Iranian Anti-Regime Protests and Security Flaws: A Dataset

Mike Saidi Critical Threats Project at the American Enterprise Institute January 12, 2018 202-888-6573 [email protected] Iranian Anti-Regime Protests and Security Flaws: A Dataset Mike Saidi, Analyst Critical Threats Project at the American Enterprise Institute January 12, 2018 202-888-6573 [email protected] With Marie Donovan, Nicholas Carl, Parker Selby, and the Institute for the Study of War. About This Dataset This dataset describes recent protest incidents in Iran, including location data, type of activity among protesters, and regime response. Sources are videos of protests submitted by people in Iran to international media outlets, e.g., BBC Persian and Manoto TV. This dataset is not an exhaustive set of publicly available protest videos. This set covers approximately 250 videos. Data covers protests that occurred between December 28, 2017 and January 9, 2018. Column Contents Name Definition Row # Line number. Data fields span two pages. Date Date of protest (Gregorian Calendar date) Persian Calendar Date Date of protest (Persian Calendar date) Location City or town where protest occurred Population Population of the city or town where the protest occurred Landmark Location within city or town where protest occurred. Identified by a landmark (e.g., city square, street, building). This cell may also contain more general location information (e.g., neighborhood where the protest took place) Size (approx.) Rough estimate of number of protesters Protest, Counterprotest, or Neither? Indicates if demonstrators protested against the regime or supported it. Notable Chants Audible, repeated chants Composition of protesters Demographic composition based on sex and age. When no characteristic stands out, composition is labelled "diverse". Protest Peaceful or Violent? If protests involved physical violence or remained peaceful Protest Behavior Description of protesters' general behavior, e.g., marching, chanting, destroying public property Regime Action Description of the regime's response, including composition of regime security forces present, when available Protesters Harmed or Killed? If any protesters were harmed or killed during the event Source Full link to video source Row Contents Each row represents a separate protest, counterprotest, or regime action. Items marked with a * are unverified. Common Terms LEF: Law Enforcement Forces, Iran's police force. The LEF consists of commissioned officers and enlisted personnel LEF SF: Law Enforcement Forces Special Forces are the anti-riot units equipped with full anti-riot gear such as face masks, shields, billy sticks, and other weaponry SL: Supreme Leader Basij: Basij Organization IRGC: Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps 3

Row Date Persian Location Population Landmark Size (approx.) Protest, Notable Chants # Calendar (City/Town, Counterprotest, Date Province) or Neither? 1 12/28/2017 7 Dey , 2,766,258 Near Shohada Sq. Medium - Large Protest "If embezzlement decreases, then our Khorasan Razavi problems will be solved!" "Reza Shah, may your spirit live on!" "Death to Rouhani" "Let him go!" "Forget about Syria! Think about our condition!" "Death to the dictator [Khamenei]" "No to Gaza! No to Lebanon! My life is only for Iran" "Iran without a King is an Iran without [financial] organization"

2 12/28/2017 7 Dey Neyshabour, 239,185 Unknown Medium Protest "Forget about Syria, think about our Khorasan Razavi condition!" 3 12/28/2017 7 Dey Shahroud, 140,474 Unknown Medium Protest "Don’t be scared! Don't be scared! We Semnan are all [in this] together" "The women have joined us! The unsupportive [folks] are just sitting around" "We are Aryans! We do not accept Arabs [in reference to Mullahs]" 4 12/29/2017 8 Dey Abadan, 212,744 Grand Mosque Small Protest N/A Khuzestan

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Row Composition Protest Protest Behavior Regime Action Protesters Source # of Protesters Peaceful or Harmed or Violent? Killed? 1 Diverse (Relatively) Violent Chanting, marching, LEF, LEF Special Forces Anti- Yes; destruction of public Riot, tear gas, line formations,; property beating with batons, crowd; cordoning;; Securitization - Helicopter;; monitoring;;;;;;;

2 Diverse Peaceful Chanting, marching Unknown No

3 Diverse Peaceful Chanting, marching Unknown Unknown;

4 Diverse Peaceful Gathering, lady N/A N/A complains of rampant corruption

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Row Date Persian Location Population Landmark Size (approx.) Protest, Notable Chants # Calendar (City/Town, Counterprotest, Date Province) or Neither? 5 12/29/2017 8 Dey Ahvaz, Khuzestan 1,112,021 Likely near Naderi Small - Medium Protest "Oh King, may your spirit live on!" Bridge "Support [us]! Support [us]! LEF!"

6 12/29/2017 8 Dey Bojnourd, 199,791 Unknown Small - Medium Protest "Islam has been put up pedestal, and Khorasan Razavi they have crushed the people" 7 12/29/2017 8 Dey Esfahan, Esfahan 1,756,126 Near Enghelab Sq. Medium - Large Protest "Support [us]! Support [us]! LEF!" and Si-o Se Pol "Reza Shah, RIP" "Death to the Daeshi"

8 12/29/2017 8 Dey Hamedan, 525,794 Near Hamedan Medium Protest "Death to the Islamic Republic" Hamedan County governmental "Death to the dictator [Khamenei]" offices

9 12/29/2017 8 Dey Kerman, Kerman 534,441 Unknown N/A Neither N/A

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Row Composition Protest Protest Behavior Regime Action Protesters Source # of Protesters Peaceful or Harmed or Violent? Killed? 5 Unknown (Relatively) Violent Chanting, marching, Unidentifiable police force Unknown; and armed (likely LEF) shot at protesters,; confrontation protesters may have possibly been armed

6 Diverse Peaceful Chanting, marching No No

7 Diverse (Relatively) Violent Chanting, marching, LEF SF anti-riot in full swat Yes; and dispersal; gear in no set formation;; Woman confronts LEF Tear gas; LEF (Enlisted and; and expresses her Commissioned officers);; discontentment and Verbal confrontation; Likely;; yells "Death to arrest after an unidentifiable Khamenei" official grabbed a female protester

8 Unknown (Relatively) Violent Chanting; Unknown Unknown; Destruction of public property - breaking glass of government office; Blocking off the streets

9 N/A N/A N/A Securitization - Anti-riot police Unknown present; It is unclear whether the group pictured is a Basij Imam Ali Battalion. LEF forces are clearly present.

