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'" 1. .. ■ ■■■■ ■■■■.ij."1,1";11””?-1'" .J=?"' ... 1 -""” -'• m .„ !■■ ■— FSTAB ISHED JUNE 23, 1862,—VOL. 13. PORTLAND, TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 21, 1875. TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE.


A Triple Execution.-Choking Uin to *r A ! TUESDAY MOKMYU. DEO. 21, 1876 Reports the Trustees* * upe. intrndcBt, delpliia Death.——The Case of Dolan. FATE MU>IC HALL. $25,000 CLOTHING. Eir. Fair w. w. ! I'lay. larrabee.Proprietor. j. n cooke.Stage Manager. Having opened he new and elegant store There are many men who advertise them- New York, Dec., 18, 1875. From advance sheets selves as who Yesterday the Sheriff asserted the majesty of of the report of the THIRD WEEK of this popular of NO, 13 independent voters, suggest place WANTED MARKET SQUARE, the law Trustees and Superintendent of the Reform amusement. Before yon make your selections visit that they are abroad with scissors and hy cliokiDg to death three young ne- pencil School to the Governor and Opposite Old City Hall, to and groes in the city prison. The strangulation Council, the follow- FURNITURE! clip scratch the ballot on every elec- facts 9 NEW STARS 9 was ing are gleaned, a part of which have am preceded by elaborate formalities. Early — 1 prepared to show one of tlic finest tion hold themselves out to for Holiday Evening, Dec. 30tli. AND and best day. They be from time to time been stocks ot in the morning the cells of the culprits were published in the Pbess: 2 Performances on Christmas at a body of free-lances to lend The Dav. Afternoon superior ready Dumber of boys in the school 2. Evening at 8. resonant with spiritual exercises, exhortation, (Deo. l»t) MEN’S AND BOYS' their weapons to one or the not was 142 The CARDS OF ADMISSION ! McDuffee’s, party other, inmates are divided praying and singing. A number of clergymen, graded, being Reserved Seats.50 cts. for or into classes so pelf patronage or power, but for love and that ambition, pride, manliness Parquette.. 35 cts. protestant catholic, white and black, were WE MUST HAVE THE M01V CLOTH INC FOOISH 60008 of and It is not are appealed to—to say of Gallery.25 cts. And examine his new and Elegant Goods country good government. in attendance, and their ministrations con- nothing self-interest. Boxes.$2 and #4 received from New East of New and with fair and deal- here and Under this system, which is just York, York, square proposed now to examine into the tinued until 9 o’clock. At that hour the corri- essentially that of ing I hope to win the of all that will favor patronage of their Superintendent Wentworth, the Trustees with Haiince every Saturday at 3 P. JI. me with a call. genuineness high claims. It is how- dors of the jail were filled by a corps of Deputy Matinee prices 25 cts. to all parts of the House. We liave a lull assortment of goods Before ever much announce that Taking Stock. proposed to take to the Sheriffs, or in who had pleasure seventy boys— dtf NO TROUBLE TO SHOW LOODN. exception ;forty fifty number, dec!3_ In our line suitable lor THE LATEST, one half of the school—“are trying to be double-standard in use by them in their judg- marched in with great solemnity and were up- Prices to right, studious and The Trustees PORTLAND MUSEUM, suit the times and compare favorably ment of One of course paraded in double file before the cells of the orderly.” say with other existing parties. ap- that Cor. of Csn^rew and Streets. houses. the most serious obstacles to Uichangc THE plies a higher and more critical test to a condemned men. Each of these officials wore perfecting BEST, the grades is the of town I. T. WIf Eit &; Presents! apiece of black on the left arm. persistent attempts CO., Proprietors. B. theatrical company which presents a Shakes- cripe As Holiday AARONSON, authorities and to effect a release soon as were marshaled in their parents of Dec. We have made up our minds not pearian than to a which a they places Monday, 90ih, 13 play troupe gives the boys. Two rulos have been THE CHEAPEST No. Market Square, opposite the sheriff and under sheriff entered the cells, adopted; first, ac«l for one week only the favorite Comedian to be variety show. One does not use the same the Old the latter boy must remain in the school two years City flail. rules in functionary read the death warrants treating of the work of a sculptor and before release aud be must be in the first WI?1. CALDER. OF gept?2_(13m and each victim in turn was made ready for The Market A fiords. that of a grave-stone cutter. So it may be grade. UNDERSOLD IN PARLOR the scaffold. The poor creatures were all in Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 90th and 91 at, SKITS, scarcely reasonable to apply the same The Trustees show that the Re- aud ALL KINDS high full dress, including the white necktie. “The conclusively Wednesday Matineu, and will state some of our prices. A form standard in general to the Democratic party School cannot be made to pay its own the Drama entitled subsequent proceedings interested me no Legendary —OF— that we do to the way, giving the very good illustration that no W Republican. It is perhaps more.” I left the scene at that point, more CLOTHING atclies, one would not expect that farmer one RIP reasonable to expect so much. But than ever convinced that capital punishment a| having VAN_WiNKLE. HEN’S AIR buDdred aud acres of Full Parlor BOYS’ when both came before the is too sixty laud and all the im- Wednesday 3k Thursday, Dee. 33d 3k 33d, Suit, parlies people something ghastly and horrible to be Stem and Winders. plements found him could make both ends the of AND Key and ask for the same official the ad- palliated on any other plea than that it checks popular Comedy trust, meet if 7 Pieces, Hair Cloth or Terry, the crime it sixty boys were turned upon him to be OUR IRISH COUSIN. ministration of the government, we have a avenges. As I have no idea that it does supported. Goods I right to use the same tests, to ask for produce that effect, the system seems Friday, Dec. 34, Benefit of WM. CAI.- Furnishing equal The Trustees conclude that tbe brick to me barbarous and making DE ... On which occasion the Eniment Actress such as qualifications. This is what the independent immitigably revolting. Mis* $42, DIAMONDS, department does not pay. The yard is four Sophie Miles and Talented Soubretto Miss if One of the most offensive concomitants of an AI Goods! voters, we may judge (and it is the miles fy Chippendale will appear. Cardigan Jackets, only execution from market, the spot unattractive and 4 3 , Furnishing Underwear, for is the exhibition of morbid cariosity Back, Cloth. Kid Fur ground judgment offered) by their sell- tbe work hard and rather for a Saturday Christmas Matinee In Rings, Studs and Ear Jewels. Kid-Uined, (of which it is always the occasion. Thousands degrading boy. and Castor constituted to Top Gloves, Wool and organs, neglect do. They are of Tbe manufacture of drain tiles will be contin- 3 O merino men—very many of them well dressed and OUR IRISH COUSIN. , Sacks, Braces, Shins, ready to make excuses for the Democracy ued, which will necessitate tbe production of Neckwear. Ear muds, Handker- of decent appearance—gathered around that where they hold to strict ac" 100,000 brick each season. Tbe manufacture of Christmas Night, Two Comedians in the field. BURLEIGH chiefs, mufflers. Collars, Caffs, and Republicans gloomy looking structure, so called the 6 O , FRENCH aptly cane seats CLOCKS, a count. assume a critical tone for chairs has continued. The troub- t thousand other things suitable They savagely “Tombs,” and staid for hours on a cold De- MARRIED LIFE le is to for men’s and wear at the toward the and a tone get steady work. It is better to bave HENRY Nice. Boys’ one, gently apologetic cember morning, with no conceivable WM. CALDER. 7 S — object, DOVE.. Very — , HAS Rich but not toward steady work at small remuneration than inter- Gaudy. the other. The acts of the apparently, except to be near the scene And the Comic Drama Lowest public of Laughable Wc will make a discount of 20 Prices. mittent employment with greater profits. Idle- men in one party are watched with the clos- which it was utterly impossible for them to THE TWO VAGABONDS ! cent on Hair Cloth and Scotch Wool and ness is harmful. per Suits, Heavy merino est scrutiny, and the most unfavorable con- see or hear the slightest thing. For be- days Tbe Trustees all STRAP.FEaNK CURTIS. 