Illustrated Type Catalogue of the “Lost” Herpetological Collections of Museu Do Dundo, Angola

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Illustrated Type Catalogue of the “Lost” Herpetological Collections of Museu Do Dundo, Angola ILLUSTRATED TYPE CATALOGUE OF THE “LOST” HERPETOLOGICAL COLLECTIONS OF MUSEU DO DUNDO, ANGOLA Authors: Ceríaco, Luis M. P., Marques, Mariana P., André, Ilunga, Afonso, Esteves, Blackburn, David C., et al. Source: Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, 162(7) : 379- 440 Published By: Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University URL: BioOne Complete ( is a full-text database of 200 subscribed and open-access titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences published by nonprofit societies, associations, museums, institutions, and presses. Your use of this PDF, the BioOne Complete website, and all posted and associated content indicates your acceptance of BioOne’s Terms of Use, available at Usage of BioOne Complete content is strictly limited to personal, educational, and non - commercial use. Commercial inquiries or rights and permissions requests should be directed to the individual publisher as copyright holder. BioOne sees sustainable scholarly publishing as an inherently collaborative enterprise connecting authors, nonprofit publishers, academic institutions, research libraries, and research funders in the common goal of maximizing access to critical research. Downloaded From: on 21 Dec 2020 Terms of Use: Access provided by University of Florida ILLUSTRATED TYPE CATALOGUE OF THE ‘‘LOST’’ HERPETOLOGICAL COLLECTIONS OF MUSEU DO DUNDO, ANGOLA LUIS M. P. CER´IACO,1,2 MARIANA P. MARQUES,3,2,1 ILUNGA ANDRE,´ 4 ESTEVES AFONSO,5 DAVID C. BLACKBURN,6 AND AARON M. BAUER7,8 1 MUSEU HISTORIA´ NATURAL E DA CIENCIAˆ DA UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO,PRACA ¸ GOMES TEIXEIRA, 4099-002 PORTO, 2 PORTUGAL.AUTHOR FOR CORRESPONDENCE ([email protected]). DEPARTAMENTO DE ZOOLOGIA E ANTROPOLOGIA (MUSEU BOCAGE), MUSEU NACIONAL DE HISTORIA´ NATURAL E DA CIENCIAˆ ,UNIVERSIDADE DE LISBOA,RUA DA ESCOLA 3 POLITECNICA´ 58, 1269-102 LISBOA,PORTUGAL. CENTRO DE INVESTIGACA ¸ ˜ OEMBIODIVERSIDADE E RECURSOS GENETICOS´ (CIBIO), CAMPUS AGRA´ RIO DE VAIRA˜ O,RUA PADRE ARMANDO QUINTAS, 4486-661 VAIRA˜ O, 4 5 PORTUGAL. MUSEU REGIONAL DO DUNDO,DUNDO,DUNDO,LUNDA NORTE,ANGOLA. MUSEU NACIONAL DE 6 HISTORIA´ NATURAL,RUA DA NOSSA SENHORA DA MUXIMA 47, 2528 LUANDA,ANGOLA. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL 7 HISTORY,FLORIDA MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY,UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA,GAINESVILLE,FLORIDA 32611. DEPART- MENT OF BIOLOGY AND CENTER FOR BIODIVERSITY AND ECOSYSTEM STEWARDSHIP,VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY, 800 8 LANCASTER AVENUE,VILLANOVA,PENNSYLVANIA 19085. DEPARTMENT OF HERPETOLOGY.MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY,26OXFORD STREET,CAMBRIDGE,MASSACHUSETTS 02138. ABSTRACT. The herpetological collections of the grandisonae, Ptychadena loveridgei, Ptychadena per- Museu do Dundo in Lunda Norte Province, northeast plicata, and Ptychadena upembae machadoi. The type Angola, are among the most important in southern specimens of the snake Xenocalamus bicolor machadoi Africa and represent one of the largest collections of were not found in the collections. A brief history of the Angolan amphibians and reptiles in the world. The museum and remarks on the overall herpetological collection comprises more than 2,750 preserved collections are also provided. We also note additional specimens, including type specimens of taxa described information about the related type material of these by Raymond F. Laurent during the 1950s and 1960s, taxa at the MCZ. when he was affiliated with the Musee´ royal de l’Afrique centrale (RMCA) in Tervuren, Belgium, and the Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ) at Key words: Natural history collections, Amphibians, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, where Reptiles, Nomenclature, Type specimens, Raymond F. portions of these type series were also deposited. We Laurent, Museum of Comparative Zoology provide details for all type specimens and summarize the history and taxonomy for each species represented in the type collection. The collections contain type INTRODUCTION specimens of 28 amphibian and reptile species, including seven snakes: Typhlops praeocularis lun- The Museu do Dundo (MD; Fig. 1) in densis, Dispholidus typus punctatus, Lycodonomor- the northeastern Angolan province of Lun- phus subtaeniatus, Lycophidion hellmichi, da Norte stands out among African herpe- Gonionotophis brussauxi prigoginei, Prosymna tological repositories both for its richness of ambıgua´ brevis, and Elapsoidea decosteri huilensis; 13 lizards: Rhoptropus boultoni