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Row Date Persian Location Population Landmark Size (approx.) Protest, Notable Chants # Calendar (City/Town, Counterprotest, Date Province) or Neither? 10 12/29/2017 8 Dey , 851,405 Near Azadi Sq. Medium - Large Protest "Worthless! Worthless! Worthless! [in Kermanshah reference to the police]" "Death to Rouhani" and "Death to the dictator" "Don't be scared, don't be scared, we are all in this together!" "No Gaza! No Lebanon! My life is only for Iran" "People live like beggars [while Khamenei] lives like a God!"

11 12/29/2017 8 Dey Khorramabad, 348,216 Unknown Small Protest N/A Lorestan 12 12/29/2017 8 Dey Khoy, West 200,958 Unknown Medium Protest N/A Azerbaijan 13 12/29/2017 8 Dey Mashhad, 2,766,258 Unknown N/A Neither N/A Khorasan Razavi 14 12/29/2017 8 Dey , Qazvin 381,598 Unknown Medium - Large Protest "Come out fellow countrymen, scream and shout for your rights!" "Death to the dictator" and "Support [us], support [us], LEF!" "When the tank's shell [gets shot], Mullahs need to get lost!"

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Row Composition Protest Protest Behavior Regime Action Protesters Source # of Protesters Peaceful or Harmed or Violent? Killed? 10 Diverse Violent Chanting, marching, LEF (enlisted and Yes; destruction of public commissioned officers); LEF; property, and Special Forces;; confrontation with At times the enlisted LEF; police appear to be unequipped;;; Water Truck, LEF colonel; present; Verbal confrontation; Arrest; Containment and Preventative; Water truck; Beating

11 Young men Peaceful Stationary Unknown Unknown

12 Men Peaceful Stationary Unknown Unknown

13 N/A N/A N/A Securitization - LEF anti-riot No stationed in the streets 14 Diverse Peaceful Chanting, marching Unknown Unknown;;

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Row Date Persian Location Population Landmark Size (approx.) Protest, Notable Chants # Calendar (City/Town, Counterprotest, Date Province) or Neither? 15 12/29/2017 8 Dey Qom, Qom 1,074,036 Unknown Large Protest "Reza Shah, RIP" and "Don't be scared, we are all together" "The youth are unemployed [while] the mullahs sit behind a desk!" "LEF, LEF, support us!" "Let him go!" and "Oh Shah of Iran, please return!" "When Iran does not have a king, it has no [financial] organization" "Pahlavi, Pahlavi, Pahlavi" and "Death to Hezbollah" "Seyyed Ali [Khamenei] have some shame, free the country" "We don't want the Islamic Republic" and "Death to Rouhani" "Death to the dictator"

16 12/29/2017 8 Dey Rasht, Gilan 639,951 Near Enghelab Blvd. Medium - Large Protest "We will die, we will die, we will get Iran back" "We are Aryan, we will not accept Arabs [reference to clerical leadership]" "Don't be scared, don't be scared, we are all together" "Death to the dictator" and "Worthless, worthless, worthless" "useless Mullahs - the [reason] for the country's shame!" "Dictator, Dictator, Dictator"

17 12/29/2017 8 Dey Sabzevar, 231,557 Unknown Small Protest N/A Khorasan Razavi 18 12/29/2017 8 Dey Sari, Mazandaran 296,417 Unknown Medium Protest "Forget about Syria, think about our condition!" 19 12/29/2017 8 Dey , East 1,494,998 Abresan St. N/A Neither N/A Azerbaijan Intersection

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Row Composition Protest Protest Behavior Regime Action Protesters Source # of Protesters Peaceful or Harmed or Violent? Killed? 15 Diverse Peaceful Chanting, marching; LEF tried to push people Unknown; Possible clash with toward the sidewalk - no; LEF; visible formation and LEF; At least one protester may have arrested protesters; is carrying a poster of; Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi

16 Diverse Violent Chanting, marching; LEF, LEF SF anti-riot on Yes; Clash resulted in one motorbikes;; female protester head Regime official perched on; injury (likely from a roof as a sniper;; baton strike), Basij member pepper sprays Protesters appear to bystander block LEF motorcyclists from moving forward - human shield, Objects thrown at the police

17 Young men Peaceful Gathering No No

18 Men Peaceful Chanting N/A No

19 N/A N/A N/A Securitization - LEF No commissioned and enlisted officers waiting

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Row Date Persian Location Population Landmark Size (approx.) Protest, Notable Chants # Calendar (City/Town, Counterprotest, Date Province) or Neither? 20 12/29/2017 8 Dey , Tehran 8,154,051 Vali Asr Sq. N/A Neither N/A

21 12/29/2017 8 Dey Zahedan, Sistan 560,725 Unknown Small Protest "Forget about Syria, think about our and Baluchistan condition!" "Death to high prices!" 22 12/30/2017 9 Dey Abhar, Zanjan 88,000 Unknown Large Protest Inaudible

23 12/30/2017 9 Dey Ahvaz, Khuzestan 1,112,021 Unknown Medium Protest Inaudible

24 12/30/2017 9 Dey Aligoudarz, 78,690 Emam & Vali Asr Medium Protest Inaudible Lorestan North St. intersection

25 12/30/2017 9 Dey Amol, Mazandaran 219,915 Likely near Shohada Medium Protest "Forget about Syria, think about our Sq. condition!"

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Row Composition Protest Protest Behavior Regime Action Protesters Source # of Protesters Peaceful or Harmed or Violent? Killed? 20 N/A N/A According to the Securitization - LEF officers in N/A; protester, some people front of the metro stop in a were apprehended line, with cars and vans ready since the morning to confront protesters; LEF enlisted and commissioned anti-riot and alleged plain clothes presence

21 Unknown Peaceful Chanting Unknown No

22 Diverse Peaceful Chanting, marching Unknown Unknown

23 Young men Violent Chanting, face-to-face LEF anti-riot; Yes with police; According to attendee LEF by=manotoofficial; Confrontation struck a protester; Securitization - LEF anti-riot shield-to-shield on the defensive 24 Young men (Relatively) Violent Chanting, marching; Unknown Unknown https://www.12/ Indications of confrontation and protesters' discussing expensive price of eggs

25 Diverse Protest Chanting, gathering Unknown Unknown

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Row Date Persian Location Population Landmark Size (approx.) Protest, Notable Chants # Calendar (City/Town, Counterprotest, Date Province) or Neither? 26 12/30/2017 9 Dey Arak, Markazi 484,212 Near county-level Medium - Large Protest "We will die, we will die, we will get mayor's compound Iran back" "Death to the dictator" "Republic of Iran, Independence and Freedom!"