30 cent, on or Underwear, lull lines in fore the report that the cells have JAQUES per Terry Flush, always struction put upon their motives. The faults tragedy men and womeD, arrayed in GOT HIS MAD UP stock. been removed the oust and the are Enilie. Matinee and want fashionable attire year boys every Wednesday Saturday from these prices, it parties of the leaders of the other are and having every outward party gently lodged in large well ventilated balls. The bed- as are sold GIVE semblance of Box office from 3 a. until 9 ra. se2dtf sucli suits being by For Clock aud Mantle uTa CALL. treated and and refinement, eagerly sought ad- open iu., p. Ornaments. ingeniously explained away, ding is new. As stated by tbe Press last sum- this In mission within the walls, for the sake of Boston dealers in city. And have to their motives are assumed to be and satis- things got pure this mer, the play grounds have been completely Walnut Chamber Sets we are sel- lnftv fying sickly taste. The newspaper report- Now tbe of tbe first class haye GRAND TEMPERANCE RALLT come. Prices will w*" changed. boys ling at prices that dety competi- speak Orin Hawkes & Go. The fiuuu juu^es vi woac ineir latest anil perhaps most conspicuous a large playground surrounded by a picket —AT better than words. JEWELRY readers want—devoted columns to minute tion. We have 25 Marble Top Ash of from SETS, instance unfair dealing is in the treatment ot fence, which they can easily escape; bat for 482 & 484 descriptions the convicts, and details of all Chamber Sets that we bought Congress St., of the financial the tbe fellows thus pat upon their honor maintain CITY HALL, question by independent they said and did. There cannot be any doubt Cash from a Stock, the it. The of tbe second class a Bankrupt 50 Overcoats and Jet. OPP. PREBLE HOUSE. organs. These in I think that men ground has p'cket under the auspices ot the $6, Cameo, Gold, Mosaic, Onyx papers passing judgment hanging has a demoralizing same Sets we sold for $125.00 six ce2d&wlm36 fence on one side, while that of the third is upon the two parties have heretofore re- effect upon the community at large. PORTLAND REFORM months ago. We will sell this lot Former Price $8. surrounded by high walls. The Trustees ask CLUB, fused to take the matter of previous good or Dolan escaped the halter at the last moment for an now for $75.00 each set. Marble SLEEVE bad through the somewhat appropriation for the pnrpose of intro- Dec. 22d. BUTTONS, character into account. They have cried unjudicial interference Wednesday Evening, and Cloth Tables of the 50 Overcoats $30, of Mr. ducing gas into the building and to provide a Top Top CLOTHING, out that by-gones should be by-gones, that Justice Donahue. This unlucky jurist is better system of drainage. By a comparison same stock we will also sell at re- New and Rich the dead past should its that acquiring a disagreeable notoriety in conse Former Price $23. Designs. bury dead, the in other schools the Trustees show that the duced We will sell Marble quence of his His decision prices. treatment of questions of moment rulings. in the luthekTbenson, Don’t One present average cost of supporting each boy exclusive Top Tables, 24 x 31 inche-, for $9. Spend Dollar for Tweed case was so obviously wrong that it was a reformed of 50 Overcoats should not be obscured by old prejudices and of the of tbe school Is while Lawyer, Indiana, $14, reversed. And in product $134 43, Cloth Top Tables, 24 by 36 inches, animosities. promptly this matter ot will speak to the citizens ot Portland and vicinity. OPERA They have claimed that the tbe cost of a boy at oar school is bat $113 63. for Parties about Former Price GLASSES, Dolan, a stay of proceedings was granted with- ADMISSION FKKH.delSdtt $10. buying $18. should Maine has run her school people judge of the parties by their out the past year on Furniture will save conforming to the requirements of the surely money CLOTHING present attitude and not their that $5000 less than tbe average of schools of that In by record, statute, ft was therefore a on us before 75 Ulsters Pearl, Enamel and Leather. nullity. But as by calling purchasing. $8, it is no the class. argument against genuineness of everybody is willing at the last moment to First Annual Ball Please us a call and we will The give Until have seen the Democratic Trustees speak in high terms of Super- Former Price $10. you Goods and professions of reform that the save a life, the illegality of the order was not GIVEN BV THE show you our very extensive stock intendent Wentworth, his wife and assistants. PLATED TEA Prices at the Democracy when it had the power demoral- suffered to hinder compliance with it, and with pleasure, whether you wish SETS, They say: ‘‘We can bear testimony to tbe 300 Undercoats $5, ized the civil service and squandered the na- Dolan survives. His sentence ought to be Truckmen of Portland to or not. We have two new general fidelity of all who are now in our em- buy CAKE BASKETS, tional ievenues. They have insisted that the commuted to imprisonment for life without ploy. We think there is a kindly feeling run- — — & Former Price AT Wheeler Wilson Machines $7.50 old have any further delay. To keep him things passed away, and that ail has vibrating the school. The teachers and worth which we will sell for between time and ning through $75 become new. On this eternity any longer is to LANCASTER HALL, ICE PITCHERS position they have now overseers have worked and under 500 'k make a hero and a faithfully each. York of him. $35.00 Cardigans $1, turned their backs. The martyr Store, Republicans in Con- great discouragements, and we extend our ’75. Clothing The statement Thursday evening, Dee. 23, of the ground on which Judge Former Price $1.50. gress are making strenuous efforts to bring thanks to them all. Our Superintendent and AND FANCY PIECES, Donahue interfered, supposing it to be correct- Ti« Ve!'< niTliiilling Gent and Lndiea $1. 171 FORE ST. about resumption of specie payments, tohave his wife have aided ui in every way in their Gr. A. &Co. ly reported, will bewilder any layman who is Shaker Socks 35c, passed measures to regulate the and power. The year has been very trying for MUSIC BY COLE’S QUADRILLE BAND. Whitney From Reed & Barton’s Celebrated Mann currency sufficiently grave to treat it seriously, and declC dlw to place it a sound basis. What course them, as tbe bouse has been in so mack confu- factory. O'. IF1. SISK. upon amuse the far greater number of people who 46 Former Price 38c have the sion during our improvements. But there has Exchange St., decltid2w independent organs taken ? Forget. will be obliged to “give it up” as au unanswer- Pine St, M, E.Church Lecture Course, been no but on the other band a jng or ignoring their claim that by-gone able connnndrum. complaining, BELOW MIDDLE ST. Buck Gloves $1 and cheerful zeal.” The third lecture in the above course will be given Light Weight should be ready oc16 by-gones, they raise the clamor Here it is: in the vestry of the new church on tjal WILL THE GENTLEMEN superintendent’s report. CORALJEWELRY, that the Republicans are that while Judge Barrett charged the that Former Price $1.50. insincere, jury The the 22d, The Stock in the Of Portland and vicinity call at my new place ot if they found that John Dolan killed Mr. Superintendent's report shows that 33 Wednesday Evening largest city. they controlled Congress they neglected to business, Noe while in the act of committing a felony, it boys have been committed and 6 returned, and REV. A. S. Collars pass, radical and that was murder in the By LADD, 10,000 10c, PRICES resumption measures, first degree. Whereas the there were 146 at the of ths FROM $17.00 UPWARDS. law that beginning year. their course is dictated says the killing must be found to be 8ubjecl-operation. C I T Y TT _A_ 1, L , different; they do not I MCI 3 low has been lying within the awfnl shadow of — their But one has died — AT l by professions to heartily support the boy during the year, Cbas. know of whom talk. impending death. Judge Barrett could not have they party which endorses it, and to act with that H. Thomas of Yarmouth. There has been uo Titieus—-Goddard. Low Prices FULL AND COMPLETE, realized how near his mistake came to bringing We have seen some smart so as it meets their views. But other case of severe sickness. party long about a catastrophe which would have embit- — — $25. AT i treasurer's report. g Only the trouble with them is THE 1IT1ENS CONCERT. men hut could find — all the that while they have tered his future The always n H including days. District Attorney Wm. E. these machines Gould, Esq., Treasurer, reports that guarantee to granted full amnesty to the Democrats for must have wholly tailed to observe this conclu- MLR. MAX STRAKOSCH another as and be fatly eqnal in HTTLE, FIN-^ the expenditures for the Dec. just smart, bWc sive year ending 1, haw the honor to announce for the of ■ INH, CAPACITY anil DDKtBII.- B pa3t faults, they refuse to be as geuerou3 to defect in the charge. The keen evening scrutiny to be 40. The are the 237 Middle Street. we do not have to to ITT to tbe machines 1875, $24,803 following go sold by other 2 STANDARD WORKS the Republicans. of the eminent lawyer who has made the de- DECEMBEE dec8d2w companies at 860. B items: Salaries, labor, returning boys,$6,946.- MONDAY, 27,1875, Providence to find them fense of criminals the Tile first in Portland of ^ Dali and examine or .end for cir- 2 study and busiuess of his appearance The is made that town in 49; repairs, machines anu labor in brick-yard, Ocular. p suggestion every life has saved the State from the commission of Holiday Announcement ! either. A large assort- —IN- 81,508.32; provisions and groceries, the land on the invite a $4,797.15; M’lle coming Fourth-of-July, judicial homicide. The entire burglar fra- Theresa our boots, shoes, clothing, coal Titiens, Having completed Foreign and Domestic pur- ment of one of its citizens with abilities to the bedding, $2,339.92; * equal ternity will feel grateful for the vindication THE QUEEN OP THE LYRIC STAGE. chases for the a GEORGE SETS AND SINGLE of and meal and ULMER a VOLUMES, task to deliver wood, $3,315.39; corn, grain, instead of the usual spread- their rights, and whenever find it neces- The director has succeed in they $692 06; trustees’ expenses, seeds making arrangements AGENT FOB $535.40; tools, for the Titiens Concerts with MAINE, ^ eagle oration an address embodying the his- sary to kill somebody in the prosecution of ^ in every variety of binding. and manures, $683.49; blacksmi'hing, repairs, Christmas tory and progress of the town since its their business, they will be sure if de- Season, ^257 1-2 MIDDLE STREET. birth, quite hardware, $401.01; teams, carriages aDd har- M’ME ARABELLA 2 and that afterwards a collection be made of tected to avert the hangman’s rope GODDARD, we shall be pleased to submit for your inspection a Holiday by pleading nesses, books and ENGLAND’S FIRST PIANI8T. $449.12; Ice, $25.38; library a Goods, in extenuation tine collection of these orations for that they intended to commit M. MARK KEISER, the Eminent Violin Virtuoso. PHOTOGRAPH