Maps and Plans – By Number

Number Description A0001 Plan showing City of Victoria watershed area. – [1930?]. Shows areas in watershed from which the public is banned and areas exempt from this restriction. A0002 [Victoria, and ]. – [ca. 1974]. A0003 Victoria District official map 1858. – 1872 Nov 6. Shows surveyed lots in the Victoria Land District and City blocks in the Victoria town area. A0004 Victoria District official map 1858. – 1913 Sept 29. Shows surveyed lots in the Victoria Land District and city blocks in the Victoria town area. A0005 Map of the City of Victoria, Island. – 1863 Jan. Shows surveyed lots and prominent buildings. Note in ms. (on original): "The city boundaries as defined in the "Victoria Incorporation Act, 1862" are shown in red. Mohun & Farwell, L.S., Victoria, V.I., 9th Augt. 1866." A0006 "The Victoria Incorporation Act 1864". – [1864?]. Shows city blocks, some surveyed lots and municipal boundaries. A0007 Davenport's commercial map of . – 1946. Shows railways, streetcar and bus lines, schools, fire halls, post offices and selected holdings. A0011 Map of part of Victoria, B.C., and suburbs, shewing properties for sale by Hudson's Bay Company. – [ca. 1921]. Shows Hudson's Bay Company properties, railways, streetcar lines and prominent buildings. A0012 Estate Richard Hunter (deceased) ; French Hospital. – 1891. Two properties to be sold at auction by Joshua Davies, May 12, 1891. The Richard Hunter estate consisted of Lots 17-20, Suburban Lot XVII, Victoria Town. The French Hospital consisted of Lots 1197, 1198 and part of 1199 and a one- storey frame building. A0013 Viewfield, the property of the Puget's Sound Agricultural Company. – 1891. Shows streets and surveyed lots. A0014 Shell street guide and map of Victoria and vicinity. – [ca. 1958]. A0015 Vancouver, Victoria. – [ca. 1961]. A0016a Map showing the four possible sources of water supply for Victoria, B.C., and location of conduits therefrom. – 1907 Dec. Shows location, acreage and capacity of various watersheds and locations of pipelines to Victoria. A0016b Sectional map of the northern portion of . – 1903. Rupert Land District. Shows pre-empted and purchased land, timber reserves and timber leases, Indian reserves and other surveyed land. A0017 Plan of Victoria Harbour, Vancouver Island, B.C.. – 1922 July. Shows soundings, docks, streets, railways and prominent buildings.

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Maps and Plans – By Number

A0018 A map of the Harbour of Victoria, shewing proposed improvements. – 1897 Mar. Shows docks, streets, railways and prominent buildings. A0019 Map of Victoria Harbour. – 1896 June. Shows docks, streets, railways and prominent buildings. A0020 Proposed reclamations, James Bay. – 1894 June 28. Shows proposed garden and lots in area bounded by Humboldt, Douglas, Belleville and Government Streets. A0021 and district, V.I.. – [ca. 1930]. Shows surveyed lots, mineral claims, roads, railway, pipeline and power transmission line. A0022 Commercial map of Greater Victoria. – 1931. Shows railways and prominent buildings. A0023 Victoria city map. – [193-?]. A0024 Saseenos.... – [192-?]. Shows surveyed lots, roads, relief and land capability for agriculture. A0025 Sketch plan showing alternative site for proposed City Hall. – [190-?]. Schemes 2 through 6. A0026 Plan of area to the N.W. of Kingston and Montreal Streets, Victoria, B.C. . – 1937 Sept. Plan presented at the inquest into the murder of Helen Mary Browning (a.k.a. Helen Mary Smith), which occurred on Sept. 20, 1937. A0027 Inner Harbour renewal scheme. – 1969 Jan 31. Shows lots and owners' names in an area bounded by Broad and Gordon Streets, Pandora Avenue, Store Street and Victoria Harbour. A0029 Harbour. – 1848 Sept 8. Shows depths by soundings and relief by hachures. Coburg Island (i.e. Peninsula), Gotha Point and Saxe Point noted. A0030 Becher and Pedder Bays. – 1878 Jan 10. Shows cultivated land, buildings, Indian villages, depths by soundings and relief by hachures. A0031 Vancouver Island. – 1861. Shows Mayne Bay, Toquart Bay, Pipestem Inlet and Effingham Inlet. Depths shown by soundings, relief by form lines. A0032 Alberni Canal, Barclay Sound, Vancouver Island. – 1861. A0033 Birdseye view of Puget Sound and vicinity. – [ca. 1910]. Shows western Washington, Puget Sound, of British Columbia and Vancouver Island. Roads, railways and shipping routes indicated. A0034 New map of British Columbia. – 1882. Shows Canadian Pacific Railway under construction. Relief shown by hachures. A0036 A chart shewing part of the coast of N.W. America. – 1798 May 1. A0037 Plan of Beacon Hill Park, Victoria, B.C.. – [1888?].

