Tragic Orphans: Indians in Malaysia
Index A Allied Coordinating Council of Abbasid Dynasty, 7 Islamic NGOs (ACCIN), 398 Abdul Aziz, Mohammad Amin All-Indian Congress Committee, 190 Nordin, 405 All-Malaya Central Dravida Kalagam, Abdul Halim, Ahmad Faruz Sheik, 249 398 All-Malaya Council for Joint Action Abdul Hamid, Ahmad Fauzi, 389, 395 (AMCJA), 232 Abdullah, Cik Dat Anjang, 268 All-Malayan Rubber Workers’ Abdullah, Sultan, 24 Council (AMRWC), 247 ABIM. See Angkatan Belia Islam Al Ma’unah, 394 (ABIM) AMCJA. See All-Malaya Council for Abolitionism, 66 Joint Action (AMCJA) ACCIN. See Allied Coordinating AMCJA-PUTERA, 233, 242, 290 Council of Islamic NGOs coalition, 255 (ACCIN) negotiations, 232 Adi Dravida, 156 American War of Independence, 66 Agamic Hinduism, 141 Amery, Leo, 166 Agent for the Government of India, Amrita Bazar Patrika (1912), 107 116, 124, 126 AMRWC. See All-Malayan Rubber agriculture, British colonial economy, Workers’ Council (AMRWC) 27–28 Anderson, John, 96 Aiyer, K.A. Neelakanda, 162 Angkatan Belia Islam (ABIM), 338 Albuquerque, Alfonso de, 17 Angkatan Pemuda Insaf, 231 alcoholism, 124–25 Anglican Clapham Sect leadership, 66 Aliens Ordinances, 163 Anglo–Dutch Treaty of London “Allah”, non-Muslim usage of, 431 (1824), 21 Alliance educational policies, 305 Anglo-US-Dutch coalition, 187 Alliance formula, 276, 347 Annadurai, C.N., 280 Alliance National Convention, 278 anti-British sentiment, 187 19 TragicOrphans_Msia.indd 491 12/8/14 11:11 AM 492 Index anti-Chinese Sabillah, 227 Balan, R.G., 268 ‘anti-development’ process, 315 Baling poverty demonstrations
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