preservation. Of course stationery, $476.62; chair stock and freight, $25 $25 $25 $25 ALBUMS, murder, but did not harbor the SIGNOR ORLANDINI, the Celebrated Baritone, no one will ever read the collection, but it “deliberate and furniture and $466.79 CHAS. C. PRATT. Musical Director. Bronzes, Parians, Alabasters, Spa Goods, $1,215 81; crockery. will premeditated design to effect death.” Reserved Seats for sale at 1. C. Stockbridge’s. Stein- the SILK & CASHMERE make a series of volumes such as it is miscellaneous, $890.45. Totai, $24,803.40. celebrated OrmolaVases and Per- MUFFLERS, Bound What subtle distinctions the Pianos ueed at the Titiens Concerts. de21dtd Elegantly Bibles, law makes be- way fume considered the proper thing to have, like tbe physician’s report. Sets, Engravings, English, tween burglars and do not British Poets highwaymen, yet The of Dr. C. O. Files contains tome German & American for example. If the project be report Chroinos, appear, but to the ordinary mind the same plea carried out the man who lives in the matters of interest. There has bean somewhat Hid, FINE RUSSIA LEATHER POCKET newly have availed to rescue the J. A. MERRILL & CO BOOKS, might three men who more sickness the G. settled Western town will have abundant past year than during the TRENCH AND DERUN PHOTOGRAPHS Talbot & Go. met their fate yesterday, if it had been thought reason to previous. Quite a number of the boys ara congratulate himself, while to the of in time. confessed from the Art Gallery of Gonpil, Dogskin, Juvenile They the intent to kill> troubled with scrofulous diseases. There have Books, New Englander the very name “Fourth-of- but it may have been that the charge of the been several cases of a stock of erysipelas and acute rheu- large will bo a terror forever after. in their case — July” Judge did not contain the JEWELERS. FOR THE — faulty matism. He of the bill of fare and and In fact which can bo found in a approves Otter, everything sentence, which has served Dolan’s so Mouldings, Swiss Carvings and Current Notes. purpose would not change 'except by the addi- well. It is too late to the open question now, tion of oat-meal or wheateu Domestic Black Walnut HOLIDAY TTninn snlriinr. nn wiilnw nf a TTninn groats and an in- Articles, TRADE. FIRST CLASS BOOK STORE. but bumaue people can a hardly repress shudder crease of the of milk the Cloth, no colored of fkn ««i.Bik:i:tn ~c tv.!. i_•_i_ quantity given boys. alto a fine soldier, need is — line of person, apply,” -■-j wvuu Watches, Give us a Cali while out pur- “""“b making all of which will be sold the law of the in the chases for Christmas Presents. Dou't unwritten majority made way with. house News and Other Items. Small Oval anfi Oil Buck, that we are at oi representatives. Ex-rebels and their Very few persons, I will feel re- Spare forget imagine any litjmarel/’a nftioiol poatiluneu in Tlavlin aas4 Paintings, — ASD — friends are to war The that the aud Diamonds, which it will gratify us to have you examine. ! preferred Democrats. gret fau^less beautiful machinery VERY LOW colored caterer 83,000,000. goes by the board, and Tues- of jurisprudence which is the proud boast of No. 6 a colored a menial It is announced that Clara Louise Kellogg SCHUMACHER Clapp’s Block, day woman, filling postion, our free iusiitutions has wrought the beneficent BROS., Please examine this Stock be- was dismissed to make room for the widow will be married in a few weeks to Mr. Bradish &c. OTHER end of an Jewelry, GLOVES, or that one of tho>e Paper Board of a Rebel preventing irretrievable act of injus- NO. 463 Lap fore making your purchases. captain. How the crippled Union Johnson Smith, a wealthy New Yorker of CONGRESS ST., would he a very to a veterans would be tice in this instance. It is to be hoped, how- acceptable present del8 d2w sent hobbling off should a Knickerbocker ancestry. DEERINC BLOCK. housekeeper. Democrat get into the White House!—Utica ever, for the peace of innocent citizens who William Cullen Byrant is said by a corres- Dec. 1875. Neckties Herald. live in an indefinable fear sf the of Portland, J, de7dt|al J Only $1.00. irruption decl8 dlw WM. E. pondent to indulge occasionally in gymnastic Porte Bonheur’s THOMES There would seem to be reason for Senator burglars, that the reaction ia popular senti- exercises, such as raising himself up over the of Morton’s into the last ment will not take the extreme form of de. every description, bas a large stock of proposed investigation door by his arms, and he is 81. manding that amends be made to Dolan for the Mississippi election. The revolution there The Itev. Mr. of that -AND— he has Shipman Norwich, says was not about injury already suffered by giving him an Useful and Fancy Articles brought altogether by moral he was once called to marry a man who was to immediate release. That would Cuff and SPECIALTIES we be carry- Collar But- FOR CHRISTMAS! suitable for suasion, suspect; there was at least a mar- be nnited to a fourth wife. As he approached idfe the principle of redress too far. All that of intimidation and and it would the he as “Please rise.'' gin violence, can conplo said, usual, The WILLOW AND RATTAN GOODS! be useful to know the reasonably be aske 1 is that he should be extent of it. The man fidgeted about on his chair, and finally re- tons, Democrats allowed the benefit of the doubt and the fact COLLARETTES. HALE HAMPERS, WOOD HOLDERS. cannot afford to resist the call for marked: “We’ve usually sot.” Presents! it should be a assumed that ha did intend to kill and is investigation; joint committee, Noe, A. L who was WORK BASKET Holiday with some Haddock, recently sentenced SHIRT STUDS, STANDS, consisting of of the most thorough and honest therefore guiltless of wilful murder. The Table iVIatN a Novelty ! men of both Re- at St. John, N. B., to twenty-four years’ im- SOMETHING NEW. parties upon it.—Springfield fright he has had may have produced so salula CHILDREN AND TOY CHAIRS, Vases, Toilet Sets, Cat and Plain publican. prisonment for passiog a forged letter of credit J. A Is some ry an effect upon him that he will be ts HEBRILL, exhibiting wonderfully willing on the Bank of British A. Brackets, Mats, Rugs, Hassocks, &c. Glass. Plain and Gold Band China, When a New England who is rec- North America, was KEITH.__de!8U3t senator, relieve the state of any further trouble by ac- HANDKERCHIEFS OFFICE AND PIANO CHAIRS, for twenty years a poor but honest coachman in Parian, Alabaster, Lava and Pa- ognized as one of the leaders of bis party, cepting a commutation of sentence. The pretty goods, and Rocking and Sewing Machine Choirs New York. everybody ought pier Jluche Goods, Bronzes, takes occasion in his first in the United chances are that if a new trial is In CHRISTMAS GOODS — — with Adjustable Backs. Also Lamp speech ordered, AND Ex-Mayor A. Oakey Hall made his theatrical Cabinet and Goods of all kinds, Plated Ware, States senate to denounce “the heresy that will do better thau that, but perhaps he will and Invalid, Reclining Chairs, debut in New A wholesale retail, to see the York on Saturday night. des- them. the most perfect chair for an invalid in the city. Ac., Ac. the United States is a nation,” it would seem prefer certainity of living in State Prison CONSISTING OF patch says that except that be parted with his hundreds of other to be time for such a declaration of the actual to the possibility of dying on the gallows. Watches, Silver Fruit Fancy traditional he was A. Clocks, Jewelry, 338 Federal Street. Whatever of moustache and glasses, deel3-eod2w 469 CONGRESS status of our as will becomes him I hope we have Kuives, Napkin Kings. Hold and Rubber and useful Articles. del7 d2w ST., government definitely and nothing more. had a last Once in a Oakey Hall, lawyer, Pencils Fancy Work Bas- settls the and leave no room for a “hangman's day.” while fiood*. Albums, question “The it says,cannot be called a good ket-. Work Stands, Wallets, Pocket DEERING BLOCK. a spasm of wrathfulness comes over a jury aud Crucible,” declG confusion of ideas as to whether the United Knives. Sleds, dtf convict of murder play. Skates, Picture Books, JOHN States is a as Mr. Eaton a they iu the first degree. The (i mes, Brackets. KINSMAN, nation,or, asserts, A Paris gymnast, not satisfied with ordinary Desks, Work Boxes, Happy is the man that mere confederation of independent nations. consequences are invariably bad. Every day b>_ Doll tarts, F keeps constantly on baud a line lot of bad himself shot out of a mor- taps, mcy Uoous ai d Toys. Had this matter been settled tween the trapeze display, his at the beyond dispute condemnation and the execution is a buys Clothing ter by a small charge of powder on to the per- We an give special bargains tothelobbintr IraAe twenty years ago we should have been spared day of unhealthy excitement, and Call ami Glass and Bronze Christmas Presents prurient one last examine before purchasing. Gilt, the costly war secession. That war, forming bar, Sunday night month. against commotion. A familiarity with the details of BUY it had been supnosed, ended the discussion, The night before the feat had been a success, 19ft EXCHANGE STREET. LADIES crime aud the lives and habits of criminals en- €ilANDELIim but with men of Mr. Eaton’s ideas coming but on this occasion the human bomb struck Perfect Fitting Boots. & into it is that future trouble sues which is very The atmos- CHAS. Jr.. & CO. Desiring Also a of power Jevident demoralizing. head foremost against the bnlustrade in DAY, Largest large variety is front Cheapest SKATES I arise unless the is phere rendered narra- nol8 w6w46&dfdecGto24 can find them at the may danger prevented unwholesome such by by of the boxes, and was taken np unconscious. A splendid assortment at such constitutional guarantee as cannot be tives, and their effect es- PORTABLE upon the community, of DROP-LIGHTS, over It is for Mayor Stokely Philadelphia, has trans- ruled. that purpose that Mr. the is The Most Goods Least Excellent lor Christmas Presents. pecially young, unmistakably pernicious. centennial Money! NEW SHOE VERY LOW PRICES. Morton has introduced in the senate his se- mitted to the board of finance a forjhe STORE, House Public opinion is fast to the firm con- stock of Picture Al- ries of resolutions.