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Maps and Plans – By Number

A0038 City of Victoria. – 1913 July 30. Shows streets, relief by contours, water supply pipes and hydrants. A0039 Exhibition Grounds. – [1945?]. Shows Willows Exhibition Grounds. A0040 Victoria and Island Touring Map. – [193-?]. A0041 Upper Portion, Victoria Harbour, Vancouver Island. – 1910. Shows coastline from Point Ellice Bridge to Chapman Point, as well as prominent buildings and land owners. A0042 City of Victoria Revised Zoning Map. – 1943. Shows 1943 zoning. B0001 Vancouver, Victoria. – [ca. 1961]. Street maps. B0002 Island Blueprint and Map Co.'s map of Greater Victoria, B.C.. – [ca. 1925]. Shows streets, lots, railways and streetcar lines. B0003 Island Blueprint and Map Coo's map of Greater Victoria, B.C.. – [ca. 1925]. Shows streets, lots, railways and streetcar lines. B0004 Victoria District official map 1858. – [1858?]. Shows surveyed lots in the Victoria Land District and city blocks in the Victoria town area. Forested areas shown. Enlarged copy of town portion at R0014. B0005 A map of the City of Victoria, British Columbia. – 1884. Shows surveyed lots and prominent buildings. B0006 A map of the City of Victoria, British Columbia. – 1884. Shows surveyed lots and prominent buildings. Sewer lines added in ms. B0007 A map of the City of Victoria, British Columbia. – 1884. Shows surveyed lots and prominent buildings. Lines and numbers added evidently to make this map a key to a series of maps. Beckley Farm and Douglas and Finlayson properties noted in ms. On verso in ms.: "Old key plans." B0008 Subdivisions of Fur-trade Reserve No. 1, Sectn. XVIII. – [1859?]. Shows surveyed lots and reserves in Victoria. Part of the title includes a panoramic view of Victoria from Point. Beckley Farm, Fairfield Estate and Finlayson and Pearse properties noted. B0009 Map of the City of Victoria, Vancouver Island. – 1863 Jan. Shows surveyed lots and prominent buildings. B0010 [Victoria, B.C.. – 1873 May 5. Schedule A of Letters Patent to extent the boundaries of the City of Victoria, 9 May 1873. Shows 1862 boundaries and extended 1873 boundaries. B0011 Commercial map of Greater Victoria. – [ca. 1921]. Shows railways, streetcar lines, schools, fire halls, post offices and prominent buildings. B0012 Map of the city of Victoria. – [1885?]. B0013 Map of the City of Victoria. – [188-?]. B0014 Plan of Selkirk Water and adjoining lands showing crossing of C.N.P. Ry. And proposed development of industrial sites. – 1916 Jan 3.

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Maps and Plans – By Number

B0015 T.N. Hibben and Co.'s indexed street map of Victoria and suburbs. – [191-?]. Shows railways, streetcar lines and prominent buildings. B0016 Town of Victoria, Vancouver Island, from the official map. – 1861 Jan 7. Shows surveyed lots and prominent buildings. B0017 Bird's-eye view of Victoria, Vancouver Island, B.C., 1878. – [1976?]. B0018 Victoria, B.C., 1889. – 1976. B0019 Victoria, B.C., 1889. – 1976. B0020 Victoria, B.C., 1889. – [1889?]. B0021 Victoria, B.C., 1889. – [1889?]. B0022 Plan of subdivision of Blocks A and F, McNeill Estate, Section XXII, Victoria Dist.. – 1892. Plan of lots in the vicinity of Shoal Bay (present McNeill Bay, Oak Bay, B.C.) to be sold at auction, Oct. 18, 1892, by J.P. Davies & Co. B0023 Map of Victoria, British Columbia, showing subdivisions on official record up to January 15, 1907. – [1907?]. Shows surveyed lots, railways, streetcar lines and prominent buildings. B0024 Victoria Harbour, Vancouver Island. – 1940. Shows soundings, streets and prominent buildings. B0025 Victoria. – 1939. Shows streets (without names), roads, railways, buildings and vegetation of the Greater Victoria Region north to Cordova Bay and west to Langford. B0026 Victoria, British Columbia. – 1949. Shows roads, railways, buildings, post offices and schools. Relief by contour. B0027 Langford and , V.I.. – 1952. Shows surveyed lots and roads. B0028 Saanich Peninsula, V.I.. – [ca. 1921]. Shows surveyed lots and roads. "All registered subdivisions shown to February 1921." B0029 Plan of the City of Victoria, showing B.C. Electric Co. lighting circuits . – [191-?]. Lighting circuits not shown. Superseded street names indicated. B0030 Plan and section of the Johnson Street Ravine. – [1872?]. Notes on plan refer to an agreement dated Aug. 27, 1872. B0031 Map of the City of Victoria and its environs, British Columbia. – 1890. Shows surveyed lots, railways and streetcar lines. B0032 Plan of Pandora Avenue extension. – [1911?]. Shows widening of Pandora Avenue between Chambers and Begbie Streets and extension of Pandora from Begbie to Oak Bay Avenue. B0033 Vancouver Island, British Columbia. – [1888?]. Shows Greater Victoria Region. Roads, buildings, property lines and vegetation are indicated. Relief is shown by contour, and soundings are in fathoms. B0034 Victoria commercially. – [191-?]. Shows buildings, railways, industrial sites and steamship lines. B0035 Plan of the City of Victoria showing sewerage system. – 1902 Dec. Shows extent of the system in 1904.

