The London Gazette, May 19, 1871
2392 THE LONDON GAZETTE, MAY 19, 1871. Lord Chamberlain*s Office, St. James's Palace., nated " New Westminster District," and March 24, 1871. return onj member. "" Cariboo District" and " Lillooet Dis- OTICE is hereby given, that Her Majesty's trict," as specified in the said public no- N Birthday will be kept on Saturday, the tice, shall constitute one district, to be 20th of May next. designated " Cariboo District," and re- turn one member. " Tale District " and " Kootenay District," as specified in the said public notice, shall T the Court at Windsor, the 16th day of constitute one district, to be designated A' May, 1871. "Tale District," and return one member. 7 Those portions of Vancouver Island, known PEESE^ T, as " Victoria District," " Dis- The QUEEN'S Most Excellent Majesty. trict," and " Metchosin District," as de- His Eoyal Highness Prince AETHUE. fined in the official maps of those dis- tricts which are in the Land Office, UbroTPrivy"SealY ' "Lord'Chamberlain. .Victoria, and are designated respectively, Earl Cowper. Mr. Secretary Card well. "Victoria District Official Map, 1858," Earl of Kimberley. Mr. Ayrton. " Esquimalt District Official Map, 1858," and "Metchosin District Official Map, £/Y7KEEEAS by the "British North America. A..D. 1858," shall constitute one district, » v Act, 1SG7," provision was made for the to be designated " Victoria District," and Union of the Provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia return two members. and New Brunswick into the Dominion of AILthe remainder of Vancouver Island, and Canada, and it was (amongst other, things) enacted all such islands adjacent thereto, as were that, it- should be lawful .for the Queen, by formerly dependencies.of the late Colony and with the advice of Her .
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