— drifting to a Books, Pictures, Frame?, Clothing 128 Also the only complete stock of Hartford Courant. proposition organize centennial legion, to and Bibles EXCHANGE STREET. clusion that the scaffold is a relic of barbarism, My bums, Photograph Autograph, No. l be of one and and ar- Elm Street. decl8 dtf The New York Herald nominates Cardi- composed company—of 100 men each large small, Wallets, Cutlery. Brackets, which cannot loog survive the advanced civili- ticles bo numerous it is impossible to particularize, IN nal McOlosky as the successor of Pius —from each of the thirteen original statee. aDd which 1 this fall at a discount We have just line of MAINE. Pope zation which manifests itself in nothing more purchased gteat received a IN JEW STORE." Cutlery The idea with of from their reai as IX. Sam Bowles of the originated Maj. R. C. Gilchrist value,—such goods everyl ody lit THE STATE. Springfield Repub- than in tte recognition of the sacred- want8 at season of the am determined LADIES’ clearly the Uiis year—I SIDE LACE BOOTS. lican is understood to favor Washington Light Infantry of Charleston, to sell at a and so I to customers and Charles Francis ness-of human life. Yarmouth. bargain, say my Also aD elegant Skates ground and all kinds of Meehan, 8. C. all others interning to purchase, just to drop in at assortment of C. H. Adams for the J. & LAMSON, leal position; while Dana of the Gents’ done in the best style. stated now of NO. 01 EXCHANGE MTREET, Toilet Co., Repairing It is authoritively that the sla'e Vesuvius, after a long period rest, gives Slippers Burleigh Watch-Maker and Jeweller, New York Sun goes in strong for the truly aDd 1 will assure them the most for a little FOB TI1E recently announced of centennial orator, signs of au eruption. The large goods HoLlIlit TBAUE good Deacon Richard Smith of the Cincin poet approaching money. ULNER & and Declaration of formed since the last NO. 201 MIDDLE STREET, HEHR, nati Gazette. We should like to be allowed Independence reader, was crater which has been SH. COLESWORTHY,Jr. 189 Middle St. the “Falmouth.” 35 to suggest the Rev. Dr. A. A. Miner or the a clever fraud, no appointments having been disturbance, emits a black smoke, always a dec2(l dlw 1 rEAyiTT & DAVIS. Nearly opposite Temple Street, near Congress. de!7 dtf nov4 dtf de6 tf Rev. DeWitt Taltnadge.—Boston Globe. made.—[Philadelphia Press. symptom of volcanic activity, although the as a of aLd as a ter- Sch Ella, Penobscot tor Boston, time which may elapse between the first symp- Fort) -Fourth Congress—First Session WASHINGTON. . judgeships, piece trickery Mary Patten, rible disaster to the state. Sch Oregon, Dunton, Bootlibay. SPECIAL NOTICES. SPECIAL NOTICES. the actual is not — tom and eruption definitely The Boston Commercial CLEARED. SENATE. Conference of Color) <1 Republicans. I Exchange yesterday known. Io December, 1834, similar appear- voted down a motion to appropriate §10 000 in Steamship Franconia, Bragg, New York—Henry Washington, Dac. 20. Washington. Dec. 20.—A conference of col- Fox. ances indicated did aid of the Poughkeepsie bridge and direct. Wes- approaching activity,which The Chair lai 1 before the Senate a commu- Sch Cumberland. ored Republicans of the District ot Columbia, tern route project. Webber, Havana—John D Lord. BAILEY & a\OYES, not set in, however until May, 1833. nication from the Secretary of the Interior, with a number of colored citizens of Sch Harmouy, Mitchell, Lubec—master. together ■ A German iron clao fleet will visit American transmitting the various papers connected the Southern States was recently held in this 70 and 72 of FINANCIAL A HD CO fflERCIAL (.FROM MERCHANTS* EXCHANGE.! 68, Exchange St., determined with the investigation the Osage Indian city with the view of securing and in- Hannon. It has been ports next year. by suffrage Ar at ili.*ir Bookstore Ordered printed. creased benefits of education in this dictricr- Havana 17tli inst, brig I Howland, from Wis- Will keep open Every ting, ag«ocy. by German even to the Pori laud Wholesale Market. casset. ihm week. the authorities, previous Mr. presented the credentials of and of to tlio Evening Bayard congressional legislation, bringing Ar at § June of the Franklin and Alas- as December 20—The Philadelphia 20th, steamer Williamsport, fm appearance last Robert H. Marr, signed by John McEnery notice of the President the solicitude of colored Monday, grocery market is Portland. THE GIFT Governor of Louisiana, him U. S. in to the the firm and Flour is active and SEASON ka in German waters, to return the visit of the appointing people regard means used by unchanged. quite there Sid tm Elsinore 20th iust, G M BAILEY & from Louisiana the barque Tucker, NOYES, Books, Books! Senator to fill vacancy of in the sales New Books, — — and the which took Democracy Mississippi overthrowing have been reveral large withiu the past lew Pinkham. York. OF Miantonomah Augusta, the of W. L. McMillan. Ar at New have the depONitory of the Maine Bible caused by resignation Republican majority aud their apprehension Pork and lard are active with no York 20th, barque Masonic, Rioe, from and should no days. changes to Moeiely in their Ntore. place in 18t>G, lieucs, preventive Tabled. that similar results be followed aud a like Havana. may note in Sugars show no our centennial will be hon- Mr Edmunds of Vermont said that he de- course the in other quotation?. change. circumstance arise, pursued by “white liners” They have one of llie largest and finest assortments of sired to state before a resolution which states. MEMORANDA. ILLUSTRa¥d BOOKS JI75-’76 I ored with the presence of several German men- offering ForrigD i£x ports. he proposed that in regard to the resolution of- A. W. A. Deleou of who Sch Star, Bray, from Port Johnson for Portland, the Mississicpi, presid- Chase—5000 box OF ALL KINDS. The subscribers have received from ot-war. It is as jet uudeetded whether fered lmu the Presi- HAVANA. Schr shooks. with coal, anchored off Chatham on Sunday, with just New by last Friday touching ed, said among other things that the action of York ami a HAVANA. Schr Cumberland—7437 box shooks, crew badly frost-bitten, and loss of sails on Boston markets splendid line of crown will accompany the fleet. dent of the there had been some dis- the confederate leaders in the House Sunday, to found in New prince Senate, present 1428 bIiooks and 120 prs 2 boxes o when oft Boon Island. be England. What U bi tter for GiftM thaa conference with that heads, heading, She has been supplied with The wisdom of King Solomon was nquired cussion and upon further of Representatives ought to admonish them, canned good*. mainsail and will proceed. senator he thought that there should be no and if the loyal people do not rise in their Sch & Lily, of New from Cedar All prices from the Bible of 30 cts. by Judge Donahue of New Yorx, a day or two Domestic York, Keys cheap question or doubt as to who is the president of might and correct the infamous abuse of power Daily Receipts. for Kennebunkyort, with hard pine, went ashore at to the Klegant Bible of $30. BOOK S? when two women before him, the the date and of the The were the Grand Nauset harbor and filled with water. ago. appeared Senate between day now existing in nearly all of the Southern following receipts by Trunk Sunday night dec20 dsntw Every one can enjoy them, and a fine set of 3 can* The crew were taken Goods, oft both same child. The real moth- meeting of Congress till after the holiday re- will see as a as the Railroad—J S Crockett oats, buckwheat,beaus badly frost-bitten and car- Holiday the States, they sight claiming appalling to a house. He therefore offered the following: Romans did when and turkeys. ried unable to care for had committed cess. Porapey and Ctesar drove Sch Nellie Suitable for Old or Young, Rich or Poor. Wise or er, being it, that Mr. Senator from the By water conveyance—1000 bush cornmeal to G W H, Malloch, from Newfoundland, which Portland Masonic Relief Association. Shakespeare, Waverly, Resolved, Ferry, their murderous legions in blood over the liber- arrived at Otherwise, any article of which will be sold at the the little several to another wo- True & Co. Eastport last week, reports having drag- Low one, years ago, state of be the of the Sen- of ______Price ot Micbigau, president ties Rome. ged ashore during a gale and knocked oft part ot Dickens. Thackeray, Prescott, had become attached to her until Jan. and until a fresh maD, who greatly ate 7th, 1876, ap- liostou Stock Market. keel and sustained other damage. Repaired and re- The annual meeting of this Association will be be made. BILLS INTRODUCED. Brokers’ turned with a fall cargo of Motley, foster-child, anil refused to surrender its cus- pointment [Sales at the Board, Dec, 20 ] herring. held, at Masonic Hall, WEDNESDAY EVENING, Parkman, Bancroft, The Chair of R. announced Senator Bonlwell’s Bill lo Promote Our Sch Light of the Blast, tor Ponce, had her bow bad- One Dollar The in the moth (Anthony I.) 3 Bates Manufacturing Co.70 Dec. tody. judge decided favor of the maritime Interest*. ly stove at New York 17th, collision with a coal 22, ’75, at 71 o’cloek P. M. A lull attendance little Classics and that question was upon the passage of the 5:) Eastern Railroad. 9 by had whom barge. is er, whom the chill forgotten, and to resolution. Senator Boutwell’s bill to desirable. increase the effi- 100.do.