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Maps and Plans – By Number

B0036 Map shewing portion of the west coast of Vancouver Island. – 1905. Shows the west coast of Vancouver Island from Vargas Island to Otter Point. Surveyed land including timber leases shown. B0037 Map of mining district. – [190-?]. Shows mineral claims, roads and railways in Comiaken, Somenos, Chemainus and Seymour Land Districts. B0038 Designated Development Permit Areas, Neighbourhood Planning Areas, City of Victoria, B.C.. – 1989 Jan. B0039 Plan of the City of Victoria showing sewerage system. – 1911 Dec. B0040 City of Victoria, B.C., Waterworks Department. – 1916 Apr 14. B0041 [James Bay, Victoria, B.C. sewer system]. – [189-?]. B0042 Map of Vancouver Island. – 1909. Shows land districts, roads and railways. B0043 Southerly portion Vancouver Island. – [1956?]. Shows roads, railways, surveyed land and timber leases. B0044 [Miscellaneous plans]. – [1893 or 1894]. Shows location of the Victoria and Sidney Railway in and near the City of Victoria and along Elk Lake. B0045 Plan of Cedar Hill Park. – [189-?]. Shows Mount Douglas Park. B0046 Plan of Park. – 1924 Apr 10. Shows park and surrounding lots. B0047 [Victoria, British Columbia]. – [1972?]. Fire insurance maps. B0048 Map of the south-eastern districts of Vancouver Island. – 1860. Shows surveyed land in Sooke, Metchosin, Esquimalt, Victoria, Lake, South Saanich and Land Districts. B0049 Plan of town and suburban lots in Victoria, Vancouver Island. – [1880?]. "Registered plan no. 62. Filed August 12th 1880." B0050 Map of the south-eastern districts of Vancouver Island. – 1912. Shows surveyed land in land districts north to Somenos and Comiaken and part of Gulf Islands. B0051 T.N. Hibben and Co.'s. map of the City of Victoria and its environs, British Columbia. – 1890. Shows surveyed lots, railways, streetcar lines and prominent buildings. Three municipal wards in colour added by hand. B0052 Greater Victoria, British Columbia, . – 1991. Shows prominent buildings, transportation facilities, parks and scenic drives. B0053 Suggested civic centre for Victoria, British Columbia. – 1933. B0054 Plan shewing Esquimalt Waterworks Co.'s mains on old Songhees Ind. Res., Victoria, B.C.. – 1920 June 16. Also shows pipes abandoned and laid in 1922 and 1923.

