Notices 5, 6, 17, 20, 46, 48, 49 Marble Works, Hayes & Pitcliard 24 Bankers, Wells, Fargo & Co., Louis McLane 15 Our Commerce nail California 1, 2 Pioche & Bayerque 24 Oils, etc., Cameron, Whittier & Co. 22 Boiler Makers, Coffey & Risdon 21 Pacific Clinical Infirmary, Dr. Cooper 2, 3 Broom Makers, C. W. & G. W. Armes 26 Pacific Mail Steamship Company 3 Blankets, etc., Heynemann, Pick & Co 29 Plows, A B. Southworth 49 Books, etc., J. J. Lecount, first cover 1 Phila. Brewery, Hoelscher, Wieland & Co 25 Bookbinders, Bartling It Kimball 30 Postage Regulations, Victoria Department 62 “ Biscuit ck Crackers, Deeth & Starr 36 " San Francisco Dep't 45 California Steam Navigation Company 3, 4 Packet Line, Dewar & Gehricke 8 Cabinet Maker, John Wigmore .. 53 Philosophical Inst., Wm. Schmolz.(Vic.Dep.) 8 Coffee, G. Venard 52 Regalia, D. Norcross 30 Champagne Cider, Oakley & Jackson 22 Saw Mill, T. B. Chase it Co 4, 5 Candies, M. Bernheim 10 Sewing Machines, Grover & Baker 7 ana. Merchants, Dickson, Campbell & Co 83 Seed Warehouse, S. W. Moore . 16 Ashim Brothers .. 40 Sail Makers, Harding & Linekin 25 Samuel Price & Co. inside cover 55 Shutter Maker, John R. Sims 15 Dickson, DeWolf & Co. (Viet. dept.). 83 Safe Makers. Auberlen & Co ... 12 Commercial Printing Presses 45 Saws and Files. George Stead, (Vie. dept.... 82 Cigar Makers, Shaeffer & Sutliff, (Vic. dep.) 81 Silversmith, W. K. Vanderslice 30 Crockery etc., Haynes & Lawton . .. 41 Steckler's Exchange, I. E. Steckler.— 21 Dry Goods, S. Reinhart ar Bro 23 Stoves, etc., Kohler Bro 33 Dentist, Dr. Burbank . 35 Saloon, J. T. Jones 50 Departure of Mails 45, 46 Spars, Masts, etc., Sam'l Price & Co.. 55 Express, Wells, Fargo & Co 15 San Francisco College • 42 Flour Dealers, J. D. Conro & Co 9 University of the Pacific 35 Harness, Main & Winchester 38 Union Iron Works, P. Donahue . 32 Hotels, Metropolitan, Armstrong & Todd-- 13 Undertaker, Nathaniel Gray 31 German House, Jacob Schleicher 11 Wagons, etc., R S. Eells & Co 14 Hardware, Treadwell & Co 12 Wines, Sainsevain Bros 27 Jewelry, Isaac S. Josephi — 12 Willow Ware, Thurnauer & Zinn ... 36 Baldwin & Josephi 43

VICTORIA DEPARTMENT. Page 37 For Southgate James John, read South- Page 30 For Cosset, Cpt. W. Driscoll, Postmas- gate Joseph Johnson. ter, Gov't St, read Cosset Capt. W. DriS- Page 38 For Vinelberg Everett, Yates St., read coll, Treasurer B. C., Windsor Lodge. Vaenberg, E. H., Jeweler. Yates St. Page 31 For Harron, Mos. W. read Herron, Page 38 For Wright, S. J., read Wight, G. I. Thos. W: Page 48 For F. J. St. Our, in advertisement, read Page 31 For Iroine John, read Irene John. Felix J. de St. Ours. Page 32 For Lebland cê Co., read Leblond cê Co. SAN FRANCISCO DEPARTMENT. Page 36 For Ring, Attorney, read Ring, Bar- rister at Law. Page 3 Read Richard Jessup, Jr., Vice Presi- Page 36 For Shirpser, A. ct E., read Shirpser dent, and Wm. Morris, Secretary. Page 12 For Isaac P. Josephi, read Isaac S. Jo- H. D. sepia.


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U19 VANCOUVER'S ISLAND. bo ea- VLvZ 4“:,0

VICTORIA, V. I. --AND- SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. GRENNAN & CRANNEY Gamano Island, Puget Sound, Washington Territory,


ww For Terms, apply as above, or.in San Francisco and. Victoria, V. I., to SAMUEL PRICE & 00.,