Gaffney bill would benefit in-town buyers • Legislation would also help to combat 'urban sprawl' By Brad Lindberg councIl, dc,lI" Staff Wnter WIth th(' Lan~tng leiW111,\k('I' al E:' pro bit' III danglmg an etol101llll carrot every day to feed old glIal d lOmmum- " You n g he'> and choke urban famille" need Jonathan W Pasquinelli, formerly of <;prawl ext! d <;pal!' Grosse POinte Farms, lolned the U S House Bill 4784 would Ken 1\ ed, Navy In January 2002 and IS currently addre!>;, both 1<;<;uesby cap- .., did an AViation Ordnanceman 3rd Class Farms makes a splash (pad) ptng property tax tIlCIeases 'Pro ...ped 1\ l He IS statIoned on the aIrcraft carrier. on certam hump punhd ...e... Gaffney home buvPI'" the U S S Constellation, the same ship Cool temperatures made WIthin the same com- are a1\\aY'" and rain didn't damp- hiS father, Jeffrey Pasquinelli served on muntty mtere;,ted to en the crowd for the In the Vietnam War The U S S The mea;,Ule mtroduced know what the tax mcn:,,:, .. ribbon cutting cere- Constellation was deployed In by Rep Edwdrd GafTney. R- 1;'gomg to be It I" often lOn- mony for Grosse November 2002 and arrived In the Grosse POlllh' F,u m!>, cre- "ldered unJu!>t to the pomt of Pointe Farms' Pier Persian Gulf In December 2002 Jon dte<; term, fell home buyer;, belllg dl"'lOUJagl11g , Park's new splash pad served throughout Operation Iraqi to purchd'p new property Dale KJ dJnhlk, Pal k Clt, on Saturday. May 31, Freedom and hiS ship IS now traveling \\ lthout fdung budget-bu,t- mandgel, ".Ild home ;"lIe ... but they did delay the to Australia HawaII and back to the mg Jump" m ploperty U"e... undel PropOSItIOn A ofh'n setting of the splash home port of San Diego Jon attended created under Prop0!>lhon A uncork :W to 40 percpnt pad's rubberized sur- Richard Elementary and Brownell Backer ...hope the rnedsure hike;, m ta'l.dble \'alue face. made possible Middle School until moving with hiS , has enough pocketbook Amendmg the act would -. by a gift from the family to Kingman, Anz , In 1994 HIS moxIe to bo]..,ter real e...tate reqUIre a vote of the del- Grosse Pointe Fums m e;,tabh!>lwd lommumtles torate GalTne, 's draft would Sister, Jennifer. and hiS parents, Mary Improvement Foun- while stltlmg at lea"t one aVOId statewide balIotmg Agnes and Jeff Pasquinelli, now live In dation. The tempera- re,l<;on UI<;t-con<;llOU'"home The legl ...lature could Ju<;t ChIno HIlls, CalIf, hIS brother, Matthew, tures finally warmed lives In PhoeniX with hiS Wife Julie Jon ~ ;:...~ -~:~~::~:!i.- buyer" hedd for the hIli.., pa;,s the modIficatIOn,', to " " ... -i , for a cool time for IS the grandson of Lenore PasqUinelli, kids, including "Thls measure encourage!> gl\ e reltef formerly of Grosse POinte Woods and people to relocate lt1 theIr KraJntak s,lld Gaffnev '" 5, left. The splash pad's actual opening was on the nephew of Martin and Jenny Thomas Dorian. own commumty and dls- legt;,latlOn wouldn't penalize Caruso and couSin of Miranda and Friday, June 6. courageI', urban sprawl and people for upgradmg to larg- Pictured at the ribbon cutting ceremony are Assistant Manager James Caruso of Grosse POinte poor land use practIces," er Units OJ down~lzll1g to Shane Reeside. Parks and Recreation Director Dick Ruhn, Coun- Woods GalTney saId !>maller homes or condo- cilman Louis Theros. Matthew Knelser, Leigh Farquhar, Council- Gaffney and 17 co-sIgners mmlum;, \\ Ithm theIr hont(' man James Farquhar Jr., Councilman Terry Davis, Grosse Pointe would let home buyer", who commul1lt, Farms Improvement Foundation Vice Chairman Mary Ann Petz. have IJvpd 1Il a mUl1lclpahtY Othen\l<;!:" ou re plther Kathleen Kneiser, Steven Kneiser (cutting ribbon). Kathleen for thl Pl' VCdls, punhdi>e a forcmg people to be captured Kneiser, Mayor Ronald Kneiser and City Manager Richard Solak honw III the same commum- 10 theIr home" or look to Thursday, June 12 tv and p,1Vthp ..,ame amount othcr markpt, to find a Iarg- The George Benson Quartet per- 111 pi opel t, tdxe ...a...the pre- pr homp' Kr,IJt1lak "aId forms as part of the Bon Secours ~'J()U, emner "ThIS would be a mee benefit Cottage Health ServIces MUSIC on the The measure counters to slow urban sprawl too If Plaza Concert Senes, co-sponsored by Propm,al A, whIch tIes you want a larger' home the Grosse POinte News, In the VIllage lmked property tdX mcrea,- you'll go out to a towm,hl~ at St Clair and Kercheval at 7 p m 1'" to the inflatIOn rate where you ('an dlTord the The concert IS free In case of raIn except when pro pert) taxes" the performance Will be held )n th~ lhdnge!> hands Kpnnedy Itked how the Maire Elementary Schoo! gym In "uch transactIOns, propo..,al v,ould make It ea;,- taxes are allowed to conform ler for f-,'Towmg famlltes to Friday, June 13 to a propl'rty'S market valuE' remam In the Pomtes and Services for Older CItIzens hosts an The re'mlt IS often a pent-up foster a legacy of famIly on. Ice Cream SOCial and Information Day bur;,t of property taxes that entatIOn from 2 to 4 pm, at the sac office at Cdu;,e!> many prospectlve G.lffnev llted a Grosse 17150 Waterloo In the City of Grosse bu~er" to duck and cover Pomtp Board of Realtors POinte The mcrea!>e m taxes esttmate that 10 percent of makes It dIfficult for young !>dle<; !>Iammed to a halt Monday, June 16 couplE'''' to purchase larger when bmer<; learned of bIg home" and selllOr do\\, n- tax boo ...t" State Rep Edward Gaffney, R- 'Ize" Gaffney 'ldld "The "Thl" Pldctlce Will contm. Grosse POinte Farms Willhold an open current law dIscourage", real udl1\ IPduct, the n1drketabll. office hours In the Grosse POinte Farms e;,tate sales and keeps pea- It v ot l"d'-ltng home!> In CIty Hall main floor conference room pIe from fulfilhng theIr e,tabll"hcd commumhes from 9 to lOa m dredm" of home owner ...hlp and place a r..rreater burden ShIrley Kennedy. a redl tOT ...PI'Vlce... on underdevel The City Council of the City of Grosse p...tdte agent dnd member of oppd lei-,'10n, oj thE' ...tat " POinte meets In ItS council chamber at the Gro<;<;e Pomtf' Park cIty Kr, ,.1Id ' e, 730 pm

The Grosse POinte Woods City Council meets at the Grosse POinte Woods City Hall at 7 30 P m t • Tuesday, June 17 The Grosse POinte Shores Village Home: Grosse Pomte Council meets for a regular meeting In Farms the Shores mUnicipal bUIlding at 7 p m Age: 56 Family: Husband, John, son. Brennan, daugh- ter, Brady Occupation: artIst Opinion . . 6A Quote: "It used to be Harper Woods .., 10-11 A College try because I wanted to Obituaries .12A have something mce to The be.t collegiate aallors in the country were at Crescent Sail look at That I!>n't the Schools 13-15A Yacht Club in Gl'OlIsePointe Farm. Jast week for the Inter Colle- redson an} more I do It giate Salling Auoclatlon North American Team Championship •. BUSiness ." 18A bE'casue II'" an emotIOn Harvard won five ~f seven race. to successfully defend the cham- I want to express It's Seniors .. 68 pionship It won last year. St, Mary's (Md.)was lecond and South- !>omethmg I have to ern caJtfornia wu third. Racing was done in new Vanguard 4208 do" Entertainment. 78 The North American Team Championships were the second of • three ICSA spring championships. Classified ads .6e See story, page 4A Shelley Schoenherr

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, • J. 1 • June 12, 2003 2A News Grosse Pointe News ~esttrday's headlines 50 years ago this week

50 years ago thlsttek Pomte, accordmg to Arthur Surrounded by pohce, the • Only two dal,~am Steckler, productIOn manag- teenager fires three rounds before the Wayn'e 1l/lty er for Cmematlc Arts a at Johnson, hitting him once Health Departmen\ ~st- Paramount Plctu'res and causing extensive dam- mobIle leaves GroSSe r Jlte InternatlOnal company age to hiS nght hand The last chanet for Although 95 percent of the A DetrOIt officer returns Pomters to rc(elVC ~t*,t movIe IS bemg filmed In the favor, hIttIng the suspect X-rays '" 111 be toda\ and Ireland, the scene to be once In the arm The suspect tomorro\\ at tht, \\ood' made at PIer Park IS a "ur. IS wanted for a fatal car Theatre on MdCk A\ enut reahstlc dream sequence jackmg June 2 m the area of • Whcn the Country Dal shot on the beach The Gratiot and Outer Dnve Farms Will be paid $200 '-'rhnnl-Dptr01t trlllvPNtl • Statewide, voters spurn • Th~ LJi o;,;,e POlllte School ('.lInll <11 Pdl Proposal A by a t>4to 40 per- undel\\a; thp nwrnll1g of Ktwallls Club prepares to cent margin But III the l'xpand Its "eyes and ears" .June 13 d qUl'PI1 ,1IIe! tl\D Gros;,e Pomtes. the margm ,afety progrdm under way attendant" 1\ III tJdl' I n ,tate IS much wldel wIth the mea- 1I1 Grosse POinte Woods . on a fUtUII"tICldl III d pro- sure gOIng down to defeat 68 ce""lOn through the POllltc" The objective IS to pro- to 32 percent Hel ro) al high Ill'" ?\l an mnte public safety through. More than 18,000 of the out the POlntes by dlstnbut- ."Ilaxwell Count I\ j) 1\'" Pomtes' registered voters, II1g 500 note pads and pen- 1953 I\la\ Qupen II ill he whIch amounts to about 46 ul, to chIldren who WIll attended 11\ KIt!' .Inti percent, particIpated In the Il'port SUSPiCIOUSactIvIty .JennIe Hagen vote • Wllh,tlll Ltfel 1 1 oj • The varsIty tenms team • A Wayne County CIrCUIt First veteran married in Memorial Oxford Hoad, leCl'IIl".I (;od at l lllverslty Liggett School Court judge denies a request Cdl n' It" seventh consecu- by parents and students at and Count I 'loUtJJJg ,1\\ .lOn of mg dm\ nnver. \\ here he was 1<; tiI' roughpr on the \,lke than ldboratlve thmgs like thiS," my department to be a preVIOusly ;,tatlOned support to other agencIes" It I" dowTIl1.vel ' It:vans "aId "It means we 'You get a lot more ,;Icd- ...pend tax dollar" more wlse- REMEMBER On a typical day GlosN ...ure hoatb thIS way," G\oser E\ an", ...0 far, h pled"ed saId "And It'" a pretty WIde \\Ith the partner"hlp h" F ER GrossePoint~ N~ws (USPS no 4001 Publl~hl'rl {'~l'r~ Thur,dav By Anteebo Publishers 96 Kercheval Avenue Grosse POinte, MI 4823b PHONE: (313) 882-6900 fIr I I. II I' \ 1..,\ P I II \1 ()f tr t BRING YOUR HOME INTO \\ II l, 1 I d Hid' 0 II n ! I " I., .... THE COMFORT ZONE -.=.:~ We Offer a Beautiful Selection of .., ~ ( ~I k I ~ \ pI r., ~f \

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June 12, 2003 News 3A Grosse Pointe News Mayoral petition in Farms filed; counter plan offered By Bonnie Caprara who can run for councIl If the charter that states the amended to elect from the DavIs said he was prompt- Schonenberg also expre""eu Staff Writer you want to run for mayor, mayor shall be a member of Ctty at large the Mayor at ed to propose the ordmance concel n;, about ru"hmg the Grosse POInte Farms vat- you can't run for council councIl, It only modifies the each regular City electwn because, "This IS a praces;, process of pos"lbly changlllg t ers may be able to select Here, we don't lImit the selectIOn process begmnzng zn the year 2005 we set In 2002 If \',e \',ere or modifyIng the maVOl<11 their preference for mayOl number of people who run DavIs' move was prompted Such elected Mayor shall gOIng to change the proces:" "electIOn process as early as thiS November for councIl, and we don't by a charter amendment also serve as a we would have needed Regardless whethel OJ not In a proposed ordmance lImit the number of people petitIOn filed by Counctlmember ThiS another 60 days Now ",e the OIdmance IS dppn)\(.d drafted by Councilman Terry who run fOJ mayor It's the CouncIlwoman Therese Amendment shall be written have to figure out what to Burge;,s cautIOned that the Da\ IS and discussed at the ultimate m representatIOnal Joseph Joseph filed the In the Grosse Pomt' Farm::. do" chal tel' amendment If councIl's Monday, June 9, government» petItIon along With 575 slg- Ctty Charter as tlze JI-~eph DaVIS was backed by fel- applOved by the votel", meetmg, counCil candidates While DaVIS saId the pro- natures of Farms regIstered Amendment low CouncIlman J anlt';, would take precedence 0\ el would be allowed to state posed ordmance "would voters on June 9 -- well over CIty Clerk Shane Reeslde Farquhar J I' Farquhar, '" ho the ordmance their Intent to ;,erve ab allow tor the direct dt::CllUll lhc 5 percent of SIgr''ltprf>C' WOllIn nli'ed to venfy the flt one pomt asked Joseph to D.1\% mo\ed to hold ,I mayor on the general elec- of mayor," city attorney reqUIred to place the charter legItimacy of the signatures pull her petitIOn, ;,aId, At tlOn ballot Voters would WIlham Burgess said it amendment on the Nov 4 before plaong the charter thiS pOint, we have to do publIc heanng on Plopo"pd ... h th" Jd d h 1 I b II ordmance undel "M,t' III t "en c oose elr pre,el'ente \\OU not man ate t e genera e ectlon a ot amendment proposal on the somethmg qUIckly" ' for their mayoral candidate cuuncil approve the voters' The ballot language reads general electIOn ballot The elL Th selectIOn Is;,ue" dunng tlw " t d b th D Ch tAd t t ounci man oms eros caullcll'" regular me tll r on da dsetparat ~ bhall °ht hTh e prelerence presen eye ror ar er men men 0 cIty councIl WIll be allowed backed DaVIS' proposal but ~ e Ig can bl a e fWlt t t e Ilgdebst clerk elect from the C~ty of to wnte an explanatIOn of expressed dlsappomtment m The motIOn wa'> pa;'bcd, but num el 0 vo es wou e The proposed ordmance POinte Farms the Mayor at d was voted do\', n b) Jo"eph pre;,ented by the cIty clerk at would also allow the counCIl each regular electIOn, begln- the charter amen ment pro- rushmg the process and MayOi HonaJd KneIsel the first sessIOn of counCil to contmue to select the nlng In the year 2005 posal for the ballot "ThiS counCil has had the 'Thlb plOposalls dl"gUl"ul followmg the electIOn for mayor pro tern and to define Further, to reduce the num- If ratified by the voters m courage to talk about It as a direct electIOn," Knel"el counCil to applOve a;, Its first the term of "vacancy » ber of councllmembers to be November, the proposed (mayoral selectIOn)," Theros told the Gros"e Pomte Ne\\" cour;,e of actIOn The proposed ordmance elected at each reaularEo CLty chartert amendmentffi t th would t saidh "1 was dlsappomtedfT th t after the meetmg "The vot- 'In the parliamentary sys- language, which has been electIOn ""rom the City at go In I0 Ie ec m 2005e nex t at It got cut 0 WWI' apeb 1- ers deserve more from their tern, you Iun for your parlIa- CIrculated among council large from four (4) to three counci e ectlOn m hon drIve eve een mentary seat, and you have members, has not yet been (3), to compensate ""or the G Joseph, P whot NIttold the accusedf h of draggJng our Thfeet cityThecouncil"ordmance wIll be dl"- to hold It to the pnme nnms- made public, and was only change In the electIOn of rosse om e ew& as a ter tree meetmgs e tel', here you have to be on dIscussed 10 theory at the mayor week, "I'm here to represent acts of Ms. Joseph and oth- cussed at a pubhc hearmg counCIl to be mayor," DaVIS meetmg It would not have "Shall Chapter Four (4), the people, what they want ers are premature" and may be voted upon at said "(The other system) any beanng on the mayoral SectIOn Four powt four (44) and do what they want,» sat CounCIl members Robert the counCIl's next reguldl' lImits the number of people selection process outhned m of the City Charter be SIlently dunng the meetmg Herdegen and Frances meetmg on July 7 Water overpayment trickles back into Shores' coffers By Bonnie Caprara The Shores, whIch cur- time of6 to 9 a m and 6 to 9 along With the $110,000 mto last year's budget and said, the Village probablv Staff Wrtter lently pays $11 01 per cubiC pm However, the DWSD refund $70,000 of the $100,000 would have to pay that Money deemed overpaid feet of water, has contested admitted Its error last sum- Village SuperIntended owed to Grosse Pomte much 10 legal and engmeel- to the DetrOlt W and regulatIOns Ahmed Ivmail, Speedi Photo & Imal(ing Center 800-9R7-AHFF.113-RR6-4600 The derby ram date IS wwwaheejCwe)c)'<; com Saturday, June 28 June 12, 2003 2A News Grosse Pointe News yesterday's headlines 50 years ago this week

50 years ago this week Pomte. dClOJdmg to AI lhul Surrounded by pohce, the SteLkll'l ploduct!On n1 AlthUllgh 93 PPlllllt {IIthl' A DetlOit offiler retul no. P The last chdni\ lrll O!m \( I~ IW11lg hlnwd In the 1<1\ or. hlttmg the bUbpect omters to receIve fn'i' i h( ~t 11l'l.l1ld tIll' ~(l'I1( to Ill' OIlll' lfl the arm The "u"pelt X-rays wIll be todd\ 'liid lIl,lih ,1\ PIl'I P,lI k I~ ,I ~\ll- h \\ anted lOl a I,Hal (dr tomorrow dt the WOOl!" 1(' d I' t I< dJ ('.I Tl1 ,( qlll lli \ l.llkmg.J une 2 m the area 01 Theatre on Mack Avenue -hot on tht b("'ih l'iH' (.ldtlOt dnd Outer Dnve , • When the Country Dd\ r 11111" \\111 bp p,lId 'i>2()() • State\\lde, votel" "pum School-Detroit Umvehlh • 1'1- /'""" P",nll' PlClPo<;alAbya54to46 per- t;chool CarOl val Parade bl'h KI\I dnl~ Club PH'Pdl(,~ to ll'nt margm Hut In the underway the 0101 nlng 01 l'>'p I1Id \(', '('\('~ ,md \ ,IT', GlO"be Pomtes the mdrgm June 13, a quepn and t\\" -<111'1\ JllOgl,1111 undl'1 \\,1\ h much wldel WIth the med- attendants wIll nde 111 "tal\ III GI (J"~l Pomtp Wood~ ~Ule gowg do\\ n to defedt 68 on a futuristic Cdl In a pro TIH' object Ive I" to JlI () to 32 percent ceSSIOn through the POIntes mote pubhc ",det\ througb Male than 18,000 of the Her royal hlghnes" Nan out the POlnte~ bv dl"tJ Ibut- Powtes' regl"tel ed votels Max\\elJ, Country DdY's lilt: 500 note pad" and pen \\ hlch amounts to about 46 1953 May Queen will be (Il- to children \\ ho \\111 p<'llent. Pdl tlclpated w the attended by K!tty and Jenme Hdgen I' \Jllrt SUSPICIOU"dCtl\lt) \ote • The Val'.,11\ tenl1l" team • A Way ne County CIrCUIt First veteran married in Memorial • Wilham Ldfer, 13. of at l'lHvel"lt) LIggett School ('ourt Judge deOle" a requebt Oxford Road, recel\ es a God edlll' It., "eve nth con"ecu- by parent<; dnd students .It and County scoutmg award Center Gardens tl\ l' ( lass C -1) St,lte tennis OUI Lad, Stm of the Sea to The medal IS the hlghe;,t The first wedding ever performed in the Grosse Pointe War Memorial Cen- Ch,llnplOn"hlp ThE' KOlghtb keep the school open pabt Ite; religIOUS a"ard a Boy Scout ter Gardens saw veteran William van Zanen exchange vows of matrimony takl' 1.1 out of a po"slble 29 June c10smg date can attaJn It represents ao with his Dutch bride Nelly Ruiter, of Amsterdam. Holland. on Saturday. June pOll1h to retall1 the CI'O"n arranged by the ArchdIOcese many hours of work dnd 6. The ceremony takes place among the garden's beautiful foliage and flow- of DetrOIt study m the church of hIs ers, In the background the Memorial Center basks in brllUant sunshine that 10 years ago this week came out for the occasion, (Photo by Fred Runnells. From the June 11. 1953 chOice 5 years ago this week • A 16 veal' veteran of the Grosse Pointe News.) Grosse F'lmte Park publK • GlObse Pomte Farms 25 years ago this week rebldent J dy RICCI placf's bafety department 11, bhot bv EducatlOn dnd a perfect gentleman,~ III only two ldpb of the 30- • A Hollywood film CIew d 16-ye,\1 old DetrOIt mm- fOIth the Dodge Neon mlllute tImed event thdt Shorth aftel 11',(1nlllg of bdld Wllberdmg, dddmg that wms approval from Gros"e der SUSpl'ct Chartty Challenge rdce on raIse., monpv for the DetrOIt hel \ Idon Wl1lll'rdmg <;he hope" he runs agdlll Pomte Farmb elected offi- Sgt Ste, e .Johnson and the DetrOit Grand PriX Idle '" wlbh hIm everv bIt of Pohce AthletIC League e....pre""e" .In ell'ment 01 clals to shoot a e;cene for the other office ~ from the Pal k trdck on Belle Ib!e • Beth Konrad regl et ()\ l'l thl' IO~b 01 her th,' he"t ~ - forthcommg film, "MIchael,' and Detrot pur!>ue the Stal tmg m 12th po"ltlOn, WrlbcI dIng \\ Ill' electum to opponent Ted C" H'k at PIer Park teenager '"'pn stnppmg RICCI\ ddvance through the - Blad LIndberg thE' Glo""e Pomte Board 01 "He" d<;d good c,lllclId,ll<' The film IS about dn IlIbh pm tb off a ,tolen \ an on fipld I" accomplished after famIly hVll1g 111 Gro"se DetrOIt I' e,hl Ide Farms, sheriff team up for marine patrol By Bonnie Caprara bald tht.> patrol "top" about StaH Writer t\\ 0 dozen bOdt<; at Idndom to pel fmlll ..,alet\ check, To paraphla"e a \\ell- known l\Ile a bdd dd\ on the 'Wf' check 101 thmgs hke boat I' better thdn a good <;afetv eqUIpment IIfp Jack i\ I \XI i\),l\-' '\ \ '\ 11 \ I') I I \1 day .It the office ets Iiif' pxtmglll<;hel" (irlII\C 'IF; , harm, \\hl"tle~ dnd leg!.,tld :,\".."-l. (/ FOI t wo Gros~e Pomte tlon,,' Glo'er bdld 'Wl'll ,," i.. past few week", dnd eqUIpped to handlp Farms public <;aletv officers sedrch and re.,cue ml"blOns Chrl" Fontame and Geoff Glo"er saId the <;henff s McQueen and Wayne department typically han- County deputy Matt Glo"er dles about d. dozen such runs have been spending then l~dCh ypar \\ pekend" pat rollmg the Optica}. Studios '" Both men dttl'nded I Fal ms public safety depart- d \\ eeklong ~lhool run hy the • Contact Lenses L ment m dSslstmg them III Depal tment of Natural covellng the Lake St Clalr Re"ource<; that tl amed them • Prescriptions Filled rIM \'\'YlIE .,horelme a vast expan'ie of fOl the \\ 01 hmg condltlon<; OWWf RlOP [JCIAN the .~8-mlle 1I1tPInatlOndl Accurately & Quickly on the lake \\ atel way that preVIOusly Photl II, Honnli ( dpr.trit \\a"n't patrolled on a r~gular . Thh 1<;a httlp dlffel ent Wayne County Sherrifs deputy Matt Gloser and baSIS Evane; "ald the mam from lll<;t gettmg out of a Grosse Pointe Farms public safety officers Chris fOLUses of the patrol were to GROSSE POINTE WOODS pan 01 l Gro<;se Pomte Farms We Lake St Clair ha'> '>ome dIf- dollars more wisely," '" ant OUI people to be safe,' ferent chdllenges from \\ ork- open pIece 01 \\ ,ltel It ~ ,J IIt- I 111 eldted to do more col- EVdns saId "The miSSIOn of ll1g do\\ nnver. \\ here he "as tIp lO11gher on the Ipend tax doll,lr~ more wlse- "UTP hOdt" thl<; \\ ay,~ Glo"er E\ an, ~o f,l!' h pl('a"ed "ald And 1(-, d prpttv WIde \\Ith the P

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June 12,2003 3A Grosse Pointe News News Mayoral petition in Farms filed; counter plan offered By Bonnie Caprara who can run for council If the chaTter that states the amended to elect from the DavIs said he ",as prompt- Schonenberg al'lo expreb;,ed Staff Wnter you want to run for mayor, mayor shall be a member of uty at large the Mayor at ed to propose the ordmance concerns about rw,hlllg the Grosse Pomte Farms vot- you can't run for councIl councIl, It only modifies the each regular City electIOn because, "ThIs IS a proceSb process of pOSSIbly changing ers may be able to select Here, we don't I1mlt the selection process beglnmng In the year 20051 we set III 2002 If we were or modlfymg the mayOl ,II then' preference for mayor number of people who run DavIs' move was prompted Such elected Mayor shall gomg to change the proce;'b, ;,electlon procebS dS early as thlb November for counCIl, and we don't by a charter amendment also I>erte as a we would have needed Regardless \\ hether 01 Ilot In <1 propobed ordInanle hnllt the number of people petltlOn filed by Councdmember Thu, another 60 dayb Now we the ordmunce I" dpplllH't! dlafted by Counulmdn 'reny who run for mayor It's the CounCilwoman Therese Amendment shall be written have to figure out whdt to BUlge;,b UlutlOned th,lt thl DdVlb ,md dl"W"bed at thl:' ultimate III repre;,entatIOnal Jo;,eph Joseph filed the In the Gro~l>ePOlllte Farmb do" (hdltel dmendml'nl Ii lounctl\ Monday, .June 9, government ~ petition along WIth 575 Slg- CIty Charter a, the ,Jo~eph DaVIS was backed by fel appro\ed b~ the \ otl'l" meetmg, counCIl ldndldate" WhIle Davlb saId the pro- natures of Farms registered Amendment low Councilman Jallw" \\ould t lke pleled('ncl O\l'1 would be ,dlowed to state posed ordl11ance "would voters on June 9 -- well over CIty Clerk Shane Reeslde Farquhm Jr FdHjuhar, y, ho the 01 dl~dnce thelr lIltent to serve ab dllow for the dIrect electIOn the 5 percent of signatures would need to venfy the at one pomt asked Jospph to navI;, mO\ed to hold ,I

01 SH!nf1hlre" CT mayor l onII the U general elec-I mavor,. city attorney requlleutolJldt.elht."h.1lter le".t.I11.1C'"<>./ of the ~ ruB".,11 •hc~• pct't1C\n "~lrl" 'At p"II»)(' L"p'111n on Pl000'-P[ I tJOn )a at voters wou d William Burgess said It amendment on the Nov 4 before plalmg the charter thIS omt we ha\e to do ,u, then choose then prefel ence would not mandate the general electIOn ballot amen. dmen t proposa I on th e ;,omethmgp, qUIckly " ordmdnceIt" underd l'vLl\tI01 for their mayoral candidate Uluncil appro\e the voters' The ballot language reads general electIOn ballot The CounCilman LoUIS Thero'l ~e ec IO~ Is~ue uru~~ 1(' on a sepdTate ballot The pleference prebented by the For Charter Amendment to cIty counCil Will be allowed b c .k d D s' proposal but councIl;, regular mEeting candidate With the hIghest clerk eleLt (rom the City o{ Grol,se to write an explanatIOn of e: r:s;,ed ~~~a omt~ent m The motIOn wa, pd""ed, bllt number of vote" would be The proposed ordmance POlllte Farms the Mayor at th h rt d nt 0 p h PP \\a;, voted down b) JObeph pre'lented by the cIty clerk at would also allow the counCil each regular electlO/l, begln- e c : ethrabmellntOle pr - rU'~Thhmgt e proIchess h d tl and Mayor Ronald Knel,er h fi f 1 I h h posa l ror e a 0 IS counC} a" a 1e t e Irst sebSlOn 0 counci to contmue to se eet t e mng In t e year 2005 If t fi d b th t lk b t t "ThIS pl'Opm,alls dl"gul,ed follow1I1g the electIOn for mayor pro tem and to define Further. to reduLe the num N ra ~ Ie {h e vo ers I~ courage I to I ta ~,~~ I a" a dIrect electIOn 'KnPI "PI counCIl to approve a" It" first the term of "vacancy ~ ber of councllmembers to be hovem er, d e pro~os~d (mayo:,a se ectdJOn), ero~ told the Gro~se Pomte N e\\ , course of action The proposed ordmance elected at each regular City carter amen ment ou xt saId I was Isappolllte after the meetmg 'The vot- "In the parhament "Iry sy';- language whIch has been election I''rom the City at go mtolIt effect In 2005the ne that It dgot cut offWWith' d bpetJ- ers deserve more from th ell tern you run for your parlla. CIrculated among counCIl large [rom {our (4) to three councl e ec JOn III tlOn nve eve een I' me~tary seat and you have membels has not yet been (3) to compensate 'or the Joseph, \~ha told the accused of dragging our feet CIty counel • ' , ' I' G P t N I' t ft th t Th The ordmance Will be d",- ln er ree Il In f to hOhldIt to thehPnme mlnts- lade pubhc and was only change the electIOn of rokss:r °h e t ews aSt a t M Jmee hm,gsd the cussed at a pubhc heanng ter, ere you ave to be on dIbcussed III theory at the mayor wee, mere 0 repre;,en ac s 0 s osep an 0 - counCIl to be mayor," DaVIS meetmg It would not have "Shall Chapter Four (4), the people, what they want ers are premature " and may b~ voted upon rates were m lllle $002 per 1,000 cubIC feet $3200 per 1,000 cubIC feet he also saId an amount keep rates low $110000 In credIts over thl' WIth It;, engmeenng estJ- lIlcrease thIS fiscal year, of water between $400,000 and "Our water rates are pred- next thl ep months 1Il over- mates of peakmg factors or lllstead of double-digIt The credIts WIll also allow $500.000 would more hkely leated on not usmg watel payment" made over the the amount of water used mcreases that were passed the Shores to place $40,000 reflect the amount owed to dunng peak tlmes,~ Kenyon pabt 10 year'l dunng the peak water usage along to othe .. commumtles, of mIscellaneous revenues the Shores However, he saId Moross bridge reconstruction to begin By Carne Cunningham '!\va lanes Will be available "(Drivers) can choose an fic gets too clogged Staff Wnter on southbound Moross, alternate route ~ "It WIll affect the SIde Thp MichIgan while northbound drivers Harper Woods CIty streets," he s81d "If there';, Department of will be restncted to one Manager JIm LeJdlem said any real Impact, we'll 'lee Tr

By Carrie Cunningham pnde, my;,ter), pa ...<;lOn are Slaff Writer explC,;,;,ed III the;,e II ork~ , For ~helley Schoenherr. Schoen hell ha:, 1::l pIC- lIll I'> d way to Ivve,ll cmo- ture;, .It thl' CdllCl'l lenter t 1011 Ten ot th(':,(' drelll''>, II h llh ,Id\ Jnll'U fill\' dl t methou depllh the lclIV('e'> done b} (omputel Ihdt 011 lllelly-go-loUIHI,> Her ll.plOdul(.... p,lITltll1g'> h, \Iolk 1'> 011 dl..,pLlV elt the lhlllg plglIWl1tl'O lllk V,IllEI")elnder • l\\Ilcer "Then' I'> trul' plgnwnt In ('pnlpl' And a 00111011 of It thl'> IIlk <'0 that mC,ll1... thl' \\d~ ,It the Thou'>and lhk'> color" ,In' Irul' lolOl" '>hl' ('IVIC Art.., PLlIH In "md of gldl'e Thou~anu Oak,>, LIlif 'I\vo of the ot hel p.t mt- 'From p,lr]y UdY", I hdve Ing" e," ..,he 'I thInk It,,.l \lol1c!,rflll \\ I otl'. ,l(ldlll~, Angl'l. II pe- thIng 101 Ihl Tit. to

uom "t r l'llgth whlIn'>" h'l\ e dround ",lid H, I" l ( l

Sh h ai p~\( II ., b\ I Irr ( { unnlfl,.,h 1m oen err p nts figures from a merry-go-around For an oil and oil pastel series, Schoenherr paint- One painting in her Carousel Series is a stag i' ed Victorian homes, above. from Petoskey, Michi- tured above. ' pc- gan She fl'll'nth engdged III ,I trdlt dl'plctl'd her \\l'drlllg a total ,Irt Immer"'lOn \\ h"n Ne\\ YOIk Police Dougfwlt \ ,I '0('1.1 I 1101 kpI SOIlH' of Sl hoell hel r , ...Ill' I\('nl to the l ha\e [onw from Mardthon 111 thl' FlorIdd Rudolph GUIll'lnl hold gl\ PII (,,111 'CI' It h oIII thl' OUhldl' t,ln I'd hor.,e ... on mI'l I \ -go- Kl'\'" Sh(, uldn't t,lIk to 01 d frwnd of hl'r ... I tlllnk II IP.JlII ddd, 10 Ihe round" ,It ('l'dar Pornt 111 "ee ,111, one dUllng a (ouple ,lIlhlleclure of the ldntE'r OhIO ~cho('nh('rr g'II'\\ up In of \\('l'k'> In 1\1,Hch and Rnan OhIO Shp f('pls (hp (['ntl'l S(hol'nhel r hPlI('\('" In .In Apnl of thl~ )edl •.II1d com- tIght-knIt ndlur(' of (he AI t l' 1l'l I Impor t,wt to ,,('ntldlll Sea"cdpl .... nO\l('r" dnd St!wellhl'll ....lId I11I'.ln" Ihat thl' ('111011On"hI' '[ IhIn" I realh 0\\1' Inllt \H'fl' '>om£' of h('1 -;dlOl'lllwlI IIII''' to pamt tdP:' mto to Pdlllt "hould hl' p\pnthrng that I fpel and l11 done d [ "!drtl'd dOIng .I "pnl'~ of Sh(, got her bachelor's the foyer of her home, 1hdt ... Import,int to ml' \ d!IPI \ of othpr of ...elf-pl)) (r .Ill<., , ~!H' "',l1d dl'gn'e ltl 011 t ,I nd de.,lgn .It bl'l,llhe I \\,mt to offl'l a ,II t\\ ork Slw h,h Pdllltl'd TIll' ~l'l f-port rdlh deplct- hl"tOllldl pll'"pntatlon 01 Plle" Stephl'n" CoJlegl' In (,d IWI III VdrlOU.., ...tate ... of ColumbIa 1\10 ,ll1d 01 md'>- the_" (dn lllg" dnd 1 lIm- pOltlflom ,wgr) to pld\ lu! tel''' III finl' ,II t, drdwmg "IOPI Ihl'''e portldlt... "he homl'~ 111 thl' Peto:,k\,\ to 1Il1'>[hll'IOU., OnE' por- .lal!\.elhalll ,m~ultlll~ corn : , ACADEMY 'You redllv have to kno\\ It ~"""""#I'#""II"""""""""I"'*".~ 171 Lakeshore Rd. and \OU hdve to belie\e It and 'thpTI )OU have to be Grosse Pointe Farms able to ('xpre:,,> It .. Schoenhel I' \\ pnt to SkI at Olti""O DAYS FOR DAD June 16 . August 15 Its Never lktn Easier to Give Dad the Vcrv Best! Ohego In northern -ES Health Club Quality - At Home Conl'e~jcnce (9 weeks) l'.hchlg.11I throughout her childhood Her father WdS a ElJipticals Nautilus NE 3000 Reg $2499 Now $1699 member of the ...kl patrol When "hI' WdS In college. fr~ leg Attamment;1 'Jau! uS NE 2000 Reg S1999 Now $1:299 CAMP ACTIVITIES INCLUDE Falherl Daj ,peml Home Cyms ;,he met her hu:,odnd .John Naulllu, NS 300 Reg S 1999 Now $16~ Archery. Basketball. Baseball • Compass Reading at thl' "kl resort The, Tteadmills Football. Frisbee. Golf. Hiking • Kickball • Ping Pong dated on entd- tIH' far Urban SClPnce, a ~ oUifl10 -- company that ;,olvp<; com- ...... plex busmes:, problem ... ~ - CAMP FEATURES Schoenherr hd" two chil- Hourt, MF 'tJ.8 I Sat 11)..(i. Sun 12 :- -- dren, Brpnn:ln and Brady, \J s tOur Web\tte WIIM arT1€'rcdnhome1 Mess (om • Outstanding instruction who both wenl through the Gro<;se POlOtE' Public School for each sport system and then to MIamI Umver;,lty III OhIO • Special demonstrations Brpnnan 1<;a ph,lrmaceutl- cal rppresentatlve for .\meriCilD La8et~ and lectures Merck 10 New York City. and Brady IS a school '(lr/~("(')II)(ht-< R ' :0"'1'1 f"'IU..Fr-n?t,on • Overall ratio of just teacher III ChIcago ---~-----~ Se hoenherr palOted all Remove unwonted hair! seven campers per throughout the penod when Prices stQrting Qt••• her chIldren were growmg staff member allows for up When her daughter fin- Upper lip $99 95 Ished college, she <;tarted to Bikini Lme $159 95 personalized attention pamt on a full-tune baSIS Underarms $179 95 Schoenherr has the tern- perampnt of a true artIst lower Legs $259 95 • Flexible Registration to She pamt<; to expre<'<; feel- Back $34995 accommodate your schedule 109, and her artwork IS e"sentlal to who she I'> 131 Kercheval-on-the Hill • Suite 150 "It used to be because I Grosse Pointe Forms wanted to ha\l' ~omf'thmg Toll.Free (888) 704.9494 ~155°°PER WEEK 6 or more weeks or mce to look at," "he saId of 00 why she pamb "That Isn't (313) 885.4505 $195 PER WEEK 5 weeks or less the rE'ason anymore I do It YOU choose the number of weeks hecause It'.., an emotron I want to exprpss It's some- thIng [ have to do " Schoenherr feels blessed • FDA Approved • All Skin Types To reg,.,ter by phone or for more mlnrmJllOn or hrod1ure...on that ...he has thE' tal{'nt ta • Ooard Certified PhySICians pamt • Interest Free FlnonClng "I am so thankful every- THE BLUE STREAK day that Ihave thIS abIlity," o GIlMORE M D & L LACIVITA M D "he saId

Try Fot6Facial'" - Diminish fine lines. rosacea. ALL-SPORTS CAMPS To find out more ahout acne scars. stretch marks and brown spors Schoenherr's art, log onto call u u'w hometown aol com IS Two Other Locations To Serve You: 1.800.871.CAMP (2267) helleySGSa rt TROY www.americanJosercenters. NOVI June 12, 2003 5A r Grosse Pointe News tJ VILLAGE HOME OF THE BELL RINGER SPECIALSI 18328 Mack Avenue - Grosse Pointe Farms • 882-2530 - Fax 884-8392 Open Monday through Saturday 8 a,m. to 7 p.m. Fine Wines and Liquor ' Prices in effect June 12, 13, 14, 16, 17 &:. 18



probably knows the Clintons better The Clintons: than anyone alIve today. HIS assess- ment IS that the power-couple's game plan has never changed: eight years Weapons for Bdl, eIght years for Hillary. That's all the ConstItutIOn allows, unless, of course, they can get that of mass Opinion pesky 22nd Amendment repealed - a trIal balloon floated In the medIa last month by none other than Bubba distraction hImself and promoted agam on "60 way for the couple to return to the Gerald Ford once descnbed Mmutes." You really have to hand It WhIte House m 2009 "One of the penaltles for refuslng to Watergate as "our long natlOnal to these people They are not lackmg partlclpate In POlttlCS IS that you end By any measure, the book should be nightmare" The Chntons have m gall called "Llvmg Fantasy" up beIng governed by your Infenors." become a self-Imposed nightmare In hiS Immediate analySIS of the t In fact, most pundits outside the - Plato that simply won't go away ABC mtervlew, Morns, now a Fox f natIOnal broadcast networks and the By Doug Patton Bill Clmton himself hab been men- News commentator, saId he thought f. now-discredited spm factory at the tioned for so many possible post-pres- hIle most Americans were Hillary had destroyed her credlblhty New York Times scoff at the notwn I:" focused last week on the Idential careers - teleVISIOn talk After all, hiS lOgICgoes, would anyone that this IS a "tell all" book of person- W Laci Peterson murder case show host, secretary general of the elect a woman who, In spIte of every- ~1 paln wntten by th(' former fir"t and the Martha ~tewart stock scan. t TN, Rnprpnw Conrt In''tw(' appOint- thmg the entlre (,0tmtry knew RhoHt lady dal, the sycophants m the natwnal ed by the next Democrat president - BIll's hbldo problems, says she still media decided to treat us all to the It IS not, of course Rather, It IS a that It must make hIS narcIssistIc believed hIm? cynIcal attempt to remvent the tIdbIts of calculated self.promotwn to head Spin WIth dehght. His latest The answer, I am afraid, IS "Yes!" smartest woman In the world Into the tnal balloon Involves a possible run at be found In U S Sen HIllary Rodham Barbara Walters made HIllary warmest, most forg1Vmg woman m Clmton's new book, "L1Vmg History." the New York governor's mani'>lOn m Chnton look humane to mIllions of the world 2006 HIllary's first book, "It Takes a Amencan women She came acrOSb SpeculatIOn ran WIld concernIng The Clmtons have so totally domI- VIllage," was a dIgest of "I care about not as the shrl1l, dommeermg woman what the book might reveal about the nated he news thiS past week that the chIldren" soclahst phIlosophy who tried to hIjack health care, but Clmtons' marriage and the strange even their old friend Susan EstrIch pubhshed durmg her husband's pres. rather as the forgIving WIfe who ca pohtIcal partnershIp that has domI- called It "suckmg all the oxygen" out idency It was desIgned to polish her be trusted to care for an Amenca I nated our natIOnal psyche for far too of Democrat pobtlcs As HIllary was tarmshed Image followmg the 1993 cnS1S the way she cares for her faml long now What would Barbara on ABC dendmg the vast nght-wmg health care fiasco, a power grab of ly m cnsls Walters ask HIllary m her pnme-tIme cabal she stlll seeb as havmg been out such epIC proportIOns that It was That was exactly what the Chnton interVIew on Sunday night? Amenca to get her husband dunng hIS presI- soundly repudiated by the Amencan were 100kll1g for from thIS whol was told to be on pms and needles We dency, Bill was domg hiS pomt-coun- people In the histonc 1994 sham That and $8 milhon were all agog terpoInt gIg agamst old Bob Dole over Repubhcan congresswnal landshde. Doug Patton 1,<, a freelance colum Of course, the nauseatmgly sweet on CBS's "60 Mmutes " ThIs book IS bemg touted as "a nlst who has served as a politIC mtervIew consIsted of Nerf balls DIck Morns, the amoral-but-bnl- memoir" and IS deSigned to gently get speech Writer and public poltcy adVi tossed up to Sen Clmton m what hant strategIst largely responsIble for us all past the scandals of B111 er at the federal, state and local level became a shameless attempt to soften keepmg the reckless former president Chnton's presIdency and clear the Readers can e.matl hlm her Image to a skeptical pubhc ahve pohtically for so many year!>, [email protected].

Robert G. Edgar EDITORIAL CLAS<;IFIED 13131882 bQOO DbPLA\ ADVERTISING PRODUCTION (3131 882'{)294 (3111882 1'00 Pubh~her John Mmnis Barbara hzbeck Wlhocke (313) 882-b090 Mugu:' Rein"! 'lomlth 'Illll" ..r Peter J 8trknt'! \dHrt, m,., \1{,nlMlf Kim M M,llk('v \ ...... 1 t.111t t{ thl Ken ~,hop EdItor and General \ ...... l ...t Int Edltor f l 1turl b.htur Fran Velardo Robert B. Edgar Manager Chuck ~:lonke f..,port-.Ed,r"r \J\t. rtl"'lI1h \11111ht. r ProJulhnn \1an<1~t..r \ .....1....11nl \11n l\.,t r Kathlt'!'l"n 1\1 e-,Ievenson Founder and Pubhsher (313) 343-5590 Bonnie Caprar .. ~tltt >\nllf Rosahn Baltazar \d\lrtL"'ll1~ Rlpn .... nlll!\L (1940-1979) Brad Lmdberg, Stltt \'\ntt. r Ida Bauer Mol..." Ellen lander Greg BartOSieWICZ Came Cunmngham "11ft \\ntu \lht.rtL"'ln~ Rtpn ....lnl\ll\l Melanie Mahonev Da\ Id Hughes Jenme MIller ~I ,ft \\nler Julie R '>utton Publnhed Wl!'eld) by Diane J\farelhl Edl(ln 11 h ..,,,,t lOt \rhlrfl'" ni..,Rlpn"olntlll\l Pat Tapper Ant~bo PublLstlers Madeleme SOCIa ~P'-'" II Wnt" CIRCULATION (3B1343 5518 Keo C Ong. Grosse Pointe News 96 Ktn:heul A\IE' Penn) Demck '-1l mN t ~ulllT"all Grosse Pomte- Farm .. MJ 4,ll:2J(, Betl) Bros'eau r,,,,r,,,,d, r Karla Aile' ogt \l1n Igtr \d\t.rtl"'lI1~ Rlpn...... nt1tl\l Kathleen D Bowles Carol Jannan \t\,<,pJl'tr .. ,IAmlrl I Vol. 64, No. 24, June 12, 2003, Page 6A Gllber1 Gra} C"I" Ed'I'" Amv Conrad II J 'JIIIl1 II \d\ t. rll"'ln~ "'l nt 111\l Sara Dvkc;tra. '\t\\ rJpd -\ lo, utlll1

Offering from the loft New friends and old The world contmues Its wondrous MIke, our plumber, has done work ways One never knows what IS Just for us for over 20 years, and he IS not SlTound the corner, and many years only a delIghtful guy, as IS hiS great ago, 1\earned not. to waste my ener- crew, but also they are all true profes- gIeS Worrytng about the what-Ifs slonals They satisfied our deSIres fOT Hence I have been able to enJoy life's water filters, a JacuzzI and a renO\.at- surpnses, as they usually weigh In on the posItIve Side ed bathroom, as well as rescumg some frozen pIpes Both Mike and When we began the process of mak- mg our newly purchased house a Larry have weekend Jobs WIth bands, home that would truly reflect our and that was a source of conversa- tIOn, too. tastes and have our stamp on It, we retamed some ternfic help. Dan did the maJonty of carpentry We began WIth our contractor, work, and we had the opportumty to Chuck, who IS a longtIme frIend and meet hIS dehghtful Wife, Carol She has counseled and guIded us through would pop m to brmg hIm a sandWIch the maze of home-Improvement on on occasion and would settle In WIth more than one occaSIOn. ThIS tIme, he the dust and debns, and we would aptly deflected or solved most of the talk We enjoyed every nHnute WIth problems and roadblocks that would thIS mterested couple. have daunted a lesser fellow and also MIchele mstalled the secunty sys- Address comments to cartoonist Phil Hands at [email protected] brought us m contact WIth many new tem and was patient WIth my nOVIce fnends. Chuck has a wonderful approach to anythmg electncal IndIa fiancee, Con me, whom we have grown and Bruce handled the drapenes, bhnds and bedspreads, Kevm the car- Letters to know and love and share a friend- ship that WIll span the decades. pets, MIke addItional drapenes, and Larry and hIS nephew Ben worked JIm washed the wmdows so we could Thanks Speedl Photo, Kart to Kart, Agam, thank you so much ~ SIde by SIde WIth us as we stumbled see out agaIn Each of these profes- the Jones family, the Kohler - your donatlOns/contnbu- ~ mto new pamtmg techl1lques, changed sionals had a wonderful support for contributions famIly, the Keller famdy, t10ns have truly made a dlf- ! the KellIher family, plans and power-washed They team, names too numerous to men- To the Editor: ference m the bves of our t Knowledge Nook, Kouelter patiently hstened to my new theorieb students and the Ferry i tIon, but all-Important III bnngIng Thanks to all for dond- ,Jewelers, the Kozlarz fami- WIth pohte amusement We renewed our dream to reahty. tlOns and contnbutlOns to Elementary School commu- ~ ly, EDP, the LorkowskI fam- filty ;" acquaintances WIth Larry's WIfe and We now reahze that home Improve- the Ferrv Luau Rarne held ily, VIllage AudiO & VIdeo, Arabella Wujek \~ two chIldren, when they occasIOnally ment IS so much more than mortar, May 30 the Mack famIly, Madl, Lu came along to see what Dad was up to nails and pIpes and how very blessed Despite the uncooperative & Ethan, Too, Mammoth Toli Walkowiak We shared the eXCItement of Ben's we are to have made so many new weather sltuat1On, we would VIdeo, the John Haas fami- Chairpersons weddmg to Abby and teased hIm about fnends m the process Thanks to each like to thank the followmg ly, the Mattes family, the Ferry Elementary hiS honeymoon of you volunteer~ for theIr hard McAslan famdy, the School Luau Ralfle WOIk. and all the famIlies Mermlges famIly, the MIlne and area merchants for famIly, Laune Hanna the thE'lr generous donations Mohtor family, Mr C'~ Car whIch made thIS event ~uch Wash, the Hanna famlly; Thanks a huge success NBS Video, the Rahalm Ahee ,Jewelers, Alcantara famIly, Roma Cafe, the for contributions famIly, AhcIa Anger, the RamanellI family, Harper To the Editor: Alleman famIly, the Anger Sport Shop, Cmdy Gula, the family, Corkey's, AndJamo Seago family, the Seely fam- I would I1ke to thank all Restaurant tht> BaJIs fami- Ily the Savage famIly, the the people who contnbuted ly. the Beach famIly, the Seremlhs famIly, the to the success of the Grosse Pomte Woods LIOns Club Bergeron famIly, the BOnl Sobotka famIly, Shores famIly. the Rnnker family, Theater, J Tams, the WhIte Cane Street Sales League Shop, BroWnie Troop Sullrel family, the All proceeds go toward the No .191, the Capp famIly, Stevenson family, the support of vanous programs Carl's Chop House, the Sedway family, the Thibault dedIcated to helpmg the ChochJa famIly EDP, Chn'l famIly, VIllage Shoe Inn, the blmd SCapInI, the CIaramItaro Toma famIly, the TomaSI The pubhc can make a dIf- famIly, the Cooper famIly, famIly, the Tsakos famlly, ference m the hfe of a blind DaEdoardo Re'ltaurant. Co~mopohtan Travel; person by 'lending a check to Dlamagg10 .Jpweler" Dora VlIlage Toy Co , the LIOns Club of GrossE' Pomte Romanelli, Ene Blkram WalkOWIak family, the Woods ChantIes Ine. 1154 Yoga, the Fla'lka family the Rutkofske family, the Hampton, Grosse Pomte Gabel famIly, Gf'Orgla Warnez famJly, the Woods, Ml 48236 Tsakos, the GlftOS family, Werenskl famIly; the The LIOns Club IS a 501 NatIOnal Coney Island, WIckham famdy, the (e}(3) chanty, WhICh means Greenhouse Growers, the Wilham" family, the ScapInI all donatIOns are conSIdered Gnffith famllv, the Gula famIly, Woods Fme Wmes, tax deductl ble the M WUJek famIly, the B 0 famIly, Marg~ret Rah:um, Frank Cerwin Dude~Uf>srade -t:, Abacus Suzanne Babcock, the WUJek family, P Schroeder, 2003. HartZE'll famIly, the the Wynne family, the Chairman Henderson famdy, C"thy Scoggms family, and the Grosse Pointe WOOds Beaeh, the I'lmall famIly, Schoemth family White Cane Street Sales the wooden-hulled shIp Looking promIses hard work on a 25- tht, "chooner sets ;,a11 for word on who WIll be accept- foot-wIde shIftIng wooden Cleveldnd Ratei>range from ed deck, not fancy stage shows $295 to $695 dependmg on In the meantIme, for a ship m seagomg theaters Meals age dnd whether you ;,pend HIghlander Sea Ib open for are dIshed out m mverse two or eIght day;, on board publIC tours (pnces range Readers of last year's fea- quality and quantity to sea Guei>t crew can saIl the from free to $2 for adults ture story "Wooden shIps condItIons, not served by ChaIJenge from Cleveland to and Iron men (and women)" I and $1 for kids 15 and Say Toledo begmnmg July 13 deferentIal walters angling younger i accordmg to the know servmg as guei>t crew There WIll be races to Port for gratUity foIJowmg schedule aboard the schoonel VIsItIng crew members Huron, Bay CIty, Muskegon HIghlander Sea can yIeld a and ChIcago WIth a crew Saturday, June 14 and 21, learn the frustratmg mtnca- from 10 a m to 1 pm, tough but ennchmg voyage Cles of tymg bowhnes, pop- change at Mackmaw Island Wednesday<; from June 18 "She'i>not a crUise i>hlPby pmg blisters and how team- Sdld "The food 1" h('dlty, the dUJmg the Great Lakes Tall Ground transportatIOn to any stretch of the lIndg1l1d- work makes <;hort shnft of Cdmdlddel Ie I" fanld"tIt hot ShIp Challenge, July 7 dnd from ports of call IS not thlough July 2 from lJ am tlOn," sdld !Scott Thoma", showeri> aJ e fI\ dlldbl(' CH'q thIOugh Aug 25 The chal- mcluded m pasi>age pnce to6pm, Idlsmg 10,000-square-feet of becond dd) , HIghlander'" general man- ball to the top of 109-foot lenge ISa race to major ports Thomas saId guest crew Fnday, Saturday and ager and former weapons masts The anI) OffiCldlkPPp"dke throughout the GIedt Lakes member<; Will be encouraged Sunday June 27-29, noon to officer on a CanadIan navdl Lucky manners get to - d crew "hll t - I" nothlTlg by tall shIps SIgned up WIth to hdndle balls, stdnd watch, 7 pm, and • destroyer patrolhng Nort h rlJmh rathne" that 8\\3)' compared to helpIllg the>\ ('<;- the Amencan Sall Trammg mamtam the vessel and per- Saturday and Sunday, AtlantIc Shlpp1l1glanes fV11ll Ju.l"hhce thlOugh \1.111.''' 01 Assoclatlon of Newport, RI July <> dnd 0, lu a III to 4 Hl[hlander Sea, a 124- port when the "hip IS open waves or tIptoe onto the hob- cant(,l on follo\\Jng "ed" llw The Challenge's arnval m pm foot gaff topsaIl "chooner way i>dllOlI, have done '>mce for tours, guest crew will bmg bowspnt where the Sarma, Ontano, WIll be the Highlander Sea IS located bUIlt 111 1942 111 Ei>beX, jOln regular handi> 111 theIr devIl and the deep blue sea the days of chpper "hIpS, subject of d feature l>tory m at 2336 l\1Jhtary Street, Mass, IS berthed 111 Port role db goodwtll ambas- awaIt thl' clumsy, careless Vlklllg long boat'> dnd August about a mIle south of the Huron a" pdrt ofa sprdwhng and unlucky PhoemCian tldder" fiadors to the great age of To be part of the actIOn as Black RIver 111 downtown waterfront de"elopment pro- "Accommodatwns are 'It's the expellCnc(' of a "ad and HIghlander's adopt- ,I workmg guest ere....mem- Port Huron For more mfor- ject by Acheson Ventures coed, pnvacy IS hmlted and hfetmle: rhomdb "dId ed home of Port Huron The HIghlander IS no ber of HIghlander Sea, you matlOn, call (810) 982-8913 bunks are on a first-come ThIS <;ummer'<; "lIhng Beldu"e sal1mg tall bhlps cruIse lmer Pas<;age aboard need to book paSi'>agesoon or chck on W\\w hIghlander- first-serve basIs," Thomas bchedule mclude" pa%dgei> can be phYSIcally ngorous, TrlP~ start July 7 when ThonH<; WIll hdve the final sea com

