Gaffney Bill Would Benefit In-Town Buyers

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Gaffney Bill Would Benefit In-Town Buyers Gaffney bill would benefit in-town buyers • Legislation would also help to combat 'urban sprawl' By Brad Lindberg councIl, dc,lI" Staff Wnter WIth th(' Lan~tng leiW111,\k('I' al E:' pro bit' III danglmg an etol101llll carrot every day to feed old glIal d lOmmum- " You n g he'> and choke urban famille" need Jonathan W Pasquinelli, formerly of <;prawl ext! d <;pal!' Grosse POinte Farms, lolned the U S House Bill 4784 would Ken 1\ ed, Navy In January 2002 and IS currently addre!>;, both 1<;<;uesby cap- .., did an AViation Ordnanceman 3rd Class Farms makes a splash (pad) ptng property tax tIlCIeases 'Pro ...ped 1\ l He IS statIoned on the aIrcraft carrier. on certam hump punhd ...e... Gaffney home buvPI'" the U S S Constellation, the same ship Cool temperatures made WIthin the same com- are a1\\aY'" and rain didn't damp- hiS father, Jeffrey Pasquinelli served on muntty mtere;,ted to en the crowd for the In the Vietnam War The U S S The mea;,Ule mtroduced know what the tax mcn:,,:, .. ribbon cutting cere- Constellation was deployed In by Rep Edwdrd GafTney. R- 1;'gomg to be It I" often lOn- mony for Grosse November 2002 and arrived In the Grosse POlllh' F,u m!>, cre- "ldered unJu!>t to the pomt of Pointe Farms' Pier Persian Gulf In December 2002 Jon dte<; term, fell home buyer;, belllg dl"'lOUJagl11g , Park's new splash pad served throughout Operation Iraqi to purchd'p new property Dale KJ dJnhlk, Pal k Clt, on Saturday. May 31, Freedom and hiS ship IS now traveling \\ lthout fdung budget-bu,t- mandgel, ".Ild home ;"lIe ... but they did delay the to Australia HawaII and back to the mg Jump" m ploperty U"e... undel PropOSItIOn A ofh'n setting of the splash home port of San Diego Jon attended created under Prop0!>lhon A uncork :W to 40 percpnt pad's rubberized sur- Richard Elementary and Brownell Backer ...hope the rnedsure hike;, m ta'l.dble \'alue face. made possible Middle School until moving with hiS , has enough pocketbook Amendmg the act would -. by a gift from the family to Kingman, Anz , In 1994 HIS moxIe to bo]..,ter real e...tate reqUIre a vote of the del- Grosse Pointe Fums m e;,tabh!>lwd lommumtles torate GalTne, 's draft would Sister, Jennifer. and hiS parents, Mary Improvement Foun- while stltlmg at lea"t one aVOId statewide balIotmg Agnes and Jeff Pasquinelli, now live In dation. The tempera- re,l<;on UI<;t-con<;llOU'"home The legl ...lature could Ju<;t ChIno HIlls, CalIf, hIS brother, Matthew, tures finally warmed lives In PhoeniX with hiS Wife Julie Jon ~ ;:...~ -~:~~::~:!i.- buyer" hedd for the hIli.., pa;,s the modIficatIOn,', to " " ... -i , for a cool time for IS the grandson of Lenore PasqUinelli, kids, including "Thls measure encourage!> gl\ e reltef formerly of Grosse POinte Woods and people to relocate lt1 theIr KraJntak s,lld Gaffnev '" 5, left. The splash pad's actual opening was on the nephew of Martin and Jenny Thomas Dorian. own commumty and dls- legt;,latlOn wouldn't penalize Caruso and couSin of Miranda and Friday, June 6. courageI', urban sprawl and people for upgradmg to larg- Pictured at the ribbon cutting ceremony are Assistant Manager James Caruso of Grosse POinte poor land use practIces," er Units OJ down~lzll1g to Shane Reeside. Parks and Recreation Director Dick Ruhn, Coun- Woods GalTney saId !>maller homes or condo- cilman Louis Theros. Matthew Knelser, Leigh Farquhar, Council- Gaffney and 17 co-sIgners mmlum;, \\ Ithm theIr hont(' man James Farquhar Jr., Councilman Terry Davis, Grosse Pointe would let home buyer", who commul1lt, Farms Improvement Foundation Vice Chairman Mary Ann Petz. have IJvpd 1Il a mUl1lclpahtY Othen\l<;!:" ou re plther Kathleen Kneiser, Steven Kneiser (cutting ribbon). Kathleen for thl Pl' VCdls, punhdi>e a forcmg people to be captured Kneiser, Mayor Ronald Kneiser and City Manager Richard Solak honw III the same commum- 10 theIr home" or look to Thursday, June 12 tv and p,1Vthp ..,ame amount othcr markpt, to find a Iarg- The George Benson Quartet per- 111 pi opel t, tdxe ...a...the pre- pr homp' Kr,IJt1lak "aId forms as part of the Bon Secours ~'J()U, emner "ThIS would be a mee benefit Cottage Health ServIces MUSIC on the The measure counters to slow urban sprawl too If Plaza Concert Senes, co-sponsored by Propm,al A, whIch tIes you want a larger' home the Grosse POinte News, In the VIllage lmked property tdX mcrea,- you'll go out to a towm,hl~ at St Clair and Kercheval at 7 p m 1'" to the inflatIOn rate where you ('an dlTord the The concert IS free In case of raIn except when pro pert) taxes" the performance Will be held )n th~ lhdnge!