27 12/30/2017 9 Dey , 435,751 Unknown Medium - Large Protest "When the tank's shell [gets shot] the Hormozgan Mullahs need to get lost!"

28 12/30/2017 9 Dey Boroujerd, 240,654 Unknown Medium Protest "We revolted (in 1979), what a Lorestan mistake!" "Police go get the [real] robbers [referring to government officials]"

29 12/30/2017 9 Dey Doroud, Lorestan 5,449 Unknown Small - Medium Protest "I will kill! I will kill! Whoever killed my brother!"

30 12/30/2017 9 Dey Gorgan, Golestan 329,536 Shalikoobi St. (aka Medium Protest "Death to the dictator" Vali Asr St.) "Don't be scared, we are all together!"

31 12/30/2017 9 Dey Izeh, Khuzestan 117,093 Imam Ali Sq. Medium Protest "Death to Khamenei"

32 12/30/2017 9 Dey , Alborz 1,614,626 Gohardasht Unknown Protest N/A neighborhood

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Row Composition Protest Protest Behavior Regime Action Protesters Source # of Protesters Peaceful or Harmed or Violent? Killed? 26 Young men Violent Gathering, protesters Unknown, shots fired in the Unknown; broke into the county- distance; level mayor's; compound; Destroyed and uprooted police calling station; Marching, clashes heard 27 Diverse Peaceful Marching, chanting Unknown Unknown;

28 Young Unknown Chanting, marching Unknown Unknown

29 Young men Violent Dispersal, at least two Regime officials used deadly Yes; men were shot; force. Several gun shots can; 2 KIAs be heard in one of the videos

30 Diverse Peaceful Chanting, allowing Unknown Unknown; traffic to pass

31 Men Unknown Chanting, gathering LEF with shields - no Unknown confrontation in this video

32 Unknown Unknown Unknown LEF SF anti-riot in bed of Unknown truck en route to confront protesters

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Row Date Persian Location Population Landmark Size (approx.) Protest, Notable Chants # Calendar (City/Town, Counterprotest, Date Province) or Neither? 33 12/30/2017 9 Dey Karaj, Alborz 1,614,626 Medium Protest "Worthless, worthless, worthless" neighborhood "Oh Shah of Iran, please return to Iran!"

34 12/30/2017 9 Dey , Esfahan 275,325 Moallem Sq. Unknown Protest N/A

35 12/30/2017 9 Dey Kerman, Kerman 534,441 Near Kowsar Sq. Small - Medium Protest "The people live like beggars while [Khamenei] lives like a God!" "Reza Shah, RIP!" "Death to the dictator"

36 12/30/2017 9 Dey Kermanshah, 851,405 Azadi Sq. Unknown Protest N/A Kermanshah

37 12/30/2017 9 Dey Malayer, Hamedan 79,477 Unknown Medium Protest N/A

38 12/30/2017 9 Dey Mashhad, 2,766,258 Near Park-e Mellat Small - Medium Protest "Death to the dictator!" Khorasan Razavi "Don't be scared, don't be scared! We are all together!"

39 12/30/2017 9 Dey Mashhad, 2,766,258 Near Shohada Sq. Unknown Protest N/A Khorasan Razavi

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Row Composition Protest Protest Behavior Regime Action Protesters Source # of Protesters Peaceful or Harmed or Violent? Killed? 33 Diverse Violent Chanting, defensive LEF SF anti-riot on Yes motorbikes strike protesters by=manotoofficial; with batons; Anti-riot police drive into protesters 34 Unknown Violent Destruction of public Unknown Unknown property - large fire likely from two flipped cars

35 Young men (Relatively) violent Chanting, marching LEF SF anti-riot - posture Unknown indicates that they are by=manotoofficial; prepared to throw an object,; possibly stones at protesters

36 Diverse (Relatively) Violent Confrontation LEF SF anti-riot, LEF Unknown commissioned officer present; LEF apprehended at least one person

37 Diverse Peaceful Gathering, tore down Unknown Unknown poster of SL Khamenei

38 Young Violent Congregating, Protesters likely overpowered Unknown; protesters burned at local LEF officials least three LEF motorcycles

39 Unknown (Relatively) Violent Unknown LEF apprehend at least one Unknown protester

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Row Date Persian Location Population Landmark Size (approx.) Protest, Notable Chants # Calendar (City/Town, Counterprotest, Date Province) or Neither? 40 12/30/2017 9 Dey , 111,915 Unknown Medium - Large Protest "Death to the dictator!" Esfahan

41 12/30/2017 9 Dey , Tehran 80,000 Unknown Small Protest "Reza Shah, RIP"

42 12/30/2017 9 Dey Rasht, Gilan 639,951 Saberin Bridge near Medium Protest Inaudible Golsar St. Intersection

43 12/30/2017 9 Dey Rasht, Gilan 639,951 Likely near Shahrdari Medium Protest "The unsupportive are taking a seat! Sq. The women have joined us!"

44 12/30/2017 9 Dey Sari, Mazandaran 296,417 Possibly near Azadi N/A Neither N/A Sq.

45 12/30/2017 9 Dey Semnan, Semnan 153,680 Possibly along Mirza- Medium Protest "Let go of him, let go of him, let go of e Bozorg e Shirazi him!" Blvd. 46 12/30/2017 9 Dey , 143,308 Likely on Imam Medium Protest "Death to the dictator" Esfahan Khomeini Blvd.