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Maps and Plans – By Number

B0055 Map of Esquimalt and Victoria West showing general arrangement of distribution system, January 1920. – [1922?]. Water mains of the Esquimalt Water Works Company. B0056 City of Victoria. – 1960 Jan. B0057 [, B.C.]. – [193-?]. Shows streets in area bounded by Cormorant, Store, Wharf, Broughton and Douglas Streets. B0058 Central Business District. – 1981 Oct 23. Different types of refuse containers located in Downtown Victoria. B0059 Plan of the City of Victoria. – 1949 Aug 19. Water mains at intersections located and numbered. Boundaries of four sections of the city drawn. Information not plotted for Downtown and Victoria West. B0060 City of Victoria, B.C.. – 1978 Mar 3. Shows 24-hour traffic count in both directions along major arteries. B0061 Topographic plan of Royal Athletic Park. – [196-?]. Shows grandstand, utility lines and relief by contour. B0062 South western districts. – 1925. Southwestern British Columbia showing roads, railways, shipping routes and relief by contour. Triangulation surveys on Vancouver Island added in ms. B0063 . – 1848 Sept 8. Shows depths by soundings and relief by hachures. B0064 Esquimalt Harbour. – 1861 Dec 13. Shows depths by soundings and relief by hachures. B0065 Victoria Harbour. – 1848 Sept 15. Shows depths by soundings and relief by hachures. B0066 . – 1849 Jan 18. Shows depths by soundings and relief by contours. B0067 Esquimalt and Victoria Harbours. – 1864 Oct 15. Shows streets, roads, buildings, cultivated land, depths by soundings and relief by hachures. B0068 Vancouver Island and the Gulf of Georgia. – 1849 Feb 28. B0069 Strait of Juan de Fuca. – 1849 Jan 18. Shows depths by soundings and relief by hachures. B0070 Haro Strait and Middle Channel. – 1861 Nov 26. Shows vegetation, depths by soundings and relief by hachures. B0071 Esquimalt and Victoria Harbours. – 1864 Oct 15. Shows streets, roads, buildings, cultivated land, depths by soundings and relief by hachures. B0072 Inner channels leading from Juan de Fuca Strait to Haro Strait. – 1864 Oct 15. Shows roads, streetcar lines, buildings, cultivated land, depths by soundings and relief by hachures. B0073 Beautiful British Columbia. – 1974. Shows roads, railways and relief by hill shading.

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Maps and Plans – By Number

B0074 Map of the Dominion of Canada indicating natural resources, transportation and trade routes. – 1919. Shows railways, shipping routes and location of natural resources B0075 Mt. Douglas Park showing proposed highway. – 1937. Shows roads and relief by contours. The "proposed highway" is the road to the summit of Mount Douglas. B0076 [Government Reserve, Mount Douglas]. – 1915 Feb 26. B0077 [Government Reserve, Mount Douglas]. – 1863 Sept 23. B0078 Mount Douglas Park, Victoria District, B.C.. – 1910 Dec 30. Shows park boundaries and road. B0079 Sketch plan showing cleared land southeasterly corner of Mount Douglas Park . – 1933 Apr 26. B0080 Victoria downtown core. – [ca. 1983]. Locates and names businesses and buildings in downtown Victoria. B0081 Property of R. Clouston, Victoria District. – 1864. Shows resurvey of Section V, Victoria District. B0083 Victoria water supply. – [1872]. B0084 Map showing properties of Esquimalt Water Company on , above B.C.E.R.R. Co.'s power house. – [1905?]. B0085 Map showing the four possible sources of water supply for Victoria, B.C., and location of conduits therefrom. – 1907 Dec. Shows location, acreage and capacity of various watersheds and locations of pipelines to Victoria. B0086 Plan of the City of Victoria showing sewerage system. – 1902 Dec. Shows extent of the system in 1902. B0087 Plan of the City of Victoria showing sewerage system. – 1902 Dec. Shows extent of the system in 1903. B0088 Plan of the City of Victoria. – 1905 Dec 30. Shows different forms of paving of city streets and locations of cement sidewalks. B0089 Plan of the City of Victoria showing sewerage system. – 1907 Dec. Shows extent of the system in 1907. B0090 Plan of the City of Victoria showing sewerage system. – 1908 Dec. Shows extent of the system in 1908. B0091 Plan of the City of Victoria showing sewerage system. – 1909 Dec. Shows extent of the system in 1909. B0092 [Victoria Harbour, B.C., and adjacent parts of Victoria and Esquimalt] . – 1912 Dec. Shows a wharf line between Songhees Point and West Bay and subdivided lots in the vicinity of Lime Bay. B0093 British Columbia road map and parks guide. – [ca. 1991]. B0094 Race Rocks to East Point. – 1967 Apr 14. Shows depths by tints and soundings and relief by contours. B0095 Trial Islands to . – 1967 Feb 17. Shows streets and prominent buildings. Depths shown by tints and soundings.