Grosse Pointe News June 12, 2003, Page 7A The Op-Ed Page

by Ben Burns @ (!) ~ Born a coal dozer" deCIded to show off an a bal- Mdll hai>already "tarted ance board or bongo board V (j miner's - son arrJ\'lllg for Farmer Jack, and fell off Eddie Bray'<; hfr can be addressed to 11300 E 0 Jetfe: <;on So to enforce found 1Jl hIS ollice a lump Enough said 0 01 w,ll dned, faded \\ lid theIr claIm, the husband G> ro"e<;from and WIfedoctor team deCId- From the state !Y a We"t ed to let the world know, LegIslature to the Ivhchlgan @ "We were here first" on the VI1 glllla, silk Board of Regents to "Dead flower" from i>lgnboard outSIde theIr Man Walkmg" doesn't modern-lookmg structure hIS \\ eddmg appear to be the best career day, a "It's kmd of an mSlde path m POhtlCS But that's <;tonefrom joke," Schacht saId "We're the route Grosse Pomte's a Lake Ene glad Farmer Jack IS here It own Andrew Richner fol. IS great for the CIty,but we lowed. Visit the Grosse Pointe Dogs website: http://gpdogs,keenspace,com beach, a pamted rotk Ben Burns Just don't want to lose our He doesn't have the tItle WIth a faded address" role m the EnglIsh lan- lIlSCnptlOn, "I love you" guage opera based on the • They all have meamng to Pie dispute best-sellmg book and mOVie, the semor pastor of Grosse but he does have a walk-on, treetwIse Pomte Umted Church at PIe baker Jane Stewart SIt-down part He plays a makes banana cream con- lawyer WIth a brIef case a:nd 240 Chalfonte In the Farms coctIOns so good that would- BIts center stage for 1() nun- Question of the Week: Bray's famIly haIls from be purchasers argue over utes dunng a pardon hear- the coal mmmg country who gets to buy them That mg for the conVIcted mm- What age do you thmk is the perfect age ellound Winona, W Va , and was the word after the derer and u hv? the black lump In hIS office recent Grosse Pomte RIchner told the Free By Suzy Berschback was pICked up near the Ammal AdoptIOn I.eague Press he got the role now-sealed entrance to a annual auctIOn A couple of because they needed a guy "My age right now 'cause I mme where hiS father customers, who must have m a SUIt You still have tune am havmg a good tIme'" labored "Just thmk my dad tasted Stewart's pIes before, to catch the remarkable, mIght have mmed thIS acted lIke they were m a mtense opera thiS weekend - Ellen Cooke, St ClaIr coal," he told hIS Wife, It delIvers wonderful stage- Shores Fllene's Basement sale tug Judy of war craft, excellent musIc and The stone from the Lake talented smgmg and casts Sandy Portzel, the can- opera m an entIrely new Ene beach dates :0 Bray's dle ladv also donated her lIght "Whenever you are old tenure as a mmlster III an pOPula~'wares to the sale OhIOchurch, and "It JUbt I predIct It WIll become a enough to do stuff, but still whIch raIsed more than too young to take responsl- fits my hand," he saId "It's modern claSSICfor adults $3,500 to help the ammal blhty" a comfort stone .. WIth Its theme that the lovers guarantee good dehberate klllmg of any The dned rose" wel e the homes to good pets - ElIse Arsenault, Grosse descend'lIlts of ro<;esthat man IS a cruclfixwn as It Pomte Woods Bray's mother planted near The most unusual Item explores the journey toward the steps of the coal mmmg sold was a large bIrd house God of a nun and an unre- company-owned house that that was a rephca of the pentant kIller and those "I personally thmk 22 Bray grew up m "The W111teHouse Perhaps the around them you are happy and carefree homes were torn down budder thought buds would Ben Bums of the City of WIth not too much responsl- Elise Arsenault years ago, but the roses are sel' the structure as a Bush Grosse Pomte IS director of blhty, but can stdl have a stIli there," Bray saId reSIdence the Journalism program at LCYTof fun'" The faded rock WIth "I The most unusual pel for- Wayne State Unlterslty He Love You" wai>pamted by mancp by a co-chaIr \\ ho can be reached at _ Renee Bommanto, CIty Bray's daughter, Tami should have thought t\\ It€' hlJrn~hen@(otrj( a~1 net or by of Grosse Pomte Bray-Hanis,whenshe wa" when Jim Gerardi plio", at !l~}8822H]() was a chIld "It IS hard to read now, but I know what "Four, all you ever had to It says," Bray sald worry about was who or There are also pIctures of y,.hat you wanted to play Judy, hIS chtldren, hIS WIth that mmute " grandchIldren, hI" dog, _ Megan Butterly, CIty of Buddy, a model tugboat hIS bon made, hIS son's first Grosse Pomte pUll' of cowboy boots and Renee Bommarito and more Megan Butterly "My world IS With me here on my desk and m my 'Early 40s, 42 The chll. office," the Rev Bray <;ald Rick Bridge dren are old enough to have "These thmgs remllld me of where I'm from and what fun WIth, you have been III htl'imess long enough to thmgs are Important In have some money, but yo~ hfe" are young enoug~ to stll kIck up your heels First claim _ Rick BrIdge, Grosse When Grosse Pomter<; Pomte Park Dr. Jim Schacht and :",lfe Dr. AlicE' Marczewskl hUllt theIr .Jeffer<;on Vetermary Cllmc at 11300 "My age nght now Now I E ,Jeffer<;onm DetrOIt m know everythmg 1 dId not 1996 there was a church know then" acros<;the street, a hunch of Terry Brook _ Terry Brook, CIty of hoardrd up <;torcfront<;and Grosse POInte a dechnmg neIghborhood behllld their husme<;s toward the nver Now Fanner ,Jack IS "SIX' 'Cause you have lots puttlllg m what has he('n of toys'" called one of the largest _ JackIe Jarboe, Grosse ~ocery stores In the metro area In a stnp mall dIrectly Pomte Park ,., P Inte Farm~ and co author h t apher m vrosse 0 I behllld the chmc, and the Suzy Bersrhhack l~ a freelance p 0 og" t OM for qu('~tlOn~ to hf'r p mar of .Gro~se POInte 1880 1930" She welcomes ,~ugge8 l derehct storefronts have address at suzyberschback@Comcast net vamshed, VIctims of bull- June 12, 2003 8A News Grosse Pointe News Chet memory Mrs. Reagan to Chet: I wish sons had contributed more to society then arrange to meet Chet Carl Berger of Grosse stones when he came to CalIforma Pomte Woods and Elh "Interestmgly, Chet was GlOrdlmama both responded travelmg as a partiCIpant 10 "In one letter from Mrs a tour, and the tour leader Reagan that he had recently correctly that the actor III sent to the Reagan Library, )t weeh'", "Chct ffiemrry" had no Idea of the back- photo was Charlton Heston ground of one 01 hIS elder !>he !>dlcJthdt !>he hau wl",heJ Below IS another "Chet members her sons had taken up memory" submItted by "As you may know, Chet careers that contnbuted MIchael M DIxon had become good friends more to socwty" "A couple of times a year I WIth many Hollywood nota- Editor's note We're sure orgamze and lead small bles and was mVlted to bnng Mrs Reagan wrote that group tours to MeXICOand hI!>student groups to \'1Slt before her son became presI- ( l1lH ...\ t(lhl Ihll lie \(Ih'\\ tl{(l P UtuthlllJhrJn \\I.>nl '-,t\lllnl\ll..,lt'o. Spam In November 2000 I \,,')th them One was Ronald dent If you have a "Chet wa!>WIth a group travelIng Reagan, who told hIm to memory," send It to EdItor, Do you remember when? through MeXICO's Copper keep 10 touch WIth hIm 96 Kercheval, Gro!>sePOlOte through hIS mother, because Farms, MI 48236, fax 1313, Carl Berger responded correctly that last week's mystery picture was of Canyon where I met Chet she would always know 882-1585, e-mail edltor@ ice boating on Lake St. Clair. "Our former neighbor. Jack Wesenberg. won (Sampson) We had a bnef where he was, and he would gro<,sepomtenews com many of these races." he wrote. but enjoyable tIme shanng Andrea Sullivan of Grosse Pointe Farms also had the correct answer. She wrote: "My tale is a small one. The original owner of our house was Frank J. Veri- den. brother of Chas. Verheyden Sr, (different spelling variation). Our house was originally located on Lakeshore where the Stonehurst Mansion was bullt. Mr. Veriden sold his property to the owners of Stonehurst and moved his house to its present location on Moross. "Mr. Veriden was president and treasurer of the Grosse Pointe Hunting and Fishing Club at various times in the .teens,' I am told that this club evolved into the Grosse Pointe Ice Salling and eventually the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club. "Anyway. when my husband's parents bought our house in the late '60s, there was an old ice boat stored in the carriage house. Unfortunately, the boat went to the 'curb' to make way for bikes and lawn mowers." \ But the first correct response to the mystery photo was from Dorothy Nel- It son, who wrote: \, "The sport ... is ice boating. I should know. because my son, Tim Wood- house, is a former international champion in 'DN' (Detroit News) design rac- ing. He won his title in Poland. "He now lives in Newport. R.I.• and owns Hood Salls. which makes salls for racing and cruising yachts." j Congratulations. Dorothy. you've won a gift certificate to Freezing Pointe Ice Cream & Candy Shop. Now for this week's photo. above. Do you remember "AI and Torchy"? Did you spend any memorable moments you want to share with us about their Grosse Pointe establishment? Tell us a story by dropping a line to: Editor, 96 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe Farms. MI 48236; fax: (313) 882-1585; e-mail: [email protected]. U we choose your response. we will print in the Grosse Pointe News for everyone's edification. and you will win two ice cream cones courtesy of Freezing Pointe Ice Cream & Candy Shop on The Hill. ------...-..-_--~-~-~~~~~---~~--us

June 12, 2003 Grosse Pointe News News 9A SoS Terri Lynn Land gets high turnout By John Minnis EdItor "tdte "dVlJ1g taxpel~el" elIot thl' Secletdn of ::.,t,ltl die A packed house of GOP of money over mclny elec- electlollllell1\, !Jnkl'd to faIthful showed up at the tlOn" Rather, '>he wIll have "hdri'-up-to tIll hour In{(11 Grosse Pomte Hunt Club on the Secretaly of State"" Web TlldtlOl1 ,ulh ,I" IH ndlllg Thursday, June 5, to hear "'Itl' addu'"'' \~\~\\ fIlllhl- l,hl" lde tp!lll Il1lJlh Land h \l'1\ lnlp)('''ll d Judg!_ RepublIcan Club Pohtlcal expl'lInt'n It (hnn t m,lkl' don I kllO\I .tbout -tdTHIIII,.; ActIOn CommIttee Money "pn"l' ' lonllltIO/1" \\1 .Ill' \1(J1kll1~ raIsed at the $50-a-plate IS truly a at the rem,lllllllg III dlllhp" :\lIlh Ig,lI1 dlHJ t hl' l III tl d grassroots orgallllatlOn " Sutt', '" dl!()\\en tn dll\( '-'0 III I' of hpI ke\ pi OJl'lt, ('ltl/t'lhhlP h not d )('qlJl/1 She related an old anec- IlldLldp IIld~llptll "tllp, on 111t'nt dote about gettmg on d thl bdl k 01 dll \ II ..,llc('n .,e" crowded RepublIcan conven- lhl' 01 the Intpllll't I Skip Thl "WIIPt,lI \ of "'UI( tlOneer~' bu& and findll1g an Ow 'Illp' S,l\t' TJn1t' Rene\\ fUlthpI pOl!ltpd out thd! llH empty seat next to a friendly Onlrne' I dnd ('"pdnded u"e .:\JllhlgdJl dl )Il'1 , Illl'lh( h lookmg young man, a cIty of llpd\t l,lI d trdn<;ditlOn, to not ,111 H!entIfil,ltHlI1 It I' councilman who was run- IIldudf' bldllch offill' "I'l- merel) ,I IIll'n,,1' to (I! l\l It nmg for a seat on the Wayne 11l{'" h not <1 pa""po!t \Vh.!t (ounty Board of m.lkes thl' dl1\ 1'1" Ilu'n'I' CommiSSIOners The )lDung A" f'lI .I" lightlllg crllne all d<, dn J1) Ldnd "l/(I h dlld dlunkcll dll\lllg III p,lI- solon pumped Land for free bll'JlW""l.''- \\ illJ11~Jl1'''> I () lItUldl Land 1 evealpd aClE'pt It ,j-., ,ulh campaIgn adVIce He won fill t I f \ J dill \1111 that race and severdl re- From left at a recent Eastside Republican Club fundraiser at the Grosse Pointe Thea>'" a httle ~(,l'1 et out The COIl"l'n"lh of till' electIOns before bemg elect- Hunt Club are, from left. club President Ed Joseph, Secretary of State Terri t hpI <. 'llld It'<;thl '> \Vp 1(' not Hl'pub1Jidn, "p('('(h \I,b ed to the state Housp of Lynn Land, moderator Tom McCleary Jr, and fundraiser chairwoman Lita McK- ,dllOnnelled eehan. ~umml'd up h\ ont' attclldl'l RepresentatIves, where hi' By th.... ,he mPdnt that 'I t hll1k 'v 011 dn' to be COIll served the lImIted three refire"entdt/\ (' otl1('1 polItI (,hl'1 \ 1 ('/J1hl,lI1lllHl ,0 tWO \ ot e" not ,1]] th!' court;, IclW !lwlldpd fm hl'i'plll/-,' ~Olll iallull1Inanl''' 111 dttl'lld,lI1(I' terms HIS name W.1." I'nfOllement ,lgl'I1Ue, ,md nalTle off thl' "Ign" ., 10dl'l .1101 fOI till' 1'\ I'llt Andrew RIchner of Gro"~t' Illdudl'd 11I11l'1l! ,tdtl' HI p Aftl'l .l '\II «(',,~f\ll Llm- Ill" POinte Park Ed G,lfTllP\ ,11](1 111- 1111(' \1.1" F,u 11'''ldl nt T01ll p,ugn I ,1I1d 1" loohllJg at i-;uprpl11l' ('OUI t .ltht J( (' \!dll'lll JI .I111l tll( (JIg 1111/mg the Sl'( It't,lI\ of "I feel I'm a httle n'''ponhl- fundfdhll (h'lII\10ll1dll lid" DOIoth\ Com,tolk Hilp\ dlHI ""1,It!' " opel dtlOlh "LIt< \I Ide ble for hiS SUCCPb~' Land I II,) l\JdV'l'h,lI1 hll"b,lfld \\,Jlh ~11l' h", ,1lIe,ld\ 11"lt('d "aid of RIchner, a founder of Wood,,/ShOl e" l\!UIlIUp,d 11l,uh of thl 171 bl'lllCh :\!t('I('dl \ lilt I OdUll'd ,,11 the Eastsldl' Republrcan Judge Lvnn PIt'nl' .Judgl' Secr eLl! \ L'llld of (;1 dllcl Unill', "omelJlllp.., up 10 lour Club who IS conSIdered It., .Jllll Ch\llII,kl 1"dlln, H"pJd, d.' the KI,t..,/d(, d d,1\ most succesbful IDt'mbE'r Councilm'lll Lout, Thl'lo, Hppu blI( ,ill, '011 II "..,tern politically h ""P( IeLl! \ of Stdte dnd \\ Ife Pelttl F,I1Ill' Illpmbl'l It ,lnd"IP) MJllel dId I1ldke

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"Bettan~sizeUn II • Invitations • Doilies ~I expenence" and his mom Dee dee Allemon. I er an en Denrus has been on the board the past five years, and With '"We're banding out candy and hugs," Dee dee Napkins • Place settings • Decorations r hIS re-electIOn, he Willserve four more years AUemon said. "It.s just a friendly way to end '10% OFF .Crepe Paper • Candles the school year. " I An Ph. Custom Banners • Helium Yth urc ase • Glasses Balloon .. Amencan Heart .&&. I WI coupon As-~labolL.. I ~ot Validwith any * BAllOON CENTERPIECES * -..-- ollie r special I ONE OF THESE-- I 23400 Greater Mack. South of 9 Mile CAN CHANGE _...--- II A THOUSAND LIVES CALL 313-882.3500 I M~~:~i07586.776~9750 I SUPPORT MEDICAL RESEARCH Toreserve DIsplay Advertlsmg space by 2 pm FrIday SUN 10 2 ... _------


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I June 12, 2003 Grosse Poi "Ie News Harper Woods 11A City purchases rommier and more advanced ambulance By Carrie Cunningham competltItve blddmg Staff Writer The new ambulance as much room In the old one lance process allows paramediCS to stand lance license before It wIll VIctIms of medIcal prob- versus the new one" The ambulance has to be be ready for use MedTec sold the vehicle up, has space to treat Durbm estimates the l~ms and trauma have a to the city beatIng out other stocked WIth medical ~up- Durban estImates thiS new respite patients on both Sides of a new vehIcle IS three times phe6, have a radIO In!>talled compames, mcludmg, stretcher, Includes more prOCei>bwill probably take Harper Woods bought a as big as the old ambu- and retelVe a state ambu- two week, among others, AEV, Lifeline counter space, has four IV 2003 Ford E-450 ambu- Ambulance and Llfestar lance, equIppmg the fire holders as oppol'.ed to two In "We're very pleased," said the old vehIcle and contain; department WIth a roomier Fire Chief Mike Durbm vehicle With more Infra- better lIghtIng "The vehlclp It's replacmg IS "It'l'. gOIng to have a lot structure for paramedICS to a 1989, 60 from a maInte- more room for pdtIent -, --- .._- ~- dehver advanced hfe sup- nance standpomt and a port services care,~ said paramediC Mike vehlde breakdown stand- Yarger "If you get a cntIcal "1 thmk It'S fantastic I POint, It\ ven nIce ~ think It'S somethIng that IS medical tl duma, there'l'. not needed tor the commumty, said Mayor Ken Poynter "It's defimtely money well spent ~ The new ambulance cost $89, 616 The CIty had bud- geted $115,000, and vanous compames went through a The inside of the Dew ambulaDce, right, has many features that will help paramedics to deUv- er advauced Ufe support. There is room to stand up. copious CouDter space. four IV holders and good lighting. Fire chief MIkeDurbin. above. stands in front of the city's new ambulauce. HW high senior tapes it up for prom NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING Harper Woods High sernor much tape was used ON PROPOSED 2003/2004 BUDGET Ran WIllIamson made her WIllIdm,on plans to be a AND SCHOOL BREAKFAST PROGRAM prom dress pre-medIcal out of duct ,tudent at PI~\,~ 1\t\J\OIH"1111 llJllll""l 00 ~ ~~l d ....kfll IIItK'H_l lJdr. tap e \du I \lUll (lnter [J "B.. III 1 Ii III \\ 1 \11 tho. HI lr j II f dUl..,HII I) ( I Wayne ~J l r \\ I II II t Jd I ! ~J It 111' l' , I II l ...I Il t J ""I"' 1/1(Jl)..t Williamson h~ll.ll If 11,h.1 ~l~ Hrll~tJ'" r' rl ~ S tat I' undertook Umversity l f l the umque 1l ll. l 1\1 ldqHll pr ." ,.,(", 00 ~ Il'l~ lltrll pJI"I..IUtil A and would ,-' I \ t Illl r r. I I l i ~1l(1\ OH4 l d II n I Ill] Ih\. ~r I l I ~I (xn\ ll\ Iliff l In \~dJ~ ~\ Ihtt1 rplhlllHI"IIo(.II.ndlr~1 f'rlllhill" II I tilt \InII I"lr...tll\t: creatlOn like to WIn Oth!,.l '0 <; Ik II n"t t..11 H Iqxr \~ c t1" \11 order to the Duck enter a eol- scholarship The propert} tax millage rate propo'ied to be levied lege schol. t() offset the to support the proposed budget ,~i11be a subject of this arshlp con- expenses of hearing. te~t for college $2,500 nil" n. fill I" LI\ln h\ ( r kr ( t Ihl B ,.uti I! tI !,.Illl HaVIng ClaudIa Mahon tIP' Df/l~('OO\ "ponsored found the Roaming Free \t.Ut..l.Jr\ b, Duck scholarship Harper Woods High SeDiors mil around, left. brand duct Karl WilllamsoD whIle perus- on Thursday. May 29. their last lay of school. tape 109 onlme They cheered as photos were tilleD. Members CITY OF HARPER WOODS "It was WIth her of the crowd looked both elated md sad. WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN really mterestmg,~ she smd grandmother, Wilhamson Graduation was held in the g)JD. on Sunday. SYNOPSIS: REGULAR CITY COUNCil MEETING "You have to have everythmg thought It was a novel way to June 7. Speakers included valedctoriau Jack- JUNE 6, 2003 cut nght or It doesn't fit " apply for fundIng lyu Stachurski. seDior class pnsldeDt Joseph The (II, C"nunl..11meeting ...... " !"..lllell 1l) \ n1er b~ 'Vl" ...or ""'enneth A Po~nlcr

Police Briefs

Bikes stolen On Wednesday, June 4, a woman Imng m the 19900 block of Old Homestead said that around 6 15 a m she heard the SIdeentrance door tc her garage slam shut When she went to Investi- shoes accessones womens Chlldrens clothmg • handbags of gate she found two bIkes mIs~mg and both the SIde door and the vehIcle door unlocked No Items were mlssmg from her vehicle

Car theft Kenneth A. poynter, Mickey D. Todd, (ll' (kr'" A man said he parked hIS \1.\\ [ car at work m the 19500 ;: block of Harper at 1230 p m When he returned at 2 30 pm, he found It mlsS- mg He had the keys and gave no one permISSIon to use the car Summer Fur Storage Stolen car \. On Fnday, June 6, a man r ~, No\\ is the time hvmg In the 19300 block of .. \~ WoodSIde said he parked hiS to hale your 1995 blue Dodge pIck-up III hiS dnveway at 1 30 a m At laluable furs 11 am, he found It was ;. professionall~ mlssmg The car was locked ~I' cleaned and stored in ~~;;:~~~iSm. our on-site On Saturday, June 7, at t.~ 12 55 pm, a man said he ~ ~torage vault. parked hiS car near a fence m the 19900 block of Anita and went InSIde a bUlldmg When he came out of the bUlldmg he found someon had thrown a flower pot and rock at hIS car There was damage to the hood and Side front door HIS car has undergone SimIlar vandal- Ism the past one to two months A WItness saId he saw a Arrived! young man throw a rock at the bUlldmg ThIS young man confessed to thrOWIng a rock at a bUlldmg, and WIth hiS brother, damagIng the wr- ARE A FULL SERVICE FURRIER: car jp-PAAISAl". AfPA'R~. Af:STYUNG. RF 11~H'~G It- ~ • ('/ \ '-- ' /\(, r."JNO' ,RAU' litH .• f lJA CAR' • r lEAN h, June 12, 2003 12A Obituaries Grosse Pointe News

Shores degree, Ixtth m educatIOn Mrs. Cooper was the emo- 1918, Mr Loeher graduated He was predeceased by Dr Murphy earned a hIS WIfe, Mary G, and hIS Followmg graduatton m tional backbone of the famI- from St PhIhp NeT! HIgh bachelor's degree 10 teach- 1933, she aspIred to become ly, who always lent her School m 1936 and took daughter.m-law, Patncla mg from Eastern Michigan a French teacher but teach- unconditIOnal support 10 courses from Wayne State A memonal service Will he UnIVerSIty, a master's Ing Jobs were not Immedi- keepmg her extended famIly Umverslty, the Umverslty of held on Fnday, June 13, at degree m learnmg dlsablh- ately avaIlable because of connected through dally Michigan and the 1 30 p m at Grosse Pomte tIes from the Umverslty of the DepreSSIOn After work- commUnIcation Umverslty of DetrOit MemorIal Church m GrOi>se MIchigan and a doctorate of Ing at a local department She IS surVived by her He served ah a captam m Pomte Fanns educatIOn from Loyola Interment I;' at the Grosse store and selhng purses for a children, J LeWIS Cooper the U S Army m Iceland and m Ie Shima, near Umverslty In ChICago Pomte Memonal Church year, MIs Clark secured her Jr , Kathleen Cooper, Okmawa, dunng World War She began her career Columbanum first teachlOg aSSIgnment Margaretta Stncker. Mary II Mr Loeher wa&employed teachmg speCial educatIOn Arrangements were made the follOWIng year at Cooper and Joyce QUInlan, at Umsys (BunoughsJ as a at Hartland HIgh School, by Cha;, Verheyden Inc m Harvard Elementary School her 11 grandchildren, 10 In Toledo and remamed great-grandchIldren, and marketer and publIcatIOns where she taught for 10 Glosse Pomte Park years FoIlowmg a one-year Memonal contnbutlOn;, there until 1947 her ;'Ister, A1leen Lmdstrom supervisor He was a member of the stmt as a kmdergarten may be l11adl' to the In 1936, MIs Clark mar. She was predeceased by Milan J. Alexander Grosse Pomte Semor Men';, teacher, she ;,pent SIXyears Alzheimer;, A,,<.,oudtlOn ned her !ugh school sweet- her ex-husband, J LeWIS hC:lrt, <::lO'lnE'R Harbour Cooper 10 1984 Club and was actIVe With as the pnnclpal of Farms Milan J. Alexander MHidie School also m The COUplEhved In a small A pnvate tamily service Lh~ CltLL ....b'- Croup <\n Longtime City of Grosse frame hO.Jse on Monroe was held on Monday, June 9, amateur poet, Mr Loeher Hartland Pomte resident Milan J Street m the heart of Toledo at WhIte Chapel Cemetery loved composmg ~doggerel" Upon moving to St "Mickey" Alexander, 90, and had two sons, Sloane R Arrangements were made verse about family actIVItIes Charles, Ill, m 1990, Dr passed away on Wednesday, Barbour, Jr In 1939 and by the Pontiac Chapel of and expenences Murphy became the pnncI' May 28,2003 John S Barbour m 1947 Sparks-Griffin Funel al He 1S surVived by hI;' pal of Lo~ell Elementary Dunng the 1950s and The Barbour famIly Home daughters, Kathleen School 10 Wheaton, III, a '60s, Mr Alexander was the moved to Grosse Pomte m ICharles) Bonneau and pOSitIOn ;,he held until her General Sales Manager for 1951 whm Mr Barbour EIleen (Stephen) Knorr, hI'> death Jo-Han Models, Inc He beca~e a manufacturer's son Charles Jr (Ehlabeth), She I" ;,urv1ved by her directed the natiOnal sales represent~tlve, selhng hIS' grandchlidren, PatnCIa husband, Terry Murphy, her efforts for hIS company heavy-machme eqUIpment (WIlham) KroppI', Charles son, T Patrick Murphy Jr, which manufacturerl scale- to the aulomoblle mdustry III (Enn), Barbara (Mark) her daughter, Kalthn, her model cars for the automo- In 1959, Mrs Clark Penard Kathleen (Ja<;onl mother, Manlyn Lundy tive and toy mdustnes returned In teachmg, work- Perry, Knsten Loeher and Mason, her brothers, C Their plastIc, mJectlOn. Marlon T. Clark mg at Shorewood ElIzabeth Knoff, hIS gleat- Brddford Lundy IlI, Edward molded, scale-model cars Marion T. Clark Elementa-y School m St grandchildren, WIlham and F Lundy, Lawrence E were purchased III volume Cla1r Sh.res, where she Mary Kroppe, Andlew Lundy and John D Lundy, Former Grosse Pomte by GM, Ford, Chrysler and remamed until her retire- Penard and Ehzabeth dnd her ;'Isters, Manlyn AMC and used for sales pro- Shores reSident Manon ment In 1970 Loeher, and hiS 'lIster, Lundy McCaffrey, Margaret Tallman Barbour Clark, 94, motion at the dealer level FollOWing Mr Barbour's Bernadine T Loeher Lundy Agnone and Kathleen While workmg closely of Naples, Fla , passed away death tha same year, Mrs Mr Loeher \htS prede- Lundy Spnnguel With automotn'e sales pro- on Thursday, May 29, 2003, Clark marned Walter S Charles E. Cummiskey ceased by hiS WIfe,Grace She was predeceased by motIOn executives at the m DetrOIt Clark, a rran whom she had A funeral Mas'l \lia" cele- her father, (' Bradford "Big 4," Mr Alexander Mrs Clark was born m known for many years as a brated on Monday, June 9, Lundv Jr became a member of SPEA 1908 m Paltsades Park, Charles E. neighbor and a fnend, who at St Joan of Arc Catholic A Memonal Ma;,s WIll be (Sales PromotIOn ExecutIves N J ,Just acroo,s the Hudson Cummiskey had also lost h s spouse The Church Interment I;' m celebrated on Saturday, ASSOCIatIOn) where he River from New York CIty Clarks spent 30 glorIOUS CIty of Grosse Pomte resl' Holy Sepulchre Cemetery In June 21. at 11 a m at Our served as hospItality chair- She spent most of her youth years together and enjoyed dent Charles E CummIskey, Southfield Arrangement'> Ladv Star of the Sea Church man for many years about 30 miles north m hfe to the full~t After Mr 90, passed a~a.}- on \\ere made by A H Peters III Grob>;ePomte Wood& Mr Alexander took much Tallman, NY, which was Clark retired m 1982 follow- Saturday, June 7. 2003, Funeral Ho~e l!l Grosse Over the eleven years of JOYIn helpmg many young named after her grandfather mg 54 years a- a stockbro- whIle golfing at the Country Pomte Woods treatment for her cancer, Dr people to ;,ecure jobs In the who owned the town's gener- ker, they rt10cated to Club of DetrOlt Memond.l contnbutlOns Murphy came to understand advertlslllg and sales pro- al store Her father, John Naples, Fla , b14still mam- Born m DetrOIt tn 1912, ma, be made to Sl'lters of that the energ) of her care- motIon field through hiS Atley Tallman, wa;, a taIned theIr Gl\>sse Pomte Mr Cummiskey graduated St . .Jo&eph, Loeher- givers was VItal to her recov- many contacts descendent of several early Shores home as a summer from the Umverslty of McLaughlm Fund. ery and well-bemg Dunng the 1970s and Amencan patnots who reSidence Mr ('ark dIed III DetrOit High School and Nazarpth ;"1I 490,! 0210 MemOrial contnbutlOns may much of the 1980s untIl hIS fought In the Revolutionary 2001 at the age tf 98 earned hIS bachelor's degree be made III her memory to retirement, Mr Alexander War Even m her liter years, tn engmeenng from the Delnor Commumty HospItal worked In close associatIOn When Mr;, Clark was 10 Mrs Clark con Inued her Umverslty of DetrOit Healthcare FoundatIOn, 300 With Peter J. Cubba, of years old, the Tallman fami- He served as a heutenant Randall Road, Geneva, IL Grosse POInte, the founder ly moved to Toledo, OhlO, love of the lakes and boats She saIled often With her jumor grade m the U S 60134 for The Rosemarv and preSIdent of MIchIgan after her father was trans- Navy dunng World War II Murphy CaregIver's Fund CondommlUm Corporation ferred to manage the newly two sons and i-equently helped dehver salboats as a Mr Cummiskey mltlally for the purpo;,e of prov1dmg Mr Alexander was a pro- constructed Dahler DIe worked at Ford Motor comfortable recliners for ject manager for condomini- Castmg Company plant crewman WhIle n her late 60s, she ass1sted her sons Company but soon estab- CdTegivers who spend long um development there The famIly hved In a hshed hIS own busmess as a hour;, 111 the hospital attend. He 15 8urvl.ved hy hI8 WIfe fashionahle neIghborhood, dehvenng a 40-fott sallboat of 68 yeaTS, A.dalT J BUTkbead Place. located from Montego Bay.,JamaIca, manufacturer's representa- Ing to their loved ones ~~ ....anc!.eT. 'tnan.y Y\, c\oee to downtown and Lake to Mlarrn, a dIBtane of well tlve to the auto mdustry nepbews, great.nleces and Ene oveT a thousand 'p.ues In He was a member of the great-nephews and count- The Tallmans became add1tlon, she helpel deliver Country Club of DetrOIt, the less Enends aVId boaters and summered Mackmac race boal; to Port Grosse Pomte Club and An-sllgemellts were made aboard the famIly's 65-£00t Huron before the stlTt of the Woodworkers by A H. Peters Funeral motor vessel, the Mohawk. BaYVieWMackmac ~ace for An aVId ~do-It-yourselfer," Homem Grosse Pomte whIch was usually berthed several years She a~o spent Mr CummIskey also enjoyed Charles F. Loeher Sr. Woods Interment IS In conSiderable tme at ResurrectIOn Cemetery In on Guard Island at the golf and Plodel raIlroadmg Clmton'IWp mouth of the Maumee River BaYVIew Yacht Cl,b and He IS survIved by hIS WIfe Olga A. Malooly on Lake Ene Grosse Pomte Yacht Club of 59 years, Madelyn Coe Longtime Grosse Pomte As a teenager, Mrs Clark Mrs Clark 1SsunlVed by CummIskey, hIS daughter, Farms reSident Olga A Robert B. Batten qUIckly learned sallmg and her sons, Sloane R B!rbour Lyn (RIchard) Law. and hIS CIty of Grosse Pomte resl. Malooly. 72, passed away on parttclpated m numerous Jr (Cheryl) of Gro"sePomt~ grandchildren, Lindsay, Fnday, June 6, 2003 dent Robert B Batten 82 Sailboat regattas She cap- Woods and John S Rtrbour BTian and Katie Law Born m DetrOit, Mrs passed away on SU~day: tured the Interlake Yachtmg (Montca) of Grosse Pomte He was predeceased by June 8,2003 Malooly was employed as a AsSOCIatIOn'sLadles Catboat her grandchIldren Slame R' hiS brothers, James, telephone operator Born In DetrOIt III 1921 ChampIOnship on Lake Ene Barbour, III, John ~Slmmy" Mancourt "Bud" and John She I;' survived by her Mr Batten graduated fro~ In 1923 and 1925 Her Barbour, KatIe LeIgh A funeral Mass was cele- husband of 52 years, the Umverslty of Michigan, Nancy Mathewson father later served as Barbour and KlOberly brated on Tuesday, June 10, George, her chIldren, Jayne Standish earmng hiS bachelor's Commodore of the Toledo Manon Barbour, her step- at St Paul Cathohc Church (Ted) Zellers, Peggy (Tom) degree In chemIcal engineer- Yacht Club from 1928.29 granddaughter, Ahson Haus m Grosse Pomte Farm<; Ing Morns, Jeffrey Malooly and Nancy Mathewson Mrs ('lark graduated (Harry) of Grosse Pomte Interment IS m St Paul Ellen Bowden, her grand- He servtd In the U S from Scott High School 10 Woods. her brother, Jack Columbanum, chIldren. Jason, Beth, Meg, Standish Army dunng World War II, Toledo m 1925 and had Tallman of Portland, Ore, Arrangements were made Amanda, KatIe and N1ck, Harper Wood" reSident havmg worked directly on planned to attend Vassar stepson Walter S 'Skip" by ehas Verheyden Inc In and her SIster, Jane Nancy Mathewson the Manhattan Project' College m PoughkeepSIe, Clark, Jr and hIS daughter Grosse Pomte Park PetraclCh StandIsh, 75, pa;,sed away Mr Batten later worked NY, where her aunt had EmIlie Mae Clark. and her MemOrial contributlOns She was predeceased by on Sunday, June 8, 2003, at for 28 years at MIchigan donated land for the small great-grandchIldren may be made to the chanty her SIster, Agatha Hughes Bon Secours HospItal 111 the Consohdated Gas Co hberal arts college SInce ItS Madison, Ethan and Parker of one's chOIce A funeral Mass was cell" City of Gros<;ePomte He wa;, a Iifetlme member foundIng 10 1861. But Mrs Haus brated on Monday, June 9, Dorn 10 HIghland Park m of the Lochmoor Club and Clark remamed In Toledo She was predeceased by Ted F. Darlow at St. Ph1lomena CatholIc 1928, Mrs Standish gradu. enjoyed golf and readmg followmg her mother's death her husbands, Sloane Former Grosse Pomte res- Church 10 DetrOIt ated from Gro;,se Pomte He IS survIved by hIS to help raIse two younger Barbour and Walter Clark. Ident Ted F. Darlow, 81, of Arrangements were made High Schoo] and Western daughter, ElIzabeth brothers and two younger her slsters, GIona and Chnton Twp, passed away by Chas Verheyden Inc m MIchigan UnIversIty \Douglas) Bramble, hIS sons, sisters Later, she enrolled VIrglma, and 'ler brother. on Thursday, June 5, 2003 Grosse Pomte Park She worked as an execu- Robert (LInda) and John' at the Umverslty of Toledo, Leonard Mr Darlow IS sUTVlvedby Memonal contnbuttons tIVe secretary In personnel and hIS grandchIldren, Joh~ where she receIved a bache- hIS WIfe, ShIrley. hIS step- may be made to the at MIchIgan Bell AJzhelmf'r'l A'l'loclatlOn and Mary lor's degree and a master's James O:mnors children, Paul (Sandy) ReIle Mrs Standish also volun. Holland reSIdent James and Mark (Nancy) Rede, hIS teered With the Cottage Connors, 57, passed away on grandchIldren, DaVId, Lisa, HospItal Auxl1lary for 21 Tuesday, June 3, 2003 Lauren and MIchelle, hIS years and In the nursIng Born 10 Dl.'trOlt m 1945, SIster, Cecella Meskauskas, home sectlOn of the VA •. Something To Mr Connors suffered from hiS brother, Frank Darlow, MedIcal Center In Ann ALS (Lou GEhng's dIsease) hiS nephews, Bob, Denms Arbor for seven years She and faced t}-e many chal- and Greg, and hIS meces, d1d addltlOnal volunteer Th~~k About lenges of this deblhtatmg Ill- CynthIa Darlow and work at the Grosse Pomte .ff .. Chnstme Eberhard Pmtea Church ness With courage, good DIRECTOR -- humor and faith m God He was predeceased by She 1<;surv1ved by her He IS survIVed by hiS Wife, hiS brothers, Stan and sons, Thomas P Cooper and Child's Right To Know Joanne, hiS Sister, Patncla Eugene, and hIS nephews, John R Cooper, her grand- We lend 10 Ihac de,lIh " a"ume h,m "lienee onl) depnve, hIm of the Kmvllle, and hiS brother, Felix and Alan chIldren, ,Ju1Jana L ('ooper l>eyond a chlid, comprehen""n In 0pp0rlunllv !o 'hare hI' grief John He was predeceased A funeral service was held and Michelle C ('ooper, her a 'en,,~ t! I' lor e\Cn adul" do not Re'ldel lelt alone !o under,rand the by hiS brother, Wilham on Monday, June 9, at Lake under'land Ihe complete meanm£ of stepSIster, Paula Hayes, and ah'en,e of a loved one he ",,11 oflen death Th" doe' nor medn Ihdl'rhe A memonal Mass WIll be OrIOn UUlted Methodist her stepbrother, JIm end up feehng l>ewlldered confu,cd pdrenl 'hould nor ,h.lre wllh !he even guII,y celebrated on Wednesday. Church Mathewson }lIun!1,rer Ihe fragmen!1 01 adult June 18, at 10 am, at Holy Interment IS 10 Forest She was predeceased by e,!'Cnence and ~no", led£e and !hd! Name Church, 630 Harmon, Lawn ('emetery m DetrOIt Rosemary Murphy the child 'houlJ nor tlC allowed 10 her son, James A Cooper A ah'om a, mueh 01 the concepl "-, he Blnnmgham Memonal con- Arrangements were made memonal servIce WIll be "edpahlc of tnhutlOns may be made to by Bossardet (,hapel Lynch Rosemary Murphy held at a later date The other ar!1umenl tor no' 8mn A Joseph Presld.nt ALS of MIchigan or the & Sons Funeral Directors Dr Rosemary Murphy, 49, Arran~wments were made '!'Caking 01 Ihe de'!h 01 a 10\ cd one 16300 Mack Avenue chanty of one's chOIce of St (,harles, 1lJ, passed by ('has Verheyden Inc In !o a child I' to protect hlnl The Grosse PO'Ole MlChtglin -48230 away at her hom!' on Grosse Pomtp Park aduJI mav fecI ,ue Included that (586} 756-55)0 8t Cla1r Shores reSIdent Gro.,.,e Pomte Shore., She may be made to the Grosse Il!uallOn which 'enoull) aftecll V..ltne WlnclcO'M.~1 M~I.,..Manapr Elaine M Cooper, 87, pas 'led Thursday, June 5. 2003, at marned her hIgh school St John Hospital POInte Untted Church, 240 away on Fnday, June 6, sweE'theart, Terry Murphy, Chalfonte, Grosse Pomte IN()f Pi NDf N" Y UNNf D AND OPf RAJrD \I~~( f 190R Born In Westphalia In 2003 m 1974 III Grosse POInte Farms, MI 48236

t , .._------J a _ a tEeM

June 12, 2003 Grosse Pointe News Schools 13A Richardson, Vreede nab seats on school board By Jennie Miller 'I am honored to have Staff Wnter ha" three young children thmk It was really an bepn chosen from among In In d dose 1ate With only who are educated the dls- endorsement of the work the ...ueh filiI' eandlddtc"," tnct hundreds of voten, makmg VIcede "aid "I look forward entire board has been domg, the dlflerenee LI"d Wood Richardson, a membel' of and not Just my own work to "ervll1g In the he::.t mter- the "chool board for four Vreedp, of Uro""p POInte ('.,t of our thlldren, our ThiS commumty ISvery anx- Fdrm", dud lilt umbent .]odn year", currently "erves a" IOU" about the budget cuts I "( 1100/;, dnd OUIwmmumty tred"urer Rlchdrd"on, of (;.0""'1' III thi' cOllung \{'dr., " thmk that the votes are an Pomte 1',11k II III 'PI I e on She hao. had extensive mdlcatlOn that they are gen- VIeedl' 1., ,} retn ed mdndg- the GIO."e j>omte BOdld of expenence In educatIOn, erally very supportive of the 1.'1 of dutomotl\ e "dIes for through her prevIOus work dIrectIon we are gOll1g In ~ EducdtlOn 'fe,,}.., In"trumcnb Semi dS an educdhon writer at The most Important Pol!'> IH'!(' OP{'11 011 wlldurtor Group She ~Ionda\, ,Iunp 9, flom 7 ,I m the DetrOit Free Press and Issues for thl" electIOn were (',II ned hrr IM(helor\ degree ltJ S ... 1.11, ...HiU (,.~jj "'Ull~I"" now a" the dIrector of publI- the district's $3 4 mIllion III UllllPULeI "lWllle tlOlll the LdtlOn~ lor the ~atlOnal bUdget cut:, and the ~b2 nul- tUlned out I Tlll\cr.,lty of Mlthlgan and Vleede (dille' out \lltl1 till' Staff Development CounCil hon 111 bond prOjects that hpi Illd,tpr III bU"1 dnd a board member of the will contll1ue for the next J!lO"t lote" 1H~2 ,1Ild ne.,., ddnlll1l~trdtlOll from Rlth,trd"on h'ld 1 (;.B EducatIOn Wnters "everal years Duke Dllllel"ltv A~SocldtlOn Ahmed blll,u 1 of (: I o",e "These decl~lOns Will have SllIce her retn emen! Joan Richardson 1'01l1t(' Wood, 11,1, tllhe She hd~ three children, dll enormous Impact on the Lisa Wood Vreede Vreede hd.., "erwd a., d par~ of whom have been educdted hehllld wIth 1 ')71-\\otp, ,1Ild commumty," Vreede said She wlil JOin the ::.chool through the remammg two pnt \'oluntcPT at Kprby III the distrIct Anne ('o,lh" of Gllh.,{, Vreede replaces Lmda board at It" regular meeting meetmgs Her second four- Elenwllt,lI v ~thool dnd "I'm plea'>ed (to be re- POInte Shol(" hdd I, lO2 Farmer, who recently moved on July 14 while year term WIll also begll1 on Brownell MIddle School She electpd I," RIchardson said "I to New Jersey Richardson Will, contmue July 14 Kerby's principal leaves district for new position By Jennie Miller for the kids, more than any back ~ Staff Wnter other school I've seen," she One event In particular Deborah Hubbell's words saId "The school IS welcom- ~tands out 111 Hubbell's are endless to deSCribe mg and mVltmg There IS mmd everything she love" about academiC achievement and "The Blue Ribbon was Kerby Elementary School happy kids It doesn't get absolutely a hlghhght for and workmg as an admmls- any better than that ~ me to have someone look In trator m the Grosse Pomte There are certam thmgs from the outSide and say Pubhc School System that Hubbell brIngs to mind that we are exemplary," IS But after 23 years of ser- when reflectmg on her year" somethmg Hubbell Will vIce m the dlstnct, seven of at Kerby One of these ISthe never forget which were spent as Kerby'" new courtyard created for She will begin her work m prinCipal, Hubbell has the students, complete With Blrmmgham m the fall, and accepted a pOSitIOnas pnn- bnck pavers, a garden and looks forward to the posItIon clpal of Derby Middle School tables to hold classes out- at the middle school level m the Blrmmgham Pubhc doors "BIrmmgham and Grosse Schools "That was a great project Pomte are very SImilar dlS- Change and challenge and It'S a wonderful learmng tncts WIth then amount of were reasons Hubbell Cited environment for the klds,~ parent support, the good for making the deCISIOn she said curnculum and the great ''I've been thmkmg about Hubbell IS also thankful teachers.~ she said "I Hunk It for a couple of year",~ she for the program Kerby It'S gomg to be a great oppor- Said, adding that she "want- Reachmg Out, a chantable tUl1lty for me " "Brightest and Best" ed to try something new" cause created by parents Hubbell adVIses her suc- In her years at Kerby, Ahcla Carhsle and Betsy Andrea Hawksley, a graduate of Grosse Pointe North High School, Christi- cessor at Kerby to fully uti- Hubbell has developed a Schulte to teach children hzI' the parent and staff sup- na Meyer. a graduate of Grosse Pointe South High School, and Kathleen strong bond WIth the staff, about helpmg others port that she has held dear Monahan, a graduate of Regina High School, are congratulated by Don students and parents "It's a wonderful way for at the school Shane, anchor for WXYZ-TVIChannel 7. for being included in the network's "It has Just become thiS kids to learn lessons other "It's been Just a wonder- 24th annual salute to the "Brightest and Best," commumty of learners, of than math and sClence," she ful, wonderful eXJH!rlence; everyone working together ~ald "They learn to glVe she Said 2003 MOR

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\ \ .. ~.' '~""~~'AtWf;a;. ~r~C~ ...._..~'_ • • e .'.1,,'. +' iff iri . i June 12, 2003 Schools 14A Grosse Pointe News ULS seniors end South presents encore performance year with real- of "She Loves Me" world projects From left. Ryan Ash. Sean Wagner. Emily Bretz and Dave Wenzel are pictured By Jennie Miller ment of DetrOit Pubhc during a performance of Grosse ~?inte Staff Writer TeleVISIOn Other :,tudents South High School's "She Loves Me. A" .,('nI01 ~ In hIgh 'ithool. ha' e tackled the Inner- The cast and crew have been invited by lOughh 18 yeal" of age, we workmgs of an art museum the International Thespian Society to per- ,lie .It the brink oj tlue a photography company, ~ form on the main stage of the 2003 Inter- I 1+hnnrl Whether 'he hke car dealerbhlp, a plano tun- national Thespian Festival. from June 23 ;~"~; not the time 01 bl'lng lIlg LlIlHlJdllY UJ uUlIlg Id W to June 28. The school will give an encore told expl p""lv Wh'lt to do rebedl(h performance on Thursday and Friday. and plecl.,eh whpn It\ du:, "The Semor Projects are, June 19 and 20. at 8 p.m. at the Perform- ll;""'

~nkO'4WJVFJ;;; itA .. ~~ ...... '< _.,...... ,..._ JunlOl' pdJtJ(lp.ltlng I'hl Ahm M Bentley month III AlbulIl ColIegf's FoundatIOn ofOwo'isO It IS rf'i1o\\Iwd Up!'l,ltlOn deSIgned to further the tra- B(,t1tle\ dltlOn and "pmt of pubhc Glo"~e POlllle :\'orth High "en'lce as exemplified by .tiiii'- S< hool ,t ur Mol In Re"lille and local pohtlcaI offiCials pohticalleadershlp" SCHOOL NOTES .1.800.2 JOININ D Dany of our stores St. Clare's fifth-grade poet recognized GrdC(' Wd.rd, a fifth-grader at St Clare of Montefalco VERIZON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS STORES C'lthohc School, hd'i been selected as a top ten poet for her AUTHORIZED RETAILERS Eq I prner'11 of1p ;H rj dlvl"lOn In the CreatIve CommunicatIOns' natIOnally pul>- ANN ARBOR fEHTON SI 1U1~ Sl10~ES Wr-.rry F €f' Tl ivarl!pc r'rlY ry ("7)) 'lOa A,c 7 WESTlAIID 11'\hl'd Spnng 2003 Anthology of Young Poets 1 245'> Iver fII."'f (; ~ H fiprr Ave INo'l It B ',OuslUI 35105 Warrer Rd Iin I~p S"" s P,<)9 Gland RlVel E 8'02212808 I 80li VIP Plt6 lAKE ORION k \ ....')( '7Ft, I II- 1/ ""'If Re SF 046 561 t CHfSTIRflfLD 1W!' IlAlllSOII Hfl6I1TS l',x('pllrnce III Teachlllg award from the NatIOnal InstItute ?"" " ,1(Jf'0' Ad I~"I' I P'll.1 jus.t Pw1H_ Ventu" CIbtIa CAIlTON 01 on M, I 2 MIll', N ee.... Almlenztol CellUr for ioltatf and OrgamzatlOnal Development WI I It. f ..rrtn, 4475 24th Ave 586 421 9900 ~IHI f' ~ I'~ nl II r Palare I !41" • r l'::r)f:! 1 800 VIP PI,' Ire I , f0f('l F, ! I lV 810 185 1231 llAWSl* MlIIIlIOE 21P ,936800 STERliNG HEIGHTS Hrl, r, llr a (; 'om NOVl WImft ~1lSA H.rlu_1lIR North teacher recognized III k~4 111R1 1"/111 Prlrk Av' 248280 6390 41O?" I? M Ir R~ 29240 Van DyXe /14 242 0806 1M "'j '" M ~3 586 nl 0747 ClIJ1l1fM:l: In commemoration of NatIOnal Teacher Apprec1atlon OEAA8C~N 'Twr' O~., '>eMC€ 01 MlClI:sm III If( j n UI fA P '" Plaza I Norlh (I \fM S/ W, 997 f500 WIItt UtI CfIIlJlarT~ Wrpk, May, 4 through May 10, the NatIOnal Youth J ,I r r('){r' ?18 '(J" ~filO 9190 H Qhlilnd Rd 248360 9400 248 ?CJ90008 I I 11;1 I ,~",orM~ I 248 698 0043 Wirtltu T,-"" Lrlldpr"hlp forum cf'lebrated the efforts of Randl Zwada, a 11,\, yf I) ko::. Mrll 'I 'we, CI play \rC ku hesler Rd 248 '>260040 248irIli"'"922 3733 IHIII OI,II~I~ l,~ H~ (A! Au'"" Rn I I' , \w ((rrfr 01 Or,lldrd 248 R'o1 O,',(j FrM HIIlIlsel Slftwarl U"rHel I., k~ ~ 14MIll' R,n J{ I RadioShack. 24R ~1R (~tOO 0818100 ...... IfIlI ...... ""' ....""---.n..

