Ellsworth American : September 28, 1898
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aubmisniuntB. LOCAL ALLAIRS. of the Pejepseot Co. From there the Maine Music Festival. as&tTtiacmentss. party went to Bowdoin campus, where the The advance sale of seats In Ellsworth j—j—]— NEW ,\ l»V KKTISKX I .Nil •> THIN WEEK. art building was visited. Then they vis- for the special day of the Maine music C. C. BtJmtlLL & ited Merry Meeting park where a lunch < festival—Friday, Oct. 7—was not as satis- SON, In bankruptcy—Ext Joseph W Craves. AT T In bankruptcy—Ext Alfred G Bulger. was served from the stage of the new factory as was expected. Nevertheless a In Kxt David W bankruptcy— Reynolds. theatre. there was a re- large number from here will go. Bank statement—Condition of First uatlonal Intheevening INSURANCE bank. ception and banquet. The chorus numbers about sixty, and of C. L. MOItANG’S general The Dutton Greenhouses. AGENTS, this The first of the number over forty have signified J A Cunulagham—Confectioner. regular meeting King’s | ME. their intention to in the Burrill Bank Bldg., ELLSWORTH, Bangor: Daughters for the season of 1898-99 will sing festival, most of them MEN’S T Bangor Dally News. | he held on Monday evening, Oct. 8, at intending to remain from WE REPRESENT THE Boston: 7.30, and a large attendance is desired. beginning to end. Medicine Co. Ellsworth to turn out well at this Most Reliable Home and Companies. King The thanks of the King’s Daughters are ought WORKING and DRIVING $ Foreign due the friends, who by contributions of festival. It promises to surpass in every the Lowest Rates Compatible, with Safety. For other local news see pages 4, o and 8. food and by patronage contributed to the way performance of last year. The management is it can success of the supper, which was given doing everything reftl and C. K. Foster has a in reason to make the as as MO\KY TO LOAN in 8Ums to 8uit on lniProve(1 estate returned from busi- at Manning hall on Thursday evening, expense light ness to —■ ..— collateral.- trip Boston. Sept. 15. The society realized about |15 possible. A special train will run from af- I»H**H**M**I*. Thomas Holmes, jr., is employed on an from the supper. Bangor ter tlio concert on and electric road iu Boston. Hon. Thomas B. Heed and Clarence Friday night, jGLOVES.jT SAMPLES AT Finest line of S while not yet certain, a special will prob- Mrs. Harvard Greely has returned from Hale, of Portland, were the guests of ably be run on Saturday night also. An- a visit to Hancock Point. Senator IP > over Sunday. There was a | nouncement will be made in ample season. | F. and A. M will work dinner at ’Hie Pines” Saturday evening t 25c, 57 c and 50c. Lygonia lodge, Toe running of a special on Saturday I the first this in honor of Mr. Heed. Among the guests SIDEBOARDS degree evening. night depends upon the number who will were Pres. of the Wilson, Maine Central, — There will be a harvest supper at the agree to return on that night. A guaran- I ever shown in Ellsworth, from Chandler llalc ami wife, John A. Peters, l Methodist vestry this evening. tee of eighty passengers must be bad. It jr., and wife, Henry W. Cushman and M. is will hasten a decision it as many Ells- Gallert home from New York, wife. Dr. ,T. F. Manning Hnd wife, Mrs. | | worth as return on where fie a week on business. people will Saturday t Great to $30. spent George P. Dutton, John B. Redman and $12 will hand Bargains. | night their names to any mem- John A. Lord returned Saturday even- Henry Whiting. t ber of the festival chorus, cr leave them at J in this and offer a We are overstocked line, ing from business trip to Boston. Miss Vcnia M. slightly White, of Columbia, The American office. $ Mrs. J. A. has returned who had been to teach the | some excellent Cunningham engaged in- The merits of the itself | bargains. festival ought to V. L. MORANG. from a visit of several weeks in Brockton, termediate department of the Pine street T be attraction enough to carry a large dele- | Mass. has been unable to fill the en- school, gat ion to Bangor, but the fact that ElIh- gagement owing to illness. Miss A. W. CUSHMAN & SON. Isaac L. Hodgkins has recently put into Mary vvorth has a not inconspicuous part in tiie I his a ten J. Dunbar will be transferred from the CHURCH NOTES. shop horse-power gasoline proceedings ought to be a further reason FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Hillside school to Pine street, and Miss for — e.igine. attending. S. of will teach BAPTIST. ..... Mary