-. 8} Sch Ontara, Pettigrove, at Providence from Pensa- Bric-a-Brac, This stock is comprised ct wo- Mr. said it involved the 50.do. Per A. E. CHASE. it went with hesitation and fear. The two Saulsbury question ciency of the navy and promote the maritime 8| cola, was 24 days on the with order, 130.do. passage heavy weather, deo20dsn3t Will Give Pleasure to All when the child already before the committee on elections. The interests ot the United a sys g} and on the 27tli ult lost 15,000 ft lumber oft' deck. men nearly came to blows, and States, proposes Second Call. resolution assumed that the Senate had not a tern of bounties on as to shipbuilding follows: was taken from the foster-mother fell and that lact 5 Eastern Railroad.-. 8} We have onr usual stock of fiue her, president, he called attention to The Secretary of the Treasury is to offer a boun- DOMESTIC PORTS. large and scream- 30.do. 8} ML AND ORNAMENTAL the floor in a hysterical fit, crying Mr. Edmunds said he had drawn a resolution ty of not more than 88 per ton, to be paid each SAN FRANCISCO—Ar 10th inst, barque Hat vest so as not to assume that fact. Home, Seatle. ing violently. year for five years for the construction in the fccw York Stock and Money Market Mattson, Notice. Mr. offered a substitute United States ol iron NEW ORLEANS--Ar 18th, ship , Paine, Special Bayard declaring steamships of not less New York. December RUSSIA LEATHER HOODS! Mr. Thurman of Ohio of the Senate 20—Evening.—Money ad- Antwerp. president than 1000 tons each nor exceeding 500,000 in the vanced to for a short 7 per cent, gold time this after- MOBILE—Cld 18th, sch Linda. Whittemore, from Consisting of all the novelties and useful articles. until Jan. 7th, 1876, or until a fresh appoint- aggregate, and not more than 100,000 to be au- noon, but reacted to 5 6 cent, and closed @ per easy. Jamaica. These were direct from and are Presents, ment shall be made and this demanded thorized iu one firm at for purchased importers BY TELEGRAPH. upon any year; said ships to he em- Foreign Exchange 489} @ 489} demand; PENSACOLA—Cld 14th, Moses fresh brig Day, Crosby, and bright. Suitable for all classes of in the yeas and nays The substitute was reject- ployed exclusively iu foreign trade. Proposals 485} fag 4854 for 00 days. Philadelphia. society, Gold at declined to ed—yeas 21, uays 24—a strict party vote. are to be received and preference given the first opened 113}, 1134, advanced to Cid 17th, sch Pride ot the East, Lord. Vera Cruz. MATTERS IN MAINE tell off to the The rates We also have a fine line of Kid Gloves, Musical Al- The original resolution submitted by Mr. for on the Atlantic 113}. 113§, closing price. paid JACKSONVILLE—Cld lltb,' sch Ella, Instruments, year 50,000 tonnage coast, for were from 1 to 5 and for Driscoll, Edmunds was then carrying per cent., bor- New York. Misses’ bums, Jewelry,Smokers adopted. 25,000 upon the great lates and riv Sets.l hromos, 8 Railway Accident. Mississippi rowing fiat. The Assistant Treasurer paid out to- Ladies’, light SAVANNAH-Ar Mr. took the chair and said: and on the Pacific 18th, barque National Eagle, Engravings, Patterns Ferry er, 25,000 coast. The vessels day $11,000 iniuterestand $241,000 in redemption of Cronstadt. .Slipper Dec. 20.—When the accommo- Sears, — Hallowell, “Senators, I desire to thank you for your fur- are to be constructed on models bonds. The clearances at the Gold AND— Ac., Ac. approved by Exchange Bank Ar 19th. ship H L Richardson, Morton, Liverpool. was about one mile below this ther courtesy and confidence the acd were The Customs were BRONZES dation train city Navy Department, the government is $57,253,000. receipts $101,- Cid 18th, sch Robt Palmer, Dennison. Montevideo. Morrill a 000. brake-rod broke aud Mr. submitted resolution that the to have the right, to purchase or them Sid 18th, ship for Also the Largest Stock of this morning, the patent employ The Valley Forge, Liverpool. committee of commerce enquire into the ex- upou the appraisement of a disinterested com- following were the closing quotations of Gov- CHARLESTON — Ar 15th, sch Flora Condon, CONSISTING OF fell to the ground, causing the axle of a bag- of bil l ernment securities: French. Bull CHILDREN’S pediency reporting by or otherwise, some mission. The bill also provides for tbo pay- River, SC. United States coupon 6’s, 1881. coup. 124} Ar sch TOYS IN THE CITY. gage car to b eak, and tearing out the entire measure to lucrease the efficiency of the serv- ment of bounties on vessels hereafter launched 19th, Palos, Shackford, Turks Island. Center Pieces, Vases, Matched United States 5-20’s, 1685,old.115} Cld 18th, brig Wauban, of the car. One man was ice of steamboat inspectois. Agreed to. as follows: United Spencer, Liverpool. Pairs underworks slightly States 5-20’s, 1865, new. 126} RICHMOND—Ar 17tb, sch Buy no iioodu until hare in- The resolution of Mr. Morton to authorize Six dollars ton for United States Fleetwing, Kenni6ton, Holiday you The were to this per sailing vessels of 400 5-20’s, 1867.1221 Rockland. injnred. passengers brought the of a committee to in- and United States spected the stock at the appointment special tons upwards employed in the foreign trade 5-20’s, 1868.122} BALTIMORE—Cld 18th, Georgietta, FELT station on the United States barque Small, engine. quire into the circumstances attending the late and between the Atlantio and Pacific ports of news’s.117 Belfast; sch J S Ingraham, Packard, Savannah, HATS, United States 10-40 couoon.118 Bold Burglary at Brunswick. tlection in Mississippi came up. the United aud 84 per ton for PHILADELPHIA—Ar 17th, sch Annie C Cook, States, sailing Currency 6’s ex. 122 Including all the new and desirable shapes for Fall house of Bichard Mr. Eaton of Connecticut said that he would vessels of not less than 200 tons burden author- Cook, Fernandina. DOLLAR Brunswick, Dec. 20.—The TOe are and winter, to be soul at following the closing quotations ot Cid 18th, brig Adeline Drisko. Matan- INKSTANDS, STORE, be glad to have further discussion of this reso- ized to be engaged more than three months Stocks: Richardson, T. D. Melcher was entered by burglars about zas; steamer Rattlesnake, Snow, Portland. lution go over until after the recess. in the trade. that Western Unit n In Fine Bronze and Cut Glass. New No. 478 Street. holiday per year coasting Provided Telegraph Co—exdiv.73} Newcastle—Passed down 17th, schs J P Congress three o’clock this and six hundred Mr. Morton said that he had been advised Pacific Wyman, morning, if vessels of the two last varied descriptions Mail. .39 for Charleston; Mabel Hall, for Portland. that there would be further debate N V Centra) and OPPOSITE PREBEE HOl'SE. and fifty dollars in money and two watches upon it. are afterwards enrolled tor the coasting trade Hudson K.consolidated, ex-dv. .104} NEW YORK—Ar 17th, schs Amos Dunn, We have a iitock of He would be to have it of Briggs, in which Mr. Melcher glad disposed today, the bounties shall bo refunded to the govern- Erie.15} and Charley Cobb. Kennedy, Providence. RETAIL 2 stolen from the room Erie nreterred...31 Ar but as a number of senators were absent he ment less 10 cent, a of 18th. schs Veto, Henderson, New Orleans 10 man near per per annum; bounty Michigan Central 58 ds; was He awoke aud saw a would not it to a vote as he was not sat- Hattie Baker, Charleston 6 sleeping. press 84 per ton for the period of five years is pro- Union Bearse, days. Until further notice at the H. LINFIELD & Pacific Stock..... 74} Ar 20th, brig Hiram Abift. Tibbetts, St sch following prices: CO., his bed with the watches in his hand. He isfied that a quorum would be present later in vided for vessels in the cod or mack- Jago: Albums employed Panama.125 Hattie Card, Moore. Jacksonville the He therefore made no to was He wore a and had a day. objection erel fishery not less than four months each Lotke Shore. Common Felt Hats worth 75c. for 25 cts. Photograph masked. plash cap 60} Cld 18th, ships Tam O’Shan ter, Soule, San Fran- proprietors. the resolution going over. year. All vessels in trade or Illinois Central, ex-div. 95 Ne Best American Wool Felts worth 1.25 for 65 cts. struck him with a employed foreign cisco; Plus Ultra, Borden, London; barque Han In Russia and Turkey Morocco. fall beard. Mr. Melcher Mr. Boutwell introduced a bill to increase & Best French Fur Felts worth 2.00 for 1.00. fisheries may purchase supplies in bond with- Chicago Northwestern. 38} uuuii. rwug. upono; prigs Virginia, donnston, roint- The man at- & Northwestern chair and caught him by the arm. the efficiency of the navy, promote the mara- out p -yment of duties. Chicago preferred.54} a-Petre; Frank Clark. Morton, St John. NF; schs P.M^O.vn Kr PaoIt Tolnwwi li.OS Our entire stoolr of millinerv. inolnrlincr to ran,bat Mr. Melcher kept hold of his time interests of the United States. Ordered The bill finally provides that vessels hereafter Ridgewood, Johnson. Georgetown SC; Flora Curtis, Family Bibles, Prayer Books, WM. SENTER & CO. tempted St. Paul Railroad. 344 Curtis, Perersburg, Va. printed. built by the Navy Department for open sea ser- St Paul Hymnals, Desks, arm until they reached the door when another preferred. 65 Sid 18th, ship Thoa for SW John Black Writing invite Mr. Anthony, from the committee on print- vice shall not exceed 1000 tons each. Lord, Pass; brig and Colored Silk Velvet, attention to tbeir Wabash.. 3| W Hunt, for Havana; sch tor S J Gold Pens aud burglar seized him, threw him down and both back the resolution to extra Atlantic Kocbeko, Algiers; Pencils, ing, reported print Bill for Sett cment of Claims of Officers & Pacific, preferred. 34 Gilmore, for Providence. Velveteens, Trimming Silks, is to his bed in of the President’s and moved VI Atlantic & Pacific and escaped. Mr. Melcher confined copies message, IDC nCTVlHIIOO. Telegraph. 