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June 12, 2003 Grosse Pointe News Schools 15A ULS graduates and Instrumental teachers save colleges of choice Followmg 1" a hst of graduatmg semon, from Umverslty LIggett School and where each one wIll can- honors program tmue hiS or her education m the future this year By Jennie Miller and commlttment to their the middle bchool honors the recogl1itlOn for theIr Ali Abdallah - Alfred U mver"lty Staff W"ter II1strument orchestra hard work" Paul Abdullah - Oakldnd Umverslty Durmg a time of budget 'The program allow" the All put In extra hours for Ult IS really one of the few Angela Andrews - Umvel "Ity of :\hchlgan crunche" and reduced pro- students who have excelled the good of the program programs that umtes the Amapola Balancio - ~hchlgan Stdte Umver"lty grams, sometimes dedIcated the opportuI1lty to play The seven other teachers students across the dlstnct Wellesley Baun - George Wd~hmgton Umver~lty teachl:'r" opt to step forward musIC and to play WIth theIr m thE' dlstnct stepped for- and pulls them together to Michael Benson - Wake Fore.,t Vnnersltv to pre"erve the educatIOn 111 peers all over the dlstnct," ward to volunteer theIr time showcase them to the com- Callie Blatt - :\11allllUmverblty the dlstnct Steele said as well muruty It bonds the entIre Jebby Boccaccio - Mldml Umver,lty FaCing the threat of ehml- Involvmg students from "It says someth1I1g about school system and bnngs Ni('hola<; Ro..hmkp - 0, Inri Vdlp\ 'it,lte TTnlver"ltv natIOn of the elementary all mne elementary schools how they value thiS pro- everyone together" Bradley Bohlinger - FIdnldm Plene CoHeal' ,,,,J nllJJk ""h\Jvl h"r",r'" and the three P'lCld!p g"'lm " "tN,I!' "fna The teachers worry that Aaron Brieden - \V\ttpnberg Umver"lty " band and orchestra m schools, the program IS Cleveland feels very whIle they pulled It through Patrick Bruen - Um\'er~ltv of Mas" -Dartmouth J anual y, the dlstnct's 11 exemplary as Steele sees It strong about the Importance thIS year, the program Illight Tiff~ny Buescher - Mlchlgdn Stdte Umver"lty mstrumental mUSIC teach- The groups hold 10 of the program and dIdn't not be able to return next Adnenne Butler - :'I'hchlgan Stdte Umverslty en, "aved the day rehearsals and culm1I1ate think tWIceabout volunteer- spnng "Through the teacher,,' WIth a concert for the public Elizabeth Campbell - IndIana Umverslty mg extra hours for ItS suc- There 18 the optIon of Ashley Carter -- Hampton l'mverslty resourcefulness, creativIty Chargmg a partICIpatIOn cess thiS year chargmg a greater partiCI- Brandon Celestin - Um \ er,ltv of Penn"ylvama and wllJmgness to work fee combmed WIth a small "The program IS very patIOn fee or addmg a cost to Alicia Chmielewski - Wayne Stdte Umverslty together, thlb valuable pro- amount of eXIstIng funds Important because It attend the concert Keith Crispen - Undeudl'd grdm was able to contmue," allowed for four paId POSI- rewards the students who But, Cleveland SaId, this Todd Damren - 1TIlIver,lty of Cincinnati Said Margaret Steele, the hons thiS year Paul Miller, are excelling and workmg would take away from the Elizabeth D'Arcy - UmverMtv of MIchIgan dl~tnct'" fine arts supervl- the dIrector of the elemen- hard and practicIng," he Idea of rewardmg the stu- Alexandra Davenport - MIchIgan State Umverblty sor tary honors orchestra, Dean saId "It showcases them dents The honor, program IS Doss, the director of the ele- Erika Decker - Flonda Gulf Coa,t l'mverblty and challenges them In "We want tms program to held every "pring for stu- mentary honors band, Dave Anne Di Loreto - Lo)old l'nlverslty additIOn to what they are contmue," Steele SaId "We Nishant Dixit - Columbld Umverslty dents who are selected by Cleveland, director of the dOing In band class dunng are hopeful we wIll be able Jeffrey Dunn - The John" Hopkms Umverslty theIr teachers, haVIng mIddle school honors band, the day to have some fundmg to Brian Eggleston - Stdnford Umversltv shown greater levels of skill and Joe Bauer, dIrector of "These students deserve allow It to contmue " Julie Ellison - U11I\('rblt~ of Nhrhlgdn" Dawn Espy - V,mderbllt UI1IVeri>lt)' Lauren Garvey - Kenyon College Thomas Greer - Kaldmazoo Cullege Robot Katie B. Well teaches Gerry Hambright - Sai,'\\ Valley State Timothy Hamel - Umver:>ltj of Michigan Trevor Hanly - Colbv College Byron Hauck - UI1IVeri>lt}of Mlchlgdn valuable lessons at Monteith Ayhem Hawasli - IT nl\ er'ltv of MIchIgan-Dearborn Kevin Heaney - Adndn College By Jennie Miller KatIe has been Katie Hollerbach - Wake Forf'"t Ul1J\'er"lty Staff Wnter Wired With a mIcro- Latia Howard - i\orthwe"tern Unl\'erslt'y Last month, a young gIrl phone so that her han- Jennifer Hutchinson - DePau\\ Uruver~lt'y told Monteith Elementarv dler can leave the Hunter Huth - AJblOn College School students the Impo~- room and stIli conduct Jeron Jackson - Cornell Ul1Iver"lty tance of washmg theIr the presentatIOn Brian Kissel - :'vhdnll Unl\'erslty - hands, and many of them "The lIttle ones Lia Lewandowski - Purdue Umverslty finally listened thlllk she's real," Joi Light - Tdllahd",-ee Commumt) College The vOIce of reason Scarsella said Curtis Lowe -We.,tern Michigan Umverslty belonged to none other than uAnd the older kIds Stephanie McIlroy - Duke Umverslty KatIe B Well, a robot who wanted to know how Maureen Mecke - George Wdshmgton Umverslty came to VISItthe school from KatIe worked,~ Roble Evan Messinger - Reed College St Joseph's Mercy HospItal saId, addmg that she Chris Metry - Central MIchIgan Umverslty of Macomb has seen an mflux m Karen Michael - Kalamazoo College KatIe, who rolls around on the students' remem- LaVon Morgan - Dartmouth College a bIcycle, was Jomed by hos- benng to wash theIr Audi Moss - Wen ne Statf> UDlverslt) pItal employees FlaVIa hands Ryan Moya - l'orthern l\1Jchlgan Umvcrslty Scarsella, of Grosse Pomte KatIe and her coun- Amanda Olson - Lo)ola Umver"ltj Woods and mother of two terpart, Vmme B Ted Ottaway - OhlOWp"leYdl1Umverslty MonteIth students, and Well, travel frequently Brittany Parrott - DdlhoUSIe Umverslty Susan SantI, of Rochester to schools for vanous Kathryn Riley - Butler Umverslty "Katie B Wen helps to presentatIOns Justin Rock - DePdul Umverslty prOVIde health educatIon to "I would defimtely Jordan Rossen - Umverslty ofl\-1JchIgan the kIds at 8t Joe's,~ have her back agam Sarah Saksouk - :-'hchlgan Stdte Umverslty Scarsella saId. addmg that because there are so Beth Sanders - Yale Umver"lty presentatIOns are custom- many programs aVaIl- Patrick Schafer - Umverslty of Notre Dame made, covenng everythmg able,~ Roble SaId "It IS defimtely worth It - John Scholtes Jr. - Purdue Umverslty from nutntIOn to anger thIS partIcular assem- Nicholas Scott - MIchIgan State Umverslty management bly can reach any age Sara Senopo)e - SaglOaw Valley Umverslt) The VISItto MonteIth was orgaI11zed based on the age group Even the adults Julie Sturm - Umver"Ity of Fmdlay are fascmated ~ Sheena Sukarukoff - Umverslty of Wmdsor level of the students "The presentatIOn for For mformatlOn Tara Usakoski - VanderbIlt Umverslty grades kIndergarten about KatIe and Anthony Walker - ColumbIa Umverslty through second was about Vmme B Well or to Lauren Walker - Northwestern Umverslty germs and handwashmg," arrange for a presentatIOn, Hill Wang- Stanford Umverslty Scarsella Said "We talked call Candace Brown at (586) Elizabeth Warren - MIchIgan State Umverslty about the proper method of 263-2107 Emily Wicks - Alleghen) College washmg, the most Impor- Leython Williams - Central Michigan l'mverslty ~ ....~~ tant tImes to wash, and Phnto b" IIInrm. '\11Ht r ;.>P>-~-' where we find genns Third Robot Katie B. Well and Chnst the King Vacation Bible School through fifth was about Susan Santi. of Presents Student photos summer safety and bemg Rochester. talk to Mon- Rancho Roundup alone m the house We cov- teith Elementary School "Where the Good Shepherd Leads Kids B-a-a-ek Homel" ered pedestnan safety, bIke students about germs June 16th - June 21 st (0 9 30 am - 12 00 Noon safety, water safety and and the importance of Ages Kindergarten through grade 5 explore issues Issues of bemg home alone handwashing. 20338 Mack Avenue Grosse POinte Woods such as answenng the door Flavia Scarsella hides $15Jchlld - $20lfamlly 313-8845090 and phone and safe snacks outside the classroom. to eat ~ controlling the robot. of diversity The students were faSCI- which visited the school "J.t;ms nu: GOODW.t;P,uUD" nated by KatIe, accordmg to from Joseph's Mercy KonakcJU's pIcture tells the St. Focus on the MISSIon, an pnnclpal ,Joan Roble Hospital of Macomb. dnnual photo exhIbit featur- viewer to "look closer you V~{~nO".D~lt S<.IIOOl mg photographs taken by may Just find what you VI' June 23rd - June 26th • 9:30 a.m. to Noon DetrOIt area high school stu- been searchmg ior ~ June 26th • 5:30 p.m. dpnts, IS on dIsplay at the The exhIbIt IS open to the A speCial evenmg With free dmner puppets and fT'orel Focus HOPE Gallery public 8 a m until 5 p m Ages 3 - 12 FREE and Parents welcome to come and .slt-,n" through July 31 The pho- For additIOnal mfonnatIon, or to book a showmg of the AD_- St. Paul's Lutheran Church tography exhIbIt IS the out- CALL 313-882-3500 22915 Greater Mack Avenue come of a cultural dIVerSIty exhibIt, call the Commumty Toreserve Display AdvertISing space by 2 P m F"day Worsh p Bible Lesson MUSIC Crafts Recreation S~acl

... , ...... June 12, 2003 16A News Grosse Pointe News Michigan kids' attractions make for a summer of fun

From water park fun to (231) 766-3377, or go to the ChIldren's museums make festivals and faIrs, hundreds Web SIte mladventure com great summer diverSIOns of events and attractions The state's newest water and can be VIslted In many .Il10S" MIchigan cater to park has year-round fun major MlchIgan CIties One kHh "ays AAA MIchIgan Great Wolf Lodge near of the newest IS Traverse Traverse CIty features City's Great Lakes There are water parks m what's bllled as the state's Children's Museum down- \ll(hlg-an nearly everywhere largest mdoor water park at town ExhlbltS mclude those \ull turn In Battle Creek, 38,OOD-square-feet, With focusmg on Grand Traverse hId" (an cavort m one of the eIght sbdes, five pools, and a Bay's role In the hves of area I ""p,t outdoor water parks water fort for kIds young' and state reSIdents For 1Il the state, mcludmg two and old Stay m one of 281 2{}().footwater shdes and a more mformatlOn, call (2;:11) all-SUIterooms In a log lodge 932-4526, or go to the Web playground Next door, the motif For more mformatlOn, (;ulIy Washer mdoor park sIte greatlakesklds org call (231) 941-3600, or go to Lansmg's ImpreSSIOn 5 leatures more shdes, a nver the Web site great- float and other fun There's SCIence Museum WIthm site wolflodge com of the state capItol IS guar- even a teen mghtclub For In Mlchlgan's Upper more mformatlOn, call (269) anteed to keep your kIds Pemnsula, take the kIds on entertamed through plenty 966-3667, or go to the Web a double-ended treat near "Ite full blast org of exhibIts that cater to each Newberry VISIt of the five senses In the In Muskegon, kIds can get Tahquamenon Falls State theIr kIcks m the water and Chern Lab, they can make Park to see MIchIgan's hIgh- and take home theIr own fun dbove It at MIchIgan's est, and one of the largest, Adventure, whIch also slIme as seen on TV For waterfalls east of the more mformatlon. call (517) mcludes WIld Water MISSISSIPPI Campmg and Adventure water park Have 485-8116, or go to the Web plcmckmg IS also avaIlable, SIte ImpressIOn5 org fun on more than 50 ndes as are miles of marked hlk- mcludmg SIX coasters bke In Ann Arbor, the fonner mg traJls A restaurantlbrew CIty firehouse IS the Site of ShIVenng TImbers, the pub also IS adjacent to the world's fourth-longest wood- Its Hands-on ChIldren's large Upper Falls locatIon Museum, featurmg more en roller coaster and rated Nearby, take the kIds to than 250 mteractJve fourth-best 10 Amenca by see 24 hve, roammg bears at exhIbits that mclude a hve While exploring the old dirt roads of the Palouse, I chanced upon the photo- enthUSiasts Oswald's Bear Ranch, the bee colony under plastic graph shown here. The water park IS the largest bear facIhty m the where kIds can watch as the state's largest KIds can UnIted States KIds can msects make honey splash and slosh at 14 SItes, walk to see the bears WIthm Photographing in the Palouse district from three wave pools to three large enclosed natural For more mformatlOn, call three fun areas for tykes habitats For more mforma- (734) 995-5437, or go to the Lookmg for an unusual For more mformatlOn, call tIon, call (906)293-3147 place to photograph nght Web SIte aahom org here III the Umted Stateb that's very scemc, very pho- togemc and many people are Army Corps June lake levels not aware of? It's called the /' The followmg lake levels Inches, respectIvely, below DetrOIt, Niagara and 8t Palouse dIstnct and IS locat- as of June 6 are offered by their levels of last year Lawrence nvers are expect- ed m the very southeast cor- the U S Army Corps of The Lake Supenor out- ed to be below average m ner of Washmgton state Photography- Engmeers flow through the St Marys June spIllIng over a bIt mto Idaho Lake Sup en or IS 9 mches River mto Lake Huron IS Water levels on Lakes ThIs IS fertIle farmland By Monte Nagler below whIle Lake Mlchlgan- expected to be near average Supenor and MIchIgan- that produces wheat, lentIls, Huron Ib 24 mches below dunng the month of June Huron are forecasted to con. peas and other numerous afternoon lIght are best Ib a must m order to get long-term average Lakes due to capaCIty flow through tmue theIr seasonal nses In crops What makes the because of the dramatlc everythmg sharp and In 8t ClaIr and Ene are 11 and the U S and CanadIan the next four weeks Lakes Palouse so umque IS the shadows produced focus, especIally WIth the 6 mches respectIvely, below power plants at Sault Ste 8t ClaIr, Ene and Ontano topography of the land Lenses reqUIred a WIde telephoto lens average, whIle Lake Mane The U S plantsh hare arednearh ldthelr annual peaks Never have I seen such angle to strong telephoto, Ontano's level IS 2 mcheb at capaCIty due to t e s ut- an s ou see httle change rolling, hlUy farmland WIth even reachmg out to I suggest gettmg a car and above long-term average down of the Presque Isle m the coming month checkerboard patterns 300mm The Wide angle wandenng ThiS IS how I All the Great Lake;, Generatmg StatIOn follow- Alerts Users of the Great resemb\mg a favonte !\Ullt gIves the overall "feelmg" of 'rbe town" aT~ 61na\\, )'~t the Palouse wh,le the tele- found most of my pIctures below last year s levels lUg the SIlver Lake Dam Lakes, connectmg channels chann~ng and the locals photo enables you to 'solate there Get off the hIghway Lake Supenor IS currently 2 faIlure near Marquette The and St Lawrence RIver and explore along the old very fnendlv and helpful m d particular landscape fea- mches below and Lake CanadIan hydropo~er plant should keep mfonned of Cllr- findmg pIcturesque spots ture that often WIll become dni countrv roads You'll be MIchigan-Huron IS 11 mches IS operatmg at capaCIty III rent condItions before Early mornmg and late an abstract Image A tnpod pleasantly surpnsed at belo~ theIr levefb of last keepmg WIth Boundar) undertakmg any BctiV1ties what you'JJ find year Lakes 8t ClaIr, Ene Waters Treaty between the that could be affected by and Ontano dre 8, 7 and 9 U S and Canada and the changIng water levels 1914 Orders of Approval, Manners should utIlIze nav- whIch call for equal shanng Igahon charts and refer to by the hydropower mterests current water level read- :::w:::.::;';;:~H Flows In the St ClaIr, mgs Windows, siding, trim and gutters We a],o offer VINYL WINDOWS No morsel too tiny thdt Jook like REAL WOOD Installed by tile profeSSionals at Sparks & SOfTImers Family: Charlotte, for G.~ Park solons Home Improvement and Blown.lnsulatlon Co MaddIe, Suzy and ChIp Berschback A speed trader to curb untIl 10 p m Call today to schedule an appointment speeders IS among routme Al'cordmg to Theokas, res- Licensed (586) 977-7783 Breed: Soft-coated Issues bemg dIscussed by Idents saId the request had Insured wheaten terrIer councIl members of Grosse less to do WIth ImprOVIng Pomte Park traffic flow than With ehrru- Likes: Grame, kIds, Pubhc safety adrrurustra. natmg nOIse from boom dress-up, best fnend tors are shoppmg for a traIl- boxes blanng from vehIcles SadIe-Mae Schooff, peanut er that not only deters stopped at the lIght dunng butter and car ndes speeders by t1ashmg the evemng hours speed of oncommg cars but Lastly, a problem In the Dislikes: UnIforms, also records data and traffic 1100 block of Wayburn has sqUIrrels, most counts for future study and reSIdents holdmg theIr vet, medIc me 1!,. .,.' mterpretatIon noses and worrymg about groomer In other matters, city reg- the big bang theory commg Daisy Berschback ulators wIll be makIng the too close for comfort Favorite words: Hellol rounds soon to ensure prop- A gas leak In the block has erty owners obey an ordI- reportedly gone unrepalred Least favorite words: Bye DaISy - we'll be back nance bmltIng grass length for more than a year soon to a maXImum SIXInches "People ndmg by on their CounCil members also are bIkes stop and ask what's dISCUSSIngrequests by reSI- Advice: Love uncondItIonally, Will the affectIon of that smell," said a reSIdent chIldren, play hard, always forgive, greet well, exercIse dents that the traffic bght at The odor appears to be every day, be loyal, rest often, reserve treats for speCIal Kercheval and Audubon be commg from an under- occaSIOns, and look after those you love reprogrammed Greg ground pipe Repeated If YOll II ould like to 'iubmlt your "Pet POinter of Theokas, councl1man, said attempts at repaIrs by a Intere'it, , deln er or mUll a typed outlme and photograph reSIdents approached hIm utility company haven't to the Gro'?'?cPOinte New,?, 96 Kercheval, Grosse POinte dunng church servIce last resolved the Issue Farm'?, Ml 48236, or e mall to postma'!ter@grosse_ Sunday askmg that the hght Park offiCIals Will Inspect pOI/ltenew'! ('om (photo'! mu'!t be hIgh resolutIOn) be SWitched to flash yellow the SIte to see what can be daIly at 6 p m The hght cur- done rently cycles red and green - Brad Lmdberg

I I, l II \ (1\ I ldOI,J

H 1.. II, I., ,I ...., Jl) q( rJ J)\.. "d\~ r City of Qr)ross.eJoint.e ~OOb5, Mlcblgla [11..,111', I II , '( j 1\i0T1

lR:Ol \ .. , al~It decm~10 be \11 the he~tIntere,t of thc ( Ity proposals, to waIve any Jrregulantles In the blddmg and to accept any proposals It deems to be In the best Interest of the City Louise S. Warnke, (, PN 06/121200\ Louise S. Warnke, CIty Clerk G P N 06112120113 CIty Cleric


...... -'-." __ 1' - ... • - ...... - 'r...... _ • J s & 2 j 2 s_

June 12, 2003 Grosse Pointe News News 17A Daytime home the mtersectlon at 1 a m on Thursday, June 5 Ell! OphlJl IO'"'I.tte JldllWlld P III on lhur:,ddy, June 4 rlllg Illounlpd on ,1 gold invasions Investigators believe the PUBLIC SAFETY REPORTS The bottle hIt the wllld- hdlld bhlt'ld of a Cdr Jflven by a Two Grosse Pomte Farms strap was attached to a vehi- A I e',Jdent of the 2200 St Cla1r Shores woman She homeowners were the VIC- cle, whIch pulled on the :'Ign before 2 a m on Saturday, mS1de of hi" gray 19b9 block of .stal1hopt' reported followed the teens but lost tims of home InVaSlOnS and pole untll1t :,napped June 7 Old"mob11t' The oftieel ~"eJllg an ullkllown nun tht' beent III the area of while they were home on A Gro"se POlllte Fal m:, found two b,lggle" m the Cdl \',Ilklng up to IIUl1leIOU~ Fdlrford and Paget Court III Monday, June 2 otficer who followed the and had the man taken to a V('hldt'b .1I1d hOllW" thl' d.1\ (;ro~~e POintE' Wood., ThIrty-two dollars In cash Graffiti man WIth hlb overhead" local hO"Pltd) for a blood bt>lon' was taken from inside a Before openmg for bU<;I- fldl>hmg on Bourncmouth test house III the 400 block of ne:,s at 645 a m on Fndav from Mack to the Cl1t1n'" In additIOn to eltdtlOnq Lexmgton while the home- June 6, an employee of-~ hoube 10 the 1800 block In glVen fO! operdtmg undt'l Broken car Fast driver owner was workIng In her store In the 17000 block of GIOl>be POll1te \Vood~, dlb- the lIltluenw at dlUgb 'lIlJ At dhout J 30 P m OIl front yard between 1 dnd Kercheval III the City of Jgn'rd making dn dlegdl P-turn window Tue~J were Gros~e Pomte Boulevard re"ldents \\ ere gdrd('l1lng left hand and a contuslOn OIl taken to the Farm,,' public nedr Moran to ask. 'Are you la"t \\eek whzlc d thwf the left SIde of hIS head The safety department to be gomg to stop me, or what?" sneaked mto theJr homeb dnver'g Side door of his 1995 pIcked up by theIr parentb The officer, who had no Both InCIdents O(elll red Pontiac Bonneville sus- The other teen", who tested mtenhon of pulhng the man on Fnday .June 6 bet", t'en tamed severe damage negatIve blood alcohol con- over asked whv he was so the hours of 2 and 6 :30 pm. Grosse Pomte Shores and tent. were dnven to then dgltated and paranOId The m the 2200 block of Allard 8t ClaIr Shore" pollce were parents' homes The parent man \\oent on a tlrade and Police canvdssed the neIgh- unable to locate the hlt-and- facmg charges was at home told the officer. "I'm SIck of borhood but dldn t come up run dnver while the party wab In Grabse Pomte cops pulling With <;uspeets or \Htne,,<;eb The man also faded a progress me over" The offiwr ad\ Ibed who saw anythmg subbtan Enjoy the peace of mind a monitored ~enes of sobnety tests and the man to compo<;e hlm<;elf hal security !'lystem pro~ ides. recorded a blood alcohol and go on hIS way One v1ctlm reported losmg Already have a Home Alarm System? level of 171 percent JMade it' ... A few mll1utes later, the her purbe from the kitchen man crashed mto d Fdrm" table and her grandmothel " DSS is able to provide monitoring for MOST to an arrest womdn's car a" he pulled out slh'er dIamond weddmg rmg Home Security Systems Stop and go Despite drlvmg 15 to 20 ofa parking "pot and made a from an upstaIr:, dres~er Grosse Pomte Farm" pub- mph With one headhght. lJ-tum In the fir"t block of dra\\er (ALL J1Vf OR LARRY l>tSING TODAY lic works employees recently turnmg w1thout Signaling Kercheval The man admIt- The thIef also "earched }o(IR\OlRI-REEESTII\1ATE replaced a stop sIgn at and dnvmg through a red ted to an officer that he throughout the sewnd VIC- Stephens and Ridge flashmg lIght WIthout "top- made an 11legal U-tum but tim I> hoube Pobce sdld bed- 16425 Nine Mile Road The SIgn was found. \\ Ith pmg, an 18-year-old Gro"se wasn't at fault room dresser" and closets ~ SS Eastpointe, MI 48201 a tow rope around the post, Pomte Woods man thought However, the officer dId had been "rummaged I>U'tJllj.,'H unh ~\."urH,1l Ullt' '.If( loree' lymg m the middle of he "made It" when he pulled find fault III the odor of mar- through" M1SSlllg Item<; (313\ 884.6005 (586) 779.5002 (866) SAFE-DSS Stephens about 20 feet from mto hIS dnveway shortly mcluded a one carat IJuana on the man and \,~\\ ..."rl\\lthd""l. ..m ~ I m.tlt du ..m d"\are~lthd ....\com





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*CaIl1-888.S6.lEASE for details, Not all buyers will qualify for Red Carpet lease. Some payments hIgher, some lower ReSidency restrictIOns apply Take delivery from dealer stock by 6/16/2003. **Amount financed is $16.67 per month, per $1,000 financed regardle~s of down payment. Not all buyers will quahfy for Ford CrE.dltfinanCing. **"$500 Bonus Cash offer for AARP members valid on the purchase or lease of any new 2003 Grand MarqUIS Proof of AARP membershIp reqUIred Umlt one $500 Bonus (ash offer per AARP member. This offer IS compatible with other cash back incentives. This offer cannot be combined with any private offers Take retail delivery from dealer stock by 7/9/2003, Cash back includes $500 for current eligible owners of lincoln and Mercury vehicles. t"Startmg at" A-Plan price IS less cash back and owner loyalty and excludes tax, title and license fees. See dealer for their price. Take delivery from dealer stock by 6/16/2003. Offers subject to change. See dealer for complete details. .. -

June 12, 2003 Business Grosse Pointe News

The headlme, above, askmg If the fundamentals quote!> the perenmal Wall have really I11creased to JUb- Stock Market Street bear, Barron's (June tlfy these higher pnce lev- 9 i Alan Abebon's ~HaJr of els at a Glance the Dog" article, whJCh dIgs To sum up last week's up two of the Street's oldest activIty, take a look at the Fnday Close, 6,16/03 spooked on what the report aXIOms "At A Glance" box at top It's much too comphcawd Dow Jones Ind 9,063 nght to dISCUSShere. but optIOns WIll reveal LTS Is It a confhct of I11terest Nasdaq Comp 1 627 would prob- Gas pnces at your holders should check WIth for a mutual fund to pay S&P 500 Index 988 ably flip-flop favonte stahon told you theIr CPA tax adVisers that crude OlliS back up to higher than necessary trad- $lnEUROs 11701 th" .dbs to m/{ commISSIOns (5 cents read, "Don't over $31 a barrel fed rate cut? Crude 011(Bbl ) 31 28 per share vs competitive quarrel With Last Fnday, the July "executIOn only" rates of 1 Gold (Oz ) 363 70 the Fed, Federal Funds futures con- Tax time June 15 cent per share)? tracts were predletmg a 100 3-Mo T-Bllis 1 04% don't fight For those of us who file Which "operatmg expens- the tape" percent chance of a 1/4 of 1 3O-Yr T-Bonds 4 40"~ and pay quarterly tax pay- es" should be charged to percent cut In short-term All three ments, your June 15 taxes mutual fund shareholders rdtes by the Fed on or saId at the time 'Bu) the mdexf's - By Joseph must be postmal ked not or to the management com- before theIr next regular manager'~ (btockl, not their the Dow, the Mengden latel than next Monday, pany, whIch IS usually also meetmg June 24-25 fundi> " S&P 500 June 16th paid a management fee of 1 and the Nasdaq Composite Is It worth the tIme and percent of the market value ,]o<,eph MUlgd(,1l I~ a I(,~l - helve now broken out on grief to rerun the numbers Soft dollars of assets managed? dellt of the Cltv of (;,O".l' the upsIde of theIr two-year to bee how much of Bush's No, not pohhcal dona- Many management com- POlllte alld forlll!'1 (hcw //lall tr,ldmg langes, whICh for tax reductIOn comes to your tlOnsl These are sharehold- pames also charge a "sale;, of FirM of Mu lligan 'Lct\ the Dow \'oab 7,500 low and house? er donatIOns for the benefit commISSIOn" (uP to 5 per- Talk Sto(k~' /~ "IWII'ti/((lln 9,000 high The answer IS an ObVIOUS, of mutual fund manage- cent of momes mve~ted) to John M Rlekl'! CPA PC Balk on Apnl 10, LTS "No", but we'll reVISit thIS ment compameb (some of sales broker~ to SIgn up alld RICkel & Boun P( wrote about the Dow at scene come Sept 15 which are pubhcly traded) Investors to get mto their 8,277, then near ItS mid- DId you know that dlVl- Yesterday, June 11, SEC fund, payable eIther a;, a range, WhICh meant that, If dends from most REIT Chairman Wm Donaldson "front-end load" a "back- you had bought the Dow s stocks are not "quahfied was scheduled to report on end Withdrawal fee" or as eXlhange-traded fund dIVIdends" and thus l11ehgl- these mutual fund "soft dol- an ongomg "marketing !Diamond, symbol DlA on ble for the diVIdend reduc- lar" fees to U S Rep charge" the ASE I, you then had a tion tax savmgs It's RIchard Baker and relate Why bhould eXlstmg 50-')0 chance of the DJI because most REITs don't how they are almost hIdden shareholders PdY marketmg breakmg Its hIgh tradmg pay federal mcome taxes wlthm tradmg commIssIons fees to bl mg m new share- range of 9,000, whIch It dId (accelerated depreclal10n patd to brokerages and holders when the resultIng la;,t weeki exceeds taxable Income) management fees paId to economIes of scale do not WIth the Dow clOSing at Not many mdlvlduals sponsors reduce expenses percent- play the optIOns, call-wnt- 9 063 last Fnday man)' Barron's (June 9) feature agewlse on the mcreased mg game, but such hedging t;ader ...were saymg, "The artIcle, ~Hard on Soft number of bhareholders? easy money has already could affect the "quahfied Dollars" by Enn E A 1975 amendment to the dIVidends" status of such been made" Arvedlund, has Wall Street Secuntles Exchange Act Now some mvestorb are stocks Beam me up - Imean down - Scotty $100 nt's actually $9995, ,Iu"t what I need 100 but agam, who's klddmg radIO statIons to hsten to 111 whom? And don't forget the my car And It an comes servIce charge ) from outer spale Pointers on Also back on Earth, 8atel1lte radIO comes from space beanng glfts 100 dIg- Amenca Onll11e and Ital channels WIth eclectIc TeChnology VIdcom's lnfimty RadIO musIc optIons and few or no expect the broadcaster's commerCIals, beamed first lntprnet presence Will dIrectly to cars and home By Mike Maurer A begin thIS summer stereos throughout the con- lnfmlty ha, mdlcated the t1.nenta\ Un"lted StateB XM'B stock pnce has qUIn- phones can, at the same company would make avall- Less than a )'ear ago, tup\ed thIS year, SInus' has tIme, search a hundred d,f- ab\e streammg broadcasts poft-nthll ;,ubscnber, and doubled Some analysts ferent statIOns for theIr of Up to five statIons It Picking pockets lnvestors were treatIng lt expect radIO to dl'ih favonte musIc It could ba"lcally means that \'0 her- Tom Fincham. a grounds crew member of the lIke an unwelcome VISItor It out the way satellIte tele- actually make It "their last ever thy computer goeth, ~o Grosse Pointe Woods recreation department, from another planet l'J.SlOndoes thought" doth your musIc The two duelmg selects a free pair of Carhartt blue jeans with Both compames stl11 Now, back on planet Let's hope It'S a laptop prOVIders, XM SatellIte help from Tiffany Barnes Bames is tour manag- could be buddmg medIa Earth, Troy-based DelphI One problem I can see, RadIO Holdmgs Inc and gIants er of Carhartt Inc. 's cross-country trek thanking Corp also made an and I mentIOned thiS before, Smus Satellite RadIO rnc , (Please note ThIS IS not wearers of its line of casual clothing and work announcement last week IS what If everybody m a gear. The giveaway at the Woods public works were warmng they mIght an Investmg endorsement Wal-Mart would soon begm faIl company IS downloadmg yard last week Was one of the first stops Carhartt Et-en my Internet Kool-Ald sellmg the complete Ime of streammg audIO? It can slg- FHldlIy, though, the mlnl- representatives will make on this year's Nation- stand went under dunng DelphI Sky-FI satellIte mficantly ~Iow theIr bUSI- mdustn seems pnmed to al Mobile Marketing Tour. "We're visiting our the dot-com crash I radIOS at Its 2,100 store ness traffic on the Internet take ofT Automakers are Meanwhile, Ford Motor customers." said spokesman Brian Sullivan. locatIOns across the compa- and may fool some compa- "We're very grateful." Carhartt has clothed "howmg more enthUSIasm Co announced last week ny for puttmg receivers m mes mto thInkmg they need American workers for more than a century. from that satelhte radIOS from The radIOS use the XJ.'VI (,Ir" more DSL or Tl hneb to hardy men and women who carved railroads Smus would be aVaJlahle Satelhte RadIO sefVlce and speed theIr systems f)p"lgn advances are through the Rockies to roughnecks atop East thlb fall as a dealer- have a suggested retail My adVIce? GIVe every- 'hnnkmg the tuners and Coast skyscrapers. Less known, however. is that m~talled opbon on 10 Ford, pnce of $12999 (That's body a regular radIO They thplr pncp" to a;, low as $70 Lmcoln and Mercury mod- the family-owned company is not only based in $130 to mtelhgent earth- wJ11 get more musIC vanety Detroit but overseen by CEO Mark Valade of from a hIgh around $300 els hngs) Suo;,cnber numbers are and your system WIll keep Grosse Pointe Farms, The local connection was- Ford saId It plans to One neat feature IS the Jumpmg for X-l\1\ $10 ItS speed It also would be n't on the mind of Matt Crook. a Woods public expand the aVaIlablhty to ablhty to preVIew and chan- cheaper monthly "en Ice and SinUS' works crew chief and son of recently retired mclude Mazda, Land Rover, nel-search by artIsts and As for laptopb With wIre- ~ 1.3 ofTt-nng Volvo, Jaguar and Aston Woods public safety Lt. Paul Crook. "I've never song titles It also comes less hook-ups, don't take It Both lOmpdme~ ha"e now tried Carhartt jeans." said Matt Crook, in line Martm vehicles Pncmg With 20 channel presets to the beach unless you "b,lt('d their ca"h crunches wasn't announced with coworkers for a complimentary pair of The accompanymg home want a pOSSible personal 1 hough finanCIal melneu- rugged size 34s. "But I enjoy all the carhartt That's scary Smus stock and vehicle adaptor kIts sell expenence With ,Tohn \,pr, As I hope thp\ hdven't rose some 16 percent la;,t for about $40 outside wear they give us here at work. with IWl'n 109 Enron'~ Wayne's old mOVie, "True their overalls and jackets. I assume their jeans "t\l(1\ week when the announce- In addItion, a kit that dnnu,11 rpport;, Gnt" are going to hold up well." ment was made on the mcludeb the receiver and Have a tech q!le~tLOn or On tlw h\J"me~s 'ilde, XlVi new~ RIVal XM Satelhte IS the car adaptor IS offered subject you would lzke l'''j)('(h to hegm breakmg backed by General Motors for $197 46 exclUSively m addre~~ed m thIS column t f'\ ( n 11\ t hp pnd of 2004 My last thought? Now the store',> automotive Want to comment or add ,md :-'lJ Ill" b\ mld-2005 dnvers talkmg on cell department your two cent~ worth t My Business PeoRle There's also a self-con- new e mad addres~ lS tamed Sky-FI boom box for mmaurer@htdeonneet The City of DetrOit WIll honor the legaCj' of Gail Warden on June 19 by presentmg hIm WIth ItS first LIfetIme of Idcdll',m ~al J 0 H N M. R I eKE L, C. P.A" P.C. Award Warden, preSident ementub of Henry CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS C£state Ford Health System and reSIdent of Grosse Pomte WIll be honored at the Inaugural WE ARE MOVING To OUR NEW Rlpple~ of Hope DInner to be held at the By Alex M. Lucido BUILDING - SEE You THERE' Falrlane Club III Dearborn The dmner WIll benefit DetrOIt and be used to positively WEAR & TEAR ON RENTAL PROPERTY PO BOX 36200 The phrase normal wear Warden Impact the lIves of chIldren In the cIty's An Important element 10 GROSSE POINTE FAR'v\S MICHIGAN 48236 0200 and lear' can be a heart- determlOlng wear and tear IS needlest areas rendering one A tenant Will the length of the tenant s TELEPHONE 313/881-8200 Warden serves on many boards and commISSIOns He IS normally find It In the very reSidency II a home has EMAIL nckelbaun@comcast net an elected member of the Institute of Med/cme of the small print ot the standard been inhabited by the same National Academy of SCIences and has served on the Board lease In relation to .he renter for Ihree years II may of Health Care ServIces and the CommIttee on Quality security depOSit In general be reasonable to expect that Health Care m Amenca the security Willbe returned the walls need to be paillted Grosse Pointe He IS a director of the DetrOIt ZoolOgical SocIety and the at the end of the lease penod and the carpeting needs to be Accounting, Tax and CItizens Research CounCIl Jpss payment of damages - cleaned A missing WardE'n IS a graduate of Dartmouth ColJegp ,lOd h.l' " 'lormal wear and tear belOg retrlgerator door or gaping r-----lMORTGAGE SERVICES INC. master's degree 111 health care management exrluded According 10 hole 10 the wall from an ax from the Umverslty of MIchigan definition normal wear and throwll')g contest would COUPON 313-343-9272 tear IS that phySical clearly be construed as Good for Cell 313-550-7576 Ryan Ermanni of Grosse POintf> Farms delerJoratlon which occurs damages E-mail gpacctg@comcasl nt't lONE I has receIved the honorable mentwn award With the normal use 01 If there /s anythmg we I APPRAISAL I "The time /" n~llt for (I" for Best Sports Broadcaster at the 2003 property Without negligence do to help vou In the f,eld of carelessness aCCident or real estate please call or VISIt I WITH t Pllrc!ra"c, Ref;,wl1ce or Ohw AsSOCiated Press Broadcasters Awards ceremony 10 May abuse The tenant IS not our webSite at I CLOSED I Debt COll"nhdatlOli Mortol/o/.' I I ,...,,\ Ryan IS a sports reporter and anchor at responSible for normal wear Lucido II Assoc. Realtors MORTGAGE Rate~ a~ of 06/10/01 and tear Fox New!' Toledo, OhIO 15151 882.1010 : Value up to : 10 Yr Flxed- 1[)'ir Fixed 5 Yr Arm lucletorealtors.COIn Ryan IS a graduate of the Umverslty of $~OO__ ... 50";, 4 175';' 1 9Cjo/r MIchIgan Ermannl

"'.'"" ... ~..- .... • ' .. '-- ~-." ~" i>o • ...... 'I .... .- - • $ ace 2 a as • 2 &

June 12, 2003 Grosse Pointe News Business 19A Other Jacobson's sites find mixed uses By Bonnie Caprara In the next few months, CIty Planner JIm Sabo Staff Writer Dearborn and developer The VIllage Isn't the only Sabo, however, saId the Burton-Katzman will con- cIty's 2016 Plan, or down- downtown area seemg tInue that success mIxed use developments town master plan, encour- The former Jacobson's ages mIxed use replaCIng former Jacobson's mam and home stores, "It's not a good Idea to be :.tores which the cIty purchased for A conceptual plan pre- Inundated by re&taurants, n $2 5 mllhon m 1999, will Sabo Said "We'd certaInly be sented by Velmelr make way for a two-story Compames and CVS mterested 1Il seemg an retaIl development WIth a anchor retailer, but we don't Pharmacy, whIch purchased 180-by-120-foot plaza m the the blocklong former VIllage always have complete con- middle trol over that kmd of sltua- anchor store for $107 mll- Behmd that, two parkmg hon last September, ISsome- hon It's hard to compete decks, a foeven-story, 120- With malls" what sImIlar to plans bemg umt all-SUItes hotel, and a lloated dt formel Jdl(Jb~Oll~ Although Sabo saId many ~t'vel1-~tory, tlV-Ullll lOnoo- IetdlleI" hd ve ICPUILeu "luw- sItes 10 Dearborn and mmJUm WIllbe bUIlt where a Blrmmgham er busmess smce the c10smg parkmg lot IS now sItuated The success of Dearborn'!> of Jacobbon's, he beheves Behmd the parkmg lot, downtowns, hke 26,OOO-square foot retalV76- the CIty IS In the process of Blrmmgham's, are "hot .. umt townhouse condomInI- bUYIng land for a 52-umt "People hke to be outSIde um West VIllage project has condomInIUm complex spurred Mayor MIchael and have a sensory expen- The rebIrth ,)f Dearborn's ence of fresh air and the GUIdo to push for a Jomt west downtown 1&a result of development project at the change of temperaturefo," the cIty & mvestment m Sabo bald "It's an envIron- former Jacob~on's site on land, ronstructlOn of plazas, MIchigan ment a mall doesn't have" and mcentJves for retatlers, That's also the opInIOn of "The West VIllage project such as relaxmg parkmg the CIty's plannmg consul- "tarted as the mayor'b VISIOn reqUlrementb Trends m tant John Jackson, of to get housmg mto down- bhoppmg, dmmg dnd enter- McKenna k.soclates town: saId Romeo Betea, tamment have d!foOspurred "Even NO'll IS lookmg to Dearborn's economIc and on growth create a downtown where communIty development "When the mall (Falrlanel there hasn't been a down- dIrector "When we offered came on hne OVf>r20 yearb town," Jackson saId "And the condomInIUms, we got ago, It drove away d lot of mIxed use projects are defi- .100 calls on the first day We busmesses" dnd the mall mtely the trend these days, .,old all of the (condomml- tenants have rebtnctIOns especIally III downtowns urn) umts almost mstantly" that don't allo.....them to set They bnng a VItality to a Smce the development of up shop wlthm five mIles of do.....ntown when you have West Village, about 15 other the mall," Betea saId "But uses open after 5 pm" busmesses have followed to now, people have dIscovered Jackson added that a mIX make theIr home on that they're tired of dnvmg of retail, office and reslden- MichIgan west of Evergreen to the mdlIs They want ttal use can prOVide a III the pa&t year entertamment, rebtaurants, healthy economic balance a sense of commumty, and a for a downtown dlstnct place to people watch" "If the office market goes Art & Sole In Blrmmgham, Bren bOft, then you have retaL! Buckley of Burton-Katzman and reSidential to compen- Hand-pamted sandals IS hopeful that Ideas for the sate," Jackson saId "You have expenenced resurgent former Jacobson's bUlldmg have a dIverSIty that can populanty ~mce the flower on North Woodward WIllfall buffer economIc shIfts" power days of the 1960s mto lme WIth other success- Accordmg to Michael Hence the start of Art and ful mIxed-use developments Overton, the CIty of Grosse Sole, a busmess m Grosse m that downtown Pomte's city manager, Pomte Farms owned by "We have lots of Ideas for Velmelr's plans to bnng m entailed WIth home owner- Photn by Bonnle ( aprllra Laune McCarron that property," Buckley said retail, a hotel, condomml- shIp, such as mowmg, plant- Former Jacobson's stores in Dearborn. top. and McCdrron'b pamted Dr of the buddmg her company urns and offices IS a dIverSI- mg and plowmg snow Here, Birmingham. above, are getting new leases on life as Scholl sandals are sold purchased for $4 3 mllhon m ty reSIdents have asked for they can have covered park- mixed used developments slmnar to that of plans through BoutIque Apnl "There seems to be a "A number of reSIdents proposed for the former Jacobson's buDding in the mg and access to places hke Village. Belllsslma m the Vtllage dl"- huge demand for the proJect, have told me they want to the optometnst, the dentist tnct of the CIty Every paIr espeCially on the retatl end n see apartments and condo- and the grocery store" of shoes sold through Art Buckley bald she has had mInIUms In the VIllage," He added, "It's all come and Sale WIllhave a portIOn dISCUSSIOnsWIth some POSSI- Overton saId "There are a full CIrcle Years ago, people DETROIT WOMENIS ROW\MG ASSOaA1\OM, ate: of Its profit donated to char- ble tenants and has not yet lot of semors and busmess used to live above their Ity presented plans to elthE"rthe profeSSIonals who don't btores We're seemg that INTRODUCTION TO ROWING CUNJC , w"'- Blrmmgham City Counctl or want to deal WIth all that's agam for girls age 13+ lnUrested in tompttiJi,e rowillg! D R July 21st ...August 1st A 2 weeks • Monday' Friday Public safety Coaching RatfO: 4 to 1 • Certified US Rowing Coaches From page 17A 6, a 2000 Chrysler CirruS party III the 1300 block of 800 block of Nottmgham III JunIor ClinIc Fee $200 was stolen from the street m Buckmgham Grosbe Pomte Park Second week prachces Include rOWIng In new Hudson racing shells front of a home m the 1200 The OWRA boathouse IS conveniently located 5 minutes from Alley rats block of Wayburn Grosse POinte on the grounds of the Rsher ManSion Fat cats m Grosse Pomte Two mghts earher, some- Tires slashed Dyno done in For addilionalinformatlon: Woods should get to work one tned to steal a sports The tlres of two vehIcles A 20-Inch Dyno Chrome (313) 881-2931 wwwdwraorg schulte765@yahoocom clearmg rats m an alley utlhty vehicle parked III the were slashed durmg the bicycle was reported stolen behmd the 19400 block of area of Jefferson and mght of Saturday, June 7, from the racks dt Defer ~fack Bamngton whtle parked m the dove- Elementary School III A nearby reSident report- The thIef broke the front way of a home In the 1200 Grosse Pomte Park at 7.33 ed on Tuesday, June 3, at WIndow and Igmt.v.1 column block of CadIeux m Grosse P m on Tuesday, June ,1 1 20 pm, see;ng rats m the but was unable to start the Pomte Park area three days straIght engme Among VIOlatIOns diS- closed upon mltlal Illvestlga- Anniversary tIOn, Clt} offiCIals at the Little drinkers Brick damage pso Shawn WIttmer I~ .,cene found an open trash On Sunday, June 8, at 1 On Saturday, June 7, celebratmg hIS first year Expenence EverAfter The best pnce 10 the POlntes am, Grosse Pomte Park between the 6 and 9 pm, WIth the pub1Jc safety dumpster and garbage bags hl~h quality Thl' best ~ervlce direct to your office on the ground police took SIX underage someone threw a bnck at department III Gro,"se youths mto custody who had the dnver's door of a 1993 Pomte Park Th, b, ,( gilt 'Ill'( 1.11~r,ldualh or 'Limmer bnde, been attendlJ1g a dnnkmg Honda Accord parked m the - Brad Lmdberg Nailing cars On Tuesday, June 3, ~ "hartly before 5 pm, Grosse GREAT LAKES Pomte Woods pohce found presents ... broken water balloons near the area of Wedgewood and A CONCERT AT EVERAFTER Hawthorne where a group of \\ ..... " \ ! H ()\ \, \~ f \ n \ ~( teenagers had been reported GROSSE POINTE throwmg objects at cars travehng on Wedgewood UNITARIAN CHURCH 17150 Maumee • Grosse Pointe City Drugs found THURSDAY A DetrOIt woman who was caught dTlvmg Without th brake lIghts on northbound JUNE 19 8PM f'~{~~ COLONY MARINE Harper near Allard 111 ..... - Featuring - ,~~ NOW IN STOCK AVAIlABLE FOR Grosse Pomte Woods was found m possessIOn of sus- ~ ~"IMM2~~=ERY &~ pected marijuana on PIANIST Elements CELLIST Monday, June 2, at 11 20 James TOCCO Ouartet Andres Diaz pm ·..[[! I3J Beethoven's Sonata No.5 for Piano and Cello, Three Piano Pieces , Five Seventy. Convertible Five Ten' Convertible Patterson Park by Schubert and DvocaKS ''American'' String Q!ulrtet Op. 96 SELECT LIST OF PRE.OWNED BOATS vandalism - Trades ConSidered - $675,000 Grosse Pamte Park police 00 SeaRay 540 Sundancer $479000 "aid vandals damaged ttles FOR TICKETS OR MORE CJ8SeaRay 460 Sedan Bndge of the lakeSIde gazebo at ~ 00 Sea Ray 460 Sundancer $395000 Patterson Park the mght of INFORMATION, CALL. ... 01 SeaRay 3GOSundancer $106 900 Saturday, June 7 (if; 96 Sea Ray 1336 Formula $63 900 Officers also dIscovered 96 Carver 32 Carver $82,900 that pamt had been poured 00 SeaRay 260 Sundancer $48,900 248-559-2097 96 Sea Ray 210 Bownder $18900 on nearby garbage cans IAlIAl Ask for 8J11 Tripp e-v9M. 313.580.8059 Car thefts This concert is generously sponsored by... 4ff?iiaj9FQi.lihEi""'u.",.,. St. ClaIr Shores • OPEN 7 DAYS OvernIght on Fnday, June , • --~ ~"-;;Tl F __ ". -

June 12,2003 Grosse Pointe News 20A

th ~~. Anniversary !(

Celebration... 0 WE'RE f).ROLLING BACK PRICES~. 1 , ~~ to ~~

~ ~ Friday, Saturday & Sunday th th th June 13 , 14 & 15 ~ on a Select Special Menu at

19767 Mack Ave • Grosse Pointe Woods 313.881.8540 Call/or ~ FOXTOWN Reservations GRILLE 8185 Holly Road Grand Blanc Downtown • 2211 Woodward 810.694.1300 313.471.3500 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Downtown Saturday June 14th FOR ALL SUMMER CATERED EVENTS • Graduation Parties • • Private Parties • Get Togethers • Special Occasions • Business Meetings Call 313.471.3500

• s.' D70,.nteai&.rS,.r5-.G-;.t .... ~. ~_e ... • I 1.1 I. I. • •• I I .1.1 ••• • ••• t 5 - , n roc, ~.. ; --0.. -: .: .' :- .e.: _ .. Section B W.ddln' ,p8g.4 Or~ Point~ N~ws lenlork.n p.,•• Pride of the Point I eatures .. blM u ,... 7 J 'u n e 1 2. 2 0 0 3 Local bands heat up this summer

By Michael Shelton Special Writer As cltle" bordenng the metropolis known as Motown and Detroit Rock l-Ity, It :,hould tJe no burpnbe thdt mUbl- cal talent I;' blobbonllng here m the Grosse Pomtes Local bands and drtlsb, young and old, are startmg to make stndes locally and even on a natlOnal stage If vou I emember, former City of Grobse Pomte native Gregg Alexander and hill band the New RadIcals scored a hIt with "You Get What You Give" and receIved cntIcal acclaim and gold sales for theIr self-titled album m 1998 He has smce gone on to become a successful producer Now, new crop;, of talent are lookmg to get their VOIcesheard They mclude a funk-rock band wIth a Beginning at the upper left and proceeding clockwise: sexy name, a smger/songwrIter who also Bump rocks the house in the Sohar Room at Sindbad's restaurant in Detroit, owns the VIIldge Shoe Inn, a 24-year old From left: Chris Sterr, Eric Novak. Yorg KerasloUs, Clint Carpenter and Patrick Bllzinsk.i; artIst who ISjust fresh off a natlOnal Charles Thibault is shown on the cover of his debut album "In The Sun,"; tour wIth up-and-commg artists, and a The Dollfaces: From left: Anthony Kanakrl. !lIu Schmidt. punk rock group with lots of energy and Mick Bassett and Nick Dufour: flash Brad Shawpeter performs as part of Michelle Penn's band at You may not know them now, but you the Beale Street Music FesUvalin Memphis. Tenn., last May. might want to keep an eye on them • Twenty-four year old smgerlsong. wnter Bradford Shawpeter, a natlve of Grosse Pomte Shores, played a gig at the CadIeux ('afe back on Apnl 12, openmg up for an up- and-commg artIst named l.\ihchellePenn But then mne days later, he found hImself at the House of Blues m Myrtle Beach, S C , playmg m Penn's band as part of a nahonal tour "I opened for MIchelle Penn at the CadIeUXCafe, and she was lookmg for a swmgman and asked me to try out, so I dId It and got the job," Shawpeter saId "I played guitar, plano and background vocal!-on tour" Shawpeter, or Bradford Shaw as he IS called whIle on stage, jomed Penn on the House of Blues-sponsored tour open- mg up for Jason Mraz, whose hIt smgle, "The Remedy," ISnsmg up the charts The tour covered seven CItIes from See BANDS, page 3B



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/1 June 12, 2003 28 Grosse Pointe News

If you're over 50 and 011 dl"ed»c, dnd It'b high 10 haven't spent much tIme hl>alth, mono",ltU! dtpd fat thmkmg about your healt Indulgp In dill hel I ,lnetll'~ now IS the tIme to "tart II hll:h ha\ e 11101 P plll {' UlUld Leader bands Start exerCISIng, find nell And rellwrnbl'I II htle thl" Grosse Pointe South High School band leader ways to reduce »tres~ dnd lilldlllg I'> good IWII ~ fOI Dan White led the Grosse Pointe North and South take a good hard look dt ChOUl[dtP ImPI" )OU dont jazz bands in the opening concert of the Bon Sec- your dIet IIdnt to gl't t,IIIIPd ,1\ld\ ours Cottage Health Services Music on the Plaza It's well known thdt our modeldtIOn I'>ke\ series on Thursday, June 5. The jazz series, also t>~.t dpff'n.p ,. , (hpt 1m, ,n ()nw GTOClqePointe News, continues saturated fats but dCUlrd- e~,>entlal (ompolll'nh to dnl with performances by the George Benson Quartet Ing to the Amencan Heart hedlthy dIet ,md (an be on Thursday, June 12, and Rhythm Society on ASSOCIatIOn, IncorporatIng found m dhund,!DcP l!l fi.,h Thursday. June 19. The free performances are certam foods mto yOUl dIet '>ueh a", "dlmon, tund mdck- held in the Village at St. Clair and Kercheval and can dramatIcally Impro\e ell>l alld hpl nng They md\ begin at 7 p.m. For more information, call (313) your cardlOva»cular hedlth lower thl' n"k of dbnormdl 886-7474 or visit too heart I hythm" dlld Ieduce Although nuts hd\e the whe'>lOn of blood (ell" earned a bad reputatIOn which Illdkh them Ie"" IIke- because of theIr hIgh fat con- I) to fOJm c10b dnd blotk tent, It turns out the) 'I e artene" Omega-3'> ...eem to actually loaded WIth heart- be parhculdrJy beneficldl to fnendly mono~aturated and people alrrddy at nsk for Hepatitis C is not a death sentence polysaturated fat and low m heart dl.,ea»e and tho~e II ho hd\(' expenenced a heart the unhealthy saturated Q. My husband tested after 30 years of playmg plates and gld;;se" aJ e not phlpt an"" PI" nHht que'> attack In a I('cpnt "tudy of kInd. Accordmg to the PObltlve for hepatItis C ThIS host to the ViruS, the major- vehIcles of tl anbml"~IOIl t,on'> peoph' hdve dbout hedrt attdck sun Ivor~, Amencan Heart As"oclatlOn WdS a shock to both of us He Ity are alive and actIve The Nor are such thmg;; a~ tOIl- hl'pdtlh" A Band C IIlfp(- those II ho COll~un1ed a dIet people whose dIets are hIgh I" not SIck and can never dIagnOSIs IS not a death "en- els dnd washcloth" lIOn~ Hl'ddp!" lall [('len e d hIgh In omega-.3 fatlv dCld" In these types of fats have remember haVing any lIver tence In some patients, COP\ b\ \I ntlllg III from fi~h had a slgmficantly The cornbmatlOlI of mter- lower levels of bad choles- mfectwn All hIS othl'r lIver however, lIver cancer turns [)onOhl1l' - No 503W PO lowel r1"k of a second heart feron and nbavlnn I" a fall- terol tebts dre normal What are up Box 5,36475 Orl'lJIdo FL attack AIm for at least two Jy effectJve treatment II/wn Accordmg to a recent the ImplIcatIOns of thIS? Is It .32H:J.3-6!iS Ellllo'>l' d check servmgb of fi~h a \\ epk or A small percentage of and If treatnH'nt beloll1r~ Harvard Nursl's' Health a death sentence? WIll I OJ money ordpl r no Cd"h) fOl talk to your doctor about wIves of mfected men come nf'ce»sary Study, whIch InvestIgates catch It? How about our chIl- $4,')0 I\lth thp reclplPnt., takwg fish OJ] supplements down WIth thl' InfectIOn nsk factors for major chron- dren' YOU! hu"b'llld "hould not pI Jilted I1,t all ont(, from oatmeal dally (QuId theIr nsk of heart dIsease by lIvers Of that number, the should not "hare any objrct PH'\PlltlOll of thm.l' mfee- greatly reducl' the nsk of 101m 01 (I! (IIlahll' hedllil about 30 percent One VIruS 11'111lIve II1 the lIvers of that mIght be contammatl'd tlOn~ I" p~"entldl to 1ll,lIn heal t dIsease, so try to pdck 1Il/1,left/'" al PO H(n caveat nuts are hIgh m calo- 85 percent for theIr entIre WIth blood Razors are .In taming h\er hedlth In a punch at breakfast ,)'](,.J 75, (h!all£!o FL .12R5] nes, so If you're watchIng ll\es In the other 15 per- example SlIverll al e. cup". The lIell hppatItl'> p your weIght, beware cl'nl, It WIll go away Most that haying a glabs of alco- Eat chocolate gUIlt-free mfected people do 110t know hol at least thlee ddl'S d ThIS gUIlty pleasure Cdn thel .Ire mfected Thev have week could lower yom n~k Grandchild-proof your home actually work wonder, for no '"ymptoms nOlI, n~r dId of heart attdck by 0ie-thlrd your heart Rese8lcher~ at they hall' any symptoms SClentlstb "peculate It'S No one ,",ants d VISIt from the UniversIty of CahfO! ma \\ hen thel were first mfect- "ecure dre""er" to \\ ,dl~ and pib/m DaVIS found that thocolatl' beUlu~e like chocolate ,lIeo- hIS or hel grandchddrl'll kl'ep dra II er~ c/o"ed "In( P ed A chdllce blood test • In the kItchen, U"(' contalOs fldvmOIds, \I' hlth hol kl'ep, thl' blood thm Interrupted WIth unnete,,- th(>1 can topple If a (hlld Ie\ edls thl' mfet tlOn (htldprooflatche" on,]l1 c.Ih are chemIcal, that thm thl' pre\ l'ntlllg doh Dnnk ~e\- sary Injurle» (11mb" mto one and Ill"tdll ,I Thdt I", the do,",nSlde of met dOO1" blood and help pre\ ent clot- er,Il gld""e" of Wll1e or bel'l Home lI1JUrles resulted II1 ('drbon-monoxlde deteltor hepatlth C InfectIOn The LOlk up pOI'>onou" dedn- tmg Cocoa dlso contalll~ m a II pek but don t drlllk the deaths of more than up,>ldt' I" thdt only one m • In the hath, ne\er led\e er" ,lI1d OtlWI ddngerou'> antIOxIdants that help ~td\ e hed\lh 2,000 chIldren ages 14 and e\ en Ii\ e mfected people d baby dlone III thp bdthtub under m 2000, accordmg to Itpm;; "uth ,I,>gld~,e., platE:''' dl'\ p]op" 11\ er CIrrhosIs And place a rubber nMt 01 non- the NatIOnal Safe KIds dnd "I)vPT\ldre tIll' development of CirrhOSIS skId strIpS on the tub floor. Camp8lgn Make 'Ull' that wrd", tdkes 20 yeals, a most pro- and put a nonskId rug or glass ,lOd sharp obj{'ct" ,11'1' _",WOKSI t 1 dcted course Even when a mat on the floor next to the kept away from the edge" of Nearly two-thirds of VISIts tub Don't rely on bath nngs (hagnosls of CIrrhOSIS has to the emergency room by counters and tables Use C~\.\. :n~-~~2-~5()() hl'en made, 80 percent hve to keep your baby atloat. your stove's t>ack. burne~~ chIldren under 3 are from yoU! child C,ln go undpf\1 a- and turn all pot handlelF'~ To reserve DIsplay AdvertISing space by 2pm Frrdoy lur 10 01 more years So household IOjunes such as ter If he or .,he "lIp" towal d the b,llk chokmg or pOisomng • In th(. fdnllh room or Lock up all ccllllnct,>. dp!l, ~PtUll' hooked~p, WIth Make your home safer b) razors, bCI~~Oj''', tOllpt Ill''> \Iallilldckl>h tll' up \llI1dow Identlfy;ng hawrds that and applldnce" lbp chIld- blInd 'llld drdpel, eOi d." could harm your grandchIl- G I V E 5 proof cap" on m{'dlcm('" If hIde l'!p(tnt,d \llre" behmd dren ~tbe posslhle Set water templ'1 ,1- fUImturp, ehnlln,lte extl'l1- Children's Tent • In the bedroom, keep ture on the water heat{'j' to ~Ion (()rd" and CO\pr unu~ed beds away from wmdows 120 degree;; FahrenheIt To outlcl'> 1\Ith tlght-fittmg aVOId scaldmg, te~t bath and curtams to prevent ldp" strangulatIon and falls, water WIth your wn'>t 01 New tax scams continue to surface