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Maps and Plans – By Number

B0096 Street map of the Greater Victoria [sic]. – [197-?]. B0097 , 1 August 1978. – 1978. Shows streets and prominent buildings. Depths shown by tints and soundings. Ships in the review are listed and their positions are plotted. Route of the reviewing vessel is shown. B0098 South-eastern districts, Vancouver Island. – [191-?]. Shows roads, railways, post offices, buildings and mountains. B0099 Rithet Estate. – [196-?]. Shows Royal Oak area. B0101 Victoria, British Columbia. – 1949. Relief shown by contours. Monitor stations at Westholme, Sidney and Victoria and lines to other designated points added by hand. B0102 Commercial map of Greater Victoria. – 1931. Shows railways, streetcar lines, schools, fire halls, post offices and prominent buildings. B0103 Map of the City of Victoria, Vancouver Island. – 1863 Jan. Shows surveyed lots and prominent buildings. On edge of map: "The red lines designate the 20,000 feet of pipes to be laid down within a year from the passing of the Act. The promoters of the bill purpose [sic] laying the pipes through the whole of the streets of the city as required. [Illegible name], agent for the bill." These are evidently the lines of the Spring Ridge Water Works Company. B0104 Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. – [1949?]. B0105 Victoria, British Columbia. – 1958 Dec 1. Shows surveyed land. Relief shown by contours. B0106 Victoria-Vancouver, British Columbia, N.W. 48/124. – 1953. Shows airports and radio facilities. Relief shown by contours. B0107 [Underground services, miscellaneous maps]. – 1912-1954. B0108 [Miscellaneous maps and plans]. – 1910-1928. B0110 Victoria water works map. – 1939 Nov. Shows water supply lines. Contours added by hand. B0112 [Demolished building plans]. – 1905-1996. B0113 Victoria Exhibition Grounds, Willows Camp, British Columbia. – 1918 Nov. Shows buildings, sewers and water supply pipes at the Willows Exhibition Grounds. B0114 Sewers and drains. – 1918 Nov. Shows city pipelines and camp pipelines laid by the Canadian Engineers in the Willows Exhibition Grounds. B0116 Pender Harbour, Malaspina Strait, British Columbia. – 1910 Nov. Shows depths by soundings and relief by contours. B0117 Map of District, B.C.. – 1876. Shows surveyed lots in that portion of the New Westminster Land District in Burrard Inlet and areas east to . B0119 Victoria Harbour. – 1987 Feb 13. Shows depths by tints and soundings and relief by contours.

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Maps and Plans – By Number

B0120 Mount Douglas Park. – 1977. Shows trails, roadways, monuments. C0001 City of Victoria sewerage. – [1888?]. Profiles of sewer lines along various Victoria streets. D0001 City of Victoria, B.C.. – 1967. Diazo copy of street map with parks and playgrounds coloured and indexed. Streets are coloured to denote whether the boulevards are taxed or untaxed. D0002 . – 1932 Jan 7. Shows outside boundaries, plots and roadways of the cemetery. D0003 City of Victoria : zoning. – 1968 Sept 15. Shows zoning. D0005 Subdivisions of Fur-trade Reserve No. 1, Sectn. XVIII. – [1859?]. Shows surveyed lots and reserves in Victoria. Part of the title includes a panoramic view of Victoria from Songhees Point. Beckley Farm, Fairfield Estate and Finlayson and Pearse properties are noted. D0006 T.N. Hibben and Co.'s. map of the City of Victoria and its environs, British Columbia. – 1890. Shows surveyed lots, railways, streetcar lines and prominent buildings. Map has been amended by hand to serve as an index as further indicated by the title on verso: Mon plan index. D0007 Physical map of Vancouver Island, B.C.. – 1913. Bird's-eye view of Vancouver Island and southwestern British Columbia. D0008 Plan of Beacon Hill Park, Victoria, B.C.. – [1888?]. D0010 City of Victoria and vicinity. – [ca. 1938]. Shows railways, bus lines and prominent buildings. D0011 Map of Greater Victoria. – [195-?]. Locations of fire halls, radiac instruments and emergency instruction points added by hand. D0012 City of Victoria. – [1971?]. Population of each tract according to the 1971 census added in ms. D0013 Map of Victoria Harbour. – 1904 Oct 31. Harbour depths shown by soundings. Buildings and wharves around harbour identified. D0015 A plan of the Town of Victoria shewing proposed improvements. – [1851 or 1852]. Shows lots, fields, buildings, Fort Victoria and some vegetation. Relief shown by hachures. D0016 Plan of Victoria Harbour, Vancouver Island, B.C.. – 1922 July. Shows soundings, docks, streets, railways and prominent buildings. D0017 City of Victoria By-law no. 89-159. – 1981 Mar 19. Shows zoning. D0018 Victoria Harbour. – 1978 May 26. Shows depths by tints and soundings. Prominent buildings and some streets shown.