18J PROVIDENCE—Ar 18th, schs Ontara, Pettigrove, Portemonnaies, Large Elegant Stock that its further consideration be Missouri Black Eng. Crape, Feathers, of received, so c.ne to indefinitely Bill Pacific.U| and Emma Crosby,«-rosby, Pensacola; Harriet Tho- Ac.. &c. consequence injuries introduced by Mr. Dennis for the settle- The — — postponed. So ordered. following were the quotations lor Pacific Rail- mas, Van Cleaf, Philadelphia. Birds, Ostrich OF the robbers. ment of claims of officers of the road securities: Wings, In making the renort he said it had been revolutionary Sid 17th, 6ch Chilion, Grant, Madison, to load for All of tlie above arc tor sale at low prices. Fire in Biddeford- war, &c., provides that officers of the army of Central Pacific bonds.1074 Providence. Tips and Plumes, customary to print extra copies heretofore, bat Union Pacific the the revolution who were entitled to half do.1054 SOMERSET—Ar sch from Biddefobd, Dec. 20.—A bouse owned by the message had already been sent pay Union Pacific 17th, Commerce,Torrey, Feather Trim* by telegraph for life under resolutions of Congress. October land grants,...1004 Bangor. Water Power was burned and published all over the country, and he saw Sinking Company yesterday. 30 and 31,1780, January 7, shall Funds...92J NEWPORT—Ar 19th, sch E P Emerson, Emerson, mings, &c. SHORT- & no use to extra now. May 8,1875, LORING, HUM, Loss $400; insured in the Etna. print copies be entitled to receive the Pensacola 13 days for Providence. motion of Mr same, although such JEWELRY,CONSISTING OF On Anthony the bill hereto- Providence Print Cloths Market. ISLAND HARBOR—Ar sch TO BE SOLD AT A The Washington Fire. officer may have received in lieu thereof by cer- 17th, Mary fore introduced by him to allow Bear Admiral Providence, December E Thompson. Gilkey. Portland tor Under Falmouth Hotel. tificates or otherwise the commutation of full 20.—The Printing cloths Sagua. Walroboro, Dec. 20 —The insurance on the J. J. to accept decorations from the market quiet and at last week’s PAWTUCKET—Ar 17th, sch Orient, Staples, New decl3 snd2w Chains, Necklaces, Fine Cameo and Almy pay for five years under the resolution of Mar. steady quotations. York. GREAT DISCOUNT! of the Hawaiian Islands was referred to Roman Gold mill of Lincoln & Hears at Washington, King 2,1783. The bill also provides that the benefit VINEYARD-HAVEN—Ar MEDICAL NOTICE. Sets, Diamonds, the committee on foreign affairs. Domestic Markets. 17th, schs ElvaEPet- Pearls aud burned morning, was in the North of the resolution of the 24th of tengill. York, Hoboken tor Orozimbo. Kings, Saturday Mr. a August, Boston; Gup- Hitchcock introduced bill to transfer shall New York,December 25—Evening.—Flour till, do for do; Jed From former prices. An solicited. British and Mercantile of 1780, be extended to the widows and receipts Frye, Langley, Phi.adelphia for early inspection of Company’s, policy the Indian bureau to the War 17,373 bbls; tbe market Is and a every description. Department. lineal descendants of all officers embraced quiet steady with Portland; Terrapin, Wooster, and Nettie Cubing, $1000, Beferred to the committee on Indian affairs. limited export and home trade demand: low grade Irving, fm Port Johnson for Portsmouth; DR. THAYER, therein who died in the service at j Sunbeam, A URGE (STOCK OP An Alleged Bigamist. Mr. Dawes introduced a bill to amend act of any period shipping extra scarce and Bteadily held;’ sales 13,850 | Bunker, and Mercy TTrnndy, Calais lor the war of the revolution. It also fib's; Crowley, AND Jane for the creation of the Alabama during au Superfine Western and State at 4 50 @ 4 75; ex- New York; J R Bodwell, Wallace, Bluehill fordo; PH1SICIAN SURGEON, Boston, Dec. 20.—The police arrested here 23,1874, thorizes the tra Western accounting officers of tbe treasury and State at 5 00 @ 5 50; choice do at Mary Lymburner, Coombs, Salem lor do; Hattie M court. Beferred to the committee on judicia- 5 85 G Late of Philadelphia, and Marine to-day Jas. H. Thayer, al'as Jas. H. Coombs, to adjudicate all such claims, and provides that @ 00; White Wheat Western extra at 6 05 @ Mayo. Hickey, fm Gloucester for do; S S Bickmore, Opera Glasses, ry- 7 White 5. S. KALER & the of the in 00; Fancy Wheat Western at 7 05 @ 7 75; Thompson, do for Sagua; M W Drew. Rock- GO., informs the ciiizens of Portland that he on the or a 14 old Secretary Treasury may bis dis- French, Respectfully charge enticing years girl The bill proposes to the 12th section ol extra Ohio at 510 7 40: extra St Louis at for repeal cretion issue bonds of the United States for @ 5 25 @ Jacksonville; Peiro, Kelley, Calais for Fall is permanently located in French and from her home in and after- that act so as to allow insurance 9 00; Patent Minnesota extra to Clocks Silver Goods Lewiston, Me., companies to such claims, said bonds to be redeemed good prime at 6 75 @ g>rtiver; Neptune’s Bride, Lindsey, do for Providence; in twenty 7 25; choice to double extra at 7 30 9 Sami fm wards her. He has a wife in participate the distribution of the Geneva @ 00, including Gilman, Kelley, Portland for Philadelphia; Mechanics’ Hall Building, Rooms 1 and 2, SUITABLE FOB marrying living years from date, and bear interest at the rate 1700 bbls extra at 5 30 5 Golden award and extend the time of the coart one shinping chiefly @ 50: 2800 Eagle, Kelley. Boothbay for New Haven. Maine and will be taken there for trial. of 5 per cent, per annum. It also the bbls extra mills at 6 00 6 where he will be to see all who desire re’iei similar to other bills on the pledges city mainly @ 35; market TARPAULIN COVE— In port 15th, schs Mary happy year, being subject faith of the United at 6 00 6 from The Dr is a two States for the payment of closing mainly @ 30, closing dull: Southern Sands, Rowe, Wiscasset tor Providence; L Hoi way, suffering. regular graduate of HOLIDAY 1 heretofore introduced. flour at 5 15 of the fii st Medical Schools in JPRESENTS interest and redemption of the principal of tbe @ 8 75. Rye flour is steady with a fair Bryant, Calais for do; Jas A Crooker, Brown, Ban- the country; has beeu MASSACHUSETTS. Mr. McDonald of Indiana gave notice he at 4 25 5 40. Cornmea) is for in extensive for 20 His success in the We are Agents for bonds which may be issued under the act. inauiry @ unchanged at gor Pawtucket; Commerce. Torrey, do for Som- practice years. would at tbe proper time offer resolutions and 3 25 ® 4 00. Wheat—receipts 82,038 hash; the market erset; Lizzie Poor, Dickey, do for Fairhaven; Susan- severer forms of disease, both acute and chronic, Senator McDonald’s is dnll decU-tt sn Fire in Boston. moved their adoption as a substitute for those Resolutions. and slightly in buyers favor; sales of 118.000 nah, Pickering, Deer Isle for New M B Harris. warrants his saying he WALTHAM 1 York; WATCHES, submitted his in The concurrent resolutions which bush; 00for rejected Spring; 120@122 for Crowley, Calais for do Never fails to cure a cure is Boston, Dec. 20.—At Bix o’clock this morn- recently by colleague, Morton, Senator good where possible- of which we McDonald ungraded Spring; 1 ll for No 3 Milwaukee in BCSTON—Ar Auna D always keepon hand a large assortment. the Bice Grammar corner of Dart- regard to national and state rights. of Indiaoa, will offer in the Senate store; 18th, brig Torrey, Haskell, Particular attention to the treatment of those ing school, 1 20 for old No 2 in store; 1 23 lor new and paid Morton—Introduce them and let them after the recess as a substitute for Chicago Georgetown. diseases to the female and mouth and Appleton streets, was accidentally be holiday those old No 2 Milwaukee in t 24 for choice hard Ar peculiar organism Rfc- WNI. SENTER & submitted -tore; No 20th, brig John Aviles, Tracey, New York. LIEF GUARANTEED without CO.. set on fire bv the while thawing a printed. recently by Senator Morton, and of No 2 Minnesota 130 for Nol Cld Sew goods: resorting to janitor instore; Minnesota 20th, schs Leona, Emma which Wiley, Cape Haytien; that iliataateful and Painful Treatment so NO. steam with a red hot Flames ran McDonald—I desire to introduce them here- he gave notice to day, have not been fin- afloat; 1 26 tor No 3 Winter Red 145 for Green, M EXCHANGE STREET. pipe poker. Western; Tibbetts, Jacksonville. much in at the ventilators aud the after. i ished, and therefore could not be to- White Michigan and 109 for No 3 Chi- SALEM-Ar 17th. vogue present. up destroyed upper presented nominally; brig Mary C Haskell, Haskell, Just received from Kew York WM. SENTEB. WM. SENTER, JR. The a cago; 1 30 132 for No 1 large Stock of Office Hours 9 to 19 1 to and 7 and part of the second. Loss Mr. English of Connocticnt presented a me- Jay. following is rough draft of them, @ Spring. Rye steady. Bar- Baltimore; Lizabel.Fambam,do; schs Frank Jame- A, ML, 5, de20dlw story $25,000. is dull and sales 7500 huai to 9 p m. No insurance. morial of the citizens of favoring containing the substance thereof the ley heavy; common Can- son, Jameson, do; Moses Eddy. Warren. Elizabeth Bridgeport though ada at 112. Barley Malt is quiet and Port tbe repeal of the bankrupt law. Beferred to phrase-dogy may be changed somewhat before unchanged. port; Star, Bray. Johnson for Portland; Car- CONS ULTATION FREE, Cora—receipts 31,482 bush; the market is so rie L Hix. Hix. New York. Watches, the committee on their to the Senate: scarcely Jewelry dec8sntf presentation sales — — THE TEMPERATURE. judiciary. firm; 59 000 bush;76c sail for Western Mixed; Ar 16th, sch Ida L Howard, Moshier, Port Johnson AND Mr. Dawes presented a memorial of the Resolved, By the Senate, the House of 76Je lor Mixed for Sid Rep- high Western; 78Jc choice old Yel- 18th, schs S‘ar. and Carrie L Hix. APPLES. Goods I resentatives that the low in 75 and In Unine. Equity Safety Insurance Co. of Boston, pray- concurring, people of the store; nominally for steam Western BEVERLY—Ar 17th, sch Kate Walker, Ryder, SILVER WARE. Holiday ing an amendment to tbe act creafng a court United States constitute a nation and are one Mixed; 63 @ 71c tor new Western Mixed and Yellow, Philadelphia. Indies’ Watches in Key and Miem Wind- The thermometer at Wells indi cated 22 de- no Mixed at 63 Gent*’ NICE MICHIGAN APPLES, of Alabama claims, so as to allow insurance peonle in the manner on'y ard the extent pro- including grade @ 634c; New York NEWrfURYPORT—Ar 17tb, sch Helen J Holway, ing- Watches in Key and Ntem inspection Mixed do Yellow 71c. Gold grees below zero yesterday morning. companies to participate in the Geneva award. vided for in the federal constitution, aud the 69c; 704 @ oats— Thompson. New York. Winding, Chain* in large receipts 23.200 bush; the market is without decided MACHIAS—Ar 16th, schs Variety, Net fine Jewelry at He- Packed In the Orchard. 