Although the federal tax "Tax season may be over but Trr,lsury In''ppctor General fihng season ended on AprIl tax scams contmue for Tax Admml'tl atlOn 15, the Internal Revenue "These types of »hamelE'ss ITIGTAI, \\hlch I", autho- ServIce contmues to see new schemes hold out the dllure rl7ed to Ill\estigatc' the IllIS. tax scams Two new of easy money The IRS use of the IRS name, schemes target famlhes of warns taxpayers to be on the 1ll"lgIHd, ,eal~ and wmbols those servIng III the armed lookout for the,l' scheme" Taxpayers who are on the forces and e-maIl users In And we urge taxpayers to reten mg end of one of the~e both schemes, people repre- remember that the IRS doc" "cam., bhould contact TIGTA sent themselves as bemg not chllrge for refundb or b\ callIng the toll-free fraud from the IRS sohclt credIt cdrd lIIforma- refel ral hot]me at (800 I 366- The IRS has seen Isolated tlOn ~ 4484, faxlIlg a complamt to mstances of the scam that In anothel scheme, VIC- (202) 927.7018 or wrItmg to targets the famIlIes of those tim» rl'celve an c-mall that thp TIGTA HotllOl' at PO servmg m the armed forces appears to be from the IRS Box 589, Ben Frankhn Sarah Wreford, IRS The e-maIl con tams links to St,ltlOn. Wa,hmgton. DC MIchIgan spokesper~on, a non-IRS Web page that 20044.0589 TIGTA's Web warns consumers to beware a~k:, for per<;onal and finan- sIte IS ,It ustreas go\/tlgta of any vanatlOn of a scenarIO CIal mformatlOn Such The~e are hardly the first m whIch a telephone caller mformatlOn could be u"ed to bcams mvolvmg Imperson- POSIng a~ an IRS employee steal the respondent's Iden- atIOn of dn IRS employee or tells a famIly member that tity and get acce"s to sensI- ml,u,e of thp IRS name In he I~ entItled to a $4,000 tIve financIal data or the past, ,cammers have refund becau~e hIS relatIve account~ Impersonatpd IRS agents by IS m the armed forces The fdentlty thIeves ('.In use gOlllg to tdxpayers' houses to caller thl'n requests a credIt ,omeone'" personal data to "collect taxe» ~ Genume card number to cover a $42 • Take over hl~ or her IRS speCial ,Igent~, field fee for po~tage financl8l accounts. auditor", dnd collectIOn offi. I The <;cammer provldE'~ an • run up chargeb on the cer, cal ry pIcture IdentIfica- actual IRS toll-frE'e number victim'" eXlstmg credIt tIOn and will normally try to lJ: as the call back number III card~, contact the taxpayer before ordE'r to makE' the call ~eem • apply for loall~, C!pdlt they VI»lt legItimate Ho\\ever, the (,drd" ~ervlcP" or henefit., III ~eammer thl'n makes the vlctlm'~ nanw or In another ~cam, the ART SHOW numl'rou~ unauthOrized • file fraudulent tax ,cheme promoter, "ent out purcha~e~ WIth the vIctIm"> return~ lictlt IOU~ hanJr correspon- ('redlt card number dpl1CP and phony IRS forms "GenUInE' IRS employees The IRS doe~ not fl'qur,t III ,In attempt to trick the WashihCJton Avenue • Downtown Royal Oak who call taxpayer" do not "pn~Jt,ve per'onnl or fin,1Il- rr(')pIE'nt~ mto d'''C]OSlllg a~k for crl'dlt card numbpr, cIa] ddta hy r-mall thE'lr per~onal and hankmg June 14-15. 2003 or reque~t fee<; for paymrnt Roth of thp,p ,chpT!lr" arp data The ~cheme promoters of a refund" "aId Wrpford hemg rE'vlewpd hv thr then u"ed the IIlformatlOn to Saturday 10 - 7 • Sunday 11- 5 Imper~onatr the tflxpayer dnd galll acce,<; to the tax- pdyer'<; finance, ~ ~.~Cltf1lrfl II' -'aWe« wwI ONE OF THESE GpllU1I1e IRS form<; do not CAN CHANGE ask for '\E'nsltlVl' per ...onal A THOUSAND LIVES and finanCIal data except III SUPPORT MFDlC A'- RI-...'TARCH VE'ry speCIal cIrcumstances

• ••••••• _.d_IIII$~}~: _ :r----a--~------

38 June 12, 2003 Communit Grosse Pointe News r

where they played on Stelma, ba~slst Paul Bands_------the shows Saturday, June 7 a lot of nOIsem the Grosse Dehem, drummer Rob "I've been plallng With "We're Just lovers of "I would descnbe us as From page 18 Pomtes and m the state IS Emanuel of the Teen Angels very Ramone-hke, we have Orlando to Los Angeles bands smce high bchool, mUSIC,and we make every Bump and keyboardlst Joe AnlllJO a punk, bluesy feel and miX "The whole Ided wa~ the and I al"o plrlyed With a show the best we can make couple of band" m college, Fans throughout Stelma produced and co- III lOamI'c1af>sICrock," bald coolest part bemg tl edted Michigan have flocked to Its It," Sterr ~ald arranged the album With "0 It\ been.l glowmg expe- Bump IS managed by J C Max Schmidt, ~lllger and like kmgs and queen~ anu "howb to hear an eclectic Dehem and It was recorded flymg lrom town to town I nence' he ",llU Tlbbettb and the Web ~Ite IS gUitarist "We Just miX Sh,l\\ pptL'l gl,Hludted miX of rock, funk and ~oul I1l Eastpomte at The Golden them all together mto our Just don't let It go to nn The members are no www bumpgroove com fl om GI 0'''1' P01Htt'South SectIOn and The DISCstu- hedd," he bdlU btr,mgerb to each other or While therE', you can find own sound" ,111Ulu"t gtdUll,lted h om tour dates, news and ~ong" dIOS Schmidt attend>; South Shawpetci ",lIUthat one lndlolll<'l 'nl\ PI"It\ playmg m bandb "Emanuel Ib a great guy, along With bab~lbtJ"l11ger 'We'le ,Ill from Gro~se to download and Stelma IStoo talented," of the hlghhghh \\ <1" pLn- Blo()llllllhrton Mlck Ba;,sett and gUltanst Pomte We weren't really • mg on Sunbet Boull'v,l] U, 111 Hp ",nd hI' wl'nt ~olo ,dter When people thlllk of Thibault f>ald "Paul Nick Dufour Drummer happy With the band~ we beheved m thiS proJect, he Lo~Angeles, Jnd meetmg hh I,t"t b'lI1d, Kll kwood Chuck Thibault, the fir;,t Anthony Kanakn I~ the \\ prl' ongmally 11\,' said won't take anythmg from cplE'bntles I""hp up ,me! 1" CUI I (.ntly thought that usually comes lone North student leau blllgLl Yvl b KCr:I<;lnt!'- ,""vi J,. " "We ended up \\ Ith Dan \\ 01 kmg on ,I pi OJ(,( t HI' to mllld ISthat he Ib the Ill" Dulour ~dlU dlL Dcllf"( po<; "Then we Just got together Three songs on the 11- Aykroyd uackbtage I dl"o up"ulhp" hI" tllll"l( ,1" have been together for ,l11dIt all worked out" owner of the Village Shoe saw Bnttany Murph\, "he\ pl,llHhl1tPlll,lt!Vp IOlk ' song compl!ahon receIVed about a year or t\\O KeraslOtlb Said the band Inn awards from Billboard gorgeoub I e\en "a\\ Kf'\lf1 I I pUll d('d ; band also openeu gpttmg ,l (kmo together, he five years I1l vanOUb other mUblCa~ "a groove oriented IS al~o a dedicated smger up for Brian Sl'tzer dt thf' ",lid !\1U;.I(I" my way of track was a wmner, along bands," Schmidt saId rock With melody and pow- and ~ongwnter With "Faith" and "No....That Volkswagl'n party m \ Plltll1g III up\dtl\lg I don't He says every nIght after "We perform mo"tlj ongt- erful grooves" Phol'nIX Upl1\ If I h,t\ I' pal\l or JOY, I he come;, home from work, We're Alone" nal matenal. we kl1ld of KeraslOtl~ IS a Grosse "WeJust filled out the Another ~top mcluded thl' \\ Iltp dbout It and hlb four children go to wnte love songs like the Pomte North High School forms for Billboard, made Beal Street Festival In Sh,l\\ petl'r \I III move to bed, he goe~ down to hiS early Beatles, they're sim- and Michigan State the songs and surprise, sur- Memphis, TE'nn "The fe"tl- Long Br,l(h Cahf, thlb basement to wnte ~ongs ple, melodIC, and we try to UIHver~lty gradudte, along prise," Thibault said val wa~ two mlleb long "ummp! to 1\00k ,1" a <;0.11. and construct melodies make them not too cheesy,~ With gUItarist Chns Sterr Three songs on the album down the ;'vi1""IS;,lpplRIVer mg lIl"tlllCtOl HI' tEne Novak and Boy" tells of his son Jack lookmg the rIVer \\ ,1~ moul'"t 10'nil 10110\,11114 ,md MUSIChas been Thibault's band gets tog'ethel three or drummer Chnt Carpenter "I also wrote a song for great," hE'b,ud hope they "up port me bOI hobby ever Sll1cehe was a four times a week to wnte share the same birthday on my son Charhe, but he did- ThE'rE'were abo "ome r,lll make ,1 11\ Il1g dOIng kid He taught himself to March 22, 1979 They both n't want It on the album," and rehearse drawbacks to life on the thl", I ,1].,0 hopp to be play guitar and also once "We're recordmg With graduated from Groftse he said "When Laura hs- road "You spend d ton of plchpd up b) ,I Iduel and owned a studIO m east DiverSity Record" thiS sum- Pomte South High School tens to her song for the time With people and then e\ entll,dh Iw Oil my own mer, and we Will be Signed and also played together m Warren there's the .,tre"<;of lhlng label h(' ,-,wI "I grew up recordmg peo- 1,OOOthtime It Just dnves Gl.'Orgtdm the band, Melt to the label next month," and the <;ho\\"an' "pread 1"01 nllll P lllfOl mat 1011on ple and mU&lCa~ well as me nuts ~ 'We've been playmg Thibault ongtnally was to Schmidt ~ald out acro"" thl' countrv ' hI' Sh,l\\ pl'tPI go to \\ \\ \\ brad- playmg barb and dubs," he "We're playmg a lot of together for the last 8 have the album dlstnbuted said hll ("'h<1\\com \\ !l1lpthe! e, said "I remember hvmg III shows 11l metro DetrOIt at year~,' Carpenter sald "We at Harmony House, but the \ou C.lllfind lour note", the back of the studiO and bars and clubs as well as a Shawpeter, who gre\\ up h,we a strong rhythm sec- store c1o"ed hnl" ,111Umlllh mOf(' all the overflowmg ash 11l m Grosse POInte P,trk ",llU tion and It'S a lot of fun" He IS currently workmg couple big shows July • and August," Dufour said musIC hab been \\ Ith hllll ,Ill "I've known Clint for 15 trays ~ to get a distributIOn deal for One gl oup th,tt I" makmg But Thibault eventually hiS !tfe years I've been m every "Into The Sun" and IS plan- "We might play the grew tired and deCided to Emerald Theatre and Cobo band he's been m, he's been mng to return to the studIO gtve up musIC altogether for Hall as part of a feshval " my only drummer," Novak agam thiS summer, puttmg a period of time "I had Just The Dollfaces are man- out a few ads and pOSSIbly ;,ald heard too much of It, and I aged by Metro Area MUSIC Keyboardlst Patrick playmg a few gIgs Engagements wanted to re>;tand take a AsSOCIatIOn(M A M A I Bhzmbkl graduated from He owns the Village Shoe break," he said ProductIOns Inn store Il1 Eastpomte on ------""'ortman of Gro;,"\.' POInte Harper Woods Notre Dame However, hiS passIOn for The band's offiCial Web - F'll m" A ,JulY \\eddmg IS High School and Michigan Kelly between 8 and 9 Mile mUSICreturned years later Rd The store IS also located site IS thedollfaces com plannrd State Umverslty when he wrote a song for There you can find bIOgra- m Fannmgton and COI[('a earned a Bachl'lor The band rehearses once hiS Wife,Kathleen phIes, Video, lyncs, contact Rochester HIlls of Art" degree m ldw from a week and wntes songs "I wrote a song for my mfonnatJon and a great the Law School of Federal together They are currently For more mformatlOn on Wife's birthday and her deal more Umverslty of workmg on an album and response Just reany got Thibault, go to Paralba!Brazli She IS a stu- demo tracks me," Thlbault sald "I lust newmuslc clearchannel com • dent at Wayne State "Our ulhmate goal ISto IantlstJcharleb thlbault went from there" If the;,e four artJ~h arl' UllIvers1ty Law School, play the U S and Europe as HIS Wifeand four ch1l- where she 1;' worklng on a much as pOSSible," • any lndlcatlon It" gOlllgto dren are the mspuatlon for be one hot summer for rnabter's degree 1n corporate KeraslOtls saId "We want to lus debut album, "In The If you are loolung for a and finance law be mteract1ve and gIVethe good tIme, look no further mUSIC In the GnlbM' Sun," on RadIOgram Pomtes Nicole Sharrow Wortman earned a crowd whdt they want ~ Records, a compIlatIOn of than the Dollfaces _d J_uWooci Bachelor of Arts degree In Bump has played In mtrospectJve, personal Conslstmg of three Whpther It" punk rock, bUSiness adm1n1stratlOn ChIcago, IndIana, Omo and matenal Grosse Pomte South High funk, alterndt1\ e, or ea<;y from Western Michigan Martha's Vineyard In "I would say my musIc IS School students and one hstenlllg, there I" bome- UnIVerSIty and an MSA In Massachusetts Grosse Pomte North High thing out there for an) Sharrow- InternatIOnal busmess from The band kIcked off Its a soft-rock alternative my Central MichIgan summer tour WIth a two- mfluences are Kenny' School student, thiS punk lover of mUblC Wood Umver<;lty mght stand In the Sohar LoggIns, Todd Rundgren rock band IS bnngmg the And whether drtlf>ts arl' and the BeatIes," he Said "I nOise to DetrOIt thIS sum- mdkmg their prebl'nCe Robert and Pamela HI' I~ a flight In~tructor Room at Smdbad's WIth American Flyers Restaurant and WIllbe talk about my WIfeand kids mer known Just In DetrOit or on Sharrow of Grosse Pomte and thmgs hke breakmg up All of the members are at the natIOnal "tage, the Park have announced the Unlver<;lt\ and vice preSI- tounng throughout the dt'nt and chlCf operatmg state thiS summer Bump and how short hfe can be " least 16, but they are Gro,,~e Pomtes are a breed- engagement of their daugh- Jommg Thibault on the already veterans of venues lllg gTound for mUSICaltal. ter, Nicole Sharrow, to ,Jason offiCI'I of DetrOIt Rddldnt encourages fans to record album ISguitarist Tim such d;, St Andre\\ ';, Hdll ('nt Wood, son of Heather and Prodm t" (',) Its musIc when commg to Tony Wood of North Vancouver, Candda An Augu;,t \\eddmg I" pl,mned Sharrow 1<;a .,tudl'nt at Capllano College, maJonng m commumcatlOn" Wood IS albo a <;tudent at Capilano Collegp, maJonng m psycholog) Correa- Wortman Hugo Band M,ma Pmhelro Correa of Brazil have announced thl' engdgp- ment of their d,lUghter Karla Swelen Correa, to Joseph Albert Wortman, "on Karla Swelen Correa and of Joseph B and Roseman Joseph Albert Wortman

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June 12, 2003 48 Weddings Grosse Pointe News BrIdesmaids were the The mother of the bnde bnde's SIster, Colleen Kenna wore a cream-colored SIlk Hooper- of Royal Oak, Sherry Keros dress and eamed a bouquet of Wyandotte; Damelle of whIte and maroon calla Hltchm of San Diego, and Kesteloot lilIeS Knsten FIldey of Lansmg The groom's mother wore Attendants wore penwm- Patflcla Ann Hooper, a pastel blue two pIece dress kle floral pnnt dresses and daughter of Janet Hooper of WIth an A-line skirt She Harper Woods, marfled earned bouquets of white earned a bouquet of white and lavender roses Andrew ,John Kesteloot, son and maroon calla lilies The best men were John of Tma Kesteloot of Gros~e Readers were KImberly Gamrat and the groom's POinte Woods and Arthur Allegnna and BIll Perry brother, Chns Keros, both of Kesteloot of Gro"se Pomte The bride attended Wayne the City of Grosse Pomte Park, on May 10, 2003, dt State Umverslty, where she St Paul Catholic Church studIed fashIOn deSIgn She Groomsmen were the t groom's blather, TravIs IlIt: Rt:Y Rvbu \leCabe I" d I et,ul mcrch:mdlser Mr. and Mrs. Ale:a:ander and Deacon RIchard ShubIk The groom IS a radIO per- Daniel Keros Gdvdla of the City of Grobbe offiCiated at the 2 30 p m Pomte and Mike Geer of sonahty and the radIO on June 7, at Addison Oaks, ceremony, whIch was fol- pregame host for the LIOns Bowhng Green, OhIO lowed by a receptIOn at Leonard Reader was Knssy Scholl Mr. and Mrs. Damon The Rev Gerald O'Grady Mr. and Mrs. Jesse BayvIew Yacht Club MUSICwas by ClaSSICTouch offiCiated at the 11'30 a ill John Jarvis The bnde wore a cream- Wingfield Perry Kenna- Stnng Ensemble colored sllk gown and a sIm- ceremony, whIch was fol- The bnde earned a bache- Peterborough, N H , on June lowed by a receptIOn at ple veIl decorated WIth bead 7, 2003, at the Henry Ford lor's degree from the work Keros Addison Oaks UnIVersIty of MIchigan Estate FaIr Lane The bnde wore a whIte Ward- The maIds of honor were The Rev Karen Boland CarolIne Leigh Kenna, The groom earned a MIchelle Mane Marks and daughter of Jamce Kenna of organza and satm A-lIne Bachelor of SCience degree offiCiated at the 5 30 p m gown and carned a bouquet Laune Lynn Marks ceremony, which was fol- Royal Oak, marfled from the Umverslty of of whIte and lavender roses Jarvis Bndesmalds were Jenee lowed by a receptIOn at Fair Alexander Damel Keros, son MIchIgan Daly, Birgit CarmIchael, of Damel and PatrICIa Keros The maid of honor was The couple traveled to St Joyce Ann Ward of Harper Lane Katherme MIller of Susan Lesha, TIffany Tracy, of Grosse Pomte Park and CrOIX They lIve III Woods, daughter of The brIde wore a strapless Laura Kovacek, Katharme ElIsabeth Keros of Detroit, Bloomfield HIlls Rochester Hills La'" rence H MIlke and A-lIne gown that featured a Kovacek and Stacey MIller Joyce A Milke of Shelby sIlk organza overlay and a The flower gIrls were To\\ nshlp, marrIed Je~se sweep tram She camed a Alyssa Mane Hooper and Lutheran churches combine mid-week services John JarviS, son of John and bouquet of hand-tied Ashley Mane Hooper Cyndle JarVIS of Grosse maroon minI calla lIlIes Salem Lutheran Church The two JOInt services for 21230 Moross m DetrOIt Attendants wore mIdlllght The matron of honor was POinte Park, on May 9, m DetrOIt and St Paul June (June 18 and 25) wIll blue dresses and carrIed the brIde's Sister, Paula 2003, In Montego Bay, Lutheran Church m Grosse be held at St Paul Lutheran Pastors of the two congre- bouquets of white roses Lynch of HIghland Pomte Farms are partlClpat- Church, 375 Lothrop, gatIOns, the Rev Fred Jamaica The best men were broth- The brIdesmaId was the The bnde 1<; a loan officer mg 111 a Jomt venture for Grosse Pomte Fanns For Harms, the Rev Morsal ers of the bnde and groom, brIde's SIster, MIchaelene The groom I'i a loek~mlth mid-week worshIp begm- the five Wednesdays In July CollIer and the Rev Beth L George Hooper III and AllegrIna of Mount mng on Wednesday, June services will be held at Johnson, wIll take turns Arthur Camlel Kesteloot Jr Clemens 18 Salem Lutheran Church, preachmg Groomsmen were Mark The flower gIrl was Naomi Roland, Dan K1aasen, John Perry of West Hartford. Trost V, Karl Trost, Brad Conn Damels, Fredrick Turner, Attendants wore wme-col- ~~~r==~==~~=~~~~~~=~======~~~~I- DaVId Kovacek and Terry ored satm dres~es WIth \--Jl A ,--1 MIller bateau necklInes and car- iii l nnounce your The nng bearer was ned bouquets of whIte mml ii ~ Steven Allen Lesha Jr calla lilIes gr~:~'sbe::oth:rn ~~~n~~~ wedding or engagement Allegrina- Perry oj West Hartford, Conn Perry Groomsman was I'n the Wolfgang Bodlson of Los Jenmfer Rose Allegnna of Angeles Ushers were EddIe Harper Woods, daughter of Robert and PatriCIa Lynch and Joey Lynch of G ~ · N AlIegrma of Chnton Highland, and the groom's r.~s" r\)ntf' ~WS half brother, NeIlson Perry V;' '" TownshIp, marned Damon \.1 ~ '" Wingfield Perry. <;on of PerryThe rmgof Westbearer Hartford,was Ell ~I--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~ Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Peggy Helm of Lynchburg, Conn John Kesteloot Va and BIll Perry of St

~ 51. M1CH.,El:5 EP15COP.,l \J/ CHURCH 20475 Sunningda/e Park near tochmoor Club GroS!>ePomte Wood~

~unda\ , m 1m Hoh ~u,hJn'l Iii I' J 111 (hur,h ',h"'i W 0 R S HIP SE RV I'C ES III 'Ii I III Ch, rJI h,hJf"1 Christ the King I\ur lr\ \\ ulJolt'1 Lutheran Church St. James t~ GRACE UNITED Molc\.. Jl Lochmoor Lutheran Church : ~ / CHURCH OF CHRIST 884-')090 170 McMillan Rd near Kercheval - -/ Grosse POinte Farms. 884-0511 117~ LJlepOlnle at l\CrchCldl ~ lunddl '>chool CHURCH Rc\ Barton L Beebe AWlLlate pastor ,me!\ur'L[\ .,.,. ROOeJ1Fo,ler Mu"c Coordinator Ambrose Christ Centered and Carlllg - Commutl'clto lOUlh (Ind ( ommlllllt) fHl R~f}\Y AffiLIATED WITH THE UCC AND ABC " ,""Tit." PariSh Sunday Worship - II :00 '\\1: I c III r 11 H"lI Communion 240 CHALFONTE AT lOTHROP _0!ilIl ~'. iOac~~ Sunday School - 9:45 AM fur \g .. 2 - Adult \(lInnet, 0" lion Plo~a allhi' Tunnel 884-3075 Ini ",cllrt'(IParJ,.In1<.ford(JaraKf ;.Q~rr;i /111.' lit Hood~ald & Jtfftl'\orr "Here Am I" ~.I~~ IaI MIddle School Youth meet lhdne~d{J) ~at 6'80 fl m. I hl Rl \ R"h.lrd \\ [ngall" Redor St, Paul Ev. Lutheran CtIurch Saturday Vigil Mass Senwr High Youth meet Thunda) ~ at 7-00 p m 1000 A M FAMILY WORSHIP I hl Re\ Rldl~rd \\ InRan~. Jr. 375 Lothl'09 at ChlI"onte at 4:00 p.m. (CRIB ROOM AVAILABLE) 21336 Mark <\,,'nue Gro __l' Pomk Wood., \",'Idnl 1o Ihe Rector 88106670 Sunday Masses 1000 A M CHURCH SCHOOL I"nnelh I "'''~tman 900 & 11 15 a m Worship at 8:.30 l!t 11: 15 a.m. Phone' (313) 881-3343 Wl'h I'a!tl' ~.gpbl',or~ llr~~n"t ~nd { hOlrma~ter Rev E A Bra~ Po,lor 10 10 a m Education tor All IW\ Scott Da\\s Assoc P.'tor JB-259-2206 .. Nu~ry Available St Ambrose Roman Catholic Church m.'n ner" hllrchofdet rOlt.oq: U ww gpunIted org '5020 Hampton Grosse POlnle Parl< THE GROSSEPOINTE MEMORIAL CHURCH ~ Rev Fr!deIIcll Harms Pastor Clfle bloc!< north o! Jefferson al Maryiard Rev Mor1aI COllier, Msoc Pastor EstablIShed 1865 The Presbyterian Chulth (U.S A) St. John's ~ '\':t Grosse Pointe "We Live Our Faith" We Welcome You In Worship, Service, Fellowship Episcopal Church ''1( ~, '1~ WOODS Woodward Avenue and 1 75 (exit SO) REv. WILLIAM C. YEAGER. preaching NEXT TO COMERICA PARK rltJ PRESBYTERIAN 886.4301 "Searchingfor God" ., j Church WWW stlOhnsdetroll org 8 30 a m Lake~lde Wo~hlp ServIce (313) 962 7358 19950 Mack (between Moross & Vernier) 1000 a m - Wo~hlp Service In Sanctuolry Beginnmg June 15th 8 15 a m - II 15 a m CnbrroddJer Care 1 Sunday, June 15 \ 2003 10:00 a.m. Sunday Worship 4 00 P m ServIce for Wholene,,'\ Trinity Sunday A llTEPHFN \tINI'ITRV and t ()(.O~ (OftRregalion .. Nursery 9:30 a.m. to 11:30a.m. IIi Lakeshore Drhe. (;rosse Pointe firms' lI8Z-SU6 7:30 a,m. - Mornmg Prayer, 8:00 a.m. Holy Commumon ME-mall gpwpchurch@aol com • Web sIte wwwgpwpc org wwwQlmchurchcom 10:00 a.m. Choral Holy Communion Jefferson fllvenue Christ Church Grosse Pointe nd (Episcopal) Sunday - June 22 , 2003 Pres6yterian Cfiurch !>uJ.m to tt"n (' t hrr<;{ rn rhr mldfit () Ihf' ( I'" Corpus Christi Sunday Sunday, June 15. 2003 SATURDAY. June 14th 7:30 a,m. - Mornmg Prayer, 8:00 a.m - Holy Communlon 10:30 lI.m. Worship Service 5:30 p.m •• Holy EucharIst Rite II 10:00 a.m, - Felitive Hol~ Communion 'WIthFull ChOIr Music Sunday SUNDA Y, June 15th <;;enICC ~cllmg - Pale~tnna'~ MlHa AClcrna Chmtl MunelG "F •• tlval of Hymn.- 8:00 and 10: 15 a.m•• Holy EucharIst Rite II RedcdlcJtlon of our re~lored Chapel Bell from 1859 Chancel ChOir and Instrumentalists Church Ca,a Crib - 2nd Grade Reception to follow the 10: 15 a.m. service to 1928 Book of Common Prayer welcome our new as..istant to the Rector Vacation Bible SChool (age. 3-12) The Rev. David D. Dieter Blhhcal Preachmg, TeachlOg & Value~ Monday, June 23 - Friday. June 27

TraditIOnal Liturgy & MU~lc II 30 II m - 12 00 P m The Rev, Bradford G. WhItaker, Rector Proclalmmg Je~u~Chmt a~lordi Call 822-3456 to reglsta, The Rev. Martha E. Wallace. The Rev. Dav,d D. D,eter ,. .... 1.. 8625 E. Jefflll'son et Burns, OIfrol1 61 GrM'Ie POinte Blvd. Gr~.., POinte Farm' """od 313-822-3456 (313) 885.4841 . www chmtchurch .0 11"m" VISit our webSite www la or rI

~ 11 ...-1 F

June 12, 2003 Grosse Pointe News Health 58 Companies suffer, too Forgotten Harvest's new delivery truck By Jeff Jay and Debra Jay SpecIal Writers applaUded by church youth group Dear Jeff and Debra, The fall of New York TImes reporter Jayson Blair By Michael Shelton made me wonder Many people speculated that he SpeCial Writer was dishonest or grandIO!:>eor pathological, but It The Grosse POInte seems to me thdt If he was a cocaIne addIct he Memonal Church youth would be all three Didn't the managers at the group saw months of fund New York TImes understand what they were deal- ralsmg come to frUItIOn Ing with? when Forgotten Harvest - News Watcher unvl:'llpd It" nl:'W dl:'l!vl'rv truck Dear News Watcher, "It was a great project Wl:' We WIsh we had a nickel for every company or really apprecIate the leader- famIly that ratIOnalIzed someone's behavIOr prob- ShIp and work of our youth," lems when addiction wa!:>the culpnt The damage The Rev Tom Rice said that goes on m the name of damage control IS The truck arnved at the Focus HOPE food bank In awful The case DetrOit on Thursday, June 5, Cited above IS not to culminate the "Make It unubual, though Real" fund raIsmg campalgn It grabbed more and to promote NatIOnal headlInes than Hunger Awareness Day most family bUSI- BrIttany WIlson of the nesses do City of Grosse Pomte and You're fight m Morgan Laney of Grosi>e statmg that Pomte Park represented Blair's cocaIne G P Memonal Church at the addictIOn could event along With Rice account for hiS They helped unload food from the truck along With Jeff and Debra Jay IrratIOnal behav- IOr Needless to members of other youth say, addictIOn groups and churches that doesn't excuse hiS actIOns, but addictIOn can partiCipated from explam the dynamiCs that propelled him - and Southfield, Clawson and Britt Wil Photo, By MIchael Shelton the New York Times - mto disaster Blrmmgham Overall, 18 any son and Morgan Lahey help unpack the first load of goods dellv- ered in the new truck at the Focus: HOPE food bank in Detroit. It IS well known that addictIOn IS a famIly diS- groups partICipated "ThiS truck was donated ease, wreakmg ha\oc on mantal relatIOnships, and to us through a challenge Ical for the vulnerable popu- causing chIld neglect and abuse Fmances are grant from the Carl's latIOn," ",he said often rumed, Jobs are frequently lost and sec- FoundatlOn and matched by NatIOnal Hunger ondary problems are seen m other family mem- local children throughout Awareness Day IS led by the bers Wayne, Oakland and hunger rehef orgamz~tlOn OrgamzatlOns suffer from the addictIVe process Macomb who raI5ed the AmerIca's Second Harvest to too The story of Jayson Blair would appear to be'a other half of the money mfaI'm people about the sen- claSSICe"ample While we can't know all the facts needed," said Susan Goodell ousness of domestic hunger, from InSIde the New York TImes newsroom, the executIve dIrector of espeCIally among children story seems famlhar enough Here'", a typIcal sce- Forgotten Harvest Laney's father, Tim, IS the nano Forgotten Harvest IS a preSident of Forgotten The mam character IS a nsmg star or an old food rescue orgamzatIon Harvest's board of directors hand The problem IS cocame or alcohol or another that collects surplus pre- as well as a G P Memonal addIctIve behavlOr The problem breaks to the sur- pared and penshable food Church member face, treatment IS recommended and the problem and dehvers It to emergency "He has two children In IS swept under the rug food prOVIders m the metro the youth group so It was a perfect opportUl'ity to get There IS lIttle or no follow-through and all the DetrOIt area "The people here are made hiS kids mvolved," said Ree pressure IS put on the weakest hnk In the cham up of about 80 percent Taylor, commumty develop- the addIct ment director at Forgotten The Rev. Tom Rice, at the left, Morgan Laney and semor CItizens who have a Brittany Wilson pose together with a portrait of For- So the addictIOn returns WIth a vengeance monthly mcome of $500 or Harvest When compames get m the dnver's seat by "TIm and 1 met With Rev gotten Harvest's new truck. Grosse Pointe Memorial less The free food that they Church helped raise funds fo the truck. demandIng treatment, speclfymg aftercare c'oun- get through thiS program Tom RICe, the youth pastor, sehng and momtonng recovery. the Issue IS almost makes a bIg difference," and he met With the youth group. and they did a lot of an endowment that goes to Both Laney and W,18on always resolved pOSItIvely Goodell saId youth mIDlstry and also to saId they were glad to have The Blrlme compames are a good case In point. "The other 20 percent are neat thmgs," Taylor saId "Our youth group was all receIve a special offenng, partICIpated m the project Pilots who develop a chemIcal dependency problem made up of pnmanly preg- and the elders aU saId yes,~ "My brother told me It was have to go through a ngorous program which nant women and women for helpmg; Bnttany's broth- er, Chns, spoke to our elders RIce SaId a good idea to help other Includes momtonng for several years As a result, With children under the age Goodell Said that the new people," WIlson sald. She a very high percentage of alrlme pIlots who devel- of5; the nutntiOnal contents and asked them for penUlS- swn to receIve a grant from truck can hold about 7,000 attends Brownell MIddle op alcohol or drug problems are able to recover of the fresh foods ISJust cnt- to 8,000 pounds on a load, School Most compames (and familIes) are not that thor- and It WIll mcrease the ough They make the mistake of thInkmg that get- amount of food that the "1 thmk It'S really impor- tmg a person mto some kmd of treatment, no mat- Hip, knee pain seminar orgam.latwn is able to res- tant because It helps save ter how InsubstantIal, IS all they have to do cue on a daily baSIS food, and It helps feed a lot Because the problem IS embarrassmg, they don't is June 19 at St. John "We're really eXCItedto get of people, I lIke It, and I want to he personally Involved, much less take a thiS kmd of capacity on a bIg thInk everybody should take Learn about the causes of nurse practitIOner dnd pro- truck like thiS, ~ Goodell tIme out and help other pea- leadIng role In momtonng comphance and arthntls hIp and knee pam gram director for the St t.ald 'Our normal trucks ple,~ Laney saId She progress and mornmg stiffness at a John Hip and Knee Center can only hold about 2,000 attends PIerce Middle The results of thIS neglect are often ternble Not free semmar sponsored by The HIp and Knee Center pounds per vehIcle ~ School only 1s the addict hkely to come out of remiSSIOn, the Hip and Knee Center at at St John HospItal and but the consequences for those around the addict St John HospItal and Medical Center IS a member can be devastatmg Managers may lose theIr Jobs, Medical Center on of the JomtCare Centers of famlhes may lose theIr homes and chIldren may Thursday, June 19, from 10 AmerIca's nationWide net- lose their parents to 11 a m m the Medical work comprIsed of hospitals Compames WIll not only lose their star reporter EducatIOn BUIldmg, located and orthopedIC surgeons or salesman or executIve, but may also lose a key near the hospital's rear who are dedIcated to excel- , • Invisalign' Invisible Braces chent and damage theIr reputatIOn. entrance lence III the dehvery of total Equally Important, compames can lose that To register or to get more Jomt replacement and relat- • Rembrandt One Hour Whitening • Full Spectrum of Cosmetic Services mternal confidence that IS essentIal to the dally mformatlOn, call (888) 751- ed care • Veneer, operatIOn of the busmess 5465 The hospital ISlocated "The St John HIp and ( III \11\\ 10 DN lt ferent We know what works and although the said HeIdi Kalmowskl. www i>tJohnorg "Too Much Wax" process IS long, It IS almost always successful when GROSSE POINTE AUDIOLOGY everyone follows the dIrectIOns F-or m.ln\ InJl\ Idu.t1... 11... mOTl. oukr ear on a large moml"r By u,mg th In 1'1" I'ull, ,ar, Impadcd "ax Ih" equlpmcnl Dr Le/oue I' able 10 Know Your Skin (,erumt 11ic In ,11", '1U'.ll ';peuah'l m"l"tenle at a "p<1u"eor famIly fflend and the family phy,,\clan to look at the le"\on, or or Audlolol!, ...l The ...c prnlc.."lona1 ... de moo'tral'oo of SIOnal IIlterl'entwllI<;t<; h"" the "deo 010' re"ult\" melanoma ,chedule an appOIntment ",,!h your "", U\l i \ i(/t~t) ot 1C'(.hmquc ... who lwe In Gros<;e Two In three melanoma" are "pOlled by dermatologl"t Inlludln~ "-JlrT lrn£dlmn ...uLllon "'pe " u'ed lall (.RO';';F POINTE POInte Farms Contact patIent" or Ihelr ~pou~e While commendable. To learn more about the IdentificatIOn of or mClh mllJI lurcttt~' '0 rcmo\(' AUDIOLOGY (313) 882-6921 the~e le"lon" are often further along than tho~e "km cancer", mcludlng melanoma, lOntact Ih., un"anleo ear"'a' ,"fely and them at '9794 Mack Avenue ~ a.-tW detected by phY~lclan" A John" HopklO" your dermalologl"t or cal\ u" at !::.a,t"lde wmfon"hl, or through theIr Web AI (rR()~~E: P01'llTF In (Jro"e Pntnle ,tudy, for example, indIcated that phY'IC\an~ Dermatology. Dr L",a A Manl-Dulal and slte<; lOllefirst net and \t I)!O! ()(,Y "e h,lIe d 'peclal 1M~rl;... 11nR~~\h'.make a peNon aglllgandaddlctlOn net were four tIme" more likely to IdentIfy A""Ollate" wlth othcc" 10 Gro""e POinte p,ele 01 equ'pmcnt called a V,de" allied appoml~nl ....,Ih Dr GmeUe melonoma le"lon", le'IOO'i that palIcnt~ did not and New Baillmore You can reach 010\COpe Ih.\ "II" ...., }OU 10 'Ce ),'ur Le/oue even "u~peCl. while they were thinner WIth a them at n n) 884-1180 '.XTWU" ADY£RTlSEMENT -tv June 12, 2003 68 CommunI lli Gray Panthers are still fighting

It's been years slOce I Connolly, formerly of heard of the GrdY senior Scene Gros>.e P(nnte 'lOd no", Panther", ,In 01 gdlllzatlOn hVIng In Naples, Fla , I>tarted by Mueq your I~,dlet 01 pUI'>e, tOSb I dbbUnll'd that \llth thl' It d" far "lble dnd run 1Ike mdd Kuhn In 1995, the organl- Ruth In the 0pp0'ilte directIOn tdlUlII hdU ""l1lJi) I"J,"J It', 1 "1'" t,,,t thp lohhpr away I Wd'>dehght('d to Cain wlll gu fill the mone~ glv- hear that the org,lnll,ltlOn IIlg yOU "ome t 1Jl1(' to get Wab .lway reOJg,lnllpd In 1997 wmnllHlllg fdr Ie.,., egre- When you return to and IS btill fightlOg thl' gluch your car after domg good fi,;ht a" Xerox AlthurAndpl;,en err,md", lock the door; the It haq "on1(' 10 000 dnd )),\ nergy "econd you get mto the actlVl,>t membl'rs n redlly car Women, particularly, ally, WIth two group" 10 ral'>ed the lie 01 the dlay MIchIgan one 1TI Ann have ,I tendency to "It 111 Pdnther'> I" Ihdt Ihe fpder- Arbor dnd the othpl 10 the the car mdkIng hbts, dl government hdb a\1 ard- checkmg on thmgl>, etc met! 0 Det! Olt al ed ed WorJdCom/MCI a LOn- before they turn on the trad to Iebulld the IraqI It" Idtebt cau"e IS one IgmtlOn dnd lock the phone ;'ybtem that all senIOr" should be doOl s A preddtor watch- Woman's Club The Panthel;, have concerned about, since the Ing you could ea"lly get m The Grosse Pointe Woman's Club awarded scholarships for $2.500 each to corpordte ",orld and the JOIned the the pas>.enger >.Ide In two Grosse Pointe students at its annual Scholarship Luncheon on May 21. CommunicatIOns Workera federal government don't tho>.e few minutes and put Recipients are Ashley Coffman of Grosse Pointe South. at the left. and of Amenca NatIOnal seem to be "erIOU'> about a gun to your head Bradley Homuth of Grosse Pointe North. right, Coffman will attend the Uni- ('on"umers League, Labor theIr promIses to clean up Tdke an elevdtor rather versity of Connecticut and Homuth will attend the University of Michigan. Counnl for Latin big busmess plactlceb than the staIrs Pat Wilson. center, is the club's scholarship chairman. Amencan Advdncement, We've all heard about Stdlnvells are I"oldted the NatIOnal Black the fallure of place;, where you can be Chambel of Commerce World('omIMCI follOWing accosted WIthout bemg and other groups In urg- Its fraudulent accountmg ob"erved by others In mg ('ongre<;" to debar the practices that II1flated man) stor~s, however, I company from domg busI- Pride of the Pointes earnmgs by $11 bIllion have found that elevators Ill'I>>.With the fedpral gov- ThiS resulted 111 invest- are often located m out-of- ernment Recpnt gl dduate" of Glo.,,>e POInter Deborah commumty ment losseb exceeding thp way spot", maklllg you The PantJwrb' Thomas CalVIn Colle/.w Includl' Sara Rimbo. .It- says furthel, "The Gray E. Crowe, daughtel of .John >.('nlOl rec('ntly toun'd With • times greater than the uatJOns, take an escalatOl Enron dIsaster WIped out Panthers would like to and IvLll v CIO\H' of GI ()<.,,,e th(' Hope College Chappl rather than an elevator (','ntroll Mlchlgdn also by WoridComIMCI's know hm~ In good con- POinte Womb ,lIIe! Laura J. ChOir Perf 01 mances wel e Llnner",t" >.tudent fraudulent practices was sCience Congl e,,>.can turn ThiS next onl' IS a gl ('at Vander Male, d,llIght PI of gn ('n ID Indiana, We"t Rebecca Coles of thp CltV $4 bJ1l1on In pensIOn fund ItS back on Ib wn- tiP but reqUlrp,> yOU to Mmll E VdndpI 1\1,,11'01 the VII glOld W.lItuent,> - both young have phy"lcal mobdlt~ If elty of GIO"'P POlJ1le N ('\1 ,leI <;ev and Ne\\ York of Gro,'i(' Potnte volunteered country and old - dnd allo'" a predatOl hd>. a gun She I" thl' (I,mghtpr of thp to hl'lp other" dunng the Now undmgOlng bank- WorldCom/MCI to go alw,ly'>!Un SlOce you WIll • Hl'\ Robert ,md Lo!" R"nho "chool" "pnng break More ruptcy proceeding>. With a unpul1lshed be a movmg target, th,m 150 eMU "tudents VIS- reorgal1l7atlOn pldn, the "It IS ouh dgeou<; that chance" for thp preddtOl Jay G. Figurski gJ tldll- • Ill'd V.lllOUb locatIOns 111 the company Intends to begin the federal gO\ ernment to hit you are dbout four dted h om Oniu'l ("mdlddte LTl1Ited States and Romama operatIOn>. agalll has dWa! dE'd m 10 tne,> Even then, a School dt FfJ1t Iknnmg Gd Nichola .. Galac pledgl'd ~h \ 01Unteer" workmg to WorldCom/MCI d contract hit mO>.t hkeh wlll not ,I Phi l\apP" P"I fl dterl1lt) " hl'lp \\ Ith AIDS patIents, As Wdl>the case WIth to lebUlld the Ir,lql phone reach a \ Ita] ~rgan '>econd IH'uten,lI1t 111 1hI' Indiana Epsdon chapter at chul ch mll1lbtne'i, wolld Kmart's bankruptcy and systpm gIVen that they U S AII11\ H(. I' ttll' ,on of V,IIp,lI a 1'>0Unl\ er"lt~ Hl' I'> hunger envlronmpntal pro- reorgal1lzatlOn plan, Don't let svmpdthy get have committed the Debl a L FlgUJ "kl of (~ro",>e mdJonng 111 .11 t 111 the Jecb homeles'>nes'>, Habitat WorldComIMCI sharehold- the better of your LOmmon largest fraud m U S histo- Pomte Wood, ,md BII,m M ('olll'ge of Arts and SClPnces for Hllmal1lty, youth and ers get nothIng sense People who ask for ry" Flgur"kl of Sterhng Helghb and IS the son of Patty poverty I>.sues, alcohol and The Gray Panthers help m gettmg mto cars He earned a bachelor's GroezlI1ger of the CIty of drug abuse programs. low- claim that while The Panthers have also may be fakmg to get you degree from the Umverslty Grosse Pomte and Richard mcome housmg projects and WorldComIMCl paid fed- sent a letter to Secuntles In posltlon to force you of MIchigan Galac of Ponte Vedra Beach, people WIth dlsablhtles and eral taxes on Its vastly and Exchange Into a car Fla cancer She IS the daughter overstated earnings, It has CommIssIon (SEC) It seems that the most of Don and Ann Coles since Tecewed over $300 Chairman WIlham Y Important thing you can ml\hon In tax refunds and Donaldson to reverse the do when In a t1ght Bpot \s Gro'lse P01nte South High IS !>eekmg more money tor 'wrong blgndJ .,ent by for- to ke!'p ~OUI \\ It,> .lbout ,",chool gr ddu,lIl' Amanda PhiIIip M, Hands, 'Oil 01 the taxes It paId on those mer SEC chairman you .lnd figure out the Drozer, d,lUghter of K.lthy K,lI pn Kendnlk-Hand" 'lI1d Daniel G. Olson, son of mf1ated earnmgs Harvey Pitt when the best way to react m thl>. Hampton-DIO/l'1 ,lIId .John L(' Pumter!> RKhard W Moreover, notes Gray company wa" let oft the dangenJUb >.Ituatllm Dr 07PI Iecenth pdl tlclpat- POIl1I(' P,Jrk h 011(' of 15 Ol.,oll ,\Od Deborah G Panthers' spokesman Will hook With no fine ed 111 J),lIIce 29 ., \ Hope \\ ho exhlhltl'd \\ 01 k ,It the L\ on a" pdrt of Dartmouth never paid one penny In 01 i{u('.,tlOn /01 ('(///1 !lei (' Collegl' " d,'p,1I tnwnt of college" Olll\ '\"11 G,d]!'r ~ III College" 1,lIlgu,lge btudy penaltll's, unhkp the he,lY- mal! " dance DIO/,'I h,I" ,d"o hel'n a ,h()\\ d( \olpd to ,tUdlO .lIt olhro,l(1 progl ,1m A deal fllend Mpeky I r 0111 lIy penalized corpordtlOns uthull//@ao! ntudll'e! off ldmpu" trm al'd ,\ B'll hl'lOI of AI t, ,It the N e\\ 'lOrk Art" PIO- d('gl(,(, gram and hd' partlclpdted Among the Grosse 111 vaiIOU, ddl1l(, plodul- !'mnter" who m<1de the Meetings tlOn" Shl' I" ,I nll'mhel of lIPan'; honor list for the fall Someone rOll Loue Call U)c allr J{elp Alph'l Gtlmm,\ Phi "010111) Gt O'i"e POInter l.ara tel m at the llmverslty of Pointer c'> Gros"e Pomte Club Courtney B, Hills, schoob th lOugh the Te,\( h William Turnbull, Jeffrey Lllcn,,~d Pr,\llll Jeffrey Brown, ~on of Stephanie Ritok. Josef NURSiNG UNliMiTEd Gue'it" are welcome For maloJlng III Culll1.ll\< Alb Dr .Jamp" A Blown ,lOd Dr Bogosian, Michael INCORPORATED mOl e InformatIOn or re'>er- S('I vlcr M,lIl.lgenwllt Su.,an T Bnmn of (;ro",,(' Konwiak, John vatlOns, call Sandy at (313) POlntp Farm~, \\ a" named a Koppinger III, Lauren (586) 777-5]00 886-7595 n,lI101 Scholdr ,It Colg<1h> Safran, Maureen Loy, linn er"lt.,. lO recogmtlOll of Andrew Scavone, Shree .,upeflOl cu"" ommrnded the lInpact of ,tre"" on t hr hpart from 10 10 to 11 30 To rpgl..,ter or for more a In Thur<;dav .Julv 10 m IllformatlOn, call (88iH 751- th,' ,Juditonuin dt St .John SH;'i Ho"pltal Moro,,<; at Mdck [)etlOlt 1hI" program Iq part of the St .John ('arrLmk educatIOn D()olp~ will ~hare tlp" for "eflr" Frf'e CareLmk memo managlOg <;tre<;" dnd "Ill hrr<;hlp offer" a speCial link ,t- dl"cu~'i the Importancp of to hf'alt h ,,(>rvICf'''.('ducatlOn BON SEe-OURS PLAC EAT ST (I AIR SHORES qtrp"" managrmpnt "hf'n It and hpn('fit<; for tho"e age 55 AIIoI\_ .. AII .. eol"""ll~ COlllf'qto prf'vrntmg a heart or oldpr 26101 jeffcrson Avenue ,It I.ick or rpcovf'nng from ont' ~t Clair ~horc~, MlLhlg,1I1 !tRORI IIp,llth carp pf0fe""lOnals arf' al'>o avaIlable to commu- (586) 498-4500 Doolev h also a e1mlca1 d'<;I"tant profe,,'>or wlth the mtv group" to addres'> a (!l'partment of psychiatry vancty of health and well- ,md hchavlOral neuro- np"" tOPIC<;for oldpr adults ~JlOn~rflCl hy 1M "'~Ier<; 01 Bon SllCoo,s "rIPnre~, Wayne Statf' Call St .John SemorLmk for "HII aled w th Ron Secours Hea~h Syslem In<; morp informatIOn at (888) Developed and manageo by 0 I,fe Care S.rviCe~ lLC UOIver"lty School of -- Mpdlcll1e 751-5465 Cl2000 L,le Care Services LLC -11657 pz