montanus, Rhoptropus type specimens and its status as an almost taeniostictus, Hemidactylus nzingae, Lygodactylus mythical collection that has been inaccessi- tchokwe, Cordylus vittifer machadoi, Chamaesaura ble to researchers for nearly half a century. anguina oligopholis, Gerrhosaurus bulsi, Nucras scalaris, Ichnotropis bivittata pallida, Mabuya bayonii The civil war that consumed Angola from huilensis, Mabuya ivensii septemlineata, Trachylepis 1975 to 2002 necessarily decreased the raymondlaurenti, and Eumecia anchietae major; one priority placed on maintaining natural amphisbaenian: Monopeltis vanderysti vilhenai; and seven frogs: Hyperolius machadoi, Hyperolius mar- history collections in the country, particu- moratus alborufus, Hyperolius vilhenai, Ptychadena larly in this provincial town, 850 km from Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 162(7): 379–440, December, 2020 379 Downloaded From: on 21 Dec 2020 Terms of Use: Access provided by University of Florida 380 Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Vol. 162, No. 7 Figure 1. Facade of the Museu do Dundo in present day. Photo by Luis M. P. Cer´ıaco. the capital of Luanda. The museum has rection of the Portuguese zoologist Antonio´ been closed to the public for decades. After A. de Barros Machado (Fig. 2; 1912–2002), the destruction and abandonment of the the collections grew considerably and were surrounding buildings, which once housed actively studied and published upon by the Laboratorio´ de Biologia [Biology Labo- dozens of foreign naturalists, making it an ratory] and its collections, contradictory important scientific resource for the region accounts of the fate of the collections were and for the continent more broadly. For circulated, including that valuable natural example, the fish collection was studied by history specimens were destroyed or irre- the Belgian ichthyologist Max Poll (1908– versibly degraded. 1991), who described 28 new taxa (includ- The Laboratorio´ de Biologia was created ing a new genus) from the Dundo collec- as a section of the Museu do Dundo, a tion, as well as many first country records cultural and scientific institution established for Angola (Poll, 1967; da Costa et al., in by the Portuguese Diamond Mining Com- preparation), the bird collection was studied pany Diamang. It constituted an important by the Portuguese ornithologist Antonio´ repository of natural history collections Augusto da Rosa Pinto (1904–1986; Pinto, especially from the ‘‘Lundas’’ region (en- 1973), and the mammals of northeast compassing both Lunda Norte and Lunda Angola were studied by Barros Machado, Sul provinces) in northeastern Angola, but Robert William Hayman (1905–1985) from also from some other localities in the the British Museum (Hayman, 1952), and country. During the entire existence of the the American Colin Campbell Sanborn Laboratorio,´ and especially under the di- (1897–1962) from the Field Museum of Downloaded From: on 21 Dec 2020 Terms of Use: Access provided by University of Florida HERPETOLOGY TYPE CATALOGUE OF MUSEU DO DUNDO Cerıaco´ et al. 381 Belgian (and later Argentinian) herpetolo- gist Raymond Ferdinand Laurent (1917– 2005) in three main works (Laurent, 1950, 1954a, 1964) published through Diamang, as well as several other papers (Laurent, 1954b, 1955, 1956, 1972). Because it holds one of the largest surviving collections of Angolan amphibian and reptile types and because of the poor representation of the Angolan herpetofauna in collections in general, the Museu do Dundo is one of the most important herpetological collec- tions in Africa. Its significance is further highlighted by the recent use of its speci- mens in the description of new species (Marques et al., 2019a, 2020; Cerıaco´ et al., 2020) which increased the number of type specimens to 28. As a part of a larger project aimed at studying the Angolan herpetofauna (see Marques et al., 2018), we visited the Museu do Dundo to assess the status of the collections, provide an initial catalogue of Figure 2. Photograph of Antonio´ A. de Barros Machado. the current herpetological collections, and Source: Funda¸ca˜oMa´rio Soares. locate and identify Laurent’s type speci- mens. We were able to locate and identify Natural History in Chicago (Sanborn, 1951, some or all specimens in all but one of 1952). These studies on the mammal fauna Laurent’s type series. These were photo- of the region resulted in the description of a graphed and carefully reviewed, as was new species of the lesser Angolan epaulet- nearly all of the non–type material known ted fruit bat, Micropteropus grandis San- to have been represented in the collection born, 1951 (Sanborn, 1951), and an before the civil war. With this annotated endemic subspecies of primate, the black- type catalogue, we document the
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