1W11 At North 21 Beferred to the committee on amendments thereto. Lucy Lee, Ingalls, and ELEGMT GOODS Berwick, below. judiciary. change; sales 41,000 bush; 44 ® 45c for Mixed Wes- Nulato, Small. Portland. tiucetl Prices, Neal in The Seuate then went into executive That the United Rings At session Resolved, States colonies tern and State; 46@52c for White Western and Sid 12th. schs Amethyst and Warranted three Bushel, to the Barrel JUST I Sonth Berwick, 22 below. declared and Saarbruck, Clark, and Mauua Loa, Topaz OPENED after which it adjourned till Wednesday, Jan. achieved their indepence, and the State. Hay firm at 80 for shipping. Coffee quiet and Sanborn, West Indies. Cameo Nlones, Nolid 28 below at G o’olock a. m. anil for gale To be sold at very low prices to suit the de Windham, 5, 1876. federal constitution was formed and unchanged; Rio at 18 @ 240c gold for cargoes; 18 Sid 14tb, sch N Jones. Rings, Charm*. by present adopted by @ Flynn, Portland. Neals, preseed state of business. 18 below. 2G. HOUSE. tbe several states formerly the con- 2ljc gold for job lots. Sugar quiet and unchanged MlLuBRIDGE—Sid 14th, Napkin Rings Waterville, Sunday, Monday comprising at 84 brig Angelia. Evans, for J. S. federacy and called the United States of Amer- @ 8gc for fair good refining; 84e for prime; re- Aux Caves. Fruit Knives. CROCKETT, Ice 15 inches thick is being harvested. There was a larger attendance than was ex- fined is unchanged at 104 @ for standard Watches, Chains, Diamond and ica, the chief purpose of which was to form a 10Jc A; 104c BUUKSPORT-SId 18tb, brigs Abby Ellen, Hard- 85 Commercial Street. Jewelry, Brownfield pected in view of the Christmas holiday adjourn- for granulated and powogred; lOjc for crushed Mo- My stock is and well and se22 Stone Roman and Centre, yesterday, 30 below. more perfect establish insure ing, Demarara; Richmond, Bryant. Portland. large selected, having sn3m Rings. Po Ished ment fixed for to day and of the fact that no union, justice, lasses—Orleans is quiet lit 55 @ 62c for common to bought low, I can sell at at sunrise 41 below. domestic and for common choice. Klee Necklaces. Lockets, Bracelets, Fryebarg, yesterday, busiuesswastobedoLe hut to hear the aononce- tranquility provide quiet and unchanged at 5} @ 6|c lor FOREIGN PORTS. * and the not PRICES TO SUIT THE TUBES. Charms, Gold & Surer Thim- t the was 29 below. trorn the defence, powers delegated to it by Louisiana: Carolina 64 @ 7J; Rangoon fij @ 64c Pe- Angosta mercury ment Speaker. The journal »f Friday Sid fm Palermo —, the United Stat. s nor prohibited by it to the troleum quiet and firmer; crude firm at 74c; refined brig Kodiak, Peters, for United bles, Opera Glasses and below at a. a last having been read and the same Executive ates. ''orbam,23 7 m., and mile states were reserved at 13; eases 16} @ Naptha for Tal- CALL AND EXAMINE. communications been laid before to the states respectively 194; 8} @ 94 city. Sid fin Antwerp 17th Fancy Goods. having the low steady at 10 10* Rosin is 70 1 75. inst, ship Alexandria, Brown, ‘he villaga 38 below. and to the people. @ quiet %»1 @ aw York. House, the Speaker announced the standing Turpentine quiet at 37c. Pork is dull and The most stock of t 7 a. That as the states were at the time heavy; Sid fin Elsinore 15th iust. complete m., mercury was 22 below; at committees of the House as follows: Resolved, 150 hills new mess job lots at 21 00; 250 bbls seller barque G M Tucker, GEO. A. of the formation and of nkharu, (from for New HARMON, Committe* on Elections—Mc-srs Harris of adoption tbe federal Maroh .at 20 75. Beef is unchanged. Cut Cronstadt) York, having French Clocks and «“”"~akus, 30 below, Orou >, 25; Winter- Virgina, Meats—. vepaired. Bronzes constitution, each sovereign, free, and inde- Western quiet; middles for Western 517 Thompson, Blackburn, Beebe, House, DeBolt, Pop- heavy; log — ever offered in tbis market. 21 long Ar at Genoa sell P Congress St., Portland, Me. •J09dsaiewport, pletOL, Hoar, Wei s, Baker and Brown. pendent, except in -o far as such clear; 75 boxes citv long clear at log. Lard is dull Inst, Hazeltinc, McDonald, 9 sovereignty Savannah. ?nd |n New and Means—Mo rison of Wood.Han- had been delegated to the the and heavy; sales 200 tcs prime steam at 750 tcs dec!5 Hair Jewelry made to Order. dinlOt ELEGANT NEW Hnmjt.hire Ways Illinois, Congress by arti- 13; — WALLETS. STYLES IN FINK seller December at 750 Leshoru inst’ briK from cock, Thomas, Hill, Chapin, Tucker, Blaine, Kelley, cle.- of confederation, the righ-s reserved to the 13; do seller January at 13 0ua|aska. Fuller, ^’’Newton 18, at Wolfboro Junction 10, at 13 1 2500 do Trfeste Garfield, Burcbard of Illinois. states and @ 16; seller February at 131-16® 134. Mantel Vases and Ornaments. x wu to the in tbe forma'iou of the Ar at aiuiiu^iuu nimiu”3iU[U XV IU -i, ut> people to firm. Bordeaux 17th inst, sch W S Jordan,Crowell, Appropiiations—Randall, Holman, Wells of Mo., federal Freights Liverpool Baltimore. North Conway 30, at Liconia 18, at Nashua 10, Atkins, Hamilton of N. government weiesovereign rights which SOLID SILVER AND J, Blount, Singleton, Chicago, December 20 -Flour is dull. Wheat is Sid fm — PLATED WARE at 12 to at cannot be impaired without aud Messina inst. barque Jennie Portsmouth 10, Littleton 41 below. Wheeler, Hale Foster, Waldron usurpation, dull and a shade Nol Cobb, Small, DEATH in firmer; Chieago Spring at Boston; brig Belle ol the particularly desirable and Curr Gib- tbe only safe rule to administer the feder- 1 No 2 Bay. Wiiliams. do. designs. In Vermont Banking ncy—Cox, Payne. Goode, 01.J; Chicago Spring «t 96Jc on spot; 97c seller Ar at Marseilles 15th son. Burcbard of al government with to the inst. brig Dirigo, Coffin, from Haymond, Wis., Wilte, Townsend, respect rights of the for January; 98ofor seller seller tor New At Montpelier the mercury was 33 Hubbell February; 106} York. Rogers’ of b3low,auil Kasson, Eames, states and people is by a strict construction of May. Corn is in fair demand and No 2 Mixed *IU Groups Statuary. at 7 o'clock 20 below. Bar- lower; Hamburg 17tb, brig Ponvert, Allen, New Foreign Attaiis—Swann, Faulkner, Banks, the federal constitution and the amendments at 47gc on spot; 47gc seller December; iS4c for seller YS1;> A. At 20 below. num, Hamilton. C. .To >■ 110 PIT 407 r. collnv I7-..1___: A .1 __ Bare, Ely, Springer, Fornjy, Monroe, and of no doubtiul bid fm Bremen BE thereto, .the 19th WILL va a a iiiiaiuo anu atr « assumption Water- 35 below 35c Oats in demand and inst, ship Moonlight, Milan, degrees yesterday morning. puweis good lower; No 2 Mixed house, New York. ABNER Military Affairs—Banning, A. S. at on “LOWELL, In Glover, Williams, 29} @ 30c spot; 29Jc seller December; 30}c for Ar at Hull WORK yiaaiachuscltfl. Ferry, Cook John Resolved. That in the formation of the fed- E, 18th inst, ship Ellen Munroe,Hotch- BOXES, Reilly, Hardenberg, MacDougall, seller January. Rye steady and in good demand it San At 14 Thornburgh, Hurlbut and Strait. eral government it was the clear to leave kiss, Francisco. NO. 255 MIDDLE STREET. Haverhill, below at 0 o’clock. design 68}c. Barley dull at 86}@86}c. Dressed Hogsaie Ar at Commerce—Hereford, Ward, each state and the in Grimsby, E, 10th inst, ship D W ChapmaD, In Penmrlrania. Durand, Reagan, people thereof, sovereign as fair demand and lower at 8 05. Pork is dull, weak New YOUR DOOM ! lukey, Orleans. N. B.