Doslsles, Lamoine, No. 1 Franklin Street, ELLSWORTH, ME. P. ft. Stratton and L. F. Redman are in As to fares, the Maine Central lias at Hillside. The intermediate reduced the rate to To cents Rev. C. S. Me Portland as at the II. S. dis- depart- generously Learn, pastor. jurymen for the ment of the Pine street school opened round trip on Saturday; this can Friday, 7.30 p. m., monthly church cov- trict court. be stated and it is Monday, its opening having been delayed authoritatively, enant meeting. - The OfiABOUson of the probable that the round trip fare on the club, — high school, two weeks. services ser- other two days w ill be the same; public Sunday 10.30, morning CARRIAGES. BUCKBOARDS. is planning to give a concert at Hancock announcement be made in mon. 12 t> .... V-..V- ... will, At in., .c •***<»*■& V. UJ however, Sunday scnooi; Stock in Eastern Maine, and all up hall in November. ample season. largest the social committee of the p. m., Y. P. S. C. E. prayer meeting; in Finish and Congregation- Let it not be said that Ellsworth is un- to date Style, Workmanship. Prof. Chapman conducted the rehearsal /.CO p. m., praise and preaching service. al church to be given in Hancock hall on appreciative of such a rare musical event of the festival chorus at hall last CONGREGATIONAL. OPEN and TOP BUGGIES, EXPRESS and ROAD WAGONS. SURREYS. Manning Wednesday evening, Oct. 12. It is called as this festival is sure to be. Wednesday evening. Rev. David L. Vale, pastor. Iland-nmde throughout and fully warranted. “The Crown of Fame”. The parts are stong Kecitai. Friday evening Rt 30—Prayer meeting. The county commissioners left this taken mainly by members of the congre- An s|zeH fr°m »!«>*** two-peopie Miss Mabel Monaghan’s song recital at Topic: “What is Essential to a True a week for their annual fall tour of The costumes worn V > IV 1 J\ JJL\JLJlO to one that will fourteen. inspect- gation. will char- Luke 11: 1-13: L job carry Manning hall last evening was fairly well Prayer”—Matt. 26:36-4(5; ing the county roads. acterize the in which the dis- 18: 9-14. If period attended. She in her usual JiOW IS Tin: TIME to put the summer vehicle through the paint-shop—plenty of sang pleasing F. H. Osgood's Donum and H. B. tinguished persons impersonated lived. Sunday—At 10.30 r. m., sermon by the time to harden thoroughly before using. manner. The list of songs covered a P. will start in the races Instruction in the various has been At 11.45, school. The Phillips’ Harry parts wide her 1 pastor. Sunday range, giving an excellent services Repairing thoroughly and quickly done. at Exeter this week. given by H. 1. Bowles, of Cherryfield, who people’s Sunday evening will be opportunity to display the various phases j resumed Oct. 9. has been for the week the of ROBES and ue iun Huieuuiu win mio enect. on past guest I carry full lines of HARNESSES. BLANKETS, WHIPS. go of her voice. The songs that .seemed to Mrs. G. R. of the Maine Central next Cunningham, American the Monday. Sunday please the audience most were Gounod’s Roosevelt for house. The event to be Governor. E. DAVIS. trains will run on the ML. Desert branch promises highly and BuCkboi!rtf*Mfln. IIENRY ,!SSS, “Repentance” Johnson’s “Good j Col. Theodore Roosevelt was nominated until Oct. 10. entertaining. Night, Pretty Stars”. yesterday by the republicans of New Miss Susan B. Anthony, who has de- Miss Ellsworth’s Franklin St., Ellsworth, Me. Rev. I). L. Yale, of the Congregational Hopkins, accomplished York for governor. ^ndt0i£i..room, vot'd her life to the woman suffrage cause, the church, and Rev. J. 1*. Si.nonton, of Lae pianist, played accompaniments with The present governor, Frank H. Riack, in her characteristic address before a Port- the Hkill for which she Methodist church, exchanged pulpits is famous. was a candidate for re-nominatioi and, land audience last Monday evening, re- The duets Misses Helen and Sunday morning. by Harriet according to precedent, was entitled to it, lated the f<: incident of her earliest WEATHER swing Rollins were placed with vigor and ex- but the late war so affected the situation COLD C. who has been Harry Mason, .spend- visits to Maine. It was in and she that Gov. Rlnek whs sacrificed to the a nr* to for it must to think about heavier clothing. 1817, Following was the pop- prepare you begin bis vacation with nis in tins pression. programme: ular demand ing parents was to Ellsworth. A for Roosevelt the “hero of received... hj ,i'i young 1 a I have has returned to u»s studies at the Summer.Ulnuuiiuulo Santiago”.