F I RST VICTORIA DIRECTORY; COMPRISING A GENERAL DIRECTORY OF CITIZENS, ALSO, ^^l FfticaJ list, it of 1,3Îers, ta! Arrangements AND NOTICES OF TRADES AND PROFESSIONS ; PRECEDED BY A PREFACE and SYNOPSIS of THE COMMERCIAL PROGRESS oF 'rnE • . (^gIunieo of 0xnrouue^ jslund uud Vri#istr ^nluutüiu. ILLUSTRATED. ]-3Y T D W. MALLANDAINE, ABCHITE OT. VICTORIA, V. I. PUBLISHED BY EDW. MALLANDAINE & CO. ......... HÎBBEN & CARSWELL, AND J. F. H+ERRE, AGENTS, VICTORIA, Ÿ. 1. J. J. I,L+'COUNT, BOOKSELLER, AGENT, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. ......... MA,RCS2 I$GO. 15 ^ Vo ^,^et IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) L: 7•8 2.5 1^ i.e ^ 1.25 L4 1 1111)_ 6" 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) S72-4503 CIHM/ICMH CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Collection de Series. microfiches. 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Letter, 1 i, 'Folio Post, Blottinn1 BOOk8 . afe.belf bound, Cep, Demi and Medium, Memorandums, in great variety,. -EnveldPes,,Steel • _ Pens, Inks and Ink stands, Copying Presses Globes Date Calendtira ::wafers . , Séals; Clips, Stamps; Racks, Drawing sInstruments, Water Mors, Pencils,'Music 'Peér, 71710in ;4trings,.,Doniinoés, Drawing, Fancy and Photograph Paper,' Tracing or Vellum Cloth,;.Portfalios, eferatice Files, Sealing Wax, Chess Men, Backgammon Boards, Slates, Mucillage, •Visiting Cards, MaChines,;etC- ., etc. Alway. s on hand 'a fine assortment of . ‘. • G OLfl PEdS ANOFX NE pocKelibC U1(L RT eie nrieeco 1 , - ) , • I VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. , a. ar.%~Wxq:,V1V, 47-ALIM C301qrp 4GX-L3E13E!1V idb LIVERPOOL. I I . :d01q0L-UL-U, Sandwi6h lelmids. - - - - - JANION- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- -& - - - -..GREEN - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9- - Foot of Johnson Street, near the Bridge, Tictoria , t~tlfik 'outJd6trk-ftas" AssonatI0116 sW-The unders fonedr beg leave to notify Merchants Ship Owners and Ship INfasters, that they have received th6 appointment as AGENTS at 'Victoria, Vancouver's' Island, for . the, LIVEAPOOL UNDER- 'WRITERS' ASSOCIATION. Ift GrMMEMNT. GOVERNMENT- STREET, VICTORIA,, V. I. - WThis,Hoiise iis, now- condticited on tbe, same principle as the C~E: :EX01T.TS]M',, OF SAN-YRANCISCO . kY. - .$1*00. 120ONS at $1 and'$2.peri Week. & :N 'W4 a Li~rary of'ch6ice Books,' Atlantic;, EuropeaI j~and California Due, X, ICUS11~EO:Ko- VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. FIRE-P'ROOYBUILD G, 1A/;14ARF STREET, Adjoinilig the `^R.OYAL llOEL," ® HAAS&aOSENFE LD nwntnuuu^^, r\tll^^^ltl^ttl^l^l^.........^..-.,^, ...^ ^11ill^l[Illill^'11ÛfÎf^l^1 Nuii 11111111111 ir..,ç^^. Ç+4 Y:^t'L^ rJ Ÿ} il^ ôtion^, Cutlery ISM^^ 0019-9 '^`^^^^1:1^^^: ;^Phich le is prëparéd .to, maké to order in the:^ïoat approved,,„ étyle .. enèral=asRÔrtmént:ôf::Cüsto^i'Made Clath'ing,and Gients' Furnishing'G}oâis^ Davis&donee.'•; ^bïrté, &c. ^Rëpàiringïpromptly executed. VICTORIA ADVERTISEMENTS. WHOLESALE_ AND RETAIL. ref_ A TES . SI'REET, Adjoining the Bank of British North Âmeriea, VICTORIA, VA MR. GAMBITe. was the first toppen a Dry Goods Store in Victoria, and while returning,thanks for public patronage, takes the opportunity of stating, the having inst returned from San Fran- cisco, he,can offer a large and new assortment of -Spring Goods. OMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF „ BRO.A.DC:>CLOTHS C4SSIMERES & TAILORS' ,TRIMMINGS lezà*:; tep, ehgee, ,Oeacter8,., ant, .ioDys,:-Slothiag,. S Glov'es, • «ôther:Goods, pertàIntog- IO:lhebitsiiie8.:atthè -LOwe'stPricdowest PrIejÉsl,- 8 SAN FRANCISCO ADVERTISEMENTS. A. IOIII C's S.4NSONIE STREET, UP-STAIRS, Extending from CLAY to COMMERCIAL BTS., XAT 4I&%a J^J?This House, having Shoûtgaid^tcyuninPanc^ ^ip^sa^nt. greater Business Facilities ^^^^?^7-r^r- -^-^ than any other on the Pa- û-^v- ► And never i cific Coast, can and will .--pd - v, û--^.-r--^-i►-,-i==-e^---^----Y -i 901 at LOWER PRICES Sfi9u7aAaW.acqunin1•anee bejor3ot.. 16 I , pnd doys of Lari7 - 4-Syne F I A And all other MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Imported from the leading bouses in the U. States and Europe !$^.x°x15tFr^►.G:*$IOl^ GrTJ'A^..A.1^T7E:F^. WM. SCllMOLZ Imstrument TYlaker, TRANSIT INSTRUMENTS, SOLAR 0O3tfI3P.A.SSES, . TI3EODOLITES, Y Leve&g Instruments IIICoAntain Earometere,, Xining Instruments, Assay Scales, LevelZng Rods, Chains, Hydrometers, Thermometers, Spectacles, etc. etc. Having learned my business
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