June 12, 2003 Grosse Pointe News Entertainment 7B Barbecue some chicken especially The 'average' Dad for Dad on Father's Day By Debbie Farmer 1\vmkie& as a hedlthy ",ure that the baby \Vtll SpeCial Writer bredkfa"t say hiS ndme first Sundtrong pharmdceu- nIhI'l Ihmg, gomg on thl' hUll 10 pllk out <1I{'C1PP the lhlcken, seal and ferent IdentltlCs There • Thlllk" thdt Dl Spock tlwl, .11 e fun dddi> and sellOUI> 11> a Vulldn \1ho h\ 1'" on Ill'l kInd 'illd III \1 l\l'pk Hot "pIl \ l.lJlg\ .,Il(k\ pl.lll' 111 the I efngerdtol • WlIl alv.ays, ALWAYS gJllhng .lJ1d fin- IPJdl'l' the bag III a ."hal- dltwork as handi>ome, tall don 't-to",,-thp-cdt-dov. n- pldce, Without I unnlng dnd golden while mother \11ddlllg rUlll' tOl ,I 111L(' \'ht'd \llth ,I popul.lJ b,lI- 10\\1 dl"h 01 pdn In cdse It the-Idundry chute "orts of \\ dIl'l 01 .I Slarbulk;, ))]1'.1] 101 j),ld wllid !JP.t! I !JPIlIl' 'dUCI' So I'd'" Ipdk" ) 1\un the bdg over look<; hke a scowling toad ddds And ~o It goP.", on • Refu"e~ to bu\ whlm- pllllllllill J'1,lIld IIdl III 1\ 1.:1,\ fl.:\\ huul ~ • Will put toa.,t on hiS Hot, Spicy, Tangy, Cook thp mannated and on SICd] Id\\ n 01 namenl'> 111 head Just to get a laugh till ( ken pll'ce;, over a hot Regal dless of which the "hapI''> of Ilogs el\e ... • Is ah\ ays found first Sticky Chicken kll1d of dad you have. hPre 01 ,lilY kll1d" of lhlcken;, 111 A LA ANNIE (,!l)()ul 400 degl ee" or ;'0 I a game of hIde and to 4 lb ... cut-up I" a !J"t of tIling", most • Cdll V ,It lea;,t fi\ e 5} Anillc kOlill elll s( henff a gl ill fOI 35 mInute" or ;'0 C'.m "eek chicken, on the bone, Ba<;tl' Ihe chicken pH'Cei> dads have 111 common Idwn lhdll '" on one ,11m • Th1l1ks that hiS little with skin \lllh the bollbecue sauce Let'i> bee If you agrpc • 'Il Je~ to ral,e kId." d.lughtel's red, glittery 1 cup cider vinegar dnd conlll1uP to (Ook untlJ The Aver age Dad Illthout mdkmg thp bame "hoe" go fine WIth a flow- 1 tablespoon Ihe lhlcken I" thoroughly • Goes grocer~ &hoppmg Illl"tdke;, a" hI"- jdthel el y bathing SUlt and a WOJ'cesteJ'shire sauce donp, another 10 or 15 at l'onvemence ..,tores who al<;o t!'led to I al'>e ."now hat 1 tablespoon chili H11nulp" Bd"tp both Sides becau"e It'S' t,hter" than kldi> \llthout makmg' the • KIIOW;, never to say powder oj thp chIcken often standmg III Ime at the ..,ame ml&ldke, a'o hh that dnyOne m the house 1 teaspoon salt That\, It DehclOusly supermarket father IS, wai>, or might one day 1 tea ..poon black pep- "ea,oned barbecued chlck- • KIlls spider;, • Thll1h hookll1g up the be, ummm, fat per • Put;, \vOl m." dragon- bdby mOl1ltOl;" to the l'Il flOm the gnll Dad Will • Can change the 011 III 1 teaspoon hot pep- (hel>, gras"hoppers 01 an)- stereo i»~tem II>a lheap love It the tar, mstall .I 'iprlllkler per sauce (your choice) thmg el&e that falb mto \\dY to m<;tall 5u!'lound ll\l' Ihdl I,lll Ill' pI epal I'd FlI1d d make-ahead 3/4 cup (or morel K.C. the categOlY of "really .,o~nd i>ystem and rewire the III ,1lh,ulll' "'diad leclpe and )ou're on entIre house, but can't Masterpiece barbecue gross stuff thdt'S ;,tIlI • Sorb sOtk ~ b\ tpx- Thl' IIII k, Il'llpl' 101 the WdV brush a kid's hall' 111 (',I'll lhllhlll m,lIl1l,lt!1 ..auce ahve" onto ti.,hmg hook& tm e Ildl gl:l \Oll ,Lllled I HdPPY Father's Day to • SPits • Thmk" the changmg • Teache" kids how to Plact' the chIcken 111 a hd\ P ,I gl I,ll ..,Ulllmel all dad" - e;,peclally • Turns kid" up'ilde table could be put to bet- play Jmgle Bells WIth ZI plol Ihlg d nd "'I't d"lde loohbook 'F.l\Olltp Bldl1d mme Harvey Rouleau down 1>0 they can walk on tel' Ui>e,lS, "ay, a mce their armplt<; "J,IIlll' C;lIlhllg thdl I' I n ,I "nM11 !low!. Whl"k Thanks, and love the ceilmg as well as on dl mk table 0; a TV stand • KnOv. s the dIfference the good ;,ofa • Consldel" the chang- between noogles and wed- • Manages to fit all of mg of one "lightly damp gles the dirty clothes, no mat- diaper sometime back 111 • Thmks that moms tel' how many there are, the fdll of 1993 as "equal worry too much Babies mto the \.\H;,hmg machme parentmg" • Never thmks of him- at the same lIme self di>average :\ldtPln,d gldndp,uenb dll' o( Edton RapId;" Lynn • Reuses the bath water • U"e" the mdu"tnal Alexandra Rose for a &econd chIld Vdcuum cleaner to pick up DebbIe Farmer l~ a J{dI lilt! ('olll'l'n Gdr 1I d of Wdq;O of Grosse Pomte • Says thmgs Itke &tray Legos and BarbLe humon.,t and mother Kerry '\101 thlil'ld III F,lrm" and Bill Wargo ofSt "When I ;,ay no, I mean .JI llllll( 1 ,\Ill! Ilmol)1\ Cldll Shore." <;hoes off the floor holdzng dOWll the fort III Pollt'/lIdJ g,,,ndp,lIpnh no Why? Becam,e That';, • Wtll not go shoe shop- Cahforllla You call COil 1\1 I I I ot (, )(1"( 1'01 ntl ,11I' j)11k .lIlt! C.11olp B.ll1lol why" And 'We're not lost pmg tact Debbie at \\ood, .lll Ihl pdll'nh 01 ,I Gn'dt.grandparents are lIt (d O~"'I' !'Ollltt' "'hor('~ I'm Just not sure where we • Sneaks mto the babv's teatures@{am!lydaze com, d Illghll I ,\ll'\,ll1lh ,I ]{O"'l' .lulld EIJdvac of Sterhng (;II',ll-gldndmothel I'" are" room at mght and says." or CI 0 Oa~16 Newsfeatures. hI'! I I b011l :\1.1\ I ~ 2(}(l! Helghh dnd BIlleI' Scott of Ht'lIlleltd Sllkll]O."kl III St • Hd" tnI'd passll1g off "da da da da da da," over PO Bot.: 2144, \1.111III d gl ,llldp,1I 1111"1 of <1 lllrth of d baby, a new moth- tlOn sene;" "EmotIOnal Spouses, partners or fnends d.lllghtel, Kdthelll1e Inglld daughter, Elisabeth Sloan er 1'" sometIme" confused by Issues and Support After also are welcome to attend Emily Elizabeth Nottmplel born May 16 Leonard, born May 3D, 2003 the emotIOns she expen- Childbirth," to help women Upcommg tOpICS mdude :,WO:3 MdtI'I n,1i grand par- Matl'rnaJ grandparent!> are ence'" Up to 80 percent of cope With the baby blues • June 18 - TIme out for Pytell l'nh .II P Robel I and LOUlb/' .John and Mary Ellen new mothers encounter ml1d and depre"slOn Mom Balancmg your new 1),1ll1l III .lIld I{ohl I' 1'\ !I II WIl,., of \"'l'"t HI "nch Blondll1 of the City of Gro'>se depre""lOn, sometimes All new mothers copmg lIfe Pomtl' called the "Baby Blues," With a range of emotIOnal • July 16 Baby o~ (;,t!,,',IOI1 11',<1' ,lIl Ihl' 1',111'1 11.11 ~I dlldnlOtl1l'1 I' pdlll\l"o!dd.lUghlll bllIi) Agne", NottmPll'l ot \\'dlren \\hlch can last up to three leactlOns whlch can occm Blues and DepreSSIOn Paternal grandparents weeks A more severe form after the bIrth of a child are • Aug 20 - Why me? Eh7abpth I',teiL born May Great-gldndp,l1plIh die are WIlham and Mary of the blues. called postpar- InVited to attend Mlhssa Lifestyle changes and how If> 200~ M"ll'll1dl gr'lIld- M.lnon DUl1l,11l of Lmden Leonard of Grosse Pomte tum depreSSIOn. occurs 111 up Pierce, a hcensed professlOn- to cope. Pdll'llh dl I' I\I,lrI I' Hnd 'lI1d ,)(""IP Yung of::'1 LOUIS, Farm& to 20 percent of women and al counselor and certified Meetmgs are at Cottage '\ 1101011\ lk Llll d ,lI (d 0"1' Mo can develop anytime, usual- childbirth educator. leads Hospital, 159 Kercheval 1'0I!1t!' f.lllll" 1'"llln.ll Maximilian Iy between two and 10 the evenmg sessIOns ,.:ldndpdll'nh \II' J,llIlle Alice Elizabeth Lukas Gersch \~eeks after the baby's birth The free meetmgs are For more mformatlOn, call ,illd I{obl I t I'llI'll 01 C Ilh~t' Scott Bon Secours Cottage held from 7 to 8 15 p m the Debbie Scallen at (313) 343- Penn!1 F IIl1h Gregon and Alhson Women's SelvIces presents a third Wednesday of each 1777 Th,ld ,md Nilolt' Slott of Gersth of Wa"hmgton, DC, Jack Evans Bania (;, 0""1' POlnlt' \\lood.., dIP Ihe drt' the parents of a son, pdll'nh of ,l d,lughlt'l Allce MaxlI1l1hdn Lukas Gersch and Hunter Eh7<11JPth Scott, bOln Mol) born Jupe 7, 2003 Matthew Bania ,~o 200,l Mdtel nal grandparent<; dIe Janet and Arthur LeVan ,John l\lUI ,1Ild Blltl,ln\ Mati'! 11.11 gr 'lIldp'lI E'nb of Chatham N J iifNiTV5 B,lIlI.1 of Cllh't' POlntt' <11p .J.lck and Lmdd Buffo of 24hr TeleVISionfor the 1",11111"1 ,lie thl' p.lll'nh of Gro",,,e POInte Pal k Paternal gl andparent" Whole Community 1\lm 'on' ,J.ltk E\dlh Bdnld dl I' Reglna Ger&ch of the ,\TIti H lInlt'! M.ltthl'\1 H.lma Patprnal gl andparents CII) of Grosse POlllte and OAV'IWE ~ ~ 11-E \NEe<: OF .JUNE 1 S - .JUNE 22 hOt n ApIl1 12 200'3 dre DWight and Cmdy Scott the late Richard Gersch 8:30 AM THI- <'0.<.', ...Ho\\ 1:00 PM "E,"IOR MEl'.'!. eLlB ("II " 111111~11/~~ ~1", /11<11V, .. , ", 1/1111/11 ("It 1/ I,m PII', DO/OIl Ti~l/ I HO'1 Fr,1n '>Lhoncnhcr,! .lnd hcr gUlq, dNu" \OplL' Rcf'L Illl.l .. .\M ~ ~oP\1 .md Clcnh 01 p, lIllCrC'1 [(l 'Ll1Im utl/Ln, RCPCdtcd II ,0P\1 .,:30 PM (Oi'l\ fRSAT10l'....WITH (,OJ I I- <- TOR" 9:00 AM \ IT\LIl' PIt ., GIUI/ HII/111I1 /lwlt HWIlI/(lIIIC \ h,,1t hour .'CrohIL' C\Cr'''L ,I,,,, Rcpc lied H,"I '>11\Ir1 1l.lnl l'lLlI,e, on l'lL,1I lIlterc,lmg IOHcL 1I Il \1 II H 11\ '01 H \1ldmghl lion, Rq>c,ltcu .. m A \118 1() P\1 Tuc T C;;,11) \ \ I \ I ...I \' 9:30 AM PO"I rl\ I-L'I PO.,I rJ\ I- 2jOQ PM 1Hf I f(;ALIN ...IDER HO'h .lC.IIlIC\tc\Jctl Jnd I II A,ken III llphllll1,! hilt (lilt II I I ,/I' I AI/ll/ f)"lmf/ R'IO/II/101l 110\\ \ 10\\ \ I II hour \)1 P0'ltl\ e ,'"'1l'dc' ,1Ild Ide", RepL l1Ld Ho'I' l'lL,,1 .,lJomc\, D.J\ IU Dr.lpcr ,\Ild Dougl", 12 10\T\IIl) ,0 P\1 \t \\ I II( ..,un) fkmp'o<.l I,I~L .In rn'ldc loo~ .11currenl legd) ,,'ue, RLf'L IILU 'i \\1 {, P\1 10:00 AM '\HO....I' Inl- KII( nl-'> lop/, 1,1 \e /rI!,/III' 2:30PM TlU,JOHI\ PRO<,l "HOW Ho'l ChuLk KdC" Look' \ILlh InL,,, LclchnllL' (11(1111 P'III/ll PCII~RUrml/of/ern/a RqX-.Jlcd I 0\ "'I {, ~()P"I Ho,lJohn Pm" Intcr-Ie\\, l'X.dlcc'dmllc,.Jh<.,urllmc 10:30 AM \\AHR( 01 OR\\ORK",IIOP 11 10p'I' RerlC"lcu 'i ,()A \1 10 PM 11m ~1rmOlIClI 7 h, I "I, '"'' / fw' ff 3:00 PM THi', E '" r",mE I- XAMI"IFR Rcno" ncd I<- It cd () A\1 7 P\1 11:00 AM THI'"C.... TO DO \1 THI- WAR Mf,MORIAI 3:30 PM \1{ ,I( Al ",TORYTJ\,.., (11/1'1/1 I" 1\ /111111 1-\ II//' ,ho!, /(1/ \1, II ,( Hw ~ IA\1RORf f

Raw.Jl\1 \'Imnu J \lu\/1 ( (//1( (rl \1,,, P.lIll., Ihc \lcrrv \Ill'" \Jakcr "nd MI" IouAnnc 'W Innlk ,lOti r IllmclJ fhnOl" (0 ho,t Ir1 Re.,d \hook olter, .. h,,11 hour 01 'lone, .lIld mU'I, lor lOform,HIVc look "t I' h,'I' h.lppenong II Ihc \\ Ir l hildrcn RI pc,'lcd () ,() A'vl Mcmonal Repealcd 2 1\"'1 1< P\{ 4;00 PM \I1ALlTY Pit ... 1\ h.,lt hour oj b,xh tor-IllC ,tIld ,tepJl"ll"ho"ng 11 :30 AM (){ T m THI- ORDI' -\R\ I\LflN d.", \1/\\-/1,';un I,lepll.""tJIl'AR'I Rep!' Ilul 7" \J II) I'\I \1 \\- r & <'un l 1"1'\ tHi ,\.1 f I "k"'.~lIh "" '".n' (,11('11 /)",1,'1(, l>t I/1111l~ Palm RI a,), 1 lolll Rcp! .11'd 1<)P\1 Tue T &. '>dt I 'I 11111_, I .. 11\ ,1,111' Illl I ..\ " nl • ., If ,.1 Ho'l Rohcn T,I\ lor prl"nl' ,Ill I \lr'1\1rn:l1l ~n(ll\ n glJC" ,pc ,hr, dl" lI\\lni! e ,II I 111111 I \11\ \ ..,." " ~ '" I Lurrcnt I11pl(,' lIllhc hll'lIle" lommllnm Repe,lll'd 1 .,..k t , Bool.,," ...i nd. IITJI' A\1 10 ,() P\I

, Schedule sublecllo etlan\/" WIthout nobCe For further Jnlorma~oncall 313881 7511

• --..z-

June 12, 2003 Grosse Pointe News 88 Things to Do ,J une 2b-Jul) 24 $52 SenIOr;" lO-lO 45 d III Mutol., De.,lgn 1)011](' h1 MadeleW,e SoQ~ • ('dUlCUX ( ,Ill ,md I Yogd 7 45-9 15 p 111 , Monda)" Wedlle"d 2-12 M IMAX r l.dthel Bml! Il1g Pub", dnd Grosse Pointe Artists MOllday:>. June JO.Aug 11 FnudY:> I \'1"1011 HOIlOI ed b jJ 111 Donll' I n~I 577 H-100 Club", TuuI i pill A<.sociatlOn Art Center: I Ill' ('I C and ('Ial C ..dJeux :\>2;)01 $20, fOI 32 Ldkc"hOl e • 1 k l\!OtUI., \ l'hldl ~ nglll,'el JIlg FnddY, June 13, SOC th,' II dtellolol., ul bdbelle (;1 Lat ,J OUIlle\ We"t ,1 ,1;) DES membu '" PI el cglbtl atlOll I e4U1rcd CUltel 1>2iO OffiLe (;"'h"ll dlld the pd.,teb 01 ,HIt.! b 2") p III • t 1\ II \Val V\JuJkcnd 11 I n:1) 881 7511 I PII\dtL r_\e" HlUl1lh • MedlLdld PI,lIllHng Chlllk Blg('\O\\ b llf thl ,\U;:>b m Sdlul 21 and WOI hhup, 11 30 .1 m • 0p"lllllg l{l'lcptWIJ to a m 12 13 2 LU :i IlliUd), .1unl 22 HI~lolll House: MIl.hlgall OpLrd JUIIL 22 t;uludd), JUlll' 18 b JU IJ )(1 P III :-;,ttUI dLUll ,Idlilb 71ipI\I rOil Wa'IJIl bj23 W ,UlUlIlel ledl lllllg llhtllute I St S:i 01 'l> ill (futdll Il !\1ull<-l:>tl I) Dol) TIIP, 12 '10 • r.\tlltlluulI ttHoligh • Adult Poetl) Wod ..."llOp I \U\\JJIIO()\\ r,\hlbl(WI\ th, li, Ul\ FOld :;hhllllJ. & Pdlh.ll1g IUl!,dd.l l\Llllllg" 8 pill 1IHIl"dd) ,Junp 19 ,""lllllL!,I\ JUlH' 2H I (ofu! ,Jul) lIi I III I HI jJ Il\ "lulid 1\ (Il" Iltllld \ IIldh' I 2U~()LJ LU2tlt.! I ::i ("dill \ hUlII' 1 ') P III ('ll,,1 \{l en,ll tlllUlt hill 2D $9 JlIlH 22 'ld1. ,Hh'lIlll 1>1-) ( I,ll.. II oml ill ell bOill ~ 10 d 11 I b\JL" Ml ldldllto\\ II I FUll,l!l ( \\ «11Il,.,dd\ "d( III da \ lOll; cl III :::',ltIIlUel) IUlIl 2b dnd olllpo"el" "dll Ill' ,hl!LlI III If,< 12 ddulh '1lb,( IllUI-> ,1lId clul Ld Ult ::'hUpplllg D'I) '['II)J 11 d III \LlI I!,uld hl'( n I H21 ::::>11II dd I ,J IlJlL 2H f Ihlulll t Till ,dol)" Jul) 29 ,'I\ll II Illie 1 Lll (ll 12 dllC.l UUt.!"1 \ 1l l I 1"lldd), ,Iunl 20 $11 IMI/'l .lIIa Allg G :\>15 ('I nll d \\,,101-> II(hllll,,1 2711-.70 hHtW!>umphon Cultural • \llIl1"'''eldor ( up Hugu) I Ighling Oil thl Stage 1'1 dL)' Sh l \ l " of ('cnter'; ~1\lllbltJOIl Mdtlh )() lO (,olt OutIng. Bl)l( flllllg Cu,tUlIll lle"Jgll tm d RehdbJlltdtloll SIll Ill' ~t l'ullege fOl' Cledhve "Ill I tJ III ::'.Jtllldol} ,luJlL Opu lh, \ ..llOll,d \lIldll(1 till • K,du:>UIIl,llll" SUlIllllU I ,ltlllU -\1 h ,lIld Cuitul L 1Il ,Iohll lIo"pltdl .Inti M( (!I(al Stulhe!> Summel' e.,1"lIlll lill ollgh ~dllli .1,1) 2b Ill'lolll I'olt Wd)1lL \{,'L.lI(h 1111 "lllll/lIptd( III I l\IIL!lIg,1ll ,III Ple\J" .. (LntL'l 11 1Ii d III l\1ondd) Ul23 \\ JdJu.,uJ] Dell Oil ;;roT Edul'dt!un' ,lIld Ihpll"WIl JIIII W tlllll,l,ll) :j,:i2101 :;Jullddl SUIL" ,Illd dll [)dlllL lune 16 • 11,1111(1111, r_\pluldtlUll b h U' ;j,:i p,1I h.lIlg MOT hUll 2 l (,UII dUll (,ull tllO d,l\ ,( ,"[(Jlh $71 thll(' ::'UIL" (l\(I\ILi' • Alllllltdll l{pd (11)"" (j P 111 \\1 dlw,d,I\" .lull\' IUUI ;)101 Woud"'lld IlLtlult ( lull 2t7ilJ "l HIIU Hu,ld d,I)' W 1 dol)" llh,htl'1 Edlll,lllOll I{e."1 \..ltHilh IUjlJ))(d III JJ III tlllit ()pu ,I lluu"l 1h III Ii l h 'l>! ')() 1l,lIllolJll!lI\\lhhlp ,\>12.;uI !lIllll,.!J\L P( ILLllt "LJlJ(J1 1.:i2b BI udd\1 a) 1'1 e"ent,ltloll ,lilt.! IIImbl ,m I BIJlIl..lIl.,h.llIg h!) P 1lI dl.,Ull1l1t b n 11ll:i '" llJ dlllilel ulll; I'lu,gl,U"llUn IUlulled 1101 III l\1olldd) .lulH 2'l lilt -d,ll" 'll1d I hlll :>d I rilL KlddlL /(<-Ilu iLILJ) ScllU!>k;\' .Green Hl"'UldtlCJlh 1(lllIllld I H j, Farmhou.;,e /HuH'um: ~l IJLli 2.l7 .l2.lH I E.htllll 1\l.lIl\1't & ,\lIh U .\llg 2h 'l>17fi pILI" hH;-()h J2 ;"Iltlng 9 1(J J() d III St. Peter'!> Life Long :-'lIlC.JlJ.ld, 001) Tllp I I ,I III i>211 IJidll'II"]., !\IUJ1d,,) - rhul ,dol) tm I Lgl" ( I,lll ShUll" Ilh(olilai Ledrmng Hook Club: Tbul.,dd; lum 211 ~2) 1'1"1 t gl~t I dtWIJ I t'ljUII uj Concerts l'lld jMll'Jlh ( OI!lIllJ'"-'101J uffu" tUUI:> Thl Pli/"ull\1 lIua BIble b) • I'l t Tbll d)J) (; I o.,,,t' J'OIIlll' AJ Uoh Bon Se('ourb Cottage f.ic :pI (J.lll S"lllIIL,PubllcIJIJldl) \lhdlll,t.!dl Jum 18 I'dgl h HK I I ':i d III JUU'i MdJ\ldlld I 31 ~I H21 on the Pla~d Concert • h,!l11 t,xelLh( l\dutllu" 1I.q/< 22::>IH) 11 MdL I ILL l.ibhl I J jJ III .'it Pdll' f\lo])(Ln J IJlll '30 Sene.;,. 7 ]JJIl JhUI,ddl' I umllli 771 Yl!2l1 1'')Jl,IIII''J'l ~u I Ill'" fUl (lidl I lJlJuugJI Juh II un Illl :pi 2 (II () "l ,.,IIlIl" pL! Benefits I II) Il, lIelJjJl1 v.,uod' (lll/lJl' l'.llghliulh'"1U 'v llldgL J'JdL" h.Ul!JC 1.1i ,I, I'll h Personal l'IlI!II' I If I,ll I HJhOJ (luIJIlITi'l,171;;1) Rummage Sale: :-'1 ( jdll :t-llJb IhlLl 'L"IIJlh f!l'1 W,!lll l J.l hh2 'JI>I)I) ] ")p 11l 'I'll Ul ~ddy ,] Ulle /ldl jJl1 I I.Jl jJLJ \\o<)(b luu , I ,IUIlL 12. (>LOlW Blll'UIl IILlh. Enrjchment ]'1 'e,,'WJh jJll .'-,t PLlll' ( cJlhulll (JUdJ III ~ l.N IoU! (!JUI(!J Jlj~IJ()AJlltd Singles '1 ipll1 tllda~ .Julle1.0 III ( lluphldtl' Hndge. 12 I::' I JUIlL I~J H1l\thlll h Hdl jJll \\ uud, I.l1.11 j-1,3 The Single WU) Sport!> ( il \ dl \ ( ...nlt'l 4Y')() I j\,JUldu" 'Wll/!IJ( pill '/UL'dl\'J1Idllldol\' ~Ulld\ B,.iJld .;.- ('dlt J)ptJ oil (j j ,1 (JIll & Pot Luck Bal-becue: All ,h"'dd 1 • JUIlL 1.b MuluJ ( 11\ J I dllllllf.- HO(jlll GrO!>!>l' POinte Pubhc lilt ( I dl'IWlIIlll .!(J'JI\,d I-,,'"'J 2[) Hh\111111 'JIld J)lUL' b jl) 31) .J III i\)CJlIUel\ A"LJlllpIIOJI (,),,).. Suns€'t at thp Zoo: ::'dl L,I ddl ( ul(lJ)"j ( l1l(( I 2l~1)1) LlbrdQ Internet CIa!>!>e!>: (Ill I~tl III SlIl,.!lt, gl "UjJ Pl"II' el' JWIl ...fltlllg t111, IJttloll i\l,II t u ~t (Id!' :--h';Il" \JJ (llll',' ,Ill htld dt thl (\(llt :i 30)J nJ S.ltuldd\ Hollil JUI <111 ill J' \1<11)' b b )1) P 1Il l\ll)jlU" I PIUq!hlldtlulJ H4UIllU ('tlltl,)1 I l!Jldl\ .JulIl 2A dt 01 IIll III till " .t:OOIUgl' ,d ':>Ol w1\ b ] J l'.JUl1lllldl) ~dl'Jul 740 JiJu/,del\ ~ III ~ 'Idd\ I I I BI~lIlllL I llll, I Jl( 1 hUlIll III SI ~h"ll' .Jum 2(/ "45() ( "dlt U, 1')(L )]) ,"."1) !'ilJ t\11) dol\' flU l'.leh. il'b 77') b J J J (I"JJ ] ~ )11 )1) III uu,d,I)::- fJJ ~ II \\ 1lI;'v1 Ii, l{O\ d I ()dh -414 ~i\J thJll d'lI' jJU \lllL ~.j (,ro!>!>e POInte \\dr J P 1 $;, ddult" 3 dlJJdll I JlllLllll,dl,lll IlltllllLt "12°, 'j.i(j(l 2.J'"' i41 )IJI (,.redt Ldke~ Chdmuel dl lip 111- MI'UlOndl. Hl'1I\atlllll'll4Ullld jbb

(,,( ;-)0, I • i\1L,.!dt I(l- .1I'U 1. 31) 3 30 p 111 fm 'dd\' 776 ;';d;' MU~Il' j'c.;,tndl' .'"'p III hll 1)lu' ;"(Ill!llrl)..' ~ )1) JI) 01) oJ III (,],!JUIL 7 ') P JII • 13,,.!lllIILJ ( UllljJU(l/ lllll"d,l\ Jur\t JY (>1 j"'l Theater !wlll'f 11l1l/- l POll1t, II d \ UI l :t] I J 1. JO 1 30 jJ!I1 Thul ,d,,;, h, L'lh., P 1' 241' h lei,,\ J UI\\ 1.7 • Jdlh.J' Au"l,], ))dllUII,.. • bn,1I 13"'1(- 1. 11) 3 30 "She Lo\ e;, Me:" EII((lIl ;"\"',,1\1< 'I, lllpil ill Support ;"UPl I Il>I 1'1 (hl Stdte Kepi l'!>cntatl\ I' -; 4'j b 4.j d III ~lllu(L._..\ Rhap~od~ In Red • ? at an Hour.;,: . I 15,215 pm Muudd) L'l1It of thl R,II b.1I .I Ann Tul ,dol)" I .Il..., HuulI1 :-'olld\ b jJ III ThUJ ,dd\ K,\rm2.') Chapter 0\ tht' Amencan PoInte r arm~ C. It, OfflLeb Enroll through St John out Insurdnu Seniors . 1ll<-lIDll'lltel :j,] G IlIdJlJ Red Crob8 '; pm 90 Kerb\ ' Hospital & MedIcal Center • O~teoporo~I" bide" :!>IO :>ellili/'" "h"'l " I' II k 1'0,,1 Jt 11 >l:r;1 r m :-;11 t II r<1II \ lunf' 21 md '. AdH'ntUI'(' SelH'<; Film I\lilr lTId Il'ff' I ~Oll Sf I II( (' )('IIlllI,1O;l T11 "llnd l\ Jllrf' 22 <1.<, pH F('<;tl\ al: ( '.111 Shol( ~ 'f;il ir;Rfil Ill"1I1 S 11 \II d.1\ I1lIH' 2' ,tI. ill "'111 £,1(. ill i <,,"1 • ll~ 11111 1 II.H11I 2 ITId 2Rr; RRRlI \SCf.f >l:.2i 1 P T11 !"mokinl{ ('(',,<;aHlln • Rd,ll Hl11"lllp<; Nppd A l)(,<;1 -_1'JIaI F.y('<; on g1l , I 1,,1' "Ill I d 11 I III Prol{ram" f1 ~O R {II P III I 01 of \Vm k 7 lJ lO pill, f\1'nt'li I, rll. 1h. ])ft 1'011 CALL 313.882.3500 1I1d I Jl 11' MOllda\ .11l1l( :2'1. c;t .Inhn I\lol1d:1\ ,JlInl':n 'iiI 'j In~III11'. (,I I)phlh ,lm,)]m!\ Dttll\11 l.;{ H ll' I ( (Ill" 1I,,"pll II Illd I\!t'dn ,11 • nlg RII 1'1 (HUlon I I \ t .,' I hl I, \ '" () P 111 ,i\2il lnhll H ])1'1/(111 '1;1 ('pnlll 22101 MOlo,,<, ('Otll1t 1\ Phn hOll"p Dav \ HI \ I'lr. 21) (~. n, III HJllh, {(, -I Ill"'" 11111(1111 J)l'tIOl( ~'iq 1 ,ROOI RtR. Tl1P 10 a m 7 p III 2R22 l\lP"da' ,11I1)!''2~ $116 I Wflll'll'oll11 Pa\l1l1l1g 10 History a m -l p 111 ThUl "d~

~... A M I.... l f 0 U A 0 Ed<;el & Eleanor Ford [RIO ~'AH USSR Houqp: .... ( I J A ~J t t A S r Last week's I Ed"p! & F:1ea1101 Fill d r \~ ~ ~~.,~ f ~~~~ '{O\1~C Il(''''~g"no.-i f",t"" l~lre'" (JO".::. D.SL4VE PPll1HIIlf'l1l I'Xhlll1tlllll puzzle A Ir.L"'''>. ALAD TO BE LISTED .0. "" (, , 11" 0 ~ I E L S • "Ill I " o! hou'l(> ",)~:~~St.~~TER glolllld" chJldll'11 'I plfll solved ABED RHO 4RI4 !101l"f' fl1H! po\\Plll0U"P 10 D I,JA GOO HORU <1 111 4 Jl 111 l\)('''():n in Things to Do or Family Fun 10 fi f Y • r IV r rED Sa(U1da\ 110011 4 P 111 "lIl1da \ nil I he hom 1-11 ACROSS adlllt" 'l1') 01'11101 0 'l1~ (1111 Fill out thiS form and send It to dlPl1 al1l1ual (.., (.fP""C.. =1 '\,IH pflO" Madeleine Socia • 96 Kercheval • Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 I (i1 I1l1ndo q 1O fI 111 ,h P 1ll l\H'"dfl\ ~1l11111Ia\ or fax it to (313)882.1585 by 3 p.m. Friday • For more infonnation, call (313}884.8691 1\ lO" III h P 111 "1\ln)Il' c;.. ~ ..... h. 'l.i OJ rJr'Ji 'lr • /)',1 Hnnlll II JO a 111 I) 'l h tr-~'1c. Event Jl T11 11I ...'HI,1\ <';1111<111' 11110 I ,1kl'"hOl l' ~ r('1l::lr" W ~(" ""I \ ,1111111" I f'qllll lOT " "1 ,r \"l~ i=l H, I'd Sponsoring organization \\ r\ro.p 11","11'\1'111" l 1111 HH4

t ... -h q., " 1222 i~ ..... ;)'r1 \ ",r"pr 11 FOI'd Motor Company Date, Time I ...ll'P \ , Tour & Lunc'hf'on: 1'0" ~ II, ,,-1'111I'd !n St P\\ all pfl0\~ C, I\h'IJl11l1 q111. ')pm Place, including street address _ ~ 1"< \\l'dIlP"ILlI .IIlI1P 2') I. "" "'1c.1 ...... , df'Pflll1l1,E( f10111 111(' "\ .... \ ('pl11pl ')/ Q; l"""\ ~t~ l\plh\ ood 1Q200

~rR'1<;,..,....uti=lt (\" <";1ppl1f'n" Ea"tpmnlp :; l2 /, ~~"""I P<1 1-)~f;1 HI) 44 H> rr""I.-,c:tp. '..1 iJ74 1.(. Intprr'\P ("'0 Fvp "Qf' ..~rk 4\ B~eb8~ S Pro\ ('n('RI." f'ir Hou<;p, ~ Tp"'l' 'vPl' I r O"1pla, ~t lq DMftllll' ~~<~ ('R 1~2:l' \;I')""P 1'11lT1tr U ~f''''Orandum Phone number to be published 4; {;(I'QP i Wal C;lree\ 22 Leq8 p8pM H1~tol H:11 ....,)11('1 \ ol1rl" 4F Siaffe' 4' r"!'''1I('A'! ~s",o;j 24 °V"P 11)\11 0 o!th(' hl)\loP flnd C 4 ~8n~< up the volu I11e 47 yOan Ollental lalry Pnnces, Tuphm read" el Ill...... E"'PPll,dh l'vocatJ\ P plot evpn ImplIes that the Special Wnter tdle decorated wIth stnkIng State of the Arts "Uncle Tom's Cabll1" and I" the )('I,ltlOl1 ...hlp that "it uggle wntnbutes to hIS The dct'>h 01 19!h century /mage" of Thai gods, adapts It to be performed a" devplop" IWII\('('/l Annd '<.. dp<1th Engh"h 'lIld Sldme ...e vdlue ... demon" and mythologJes a dance at a banquet for d Engh h ...on LOIn... dnd Jt I em,ons for the pnnce. I" pro~old!I\P Thp 10\t' The transformatIOn IS VISltlllg Engh"h dIplomat Sldml p 1'II11lP makmg hiS first royal Il1tell,,,t h OIH'o( the mo"t bl edthtakIng The banquet IS pal t of the Chul.llonghol n tllP hen pJOcldmatlO1l at the behest Mlh!le frog crawl 1,1"! ,liP l'\ll'lIl'llt rtwn \ou l1lng The show'" deslgnel The bdllet Ii>"peltaluldl \\ odd t lilt ell ,Ii h," I IlJ " ell" '1IIe1 gl ovelmg befOl e the dl P ...toppl'C! J n \ ou I tI , endlt tile ...WI) u! geullllil J( l lIJ1g 01 l" lIdg, The ulJ '.lIlJ the IlL>' tl u '>l'h 'Illd lO'!llllH ...'Illd the I he kll1g and hlb court Talmadge comes to the LIttle EVd cro,slllg the Ill' lOmp,lIllOlhhlp In thell dltlOn" dre exemplIfied a" '>ho\\ ...1l1,IJOl d,lI1le numbl'l mdke a captlvatlllg scene, role wIth ample quahfica- pur"ued by d 'Kmg SImon bll!'f 1110/l1l'nt" 01 conllllPn- the\ all turn from !Jstelllng 1"01 tlw O!>l'/JIIlg ...hlp- 'Illd the dIlled audIence IS hons He played the kll1g on of Leglee" m the fOlm 01 an tl,') pxchdngl' to thp PIII1lP'<; proclamatIOn bOdl d "(('IW Ann,1 totdlly "ensltlzed for the dn extended tour of the U S Onental dpmon to dl'>cowr thdt the kmg Amllllg thl' 11100l' ...ubtl! LeonO\\ I'll" ,1111\ e ...1\ Ith hel f.lI1tai'>hC<;tory to unfold Peacock, on the other hand. The cross-cultUl al tredt- h,l' (!led \et de( ph ,Jffl'Ltll1g 1)('1101 \ oung ...on IJ1 B'Ulgkok h,lI- Thl'Y "hould be for thiS comes fresh to her part She ment t" bllIhant and drl\ er:. Alllld tedl lull) lay" her m,1Il11" h thdt of L.ld\ bor to te,l( h We ...telll cu 1- next to the la<;tofthe also has not done a musical home the me"sage of men" I'hldng the klllg'" PII;lUp,lI hpad on hI" hdnel, makmg tun' to till' lbddlPJ1 01 tb(' I{odgers and Hammer<;telll Sll1ce she was an mgenue and women'" nghb to hbel- phhlC1I'Ill' The "ubstance of the ater's excellent body nuke phy hdS been adapted thdt onh thl ElIglI ...h ((mtl a"t dgollll.mgly real "hlfh to tIll' Pdl.l(P tl atlOn of pantomime ballet that IS a mo"t of \\ hom repl e~ent the e\.p!'ct.ltlOn ...101 I ('llnqlll ...h- Pe.,t/( a/ Theatre through A ,e(ont! (1('\1 pull" down thplI mutual attractIOn and high pOInt of the show kmg's many oIT"pnng. make IIlg 0\ PI bpdJ mg '\ mhol" of NOI 9 Par more IlIforma- the CUIt

From page 10B 7')11 PrOject Rewmd', For age<; 8 Free (5861771-9020 ,111 d Th ll! "d,n ... ,1 une 2.3- Vacation Bible School: and up, Saturday morlllngs, .Jllh21'l>70 For '>tudent<; 111 kll1der- July 26-Aug 16 $35 Fun & Games • Sumnll'1 Thpdtle garten through grade 5, • Additional programs CdlllPIAlIlIll' JI Age" 8-14, 930 a m -noon, Monday, mclude GIrl Scout Camp Spring Ballet 9 d III -noon !\londd\ ,June .June 16-Fnday, June 20. Operetta WOJkshop. Opera Performance: 8 pm, 2:3-Fnda\ .lull 14 Il,!)')() Chnbt the KlI1g Lutheran Camp and Opera Workshop, Wednesday. ,June 18 and • SumnH I Self Chuleh 20338 M.lck $15, Vocal Semmar fOJ Non- Thursday, June 19 $6 E'(' m/St,1 (-J)(. It'rJ...e PCI chIld or $20. per famIly Clas<;lcdl Smgers and The adults or $350, chIldren C,llnp ... Ag!', 1lJ-I.'i I:31:318R4-5090 Art of Clownmg ages 12 and under Monda\ .1utH 23-Flld,n DetrOIt Opera House, G P War Memonal, 32 Learning @ The Opera Junp 27 ,:>24Q full d 1526 Broadway Lake<;hore PreregistratIOn 9 d rn -noo]] '\Iuh Ihon House: MIchIgan Opera Theatre'<; award-wllllllng PreregJstratlOn reqUIred reqUIred for most cour"e" C

5 L A N D bI Co. .. alii 18..11..ttIf per""

Clus sizes an Ulitad. llId rcol.tratlotlls proe.... d ... 1flnt .... tint "rye bUIs. foltlotlls lIOIt-rtmdabl •. I'OIHrwftrUk. aM •• 111 full vpottnlistraflH.

-~ • SCAPE . • o srovpr an Ila~d getaway w In peace and 011pi N0 Irat- r jam, ~In 111'111 I III r ai, re pr-Ielve, r ch n wlldille and rare plart spec es Pr sl n" beJ ~e\ n, o~ Ira \ M d h' q alue y m p~ 01 q rf '0e 0, arnllnrrs and B&B s fever lar flom a seasnn Dillin tll"d evenls MaKe yeU( Gledl e~CdoeiJ Pe ee 1Mard Ihe Jllmaan or Pe ee 1~lande' ~ \,,s ~ II Dally lake crolSlngs Irom Leamington and Kingsville, Ontario IJ 1S1s) ,,, laand Sanducq OhIO ReservatIons recommended 985..2222 1.BOO .661.2220 I """.....,"' ... i'-, '. \L, I~)-A~ , June 12, 2003 108 Family Fun by Madeleine Socia Grosse Pointe News

Attractions • "Techno DetrOit's Gift 10 a m -4 p 111, • ArCtiCRmg of Life Museum & Greenfield Mondays-Fndays, June 16- to the World" exhIbit Anna Scripps Wednesday and Thursday, exhibit, 4 2 acres of arctic Village): Aug 15 'I1mes and fees • ConnectIons Metro 10 a m -9 pm, Fnday and Whitcomb Conservatory: al1lmal" and a dear, under- • "A New Way of Llvmg," vary DetroIt Neighborhoods, Dome~hc and exotic 10 a m -5 pm, Saturday water Polar Pa~sagE' featunng R Buckmmster • Youth Workshops, Ages through Sunday, Aug 31 plants 10 a m -5 pm, daIly dnd Sunday 5200 • NatIOnal Amphibian Fuller's DymaxlOn House 7-12, Theatncal, SCience, 930 a m -5 pm, Belle Isle, DetrOIt $2, Woodward, DetrOIt $4 Conservation Center • "Bond, James Bond" Arts and Crafts, Sports and Tuesday-Fnday, 10 a m -5 ddults, $1 chIldren (313) adult" and guided tours, $1, 10 am -4 pm, dally Ten ExhIbit, Saturday, June 28- Fleldtnps, Mondays- pm, Saturday and Sunday 833-7900 ,elllor~ and chJldren, 2-12 Mile at Woodward, Royal Wednesday, Dec 31 Fndays, June 16-Aug 15 5401 Woodward, DetrOIt $5 Detroit Science 1,31'JI 8'52-4064 Oak $8, adult~, $6, semors • IMAX Theatre 'I1mes and fees vary adults, $2 50 seniors and Center: Belle Isle Aquarium: and children, 2-12 $4, "Im- 9 a m -5 pill, Monday- 21800 Marter, St Clair elementary!lllgh ~chool stu- Dome"tlc and troplcdl fish • "TitaniC The Artlfatt ulatol ndes $4, parkmg Saturday and noon-5 pm, Shores PreregIstratIon dents, $3 college students, EAhlbltlon, through ,md dquaf!, ,Inlmalb 10 12481:398-090.3 Sunday 20900 Oakwood, reqUIred (586) 268-5540 chIldren under 12 free Sunday, Sept 7 Dos!>in Great Lakes Dearborn $8 50-$13 50 Grosse Pointe War .1 m -'5 p 111 , dally Belle {313' 833-1805 gy hIe, De'trOlt $3 ddult~, $2 • DTE Enel Spark~ Museum: Museum IMAX Theatre, Memorial: Detroit Institute of chlldrpn {313, 852-4083 Theater • "City on the Straits" $10, adults, $8, seniors and • Wee SIng In the Arts: i\ntomotivf' Hall of • IMAX Dome Theatre exhibitIOn, through January chJldren, 12 and under EvenIng, Ages 2-5, 6 15-7 Fame: • f me Art~ f nday, lea- • Digital Dome ~UU4 (,HJI !:J8~-bUU1 pm, Thursday, .June 12 tunng Drop-In Workshops, Planetanum 10 a m -5 pm, • CldS~ICcars Educational $20 live cla~slcal mUSIC,movies "Night of the 'Iltanlc," 1 Wednm,day-Sunday Belle • Grosse Pomte Dnvmg • "The Dnvmg Splflt," and mSlders' VIew,6-8 30 Experiences Video and ,3pm, Saturda) and I~le. DetlOlt $'3 ddult~, $2 School pm, June 13 Sunday children 5-18 Wedne~day~ Assumption Greek Segment I, 10 d m -noon 10 u m -,'5p m Tue~day- 9 a m -3 pm, Monday- Sunday ~14()OOdkwood m • MotorCIty Ca~mo Jazz are free 131318.'52-4051 Cultural Center: or 6-8 pm, Mondays- Fnday, Drop-In Workshops, Fnday, 10,30 a m -6 pm, Dearborn $6 d.dults, $5 50 Dr. Charles H. Wright • Kumon MathJReadmg, Thursdays, June 16-July 3 Jazz mUSIC,drawmg :n the ,elllOIs, $3 for clllldren, 5- Saturday, noon-6 pm. Museum of African- 34.'5-645 pm, $269 gallenes, Fnday, June 20, 12 {'3131240-4000 Sunday 5020 John R. American History: "Of the Wednesdays Segment II, noon-2 pill, 6-830 P m DetrOIt $7 adult~, $6 Detroit Historical People The Afncan 10 am -1 pill, Tuesday, June 17-Thursday, Museum: • FdmIly Fnday, Drop-In senior" and children, 2-12 Amencan Expenence," con- Saturdays June 19 $35 Workshop, hve perfor- $4 IMA."{Dome $4 plane- tmumg 9 30 a m -5 pm, $80, per month plus a • Egypt Pewablc Pottery • Fdther'~ Day Mode'l mance, guIded tours, 6-8 30 tanum (313) 577-8400 Airplanes Wiggle Giggle Wednesday-Saturday, 1-5 $50, regIstration fee Workshop, Ages 6-12, 1-3 pm, Fnday, June 27 Detroit Zoo: Workshop, 1-3 pm, pm, Sunday 315 E • Ace DnvIng School pm, Tuesday, June 17 $20 Saturday, June 14 $,3 • Inaugural Exhibition • "Savmg Endangered Warren DetrOIt $.'5adults, Segment II, 6-8 pm, plus $8, matenals fee from the DIA General SpeCies, Savmg Our~elve~," $3 chJldren, 5 and up (313) • "Gut'>, Game ...& Glory Monday June 30 - • Ballet Workshop, Ages Motors Center for Afncan 10 a m -'5 pm, through 494-5800 Wednesday, July 2 $50 6 and up, one hour between Detl OIt'S SPOItmg Legacy," Amencan Art, through Fall Exhibit, thlOugh ThUlsday Sunday. Sept 7, Wlldhfe The Henry Ford • Celebrate Summer 10 a m -130 pm, Mondays 2003 Interpretive Gallery Ott 2 (Formerly Henry Ford 2003 Camp, Ages 1-6, See FAMILY, page 9B

ViNI1f~ CANOPIES POINTE SINCE 1985 OUTDOOR PARTIES ... r_ RAIN OR SHINE ... CENTE~ WE WILL COVER IT! Student Summer Specwl. All Plus frame tents avaIlable FREE Your source In GrObse POl11te for summer long for $150. Explres dehvery, set up, and take down. Bumble & Bumble. Stop by today ~LI Featunng' when you go back to school. 313- CnII 586-774-5555, St. ClaIr .. at 18546 Mack Aue, 313-882- IIpzEj-- .. - 32 Flavors of Ice Cream 417-9666. 19556 Harper, Harper Shores 4246 & Yogurt. Over 300 Candles • Woods. DelIcIOUS Shakes • Malts • Bhzzards • 14 Tasty Slush Flavors and 20 LUSCIOUSToppings . at 92 Kercheval, Grosse Pomte Farms. 313-884-8264.

KISKA JEWELERS Ann Arbor NIce selectIOn of NEW spnng merchandIse has arrived Just m Antiques tIme for graduations, plus start Market thinkmg about dear ole Dad for ANTIQUE LOVERS that speCIal umque Father's Day Servmg the finest Fresh Seafood, Jom us at the famous ANN gift. Price range to SUIt all needs ARBOR ANTIQUES MARKET. Angus Steaks, SandWIches, Liquors ... at 63 Kercheval on-the-HIll and Wmes The happening is Sunday, June (313}885-5755. 15th. One of the natIOns largest and longest runnmg regularly 2003 SUMMER SEASON Father's Day LSSunday, June 15th. HAS BEGUN ... scheduled antiques shows with Wonderlllg what to get dear ole over 300 dealers all under cover. In our upstalrs rwer front dad? Dealers in quality antiques and panoramIc Sohar Room wlth an Hurry down to the NOTRE DAME open deck, live entertQlnment and PHARMACY. We have a large select collectibles with every item guaranteed as represented. danclllg. selectwn of ulllque ltem<; whlCh would make wonderful Father's Day gtfts If HIghly diversified show with emphaSIS on furnIture, accessones BLACK MARKET IRI51fi ~aFFEE you need some help on your purchase BAR:"GRILL ::;;, and most speCIalties. ThIS is Ann Fnday & Saturday, June 13 & 14 Lve'llbe happy to assLStyou .. at 16926 startl1lg at 900 p.m. Dads turn to cook... bring him Arbor Antiques Market 35th Kercheml m-the-Vlllage. (313)885- season. On site dehvery semce, to the IRISH COFFEE.... 2154. several snack bars with custom PAUL CAREY & The best old fashioned bar THE NITE CRAWLERS made foods. Locator service for Wednesday, June 18 at 8:00pm burger in town made from finding special Items and dealers. fresh ground round. Rated AdmIssion $6.00 per person. The by Jane Rayburn, The time is 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m .... at **** 5055 Ann Arbor - Saline Road BUGS BEDDOW BAND Detroit News.... lS now only (Exit #175 off 1-94, then south 3 FrIday and Saturday, June 20 & 21 $1.96 Monday - Fnday 11-5, (dzne startmg at 9:00pm. mIles). Washtenaw Farm Council 111 only) Gnll open tlll 1'00 a. m. - Grounds. FREE parkmg. Tired of putting on Arrwe early and Carry outs aVallable 18666 enJoy dmner before the mUSlC. Mack Avenue, Grosse POlnte makeup everyday??? Farms, (313)881-5675 Grosse Pomte Intradermal SINBAD"S "SOHAR" ROOM ASSOCIatesinvites you to explore Perfect for your prwato partles and the advantages of PERMANENT specLQloccasLOn. Call (313)822-7817 MAKEUP! Eyebrow replacement for more mformatlOn at 100 St and enhancement, eyeliner, MaCk eyelash enhancement, full hp color. Ave. Clmr on-the-Rwer. EASTSIDE Also post-mastectomy pigment ===:.:.:.:.__-_ Diner ...... =.======restoration Call now for a FREE CONSULTATION,313-881-6309 ~ gUll "Enjoy dmner at the dmer" TENNIS S FITN••• F'lday Night Dinner SpecLQ1:Fresh Salmon 80z. Fllet - Includes soup 313-886-2944 or salad, 'lee and vegetable for only CONGRATULATIONS $6.95. Open for breakfast, lunch Debbe Pavle! and dinner 7 days a week .... at .JOSEF'S 19841 Mack Avenue, Grosse Poznte FRENCH PASTRIES Coach of the winning GPS State Woods, 313-886-0680 Class A Lacrosse team, recently Custom made Father's Day cakes. Golf Ball, Old Fashion named MIchIgan Coach of the MACK7cAFE Straw Hat, FIsh Shaped Cake ... the Year, and EastSIde Tennis & Breakfast & Lunch Specwls one that got away. (All custom Fitness Club instructor and Across from POinte Plaza Tue-Frz cakes are custom order only), or employee. 6 a.m .2'30 p.m , Sat. 7a m -1:00 choose somethmg else from our We're proud to have you on our pm Sun. 8a m.-1p.m. Closed large selection .... at 21150 Mack, Monday 19218 Mack Ave., Grosse To advertise in this column Grosse Pomte Woods, 313-881- team! POlnte Farms (313)882-4475. call (313) 882-3500 5710. Your friends at ETF

• f ------A-.~~-'-e-.--~---

OrOIK Point~ N~W8

South's balance is the key to regional baseball crown By Chuck Klonke two games tom of the fifth when South Sports Editor The vlctory over Mott, chased Schlaff With another Two years ago, when which lost to Portage four-run mnmg Morawski Grosse Pomte South won Central In the state champI- homered With one out and the "tdte DIV1"IUIl I ud"eo..tll lJi,,,hlp game 1::Ist ye~r, .Tanutol followed WIth a dou- champIOnship, the Blue avenged a 7-5 loss to the ble One out later, Butler hIt DeVils carne from behInd m Marauders 10 last year's an RBI smgle and Arngo fol- all but one of their tourna- reglOnal final and sent the lowed With a single Andrew ment games Blue DeVilsmto the quarter- then doubled up the gap In ThiS year, the Blue DevIls finah. agamst Farmmgton left-center to dnve In two are trymg a different route Hills Hamson runs m their quest for another South Jumped ahead With South scored Its final run champIOnship four runs III the second m the sIXth on a leadoff dou- South Jumped out to early mnmg Kyle Haclas drew a ble by Adam Abraham, a leads m both of their reglon- one-out walk off Matt stolen base and a two-out al games last Saturday on "tarter Scott Schlaff, who double by Janutol the way to vlctones over beat South m last year's Mackmnon pitched the Warren De La Salle (9-2) regIOnal champIOnshIp first five mmngs and and Warren-Matt (9-3\ game Brendan Butler sent allowed five hits He walked "That was about as good a Haclas to third With a dou- one and struck out eight. day offenSIVely as we could ble and Amgo walked to Abraham relIeved m the have,~ said South coach Dan load the bases SIxth and retIred all SIX bat- Gnesbaum "And It was an Andrew then dropped a ters he faced, mcludmg four unbehevable team effort ball down the leftfield hne on stnkeouts Nick Andrew's GroSse Pointe South teammates collgt'8tulate him after his "We also got good pltchmg that was ruled foul "Charlie kept us in for five grand slam which was the difference in the Blue DevUs' Division I regional and had some great defen- Gnesbaum argued that the lOnings," Gnesbaum saId. championship victory over Warren-Matt, sive plays" ball was faIr, but hIS pleas "That's what we wanted, a The Blue DeVils got punch were m vam and the two strong four or five mmngs from the top, the bottom and runnerb who crossed the from him, and then we'd fin- Saddlelites blank Cousino the middle of the battmg plate were sent back Ish WIth Abraham or Ben order as they collected 23 One pitch later, Andrew Jenzen" hits m the two game!> ~It the ball over the center Mackinnon played a key after edging North in regional Leadoff hitter Nick field fence for hiS first varsI- role WIth hIs bat m the first Andrew hit a grand slam ty home run game By Bob 51. John offense was led by JUnIor bunt by Amy KIhmas and a two-run double "It was Justice that he hit Andrew led off the first Staff writer Rachael Sabol who had Laffey's squad was three agaInst Matt No 9 hitter the grand slam," Gnesbaum mmng WIth an mfield sm- RegIna's softball team three hits and scored two outs away from losmg when Mike Amgo did !>omesen- SaId "I have to glve Nick a gle, Abraham reached on an earned Its nght to seek runs JUnIor JamIe Harbl!>on ous damage m the De La lot of credit for not lOSinghiS error and Mackmnon fol- revenge agaInst league nval The best game of the tour- reached base on an error to Salle game as he drove In focus He could have been all lowed WIth a three-run Farmmgton Hills Mercy as nament was m the semIfi- lead off the seventh mnmg four runs With a double and ticked off, but he shook It off homer South got two more the two squared off In a nals when Reglna edged Sophomore Andrea L1gOtti a smgle Amgo also had two and hit the ball over the runs III the first on Amgo's DiVISion I quarterfinal Grosse Pomte North 3-2, reached base on a fielder's hits and a walk agamst fence .. two-out double game sconng two runs III the top chOIce, stole second and Mott The 4-0 lead dIdn't last "Charhe's homer sent us The game was played on of the seventh mmng went to third on a smgle by Cleanup hitter CharlIe long Mott's Nick Thurman, III the nght direction," 'fuesday, June 10, and wIll "It was a great game, and Jumor MelanIe Dupont Mackmnon hit a three-run who overcame a 4-2 South Gnesbaum said "(De La be m the June 19 Issue of It was mce to see the gIrls Jumor Rosl Wagner sm- homer III the first mnmg lead WIth a three-run homer Salle starter Alex) AVIla The Grosse POInte News pull out a VIctOry over a gled home the first run, and agamst De La Salle, while last year, hit another three- came m WIth an ERA less The Saddlehtes won theIr nval: Laffey said NemItz dnlled a tnple to No 5 hitter Taylor run shot m the thud mmng than 1.00" second straight regional The Saddlehtes scored a score Wagner WIth what Morawski homered III each to cut the Blue DeVIls' mar- The PIlots scored a paIr of cbampJOnship game last run m the first mmng on turned out to be the WInnIng contest and No 6 batter P J gIn to one run weekend, beatmg Warren KIm PetruCCI'S double, but run Janutol had four hits III the It stayed 4-3 untIl the bot- See SOUTH, page 3C Cousmo 6-0 North carne back to take a 2- "1 never thought we'd lose "The girls played some 1 lead WIth two runs m the a game because of our field- mg," SaId North coach Bill very sound softball in both bottom of the fourth mmng GROSSE POINTE SOCCER ASSOCIATION games, but they really put 1t Shelby Simmon and Taylor ~k~~~. Our organization offers a competitive, teallH)rlented 80Ccer together against COUSinO," Lauren Palazzolo smgled for Nemitz got North out m -}tr*~*'~ head coach Diane Laffey the Norsemen. ChnstIe the bottom of the seventh to 1,* *1 program that encourages IndiVidual player development. (fl~~ While being a community based and supported soccer said Laethem bunted, but the earn the W10 She pitched 2 :~S Freshman Nicole Nemitz throw to third was wIld and 1/3 mnmgs 9~( '>'1 11/.;:':-"/~ organization, GPSA welcomes and encourges players earned the WIn, gIvmg up SImmon scored Palazzolo Sernor Amy Whaley start- Q.'1r'~SStJ:.,-..s- from all areas to become part of Its program. only two hits, while the scored from second on a ed and pitched 4 2/3 mnIngs but left WIth two runners on base GPSA TRAVEL TEAM TRYOUTS START "Amy pItched a good game, but we had to go WIth June 15,2003 Nikki m order to try and stay m the game," Laffey 80YS . Said U.9 Sabol had two hits to once Teams Salvo June 15. 1pm-3:30pm - GP North agam pace the offense June 18. 6pm-8pm. GP North Jim Warren. 313-402-4450 Simmon allowed seven U.10 Teams Salvo June 21, 22. 1Oam.12pm • Ford Field Frank Schulte - 313-884-1094 hlts and struck out three All three Regma runs were U.11 Teams Salvo June 15 .12pm-2pm. Ford Field unearned June 16. 6pm-llpm. Ford Field Tim Ponkowskl. 313-881.5881 "We had a SCrImmage U.12 \\Ith Lake Shore dunng the Teams Salvo June 16 & 18 • 4pm-6pm • Ford Field Rich Carron - 313-881-9782 week, and that was one of U.13 Salvo June 17 & 19. &pm. &pm. Ferry Glenn Nadeau. 313-417-84n the most effective scnm- Teams mages I have had," Laffey U.14 Salvo June 20 • 6pm-8pm • Ferry "aid "Cns (Belanger) and I Teams June 21 .10am-12am. Ferry Michelle Fisher. 313-822-7096 worked on some thmgs that our oppOSitIOn did, and we U.14 U""ed June 16. 7pm.9pm. Bame. Doug Bohannon. 313-aS4-0746 were well prepared It was Teams mce to see Lake Shore Win U.15 Salvo After High School Season Check Web$/te ItS regIonal" Teams The Regma softball team U.16 S.lvo After High School Season Check Web$lte 1mproved to 25-13 overall Teams