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Row Composition Protest Protest Behavior Regime Action Protesters Source # of Protesters Peaceful or Harmed or Violent? Killed? 40 Diverse Peaceful Chanting, marching Unknown Unknown

41 Diverse Peaceful Chanting, marching Unknown Unknown

42 Young men Violent Gathering, destruction Unknown Unknown of public property - protesters set several trash cans on fire

43 Diverse Unknown Gathering, chanting Unknown Unknown

44 N/A N/A N/A Securitization - LEF SF N/A present according to local resident ahead of possible protests 45 Diverse (Relatively) Violent Confrontation, LEF presence Unknown protesters were likely arrested 46 Diverse Peaceful Chanting, marching LEF commissioned officers Unknown and likely LEF colonel. present on the scene; LEF allowing protesters to walk and protest without interference - likely facilitating traffic control

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Row Date Persian Location Population Landmark Size (approx.) Protest, Notable Chants # Calendar (City/Town, Counterprotest, Date Province) or Neither? 47 12/30/2017 9 Dey Shahr-e Kord, 159,775 Vali Asr and Ayatollah Medium Protest Inaudible Chaharmahal and Kashani Blvd. Bakhtiari

48 12/30/2017 9 Dey Shiraz, Fars 1,460,665 Unknown Small Protest N/A

49 12/30/2017 9 Dey Tehran, Tehran 8,154,051 Near Enghelab Sq. Medium - Large Protest "Death to the dictator" along Enghelab St. "LEF, LEF, support [us]" and "Artesh brothers, support [us], support [us]"

50 12/30/2017 9 Dey Tehran, Tehran 8,154,051 University of Tehran Small Protest "University students [would rather] die then accept abject [living standards]!" "Death to the dictator!" "Conservatives! Reformists! No more of this stuff!" "Seyyed Ali [Khamenei] be ashamed, free the country!" "Artesh for the country [would sacrifice itself for], and the country for the Artesh"

Iranian Anti‐Regime Protests and Security Flaws: A Dataset 20

Row Composition Protest Protest Behavior Regime Action Protesters Source # of Protesters Peaceful or Harmed or Violent? Killed? 47 Unknown Unknown Chanting, gathering LEF-SF anti-riot, LEF on Unknown‐ motorbikes: by=manotoofficial ~20 enlisted LEF with riot gear as front line, ~20 LEF SF on motorbikes, with ~30 LEF SF behind

48 Unknown Unknown Chanting, marching; N/A No; Protesters tore down banner of IRGC Quds Force MG Qassem Soleimani

49 Diverse Violent Chanting, gathering LEF SF anti-riot with Yes; formation of two lines all; shield-to-shield;; According to protester, Basij; presence with tear gas and; batons; Securitization - water truck, LEF, LEF motorcycles, cordoning off the area

50 University Violent Gathering LEF SF anti-riot on Yes; students motorcycles positioned on opposite side of fence from by=manotoofficial; the University grounds;; LEF SF anti-riot, at least 40 in;; the frame, beat protester with; a billy stick; Also what appears to be LEF brigadier general (2nd class) on back of motorbike, possibly coordinating regime action against protesters

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Row Date Persian Location Population Landmark Size (approx.) Protest, Notable Chants # Calendar (City/Town, Counterprotest, Date Province) or Neither? 51 12/30/2017 9 Dey Tonekabon, 55,434 Imam Khomeini Sq. Medium Protest "Death to the dictator" Mazandaran

52 12/30/2017 9 Dey Zanjan, Zanjan 386,851 Unknown Small - Medium Protest "Unemployment! Expensive! that's the condition of the Iranians"

53 12/31/2017 10 Dey Ahvaz, Khuzestan 1,112,021 Unknown Medium - Large Protest Inaudible

54 12/31/2017 10 Dey Bandar Abbas, 435,751 Imam Sajjad Small - Medium Protest "Don't be scared, don't be scared, we Hormozgan Provincial IRGC Base are all together!" "Mullah Government! Mullah government! We don't want it!" 55 12/31/2017 10 Dey Delvar, Bushehr* 4,256 Unknown Small Protest "Forget about Syria, think about our condition!"

56 12/31/2017 10 Dey Doroud, Lorestan 5,449 Unknown Small Protest "Don't be scared! [directed at fellow protesters] "

57 12/31/2017 10 Dey Esfahan, Esfahan 1,756,126 Si-o Se Pol Small - Medium Protest "When the tank's shell [gets shot], Mullahs need to get lost!"

58 12/31/2017 10 Dey Ilam, Ilam 172,213 Unknown Small - Medium Protest "When the tank's shell [gets shot], Mullahs need to get lost!"

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Row Composition Protest Protest Behavior Regime Action Protesters Source # of Protesters Peaceful or Harmed or Violent? Killed? 51 Diverse Peaceful Chanting, gathering Unknown, police heard in the Unknown background

52 Diverse (Relatively) Violent Chanting, marching, LEF SF anti-riot walking with Unknown; Burned a poster of the the protesters, trying to keep; founder of the Islamic them to sidewalk; Republic of Iran late Rows of LEF SF standing SL Ayatollah Ruhollah guard Khomeini

53 Men Peaceful Gathering Unknown Unknown

54 Diverse Violent Chanting, gathering Unknown, possibly IRGC or Unknown LEF stationed at base firing tear gas at protesters

55 Young men Peaceful Chanting, marching Unknown No

56 Young men Violent Chanting, and LEF anti-riot, tear gas; Yes; destruction of public According to protesters, there property - at least one was a confrontation with Basij building is set on fire, and IRGC officials as well one store front was damaged, and a car was likely flipped over

57 Young men Unknown Chanting, marching Securitization - deployment of Unknown ~65 LEF SF anti-riot on by=manotoofficial; motorbikes (~30) likely in preparation for gatherings at 1700 58 Diverse Peaceful Chanting, gathering Unknown Unknown

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Row Date Persian Location Population Landmark Size (approx.) Protest, Notable Chants # Calendar (City/Town, Counterprotest, Date Province) or Neither? 59 12/31/2017 10 Dey Izeh, Khuzestan 117,093 Unknown Small - Medium Protest "Death to Khamenei" "Don't be scared, don't be scared! We are all together!"