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Maps and Plans – By Number

D0019 Plan, Esquimalt and Railway Co., Songhees Reserve, Victoria, B.C.. – [191-?]. Shows Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway tracks, facilities and property in Victoria West and in Downtown Victoria. Additional tracks and buildings drawn in colour by hand. D0020 . – . D0021 [Victoria, B.C. sewers]. – [188-?]. Shows surveyed lots. Sewers in Downtown and Fairfield District drawn in. Apparently incomplete (not lettered). D0022 Plan shewing part of the sewerage system of the City of Victoria, B.C. . – [190-?]. Shows surveyed lots and sewers. D0023 Plan of pipe and box drains north. – [190-?]. Map covers the Hillside-Quadra District and parts of the Oaklands and Burnside Districts, but shows drains only in the Hillside-Quadra District. Fewer drains shown than in the other map of the same title (D0028). D0024 Victoria waterworks. – [190-?]. Shows watermains in Victoria and part of present Oak Bay. D0025 Plan of pipe and box drains. – [190-?]. Shows drains in Victoria. D0026 Plan of pipe and box drains east. – [190-?]. Shows drains in Victoria from Cook Street to Foul Bay Road. D0027 Plan of pipe and box drains west. – [190-?]. Shows streets and drains in the Burnside and Victoria West Districts. D0028 Plan of pipe and box drains north. – [190-?]. Map covers the Hillside-Quadra District and parts of the Oaklands and Burnside Districts. More drains shown than on the other maps of the same title (D0023). D0033 Clover Point. – [197-?]. Shows roadways, paths and underground services. D0034 [Greater Victoria Region census and enumeration boundaries, 1961]. – [1961?]. Shows Saanich, , Esquimalt, Victoria and Oak Bay. D0035 Index map. – [19-?]. Shows individual burial plots. D0036 Industrial. – 1982 May. Shows land zoned for industrial uses. D0037 Street addresses. – 1990 Mar. D0038 City of Victoria By-law no. 80-159. – 1990 Sept. Shows zoning. D0039 Commercial. – 1990 July. D0040 Public and institutional. – 1985 May. Shows locations of institutions (public and private) and parks. D0041 Residential. – 1986 Jan. Shows types of dwellings on individual lots. D0042 Plan of City of Victoria. – 1913 Feb. Sewers line drawn in by hand.

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Maps and Plans – By Number

D0043 Plan of City of Victoria. – 1913 Feb. Relief shown by contours. Districts of the city draining to Clover Point outfall are outlined by hand and identified by letters. D0044 Johnson St. Bridge. – [1916?]. E0001 Plan of Victoria City. – 1873 July. Shows surveyed lots. E0002 Subdivisions of Fur-trade Reserve No. 1, Sectn. XVIII. – 1912 Nov. Shows surveyed lots and reserves in Victoria. Beckley Farm, Fairfield Estate and Finlayson and Pearse properties noted. The panoramic view of Victoria in the original is not reproduced. E0003 T.N. Hibben and Co.'s map of Victoria, British Columbia, showing subdivisions on official record up to March 15, 1907. – [1907?]. Shows surveyed lots, railways, streetcar lines and prominent buildings. E0004 T.N. Hibben and Co.'s map of Victoria, British Columbia. – [1914?]. Shows surveyed lots, railways, streetcar lines and prominent buildings. Seven districts outlined and numbered by hand. E0005 Island Blueprint and Map Co.'s map of Greater Victoria, B.C.. – [ca. 1925]. Shows surveyed lots, railways, streetcar lines and prominent buildings. Seven districts outlined and numbered by hand. E0006 Map of South Saanich District, B.C.. – [ca. 1911]. Shows roads, railways and surveyed lots. E0007 Map of North Saanich District, B.C.. – [ca. 1911]. Shows roads, railways and surveyed lots. E0008 Island Blueprint and Map Co.'s map of Greater Victoria, B.C.. – [ca. 1925]. Shows surveyed lots, railways, streetcar lines and prominent buildings. E0009 Island Blueprint and Map Co.'s map of Greater Victoria, B.C.. – [ca. 1925]. Shows surveyed lots, railways, streetcar lines and prominent buildings. E0010 Plan of the City of Victoria water system. – 1912 Jan. Location and size of water mains shown. E0011 Plan of the City of Victoria sewerage system. – 1912 Jan. Shows "high pressure area" in central business district, "water tower high level area" and water mains in the James Bay district. Sewerage not shown. E0012 Plan of the City of Victoria water system. – 1912. Shows location and size of water mains. E0013 Index map. – [19-?]. Shows individual burial plots. Some plots marked with an "O". F0001 Insurance plan of the City of Victoria. – 1967 Sept. Shows buildings. F0002 Insurance plan of Victoria, B.C.. – 1957-1959. Shows buildings. F0003 City of Victoria. – [1977-1980]. Shows buildings, vegetation and relief by contours.