North fimshed WIth a 23- U.t7 Salvo/Gators After H,gh School Season Clleck Well.lte 10 record T.ams "It's been a great season,~ U.19 Salvo After High School Season Clleck Web$lte Taylor sald "We hed for first Teams m our league, won the IEastpomte) tournament and won the dlstnct OIRtS "All year we've been show- U.9 Teame Breakers June 15. tprn-3:3Opm - OP North mg Improvement ~ Jun. 16. 5:3Opm-7pm. OP North Coleen Hoste • 586-7915425 Commg up for the U.fO Saddlehtes 1Sa poSSible spot Team. Breakers June 15. 3:30pm-SpIn. OP Nortto June 16 • 7pm-8,3Opm • OP North John KrOflller - 313-884-8939 Photo oy Boh !lru ... m a D1Vlslon I state semJfi- Regina senior Kim Petrucci, above. has been a nal game on Fnday, June U.11 Break8fS June 16 & 17. 5pm-7pm • OP North Jim Ferber. 313-881-7930 team leader during the Saddlel1tes' run to a second Teame atra1ght regional championship, U.12 Breakers June 17 & 18. 8tIm.8pm. OP North Jim Zurek. 313-382.2187 See REGINA, page 3C Teams

U.13 Breakers June 16 & 17 • 4:3Opm-6pm • OP Nonh Frank Schu11e. 31J.M4.1094 Mr. C's Racing's McCarthy Team. Mustangs June 15. 4fMn-5:3Opm. "mea Stu Dow - 313-884-4979 U.14 Dragons June 16 & 17 • 7pmo 8:30 • OP NCM'ltI Jim WalT8n .313-402-44$0 Teams Mustangs June 16 & 17. 7pmo 8:30. QP North Jnelcll Herdzlk '~7 wins first race of the season U-t5 Breekers June 16 & 17 • 6pm-7:3Opm • OP Nonto John Wetton - 313-882-8585 Teams By Brad Lindberg A newcomer to the c1rcUlt, stepped up thIS year to U.16 Dragons June 19. 6pm-7:3Opm. QP Nonto JoIln Kronner. 313-a84-e839 Staff Wnter he came WIthm 501 seconds regIonal events sponsored Teame Muslangs June 17 & 1B • 6pm-1:3Opm • "me. Tim Hele .586-784-2988 Mike McCarthy didn't of a seven-year-old track by the Sports Car Club of haul hIS race car all the way record dunng the two-race Amenca He'd spent the last U.18 Teams Mustangs June 17 & 18. 8pnl-1:3Opm •• ame. Tim Hele • 586-784-2988 to Grand RapIds to settle for Memorial Day weekend few years pIlIng up local second place 2003 Fiesta Double champIOnshIps and track U.19 Breakers June 19. 7:30pm- 8:3OtNn. QP Nonh John Kronner • 313-B84-8e39 • In fact, McCarthy hauled RegIonal records at Waterford HIlls Team. Mustangs Juna 17 & 18. 8pnl- 7:30pm. "me. Ed Egnetlos - 313-881.5$38 more than h1Scar to WIn hiS "It surpnsed me," said Road Racmg Course north of first-ever race at Grattan McCarthy, an amateur from DetrOit .FOI' :\.lditionallnful'lllalimi Yi~il 0111' W4'h~itl' Raceway Grosse Pomte Farms who See RACER, page 2C " " ".;f ••ffSSf'IUf ill'f'Sft('('f' r.('" III - .& June 12, 2003 Grosse Pointe News _2C __ Sports Strong effort by ULS softball not enough against Shrine ULS rallied from a 6-3 Lavon Morgan with one out By Michael Shelton deficit III the bottom of the and brought In JulIe SpeCial Writer fifth to tIe the game After Borushko from the shortstop De,plte hlb tedm'~ ehml- Alex Houghtallll led off with posItIon III relIef n,lt!on 111 the regIOnal seml- a double, and Laura 'We "cnmmaged Allen linctl Ul1lver~lty Liggett Ral~tI om slOgled, Casey Park CahnnI Just a few days Sthool "oftball coach JIm Crm,key hit an RBI sIngle to ago, and JulIe actually Sthnlldt III an upbeat dnve In Houghtallll pitched a no-hitter and was mood dbout hI~ team's per- Julie Borushko then tied very ~trong: Schmidt ~ald lornldnce the game with an RBI dou- "What we tned to do was go '1 m happy With what the ble to center field, bnngmg with a "lower pitcher first gll Ii:> dId here today," In Rabtrom and Cro~key and once they figured her ;")tl1ll1H.1t "IIU Tile) UIU BUI u"hhu L11"J tu "tl"["]1 It uut bllt1b J ..he In 36 the ,orne good thmgs, they to a tnple but was tagged closer" ~WI eel "orne runs, and they out at third Unfortunately, thIng~ dld- mad!' ~ome good plays, ~o Croskey went ,'3-4 on the n't go a~ planned Telry ) ou really couldn't ask for day with three smgles, four Baker first laId down a ~ac- muth more than that" runs, an RBI, and a walk nfice bunt to advance the The KnIght:> fell to Royal "We thought we could hit runner,;, A wIld pitch by Oak ShrIne 10-7 on the Shnne pltehmg, and we Borushko then allowed University Liggett School's softball team won a second straight Division IV S,lturday at Bethesda did I thmk both teams did Sears to reach home and district championship this year, Seated in front is Beth Sylvester. Standing. from left, are Katie Andreeovieb. Laura Ralstrom. Erin Fleck, Julie Borushko. Chll&tlan III Sterling really well and we had fun," g1Ve Dlvme the lead HeIght~, abruptly endIng Schmidt said LIZ Mazur then reached Krista Murray. Deanna Tracy. MeU88IlKruszyna, Rachel Costello. Carly Croskey. llLS'~ tourndment run ULS But then III the top of the first on a ULS throwmg Lavon Morgan, Kelly King. Amanda Kants. Stefania Ford, Alex Houghtalin. finhhed With a record of 21- Sixth, the wheels came off error at short~top, which 14 for ULS also allowed O'Malley to Shrine would go on to lose After Tma Sears doubled, score GPSA Bulldogs add Little Caesars to Waterford Our Lady of and pitcher Mary Ann Borushko then threw the Lakes III the regIOnal Waldrup walked, Schmidt three wild pitches which t h,lmplOnshlp then took out "emor pitcher allowed Mazur to advance from first to home and make playoff crown in Mite AA division It 9-6 III favor of Shrme and The Grosse Pomte Hockey Weekend Extravaganza play m goal a~ they shared put the game out of reach Racer Martm Luther KIng the shutout "What a closer has to do IS ASSOCIatIOn Mite AA Tournament Defen"ernen Mark Yams, From page Ie mlmmum throw stnkes, and when you Bulldogs achle\ ed their ulti- mate team goal recently In the champlOn~hlp Geoffrey Web her, Wesley Catalfio started 12th and don't you run mto trouble," ;\IIcCarthy dnves an open- when they won the LIttle game, the Bulldog!> scored C'lmmarrustl and Kyle fimshed 12th Schmidt saId "She had COCkPit, Ford-powered Spec Caesar~ Amatrur Hockey the first of their four first- Trombley helped shut down some control problems, and the Eagles' offense Racer for Mr C's Racmg "This old ~an was totally that was her downfall " League champlOn'ihlp at Joe perIOd goals at the 3 39 Head coach KIrk GIbson Team ov.ner and trackmate mtImldated, he said of hlm- ULS also had a golden LoUIS Arena mark They added their and assistants TIm Moore, Bdl Catalfio of Grosse self He was frustrated thatw opportumty With the bases The Bulldogs beat the final two goals m the second Matt Lmchese and Rich Pomte Shores wasn't sur- a spm on hiS malden voyage loaded m the bottom of the USA Eagle~ 6-0 m the cham- penod Wlggms plan to return for a pn"ed by hiS dnver bemg landed him wlthm 15 feet of fourth IOnlllg But Kelly pIOnshIp game to fimsh the Carn GIbson, Timmy thll d ~ea~on next year Rob hot out of the gate a trackslde pond rather than Kmg flIed out to catcher season With a 3'5-3-2 record Moore, John Paul Lucchese McIntyre contnbuted to the 'He WIns because he's atop the VIctOry ~tand StephanIe WClSS to end the The IVhte AA Bulldogs also Craig Pelley, Connor ~mooth " Catalfio said were the DIVISIOn I regular- Wiggms and Zach Gremer team'~ succe",s a" Its hockey "I'm done racIng," he Knights' threat McCarth) leveled hIlls season champIOns In the led the balanced sconng "kill" mstructor The thought at the time "I'm "When you leave the bases and straightened turns to attack Bulldogs' manager IS Matt gomg to qUIt and Just tag loaded With your leadoff hlt- league and they won the lead a field of 14 dnvers .Joe\ Davenport and Ian Yam, along With MIke" tel' up, that hurts," SchmIdt Toronto Wonderland Fl,h contmuPd their "trong from three states m the first saId "We had too many Tourndmrnt and the Sport, of t\'o0 races May 24-25 He called hIS WIfe, Conme Ik d I k If he were seekmg condo- wa s, an In games 1 e Grattan s two-mile track the"e you cannot make IS an obstacle course of 10 Ience, h e dIa Ied th e wrong number errors turn~ dIpS, nses and the Laura Ralstrom went 2-4 fd"te'it "tralght on whIch "She saId, 'StIck WIth It for ULS WIth two slllgles Mr C'b duo have put theIr GIVe It hell,''' Catalfio SaId and two runs Houghtahn pedab to the metal also had a strong game WIth Sunday's race reversed "You feel your helmet two doubles and two runs the fortunes of both dnvers ~tart to buffet," Catalfio said Mazur, Amy Pruse and of 125 mph wmd pressure McCarthy qualified Angela Stahl each scored "It's neat n fourth, set the race's thIrd two runs for DiVlne Jenny Grattan lS mamly a tech- fastest lap at Just over BO Elhot contnbuted to D1Vlne nlcal ClTC\lltWlth off-camber mph but lost a spot to finlsh vnth two RBIB and a run downhill turns and bhnd fifth Despite the loss, Schmldt hIlltop corners It's easy to UI missed a shift and said that he v. as delIghted to spm off course and end up see ULS wm a second backwards or upSide down stalled the motor," he SaId UEven though I was dlsap- straight dlstnct tItle despIte Turn mne IS a 115-degree losmg nme senIOrs la~t sea- nght-hander With the apex pomted With my perfor- mance, my overall times son crp,hng a steep hIlI "Wmmng thli;, year \\ lih 'You have to turn the car were WIth leaders who are more expenenced " younger players was a JO\ hefO! e you see the road go and a surprIse Next \ right: ~IcCarthy said "You Gearbox problems that we're only losmg one "emor have to pnter the turns dogged hiS yellow and red (Morgan), and they'le ~ad to ",mooth OthenVlse you find No '33 relegated the car see her go, but the best part vour"elf III trouble m a from Its normal dIsplay area IS that they're all commg hurry' " InSide Mr C's Carwash on back," SchmIdt saId In the first of two races Harper In St ClaIr Shores to "They've gone to toumd- :\!pmonal Day weekend, a repaIr shop m T e rosse Po te Hoc ey Assoe at on te AABogs a e teL t e ae- ments all over the state and sars Amateur Hockey League playoff championship to the several titles they :\lcCarthy quahfied second IndianapolIs faced some of the best pItch- dnd won dunng light ram won this year. The team also won the league's regular season championship and As for Catalfio, Conme's ers In the state" he "dId It was halfluck," he saId was first in two tournaments. In front are Joey Davenport. left. and Ian Fish. pep talk worked He started "There haven't been ver\ He d benefited from a last- Kneeling, from left. are J.P. Lucchese, Craig Petley. Connor Wiggins and Geof- the second race 12th and many pitchers that ha\e mmute pre-race SWItch frey Welsher. In the third row, from left. are Mark Yanis, Wesley Cimmarrusti. moved up to cross the fimsh been able to fool them" from b!lcks to wet tires as Cam Gibson, Timmy Moore, zach Greiner and Kyle Trombley, In back, from left. hne In 11th SchmIdt ~aId he IS aho are coaches Matt Lucchese, Kirk Gibson and Tim Moore and manager Matt ,torm clouds rollmg III from lookIng forward to next sea- Yanis. L.lke MIchigan foretold a Catalfio's best lap dunng son as well and be!lrve" l.lke effect spnnkle crowded track condItIOns ULS will contend agaIn :\!cCarthy almo"t 10"t the wa,;, two seconds fa "tel' than "They're d very good hlt- Pioneers ousted in regional I d( p to a drIver from hi" qualIfyIng speed for the tmg team The\ tan go out much offense gomg :\llIlne>.ota race thp day before there ,llld ddJu~t from "low By Bob St. John thiS game," Arthmlre said Staff writer WhItmore Lake's pItcher "We ha\e some talented He passed me In turn ~I'm gOIng to stick With It,' to fa"t and hit the ball dnd BLISSFIELD - Harper was the fastest we have gIrls commg back, but the one," 1\1cCarthy sald "But that's \'0 hat e\ el) cOdch !lh.e~ he saId faced thIS season ~ he pushed deep I was able to "pe Pin' \\(' got ~ome new Woods' gIrl~ ,;,oftball team entIre group of underclass- The PIOneers scored theIr to come back under him We Mr ("" next race I" .June young plaYPI ~ commg up to dropped Its DIVISIOn III men has to work hard for us 29 at GIngerMan Racewav regIOnal semIfinal 5-1 to run when Jumor Angela to wm next Sf>ason " (ame together Other than JOIn t hp 0111" V. e hin e, he III South Haven WhItmore Lake la~t week- Wlerszewskl smgled home The Harper Woods soft- that, contact was kept to a 'did end at BlissfIeld HIgh selllor Jenny HIli ball team ended Its 2003 Softball camp School Sophomore Mana Mahon sea~on 13-7 overall o,~-----a "Our showmg thIS year suffered the los" Jllmor On a bnght note, semor 2003 UNIVERSITY LIGGETT was much better than a year Meghan Huot was a defen- DaeJana Maldonado, sopho- in Pointes ago," head coach Carol sive standout, accordmg to more Ann Mane Solomon, A"pmng "oftball players Arthmlre Said "The gIrls Arthmlre Huot and Mahon earned all- In thp GrO'i~e Pomte'i wIll played a pretty good game, "I hope our returnmg dlstnct honors h<1\e a chance to learn and but we weren't able to get players learned a lot from d('\ ('lop th(' ba~lc fund amen- t,d, of 1hp ~port at the first (;1'0"(' Pomte Fastpltch Trinity crunched by Shrine Soft hall Camp SOCCER CLINICS plate Tnmty ended ItS season "I / ThE' camp IS co-sponsored By Bob St. John "It wasn't pretty for 20-11 overall It was the hy two successful hIgh Staff writer I 1\t I I ! [) I '\ RO! I \ II r... 1 Tnmty," GeromIn saId ~It's most wms the baseball pro- ,chool coaches from the area STERLING HEIGHTS a shame that we had to 10'le, gram ha~ achIeved m sever. IR\I,\!,\(,( II'\I( " \1 - (;ro,~t' POlnt!' South., Pt'g'g> Tnmty's boy" ba"eball tpam was ehmlllated from the but thiS was a great learn- al years l '\ll\flhll~ 11(,(.111 ,,( IIO()I Van Eckou!l' and Gr()s~t' P()\nte mg experience for our Geromm lo"es Seery, Marc I.;orth ~ BIll Tavlor ",tate playoffs la"t weekend, ( 001.. RInd ( 11ll1"1'(,r",,, !'",nt, \\"",h younger kIds who wIll be Zera, 11m Becker and Mike Participant" WII! receive loslllg 15-2 to Royal Oak back next season" Moore to graduatIOn 1or Ho\\ ,wd (,id, I\~C' (T 1(, ( 'flllll',d hi Ahlin)) instructIOn In thrOWIng, ShrIne In a DIVI'iIOn IV fieldIng hlttmg, baserun- regIOnal "emdinal at * Ju~y 28-August 1 Bethesda Chnstlan HIgh Aerobics classes start on Monday August 4-9 mng and pItchIng The camp WIll be held on School The Fitness FIrm will All classes wIll be held at ~We played our worst August J /-16 GrO'ise POInte South's soft- begIn a sIx-week senes of the .JFK LIbrary In Harper game of thr "eason,~ head ball field from June 16 lOW-Impact aerobICS classes Woods PartICIpants may August 18-23 coach Larry Gf>rOmlll saId through 19, from 10 30 a m on Monday, June 16 attend anv of the classes "The wrong team showed * Ipr, lid prr srl/'on prO~111I/ 01 flln(1I0nllllri1ll1ln~ to 1230 P m Classes WIll be held on that are offered up I know we're a hetter The CO'lt 1'1 $40 and WIll Monday and Wednesday The fee IS $46, plus an md (Ilnr"l1ontn~ lor Irml/~( "idyrrl team than the one I watched Include a camp T-"hlrt mormngs from 9 30 to 10 30, addItIonal $6 charge for new I or turther mlormatlon call lo"e to Shnne " Brochures are avaIlable at and on Tuesday and members Semor Bnan Seel'V suf- 313-884-6718 or 313-884-4444 the mam office of each Thursday evenmgs from For more mformatIOn, call fered the los" but had the school or by callIng (313) 645 to 7 45 (313) 886-7534 432-4663 Lancers' only two hIts at the

• June 12, 2003 Grosse Pointe News S:eorts 3C Regina- ND implodes in From page lC 13, m Battle Creek regional title game Soccer By Bob St. John two smgles, and SIX RBIs, Staff wnter and he was the wmmng ORTONVILLE - The pItcher The RegIna soccer team Notre Dame baseball team "Dan has been domg It all lost 5-1 to Royal Oak fell short m Its bId to make for us the past month," Gust KImball m a DIVISIOn II It back to the state quarter- saId "He ended hIS hlgh regIOnal semIfinal last week finals, losmg 9-5 to Orchard school career on a great "We dId the same against Lake St Mary m a DIVISIOn note" LakeVIew as we dId against II regIOnal champIOnship Earher m the week, the KImball- fall behmd at the game at Ortonville- Insh swept a doubleheader half,~ head coach Matt Brandon from Lake Shore, wmmng 5- Naldow said "We played a Head coach Angelo Gust 1 and 2-1 good game for the mo'lt part h.1...,\\ h1" F1b"htm' Insh had Valente struck (11lt "IX and but the few breakdownf> we the team to wm the regIOnal gave up only two hits m the had led to our loss" title but they had to get sohd opener, and had three hIts KImball, ranked No 3 m pltchmg and defense m and two RBis at the plate DIVISIOn II, scored the order to get the Job done In game two, Aaron game's first goal WIth only "The wheels fell off our MelUCCItossed one-hIt ball 17 seconds remaInmg m the band \'iagon,~ Gust said for four Innmgs to earn the first half "Everythmg that could go wm In rehef Rod Sanders, "The goal was deflatmg, wrong, dId go wrong It Ryan Stewart and Valente but we were only behmd 1- wasn't the best time to play e~ch had two hIts to pace the 0," Naldow saId "I told the Regina's soccer team celebrates after winning a district championship. our worst game of the sea- offense girls to f>tLckWith our game son A regIonal champI- The Notre Dame baseball plan, and be aggressIve on onship was on the hne, and I team finished Its season 23- the offenSIve end of the Troy edges South in thrilling thought we were playing 17 overall field ~ well enough to beat St Mary For Gust and hiS Insh, It The game plan fell apart and make the quarterfi- was another roller-coaster dunng a short stretch of the nals" season that started With the second half when KImball regional final soccer battle The Insh commItted SIX team wmning three of Its talhed tWIce, takmg a 3-0 first four games By Chuck Klonke Becker made good ~aves With them for three or four errors by SIXdifferent play- lead They dropped three Sports Editor on LIZ Ridgway and Marsh years - It's hard to see them ers that results m St Mary's Freshman Glona Soyad Each year, GrOf><;ePomte m the second half. while go, but we a lot of good play- sconng seven uneared runs straIght league games and five of SIXoverall, droppmg f>coredto get the Saddlelttes South's glrl~ "occer team Danforth stopped a break- ers commg back and some "You don't expect your WIthin two goals at 3-1, but get'l do"el to getting out of away 3ttempt by KnstI good one" lOmIllg up 1thmk kids to commit errors on below the 500 level KImball finished off the the reglOnal phase of the MItchell The rebound> we'll contmue to be com- routme plays but It hap- Another losmg streak (SIX regIOnal semIfinal wm by "tate D1\'I'>lOnI tournampnt cleared by defender Lauren petlVe' pened to us," Gust said "It's of eight) left the Insh tread- addmg a goal on a penalty Two \ ears ago Trov beat Tobm before a Troy player South reached the region- a learnmg expenence, and mg water, but Gust was able kIck and another late goal the Blue DenIs :3-0 In the could pounce on It al final WIth a 4-0 VICtOry hopefullly the kIds who are to rally the troops as the "KImball was a very good team went mto the state regl 0113 I La,>tVPdr It \\ as a "It's the firf>ttime m three over Anchor Bay commg back next season soccer team that deserved to remember thIS game playoffs WIth some momen- 2-0 lo~" to thof>e ",lITH' Colh year" that I felt we could Marf>h opened the sconng wm the game: NaIdow f>ald that ended South-" "ed"on beat them:' Harkms saId "I at 2 53 after takmg a paSf> because 1 never want to see tum "They took It nght at us, but Last FrIday, Trov dId It felt confident about our from Htllary Inger Peppler thIS happen agam " Gust has to replace sever- thIS was a \\onderful learn- agam, be,ltlng th" Blue chance" COITllng mto the made It 2-0 at 1251 Marsh The Flghtm' Insh al veterans, mcludmg all- mg expenence for the gIrl>. advanced to the title game state cahber catcher Chns Devil:,. 1-0 III a game that game [didn't feel that wa)' tooh. the ImtJal shot, but the who WIll be returnmg next ea,ll) could have ended WIth last yedr or the year before Tar~' goalIe ml"handled the by defeatmg Ferndale 10-0 Nielsen and all-Cathohc season They have to get South on top "Danforth wa~ outstand- ball and Peppler tapped It m a semIfinal pitcher Dan Valente, but the bettE.'rso we can be the team 'Mv hat'> off to South ,- mg She s ~o calm tor a mto the net Senior Dan Valente was 4- future IS bnght wmnmg next season" :,.ald Tro~ cOdlh Henry freshman ~ Less that two mmutes for-4 WIth two home runs, The Regina soccer team Stelllwascher 'The\ came DanfOIth was pressed mto ended ItS 200:3season 13-8-1 out and pl,lyl>d hard It wa~ dutv a yeal early when overall anybody':" game I can't say "en;or go~lkeeper Samantha Fightin' Irish baseball earns "We're happy WIth the that we outpla)'ed them, and Martmez was 10f>tfor the season," Naldow saId "We ma) be they outplayed us season With a knee IllJUry accomphshed our goab of There were quahty chancef> Marsh, who has a scholar- another district championship wmnIng a dIVISIOntitle and on both ,>Ide, shIp to play soccer at a dlstnct title Wmmng a "RIght now, I'd have to 'my Western MichIgan and was By Bob St. John RIchard, wmnmg 2-1 III "It sure does help to have regional tItle would have luck \'ia'l the dIfference You South\' leadmg "corer thiS Staff wnter eIght mnIngs and 10-4 runners on base when your been great, but now we can have to have a lIttle luck year, was such a concern to Notre Dame's baseball In the opener, Schmuck player hits a home run," shoot for that next year" sometimes" Stemwascher that he used team won ItS 11th dlstnct threw a three-hItter, whIle Gust said "We outhomered South coach Gene several defenders to shadow title III the past 12 years on Simon's saCrIfice fly m the Prep 3-2, but they beat us 7- G.P. South Harluns went mto FrIday's her every move Monday, beatmg DetrOit eighth scored the wmning 3 m RBIs off those hits" One of the most effectIve In game two, Valente Babe Ruth regIOnal final feeling good Southwestern 3-2 In the title run about Ius team's chances was semor mldfielder Sarah game In game two, Maltese, again connected for a homer highlights "We were confident gomg Johnson who managed to "It was a lIttle closer than Nielsen and MelUCCI were The Notre Dame baseball m that we could make them keep the ball away from It should have been, but the the offenSive starts, whJle team Improved to 30-1 III SOSA DIVISION earn theIr keep," Harkms Marsh for the final mlllutes Angels 14, Onoles 5 mam thmg IS that we won,~ Evan Wilhams pIcked up the dlstnct play under Gust, C J FIsher P T Sh,rar dnd Said "We knew they were of the game head coach Angelo Gust Wln and 18-15 overall Kobert ,John,on hIt double, for the dangeroU!; WIth theIr crosse" "Our whole defense was saId EarlIer, Valente hIt home Ang..l, "hJle Omdn ,md and theIr corners ~ "ohd," Stemwascher f>ald Evan Wilhams picked up runs m both games to help Tennis Tern \loIler edch had two RBh It was a corner kIck that "Johnson espeCIally, played 'Illier and Topher Horn pllch"d the wm, stnkmg out seven, Notre Dame spht a double- "ell I;ngd, cdtcher 1\ ler V\drne, turned out to be the dIffer- a bIg role because the girl I whIle Aaron MelUCCIpItched header WIth PontIac Notre Notre Dame's tenms team hdd threl" ,mporlnnt putouh ence III the game With 801 had on Marsh earlIer wasn't one Illlllng of relIef Dame Prep, losmg 11-6 and scored two pomts m last 7dt h h.O'"loffia',o ...loTl.d t,,,o run'" left m the first half, EIleen able to keep up With her" MIke Maltese scored the Wlnmng 14-6 weekend's DIVIslon III state 'lnd ,tole four b",p, for the Onole, Larkm redIrected Lauren Harkms, whose team lost wmnIng run, stealing home "Dan's bat has come champlOnshlps In Grand "hill' Vmm (.reer Ulliected 1110 Skmner's corner kIck past to Troy 4-1 earher m the hIt- He smgled, :,.tvlesecond and ahve,~ Gust Said "All of our RapIds freshman goalIe Laura ~ear ""hen the Blue DeVIls advanced to third on a wIld kids are startmg to see the Head coach Cathy Hassett Angel~ 3. Giants 3 Danforth who dIdn't have a were mlssmg four starters, pitch ball better, which has result- and her semor-oriented D,'rkne" haltlJ th\, def'rl,,,e chance on thp play moved Marsh to the outSide Two pItches later, he stole ed m our offense finally FIghtm' Insh performed up battle t half ended of the field," H,ukms SaId and Kevlll Marhnga com- tered WIth a three--run Shuberg of DeWitt, and TIm Mandl Marsh's crOSSIng "Unfortunately, that dIdn't bmed on a three-hItter homer and d grand ,lam See IRISH, page 4C See RUTH, page 4C pass to WhItney C'ahJlI Just work for us" Offen'lively, Dan Valente mIssed the mark Marf>h South had f>ome good was 2-for-2 WIth a tnple, a then put an outstandmg defenSIVe work. espeCIally double and two RBb, whIle South move on a Troy defender, from sweeper Heather Chns NIelsen was 3-for-4, and got a shot away but Doughty, Tobm, LIZ Galea From page IC and PhIl SImon had four Slll- Colts goalIe Annie Decker and Megan SWItalskI glef>and an RBI unearned runs m the second made the 'lave "SWItalskI seems to be Earher m the week, the on a double by AVIla, an WIth only about 15 ,>ec- able to get to everythmg In Insh swept a doubleheader error and a two-out, two-run onds remammg Ln the half, the atr,~ Harkms Said from RIverView Gabnel smgle by Matt LeWIS South" Stacv Peppler rang ,\ "Wf>re gomg to mIss the Morawski led off the thIrd shot off the gOalpo"t ,pnlOr, - when )'OU work mmng Wlth a home run, and South added two more runs m the fift}> Mackmnon walked, Janutol smgled, Butler reached base on an ~ t error and ArrIgo followed Wlth a two-out two-run sm- gle -- "MIke's had a few hIts lately and he's gamed confi- dence," Grelsbaum saId "He's always been good defenSively and he's a great kId to have on the team" Amgo had two hIts III the dlstnct champIOnshIp game agamst Grosse Pomte The Grosse Pointe Hockey Association Invttes boys and g1r1sto register to play Ice hockey. North, and scored the ad) run of the contest after hlt- If you were born between July 1 1985 and December 31 1999 tmg a double III the SIxth you can Slgfl up and play the 2OQ3-{)4 season mnmg For more Info and a reglStrallon fann call the South got Its final run In the SIxth on a leadoff smgle GPHA Registrar 884-0038 (R9QISlrallon by Dan Keogh, a Wlld plkh 'ee $100) and a throwlllg error on Morawski's grounder Abraham went the dIS- Photo n\ Lnnwnp \1(ITAWqkl tance for South and scat- Groue Pointe South's bueball team celebrates Its second Division I regional tered eIght hIts He walked championship In three seuons. The Blue Devtl8 beat Warren De La Salle and one. struck out five and dId- Warren-Mott on their way to the title. n't allow an eamed run June 12, 2003 Grosse Pointe News _4C __ Sports Trinity's Geromin wins first district title as a head coach ly well," Geromm said title, 5-3 over Zoe Chn"t!an have more than one guy base By Bob St. John Geromm ;,pent the pa;,t Taylor scored the fifth "Gettmg some run support Zera dlove m the go- whom I can give the ball to Staff writer decade coaching baseball at run, commg home on a makes our pitchers' Job ahead Iun In the sixth m order to wm us a game, Tnmty (' atho!lc head Hamtrdllllk St Flonall ground out by JUnIor CUrtiS much easier" N(m that St FlOrian and mnmg, - ha;, d ney, outlook on the game' m relief lnmng to put the game out tnct game earher m the The Lancel" ('ome talented n "ea- fir,t-yedl p!a~er,>, ...emor walks, three runs scored, the route Ldncel" to the vIctory scored on Wilhams' double son," Geromlll "dId 'Now, Mart Zel d ,llld a \ t>!('j dll, and two stolen bases, and The Tflmty Cathohc base- Our pltchmg has been Wilhams stole thud and we're one game a\\ ay h om d ~(,11101 .JtH \\'IIII.\[]1", \\ h() Taylor was 3-for-3 with two ball team Improved to 20-10 p" t t\ good the entll e "ea- came home on sophomore tItle, and I'm nervou" as 1I ! h(']ppd th( !,lIllI!' Illd runs scored and two RBIs overall, Lutheran East fin- ,nil (,( Chris Geromm's smgle Gl'10mlll \\111 Iht dl'lIllt 10111111 ')ald \Ve Ished Its season 10-12 over- was a player" Taylor's tnple scored "The entire team IS start- all Geromm, who also stole a mg to hit the ball conslstent- Ruth North's Fisher sets track mark From page 3C most Improved Smyly was the 800 run With a PR, while Grosse Pomte North's Andrey, Fayad wa;, thIrd track and field athletes the top rookIe Sexton, who Athlehcs 9, Yankees 2 The girls team also did fared well III the recent was the tedm's top 400 run- JefT Remil[pi allo\\pd th,ee hIt- y,ell III the freshman-sopho. m fi\ I' Inmng' and led the A, ofTen DlVI"lOn I state champi- ner and a key member of the mOle me('t ""I.' aUack '\Ilh " ,mgle double onships m Grand Rapids 3,200 relay team, receIved Emily SchleIcher won the and a Inple Infielder, W,ll 0" en The hlghhght of the day the team spark plug award J,m MtMlllan Peter Sloepker pole vault WIth a heIght of 7- Wa" a school record perfor- In a recent fre"hman- FrankIe DeLaura and Wilhe Br}ant 6 turned m a fine performancp a' mance by Laura Fisher m sophomore meet hosted by Melt;,sa Clal a\ IllO was they pIcked three runner, off ba,e the 3,200-meter run Fisher the Norsemen, North had second 111 the 800 run 111 and turned a double pla\ broke a record that had several ImpressIve perfor- Buzz Palazzolo and MIchael 2 47 The 400 relay team of stood for 20 years, but she mances o Neill were Ihe Yankee" top hIt. In the 4x1,600 cros" coun- Damelle Hubler, Rebecca lers fimshed Just out of the medals m the girls competi- try relay North's team of Pollard Schleicher and Athlettcs 4, TIgers 0 tIOn With an effort of Stefan Cross, Smyly, Bremer Megan Lamparskl was also Peter Sioephr 'lod WIllie and Anthony Caplzzo was runner-up Bryant combmed on a Ihree hll 11 2342 Jenmfer DeFauw ran well first Smyly, Bremer and The 4x1,600 cross country shutout The A- off"n_" \\a, led b\ rela~ of Katle Horne. Betsle Da\ ld Mever, t\\O hIt, and a lime. In the 400 dash (1 00 4), but Caplzzo each pO!lted person- ly double b\ Bnant also dId not place al records (,haklo", Kelly Szymborski lIger_ pltth"r" J,m Cotn:.- and The girls 3,200 relay team The 800 relay team of and Alllson l\hkula was sec- MIlch Pangborn pItched "ell a_ Balhff, Bremer, Mano ond the} held the A, to fi\ I' h,t- that set a school record at the reglOnal fimshed Just Sexton and Marcell Maxwell ThIrd places came from out of the medals With a was first m 1 35 9 Chrlshne BourgeOIs In the tIme of 9 48 Team members North won the 400 relay diSCUSand shot put Soccer- were FIsher, DeFauw, With the team of Bmhff, Two relay teams also fin- From page 3C Patncla Wmterfield and Bremer, Sexton and Ished third - the team of Mehssa Andprson Maxwell m 45 G, ",rille the Grace Butts. SzymborskI, later, StephanIe KostlUk FIsher, who plans to 1,600 relay team of Sexton. Natahe Hmk's and took a hIgh shot that car- attend Michigan State Smyly, Cross and Maxwell Lamparskl mthe 1,600 relay omed mto the net off the UnIversity, was the only had a wmnmg time of and the team of Butts goahe's hand Galea drew semor among Ute North 3469 Hmks, Kalthn Embree and the assist girls who quahfied for the North's Grant Dltzhazy Ashley Payton 10 the 3,200 C C Mengel capped the Photu b ... Ro..,h ~lllar .. state meet won the 200 dash III 26 8 relay sconng for South at 27 41 of The final score was 1-0. but there was plenty of North quahfied pole Robert Ingalls was first In the second half Peppler action in Troy'S victory over Grosse Pointe South in vaulters Ted KotWICk and assisted on the goal last week's regional championship girls soccer game. PhIl Saffron for the state Little Leaguer fans 18 South completed the sea- meet Coach Dan Qumn saId son W1th a 13-5-2 record that both had good attempts at the openmg heIght of 11- in no-hit performance feet-6 The Braves' 16-0 VictOry Ddnn\ r rench Charlo" Mdllgan Kotwlck mIssed hIS three and Ed Molloson scored a run over the Red Sox III the AA attempts, but Saffron apIece Molloson pitched all "IX cleared easily on hiS first DlvlslOn of the Grosse mmngs and struck oul 10 Norm try Saffron missed hIS three Pomte Farms-City Little Bird made a fine catch m nghl attempts at 12-1 League was the Joey AllOtta field show Tht Dodger' Nick PangoCl had In the 3,200 relay, the 1\\ 0 hils and scored a run Geoff team of Rob Matouk, John Ahotta pItched hiS first Welsher "cored tWIce and Clark Bremer, Mano Sexton and career no-hitter and struck Wells and Matt Barnes each scored Barclay Smyly Improved out 18, while walkmg only once Braves 5, CardlDals 2 three places on theIr seedmg three He also led the way offen- Joe} Aholta struck out 17 as the and dropped two seconds off Braves beat the Cardmals for the their regional time to 8 28 SIVely with three hitS, .econd tIme - their anI} two losses The hlghhght of the race mcludmg a grand slam of the ,eason Aholta also h,t a was a two-second drop by Jeff Irvmg had a two-run tTlple and drO\ I' m t\\O runs Jeff homer and Ed Molhson col- Irvmg had a pmr of smgles and an Smyly, a freshman RBI Robert ~Ianle\ also h,l d "At the state meet we smd lected three hits and two tTlple Danny French ~alt L,zza goodbye to three of our RBIs Charhe MillIgan and and Mark Siormes also scorpd semor leaders," QUinn said Matt Llzza each scored Austm Jane, and John LaclUra KotWlCk WIll attendmg tWice, while Max Crow, each had e"tra base hlb for Ihe Mark Stormes, Andrew (' drdmals Adam Black pItched the Umverslty of Mlchlgan- three .trong mnmgs Jon Parker Dearborn, Saffron Will George"on and Robert made a fine defen",ve pla\ at "hart. attend Eastern Michigan Stanley scored a run apiece ,top UnIversity and Matouk IS Red Sox outfielder Nolan MAJORS Monforton made some fine Astros 7, Reds 0 headmg for MichIgan State Will SocIa and Tommy Canon Team awards for the boys stops to prevent runs combmed to pltch a no-hlUer for the Braves 6, Dodgers 5 A,tro_ and they "Iruck out 13 SocIa were announced at the ath- Jeff Irvmg dro\e m the \\ mnrng had t\\O hIt" Johnm Hackett had a letIC awards ceremony run as the Braves overcame a two hlt and ,cored' tWIce Andv Kevm KWiatkowski was run defiCIt m the bottom of the VanderSchaaf ~ax Bobmskl, named the most valuable SIxth mnmg Joey Ahotta had three runner Robert Balllff and hlt~, dro\e m a run and scor"d one Spencer Channel were the Matt L,zza scored t""ce \\ hill' See BASEBALL, page 5C Irish From page3C Central With 10 DeWitt Harmon had a sohd time m Lansmg Cathoh~ Central the 800-meter run but dId Kopec lost by the same score and Trenton With eIght. not get a medal to DeWItt's Matt DeRose, Coopersville WIth seven The Flghtm' Iflsh's 400-, At No 3 smgles, DaVid Battle Creek Harper Creek 1,600- and 3,200.meter Llpa was defeated 6-3, 4-6, With five, Mattawan relay teams also competed 4-6 by Dexter's KeVin Allegan and Dexter wIth In thl' finals but failed to get Rapme, and Dan DIVICOlost Pels Name SYLVESTER four, RIverview WIth three a medal Age 4 yrs old 1-6, 0-6 to Bummgham and Notre Dame With two ' ~Our relay teams were Country Day's Arvmd Type of Pel Black Cat St Clair and Holland loaded With younger kids," Favorlle ActlVlly Being chased around NagaraJan Chnstlan also earned two Wegr7ynowlcz saId "I Includt'd WIll be MemOrial Pa~e .. the house Brandon Gnesbaum and pomts expect them to learn a lot in remt'mbran('t' of tht' Owners Kim & Sca1t Mackey KeVin Lao lost 0-6, 0-6 to dunng the off-season and loss of your pt>t, $l.'i.OO R pt't theIr Petoskey foe, and Bill Track Brandon Bonds fimshed comE' back hungry to Doklano and Pat Irwm fell Improve on theIr perfor- ,co \~ PO~I[ \IfW\ & The (onnNllon mnth In the 400-meter dash ------Send nhoW md S I ) 00 10 ,1-6, 3-6 to theIr opponent mances nE'xtyear" q" Ku(hrv' Avent r from Mattawan WIth a time of 51 27 In last (,rCI ['nn'rF"ml VI(hq.;r 4P?36 Farmmgton Hills Please Print At No 3 doubles, Anthony weekend's DIVISIOnII state Mrr' on K m VI" If)' Dllp rl) Advert \ oS champIOnship meet at HarTlson won the state tItle Pets NJme DISante and Mike Mlynarek With 50 1/2 pOInt". followed lost 2-6, 6-4, 4-6 to the team Caledoma High School Agc _ by StevenSVille-Lakeshore Type of Pet from Mattawan, and George "Brandon ran a mce race WIth 41 and Fhnt Powers Murray and Craig Robmson but It Just wasn't fast With 28 FilVor Ie Nt Vlty lo~t 0-6, 0.6 to their No 4 enough to get a medal," Lacrosse doubles foe from St Joseph assistant coach Steve IlfespJn Ilor MemOrl.1! p 1gesl_ East Grand RapIds won Wegrzynowlcz saId "He IS The Notre Dame lacrosse PhOne # _ the state tItle WIth 33 learning, and next year he ------team lost to Blrmmgham pOInts, followed by Country Will be In posItion to get a ('ountry Day m a state quar- Vilil. Me. # _ Exp Dale _ Day WIth 29, Bloomfield medal" terfinal playoff game last Hills Andover With 25 Chfls Jones fimshed week, endmg thl' season 1- Slgnilture Petoskey With 21, Marshali fourth III hiS heat In the 100- 14 under first-year head With 18. St JOSE'phWIth 11, meter lugh hurdles but did- coach Kevm Coyro Thdnk ~nll,., ,md ple,he return nn later thdn July 2nd, 2003 Grand Rapids Catholic n't get a medal, and Dave ¥ ¥E U ...... £! 2 l& 2 2 iSSS 2 • • -

June 12, 2003 • Snortsr 5C Windsurfing regatta will be at Patterson Park on June 21 Parhclpants should arrive Anyone mtel tested III will be run from Pdtterson \\ IIldsurfing 01 Just bemg a Park at the foot of Three by 9 a m for regIstratIOn ~pectoltor can expellCnce the MIle Drtve III the Park and and preparatlon Patterson thrill... of thp ...pOlt at the WIll feature three fleets of Park will be open to non-res- Gro%e Pl'mte Wmd"urfing boal d I dce" along wlth ldentb vJewmg the regatta Club'b lourth annual regatta demon"tl'atlOns, refresh- from the beglnnmg of fe",tlv- on Saturday, June 21 at ments and rames Itle" at 10 a m until c!osmg Pdtterson Park m Grosse All partICipants, whethel ceremomes at 4 p m POInte PUlk on short, long or funboards, For the becond btralght can enter the open, nOVlce Races should "tart around :lnd oh,.,,-t!:>[, wd ('ho~ r H'{''' 1() a m orppndmg on wmd ;:'LU'"HJn, th(.. \\\ndsurfing Club has accepted an mVlta- and are mVlted wlth theIr condltlOn" In case of hon from the DetrOit Boat guests to the DBC gala for a mclement weather, the Club to mcol pOI ate the barbeque and hve entertam- regatta will be held on Mike C's Stars won the 13th annual Marge's Bar and Grill Hockey Tournament wmd"urfing events mto the ment at the Grosse POInte Sunday, June 22 with a shootout victory over the Remax in the Pointes Blues. In front. from left. annual DBC regatta Club that evemng NOVIces are encouraged to are Jeff Komasara, Matt Spatafora. Glen Burton, Dave Adams and Charles The regatta IS open to Admls"lOn to the event IS attend the weekly events of Thomas. In back, from left. are Danny Miller. Tony Gatliff Jr., Joe Lovelace. nOVlcei> dnd spectators ai> free, but there IS a $30 regis- the Wmdsurfing Club, Brian Gatliff. Terry Shook. Doug Wood. Troy Bergman and Tony Gatliff Sr. well as vetel an boarderb tratIOn fee for partICipants, Thl' DBe regatta hds been whIch mcludes raemg. lunch whIch are held at Patterson a t1adlhon on Lake St Clmr and rame tIckets Park on Wednesday bmce 1893, but \\ eleomed Red Bull energy drink and evemngs, for free mformal Mike C's Stars win shootout the wmdsurfers, who have Colasco arp sponsoring m"tructlOn and to enter the been salling out of the Park refreshments and Hungry novIce races on June 21 A bhootout "Icton ovel game on a power play WIth 1\1lke C's then played the smce 1995, mto the Iegatta HOWIe's lS provldmg pIzza For more mformatlOn, contact Frank Murray at Rema', In the POInh'b ldr- les" than four mmutes Red Squad, whIch was led for the first tIme la",t sum. for the racers Several other ned MIke C's Stars to the remammg by Danny PaolUCCI, RIck mer corporate sponsors have con- (313) 331-2125 or Dave Chapman at (586) 992-1365 champIOnshIp In the 13th The game .....ent to a Glam. RIck Carlson. Bnan The wllldi>urfing events tnbuted prlZeb annu,d M'll ge... Boll' and "hootout Burton foned PIggott. John RaJt and Paul Gnll Hockey Tourn,lnJent Remax'l, fin,t three <;hootpr<; Mueller MIke C's had to Win The MIke C\ Stars wel e a to "hoot WIde. \\ hill' Terry by a three-goal dIfferential Regina's Artymovich anxious team of friend ...and fdmIl} of Shook and Wood :"cored for to eal n a <;pot m the champl- 1997 Grosse Pomte North I\hke ("'l The game wa" on on ...hlp game and the Star" graduate Mlke CiaramItaro. the Ime VI hen Rema>. b camp away WIth a 4-0 VICtO- to begin college career at Lynn who dIed earlier thlb year fourth bhooter made hI" ry NeIther team :"COIed m attempt. but Burton ...tackpd By Bob St. John ments III preparatIOn for when she was seven, and Wood "cored on a penalt) her father Bob has been the fil ...t 1\\ 0 period... Remax hI" pad" and ...PlUl cd the Staff writer her freshman year of college mfluenhal 111 her rise m the goalie Pat McKee \\ a" pla)- \\ In for MIke C" <;hot to gwe Mlkl' C'" a 1-0 Regma ...emor JOble golf at Lynn Umver~lty m mg an outstdndmg gdme. Mlkp C <;opl'ned thp tour- Dan Mllll'r m,lde It 2- ArtvmO\lch fim ...hed her Boca Raton sport but so wa ...l'vhke C'" nptmm- n,101l'nt \\ lth a 1-1 10...... to o assl~ted by Troy Bergman hlgh school golf career ,Ii> "I m exclted about my "My dad has taught me a del Glen Burton. \\ ho kept Rema' whIch wa ... led by ,md Challl'i> Thomas onl' of the !'chool's ail-time future," Artymovlch "aId lot, but so has Jack Seltzer," the hlgh-"rorlng Remax trIO Depu\ <; Zacagglll Todd Shook i>lOred d Sl'cond be ...t ''I'm ready to head to Lynn Artymovlch Said "My hand- of Ton) Z,lcaggnl Todd Beam and Rob POIter penod goal, a ...'l, ...ted bY'Matt The 17-) eal-old i,'1 adudte UmVl'lslty, and hopefully It Icap IS gettmg lower but I Beam and Jllnm) DppU\s olT In Remax game. the Spatafora and Jeff I" nO\\ granng up for the WIll be a good one .. stIll need to work on my KOi>dmara Wood complpted game If I want to crack the the board Red Squdd. led b} Lmk i>unmwr h\ Pdltlupatlng m She eal ned all-Cathohc Doug Wood g3\e MIke C ... Rp" ert b four goals and two the sconng WIth a goal that bP\ el ,11 '-umnH 1 golf tour na- honor<; thIS season, fimi>hll1g varsIty hneup at Lynn" Artymovlch's best score IS the lead WIth d thIrd-period d.""I ts bl'at the Rl'max was up by Ton} and thIrd III the Cathohc League goal. but Remax tJed thp Blup" 6-4 Bnan Gathff Tournament a 75, and she finIshed her Artymovlch wab fifth last academIC career at Reg1na year, seventh a" a sopho- WIth a 3 06 grade pomt aver- GPSA house league highlights more and 11th dunng her age freshman sea "on She plans to major 10 UNDER-7 ('ommenh Th" Hock,'r' mount A'bl't Palnck Vaughn till ..,(l\l'rdl OITl n ...lV(' <1tt H..k ..... lnd IGoo..,eberrJe., I busllless marketmg, but Cougars 2, Ha\\ks 1 "My freshman year I dld- pl,I" d "ell on !.., average was In the low 80s tIVe golfing days wIll end lng saves "I.llld "ell de,pltt bung ,Iwrt I'''' A"'''l ...h l)(...,l r,lnno 81111 Artymovich chose Lynn when I graduate from Hawks 2, Fur') 1 SqUIers Goals Henry Solem Tory Voss players Blil Scott SteHn. Se",on_ \Inn](jue over Wmthrop, the Lynn," ArtymovlCh saId. (Hawk,) DeLorenzo and Schrelb~r "ere the lFl.lmmg t-,qu rrcl ....1 Umverslty of South She WIll work on her golf pIa) ers of the gam' for the ('"m",enh Th... Flammg AsSIsts Bnan LHeur~ux J T Carohna and FlOrida game dunng the summer Goo.eherne, "qulI rei, pI.!\( d f1..m le,,11 on ,I Mestdagh IHawhl before reportmg for onenta- Commenh Bolh t"am" pld,ed GooseberTies 11, len \\Ind~ day except for d thr~e Josie Artymovich Southern ,en \\~Il deft'n,"el, '>nlem ,cn L,dd pro' eltllln from Ta~lor Brt nn"n D"nny Surmont ,tnd Andrew East's Pritchett earns state finals medal "xcellent goaltendm!,: 1,ltl' In the AI, ,,, (~ulOl,tn Dd\ Id Kuback. I (J(J(hl'hl rrlt..~I Redzln'dk Chns BIll 'lnd Matt g,lnll' hlipl'd pn,~n, th, \Ieto" 800-meter relay team They 44 and Vandercook Lake Ralde" 4, Neon 3 "'",,1- :-'chre,ber 2 D,'LorenlO Kll'hler pI,,, ed "ell at m,dfield By Bob St. John (;0"1,, Fd, ard PoglJ",,,n 2 Ihan 2 Qumlan 2 E Toma'zew"k, J J Staff wnter also dId not earn a medal WIth 40 Angele, Chn,t'dn H"dm,tn Lundl II/'ck N,nett.. Andn'w Lutheran East sophomore Tnmty Catholic's Amcka Lutheran East also had FlamlDg Squirrels 2, St. IR81de" I .hmmv \1 nchl Ell,e H "tin!,:' J.lwb \Idko\\ ,kl Shana Pntchett earned a Brown (dISCUS) and Krystle semor Enk Cowans and l t.b(lITle ..1 CI8Ir Shores Two 2 Zak ('nnn"r G,lIoo!l ' enn I {;oo... "Iher medal Il1 last week- WIlson (200-dash) also com- JUnior Robert Carlisle com- A"I,h Sal,lnnah H,tn,nm( ('omnwnb The Gn'hehprrl~' ( 0,,1, Steven ('01"".112lFI,lmlng peted m the state finals but petmg 1Il the boys' meet P81g,' "lick, Andn \\ Lod. p),,,er, of the game IIcr" Lundv ">qUlrnI" end'" DII'ISlOn IV state <\""h Momquf> "qUler, Chn, Cowans competed III the rHdlde" qumlan ,md SLOtt "Ieven, champlOnshlp meet at dId not fimsh m the top ('ommenI- Led bl the nut,t Ind St Clair Shores Three 9, Btlil Flaming ~qUlrrel, I Grand RapIds Forest HIlls eIght m thelf respectIve 100-dash, whIle Carhsle was Commf>nh Both team, pl,"ed 109 pial of Sam B",klu" th,' NeIJn Gooseberries 2 Northern HIgh School events 111 the 200-dash, but neIther (;oal, Da\ Id Kubacki NIck \\1'11 a, th" r{'m", Of d und~f, It. d h"ld the Hald"" ,cnrele", fnnan dnd onl) tn hm" th" Hald~r, ,crrle~ "ere AndrE'\\ Andr"" helped l,mlt the time-., m the last fl\f\ mmult.., Benedlctll1e won the state Martm dePorres was second Ha,tlng" l'.ltnck Vaughn and St ClaIr Shore_ 'hoh Dante Cranford, who po"ted a new UNDER.S btle WIth 53 pomts, followed WIth 45 points, and Bath Raiders 4, Rockers 0 All"on I Idd,lOl De,eranno K"ndall (' ""Id; \fatt state-record hme of 12 54 Goal, Paulina Perak" 2 J(){'I Gooseberries 3, Kll'hler Kr" \lmer and Bt1l1 She also competed 1Il the by Pewamo-Westphalia WIth was thIrd WIth 40 1/2 Se ....lOilOn.., rrflated ...e' (' ..,corlng Lopiccolo 2 I&\Ider, I Roseville Two 1 200-meter dash but faIled to A"lbl- Andr"\\ Lock P81ge Goal, Jacoh \ilako\\"kl Dmld ooportuml,e' for the "qulrrel, Kub.lckl 2 Goo,eherr\('~1 fimsh 111 the top eIght \hck,. ('arollne Barn\\elll R,"de" I Other Ea~t girls who ran were senIOr Kelll Zoellner NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ULS lacrosse has a fine year (mIle ,md two-mde) and the GROSSE POINTE PUBLIC LIBRARY COUNTY OF WAYNE, MICHIGAN Umverslty LIggett Kmght~ WIth seven goals ULS took a 13-8-1 record mto It<; state playoff openel School <0 glrlb lacrosse team LIZ Drettman <;cored three, completed Its finest regular Alexa Davenport scored two agam<;t Ann Arbor PlOneer 0' THE ADOPTION OF THE IHDGET FOR THE Earher, the KnIghts beat Baseball- season In several year<; WIth and defenseman Joanna FlIiCAL YEAR 2ooJ.2004 a 13-11 wm over L'An<;e Mlller added one goal Bloomfield 7-5 From page 4C Davenport led the way Creuse ULS goahe Dawn Espy TO <\Ll INTI RESTED PER()ONS IN THF liBRARY WIth three goals and Ashle} (,arth Ka"ner and Canon al,o had The teams were tlCd at 8- made 11 saves hIt, \\ hil" Rnl(l'r Vandenbu~~che DISTRICT Ot THE GROS()E POINTE PUBlIC lIBRARY The KnIghts got excellent Steltz had two Doletzkyand all at halftime, but the SCOTl'd , rl'eter PLtASE TAKE NOTICf< thdt the Bach hac! hIt, and Ii,cat ~ear 2001 2004 'cored thre~ run' ap'''c" Tommy camp'l and $90 for the pltch- ('anon Ragf>r Vandenhu"che and The second Dan dIrector of the game WIth mg and hlttmg camp ,JOt'Y Lamlwr' ai'll had hit, (;lOrglo ('Opt':, of th.: r.:(()mm.:nd.:d oudge! are on flle \l, uh Ihe I IOr.I!) Gnesbaum Baseball School Matt Reno RegIstratIOn forms have Rl\~t('11I ,cor~d a run Socia l\nd Director .It the Grm,.: POint.: Puhlic J lordry 10 Kerlhe\ dl. will be held at Elworthy "We want to 'ltress that Lamher. did Ih" p,tchmg for the bp£>n maIled to last year's Gro,,,e POinte Mlchlgnts Thry are also ~lIchal'l Dukr had the Pirate' oth. r h,t, I loran 'hall he afforded an opportunlly to he heard In regard to NeIghborhood Club 25 There WIll also pltchmg Grleshaum, the long-time Ihe appro\,t1 of the plan dmendment' THF PROPERTY There IS no registration at and hlttlllg camps from baseball coach at Gro<;se T'.oyals 4, IndIans I TAX \1ILLAGE RATF PROPOSED TO HE LHIED TO the door All'x hn,k, and Ilnhhl PI'It7 tom June 30-July 1 Students POInte South and a former ~l'PPORT THE PROPO~ED Bl DGET WItt BE A For more mformatlOn, hlned to pitch a Ihr"e hiller for IhI' may attend eIther the pItch. Mld-Amencan Conference contact Gne<;baum at (.'n 3) Ro~al, KO'kl ,tart,.d and ,truck ~lJH.fECT OF THI~ Ht:ARI:"IIG. mg or hlttmg camp. not All-Star at Central out 'IX 10 hI' thr"'" IOnlng_ p"lt7 884-7834 or Reno at (313) MIchIgan, and Reno, a four- picked up the wIn 10 r~""f foey both 1~ he 886-5537 Df>mp''') led a halanlPd Rn)a1• Thl' notice pur~uanl to a re~olutlOn the Board or Tru'tee, The camp IS open to play- year starter at Grand Valley The school IS cO-Rponsored attack WIth two hIt, and two Rills of the Gro\\e POInte Puohc Llhrar) County of Wayne. ers between the ages of 9 State Umverslty Other top by Grosse Pomte South Nick Monforton KeVin (~lOnehaugh MIchIgan and 17 SesSIOns run each high school baseball coaches and 1',,117al,o had hy hIt, Basl'ball, Thomas Steen day from 9 a m untJ! noon are on the faculty, along Hohbte ';\\an,on "fomm, (.r,l~e, Robert Klacza Remax m the Pomtes Realty "We had 250 students WIth college player'> and Dan (n-row had 'h" Indian, I>ecrelary. Board oj Tru,'ce~ and Darryl Nlhem of h,ts Chr" Sh,rar pitched four .oild attend last year," saId Dan The regIstratIOn fee IS G P N 0611212001 Gro~'\C POInte Puhhc Lthrary NatIOn's Fu~dmg Company inning' Gnesbaum, who IS the co- $120 for the general skIlls

