The Yukon·Cariboo British Columbia Gold Mining Development
" THE GREATEST GOLD DISTRIOT ON EARTH." The Yukon·Cariboo British Columbia CAPITAL Gold Mining $5,000,000 Development Company Shares••• $1.00 each. Full Paid-Non Assessable. J. EDWARD ADDIOKS. PRESIDENT. CLAYMONT. DELAWARE. SYLVESTER T. EVERETT. 1ST VICE·PRESIOENT. CLEVELANO. BENJAMIN BUTTERWORTH. 20 VICE,PRESIDENT. WASHINGTON. E. F. J. GAYNOR. TREASURER. Audito, Manhattan R. R., New York City_ OHARLES H. KITTINGER. SECRETARY. 66 Broadway, New YOI'll City, Harrison Building, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS. HON. JOHN H. McGRAW. Ex-Governor, State of Washington. Vice-President First National Bank, Seattle. CAMILLE .WEIDENFELD, Banker, 45 Wall Street New York. CHARLES E. JUDSON, President Economic Gas Company, Chicago. HON. BENTAMIN BUTTERWORTH, Com'sioner of Patents, Washington. HON. JAMES G. SHAWl-Manufacturer, New Castle, Delaware. SYLVESTER T. EVERJj;TT, V-Pres't Cleveland Terminal & Valley R. R., Cleveland. CHARLES H . KITTINGER, 66 Broadway~New York, Harrison Jjuilding,. Philadelphia. HON. JOHN LAUGHLIN, Ex-State Senator, New York, Laughlin, Ewell & Haupt, Attorneys-at.Law, Buffalo. JULIUS CHAMBERS, Journalist, New York. GEN. E. M. CARR, of Preston, Carr & Gilman,, Seattle. THOMAS W . LAWSON, Banker, 33 State Street, Boston_ GEORGE B. KITTINGER, Mining Engineer, Seattle, Wash. E. F_ J . GAYNOR, Auditor Manhattan Railway Co., New York. PHILO D. BEARD, Treasurer Queen City Gas Co.bBuffalo. J . M. BUXTON, M. E., Vancouver, British Colum ia. GEORGE A. KELLY, 66 Broadway, New York. J. EDWARD ADDICKS, Delaware. THIS COMPANY is formed to explore and develop the GOLD FIELDS of British Columbia, including the Cariboo District and the Klondike District at the headwaters of the Yukon River. Shares of its Capital Stock are offered to the public at par-$1 .00 per share.
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