60 12/31/2017 10 Dey Kermanshah, 851,405 Azadi Sq. Small - Medium Protest Inaudible Kermanshah

61 12/31/2017 10 Dey Maragheh, East 162,275 South Khavajeh Nasir Small Protest "Worthless! Worthless! Worthless! [in Azerbaijan St. reference to police forces]"

62 12/31/2017 10 Dey Rasht, Gilan 639,951 Near Shahrdari Sq. Medium Protest "Don't be scared, don't be scared! We are all together!"

63 12/31/2017 10 Dey Saveh, Markazi 200,481 Likely near Shahrdari Medium Protest "Death to the dictator" Sq. "They put Islam on a pedestal, and [then] crushed the people!" "Islamic Republic! We don't want it!" "Oh Islamic Republic, shame on you for [your] deception!" "No Gaza! No Lebanon! My life only for Iran!"

64 12/31/2017 10 Dey Shahin Shahr, 143,308 Basij Base - Imam Ali Medium Protest "Don't be scared! Don't be scared! We Esfahan Battalion Base, are all together!" possibly along Imam Khomeini Blvd.

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Row Composition Protest Protest Behavior Regime Action Protesters Source # of Protesters Peaceful or Harmed or Violent? Killed? 59 Young men Violent Chanting, marching; Video claims LEF SF and Yes Video claims that IRGC took back occupied protesters took over buildings and regained control the Izeh Friday Prayer of the city; Leader's office as well At least 2 KIAs as a local IRGC base

60 Unknown Violent Chanting, dispersal, Heavier LEF presence, anti- Yes; verbal attacks against riot forces, and water truck;; a Basij member Basij member tried to use stun gun against a protester

61 Young men Violent Destruction of public None Unknown property; Protesters tore down Iranian flag 62 Diverse Peaceful Chanting, gathering LEF on motorcycles telling Unknown; people to get out of the way, possible mobilization for other part of town 63 Young men Unknown Chanting, marching Unknown Unknown;

64 Young men Violent Clash, protesters Unknown; Yes reportedly confronted Basij and LEF, tear gas, by=manotoofficial; Basij and LEF and ran bullets heard them off; Protesters set fire to Basij Base

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Row Date Persian Location Population Landmark Size (approx.) Protest, Notable Chants # Calendar (City/Town, Counterprotest, Date Province) or Neither? 65 12/31/2017 10 Dey Tehran, Tehran 8,154,051 Enghelab St. Medium Protest "Don't be scared! Don't be scared! We are all together!" "Death to Khamenei!" "Death to the dictator!" "Worthless! Worthless! Worthless! [in reference to police forces]" 66 12/31/2017 10 Dey Tehran, Tehran 8,154,051 University of Tehran Small Counterprotest "Our shame is our useless leader [Rouhani]!" "Khamenei, at your service!" "Oh rootless rioters , Tehran will not become Damascus!" 67 12/31/2017 10 Dey Tuyserkan, 42,520 Farshid Sq. Small Protest N/A Hamedan

68 1/1/2018 11 Dey Ahvaz, Khuzestan 1,112,021 Naderi St. and likely Medium - Large Neither N/A near Lashkar Abad Sq.

69 1/1/2018 11 Dey Ardabil, Ardabil 482,632 Unknown Medium Protest "Hossein, Hossein is [their] chant! Raping is their point of pride! [referring to clerical leadership]" 70 1/1/2018 11 Dey Doroud, Lorestan 5,449 Unknown Medium Protest N/A

71 1/1/2018 11 Dey Ghaderijan, 30,002 Unknown Medium Protest Inaudible Esfahan

72 1/1/2018 11 Dey Karaj, Alborz 1,614,626 Malek Shahr Small Protest "Unsupportive [bystanders]! Intersection Unsupportive, unsupportive!" (Esteghlal) in "Death to Khamenei" Gohardasht "Until I get my rights, these [protests] neighborhood will happen every night"

Iranian Anti‐Regime Protests and Security Flaws: A Dataset 26

Row Composition Protest Protest Behavior Regime Action Protesters Source # of Protesters Peaceful or Harmed or Violent? Killed? 65 Unknown Violent Chanting LEF on motorcycles following Unknown; people;; LEF water trucks spraying; protesters

66 University Basij Peaceful N/A Chanting and marching No students (young men)

67 Diverse Violent Destruction of public LEF on roof shooting at Yes property - set fire to protesters; county mayoral office 5 LEF died

68 Young men Violent Protesters surround an LEF fired on protesters; Yes; LEF heavily armored Securitization - LEF anti-riot truck with swat gear marching in group of 50+ likely in preparation of evening protests or as scare tactic

69 Diverse Peaceful Chanting Unknown No

70 Unknown Violent Protesters set fire to Unknown Unknown unidentifiable objects

71 Unknown Violent Protesters set fire to LEF shot at protesters Yes police station #14; Protesters suffered 5 casualties 72 Diverse Unknown Chanting and Unknown Unknown; protesters set objects on fire

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Row Date Persian Location Population Landmark Size (approx.) Protest, Notable Chants # Calendar (City/Town, Counterprotest, Date Province) or Neither? 73 1/1/2018 11 Dey Kermanshah, 851,405 Unknown Small - Medium Protest "Death to Khamenei" Kermanshah

74 1/1/2018 11 Dey Lahijan, Gilan 167,544 Unknown Small - Medium Protest Inaudible

75 1/1/2018 11 Dey Mashhad, 2,766,258 Off of Emam Small - Medium Protest "Death to the dictator" Khorasan Razavi Khomeini St. near Shohada Sq. 76 1/1/2018 11 Dey Najafabad, 111,915 Likely near Azadegan Medium - Large Protest "Death to the dictator" Esfahan Sq. "Death to Khamenei" "When the tank's shell gets shot, Mullahs need to get lost!"

77 1/1/2018 11 Dey Nourabad, Fars 51,668 Likely along Basij Small Protest "Don't be scared! We are all together!" Blvd. "The unsupportive are taking a seat! The women have joined us!"

78 1/1/2018 11 Dey Qazvin, Qazvin 381,598 Unknown Small - Medium Protest N/A

79 1/1/2018 11 Dey Sanandaj, 373,987 6th of Bahman Medium Protest N/A Kurdistan ( Blvd.)