• p'sssss sss SS ass us s $$ 7 ~-~------~---~------~ -~------

Thursday, June 12,2003 Grosse Pointe News 6C 313-882-6900 ext3 DEADUNES tIOMlS FOR SAIf PI>o4", Art t<>go> fRIDAYS 12 PM W",d Ad, MONDAYS 4 PM ()peo S<.,-,doy gnd MONDAYS A PM REAl. ESTATE FOR RENT 709 Townhouse./Condo. For R."t fREOOENCY DISCOUNTS' 9"" 10< Vocatlon Renlal- Resort IColIl", HoIoday do .. dote.' /00 Apt./flats/Dup!ex- 710 Townhouse./Condo. Wented • RfNW.S & lANC FOR SAIf mull> ...... "hedvled ~'''9 ",t!> Renlcls/le,w"9 Pfepo)'T'1"\'Mt or (fed., oppn'J",'01 Call for rale1 or Groue POinte/Harper wood. 71 I Garoge.1 MinI Storage fer R."t 1UE SOAY 12 NOON North M,c~ 'gon b- more nbmat on 701 Apls/flats/Dup!ex- 712 Garage./M,m Storage Wanted ClASSlfIEDS !All OTHfR ClAS5IflUJ1ONSl 726 Waterfront Renlal TUESDAY 12 NOON Pl>ono ... con be l>osy on "-Oay & 1Midoy Detrort/BoIan/[).,plox- 71 4 l" Ing Quarte ... 10 Share CLASSIfYING & CENSORSHIP w. HOMES FOR SAlE PAYMENTS $I do" Shore

702 APTS/FLATS/DUPLEX 70S HOUSES FOR IIENT 700 APTS/HATS/DUmX 701 APTS/HATS/DUPLfX 700 APTS/FLUS/DUPLEX 700 APTS/fLATS/DUPlEX S.U/MACOMB COUNTY POINTES/HARPER WOODS POINTES/HARPER WQODS DETROIT /WAYNE COUNTY POINTES/HARPER WOODS POINTES/HARPfR WOODS ~ 413 Neff- 3 bedroom, 2 2 bedroom upper and NEFF Lane Apartment-, 3462 Haverhill upper 2 1,000 sq ft apartment GROSSE POinte tudor 2 bedroom 1 5 bath baths large town- 2 bedroom lower For- 2 bedroom, 1 bath, bedrooms $600 m- June speclall water 4 bedroom cozy -finished basement & house Air, hardwood mal dlnmg room fire- central air, close to cludes heat & water heat Included Border kitchen hardwood air fenced updated floors garage place, large hVlng Village, carport, base- (313}824-9174 Grosse POlntel St floors Parks schools clean $725 $1,200 (313)407- room Includes all ap- menl, lease, no pets Clair Shores Call for shopping close All (313)8824132 896 Alter- Master bed- d I I (313)282 57 4300 pllances Basement $7251 mont h e al s - 76 appliances mcluded 2 bedroom East English 3) 82 9972 room fireplace, park------N - south wtth laundry facIlity (31 8 - I d f d 11 112and Jefferson ef- 0 pets, no smoking Village Slove refng- ______864 Beaconsfleld No pets! no smoking HAM 109, aun ry, ence 1 year lease $1 8001 erator air garage 1 bedroom upper flat In of Jefferson Beautiful $13001 month plus se NOTTING , beauli- garden Includes heal, flclency apartment month Vicki Max Section 8 welcome Harper Woods East 2 bedroom lower, all CUrity (313)882-9686 ful 3 bedroom upper $575 (313)823-9051 Heat water electriC Broock Realtors 248 $975 plus utilities of 1-94 soulh of Vernl- appliances, off- sfreet With 2 floors of living Included $410 (586)792 t 821 er Call (586)773- parkmg $650 DUPLEX, 535 Neff and over 2000 sq ft BEDFORD, DetrOit 2 (313)885-0877 6259300 (1 1NOT) 1872 (248)318-6111 Lovely 2 bedroom, All appliances, central bedroom pnvate en- GROSSE POinte 4 bedroom GratlOV 1,000 sq ft 1 bedroom, 886 Nottingham upper fireplace, wood floors, air Gorgeous third ~~~~:' uPda~:~~~:~:- 11 1/2 Jefferson- 1 bed- Woods Roslyn Road Harper $1 0751 new carpet and paint 3 bedrooms, liVIng air, basement No floor- great room 19ft room HeaV water in- 2 bedroom applJan- month pius depOSit after 6 year tenant re- room, dining room smoking Lease, se- x 48ft Skylights Must hardwood fresh parnt eluded $525 ces air garage Se Section 8 only tires Skyllg"ts, appJ/- Creanl spacIous cunty $1150 see Available July garage optional $7501 (313)885-0877 CUrtty No pets $850 (313)924 2178 after ances air, storage In- (313)824-4258 (313)882- 7274, $1,100/ month month Available July 11 Mllel 1-94, 1 bed- 586 770-0005 430pm tercom $800 (313)407-5177 Please call (313)884 1st (248)5242030 GROSSE POinte 7 mile Ke-lI-y-a-re-a-3-b-e-d 13 824 4040 888 Neff, furnished 3 2526 room utilities Includ (3 ) bedrooms, hardwood ELEGANT 3 bedroom DEVONSHIRE, close to ed Excellent condl Woods 3 bedroom room linlshed base l 1014 Wayburn, 2 bed- floors air, appliances upper In the Pari< Re- NOTIINGHAM, com E Warren 2 bedroom tlon $560 (248)344- ranch new carpet ment $775 Rental room upper all appll- $1 250/ month modeled kitchen pletely remodeled 3 lower carpet through- 9904 (248)882-5700 freshly pamted Prosl fee (586)773 ances air condition. (313)971-5458 hardwood floors, char- bedroom dlnrng & Ilv- out natural fireplace ------$1,210 (313}881- Rent Ing newer carpeting, acter details through- 109 rooms, new kitch- no pels (586)792- AAAA EastpOinte large 3459 DETROIT- 2 bedrooms laundry No smoking 894 Beaconsfield lower out $1,1001 month en & appliances new 3215 one bedroom With $7351 month Two bedroom for rent (313)446-6037 bath, new carpeting basement laundry GROSSE POinte each Apartment (313)5800606 $7501 month (313)884-9278 new Windows air No DUPLEX. 2 bedroom hook ups air $575 Woods- 3 bedroom $450 Flat lower ______(586)296-0597 pets $1,000 2 central air basement, First month free' all appliances fire $550 (313)8853410 1039 Beaconsfleld- 2 httpllmywebpages GROSSE POinte Park, months secunty Side by Side 22110 (313)3503147 place $1095 Rental NEAR St John Hosp-;;aT bedroom lower non- comcast neVbeacon Wayburn 2 bedroom (313)822-6970 Must Moross $795 -----~--- Prosl fee 586773 2 bedroom brick smoker no pets sfleld894 lower, appliances, see (313)343-0622 Avail LAKESHORE Village, Rent ranch basement ga $800 (313)823-4071 carpet, no pets Credit able end UOit 3 bedrooms ------______899 Neff 2 bedroom check, lease $7001 NOTIINGHAM, south of converted to 2 $800/ GROSSE POinte rage central air se 1041 Beaconsfield 2 apartment Appllan- month, secunty $850 Jefferson, 15 mmutes EAST English Village month (734)995-5863 Woods Cape Cod cunty system $7501 bedroom upper, $6501 ces carport, $6751 (313)864.4666 to downtown Very 2 bedroom upper ------1st floor 2 bedrooms month 586-942.2428 month, no pets month plus utilities clean lower, drnlng Hardwood floors air LARGE upper flat for 1 1 bath kitchen drnlng 101 HOUSES FOil IIENT / (313)823 4071 Available July GROSSE Pomte Park- room, 2 bedroom, ap- condilioned $675 person RiverSide Dr room Ilvrng room 2nd S.C.S/MACOMI COUNTY ______(313)881-1864 Beaconsfield south of \ t (313)882-0033 Harperl 16 Mile Non- floor 2 bedrooms 1 1052 Lakepornte Im- Jefferson Remodeled p lances, v e qUle smoking $510/ month bath $1 5001 month RoseVille WesV Gratiot R 7 maculate 2 bedroom 908 Nottingham, 2 bed- lower available Hard- bUilding e erences EAST English Village 1 (586)465-3609 unfurnished $1 7001 South I 11 3 bedroom lower new Windows, room, all appliances, wood floors heat! wa- reqUired $6701 month bedroom upper $525 use ot garage $750 hardwood tloors air, off street parking ter included On Sight plus securtty mcludes heat Clean ROSEVILLE 1 bed- ~onth furnished Credit check Call washer dryer garage (313)617-8663 parking, $6251 month (313)885-1944 charming (3t3)885 room ' apartment w:~~~r ~~Sp~;I~lIe~a~ Sue 586 405-9502 parkmg $780 313- 969 Beaconsfield, (313)884-3733 NOTTINGHAM- 3 bed- 3216 slove refrigerator Ruth Mayhall @ ST. Clair Shores colo 510-0579 Grosse Pomte Pari<, ------room upper $850 2 washer, dryer $5501 Adloch 313-882-5200 OIal large 2 bedroom 1017 Lakepomte, upper south of Jefferson 2 GROSSE POinte Shores adults only No pets EAST English village month No pets -==-=-=------1 1/2 bath doorwall 2 2 bedroom apphan- bedroom lower LIVing ~arnage house on the No smoking Leave spacIous 2 bedroom (248)543 3940 GROSSE POinte covered patios pri- ces, basement $7501 Toom WIth fireplace ake 1 bedroom message (313)822- natural wood fire ------Woods- Updated brick month (313)822.8942 dlmng room, updated Nicely furnIshed, pool 1847 place $875 plus utilit ST. Clair Shores, 2 bed- 3 bedroom colonial 2 vate yard new carpet- Ing appliances base '\'\2 Lakepomte- '2 bed- Kitchen With appllan- No pets $2,0001 ------les (313)9990844 room loft apartment 5 bath family room room $700 (313)886- ces Washer. dryer month (313)510-Q978 PARK- 2 bedrooms -----_____ With garage air dish fireplace, new appli ment garage Circular 7098 proVided off street GROSSE POinte, 2 bed- Lower $750 Upper EAST English Viliage- washer & space for ances basement, 2 drrve $ t 000 No ______parkmg available room furnished car $650 Fireplace car 5041 BIshop C ean & pnvate laundry $795, car $20001 month D pets (586)725-5923 1272 Wayburn- refur. $750 EastSide Man- nage house Air petlng garage 908- qUiet II 2 ("86)468 8666 & P blshed 2 bedroom, air, 910 N It upper at ~ - H ropertles ST. Clair Shores 2 bed- agement (313)884- washerl dryer No e (313)886- bedroom appliances, ------(248)7374002 room ranch duplex, applIances outdoor 8694 ST Clair Shores large 1 - marntenance rnclud- 4887 pets Security depOSit =:-:-:=--_____ Window air condltlon- bedroom lower, new GROSSE POinte beamed ceiling air ed $725 (313)971 996 Nottingham, 2 bed- $1,500, plus utilities RIVARD. 1 block oft Jef- ers use of laundry carpet bhnds parnt Woods NeWly deco new stove refrigera- 5458 room upper With hard- (313)882-3965 ferson 1400 plus sq $730 (313)510-4470 lights With appliances rated 3 bedroom colo tor new carpeting ga- rage sprinkling sys 1316 Somerset 3 bed- wood floors parking GROSSE POinte, 2 bed- ft SpacIous 3 bed EAST English Village 2 & heat $5551 month- nlal 1 1/2 baths din- tem $800 No pelS room upper Hard- No pets $650 room upper Central ~~~ fllower Hard bedroom upper laun- Iy (313)884-2141 109 family room fire (586)725 5923 wood floors all appll- (313)331-7554 air, all appliances Ex ce 0 oors Appllan dry appliances $7501 place den hardwood ------ances ample storage, -A-TT-R-A-C-T-I-V-E-,-G-r-os-s-e cellent condition $750 wa\ I ~shwaSher month heat Included floors, large closets 2 ST. Clair Shores 3 bed S basement, garage No POinte Woods Spa- plus depOSit t I er ryer No Rent With option car garage fenced room bnck ranch petsl smoking $850 CIOUS 2 bedroom, (313}881-2806 pe s non smoking (313}886-3164 141 Mapleton- 2 or 3 yard No pets $1500 Basement fenced .,.,..-:=--______Immediate occupafl bedroom full kitchen (586)531-6831 $9001 month (313)886-5829 newly redecorated HARCOURT 2 bedroom cy $950 monthly plus EAST English Village appliances and air (586)777-2635 1336 Maryland, 2 bed- second floor untt With upper, central air, en- utilities Daysl eve SpacIous 2 bedroom conditioning, neat GROSSE POinte farm room lower nonsmok- fireplace, liVing! faml- closed porch. sepa- nlngs 3136131747 flat Apphances, ga house $1095 per house 856 St Clair 2 ST. Clair Shores er no pets $800 Iyl dining, bath, kltch- rate utilities, water In- <;Sr;O~M:;:E:;;R-;;-S=ET=-----rage $6001 month month (313)886-0000 bedrooms $9501 Lange- canal front 3 (313)823-4071 en, recessed lighting eluded Available JUly - 2 bed For appointment month (313)331 2476 bedrooms 2 112 ______and appliances Also 1st $1,1001 month room lower hardwood (248)5885796 2 bedroom ranch plus baths $1 5901 month 1351 Somerset, 2 bed- large basement With (313)331.0330 or floorsba new kitchen ------~ Flof/da room Grosse HARPERGrosse WoodsPOinte (313)882 2646 room Iower air Non full bath, garage park- (313)530.9566 sement appllan EAST English Village Pornte Shores Avalla- ST. Clair Shores 3 bed- smokmg, no pets Ing With ample stor- ces $7901 month S Schools 4 bedroom -H-A-R-C------unny inViting 2 bed- ble Immediately b k b room brick Base- $800 (313)642-0914 age Separate wash- OURT- 2 bed- (313)640-8766 room upper Appllan- $; ,3501 month Cell nc asement ga ment $875 Rental 15003 Jefferson, 1- 2 er/ dryer Non-smok- room upper sunroom, TOWNHOUS ees dishwasher, laun- (313)506-9120, rage remodeled Ap fireplace, basement, E apart pllances $1 1891 Prosl fee 586-773- bedrooms Includes mg N0 pets Immedl- ment Gro p dry Garagel automat- (586)293 1950 garage, central air No sse Olrlte - month (313)278 0282 Rent heat & water $5751 ate occupancy $9501 Woods 2 b d IC door $700, In------pets, non-smOking e room 1 3 b d h month 3138249174 mont h (586)604-5256 bath cl eludes heatl e room ouse In the HARPER Woods 4 109 TOWNHOUSES/ _ - $1,100 (313)874- ean well main 2 bedroom condo, large (586)446-4793 2427 talned central air ca (313}8861924 Woods, pets wel- bedroom central air . CONDOS FOil RENT All appliances Hard. BEACONSFIELD, lower ble ready No pets 1M come $850 $885 Available July 22995 Gary Lane Lo- wood floors new wln- 2 bedroom, appllan- HARCOURT- 2 bed- $7501 month MACULATE duplex (313)963-6223 1st (313)882-0355 cable hook up laun------cated In Lakeshore (248)848 Village 2 bedroom 1 dows Grosse POInte ces. off street parking room bath and hall 11SO dry faCilities garage 4 bedroom brick in the LARGE 3 bedroom 2 border (313)884-6789 $650 (313)885-0470 N0 pets, smo k109 T~R~EE;:;T;:;O~P~I---- 2 Woods Available 1/2 baths 2 car Over bath condo LIVing ____ ~ ~ $1,2001 month IVlng Farms 2200 Moross (across room dining area With 2 bedroom- Maryland BEACONSFIELD, (313)822-4068 3 bedroom upper from 5t John) $675 June 1 New decorat- looking Lochmoor hardwood floors lower air hardwood, South of Jefferson 3 .,.__------Gorgeous Nonsmok No pets 313-885- Ing central air 1 year Golf Club Fireplace, kitchen With apphan- no pels appliances bedroom lower Olf HARPER Woods du- lng, no pets $1 3001 4529 lease $1 350 patio $2200 ces Central air base- $700 References street parking Appll- plex, 2 bedroom air, month (313)640 t857 :-:-:------__ (313)886-2965 (586)286-2330 (313)8813149 ances $800 appliances, base UPPER 2 - MACK! Cadieux! Mor------~ (586)854-3339 ment With storage -=-______ment $750 (586)286- bedroom With ang 1 bedroom heat! ALLARD 10 the Woods- area water Included 2 bedrooms Hardwood (313)882-6064 5693 sunroom very clean water clean $375- 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 TIRED of renting? Inter- $650 (313)884.4887 floors appliances, BEACONSFIELD! before 3pm central air cable new $475 (313)8824132 baths $1 380 month ested m option to parking St Clair Grosse POinte Pari< HISTORIC 2 bedroom appliances No pets (313)882-2646 buy? We have several GOLF course condo 2 bedroom 2 bath ga- $700 plus utilities 2 bedrooms Laundry, flat $6001 month Call $8751 month SPACIOUS 1 bedroom homes In Grosse (313)499-1694 storage, parking (313)963-6223 (313)640-0399 upper apartment With ALLARD In the Woods' POinte school dlstnct rage St Clair Shores hVing room d 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 from $785 to $8851 $850 Cell (313)506- 2065 Vernter beautiful 2 $313)5508233725 f mont h JEFFERSON. 1 bed- VERNIER. Cape Cod 2 room kitchen WithInlngap- baths $1 380 month per month. (248)252- 9120 (586)293-1950 e room upper Ga ( - room apartment bedroom duplex ap phances walk out sun (3 t 3)882 2646 0934 b d ST. Clair Shores (near I- rage central air fln- BEACONSFIELD! Jef- $5751 month plus se- phances separate deck large walk In ------WATER R 941 696) Extremely Ished basement ferson Great locatlonl CUllty 313-822-6366 basement! garage I CLEAN, qUiet 2 family FONT house charming 1 350 sq Available Immediately Recently remodeled LAKEPOINTE- clean 5 $825 (313}885 2909 ~~:~t~ use ~~c~~asee~ With 2 bedroom avail- on Lake St CfaJr 3 $7951 month 313- 2 bedro m Re able washer dryer bedroom, boat hOist ft totally updated ble rent0 (248)882asona- room lower 1 bed- -nenVh garage $4751 parl

I._s ? ... __ .... ~ J • • 7 7' 7 7 2 7' , _ Thursday, June 12,2003 Classifieds Grosse Pointe News (313)882-6900 ext. 3 7C 709 TOWNHOUSES/ 716 OFFICE/COMMERCIAL 716 OFFICE/COMMERCIAL 723 VACATION RENTALS 723 VACATION RENTALS 723 VACATION RENTALS 723 VACATION RENTALS 726 WATERFRONT CONDOS FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT MICHIGAN MICHIGAN MICHIGAN MICHIGAN RENTAL RIVIERA Terrace, upper COLONIAL CLASS A 1,600 sq 11 CASEVILLE. Saginaw HARBOR Sprlngs- HARBOR Springs HARSENS Island coUge EAGLE POINTE 2 bedroom 2 bath EAST/NORTH Harperl Brys St Clair Bay near Sleeper Goodhart Lake Michl- charming downtown on North Channel 3 ONTHE lAKE condo heat & air car- 9 Mile IHarper Shores Private park- State Park Newly gan sandy beach condo Sleeps 6 2 full bedroom Fishing July 1st Nautical Mile port club house As- 400-600 sq It Ing Salel lease renovated 1 300 sq ft front 3 bedroom 2 baths Washerl dryer boating boat slip Large private lakefront SociatIOn fee & pool InclUding all utililies (313)8868000 lakefront home on prl- bath $2 5001 week Fully equ,pped Rent weekly park Fresh house Included $875 Days 5 day Janitor ______vate sandy beach effiCiency cottage, $1,0001 week Avalla- (586)9095812 With new air (248)589 7700 ext Near expressway SMALL offlcel studiO Sleeps 6- 10 Many $1 0001 week or both ble August 888526- Call (586)445-()489 LEXINGTON. 3 bed- 201 evenings Reasonable Harper Woods amenities Weekly for $3,0001 week 1636 Qsklo@aol com (313)886 5578 (586)778.0120 (313)881 4377 rentals starting at room large liVing & -_. (734)429-9459 HIGGINS Lake Lake- kitchen porch large 107 INVESTMENT PROPERTY 721 VACATION ItENTALS $1 050 Call (313}884 ST, ClwShores2nd EASTPOINTE- 3 story (877)368-1983 front cottage 2 bed deck on water com 3600 BEACONSFIELD, floor condo 750 sq It office building Offer FLORIDA HARSENS Island 4 room & nursery pletely redone $8001 Ing Single to multiple 1 Grosse POinte Park 1 bedroom apphan MARCO Island beach GLEN Lake Sleeping bedrooms 1 1 2 sleeps 6 Cable row- week (734)4553804 office space Includes 4 family 2 bedrooms ces air covered park front condo- 21 2 Bear Dunes Luxury baths 1 600 square bQat 4000lb hOist utilities Ideal for small LEXINGTON. Hlstonc each Many Improve Ing basement star Beautifully furnished vacallon homes feet air t acre on wa Immaculate $9541 bUSiness Offering In cottage In Village ments (313)550-8233 age, cOin laundry no Available now thru Cathy Kegler Broker ter Housekeeping week Open 6n 6/14 centlves for long term Walk to beach tennis 314 NORTHERN MICHIGAN pets no smoking January Weeklyl (313)88t 5693 amerlilles $1 0001 8116 8123 & 8/30 Call lease Call (586)776- shopping Free cable LOTS c::~"nl mnnth pl ...c; se monthlv 111~\RR1 f'~r'1pP t()lIhf'']IE'n<; week June & Sep- (989)821-6885 aller 044U <:;If'pr<; R I'1~p IIIf'W cUrity depOSit Includes 4199 tember :'1 .!UO; wee.. bpm TOACH Lake) Alden HARBOR Springs can $5501 week Sue heat & water Call EASTPOINTE. spacIous 722 VACATION RENTALS July & AuguSl -H-O-M-E-S-T-E-A-O--c-o-n-do- area 5 beautifully do 3 bedrooms pool 810 622-955t (313)884-9132 5 528 sq It office OUT OF STATE (248)545 5753 Sleeps 4 Beautiful wooded acres on tennis near golf space Ideal for Single LEXINGTON- Lake Hur- county maintained NEW Hampshire cot shopping Evenings Classlfieds 313-882~900x 3 beach sand dunes ST Clair Shores 2 bed bUSiness With multiple on 3 bedroom 2 neWly paved road 2 tage vacation treas (313)885-4142 ~t~;:;;'.' P-r()p.-. sunsets (248)475- room 2 1/2 bath interconnecting offl bath lake view and private parks under- urel VISit our webSite 0654 1 440 sq It guarded ces Located on first access 586 775 1141 ground utilities and at www bearcamp ne! pool club house floor of three story of- HOMESTEAD LakeView extenlsve bUilding site for details pictures NORTHERN Michigan 59751 month 1 year fice bUilding Offering condo, 2 bedroom 2 and rental Info or call vacation rentals for preparation already lease (3t3)4182025 Incentives for long bath $700 $1100 per every ta"te and budg done $51000 term lease Call evenings (248)645- week (248)879-2092 714 LIVING QUARTERS et Vacation Property $2 000 down $6151 (586)776 5440 6756 or day (248)647 TO SHARE 9290 ext 18 MICUIGAN Rental www charle month 11'70 land con- MICIlIGAN HARBOR Spnngs de- tract WVIW northern- FEMALE roommate to Grosse POinte 723 VACATION RENTALS vOlxrentals com or Woods luxe condo Sleeps 6 800-968 5115 landco com Northem share nice home MICHIGAN CROOKED lAKE LAKE CHARLEVOiX full amenities pool Office space for lease Land Company 1 $3501 month including 14 miles North of Harbor PETOSKEY CONDO JacuzzI lake etc SHANTY Creel. studiO Whole SUIIe and 800968-3118 utilities (313)371- Spnngs home With 4 50' Lakefront 3 bedroom 3 bath Near golf $1 200f condo on The Legend indiVidual offices 6116 bedrooms 3 baths 2 bedroom sleeps 8 Pool, tennis beach and week (248)644 7873 Golf Course $150 820 IUSINESS FOR SALE Starting at 53751 month Wonderful walking per night (586)415 Includes utilities All amenities, cable nature trails Waterfront GROSSE POinte Woods beach & views LAKE Mlchlgan- 3 bed- 0034 RESTAURANTI ban- LUCido & ASSOCiates Minutes from golf BeaUltfully furnished home to share Wom (313)884 2965 room 2 bath chalet -W-A-T-E-R-F-R-O-N-T-.--P-o-rtquet halll entertain- II $1 1001 week (313)881.4199 en only $400 Includes (313)882-1010 between Petoskey & Sanilac 6 bedrooms ment center Close to Grosse POinte War- utilities 313 886-946t HARPER Woods Harp- CASEVILLE. private CharlevQ1X Great 10- 3 baths, sandy beach netlcrookedlake renl Cadieux area 716 OffiCE/COMMERCIAL erl Vernier near 1-94 lake front homes II cation on lake Mlchl- $1 5001 week 6000 sq 11 With park- Two 2 sUites of offl Booking now Sum petoskey BOYNE CITY CONDO gan Sleeps 10 (313)882-5070 FOil lENT Ing lot sealing capacI- ces (One Nicely Fur- mer weeks fall week- (586)415-8622 ON LAKE (901)861-2172 ATIRACTIVE executive 726 WATElUIIONT ty 250 liquor license nished) 1 600 sq ft ends (989)8745181 CHARLEVOIX office Immediately LAKE Michigan Leela- RENTAL available $275 000 each Very large nice Qjfcl 02@avcl n.m available Shared cop- HARBOR SPRINGS 'THE LANDINGS' nau Penmsula Beach- (313)3503265 offices private en Cozy 4 bedrooms CANAL front Harbor Is Ier and fax Reserved Weekly Rentals front cQllages, 3 bed trance kltchenel1e HARBOR SPRINGS Qn golf course rooms 2 baths Beau- land 3 plus bedrooms covered parking se Available Don't Forget- area Priced right Mr Beautiful fUlly equipped Shopping tiful view lots of win- 2 1/2 baths JUCUZZI cUrity maintenance (313)886-8665 Call your ads in Earlyl Stevens (313)886 4 bedroom 2 5 bath many extras dows Call John With sauna fireplace Included Adjacent to 1763 condo deck pool free (313)823.1251 Campbell (231 }256- all appliances 2 car Classified AdvertiSing POinte Plaza Rent ro Ad'

Grosse Pointe N~ws & 9iOW' CONNECnON CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING I 96 Kercheval' Grosse Pomte Farms MI 4823 AD STYlES: ClASSIFYING& I (313)882.6900ext 3' Fax (313)343-5569 OfADUNES W()(dAd, 12word, $1775 web hnp I grosseponlenewscom I , CENSORSHIP:WerelefVe ANNOUNCEMENTS AUTOMOTIVE HOMESFOR SAlE oddrtlonolwords65' eoch I NAME CLASSIFICATION'___ /he fightto dO\sl~~ 098 104 600 6\5 a I f'holo' Art logo' fi DAYS 12 PM AbbrevlOOOI1lnQlaccepted underIIIappropmte I~ ADDRESS CITY----ZIP w[)(dAd; MONDAYS 4 PM MemureelA,h S2940 per ~bllSiier re\efVeS rIg t I I 10 SPECIALSERVICES Open Sondol 9 d MONDAYS 4 PM columnlOch Itor relectod copy RECREATIONAL PHONE 'WORD,__ TOTALCOSTPERWEEK___ SUbmltiedfor poblicohon 105 128 I , ~oll for Hald&,kole dol,,1 l\order AdsS3285per 650 661 ENTALS lAND FOR column,och CORRECTIONS& I J 1W,__ J 2w,.__ J 3W,.__ J4 W,S__ .J_W\

------201 HELl' WANTED 200 HELl' WA~TEO GENERAL 200 HELP WANTED G~NEIlAL 200 HELl' WANTED GENERAL 200 HELl' WANTED GENERAL 120 TUTORING EDUmlON 127 VIDEO 5EIlVJCES IAIYSITTER GARDNER. 1 day a GROSSE Pomte Shores o SUMMER tutoring certl VINCENT JOSEPH A NANNY l~\ ATTENTION week weeding plant- active family looking fled experienced PRODUCTIONS NETWORK \.ANNOUNCEMENTS.J Ing feeding tnmmlng ~/ to adopt full Irml' long teacher reading & Digital Video & editing Grand Opening check for disease etc term pleasant ma- language arts grades Weddings private Looking for quality $$ Transcorp Executive Macomb County Must be able to Identi- ture responSible en. 100 ANNOUNCEMENTS 1- 3 Jodi Pirog parties and vacation child care givers Resumes $$ Let us fy plants from weeds office expanded! ergettc nannyl house- (586)776-7551 Videos A Virtual Top salary, benefits get you noticed CALLIGRAPHY A+ memory to share Call 313-886-2264 (313)882 1107 ext201 keeper for 2 bo~s ages 6 & 10 Must Add a touch of class TUTORING K 12 Certl With family & fnends (586)739-2100 25 fuD-time~ .• forever Demo available HIRING management STATION attendant for have references & be to wedding inVitations fled teacher Excels In OPHTHALMIC techs- to be filled in shift supervisor Great customer care & rou- nonsmoker 810-523- place cards Christ writing and math (248)969-0015 pay great hours Call Expanding cliniC tine auto mainte- .customer service mas cards certlfl skills SAT prepara- e-maIl angelaprlmo#2 3160 for detaIls (313)640. needs op'lthalmlc cates corporate par tion Excellent refer- @msncom nance Will train morn- .sales office 9887 Einstein Bagels techs Pleasant work- HEALTH managerl nan- ties etc Fast reliable ences $301 hour Ings Village Mara- $400- $6501 week 200 HELl' WANTED GENERAL 16828 Kercheval Ing condilions and ny wanted for 2 service 313 526-1484 (586)771-5939 thon Cadieux at Ker to start competitive salary school aged boys In chevdl Grosse No experience APPLICATIONS ac- lANDSCAPEI garden- Part or full time With my Grosse POinte POinte See Phil necessary EMINEM tickets (8) July GROSSE 'POINTE cepted for fulll part ers wanted Good benefits Resumes Park home Full time SchoIar!ihips offered 12th section 105, row LEARNING CENTER time cashlersl stock pay Good work and only to Metropolitan SUMMER help' part Monday- Fnday Must 23 $150 each ~vacabons Sine,," J977 dell Reliable cheer- attitude (313)903- Eye Center 21711 time College student be responsIble expe- (313)8863120 Call Now! Our 25,', On The Hill ful Must be 18 York- 1198 Greater Mack Ave- needed for car main- rienced and have own 131 Kercheval G.P.F. shire Food Market nue, St Clair Shores tenance errands, gar- transportation nQn- SECURITY products- (586)716-5145 313-343-0836 16711 Mack MEDICAL Bllllng- East- 48080 2400 Fax dening etc Call 8am smoker only Call Some of the products Side Dermatology IS 586 777-2214 5pm (313)642-1740 BARBACKJ bartender (313)665-6235 leave we offer are pepper growing again I We needed Immediately message & phone sprays slun guns are seeking additional RECEPIONIST, Full TEACHERS, Mt Clem- 123 DECORATING SERVICE Apply Within Tom s number personal alarms and expenenced medical time 9am 5pm ens Montesson Acad- knives Tuck s Mer- Oyster Bar 15402 emy a K 5th grade HOME decor sewing billers for Qur office Beauty salon expen- Dueto __ NANNY posItion availa- Mack Ave Grosse publiC school acade- chandIse 888 794- Dione Turner Draper- In Grosse POinte ence Resumes to ble for ddorable 9 POinte Park Local ComIB'l' _. 9442 Ies valances,shades Woods Full time flex- Box 01016 do my IS now Interviewing month old son In our pillows duvets cush- CYIDomer serv~ Ible hours benefits Grosse POinte News tor the follOWing POSI- home Permanent part 101 I'RAYEIIS Ions (3t3)886-7095 ~ (Harper Woods Send your resume to & Connection 96 Ker- lions MUSIC French, 59 t,me POSition (12- 15 office) needed 20030 Mack Ave cheval Grosse POinte preschool aides! day FIIIl &. p~rt 1ll1H OP(.'r1lr1q ... hours per ",eek) Must Farms, MI 48236 care prOViders kinder- In ClJ"itomE"f ")('f"\KC ~11(.,. be n0nsmokmg With SPECIAL thanks to St WALLPAPERING and 5 30pm- 9 30pm Mon Grosse POinte No doer 10 door garten 1st grade 3rd- Jude for prayers an- removal by Joan 15 day Thursdayl 9am- Woods MI 48236 or "10 It lrmoilrkctlllq Infant care expen- 5th grade SOCial stud- lVOl1< 1\IIlI1 'tlKk'IlIS swered M P years experience In 3pm Saturday Good fax 313-884-9756 RECEPTIONISTI admtn Fun cell< r ence References reo lesl sCience Send re- Srholar~hlp Intt: fn.,hlp'" terlor paint Jobs phone skills & sales Istratlve- full time pOSI- qUired (313)881-3500 sume 1 page leller of Make ~Ol" OIl n "1"'du1, (313)331 3512 background helpful MEDICAL office recep- tion With DetrOit con- No nil nc( \.Ie tr"l11 ------educational philoso- WANTED. BabYSitter lor Will train Work at tionist full time POSI sulting firm PrOtlClen- Call ~lon Fn 'I lipm phy transcripts and 10 year old girl In my o 125 CONTIt'IUTlONS home IS option 32 tlon With excellent cy With Word Excel 586-498-8977 copy of teaching cer- downtown home SPECIAL SERVICES year old family busl benefits Medical and and bUSiness ma- THE 5t Clare PTO IS tIficate to MJ Man Must have reliable ness also needs billing expenence chines Must have now collecting books helpful Mlsys (former- agement Services, transportatton FleXI- managerl supervl. good wntten and ver- Visa & Mastercard for used book sale sor Excellent pay ly MediC) systeml Will Inc POBox 1014 ble hours Call, 114 MUSIC EDUCATION bal skills excellent Accepted September 17 21 plan Karen 313.886- train Pleasant work- Flat Rock MI 48134 (313\832 4207 phone skills ability to GUITAR and bass in- Books may be depos- 1763 Ing condltlors In a fax 734 675 6553 ~t;.~~.'P-()P-u. . 203 HELP WANTED deal With a fast paced structor All ages La Ited InSide the carport friendly atmosphere DENTAL/MEDICAL EXPERIENCED walt atmosphere depend- door of church locat- Resumes only Metro- cal petiormer Sean ress Friday Saturday 200 HELl' WAHUD GENEUl 200 H£L' WANT£D GENERAL CHAIRSIDE Dental As- ed on Mack Avenue at politan Eye Center able organized and (313)881 1890 Sunday mornings sistant. small elegant Whittier dally before 21711 Greater Mack detail oflented Hours Good tiPS Clalrp0lnte private offiCe located 2pm Cal1 Donna 3t3- St Clair Shores 930am 600pm Fax 120 TUTORING EDUCATION Restaurant (313)884- near Grosse POinte IS 824 0705 for pICk up 48080 2400 Fax resump to 313-962- 6810 seel<.lng an expen- 586777 2214 5070 ELEMENTARY teacher ------enced assistant who seeking tutonng pOSI- GLOBAL communlca IS confident and en. tIon grades K 6 Flex- tlons company IQoklng 200 HELl' WANTED GENEUL 200 HELl' WANTED GENEIlAL thuslastlc Part time Ible hours (313)640 for 100 Independent posilion three days a 1994 representatives who weel<. We can offer a want to take control of - A1JroMOTIV[ SALrSPERSON- generous salary and their financial future HIGHLY qualified teach- If you 11<1\ l'i\-pro\, n hl,ton of 'lIl"'" m ,itll" benefit package In. You can work part ,md are «,mmll""l 10 1m\ llill1~lIhti\ndmg er With 18 years expe- Send Resume To: cludlng a 401K plan time or full time The 'lhtOInCr ,pr\ III a e LJ~ rience will tutor your e.- f\:,n, '1<", 1l-1l1L..._ Please call 586-446- future IS yours Call 1- ma\ ha\l an opporillmt\ for \ Oll child In my home ~~o-oot ,,"""'V'-- Kenneth SChop, 96 Kercheval, 6741 or fax resume to 866-876.1959, to set D,'ail'r,hll' , 'P' rtl'nl,' pn f,'m'd I Grades K- 6 Reading! Grosse Pointe Farms, rtf.48236 586-979-0649 Math (313)884-9718 (313}882-6900 ext. 3 up an Interview lea~~fax resume t~86-801-~52 AtI!'.!l1on~')

, , ... • Classlfleds Thursday, June 12,2003 8e (313)882-6900 ext. 3 Grosse Pointe News 30S SITUATIONS WANTED 203 HElP WANTED 300 SITUATIONS WANTED 303 SITUATIONS WANTED 401 APPLIANCES 406 ESTATE SALES 406 ESTATE SAlES 406 ESTATE SALES DENTAL/MEDICAL UIYSITTERS ' DAY CARE HOUSE ClEANING l GE heavy duty large ca- MOVING: High quality- 8:30 to 400 June, 13, DENTAL asslslant, ex- CERTIFIED graduate- ATTENTION Mom's & YOU found her A wom- pacity washer and Restoration Hard- 14 2122S Prestwlck, BOOKS penence necessary looking for full time Dad's licensed & ac- an who actually likes dryer Excellent condi- ware, MISSion fuml- Harper Woods Furni- Eastpointe Office, fax summer chlldcare po- credltated day care to clean EffiCient, reli- tion 1996 models ture, entertainment ar- ture, glassware, mis- WANTED resume to (586)771- SitIOn, In your home Full & part. time open- able References 8 years experience $350 (313)505-0442 John King 6383 or call (586)n1- Experienced Jen, Ings Creative envI- mOire, leather recliner cellaneous Items (313)824-6881 313-% 1-0622 6340 (586)447-9033 ronment Nutntlous 404 IICYClES Tables coffee, end ESTATE of Sallie A meals 10 Mile! 1-94 sofa Magazine rack Sargent and the late .Cllp & Save ThIS Ad. NEED a sitter for day/ 303 SITUATIONS WANTED DENTAL asslstant- De- (586)945-3441 SCHWINN A1rdyne exer- desk! office chair CD Richard C Sargent evening In your OffiCE CLEANING ESTATE remnants- fur- pendable and expen- cise bike Excellent shelVing unit Futon M D June 19th, 20th home? Expenenced ATTENTION: niture, dolis Ice ence needed FleXible WALSH'S ProfeSSional condition, like new All Calphalon cookware and 21st 9am- 5pm With excellent referen- by MICHIGAN LAW cream parlor set, hours, no weekends Gleanlng- commerclal/ attachments set- 13 pieces Slm- 2798 River Rd Cor- ces Own transporta- DAY-CARE FAClLlTJE..s kitchenware, Jewelry, (313)882-4970 profeSSIonal offIces (313)884-5297 mons solid maple crlbl ner of DaVIS Rd Mar- tion, non-smoker $101 (In-home & centers) fishing rods, lots of old Also auto detailing deluxe maffress ysville Two outstand- must show their stuff more Saturday, DENTAL Assistant hour Gal: (313)300 Reasonable Referen- 405 COMI'UTEIIS current license to matching dressers, Ing corner cabinets, June 14, 9am- 4pm Grosse POinte pedla- 7089 ces (313l881-2460 your advertiSing 466 E Machine 10 gig changing table "ttach- Victorian furniture In- 1337 Wayburn, tnc dental office seek- 302 SITUATIONS WANTED 312 SITUATIONS WANTED representative 160 RAM, WindOWS ment, hardware eluding VictOrian sec- Grosse POinte Par!< Ing part- time, ener- COHVALESCEHT CAllE GAIlAGf CLUNING when plaCing your ads 98 CD burner, scan- Child-life 3 posllion retary hoosler old getic self- motivated ST. Clair Shores, 24505 pia;, set' '01,' clock Jewelry L & JG CAREGIVER 20 ,C::l'S Tn/uVK YOU GROSSE P",nl" " ~Ci. "'-; man tor, ~a)' 8ove'ed l~u;T;"'v"'. VVo1r.tJsdli, chalrslde assistant sandbox Car seat In- Stickley plant stanO expenence Grosse greatest garage board mouse Great Frtday 9- 4 Furniture Expenence necessary POinte references cleaner and reorgan- fant ad J harts & crafts mag deal $300 (313)505- go s osep magazine stand sll appliances antiques (313)343-8790 looking for full time IZIng company Hate 0442 Black handcrafted VIO- ver FostOria stem for those 50 s lovers, your mess? Call the HOME Health agency (586)412-4996 Iin Ivory Mahjong set wa;e nautical Items much more MARY'S Child Care best 38 year Grosse has opening for field COMPANION caregiver 406 ESTATE SALES Original leather case including ship scam- A lOVing, learning en- POinte reSident Call staff RN W/E On- for elderly Provide Hogan Edge Clubs pass beautiful china 401 FURNITURE VIronment (313l882 Tom (313)331-4631 call RN HHA PT, OT, personal care light HARPER Woods anti- pro bag! carner exquIsite linens 24 7694 4 piece rattan set, ST & MSW Competl- housekeeping trans- ques furniture collec- Framed mirrors pieces of Waterford French cafe fabriC, tlve pay rates flexible portatlon Excellent 305 SITUATIONS WANTED tor plates/ glass, tea Kreamer copper (Lismore) glasses $3001 best (313)886- hours & days Please references Karen, HOUSE ClEANING ri) cups & saucers, washtub Koss com- Nippon pattern glass 5479 fax resume to 313-371.1207 housewares, holiday AAA Cnstal Clean ponent stereo 3- diSC qUilts great old (313)882-1803 or call --c-::-:c=-::=-::c:-=--- MERCHANDISE decorations, 60's retro Cleaning Service dual- tape 5 tall pine books- many on lln ANTIQUE dining room (313}882-1594 COMPETENT bedroom set record set 5 chairs hutch HOME CARE Honest, dependable 400 unpainted book- coin tools cameras albums fur coat buffet $900 must Established 20 years reliable For free esti- ANTlQUES/COLUCTlllES shelves Tripod Model T model cars MEDICAL ASSISTANT. wheelchairs, work- sell (313)882 2878 Home health aides mates (313)527-6157 Beautiful hand- paint- Wonderful sale I Chesterfield Township desk With attached bench & much more Cooking, laundry ed rocker pastel! f1ow- -- ELEGANTPlerre Deux Allergist 2 years ABC Cleaning- Com- bookcase and brass Saturday & Sunday f MQ -- - housekeeping errands dining room buffet, medical office plete house cleaning hardware $300 1 June 14th & 15th ers Vinyl albums C! ~ Part tlme-24 hours Bno Rokenbok starter lighted Henredon expenence reqUIred Expenenced focal carved roll- top desk 8am- 4pm, 20442 !;::J,.-<;I Excellent References bookcasel 2 pieces Benefits Fax resume housekeeper Availa- With matching Sit on lancaster West off I- set! 3 vehicles extra h. ~ ~ licensed/Bonded track Lots of booksl if' \ . double & Single bed J" to: 248-855-0046 ble 7 days week Also top bookcase, $2,000 94, South of Vernier (586)n2-0035 Cadillac Cabinet desk _ :::::I..PJ-:;? frames Marble top oremall to: afternoons Referen- (313)881-7825 (8 Mile) between 1-94 table, removable lap Selt it InThe Classlfleds vanity With matching promanagelnc@cs com KELLY HOME CARE ces 313-587-6131 service dnve & Peer- ANN Arbor Antiques less desk Old wooden ...... Ib-' ... ~, ft._Il11_. mirror large brass RNI LPN Eastside Der. SERVICES chandelier (313)886- '24 YEARS AMBITIOUS woman to Market, June 15, Sun- WSU chalrl attached \S6 'i ~'./,-- stuff and replace II Stefek E..tate Sale~. LLC ences Ask for Debbie Are You Serious About C With even older stuff Iformerh 1,,,, n ,,",( lIunln ht,lll' ",Ill" I I ( I "\\1 1\11\htJt" • \I'I'"mJI, A Career In '"J~!ftHf,~ _(_5_8_6)_7_7_9_-6_7_8_4_ LoveJOY's Antiques ~ ESTATE SALES BYVICTORIA Real Estate? 720 E 11 Mile Royal ' 313-417-5039 'CARl'lGSI'Q; 1990 EXPERIENCED house- ~II We are senous about (OllrteoliS 'lerr'lce Sm,{' 1989 Lori Stefek Affordable L" e In keeper available Oak (248)545-9060 l 111~ your success J~~g~{e~?t~ex:~~, Monday- Friday • 1\( HL & i\ 1m m~. 1m Lneory "ulnt~hLd "Free Pre-licenSing Personal care Home or office meat preparaton I,;;~,rn classes housekeepmg errand~ Please call, (313)822- '1__ 8_0_°....-9....1-=7-=-2=70"-0__.=5__8=6-__7=90....-=04=9=3=....~ r------Wanted Vintage Clothes And AccessorIes..... f./'",m NN',,(' I/, "ExclUSive Success Excellent references 4191 Paying Top Dollar For The Following: "Systems Training Clothes From The 1900's Through 1970'S. Programs (313)885-4576 EXPERIENCED house- -Costume -Fine JewelrylWatches *Vanety 01 Commlsslon keeper available 1- 3 MARCIA WILK -cuffllnks -Furs -Hats -Handbags -Shoes Plans days (586)977-5927 Lingerie -Linens -Textiles JomTheNo 1 r A+ Live-ins ltd. SALES -vanity -BoudoIr Items Coldwell BanKer alf\l\a\e (_lOll CGrqhius proV\., HOUSEl office cleaning, In \he MIdwest! 'Persona' Catt: Oeamn@. Cooking InSide & out Trust- References. Complete Confldent'allty Call George Smale at & ulJf'1dn HourI\. &- DJII~ R.1le~ worthy, thorough "Paris" 248-866-4389 j 313-886-4200 rtml.-u68<>/fIlu Free est,males Call j)ft A..I.Iell GrosN' Pobtlr ResJdnl I Coldwell Banker (586)777-7756 Sch_ltzer Res' Estate 881-8073 MOVING SALE JIM, the Janitor WIll clean 774 WOODS LANE LIGHTING flX1ure sales your home/ office, etc North of Vel'mer. between Mormngsld£ person, $9 SO/hour, 5 Reasonable rates and Wedgewood days, 34 hours De- (586)778-5336 ThUrsday 11:00-5:00 • Friday 9:00.2:00 • ThiS home fealures a complete set of Rose 'RaUtJ-~ sign or retail expen- LISA'S Cleaning Serv- 50 WILLISON , • China ['loon Light dinnerware, rallan furlllture , GROSSE POINTE snOKES ence helpful, Will train Ice Dependable & Exway Electnc, 20234 • 2 bedroom sUlles crystal contemporary f'riday. June 13th (9:00-3:00) honest Free esti- saturday, June 14th (9:00-2:00) Harper, near 8 Mile & furnishings cuff Imk collection everythmg mates (586)939-1880 • for the kJlchen classIC set of Lynx golf clubs • FEA~a: Magnificent leaf-pattern laJlque 1-94 (313)884-8994 I. IAI. CAR and much more vase: UudsoD COD50le walnut piano: French llght'iou"keepmg (00k1l19 TONI'S house cleaning Provincial dining set: quality upholstered P': ~ CONDllCTED BY SANDY'S SAILS TromportarlOn Per~onal Cart" furnlture: L1adros' « Uummels; ornamental + & & & & & & & & ~ weekly biweekly Hourly Ovem ght 313.378-7402 lawn chairs. huge X-mas assortment; good monthly Free esti- ~ • • • • • 9 • • • • • • _ • • • • • 9 # WOKING , 24 Hour Lr'V€' rrl ..: JtI ladles' cloUting « accessories: mammoth FORA NEW Bonded. Insured mates Competitive amount of kitchen supplies; twm « king , CAREER? • I Michigan Background rates, timely service bedroom se~; new tnple chma <-abinet: great , Check On All Care GIven FRI.-SAT .• Jl?\'E 13-14, 9AM-4Pl\I decorator Items: jewelry; tmens: Japanese , C~ I and ... ,f you _ {5861254-0672 Call Toni, (313)510- q.w,fy 10 earn 1582.5 WINDMILL POINfE DRIVE cluna: crystal: small chests: TV's; , SSO,OOO w. h.v< Ih. 3780 313-300-9166 G.P. P.\RK 60's furnIture: I'faytag washer Be dryer ., 5Y1Items and lht or 800-475-8898 and much more. WELCOME HOME Call Monday- Satunlay, ( unteT of lIan ourt .. ofT ha...t ~Jcffcrson • 4 Khoollng 10 make- you r ,. gam- 6"", ~RS UONOKt:D " 7 301\,1'1, fRIDJ\Y • dreams comt trut Professional Esrale Sale French style furnllure & decor Mahogany French LOOK fOR TI1E RAINBOWIIl www.ralPboweslatesaies,cQm Housecleaning & style small chest Inlaid French slyle mahogany buffet Marble " (Call IUchanl Landuyt) , concept table Burled Walnut s'de cha,rs Antique French cane , • .. 313-88')-2000 • Laundry. Experienced, seal charI (AI) Pr Gilt French style chairs end tables vanlly Personalized & " ColdweU Banker ' bench painted china cabinet Mahogany ladles desk Heavy HARTZ HOUSEHOLD SALES, [NC • Schweitzer Supervised Service. "rought "on cha"sI glass top labia Marble top chest & record G.P. Farms Highly recommended cab,net 50 s sectional and lables Wlngbacks sofa loveseal ~ 313-886-8982 ...... arm cha"s Brass cabinet Gilt mIrrors Regency slyle bronze! ...... By many Satisfied brass figural candelabras brass wall scones of Figurehead & WltOLE HOUSE ESTATE SALE lNSl JRfD &: IIONDfD Customers Since 1985 glass grapes Bronze l,gunnes other pieces Deco Bradley & fRIDAY & SATURDAY fl.lllJ PARTllMEJ UVF,ll'. BONDED & INSURED Hubbard brass desk set Old horn Inkwell Venellan glass 110ral JlJl'IE 13TH tit 14T". 2003 chandelier Venellan candlesticks frurl boltle olhers Baccaral 313-885-6944 EXPECT THE BEST M~MlI,R 01 I'A I0:00AM- 4:00PM W, 'R, Al ',0 I1X)I\l"r. TO bowl w Ih gill cherubs I turtles V,ctonan blue glass vases MARY~ CALL (313)884-0721 I I-t R( UA"" hnl" ( kIRa bonles larrps Bnstol pes Amberl clear candelabra Old crystal 370 NEfl'. GROSSE POINTE CITY. MI. o (nsu.1 ~ul\'tr 0,1 r.llntm~ Spring Cleaning & s1emware decanters vases Old Beleek vases new cups.! Between Jefferson tit Kercheval. f-um.furc (,{l\lumr &.. SlTUAnON WANTID..; saucers plate vase French parcel a n covered urns 3 streets North or Cadieux. Yard Work Available. hnr Jtw~ln Lg French framed porcelain pamted plaque s gned anllque t ntlH (0111('111" 01 tlll<,. i Il q ml ( ....1 lh 10 tl lr( o!("j( r 300 HTUATIOHS WANTED 400 400 \ot "\1 \11 .... 1111 RcHO\IH \\ cups. saucers Limoges ch na looted compote Pamled looled fw 11l4.,hIIlq.,.md II1[lqll\" It ( II d nq 1h 111 I:< (I 1\'. vases Royal Daullon dogs Balloon lady Royal Bonn tlgunne mahoq<1n\ nip tnp c11r1 nq I lhlt I It n( II ....1\10. InH ")('al UIYSITTERS It \ H 1 tI 11 ANTIQUtS / COllECTIIlES ANTIQUES / COllECTlllES Cap' dl Monte cherubs Inlaid wall plaques glll ....all plaques 1nci IhTc( .l'-m (h 1Ir., p"lH of Iii I , h tl III (01)<"01(...\..,th \ \ , 1 Old parfume scenl boll es Evans lighter Dec lamps H be nltJt( hJnq mIrror ...h'Ilh p 1111~(j iiI (1J!I WI' GJUNr'(ELL ATTENTION: Onenlal pr nts Others Framed needlework Sterling hol oware COr4SOLf: PlA.NO \..Ith III ( lJi P( Inl tH rH lJ rn lrhlt.. by MICHIGAN LAW pieces spoon' Siver plale RevolVing server old ol'lamp pr c1cnllhmc lhr. ( '" {lion 7 fout qllch r1 .. r n (J1 2 I IlIon. d DAY CARE FACILITIES 01 planlers more Onental pes LOiS 01 decorative Items Great t I11plr< ....1\ 1("(hnulq ...( t ... Ill( II dlllq hutlt I 1m1 '1.,1 f\("ro<; lon(' "it ,11.. 121 1 John \\ lit\( 011 Il he <1100r1l .. ( t .. (,lr\ ("(1 clothes aga'" Chane SUit Valent no Tngere Armanr Escada (In-home & centers) \ I l ~ l \ , Frcnc h (he..,' 1 q1111 .... ( U.. 1'<" ::'1 pet rlllmberc; (hHlcl h"'cl"'~ <1rE ..,...( r lop dl (E ..."'01 { .... (1"1,,Ill pcrflmlC bol BABYSmER5- In- RovaJ Oak r 8'"l,{AM .. hO'Iored -31 that I me tiC' L4 pllf<' ~"'£'lllrHl"" ~\, HV IH "It, I 1k.1Tl1 12 plcl'""( home summer em- Monday Saturdav II 6 View The Entire Catal09 On Our Web"te Over 1500 Items P\TRlC J\ ~o *'" ~v ..,('11Inq<; onl,lkl. Ach h 1.1. Illlt( helm uthl r ~tr\KC pl,tt(e., \.. ltl1 1100dl rnntil 2 ~ plcH( .,lltmq'l) ployment ResponSI- ~48-399-l('08 k.OI n "hI VJ1ljD, [) ,~,\~' n ti( nlnom [) Inlit<,k Kor.,.( ....1( llmq 111l~, lH 12 plit< e ble expenenced FeatUring The Grosse POinte Estates 01 Elizabeth B"9gs fISher Gwen llr lohn Griffin And Maf)l Savage Taylor <.,( ltlnqc. ",po(h , hUH...,( f{O<.,l (hll1) dO/< n ....of Im'c (~ of Ages 13, 15 Grosse 'if( rJmq and ...1\'£'1 pJ .It (J <.,( n Irlq llJ( {( r.,.-' PlfCe POOLE POinte (313)884-8234 Important Fine!'Arts Cassatt Degas Lauren