—-I a of Piper, Kehr, Pierce, Felton, Ross and Dun- to all matters and at 19 have lot fine Vases, parian Statuettes Hunter, of local or domestic concern and lower 10 on the spot; 19 12} @19 15 seller Ar at Deal 17th and Milford, at 4 a. m 7 below. nell. inst. ship D W Chapman, Tukey, Fancy Goods carried over from last year, that I to confer the federal sover- January; 19 35 @ 19 37} seller Lard is in New Post upon government February Orleans for Grimsby; brig Caroline Gray, Pease Yes, the medical records show will sell at cost and less to close out the entire stock. Offices—Clark, WaddH\ Luttrell, Ainsworth, fair demand and lower at 12 20 12 on TRINKET Walker. eign powers as tosuchmattersas might affect the @ 22} spot ; Boston tor London. BOXES, Call and examine. No trouble to show Crimea and Casualties. McMahon, Stevens, Cannon ot Illinois, 12 27} seller 12 40 12 seller that in nine cases goods. general welfare of all the or as be January; $ 42} Febiuary. At St Thomas 17th, Salista, from plainly ont of declO Miller, Stowell and Wallace. states, might Bulk Meats and shoulders brig Partridge, dl5t Yesterday morning at N. while to secure quiet weak; at7}c; clear Rio Janeiro for New Nashua, H., Pacific Railroad—Lamar, Atkins, Luttrell ot Cali- necessary domest c t auq dlity, which rib and clear at York, nearly ready. ten the disease known as Catarrh run sides 10} @ 102. Whiskey steady and At 2d attempting to on the tutu table of the N. fornia. Walker, Thomas, powers were defined in the federal constitution Mayaguez inst, sch E A DeHart, Farnham, Lynde, Throckmorton, unchanged. for New and was the A. & B. R. R., an enr oe was thrown into the Phillips. O’Neill and Blair. and York; others. forerunner of Garfield, Kasson, Platt, its amendments. The people of he Unit- Receipts—9,000 bbls flour, bush Ar at Consump- 3?aper "VVeights, and the Mr. Samuel 59,000 wheat, 65,- Matanzas 16th inst, brig C C pit engineer, Egan, was Judiciary-Knott, Hunton, Ashe, Lynde, Lord, ed States therefore from the nature and charac- 000 imsb corn, 2,000 busb oats, 2,500 hush barley. Colson, Grego- tion, which, when fastened on a of Me. ry, Wiscasset. killed. Hurd, Caulfield, McCrary, Lawrence, Frye ter of their state and 1000 bush of rye. and Starkweather. governments, national, person is like the of the hid- morning while Lewis B. Shipments—8,000 bbls bush ~ grasp Yesterday Marden, Public Lands of Ohio. and from their relations to each are not flour, 2,000 wheat, 8,- foreman of the Portsmouth Times Sayler Goodwin, Faulkner, 000 busb corn, 4,000 bush oats, oust eous anaconda. There is no es- W.C. & Daily office, a national in the sense of that 11,000 barley, CUT BOTTLES, Co., McFarland, Walling, Gause, Lane, Hathorn, Mc- unity ordinary 0000 hush rye. SPECIAL NOTICES. was engaged in some in Sawyer and term adjusting machinery Dill, Morey Crounse. On the call of the in cape until death relieves them the his coat Board the afternoon—Wheat composing room, wascangbtin one Claims—Bright of Robbins, That it the to was Tenn., Neal, Brown, Resolved, being design make easier at 96}c seller January; 97}c seller Febru- from its torture and are 22 MARKET of the belts and iu an instant be was drawn Tarbox, Cochrane, Pratt, they laid up Phillips, Bass, Bradley the government formed under the federal con- ary. Corn a shade lower at 47} Beller for December. THE SHAKESPEARE CARDS. SQUARE, to one o( the wheels. and Cason. Oats weak at in the rapidly revolving By stitution perpetual the right of any state or 29}c cash. Perk weak at 19 05 @ 19 07} grave. Friends may say And Examine Our Auarlmeut of muscular effort he was War Claims—Eden of Illinois, Milliken, Warren, seller large strong able to hold him- number of states to secede December; 19 32} seller Lard is un- Ellis, New, Smith of any from the Union February. was our intention to have left here for New they died of ’TIS self back until the was and Cabell, Caldwell, Conger, Pa., changed. Consumption. Goods, machinery was not reserved So far as York ere stopped Wilson. Hoskins. the right has been IT this, but finding our Shakespearian apanese b« was cut down. He was bruised December has FALSE. severely Naval Affairs—Whitthorne of Tenn., Lewis. claimed to exist it should be deemed forever Toledo, 20.—Flour steady with mod- game created great interest and a continually about the arm Mills, erate demand. right and side. It was a re- Jones of N. tl., Willis, Williams of Del., Robbins or settled against it by the results of the late civil Wheat firmer and lieid liigher; extra ju!*®aB*ng demand in Portland, and acting under the markable White Michigan Amber advice of we — — escape. Pa., Burleigh, Harris. Hayes and Danford. war. 155; Michi 118}; seller for many citizens, have decided to remain AND l I seller here until I Two men were found in the street in Haver- Revision of Laws—Durham of Ky., Southard, Bell, January 119}; February at 124; No 2 Amber Christmas, and hope to realize from our at l No 3 Red 1 the CATARRH hill, Mass., during Sundo.v intoxicated Metcalf, Teese, Douglass, Sparks, Crapo, Denison, THE COMMITTEES. Michigan 00; at 03; rejected Red at delay encouragement whicn our brief canvass of night 90c. Corn dull and a shade the cards us CONSISTING OF and with Oliver and Robinson of ind. lower; lii^li Mixed new justifies in expecting. As, however, it nearly perisbiDg the cold. “Sunset” Cox 48c; seller December must be Education and Labor—Walker of Lamar, Disgusted. 48}c; White new 48c; no grade impossible for Mr. Bugbee by personal can- Joseph Haskell of had his Va., new at KILLED THEM! Chelsea, leg badly 45; damaged new at 43c. Oats are dull and vass to solicit all those who would be and anx- Flower fractured Falkner, Cuter, Stenger, Clark, Springer, I Hoar, New York, Dec. 20 —A Washington special glad Pots, Rustic and Wire Baskets, Saturday by a kick from his horse. unchanged. Clover Seed with ious to secure his we CHRISTMAS GIFTS Magoon, White and Nash. states that S. S. Cox in referring to Speaker steady moderate de- game, would say that any one Hanging Pots, Flower Stands, Mr. Haskell is 75 years of age. District of mand at 7 20. Dressed Hogs active at 8 20. desiring the game can do so under- And if you doubt the fact look Columbia—Bnckner, Neal, Phelps, Kerr’s appointment of committees said that by addressing the Wire &c. In the police conrt at Lawrence yesterday Cate, Hartridge, Heukle, Stevenson, McCrary, Wil- Receipts—0,000 bbls flour; 8,000 bush Wheat, 37,000 signed during the week, after which the canvass and back and call Work, so far as he could ascertain there was very gen- bush Corn, 7000 bush Oats. sale of these cards will be to mind how it was morning. Major John H. Brown and Mrs. lard, Hendee and Phillips of Ks. transferred to New York — ALSO eral among the Democratic members. Shipments—3000 bbls parties. The a D. the accused of Public Buildings—Holman of Ind., Wells, Harri- disgust flour, 9,000 bush Wheat. 34.- publishers’ price is $2-00 per Bet, at first cold, then Catarrn and last OF MANY KINDS AT Ordway, parties As for himself he did 000 bush bush Oats. which rate all orders will Mrs. son, Cook, Hewitt, Walsh, Young of Tenn W. B. not care now who was Corn, 0,000 be promptly filled. Ladies’ Work Stands and Baskets, Dns* adnltery by Ordway’s husband, waived The testimonials Consumption. will examination and Williams, Woodworth, Planted of Me., and Kimball placed on the committees as be was determined Milwaukee, December 20.—Flour is quiet and following with the privilege of Why people famished sureties of #500 each for which we are ters, Mats, Slads, Rocking Horses, of Wis. for future to cut loose and act lor himself. It unchanged. Wheat steady:No 1 Milwaukee at 1 04}; publication, indebted to the courte- suffer when the use of the rem- for trial at Salem in sy and kindness of the Rev. Dr. by Clothes Wringers, &c. January. Patents—Vance of N. C., Bagley, Jr., Douglass of was no secret, he that the Texas hard do 110; No 2 Milwaukee 98£c; seller Thomas Hill and the James Pease was killed at said, Pacific January Rt. Rev. A. Meadville, Pa Va., Landers, Hartzell, Clark, Smith of Ga, Conger, Railroad interests bad had at 98}c; seller February at 1 00}; No 3 Milwaukee at Bishop Henry Neely, amply testify to the edy the something to do moral, intellectual and Thin Stock yesterday, by falling of a bridge. Dobbin, Sampson and Hoge. 83c. Corn firmer and in fair demand; No 2 at 56c. educational character and F. T. Mealier & Co.’s Inrge being bought for CASH with the formation of the committee. In brief influence of IL-is we The inquest in the case of the murdered Jew- Invalid Pensions—Jenks of Pa.. Bagley, Wilson, Oats steady and in fair demand; No 2 at game. L. H. BUGBEE & Co., can offer prices worth,- yonreonmdera. Mr. Cox said he was disgusted. 32@32}c 6M girl commenced in Brooklyn yesterday The Bliss, Hewitt, Rice, Yates, Rusk, Sinnickson, Pur- thoroughly Barley excited and higher; No 2 Spring at 105; No 3 Portland, Me. *i®n^decl8dlw man and Rainey Geuernl Diesntisraction—Western Influ- Spring at 65c Rye is null and No 1 at testimony fastens a strong suspicion of guilt lower; 71} @ I Revolutionary Pensions—Hunton, Bland of Nev., ence 72c. Provisions dull and easier. Mess suppose may be a poor judge of Mr. Bugbee’s RADER’S DRUG STORE. on Rubenstein. Predominating. nominally J Bland of Mo., Phelps. Clarke, Hurd, Schu- Pork at 19 00 cash and seller December. Shakespearian game-for 1 play no game of cards Court with at Davis, After the House Lard—prime de20dll House, records, Camden, Ark., maker, Townsend, Dobbins, Henderson and Wil- adjourned immediately up- steam 12}; kettle 13c. Sweet Pickled Hams whatever—but I have seen youDg people interested PURE Gil RUBBER BOOTS 1 was burned on the announcement of the to- steady In and heard them yesterday. liams of N. Y. committees at 10} @ ll}c. Dry salted meats—shoulders at 7c for it, declare it to be a better game than that ot The Gazette Block at Little Rock was burn- Indian Affairs—Scales of N. C., Wilshire, Boone, day, there was quite a general interchange of loose jmiddles at 10 @ 10} boxed. Authors; and from my own examina- It you want a GOOD Rubber ed tion of I am sure that it must be GERMAN it, as yesterday. Loss #18,000. Sparks, Hooker, Morgan, Lane, Seelye, Page, Van opinions among members in regard to to selec- Receipts—5.000 bbls flour, 99,000 bush wheat. 0.- instructive SNUFF, Boot go to Voorhees and Tufts. 000 bush 000 well as fascinating. The selection oi Goods. tions. Those who had been well provided tor com, 00,000 oats, bush barley, 0000 bush quotations ap- Weights and Measures—Stephens of Ga.t O’Brien, rye. pears to be made with great skill, so as to make each this horrid can be cured? Holiday Tbe Sonora Trouble. commended the speaker’s judgment or said of complaint RUBBER Potter, Sayler. Levy, Marsh, C. Shipments—6,000 bbls bush the thirteen principal chaiacters, in four of HALL’S STORE, San Parsons, Willard, nothing, but the prevalent expression was one flour, 4,000 wheat. 000 At this season of the when Francisco, Deo. 20.—A despatch from G Williams of Wis., Crittenden and Seely of Wis. bush corn,0,000 bush oats, 0000 bush Shakespeare’s greatest dramas, describe his own ac- year, under Falmouth Hote!, and ask of dissatisfaction. The friends ac- rye. tion and Tucson s