80 1/1/2018 11 Dey Shahin Shahr, 143,308 Bank-e Ostan Park N/A Neither N/A Esfahan

81 1/1/2018 11 Dey Takestan, Qazvin 120,907 Police precinct (11 Small Protest N/A Imam)

Iranian Anti‐Regime Protests and Security Flaws: A Dataset 28

Row Composition Protest Protest Behavior Regime Action Protesters Source # of Protesters Peaceful or Harmed or Violent? Killed? 73 Unknown Unknown Chanting Unknown Unknown by=manotoofficial

74 Diverse (Relatively) Violent Destruction of property -Unknown Unknown unknown object, likely by=manotoofficial some sort of vehicle

75 Men Peaceful Chanting, marching Unknown Unknown

76 Diverse Violent Chanting, marching; LEF confronted protesters Yes; Protesters burn poster of Khamenei; Reports allege that one local protester injured 3 and killed 1 LEF with a hunting rifle

77 Men Peaceful Chanting, marching Unknown Unknown

78 Unknown Violent Marching Unknown police formation, Unknown shots fired

79 Men Unknown Protesters running Unknown Unknown away, likely chased by LEF 80 N/A N/A N/A Securitization - LEF SF anti- N/A riot stationed around the park, likely Basij presence in the fold 81 Families Peaceful Protesting arrests Unknown No

Iranian Anti‐Regime Protests and Security Flaws: A Dataset 29

Row Date Persian Location Population Landmark Size (approx.) Protest, Notable Chants # Calendar (City/Town, Counterprotest, Date Province) or Neither? 82 1/1/2018 11 Dey Tehran, Tehran 8,154,051 Azadi Sq., Enghelab Large Protest "Death to the dictator" Sq., and off of Vali Asr "No Gaza! No Lebanon! My life only for St. near Madaem Iran!" Hospital "It's either Death or Freedom!"

83 1/2/2018 12 Dey Abadan, 212,744 Likely off of Shahid Medium - Large Protest "People live like beggars [while] Khuzestan Taleghani St. (near Khamenei lives like a God" intersection with Amiri "We are all together! Don't be scared, St.) don't be scared!" 84 1/2/2018 12 Dey Bandar-e 153, 778 Unknown N/A Neither N/A Mahshahr, Khuzestan

85 1/2/2018 12 Dey Dezful, Khuzestan 248,380 Unknown Small - Medium Protest N/A

86 1/2/2018 12 Dey Gorgan, Golestan 329,536 Unknown Medium Protest "Don't be scared, we are all together!"

87 1/2/2018 12 Dey Hamedan, 525,794 Unknown Medium Protest "Khamenei is a murderer! His Hamedan governance is invalid!

88 1/2/2018 12 Dey Ilam, Ilam 172,213 Unknown Medium Protest "The people live like beggars, and [Khamenei] lives like a God" 89 1/2/2018 12 Dey Karaj, Alborz 1,614,626 Gohardasht Medium - Large Protest N/A neighborhood

90 1/2/2018 12 Dey Kashan, Esfahan 275,325 Unknown Medium Protest "When the tank's shell [gets shot], Mullahs need to get lost!"

Iranian Anti‐Regime Protests and Security Flaws: A Dataset 30

Row Composition Protest Protest Behavior Regime Action Protesters Source # of Protesters Peaceful or Harmed or Violent? Killed? 82 Diverse Peaceful Unknown Heavy LEF presence, water Yes; trucks;; The person filming notes that; undercover officers are on; motorcycles in order to suppress protesters and prohibit filming; LEF with anti-riot gear on motorcycles dispersing protesters and apparently striking them

83 Young men Unknown Chanting, parade Unknown Unknown

84 N/A N/A N/A Securitization - Enlisted LEF No with riot gear, defensive posture

85 Men Violent Protesters throwing LEF anti-riot police threw Unknown objects at LEF anti-riot objects toward protesters police

86 Diverse Peaceful Chanting, marching Unknown No

87 Diverse, men Peaceful Chanting, gathering LEF SF anti-riot forces stand Unknown; guard near protesters but do not engage

88 Young men Peaceful Chanting, marching Unknown No

89 Unknown Violent At least one protester Unknown Yes was seriously injured by=manotoofficial;

90 Diverse Peaceful Chanting Unknown Unknown

Iranian Anti‐Regime Protests and Security Flaws: A Dataset 31

Row Date Persian Location Population Landmark Size (approx.) Protest, Notable Chants # Calendar (City/Town, Counterprotest, Date Province) or Neither? 91 1/2/2018 12 Dey Mashhad, 2,766,258 Likely near Shohada Unknown Protest N/A Khorasan Razavi Sq.

92 1/2/2018 12 Dey Mashhad, 2,766,258 Park-e Mellat Small - Medium Protest "Death to the dictator" Khorasan Razavi "Forget about Syria, think about our condition!"

93 1/2/2018 12 Dey Masjid Soleyman, 103,369 Likely near Nomreh Medium - Large Protest Inaudible Khuzestan Yek Sq.

94 1/2/2018 12 Dey Nahavand, 72,218 Unknown Small Protest N/A Hamedan

95 1/2/2018 12 Dey Qom, Qom 1,074,036 Unknown Large Counterprotest "Death to the seditious"

96 1/2/2018 12 Dey Shahin Shahr, 143,308 Unknown Unknown Protest N/A Esfahan

Iranian Anti‐Regime Protests and Security Flaws: A Dataset 32

Row Composition Protest Protest Behavior Regime Action Protesters Source # of Protesters Peaceful or Harmed or Violent? Killed? 91 Diverse Violent Unknown LEF forces severely injured Yes protester; by=manotoofficial; Securitization - LEF anti-riot police maintain control in order to prevent protests from occurring 92 Diverse (Relatively) Violent Protesters set police Unknown Unknown motorcycle on fire likely after overpowering local police force contingent

93 Diverse Peaceful Chanting, marching; Unknown Unknown; Destruction of public; property - bank store; front

94 Unknown (Relatively) Violent Gathering, one Unidentifiable regime official Unknown protester is audibly appears to be detaining one upset and is possibly protester being apprehended

95 Clerical Peaceful N/A Chanting and marching No

96 Young men Violent Protester claims that Regime officials shot at Yes officials shot more than protesters - 2 KIAs 10 people and killed at least 2 protesters

Iranian Anti‐Regime Protests and Security Flaws: A Dataset 33

Row Date Persian Location Population Landmark Size (approx.) Protest, Notable Chants # Calendar (City/Town, Counterprotest, Date Province) or Neither? 97 1/2/2018 12 Dey Tehran, Tehran 8,154,051 University of Tehran N/A Neither N/A

98 1/2/2018 12 Dey Tehran, Tehran 8,154,051 Enghelab Sq. along Medium Protest "When the tank's shell [gets shot], Ave. Mullahs need to get lost!" "LEF, LEF, support [us]" and "LEF, LEF, thank you!" "Reza Shah, may your spirit live on!" "Death to Khamenei" "Don't be scared, we are all together!"