1 '.- ~; pi _.t." '.'IIiI'iI' '",2? ? " t' ;, ']]?7711' 77' 7777 s 7 J Thursday, June 12,2003 Classlfleds Grosse Pointe News (313)882-6900 ext. 3 9C

409 GAUGE/YARD/ 408 FURNITURE 409 GAUGE/YARD/ 409 GARAGE/YAIlD/ 413 MUSICAL 503 HOUSEHOLD I'ETS '02 AUTOMOTIVE 60S AUTOMOTIVE IASEMENT SAU IASEMENT SAlE IASEMENT SALE INSTRUMENTS FOil SAlE FORD FOREIGN A bed, brand new pillow 3499 KenSington. Thurs- GROSSE POinte Park GROSSE POinte 760 ABBEY PIANO CO. GOLDEN retnever male 1999 Mustang Laser 1991 BMW 5251. 155K top mattress set, day. Friday, 10- 3 Big 742 Berkshire Safur- University Fnday, ROYAL OAK 248541 6116 puppy $300 red Auto Low miles miles Runs solid Queen size. $229 sale Games. sporting day. June 14th 9am- 9am- 3pm Huge ga- We Buy & Sell (810)679.0035 Pnce Includes 18,000 Many extras $3,6001 Cherry sleigh bed. stili goods household 1pm Multi- family rage salel Fumlture, USED PIANOS mile manufacturer best (586)775-8270 boxed never used, sale Household books baby Items warranty Asking 635 Neff near Village Consoles-Spinets , SOS LOST AND FOUND $249 (586)463-9017 Items, clothing. furni- toys $10.900 313-410- 1997 Honda Accord DX, Paintings antiques Grands-Uprights ture FOUND black male neu- 0443 $6,500 On or after FLORAL couch, Heme- tools. china, toys, ap- HARPER Woods, 20243 PIANOS WANTED tered cat Long legs June 16, (313)715- don 8 piece dining pliances, crystal GROSSE POinte Park Lochmoor Saturday 1997 T-Blrd LX loaded, TOP CASH PAID large pOinted ears 2598 room set. 2 Henredon books Friday, Satur- Block Sale 1300 Sunday 9am- 4pm V6, looks- drives Call (313l881-8982 fireside chairs. 2 day. Sunday 9am- block Bishop Friday, Young couple moving- BALWIN console With great 110K. $2 900 1990 Honda CIVIC sta- bunching tables. 4 1pm June 13th Saturday furniture tion wagon- gray bench (313)882-4040 FOUND- black cat blue (586)260-1542 end tables, 1 Side June 14th 9am Standard transmis- 800- 900 Rivard Block NOT Just any garage callarI bell Flsherl 1999 Taurus SE Extra chair, colonial clock KIMBALL baby grand sion Good condition GROSSE POinte Park salel 346 & 342 Goethe (313l885' clean 36K Silver 2 (313)882-5205 after garage sale June 13 5' 4' refmlshed re- $1500 (313}821. & 14, 900am- Three family 800 McMillan Grosse 3440 year warranty $6 900 5pm bUilt $2200 8801 POinte Farms Pnml- (586)777-8098 200pm Tools toys block Berkshire June (313l4991344 tlve European and FOUND' large black! tan GREEN leather Queen furnishings clothes 14th 9am 1pm CROWN Vlctona V-8 1989 Honda CRX 5 other treasures 60 s male Sheppard With sleeper sofa from appliances and much BIkes books house PIANO Conway upright Great shape maln- speed, $1 200 coke machine flre- tattoos Farmbrook! Scott Schuptnne Ex- more wares. toys and treas- Ebony Polish re- tamed 50 000 miles (313)884.2536 cellent conditIOn ures J.lldl..8 ltlllUel luunu storeo outsloe ana in- 851 Shoreham Grosse $3300 Must see (313)882-7370 c1awfoot oak table Side $850 (313)343- (810)334-8568 1990 Toyota Cellca GT POinte Woods, Fnday GROSSE POinte Park (313)884-1906 With 4 chairs old 33 9302 Red 2 door, automat- 1239 Buckingham GROSSE POinte Animal KINKAID solid cherry 9- 4 Saturday 9- 1 records too much to ,---- 603 AUTOMOTIVE IC moonroof Clean dining room set Misc furniture & June 14, 9am- 1pm list Fnday 5- 7pm PIANO. Young Chang CliniC female black! GENERAL MOTOII S 99000 miles $2,850 Queen Anne style 6 household Items, Household Items, mis- IVOry baby grand white Husky, brown Saturday 9am- 4pm 1999 BUick LeSabre (586)344-8896 chairs, table, chma dorm refrigerator mi- cellaneous Onglnal owner excel- eyes and red collar PARK, 1245 Harvard. (313)822-5707 Limited, all power, 1989 Volkswagen Cab- cabinets buffet Mmt crowave & T V Nice GROSSE POinte Park lent condition, never Multl- family Satur- 42 000 miles, AMI FM nolet convertible Kar- condition $2 5001 things for college 504 Pemberton Sat- used Best after 312- day, 8am 1pm S I 0 ANIMAL SEllVICES With CD and cassette, mann Edilion Looks best (313)884-0801 apartments urday 9am- 3pm 3 961-0395 Something for every- leather dual air bags, & runs great New family garage sale KNOB Creek solid oak BLOCK sale Grosse onel WANTED- GUitars Ban- DOGGIE Scoops Pet air conditioning tires, Black! black POinte Park, 1375 lots of stuff I waste removal One $10,500 586-675- bedroom set. tnple PARK, 1361 Bishop- JOs MandolinS and 120 000 Must see Yorkshire, Fnday dog- $10 per week 1145 dresser. tn.fold mirror GROSSE POinte Park Saturday 9am- 5pm Ukes Local collector $3,9001 best queen pier unit ar- 9am- 3pm 1344, l (313)882-0212 767 Harcourt (be- 1950's Match Box paYing top cash 313- 1994 BUick Park Ave- (313)881-5277 1362 1375 1387 mOire $45001 best tween Jefferson & toys military toys! 886-4522 nue 98K miles One Yorkshire. Saturday r 2000 Volvo V70- Cross (313)884-4391 after Windmill POinte) Fn- books ~ owner excellent can- 9am- 3pm Baby lit- 415 WANTED TO IUY Country AWD Cham- 6 30p m day Saturday 9am r.a dltlon $4 500 tle Tlkes, housewares, 4pm Antiques. quality PARK, 1363 Cadieux- pagne 60 000 miles MAHOGANY furniture and morel household, toys Fnday June 13 9am- 6'- 7 slate pool table ,-AUTOMOTIVE"", (313)881-3972 Swan Imports Auto. INTERIORS 3pm Clothing, home wanted In good condl- 2001 Cadillac DeVille, BLOCK Sale- Lennon (586)498-8277 (Fme Furniture GROSSE POinte Shores goods furniture tlon Reasonably On Star pearl white, between Helen & & Antique Shop) 81 Fontana Ln Off priced (313)824-9016 loaded $21,500 1999 Volvo XC70 AWD. Mack June 14th ST ~ Clair Shores 20876 Lakeshore 2 blocks (586)783-3138 fully loaded red. 506 S. Washington Paloma! oetween 9a m - 2p m south of Vernier Fri- 74000 miles, excel- Royal Oak, MI Harper & Little Mack ALWAYS bUying fine DONATE your boaV 19 C II S d day- Saturday. 9am- china pottery porce- 98 adl ac e an lent COndition Round mahogany EASTPOINTE, 20949 Saturday lOam- 6pm clean lake St Clalr D V II I d d I 6pm Kids stuff Vid- lain dinnerware, sll- ' e I e oa e exce - $18900 (313)510- dinette table (48" dla) Beaconsheld Thurs- Furnllure exercise We are here founda- I t d t 101K eos, books, educa- ver, partial and full es- en can I Ion 3137 china cabinet drop- leaf day Friday 8am- equipment new ndlng tional toys stroller, tales- Call Melissa tIon (586)778-2143, miles $8900 313- end table small chests 4pm Multi- family mowerl snow blower 100'}o tax deductlblel 613 2468 606 AUTOMOTIVE miscellaneous Awe- (586)790 3616 non-profit - all by Baker Co Lots of furniture mis- household knick- SI'OIlT UTILITY some selection shoes Wide assortment of cellaneous knacks golf sports BUYING cO-ln-s-,-pa-p-e-r 1991 Cadillac Sedan girls clothes, new- DeVille 64K new 1998 Brabada Smart mahogany dining room cards bikes, tools FARMS, 275 Mt Ver- born- 5T Kiddie lem- money gold Silver b k & Track black, loaded tables buffets china mllttana II: memorabll ra es air great non- Fnday Saturday onade stand" ST. Clal~ Shores 22415 moonroof 88,000 cabinets & chairs 2002 Sebnng limited shape Askmg $3 250 9am- 1pm House- Colony Thursday Fn la COinS & Stamps bl S I (586)774-7153 miles, excellent condi- Oil paintings GROSSE POinte Inc 17658 Mack convertl e ter Ing hold kids clothing day 8am Nascar tion $10,800 chandeliers camelback Shores 22 Webber Grosse POinte blue 15 500 miles 1989 Cadillac SeVille Xmas books, toys toys clothing applian- (313)882-3885 sofas, desks bedroom Placel Lakeshore (313)885-4200 loaded $19900 64,900 miles Every mIscell aneous ces sets, porcelain lamps Dnve Fnday Satur- - - -_ (586)228-2863 option Must see 1999 Chevy Blazer LS- and more FARMS, 281 Ridge- day 9am- 3pm ST. Clair Shores 22334 FINE china dinnerware. ------$4,500 (313)886- 4x4 2 door Low sterling s,lver lIatware 1999 Sebnng JX can- 2483 Too Much To List! mont Fnday Satur- Alger 8 112 and Mack miles, excellent condi- GROSSE POinte Woods and anliques Call vertlble slate Intenorl 248.545-4110 day. lOam- 4pm Anti- Thursday Fnday tion Lots of options 1779 Aline off Mack Janl Herb (586)731- extenor anginal own- 1988 Cadillac Sedan que plesale antique 9am- 2pm Miscella- MATCHING sofa coffee Saturday, June 14th 8139 er, excellent conditIOn DeVille black FlOrida $9750 (313)417- Wicker rocker & table neous Items & end tables dark 10am- 3pm Sunday, 52 000 miles $9200 car 86,000 miles 9454 Leather wlngchalr & wood wrought Iron June 15th l1am- WOODS, 1781 Pre- OLD wooden duck hunl- (313)881-6683 carnage top wire ottoman AMF mlnlflsh 1999 Ford Expldatlon, legs lower shelves 2pm stwlck Thursday- Sat- Ing decoys and fishing wheels, leather cus- sailboat Little Tlkes Eddie Bauer Red, top of each hfts for urday 9am- lpm tackle Cash paid tom gnlle $3 5001 GROSSE POinte Woods 67.800 miles Excel- Lots of good baby Quality Ilems Pnced (586)774-8799 best (313)881-0321 storage excellent lenV $14,500 Ilems & clothing Met- 610 N Higbie PI Off to sell I condition. $600 En------1991 Escort LX Red 4 al storage shelves Morningside Between PAYING CASHI 1999 Cavalier excellent (586)778-2411, 586- tertainment centerl ar- door 84,000 miles computer desk, brass Cook and Falrford GROSSE POINTE PARK For antiques, coms, Air, cruise Good con- shape air, stereo, etc 615-8093 mOire, dark wood rus- floor lamp, porch furni- Saturaay. June 14th 741 TROMBLEY diamonds, jewelry, dltlon $900 Asking $4500 tiC full length doors 1993 Ford Explorer ture and soooo much 9am- 2pm Multi- laml- FRIDAY, SA1lJRDAY watches, gold, silver, (313)839-9300 (586)783-3138 79" high, 38 112' Wide XLT- 4 door. lether, morel Iyl Estate sale Home 9AM- 3PM paper money. 1999 Chevrolet Tracker- 4WD, one owner, 24" deep, excellent decor dishes glass- The Gold Shoppe 1998 Escort 4 door au- Convertible 40,500 clean 129K 10 play condition, $500 Oak FARMS: 260 McKinley ware kitchen. furnl- Sales R.p sampte.ale 22121 Gratiot to, all power Win- miles Great conditIon round pedestal table Fnday. 9am- 1pm lure, brass head- All new merchandISe, CD, alT $3.995. EastpOinte dowsl locks, 56K 4x4 CD player. (313)884-3491 with leaf, 4 Windsor Saturday 9am- noon board lamps, exer- nauonal arhteucbrands, (586)n4-0966 $4.000/ best crUIse $6,000/ best style Side chair. 2 Three family sale Clse, sport,ng, clothes nreats, T.... , hats, (586)n4-2171 (517}410-4191 1998 Honda Passport Windsor style arm Something for every- SHOTGUNS, nfles. old _ Luxury edItion Fully chairs excellent can- one Kitchen appllan- unicycle bikes. old ~~j~ack~.u~,~per£~o~nn~llD~c:e.~~ and newer Items No ::: handguns. Parker. 2002 Focus SE sedan 1997 Chevr Cava'ier 4 loaded leather mint dltlon, $800 248-399- ces, furniture, dishes early birds ZONTA Intematlonal, Browning. Winches- Silver, all power, door automatic air conditIOn. 1 owner 1785 evenings glassware, tons of June 12- 14 900am- ter, Colt, Luger. oth- moon 18500 miles. 74,000 miles $3.600 $12.9001 best MOVING- China cabl- toys. Peg stroller, de- GROSSE POinte Woods 4 OOpm Many house- ars Collector perfect' $9,900 (586)344-8896 (248)582-0350 net. antique dresser. signer clothing. bed- Friday 9am- 2pm? holds have contnbut- (248)478-3437 (586)776-4698 1999 Grand AM GT- 1997 Jeep Wrangler comer desk, antique ding, Jewelry. tools 1468 Haw1horne cor- ed to sale All pro- There's Cash In White, loaded 59K and more 1998 Ford Escort Sport, V6 Moonroof new Sport. 4 0 liter, 5 tables, dropleaf dining _ ner of CharleVOIx To- ceeds to support tal gym pasta maker women In need Your Closetst black. 5 speed man- brakes $8000 speed, air. soft top. table, dinette table, GRANNY S moving to bread machme small We make seiling ual, 125000 miles (586)775-5851 too much to list chairs. sewing ma- Flonda 60 years chandelier, lots of vld 411 JEWELRY on Ebay easy $3000 (313)885-4335 $10,3501 best chine, more worth of stuffl Fnendly (586)790-3616 1997 Pontiac Grand eos much more (586)876-4189 (313)822-4068 pncesl Every1hlng LADIES 1 52 carat sandsotime@ 1996 Ford Contour LX- PriX, 4 door, 35,000 GROSSE POinte NURSERY set- Child- must gal House for errerald cut diamond red $3,400 Single miles, excellent condl- 1999 Wrangler- soft top, Woods 1006 Anita craft oak Crib dresser sale too' Friday, Sat- Clanty VS-l Color, J 4 years of expenence owner, garaged, good lion new tires, 4 litre 5 speed, Fnday Saturday, urday. June 13- 14 Platinum selting and References available condition 102,000 $72001 best 57,000 miles, trailer changmg table. chlffa- 19947 East Emory 8am- lpm Babyl kids matching wedding 313-886-8058 (313)886-3173 hitch, (586)549-1040 robe, bookshelf $600 Court, Grosse POinte Fisher Pnce LAsh- 416 SI'ORTS EQUII'MENT band $5,5001 best 1997 Pontiac Grand Pnx Bus toddler bed, $60 Woods ley horne, PB kids, 1993 Ford Tempo Black 2002 Yukon SLT 4 (313)822-8300 586-337-0010 GTP 2 door, all avail- furniture, patio set FOOSBALL table, car- 2 door, stick shift wheel dnve loaded, l 412 MISCElLANEOUS able options 63,000 GREAT garage sale electrOniC dog fence rom black graphite Great condition excellem condition PATIO furnlture- Comer Three Mile & miles, new tires, new (never usedl A lIT IClES premium table $500 $30900 Lease can $1 000 (586)344- brakes $6,9991 best wrought Iron With um- Vernier Friday, Satur- plus new, asking be assumed GROSSE POinte 18 foot above ground 8896 brella $1001 best day 8 30am- 2pm $1991 offer (313)882- (313)886-9629 (313)882-5345 Woods 1512 Hamp- pool Liner In box 3!4 (313)885-3627 Iron patio set, Select 3547 1992 Grand Marquls- 1995 Pontiac Transport- ton Saturday. June hp hlter (586)751- '10 AUTOMOTIVE QUEEN sIze GOthIC 4 Comfort King bed 101,000 Leather Clean, high miles 14th 8am. 3pm Fun 0852 SI'OITS CARS post metal bed frame Health Rider. alto sax beige Great condi- Factory engine at 70K stuff yard sale- garden Will email picture flute, art, fabnc, bath- AIRDYNE- SchWinn, ex- tion $2,5001 best miles New transmis- 1996 Chrysler Sebnng- tools greenware per- $500 (313)884-1018 tub doors Imens, kid's ercise bike Like new II 4 cylinder Sunroof 2 (586)778-2411, 586- Sion, December. 02 ennials, etc stuff, end tables, $250 313-318-9911 ANIMALS ~ 615-8093 Trailer hitch, new radi- door 101 000 miles l TWIN bed WIth frame much morel GROSSE POinte BRAND new 27" TV ator. total Ignilion Clean $5250 beddmg InclUded ex- -G-R-O-S-S-E---P-o-m-t-e Woods, 1560 Roslyn Never been used 2000 lincoln Town Car tune-up May, 02 (313)885 1948 cellent condition $75 500 ANIMAl Woods, 1625 Alme, (between Mack! Mar- $225 (313}885-5257 49 000 miles from Good brakes clean '11 AUTOMOTIVE (313)640-1777 ADOI'T A PET Fnday Saturday, 10- ter). Saturday 9- 5 Flonda, polo green, Seats 7 Asking TIIUCKS DINING room beautiful ADOPT a retired racing white Vinal top white VINTAGE MISSion din- 4 Vanety of good Housewares, tools, $2,800 (313)881- 2001 Chevy, 8 ft box cherry Queen Anne greyhound Make a leather mterlor non- Ing room hutch Vin- stuffl old chma hardware 3502 V8 4 x 4 $12,500 set 9 pieces, $1 200 fast fnendl 1-800-398- smoker chrome pack- 1995 Saturn SC2, hrm (586)773-8150 tage Wicker chaise GROSSE POinte City GROSSE POinte (313)885-9440 4dog Michigan Grey- age $14900 lounge, three piece 391 Neff. Fnday, Sat- Woods, 1817 Stan- 122,000 miles runs EURD-STYLE kitchen hound Connection (313)350-3265 1997 Dodge Ram pick cream cloth sectIOnal urday 9- 5 Sofa, hope Saturday good looks good cabinets ApprOXI- up transferable ex- (Hudson s) Antique washing machine 8 30am- 430pm COLLIE Rescue- Satur- 1997 Lincoln Signature $2500 (313)884-4230 mately 18ft uppers, tended warranty low brass floor lamp Must Over 500 Itemsl Baby day June 14 l1am- 11ft lowers With Towncar 41000 1997 Satum 72,000 miles Very clean sell (313}822-2906 GROSSE POinte Farms clothesl eqUipment, 3pm PetSmartl miles clean Flonda matching countertops, miles, runs dnves hit $9500 (586)463- evenings 268 McMillan Fnday, books, household VanDyke, North of 14 plus Island With Sink car $11 000 front end Asking 131h & Saturday 14th Items appliances Mile (734):326-2806 2642 409 GAUGE/YARD/ and faucet $700! (586}286-1725 $1 200 586 415.6590 9- 4 yard and Indoor fuml- '!'f!!'N cQ[jler~<;.ue com USEMENT SALE best (313)885-0886 60S AUTOMOTIVE 2001 Ford Escape- G-R-OS-S-E--P-o-In-te-F-a-rm-s,__tu_r_e _ -_.------1997 Mercury Sable 52,000 miles Ex1end- 1337 Harvard Fnday, HAIR salon equipment GROSSE Pornte Anrmal GS- 4 door new FOIIEIGN 302 Mt Vernon cor- GROSSE POinte ed warranty, moon. 13th 9am- 3pm Car used lor sale AdoptIOn Soclety- transmiSSion Senior ner Beaupre 3 family Woods 1845 Stan- 1995 3251 BMW blue roof, leather, excel- parts, brass chande- (313)822-8080 Pets for adoption ownerl dealer main- sale Antique qUilts hope (between Mo- With gray leather, au- lent $15,000 313- lier. doll fumlture dec- (313)884-1551 or tained 61K miles Ex. dalis Silver, etc Baby ross and Vemler off MATCHING couch & tomatic sunroof air 819-8191 orative bird house WWVLill'..AAS-2r.g cellent condition tumlture bedding Mack) Saturday 9am- chair, treadmill, bikes 100 000 miles Very Fumlture 2 colomal $5 800 (313)590- '12 AUTOMOTIVE household Items, 3pm 3 family Men'sl lawn mower bedroom GROSSE POinte Animal good condition chairs, Woodward 0945 VANS Chnstmas & Hallow- women s good used set office furniture CliniC Shepl Lab miX $9500 (989)671- whlte- outdoor set. 6 2000 Ford WIndow van een decorations, clothing Furniture (313)881-7825 neutered male Re- 9733 pieces Books, tapes, 1994 Mercury Grand 82 000 miles air, books, etc Fnday bikes Lots of other RETRO 50 s all metal trelver! Rott female 1999 Acura 30 cl 2 clothes, shoes toys. MarqUIS lS 1 owner power everything Saturday 9- 4 "Don't good fmdsl ColumbIa matching Beagle mix puppy 6- door 22 000 miles atc like new fully eqUip- $12 0001 best 7 months Older Shih Mint condition _M_I_S_SI_" GROSSE POinte desks gray double ped Dnve It buy ItI (586)675-1126 21447 Boumemouth, Tzu male Male long $16500 (586)779- GROSSE POinte Par!( Woods. 555 Pernen ped anginal Inset $55001 offer Harper Woods. 4 fam- hair black cat Several 1405 Bishop Multi- Place (off Morning- top. With retums Ex- (313)882.3909 5634 1999 Ford Wtndstar SEL Ilies, Thursday, Fn- kittens (313)822------family Fnday 10am- Side) Fnday llam. cellent condition $751 1999 Audl A6 Quattro- Light blue metallIC, day Saturday 9- 5 5707 12 4pm 1998 Mustang LX, 4pm Saturday 9am- 2pm Saturday 9am- each or $1301 pair premIum package, leather, power doors. --- (313)885-0990 83000 miles Fully 266 Mt Vemon. Fnday 1pm Furniture, antl- 2pm Children's 503 HOUSEHOLD I'ETS dealer maintained loaded 70K miles ------loaded Great gradua- Saturday, 9- 1 Aber- ques, hlgh- end wom- clothes toys, baby STANDARD deck lad- FOil SALE Excellent condition $10 9001 best tIOn present $6 600 crombie & Lilly Pulit- en's clothes Jewelry, Items household der for SWimming DUE to baby's allergies I $155001 best Must (313)881-6070 (313)587-4769 zer, miscellaneous pool Never used see I (248)765-9376 toys lots morel GROSSE Pomte am lookmg for a lov- 1998 Ford Wlndstar GL, fumlture art $60 (586)776-1297 Ing home for a New- GROSSE POinte Pari< Woods 751 Anita 1989 Mustang Converti- 1998 BMW Z3, 1 9, red 79000 miles, very founland and St Ber- 304 Kerby. Fnday, 9am- 1429, 1435 Grayton. Saturday 9am. 3pm VITA Spa hot 1ub 350 ble ternflc body, great heated seats. 32,000 good condition. tOWIng nard Great WIth chil. 1pm Household Saturday 9am- 4pm Movu'g salel Fuml- gallon Green 4- 6 mtenor, fare top 4 cyl- miles garage kept package, 38 hter V.6 dren $600 (810)326- Items. kids clothes. Baby, household, ture tools, Wicker, lots people $1 750 Inder automatic, $18,0001 best engme $79001 best 4017 books. toys morel of mlSC (313)881-4622 $2 500 313-885-1165 (586)294-3681 (313)822-8815 ------"""""'Il

Classlfleds Thursday, June 12, 2003 10C (313)882-6900 ext. 3 Grosse Pointe News

II12 AUTOMOTIVE 653 10ATS PAIlTS AND 6 J 3 AUTOMOTIVE , 651 IOATSAND MOTORS 651 10ATS AND MOTORS 651 1l0ATSAND MOTORS 061 WATER SPORTS VANS WANTED TO IUY MAINTENANCE 1994 Rinker With trailer, 1975 Boston Whaler 13- 1993 Ford Aerostar- CASH for any car e 1986 Grady-White Off- MARINE WOODWORK 1997 Seadoo, 2 passen- lots of extras For per- traIler, 40HP Johnson, Van Air, cnulse, tow- Grosse POinte bUSI- shore 24 walk- Custom DeSIgned ger, traIler, many ex- son who loves to fl!>h new battery Motor Ing, cassette, power ness Immediate pick JECREATIONAL.J around cabin 235 HP & BUilt Cabinetry tras low hours Best Low hours Inspected needs work $1,650 WindowS! locks up Towmg (313)610- Johnson outboard 15 Repairs, dry-rot 23 otter (586)778-3302 $2,900 313-333-1339 HP KIcker motor Ready for thiS season (313)884-9891 9296 Years expenence Have weekdays after 4p m _ IISI SOATS AND MOTORS Great COlldltton New $12,000/ best Portfolio & References 1995 Grand Voyager- DONATE your boat' 2 Frenzy kayaks, hot electroniCS loads of (313)240-4962 (248)435-6048 78,000 miles Excel- APPOLO 16- Bruce Kit- clean Lake St Clalrl pink, turqUOIse seats, extras 1 owner, lent condition 3 OL by deSign New roller 2001 Searay 180 bow- paddles Included $20000 (313)530- We Are Here Founda- V6 Captains chairS, furlIng headsail Re- nder- $12500 29 tion (586)778-2143, $500 (313)885-1656, 1905 657 MOTOIICYClES burgundy With grey cut mam Trailer New hours, 5 year warran- 100% tax deductible! Lisa cloth $3800/ best ---- tires $1 750 1997 Mako 17ft center ty 313-667-8801 non-profit 2001 Honda 600F41 313-550-3785 (313)8849891 c<'ncole 125hp Marc 1974 Starcraft 18' alumi- Black! sliver Low 653 10ATS 'ARTS AND With qalvanlzed trail- num boat 120 HP in- miles Many extras 1996 Mercury Villager l MAINTENANCE CLASSIC 28 Chns er Ready to run board! outboard. 4 Low pnce (586)777- Craft Sea Skiff hard $10900 Call Tony at covers trailer includ- BIZZY Bee Cleanmg- 3525 top twin 175 HP In lands End Manna ed Excellent condl- Specialized detailing _ boards 1964 With 600 5864655558 t'on $3,750 company for water- 1995 Honda CB 750 ('''Q ,.,~I h(\ur" 13131882-5886 craft and motor vehl- Nighthawk 10,000 1995 lown & \.,ountry, - I\.T< .... ~9'7~ 'f It GI'1<:tnn 11'; V6, leather loaded, ~~~' fbm(ip.- (586)7788216 Must hp Mercury Garaged cles t-or tree estl- miles $~ 900 Rella- l C1asslfieds 313-882-6900 x 3 mates call (586)995- ble as the moon looks- nuns great sell Best fishing boat Trailer Best otter ~~~~~~ p.n()~ $2 950 586-260-1542 (313)882-6900 ext. 3 In the Great lakes (586)773-8150 0235 (313)205-4688 (313)882-6900 ext. 3

904 AS'HALT 'AVING 9.07 IASEMENT 911 IRICK/ILOCK WORK m IUlLDING/IlEMODELING 914 CARPENTRY 911 CEMENT WORK 929 DRYWALL/PLASTERING 934 FENCES ftE'AIR . WATEUROOFING NEW OR REPAIR! MIKE'S complete bath- FINISH carpentry work ANTONIO'S Cement PLASTER & drywall re- MODERN FENCE e&fJ A~, 1.e. Concrete- bnck! block! room modernization and repairs, molding 23 years expenence pair and palntmg White Cedar SpeCialists R.IL CODDENS TIle marble speCIal- work, kltchen/ base- • PJ"t""t'nt" Dnu l.oll4'''' stone Dnveways & In all types of cement Grosse POinte refer- Serving the Grosse - .,...1 t""hn~ pavers patios porches ISt Stale Licensed! in- ment remodeling ad- work & waterproofing ences Call Charles Pomles smce 1955 4Q 'tdr .. t \f".-rlLnH "fu.ceUence in plus more sured (586)498-9868 ditions Reasonable (586)350-4646 'Chip' Gibson Automatic Gale Opener rates licensed & in- I[Ct' I~t1matl'~ \Vaterproofing" Thomas Hope Jr. NEDIMPASTATO 313884-5764 29180 Gratiot RoseVIlle sured 30 years expe- 919 CHIMNEY CLEANING 586-773-8087 20 v,\\," Free EstImates -Bnck & Concrete Work Matchmg ,I 'Walks expenence Calf .Flnlsh/Frome Carpen1Ty CommerCIal " " -;JAMESKiEINE-R- }13-640.8660~ -Exposed Aggregate Rodger (313}884- A,M. Law~ Sprinklers e:?0Years Experience 5887 ReSidential Bnckfblocklflagstone! ~, _ If ,.".. ~ c.II & Bluestone RepaIrs installatIons -10 Year Transferable New, Repairs, limestone! tuckpolntlng -DNVes & Walks ReSidential! commer- (586}677-9199 929 DRYWAlL/PLASTERING Renovations, Guarantee PatIos porches walks 912IUILDING/REMODELING Cial SpeCialiZing In re- Code ViolatIOns -Drarnage Systems chimneys walls borders ANDY SqUires Plaster- storing old sprinklers A KIWI & Company, Inc 313-886-5565 Service Upgrade Installed (313)885-2097 914CAmNTRY Ing & Drywall Stucco Free estimates on In- General contractors L,censed & Insured (586)552-8441 slallatlons 800-576- ReSidential! corrmer- COMMON Sense Car- [,amed 1m "d repair Spray textured 934 FENCES 6200 810-748-9600 A-1 Quality clal Remodeling! in- pentry Shelves, bUilt- ceilings (586)755- TO PLACE AN AD FENCE bUilding and re- Workmanship surance repairs LJ- Ins, crowns, doors, 2054 AAA JASON Pallas CAll 113-882~ ext 3 pair AU types Smail censed Insured moldmgs Basements WINTER Landscaping Serving (586)296-3882 LOU Blackwell Plaster- jobs never rejected '~~'t;;.;;;,- (586)552-5494 Mike, (313)884-6881 CO:":~TI-n'C.TIO"" the POinte's for over St. Clair Shores, MI p.n()P-- Ing All types wet 40 years experience 20 years Weekly EXPERIENCED carpen- • IXI\ ("WilY'> plaster, comlce, cove, Call George, 907 IASEMENT FIVE Lakes Constnuc- lawn maintenance '07 IASEMENT ter since '67 Altera- ,PdtlO,> omamental 25 years (313)886-5899 for WATERPROOFING tlon Add,llons, kitch- New customer and WATEIt'ROOFING tions WIndows, (586) 776-8687 free estimate en & bathroom re- -Wdlk.., senior discounts doors, decks, porch- (313)658-8687 modeling FInished eS,garage straighten- -AddItion., Griffin Fence Company (586)752-5492 basements, garages Ing, seamless gutters -Gdrd':;W'> PLASTER & dry wall re- 'All Types Of FenCing James Kleiner New home constnuc- Classlfieds BASEMENT WATERPRooFINO Vinyl Siding Referen- -\ II CI1..I'(V!n ..urcd- pair All types water 'Sales Work For You tlon Intenor/ extenor damage 18 years ex- ces (586)779-7619 r fl'(' L..JJrllcll(' .. 'Installation Repairs To place an ad call; A BUPI"'" to ... , GRA1.IO Run ho.. In _1.)10 In..... tutfic_ 6nll_ oIoetr1e"""". _'lltl.1 nec oary "- .. one Of , 0 Ieg OIonewlthln '2 01~ • <::orsIRI.CI1ON JNC. Fou, Inch mombrene Iep4> """'''''' 10 lop 01_ ~ vloquono , ••• OfJ S zre SINCE 1963 Top toU 10 "'_lvIth pcoper pllcl1 '~CfKI<. "'''''' ~.-.....y Drt1eways - Patios RESIDENTIAL ThoPI"'" 10 wall ~ ~ fOOCiIts. Gov,.. IIalsIltf, IIOrQIs GARAGES RAISED tJt REIlIEWED -Large &: Small Ac:ldltions NEW GA.RAGES BUILT -Kitchens -Baths -Carpentry Baummt Watn-proofing 31....., -•• --8441 LJrt'ns,d 6- Imurrd Exposed A.ggregate 'Brick Pavers llJ y", r,,,,,frrahl< (,"",",« .,1 A II I I( \- N., \-n Licensed 8t Insured MAY DIPAOLA MMnN RlI' Licensed GLASS BLOCKS Insured 313 881.3386 116-221-2212 186.771-4261 H IR\'Tfr /\O'dl ~\( OOP~' ""' I ,1<\'!OR mmmmmmmlRA.

elli'.1 ' ' IIIiIS•••• '.. ' •••••• --. _ _ --...-. _~~ l• :. ..,.• '•• I .. • • • I •• • • • Q 2 • 7 eo e •• , t. _ tzs. • ~.....- ----~------~ .._--<*--9~-----~----

Thursday, June 12, 2003 Classif.eds Grosse Pointe News (313)882-6900 ext. 3 11C

943 LANDSCAPERS/ 943 LANOSCAPERS/ 94S HANDYMAN 9S9 POWER WASHING 960 ROOFING SERVICE GARDENERS GARDENERS 9S4 PAINTING/DECORATING 954 PAINTING/DECORATING 954 PAINTiNG/DECORATING AJAX Landscaping STUMP Raze Stump BUD'S Handyman & AA Ment Pamtlng Com FLEETWOOD Palntlng- BUDGET house pamter/ AQUA power washlng- Service Spnng clean. gnndlng! shrub reo Pamtlng Service merclal/ ReSidential ProfeSSional palnllng wall paper removal Decks, fences, Vinyl up, lawn cutting, gar. moval Free estl Tnm Window frames, maintenance Power at an aHordable pnce Plaster repair Free sldmg & brick homes denlng, power raking mates Reasonable caulkmg carpentry & washing staining (586)202-8362 estimates Tom 313- Best products used complete landscaping Senior discount most home repairs electrostatic refinish. 407-4585 Great rates 586-777- J.L PAINTING (586}776- 7333 (586)778-0419 Servmg the POlntes Ing of oHlce/ patio fur- 8770 110"11 J'It'KO\ I 'II ~ INTERIOR/EXTERIOR 15 years (313)882 niture Senior discount WALLPAPER INCORPORATED BRICK PAVERS Tee's Lawn Sprinklers Plaster repair 5886 10% oH (313)884- 960 ROOFING SERVICE BOULDERS Repairs & Service Drywall cracks/ REMOVAL 9105 Since 1937 COMPLETE:" Compost / Topsoil Insallalions YOUR Handyman peelmg paint BY 'rIM Expel'ienced quality ADVANCED Construc' ROOFING Concrete Removal Work done by owner Landscapmg, rototll AAA Pamtlng- Intenor/ Window putty/caulkmg work dependable. tlon Company Roof. SERVICE Dirt Delivery / Removal Prompt eHeclent ling minor repairs extenor, reasonable faux finishes "lowest price mg speCial $1,488 RESIDENTIAL Site Clean Up service since 1988 mamtenance Rella quality work Referen. Power washmg/ 518-771-4007 Free gutters on roof COMMERCIAL Trash Trailers (586)783-5861 ble Low rates Call ces Free esllmates repainting Bobcat and Dump Truck tear off Licensed! in- TRURAN Landscaping (586)771-7422 (586)779-2796 Aluminum Siding TEAR OFF • Great Ideas' NICKOLAS sured 586 295 0203 30 years experience Grosse Pomte fiI RESHINGLE Philip Wassenaar BOWMAN Pamling In- Sad retalnmg walls PA" THE GOPHER References ~~AROUTSOS ADVANCED Mamte (313) 823-1207 tenor/ extenor Resl' CERTIFIED liOMt MAINfiNANCI IfRVIU FlJlly Insured SR. nance Inc Roof leak complete shrub tnm- denllal Over 30 years APPLICATIONS OF DAVE'S Tree & Shrub Free Estimates .Custom Pdmtmg speCialists Tear oHs mlng top SOil mulch expenence Call Gary MODIFIED SjNGLE Tnmmlna removal" Mike (586\855 0677 , I 313.885-0146 .lntellor & ExterlQr re roofs shingles 1'1() 1?f' 1'iQ8 ('ell - --- """.-j ~h"lke<; fiAt PLY Free estimates Expe LIcensed • Insul'ed 5868019817 JOHN'S PAINTING roofs copper bays F-lAJ HOUI-IN\;> nenced (248)547- .1 Interior- Exterior Spe- Over i'i yea. S In SYSTEMS 4329 METRY BRIAN'S PAINTING decks slate and tlie I I Gro Pomte &: VENTS CialiZing In repairing Sl CI.ur ShOl es repair Fully licensed LANDSCAPINC Ir".,...d ProfeSSional palnllng DERK Brown Lawn 'i!t! damaged plaster dry- and Insured GUnERS Interlorl exterior jfl( t ltnllfl Spnnklers Installa- wall & cracks peeling REPAIRS ~ut: SpeCialiZing all types Nil (lJI '/;/1 1,1t (313)884 9512 tions service Free ~ 586-774-0781 paint faux finishes win- of palntmg caulking, LICENSED INSURED estimates Spnng ~Sprinkler dow puttymg and caulk- ALL PRO ROOFING Window glaZing (586)484-4836 .Professlonal roofs start- ups $40 systems ALL POINTES HOME Ing Also paint old alu. MAINTENANCE L.LC. plaster repair .Gutters .Sldlng, 886-0520 (586)774-1777 mlnum Siding All work 9S11'LUMIING & Interior & Ex1erlor All work guaranteed ~~od and matenal guaran. INSTALLATION .New.Repalred DOMINIC'S Kitchen/Bath Remodeling Fully Insured Installations teed Reasonable Reasonable/ Reliable 973 TILE WORK REASONABLE STUMP Painting & Carpentry Free Estimates 'and COMPLETE Grosse POinte referen- 27 years In bUSiness REMOVAl. Drywall & Plaster Repairs Reasonable Rates call (313)885-3410 t ces lIcensedltnsured PLUMBING L1CENSEDIINSURED AI.I. ceramiC tile repairs SHRUB REMOVAl. Shelvmg & Cabinets 586-778-2749 Plumbing & Electrical Free estimates John Williams & Installation 35 34 Years Expenence SERVICE Tile Installation & Repair or 586-822-2078 586-776-5167 years expenence 313.882.5038 MARTIN VERTREGT Call Dominic/Insured Ffee €sllmates.llcensedI1noured (586)771-4343 Free 944 GUTTEltS DINO'S Palntmg Inten MALE! female painting Licensed Master ALL roof repairs gut- (586)4450225 (313)670-4399 estimates orl exterior Over 20 team Interlorl exterl- Plumber ters carpentry flat FIVE Seasons Tree B&D Gutter Cleanlngl years expenence or Large and small Grosse POinte Woods roofs tear- ofts 20 ALL tile complete new Service Tree pruning installation Seamless 946 HAUliNG & MOVING Best prep work before Jobs PJaster repair 313-886-2521 years experience li- baths kitchens & tile removal stumping gutters Chimney censed (586)759 any painting or staln- 25 years expenence New work repairs deSign 18 years ex- shrub sculpllng! tr,m tuckpolnllng Roof re AAA Hauling Rubbish 5977 Ing Satlsfaclion guar Very mexpenSlve renovations water penence licensed mlng Senior dis- pair Bob- estimates removal appliances anteed Grosse POinte Grosse POInte resl- heaters sewer cleaning ALL roof repairs gut Insured Joe counts Free esh- (586)944 6845 concrete dirt Any. references (313)872- dents John or Amy code vlolallons ters carpentry flat (313)510-0950 mates George Spero thing houses yards FAMOUS Maintenance 3334 (313)399.2433 All work guaran,eed roofs tear oils 20 ry ISA Certified Arbo basements estates CERAMIC tile Installa. Window & gutter years expenence II nst (586)778 4331 We rent 10 yard ERIC'S PAINTING NATIONWIDE painters tlOn & repair Within 7 cleaning Licensed censed (586)759- dumpsters Senior Intenorl Exterior and roofers Construc- DAN ROEMER days Free estimates, GARDENER, serving bonded IrIsured Since 5977 discounts Insured SpeCialiZing In repairing tlon and development (313)5301295 the finest Grosse 1943 313-8844300 PLUMBING (586)778-4417 damaged plaster & Siding, Windows CODDENS Construction POInte homes since Repairs remodeling SAN Marino Tile & Mar- GUTIERS Plus Gulter drywall cracks, peeling roofs copper gullers SI'1Ce 1924 New or ble Trained m Italy 1979 Spring clean- MOVING-HAULING fixtures Installed installation repair pamt, caulkmg Window ete (313)245-9495 repairs Reshlngle 37 years experience ups weeding edging Appliance removal,Ga. Copper replpes cleaning Roofing re glaZing power wash PAINTER- Interlorl exte tear oH Licensed In. (586)725-4094 cultivating planting Sewers and drainS pairs TuckpOlntlng rage yard basement, repaint aluminum Siding nor Great rates sured (313)8865565 pruning tnmmlng, fer- Licensed and Insured Dependable Mike cleanouts ConstructIOn Insured Guaranteed tiliZing Windows G P References Grosse POinte resl' (586)772-2614 FLAT roof speCialist 30 TILE BY SHERI (810)560 1446 debns Free estimates painting moving and MR. B'S 313.882-3096 (313)884-9443 dent (313)882-3286 years expenence Tile Specla~lsts SEAVER'S Home Main' DIRECT Guaranteed li- more (313)903 1198 586-759-0457 Free Estimates QUAI.1TY PAINTING & DeSigners - 20 Years tenance- Gutters re PLUMBING censed ViSa! Master HEDGE & sh'ub tnm- Exterior / Interior Repairs Small Jobs paired replaced FIREFIGHTERI Paint Plaster RepaIrs & card accepted 313- Free Estimates mmg gdrdentng cleaned Roofing 24 ers Interlor/ exterior 24 years 372-7784 cleanups guller DRAIN (313)570-4092 years Insured ReSldenlial Power Insured - Neat cleaning grass cut NEW Horizon Construc- (313)882-0000 washing wall wash Quahty Preparation 886-8557 tlng Lowest prices tion . re roof tear.olls 977 WALL WASHING mg Free estimates Seaver's Home Free Estimates Don, (586)350-3675 roof repairs Wmdows (810)381 3105 Maintenance , Full Product Warranty Siding doors gutters MADAR Mamtenance K & K I.AWN & SHRUB G.H.I Palntmg- Intenorl (313)882-0000 licensed Insured Hand wall washing SERVICES, fNC Local & > Semor Discount Windows too' Free exterior Expenenced, STEVE'S Painting Inte 8102458373 Complete landscape References estimates & referen- Long Distance ProfeSSional Insured norl extenor SpeCial (586)778- 7087 Services ces 313-821-2984 IIOME IMrKOVEMf.",T Free estimates Refer IZlng In plastenng re , All Work Guaranteed Sad InstallallOn Pavers Agent for INCORPORATED ences Greg pairs cracks peeling ROOFING REPAIRS Walls, Shrub & Tree Global Van Lines MICHAEL HAGGERTY 931 WINDOW WASHING (586)777-2177 paint Window glaz- Tear Ofts IRe-roofs Tnmmlng/ Removal (313)886-0520 lie. Master Plumber Siding I Trim I Gutters FAMOUS Malfltenance Clean Ups Fertilization UCl'NSID & INSURED GT Palntmg. Reslden. Ing caulking Also F\UL [Hi'. (all types) licensed & Insured Gutter Cleaning, Pond & tlal commerCial Inte pamt old alumtnum CompIde Building PUIMBER WindOWS I Doors since 1943 Wall Garden Matntenance no; exterior Prores- Siding (586)469 4565 & RmJodding Servires Sun Rooms washing! carpet Topsoil Mulch & Stone Father & Son'i slonal custom palnl- TOM Terrific Painting Grosse Potnte Roofing cleaning 313-884- Installed & Delivered RrsidentiaI & SinCe 1949 822-4400 Ing Drywall repairs. Excellent preparation, 4300 Commercial All [ 1o"" (313)884-0117 VISA! MCI DISCOVER • -lorge and Small Jobs wallpaper removal, matenals & finish In- MA~ n II Plll~h~lI~ MADAR Maintenance FREE ESTIMATES Kildtens • Baths • Pianos(our speCially) deck refinishing, pow- tenor/ extenor, refer. 313-882-0029 SEAVER'S Home Main- LIcensed & Insured er washing, etc For ences & free est,- tenance Roof repairs Hand wash Windows Rec-Roorm • Additions • Appliances \ (313)417-0797 Siding. Gutters more details and free mates 313-598-8054 L.S. Walker Company Ice shields gutter, and walls Free estl' • Saturday Sunday Plumbmg, repairs & chimney mainte- mates & references estimates call TWINS Pamtmg- Intenor KEN B s ProfessJOnal Trim.WmdoM Service drainS Reasonablel (586)778-4417 & exterior Plaster & nance Insured 313-821-2984 Lawn Care Weekly Dolm. Cement Work • SeniorDiscounts Insured (586)786- (313)882-0000 MR. Squeegee EnjOY lawn maintenance .Roofing & l Painting Senior drywall repairs Caulk- 3900 (313)705-7568 Owned Operated Some ClassifIcations your summer Get spnng cleanups aer- & discounts Small or In9 wmdows doors pager ating, power raking By John Stelnillger big jobs Also tile & Paint faded aluminum are reqUired by law to clean Windows Without 945 HANDYMAN UTILE Independent Will complete landscaping 11850 E Jefferson marble repair work Siding All top quality be licensed. Check breakmg the bank or Senior discount Our save you money End WIth proper State your back We Will do ABLE, dependable MPSC.L 19675 Free estimates matenal and work- those clogged drains Agency your Windows, gutters best service IS our honest Carpentry Licensed Insured (586)771-6938 manshlp Free estl- running tOilets drip- to verify license and powerwashlng commItment to quality painting plumbmg (810)874-2002 Nick mate 586-822-7418 FREE ESTIMATES ping faucets leakmg Competitive rates In- & reliability (586)775- electrical If you have INTERIORS (800)8199841 0645 Sinks Free estimates DAVID EDWARD sured Call Jamie Bor- a problem need reo BY DON & LYNN V. Palnllng InSide a'1d 954 PAINTING/DECORATING Senior discount Call dPlto (313)9950339 I.AKESHORE pairs any mstailing -Husband. 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tOlU bt droollJ l\\Q bath bunqalo~\ 011 'lpauoll't bnc h (olomdl \\01111IU 'woo( r "'pac t. mil III 1IIIIfh...... ,\~( Ieonlt ~o I III LU4l tH dill ltlll\ r1I IllHallH (I ':It. \ (n MII( II \\oarrnth In Ihl~ fOllr DC'clroom Nestled on a pn\iall court this home popular Nollmqhaml N("wcr kllthl n kLtl cI hl drow1I 11\ ( h lth br t k h..o 1<111111) Tudor LO/) h\mq room with fireplMt" offers four bedrooms two balh~ and wllh Perqo floor nt..werwtndo\\s reIIII thrl.. l bt""dnx)tH"i \..IU, uPJx r loom 100m", (llll ,md Ollt h.lll b JIll .. ""11.."t... r tlOiIIl ~U\ll 111 Lon<1lltOllLlH.j ,II Hi h( I (10<"( h Upddtl <1bOlh.I" (.Uld Ic.n otl 1001 I at dlnJllq room tlnd updated kltchLIl fmlshed ba~emCllt with t.drpt.tanq room \...ltl bath plu778

  • 880 S040 $299 900 (JP27I1A~1 )1) 886 5040

    RaR-<.lo~ to one .xrc '''Ith a qon.l,COll<." 1"1aqnlllccnt R~ ..tore<1 rnqll'ih lllc101 (Jrl 11 '.lIUt 011 llll., row bLclroorll ThH I bl.droom", lIld un"" 111(1ont half f'rJ~tlnl (olomall Three bedroom,,; (harmlnq <- ap(" Cod with great pool ~)dllo dre,J lntcrtam larqc qroup ... Thrt t floor" of qrdu.. & L1("qJ!1ll (.dl h"ll full t.ldttl tWIlH. In d Thl., lIoml.. 11.1... 1 l H4L \1\.H14 (wo and Olll half baths Updated potential fu").t nODI I1ldstcr sUite lwo lI1sl<1l .wd Ulill four bcdrool'l'l honH. n.H.)t hOL!')l 1 hO .,ton lo"er ICdllllkll1 lIV-lII!:>t1 q..lrrh. t1S r OUI flH lml-..lh <1 b"., ...Ill( III .lIld 1'1\0( U qaldG,1... q den or o(f,n attached qaraqe larqe lour b~lhs plu, a three car all~lh{'d pl.Kl"t Ie II bl droorn"l Kll( hen h. d \.. lllJ Opl.. IH r t1,ml\ ..(x>c! noor~ Up<11t"" $2. 300 oaD h.ltClILt' (It m $ 20~~500 (II I 21~K'" {Jro~"l • omit ..<.hool\ .11)(1 parksl tarldscc.lpmq with .,plmklLr s)";tem Year t10me Warranty $589 000 $ 799 UOO Of'15Wl:~ 313 886 5U40 vl'V)! AK 3131l8(, 5U40 3/3 lillI, ~O"0 $/25000(,1'1 \l\K 31181H 5040 $249000 GP42MOR 311 B85 5040 lJPB4FON 3 I) B8b 5040

    (Iro..,<;<. POIllIL F.. rrll5 "P,)< IOU .... thlCl l pddtld hu1rooll1 hrl<.k rl1l1(.l1 "-ltt1 UP(1111( <1 <-

    Illul.lice <..cntr()1 ~l1T \\-lrldO\\'<, .m<1 tlOt ....111(10\\ .. fllrn.Ht (tlltrlli lH loof '\ It('r tll.. <.\11..r LI\ IlllJ room ~~101 qt1 ... (01\( rt tl qar.lql b •• Wlilul tlJ.rd\\llo<1 lir('plclc I.. .1n<1 klldH n \\ tIll odk (ab. floor') qa fllt..p~l«( t)llqht t 1ll1li\ ~ rHI"i hrllo;.hl..(1 ba",('rlllllt 5220000 room I rm h...ill ha",( rm 111t1 H (11'!j8EI11D8865040 $~ 10 (X)O (,I 121t~'1 ~ I ~1JI11,.')O 10 Michigans #1 CENTURY 21 Firm, CENTURY 21 Town & Country.

    19251 MACK AVE:, #140

    '..::..-/ GROSSE POINTE WOODS ~ QUWTY SflRVK:g (313)886-S040 ~~ -:1. • SpacIous Iwo bedroom one and one half Amcndream homer Move In for less bath brick home In move In ('ondllron than two monlhs relll Seller to pay Grosse Pomle schOOls Dining room cor;.ls Three bedroom ranch built In larqe kItchen nook mudroom large 1999 Grosse POinte ~chools Eat m master suIte and flnlshed basement Two kitchen fUll basemenl air car garage and dec.k .. $ I I 9 900 GP65RJO COP1dlllonlnq rcnC:-Cd yDrd ,., 58 90(') :'\1~5040 GPBOEI0 J J "5 88(1 3040


    ..,( ( (ud ...c1 pond Irhl.. "ldCHlq present ... E\qw"te Ihrouqll0Ut Three StOT'!atrium ~p("cta( ular four hl.droom ,..Ith three Boaters dchqhl QUilillt; throuqholJt th<...r h ..t nt) 101..., lP~>TO\H1I1tcl) f '4lll..,llt thrt t bl hLp LarqL rooms dn<1 l...-..qhoml r-,a(ural lIt.ldc;fnnl.. firt pl.ACt. qr.Ullh Opt n tI '>OTpUn clnrl m.l ...h, qat ,H.)'" ba"a rHC'nt hl( kon I\ll( III TI 'ulte has firepldce J~tte(' tub fimshed pane" finl'ihcd \\alk out .oh,er Je\cJ mll~lipll fltcplacc"i (JOIUnlct "'Il('ht n mJsler "'lult '" Ith \...llh III (Io<;t to, iHH1 "tULle ,..Itl, \\,llh.m <.!n"tl [)(K 0\( r (lTl -,t Rnom \\lth q 1'" llf( p11« (.ustom I("'vel walk-oul lo mqround ~x>o1 \\ra~) arOlmd dech Three car qarage and ImJT rull and Ihr£>C' half oattuoomc. battnoom \,o"ltll tUh 111(1 ")ho~ .....r looh.1n4 ). ud )11(1 '''101 ...111.(1 \ ... llh.out rlu k 0\( riooklllll IHm(t ~ 128000 $67'; U-5600 $b59 000 '>t185(AR ">86 7~1-8180 $3 300 ()()(I (tl6L( Ol 586-949 ';590 $799 U94'l ';5'l() ~75,) 000 EllI2IJlM' 24Ilh~21l1()() f IR3JlO(J 7)4 4~., "bDO



    Bloomfictd Township renovaled home Bloomfield AuthC:'ntl( and qlJallt) fabuloll'" Ihrec blC1room "ipht It \,("11 I Llxunous cOlnrnlllllt) prC'sent') ndrd Wonderlul waterfront totall) rer/one 5pl.t le,el backs 10 wellands four w,lh pool and lennlS (OUrt5 OflCn floor appomtment ... ItHOllqhoul Marhl( FH'St noor l11ac;.trr \,..lttl Ja( unl Gn at ",,00<1 fkx-.,rs III fO}CT lIhnf) and qourrnct AR6771:l1l100 $')4') 'JOO PI '><,11 K 7>4-4';'>-';6(~) $2<)<)900 or~5MAP 313-886 ~()~() SI125BEA ';86 731 8180

