Portland Daily Press: December 26, 1900
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. 'Flfl 1MRKK CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862-VOL. 39. PORTLAND, MAINE. WEDNESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 26, i960. lCTK,iVSSg»_PRICK am voted to rorm an orgeaizitlon to be body. The sign 10conee of the discovery they fall It ls'sald that tha oompany gelled tbe Catbollo (JonTart*' of ■ucELLi.iicact._I He* in the toot the* Henry Youteey, con • 111 bagln nagottatlons with Mr. Hog League America. Ur. Ben. F. lleCoata, former- BILLETS FLEW. rioted of perltelpetlon in the Uoebel as MX REBEL. ora for tha purchase of'the work*. I ME DELIVERED. ly rector of tbe oboroh of HI. John tbe WHEN YOU ORDER asoalnation in October, wee a clerk in the TO BE BUILT IN N. E. was elected andltor'e offlo* at the time of the aseasai- Kaangellit, president nation end bad aooeie to the vault where WILL VET BB VINDICATED. Chocolate the cartridge* were found and that Oeo. B Ig Battleships Awarded ta Yore River Baker’s Barnet, another dark in the office, teat!- Engine Co. Mr. Bryns Isaacs Another Proelsmee Ilea he taw Youteey with a box of car- lion. tridge*. an Was Received Prince Cocoa Indian Territory Redskin on Colony ou of ; Boston, December 89.—In Interview by or Baker’s Cape Verge to tbs wdtk to WILL RESIGN MAKCU 4. with tbs Boat, outlining Leavenworth, Kan., Dee. 25.—William done to the two EXAMINE THE PACK- preliminary constructing J, Bryan today, wiring from Lincoln, the War Path. Outbreak. battlsstblpa, Maoaosr f. O. Wellington Ching. AC.E YOU RECEIVE Neb., to the Evening Standard, states Congressmen Bentelle Will Thee B; of tts Vote Hirer Engine oompany at AND MAKE SURE the following: Made Captain In Bevy. Weymouth, said today “Tlio of still THAT IT BEARS OUR “It will be two or three weeks before principles Democracy live, and the policies for which tha TRADE-MARK. the contracts are executed, but there Do Mm her 25 —The fusion forces fought will yet b» vindi- Washington, resig- made will probibly lie no changes except cated. Wo can enter the twentieth cen- nation of Captain Cbarie* A. lloutelle of In minor details. We shall oomir.ence to tury with the confident belief that the at a member of the House Bangor, Me, Li Unable To Be will soon “La Belle Shot Every One He The Situation la a Grave lnomtse onr force Immediately. I sop- Hung people return to the teachings tor the 67th Congress, will he tendered of the fathers and to the traditions of pose onr working force will be gradually about March 4th, according to an under- the Chocolatiere” Could See. One. tnoreisel nntll It amounts to bet peon Present. Itepubllc.’’ standing with President McKinley The 4900 and eOOO men. resolution paseed by Congress a few day* PIKE IN BUWKKP MUSIC HALL. Under the decision* of the U. S. Courts “Most ot there will be drawn from other Chocolate or Cocoa it entitled to ago, through the effort* of Senator Hale, New 25.—During a per- no New “l'hls meins the distribu- 2 Pork,December as "Baker** Chocolate” England, be labelled or sold and others of the Matos delegation, au- formance tonight In the Manhattan mnslo or " Baker’s Cocoa.’* tion of thousands ot do'.l an In wages, for the oi hall on the llaines thorizing appointment Captain the moat of onr workmen will oemmand Bowery, suddenly Houtell* to the retired list of the navy burst through the floor of tha entire of large pay. Walter Baker & Co. Limited with the rank of oaptaln, will be elfeotlvo Were of Briefest the hall, and in a moment tbe plane wse Three Hen killed and One Can Arrive Xene Too “Blnce It waa known that we were The Ceremonies Estabushhd 1780 Fatally before that time. The President, how- Reinforcements filed with smoke. The ushers opened all blading for bxttleshlps, the feeling of ever, will not make the appointment till tbe doors at oaoe, and It was dne to their MASS. Soon. ■killed mechaolos In all parti of the kind. DORCHESTER, Iiljared. tne resignation from the Hone* oouurs. prompt motion that no one was seriously country toward New England has lscn COLD MEDAL, PARIS, I 900 Injured In the rash. HALF MILLION WANTED. revelled In a remarkable way. for hardly a day has passed that I have not re- ceived soores of letters tram men ln"tbe — What Eastern Insane Hospital Will to work for Cramps yards wanting ns, ■""I' _ ".I '"1 Demand of Islatnrr, a* a the desire to work In I I*rf giving reason, A Was Finally Winged by a Dutch Simply Waiting New England. Speedy Reply “The battleships we shall build were 01_ Bangor, Dec. 25.