99 1/2/2018 12 Dey Tuyserkan, 42,520 Unknown Small Protest N/A Hamedan

100 1/3/2018 13 Dey Abadan, 212,744 Shahpour St. Small Counterprotest "Death to the traitor " Khuzestan

101 1/3/2018 13 Dey Ahvaz, Khuzestan 1,112,021 Likely near Farahani Medium Protest None St.

102 1/3/2018 13 Dey Arak, Markazi 484,212 Unknown N/A Neither N/A

Iranian Anti‐Regime Protests and Security Flaws: A Dataset 34

Row Composition Protest Protest Behavior Regime Action Protesters Source # of Protesters Peaceful or Harmed or Violent? Killed? 97 N/A N/A N/A Securitization - LEF SF anti- N/A riot guarding University of Tehran entrance with motorcycles

98 Diverse Peaceful Chanting, marching, LEF anti-riot on motorcycles Unknown; and possible clashes mobilizing toward the crowd;; Securitization (before the; protests) - LEF SF anti-riot; standing

99 Men Violent Protesters threw LEF SF anti-riot forces threw Yes objects and tear gas tear gas at protesters back toward the police

100 Older men and Peaceful N/A Chanting and marching; No young children Children likely pulled from school for pro-regime event in order to participate

101 Young men Violent Set fire to Bank-e Unknown Unknown; Saderat with Molotov cocktails; Destruction of public property - one protester found a poster of late SL Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and destroyed it 102 N/A N/A N/A Securitization - LEF anti-riot Unknown police on patrol

Iranian Anti‐Regime Protests and Security Flaws: A Dataset 35

Row Date Persian Location Population Landmark Size (approx.) Protest, Notable Chants # Calendar (City/Town, Counterprotest, Date Province) or Neither? 103 1/3/2018 13 Dey Bandar Abbas, 435,751 Unknown Medium - Large Protest "Death to the dictator" Hormozgan "Death to Khamenei"

104 1/3/2018 13 Dey Dezful, Khuzestan 248,380 Possibly near Large Protest "Seyyed Ali [Khamenei] have some Moghavemat Sq. shame! Let the country go!" "Death to the Dictator"

105 1/3/2018 13 Dey Eslamabad-e 89,430 Likely off of Azadi St. N/A Neither N/A Gharb, Kermanshah

106 1/3/2018 13 Dey Ghaderijan, 30,002 Likely near Imam N/A Neither N/A Esfahan Hossein Sq.

107 1/3/2018 13 Dey Ilam, Ilam 172,213 Unknown Small Protest N/A

108 1/3/2018 13 Dey Khomeini Shahr, 244,696 Juy Abad Small - Medium Protest N/A Esfahan neighborhood

109 1/3/2018 13 Dey Malayer, Hamedan 79,477 Unknown Medium Protest "People live like beggars [while Khamenei] lives like a God!"

Iranian Anti‐Regime Protests and Security Flaws: A Dataset 36

Row Composition Protest Protest Behavior Regime Action Protesters Source # of Protesters Peaceful or Harmed or Violent? Killed? 103 Men Peaceful Chanting, gathering Unknown Unknown

104 Men Peaceful Chanting, gathering Unknown Unknown;

105 N/A N/A N/A Securitization - Heavy LEF N/A presence likely to prevent future flare ups

106 N/A N/A N/A Securitization - one 25 N/A member phalanx of LEF SF anti-riot, second 25-member group of what are possibly Basij members 107 Diverse Peaceful Protester graffitied None No "Death to the dictator"

108 Young men (Relatively) Violent Destruction of property -Unknown Unknown protesters likely set a police motorcycle on fire; Person in the video noted that the protesters were able to run the police off

109 Men Peaceful Chanting, marching Unknown Unknown

Iranian Anti‐Regime Protests and Security Flaws: A Dataset 37

Row Date Persian Location Population Landmark Size (approx.) Protest, Notable Chants # Calendar (City/Town, Counterprotest, Date Province) or Neither? 110 1/3/2018 13 Dey Saveh, Markazi 200,481 Likely on Shariati St. N/A Neither N/A

111 1/3/2018 13 Dey Shahriar, Tehran 249,473 Unknown N/A Neither N/A

112 1/3/2018 13 Dey Tehran, Tehran 8,154,051 Enghelab Sq. N/A NeitherN/A

113 1/3/2018 13 Dey Tehran, Tehran 8,154,051 Sadeghieh Sq. N/A Neither N/A

114 1/3/2018 13 Dey Tehran, Tehran 8,154,051 Vali Asr Sq. N/A NeitherN/A

115 1/4/2018 14 Dey Ahvaz, Khuzestan 1,112,021 Unknown N/A Neither N/A

116 1/4/2018 14 Dey Bojnourd, 199,791 Shahid Sq. N/A Neither N/A Khorasan Razavi

117 1/4/2018 14 Dey Dezful, Khuzestan 248,380 Likely near Dezful Medium Protest N/A Central Mosque

118 1/4/2018 14 Dey Kermanshah, 851,405 Sangar Intersection Small Protest N/A Kermanshah

Iranian Anti‐Regime Protests and Security Flaws: A Dataset 38

Row Composition Protest Protest Behavior Regime Action Protesters Source # of Protesters Peaceful or Harmed or Violent? Killed? 110 N/A N/A N/A Securitization - LEF and local Unknown Basij members mobilize in what is likely a show of force to intimidate the local citizens and instill fear to curtail further protests