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Maps and Plans – By Number

F0004 Victoria City. – [ca. 1919]. Maps annotated to show the earliest appearance or change of street names on L.R.O. plans. Annotations made by Jack Wannamaker, formerly of the Public Works Dept. Last update to maps 1959. F0005 The Island Blueprint and Map Co.'s map of Victoria, B.C., in atlas form. – [ca. 1919]. Shows surveyed lots in Greater Victoria. F0006 Insurance plan of Victoria, British Columbia. – 1903 Aug. Shows buildings in Victoria and at the dockyard in Esquimalt. F0007 Insurance plan of Victoria, British Columbia. – 1921-1950. Shows buildings in Victoria and part of Oak Bay. F0008 Insurance plan of Victoria, British Columbia. – 1925-1950. Shows buildings in Oak Bay, Saanich, Esquimalt and Victoria West. F0009 Insurance plan of Victoria, British Columbia. – 1925-1950. Shows buildings in Victoria West, Esquimalt, Oak Bay, Saanich and Sidney. R0001 Greater Victoria. – 2000. Street map. R0002 Ross Bay Cemetery. – 1987. Shows cemetery lots and roadways. R0003 [Colour-coded copy of portion of Hibben map showing City boundaries and sections in 1907]. – 1907. R0004 [Copy of map of Victoria, British Columbia, showing subdivisions of official record, 1907]. – 1907. R0005 [Colour-coded copy of portion of unknown map showing neighbourhoods used in plumbing plan database]. – . R0006 Victoria base map. – 1997. Shows city boundaries. R0007 [Copy of Insurance plan of Victoria, British Columbia]. – 1887. R0008 [Victoria in 1878 - Bird's eye view]. – 1878. R0009 Ground plan of portions of Vancouver Island selected for new establishment taken by , Esq.. – [ca. 1842]. R0010 [Tracing of map showing Hudson's Bay Co. fur trade reserve (Victoria District), showing Fort Victoria development, suburban 5 acre lots, wagon roads, mountains, hills, waterways, swamps, etc.]. – 1848. R0011 A plan of the town of Victoria shewing proposed improvements. – 1852. R0012 City of Victoria, Vancouver Island. – 1872. R0013 Plan of the Fairfield Farm Estate, the property of His Excellency James Douglas, C.B.. – 1860, Apr. R0014 [Part of Victoria District map]. – 1858. Victoria town part of B0004. R0015 [Map of James Bay Reserve]. – 1864. R0016 [Map of Parsonage Reserve]. – 1864. R0017 Map of School Reserve. – 1864. R0018 [Map of Victoria Town showing Johnson and Store Streets]. – 1868.