> hands Kpnnedy Itked how the Maire Elementary Schoo! gym In "uch transactIOns, propo..,al v,ould make It ea;,- taxes are allowed to conform ler for f-,'Towmg famlltes to Friday, June 13 to a propl'rty'S market valuE' remam In the Pomtes and Services for Older CItIzens hosts an The re'mlt IS often a pent-up foster a legacy of famIly on. Ice Cream SOCial and Information Day bur;,t of property taxes that entatIOn from 2 to 4 pm, at the sac office at Cdu;,e!> many prospectlve G.lffnev llted a Grosse 17150 Waterloo In the City of Grosse bu~er" to duck and cover Pomtp Board of Realtors POinte The mcrea!>e m taxes esttmate that 10 percent of makes It dIfficult for young !>dle<; !>Iammed to a halt Monday, June 16 couplE'''' to purchase larger when bmer<; learned of bIg home" and selllOr do\\, n- tax boo ...t" State Rep Edward Gaffney, R- 'Ize" Gaffney 'ldld "The "Thl" Pldctlce Will contm. Grosse POinte Farms Willhold an open current law dIscourage", real udl1\ IPduct, the n1drketabll. office hours In the Grosse POinte Farms e;,tate sales and keeps pea- It v ot l"d'-ltng home!> In CIty Hall main floor conference room pIe from fulfilhng theIr e,tabll"hcd commumhes from 9 to lOa m dredm" of home owner ...hlp and place a r..rreater burden ShIrley Kennedy. a redl tOT ...PI'Vlce... on underdevel The City Council of the City of Grosse p...tdte agent dnd member of oppd lei-,'10n, oj thE' ...tat " POinte meets In ItS council chamber at the Gro<;<;e Pomtf' Park cIty Kr, ,.1Id ' e, 730 pm The Grosse POinte Woods City Council meets at the Grosse POinte Woods City Hall at 7 30 P m t • Tuesday, June 17 The Grosse POinte Shores Village Home: Grosse Pomte Council meets for a regular meeting In Farms the Shores mUnicipal bUIlding at 7 p m Age: 56 Family: Husband, John, son. Brennan, daugh- ter, Brady Occupation: artIst Opinion . 6A Quote: "It used to be Harper Woods .., 10-11 A College try because I wanted to Obituaries .12A have something mce to The be.t collegiate aallors in the country were at Crescent Sail look at That I!>n't the Schools 13-15A Yacht Club in Gl'OlIsePointe Farm. Jast week for the Inter Colle- redson an} more I do It giate Salling Auoclatlon North American Team Championship •. BUSiness ." 18A bE'casue II'" an emotIOn Harvard won five ~f seven race. to successfully defend the cham- I want to express It's Seniors .. 68 pionship It won last year. St, Mary's (Md.)was lecond and South- !>omethmg I have to ern caJtfornia wu third. Racing was done in new Vanguard 4208 do" Entertainment. 78 The North American Team Championships were the second of • three ICSA spring championships. Classified ads .6e See story, page 4A Shelley Schoenherr I pat sco~jewelers ~' I 3 2 Qi)! iSIj St.John n~,. Hospital Landsc::aplq Complete Design" CoMtNCtIon /' For Dads & Grads ' S" OUR AD IN YOUR HOMe Atcnuo. TAG Heuer, Belly Jewels, Hidalgo H \ IIEO Sllfl2 586-774-0090 , • J. 1 • June 12, 2003 2A News Grosse Pointe News ~esttrday's headlines 50 years ago this week 50 years ago thlsttek Pomte, accordmg to Arthur Surrounded by pohce, the • Only two dal,~am Steckler, productIOn manag- teenager fires three rounds before the Wayn'e 1l/lty er for Cmematlc Arts a at Johnson, hitting him once Health Departmen\ ~st- Paramount Plctu'res and causing extensive dam- mobIle leaves GroSSe r Jlte InternatlOnal company age to hiS nght hand The last chanet for Although 95 percent of the A DetrOIt officer returns Pomters to rc(elVC ~t*,t movIe IS bemg filmed In the favor, hIttIng the suspect X-rays '" 111 be toda\ and Ireland, the scene to be once In the arm The suspect tomorro\\ at tht, \\ood' made at PIer Park IS a "ur. IS wanted for a fatal car Theatre on MdCk A\ enut reahstlc dream sequence jackmg June 2 m the area of • Whcn the Country Dal shot on the beach The Gratiot and Outer Dnve Farms Will be paid $200 '-'rhnnl-Dptr01t trlllvPNtl • Statewide, voters spurn • Th~ LJi o;,;,e POlllte School ('.lInll <11 Pdl <ldc gel> Proposal A by a t>4to 40 per- undel\\a; thp nwrnll1g of Ktwallls Club prepares to cent margin But III the l'xpand Its "eyes and ears" .June 13 d qUl'PI1 ,1IIe! tl\D Gros;,e Pomtes. the margm ,afety progrdm under way attendant" 1\ III tJdl' I n ,tate IS much wldel wIth the mea- 1I1 Grosse POinte Woods . on a fUtUII"tICldl III d pro- sure gOIng down to defeat 68 ce""lOn through the POllltc" The objective IS to pro- to 32 percent Hel ro) al high Ill'" ?\l an mnte public safety through.
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