111 N/A N/A N/A Securitization - ~30 police Unknown cars present, ready to mobilize to suppress any protests 112 N/A N/A N/A Securitization - LEF SF anti- Unknown riot presence at busy square to prevent protests

113 N/A N/A N/A Securitization - LEF SF anti- Unknown riot police gather to prevent protests

114 N/A N/A N/A Securitization - ~30 LEF Anti- N/A riot officials gathered in preparation of future protests

115 N/A N/A N/A Securitization - Heavy LEF No anti-riot police presence

116 N/A N/A N/A Securitization - LEF forces No with partial riot gear maintain defensive position against potential protests

117 Men Violent Screaming, pushing LEF colonel present in the Unknown LEF colonel away video, likely others on the scene

118 Unknown Unknown Unknown Plainclothes officers target Unknown protesters

Iranian Anti‐Regime Protests and Security Flaws: A Dataset 39

Row Date Persian Location Population Landmark Size (approx.) Protest, Notable Chants # Calendar (City/Town, Counterprotest, Date Province) or Neither? 119 1/4/2018 14 Dey Mashhad, 2,766,258 Unknown N/A Neither N/A Khorasan Razavi

120 1/4/2018 14 Dey Shahin Shahr, 143,308 Unknown Small Protest Inaudible Esfahan 121 1/4/2018 14 Dey Shiraz, Fars 1,460,665 Molla Sadra St. Unknown Counterprotest "Death to the traitor " "Death to the hypocrite"

122 1/4/2018 14 Dey Tehran, Tehran 8,154,051 Sq. N/A Neither N/A

123 1/4/2018 14 Dey Tehran, Tehran 8,154,051 Evin Prison Small ProtestN/A

124 1/5/2018 15 Dey Esfahan, Esfahan 1,756,126 Si-o Se Pol N/A Neither N/A

125 1/5/2018 15 Dey Kermanshah, 851,405 Unknown N/A Neither N/A Kermanshah

Iranian Anti‐Regime Protests and Security Flaws: A Dataset 40

Row Composition Protest Protest Behavior Regime Action Protesters Source # of Protesters Peaceful or Harmed or Violent? Killed? 119 N/A N/A N/A Securitization - LEF SF anti- N/A riot mobilize in the morning, ahead of potential protests in the evening

120 Unknown Violent Dispersal Regime officials firing at Unknown protesters 121 Diverse Peaceful N/A Local citizen reports that No; several large buses transported hundreds of people to participate in regime- sponsored counterprotests; Chanting and marching

122 N/A N/A N/A Securitization - ~15 LEF SF No anti-riot police gather to defend against any future protests.

123 Families Peaceful Gathering, standing in Unknown No front of gate, protesting against imprisonment of protesters

124 N/A N/A N/A Securitization - Heavy LEF No anti-riot police near popular gathering place in Esfahan in order to quickly suppress future protests 125 N/A N/A N/A Securitization - reported No satellite TV signal jamming and internet throttling; Civilian reports that on 1/4/2018 plainclothes officers preemptively stopped a protest

Iranian Anti‐Regime Protests and Security Flaws: A Dataset 41

Row Date Persian Location Population Landmark Size (approx.) Protest, Notable Chants # Calendar (City/Town, Counterprotest, Date Province) or Neither? 126 1/5/2018 15 Dey Mashhad, 2,766,258 Unknown N/A Neither N/A Khorasan Razavi

127 1/5/2018 15 Dey , Tehran 25,360 Unknown Unknown Counterprotest N/A

128 1/5/2018 15 Dey Tehran, Tehran 8,154,051 Enghelab Sq. N/A Neither N/A

129 1/6/2018 16 Dey Tehran, Tehran 8,154,051 Evin Prison Small - Medium Protest N/A

130 1/7/2018 17 Dey Eslamshahr, 389,102 Persian Gulf Small - Medium Protest Inaudible Tehran Transportation Co. site

131 1/7/2018 17 Dey Talesh, Gilan 41,486 Unknown Small Counterprotest N/A

Iranian Anti‐Regime Protests and Security Flaws: A Dataset 42

Row Composition Protest Protest Behavior Regime Action Protesters Source # of Protesters Peaceful or Harmed or Violent? Killed? 126 N/A N/A N/A Securitization - Heavy LEF No presence in city Sq. prepared to suppress any protests

127 N/A Peaceful N/A Local citizen reports that the No regime used ~25 large buses to bring in people from surrounding villages to participate in counterprotests due to lack of local people's willingness to participate

128 N/A N/A N/A Securitization - Local citizen No; reports that LEF anti-riot police and Basij forces in plain clothes position themselves from the morning until 2100. The highest number of anti-riot police is reported to be during 1700- 1800. 129 Families Peaceful Gathering, families Unknown No gathered to protest regime detention of protesters 130 Workers Peaceful Gathering of workers Unknown No from Fars Transportation Co. to protest delayed payments from last two months 131 Diverse Peaceful N/A Regime-sponsored event to No counterprotest - very low number in attendance

Iranian Anti‐Regime Protests and Security Flaws: A Dataset 43

Row Date Persian Location Population Landmark Size (approx.) Protest, Notable Chants # Calendar (City/Town, Counterprotest, Date Province) or Neither? 132 1/8/2018 18 Dey Tehran, Tehran 8,154,051 Evin Prison Small - Medium Protest N/A

133 1/9/2018 19 Dey Tehran, Tehran 8,154,051 Evin Prison Small - Medium Protest "Innocent political prisoners need to be released!"

134 1/9/2018 19 Dey Tehran, Tehran 8,154,051 Vali Asr Sq. N/A Neither N/A

Iranian Anti‐Regime Protests and Security Flaws: A Dataset 44

Row Composition Protest Protest Behavior Regime Action Protesters Source # of Protesters Peaceful or Harmed or Violent? Killed? 132 Families Peaceful Gathering, families Unknown Unknown gathered to protest regime's detention of protesters 133 Families (Relatively) Violent Gathering, families Unidentifiable LEF forces Unknown; gathered to protest appear to confront protesters regime's detention of protesters 134 N/A N/A N/A Securitization - LEF SF anti- N/A riot police gather to prevent protests

Iranian Anti‐Regime Protests and Security Flaws: A Dataset