—The trustees of the A.sked For. K_/ilVj 1 A A A* authorized by tne aut of June 7. 1900. insane of which board ex-Uov. for Leader. hospital They are to be nneheathed. ihjy will MEN’S Roble of Gorbam Is chairman, will ask be larger than the battleship Oregon. V Vs a navi larrlerlaf Bina f a a Anntwinruliln Their general dimensions will be length, the HANDS ■nm to carry on tlie equipment of 435 feet| breadth, extreme at load water Eastern Insane hospital at Uangor, also line, 7« feet 9 1-8 Inobes; trial displace- warm I a Blackstone will find under their charge. ment, 14. SCO tons, with speed of not Prince Said He Would friends in our Fire Water Chiefly Responsible The $225,000 granted by the last legis- Railway Tronic Generally Sus- 1 ss than 19 knots. They mast bs com Chins Glove s.—N e w lature has been In construction Dieted Inside of 36 months, and failure in for Crime. expended Deliver It to Emperor. CIGAR, will mean a forfeit of stock,—selling low and a deficit of $35,000 now exists to bo pended. this respeot 1300 a for the llrst month, eucoeedlng the enough for honest taken care of by tbe legislature. Just day The Loading end cf the od fixed oontract, glove values. how much will bo necessary to equip the per by and $600 a day thereafter. Our plant hae 10-C'ent Londre institution and make it ready for occupa- the advantage of being to date In tion is problematical, but tbe amount, it up In the World. every respect. is estimated, will not fall far short of Mnskegee, I, T\, December 25 —John Pekin, December 84.—The preliminary $500,000. The legislature lias thus far London, Ueoembrr stV—The position of A SUNKEN VESSEL Quality THE HATTER, Tiger, a full blood Indian, living two note wn delivered today to tbe appropriated for it $375,000. Cape Colony le bansing In the balanoe. joint Middle St. miles south of Eufala, went to the lattsr Chinese. LI Cbang found that be Con ills. 9 197 Aorordlng to tbe Morning Post's Cane Hang place this afternoon, and while Intoxi- Found orr Shore Near Kcuurbunt port wae unable to attend the meeting of tbe CEO. A. COFFIN. H(r. DEAD RIVER ITEMS. Town correspondent, everything depends cated met 1*. ii. Roper, and threatened to minister! and bia ciedentlala and those upon tbe quantity of ammunition in pos- Tuesday. kill him. Roper etrnok Tiger with a of Prlnoe were presented by tbe session of tbe disloyal Dutch residents, Clilng board, no words passing between them. Killed at latter to tbe foreign envoy*. Prlnoe Man Log Landing—Free Fight l.-jUO of whom have mined tbe Boers In Dsoember 83.—A went to his a Kennebunxnort, to the minis- Tiger boggy, procured Results In Fractured Ribs asd Skulks. alone, Cblneae replying Hpanisb tbe Pbillppstown district t-ner- sunken a eoboouer of and oarne back to kill vessel, apparently who CHRISTMAS Winchester, Roper, have been to stem ter, Henor 1). J. DeColigan, present- getlo measures taken abont was found about Dut failed to And him. he pro- seventy tons, he would TABLE Enraged, there Is ed tbe note, said immediately GIFTS Bingham, December 25 —Word has been the Invasion, not unquestionably three mllee off the shore, here, today by a I ceeded to shoot every one be saw,£shoot- communicate Its contents to the Kmperor that of Boars will ^ received here that Prouix of danger parties get nllot boat. The vessel Is almost entirely and ac- Jesse Beck tbe and kill- Henry assured the minister* tbat a > Useful log through hips Into narts of tbe and and ace.sly P. was killed In tne Dead through colony only tbe point ot her topmast CRYSTAL ceptablo always. and Dave Frampton, Q submerged, was the dcaira of the as It I arlioc ing him; shooting killing raise tbe whole Into re- reply court, L-dUICb, titter logs gradually Cape above the aurfaoe ot the wafer, Ladies’ Party Slip- and another man named Joho- legion [yesterday by rolling showing felt that all China wants and than Porter, bellion. Reinforcements can arrive none peace Tumblers,—more eighty pers ami tixfords, bfti nt a and Is considered to be to u;eea. lon. Bud 18, was shot npon lag landing. E dangerous kiuds to choose Taylor, aged soon. prosperity. from,—plain, "I,&sesl House Boots, par- from a lumber on too as she lies In the oourse fol" the shoulder, and Is net A message oamp navigation, through expected Most of tba from December £6 —A to tbe etched, engraved and richly ringe Boots,—Chil- stream where Adame & linowl- despatches Cape lowed vessels, about Paris, despatch to live. on a horse and Chase by many coasting (yrmiaren, dren’s hhoes and.