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Maps and Plans – By Number

R0019 Map of James Bay Mud flats, Victoria, B.C. showing foreshore and lands to be conveyed to the City of Victoria. – 1901. R0020 Sketch of the Songhees , Victoria, B.C., showing the Indian houses, gardens, and enclosures, andc.. – [before 1911]. R0021 Lost streams of Victoria. – [ca. 2003]. R0022 Historical water sources in Victoria's Springridge neighbourhood (1860-1884 map sources). – 2001. R0023 Springridge plan showing Harris pond. – 1992. from 1884 Harris map. R0024 Plan of building from H.B.Co. warehouse, Wharf Street to old Victoria bridge. – 1860. R0025 Map of Victoria, Vancouver Island, showing subdivision and waterways. – 1863. R0026 Map of South Saanich District, B.C.. – [ca. 1911]. Shows reads, railways and surveyed lots. R0027 Map of the City of Victoria, British Columbia. – 1884. Shows surveyed lots and prominent buildings. R0028 Physical map of Vancouver Island B.C.. – 1913. RBC-01 Ross Bay Cemetery plan and profile for replacement of 18” sanitary sewer main. Shows sewer and water lines. – 1964. RBC-02 Ross Bay Cemetery plot map. Drawn in 1986 to show new plots in some previous pathways and lanes (this is a further revision). – 1987. RBC-03 Engineering Dept map of Ross Bay Cemetery map. Shows water lines with dates of construction and measurements. Also shows sewer lines with notes indicating some were abandoned in 1964. – [ca. 1994]. RBC-04 1932 RBC base map (reduced diazo). – 1932. RBC-05 Ross Bay Cemetery index map. Identifies sections by denomination as well as letter. Shows the ravine, storm drains, sewer and water lines. – [Between 1910 and 1932]. This copy of the original is the earliest known plot map of the cemetery. RBC-06 1987 Ross Bay Cemetery base map with certain plots marked in green. Purpose of map unknown (possibly indicated perpetual or annual maintenance). – 1987. RBC-07 1932 Ross Bay Cemetery base map showing water and sewer lines. Includes colour coded legend. Also provides dates of when lines were laid. Notations 1934-1956. – [ca. 1934-1956]. Very poor condition; torn on right edge. However, encapsulated. RBC-08 Ross Bay Cemetery site lighting layout plan. Includes 1987 base map and design of lamp posts. Never implemented. – 1989. RBC-09 1932 Ross Bay Cemetery base map with notations regarding street widths. – 1977. RBC-10 1932 RBC base map (diazo). – 1932. RBC-11 1932 RBC base map (positive blueprint). – 1932. RBC-12 Episcopalian plots. – [after 1932]. RBC-13 Anglican plots in Block W and plots listed in 1953 as underlain by sewer. – 1987. RBC-14 1932 RBC base map (blueprint). – 1932. S-01 Hibben/Davenport wall map of Greater Victoria. – [ca. 1914]. Same base map as E0004 and S-3. 60" wide.

City of Victoria Archives

Maps and Plans – By Number

S-02 Island Blue Print/Davenport wall map of Greater Victoria. – 1925. Larger version of B0002. 80" wide. S-03 Hibben/Davenport wall map of Greater Victoria. – [ca. 1914]. Same base map as E0004 and S-1. 79" wide. Missing the top half of the map. S-04 Hibben wall map of Greater Victoria showing subdivisions. – 1907. Larger version of 2008-1102:2. 79" wide. Considerable damage to bottom edge. S-05 Davenport map of British Columbia and adjacent territories. – 1929. S-06 B.C. Dept. of Lands map of British Columbia. – 1912. S-07 Davenport map of Vancouver Island. – 1940. S-08 Wrigley map of Vancouver and Lower Mainland. – 1936. S-09 Davenport map of the . – 1927. S-10 Sun commercial map of British Columbia. – 1938. S-11 B.C. Dept. of Lands map of British Columbia. – 1933. S-12:1 Vancouver Map and Blueprint map of Vancouver. – 1923. Attached to S-12:2. S-12:2 Vancouver Map and Blueprint commercial map of and district. – 1921. Attached to S-12:1. S-13 Civil Defence map of Greater Victoria showing locations of administrative, service, and utilities infrastructure. – [195-]. S-14 Water Works plan for (unbuilt) water tower. – 1908. S-15 Engineering Dept map of Ross Bay seawall (9 sheets). – 1911. Sheets 1-4/9 at 839 F. S-16 Canadian Hydrographic Survey map of Victoria Harbour soundings. – 1966. S-17 Ross Bay seawall and sand drifts. – 1951-1953. S-18 Sooke water supply. – 1911. S-19:1 Sewer Dept plan of North-west sewer profile. – 1914. S-19:2 Requirements for North-west sewer right-of-way. – 1914. S-19:3 Expropriations for North-west sewer right-of-way. – 1914. S-20 Ross Bay seawall and sand drifts. – 1948. S-21 Ross Bay seawall plan and profile showing result of wave scouring. – 1916. S-22 Ross Bay seawall rubble pitching at toe (2 sheets). – 1916. S-23 Waterworks plan of Beaver Lake showing details of foundations and other features. – [1894?]. S-24 Waterworks plan of Beaver Lake water supply profile. – 1895. S-25 Waterworks plan of working section of pipeline, No. 2. – 1914. S-26 Waterworks plan of working section of pipeline, No. 4. – 1914. S-27 North west sewer profile from Vaughan-Sunnyside. – 1914. S-28 Graphs of water supply and usage for Victoria and Esquimalt (8 sheets). – [ca. 1949- 1964]. S-29:1 Civil Defence welfare services registration procedures. – [195-]. S-29:2 Civil Defence welfare services emergency lodging. – [195-].

City of Victoria Archives

Maps and Plans – By Number

S-29:3 Civil Defence flow chart of services in a welfare centre. – [195-]. S-30 Davenport wall map of Greater Victoria. – 1989.

City of Victoria Archives