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Naval Juniorreserve ()Hiders DOCUMENT RESUME ED 219 280 SE 038 787 e $ . AUTHOR ' Omans, S. E.; And Others TITLE Workbook for Naval Science 3: An Illustrated Workbook for the NJROTC Sjudent. Focus. on the Trained Person. Technical Report 124. INSTITUTION University of Central Florida, Orlando.. -, SPONS AGENCY Naval %Training Analysis and Evaluation Group, Orlando, Fla. PUB DATE May f2 GRANT N61339-79-D-0105 4 NOTE if 348p.- 4 ,EDRS PRICE MF01/PC14 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Astronomy; Electricity; High Schools; Instructional -Materials; *Leadership; Meteotiology; Military Science; *Military Training; *Physical Sciences; ( *Remedial Reading; *Secondary School Science; Workbooks' _ IDENTIFIERS Navaleistory; *Naval JuniorReserve ()Hiders . ,-..\ Traiffing torps , '-'--..... ..,. ABSTRACT This workbook (first in a series of three) - supplements the textbook of the third year Naval Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (NJROTC),program and is designed for NJROTC students who do not have the reading skillsOlecessary to fully benefit from the regular curriculum materidls. The workbook is written at the eighth-grade readability level as detprmined by a Computer Readability Editing System'analysis. In addition to its use in the NJROTC program, the wdrkbook may be useful in 'several remedial programs such as Academic Remedial Training(ART) and;the Verbal' Skills Curriculum,\Jzoth of which are offered at each 'of the three . RecruitTraining Com?nands to recruits deficient in reading or oral English skills.' Topics' in the workbook include naval history (1920-1945), leadership.characteristiCs, meteorology, astronomy, sand introductory electricity.'Exercises-include'vocabulary development, matching, concept application, and -extending Yearning actrties. (Author/JN) V 1' ****************************.0***,*************************************** * * Reproductions suppled'bi EDRS are the best that can be made. from- the oryiginal% document. ********k******************************************.****4*****'********** TRAINING TECHNICAL REPOR1 ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION GROUP WORKBOOK FORNAVAL SCIEN( U.B. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION AN ILLUSTRATED WORKBOOK EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER IERICI THE NJROTC. STUDENT This document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization originating it Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality SCOPE OF INTEREST NOTICE Pants of view o'r.opinions stated in this docu The ERIC Fecal y has assigned 111 ment do represent official NIE this document f processing position or to In our Judgement, this document is also of Interest to the clearing- houses noted to the rightIndex- ing should reflect their special points of view MAY FOCUS ON THE Tit! k PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS B EN GRANTED BY dr. at TO THE EDUCATIONAL RES URGES INFORMATION CENTER IER C} " N ) 00 APPROYED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE; DISTRIBUTION IS UNLIMITED. 9 e 9 Technical Report 124' WORKBOOK FOR NAVAL SCIENCE 3: AN ILLUSTRATED WORKBOOK FOR THE-NJROTC STUDENT Training Analysis and Evaluation Group May 1982 .4 GOVERNMENT RIGHTS IM DATA STATEMENT Reproduction of this publicatAon in whole or in part is permittedfor any 'purpose Of the United States Government. - 4 ALFRED F. SMODE, Ph.D., Director W. L. MALOY16Ed.D. Training Analysis and Evaluation Group Deputy Chief of Naval Education and Jraining,for Educational Development and Research and Development a 4 Unclassifi&ci SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Data Entered) READ INSTRUCTIONS REPORT DOCUMENTATION l'AGE BEFORE COMPLETING FORM, 3 RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER 1 REPORT NUMBER 2 GOVT ACCESSION NO. Technica0 Report 124 S TYPE OF REPORT 6 PERIOD:COVERED 4 TITLE (And Subtitle) WORKBOOK FOR NAVAL SCIENCE 3: .. AN ILLUSTRATED WORKBOOK FOR THE . PERFORMUta, ORG RkPORT NUMBER NJROTC STUDENT 6 \ 8 \CONTRACT OF 'ART NuMB,ER(0 7 AUTHOR(s) . S.*E. Omans, R.S. Grove, M. Marechal, J. Thompson, '' . W. C. McDaniel, D. R. Copeland, J. P. Kincaid eN61a39-794-0105 ,A. Caramico N. Ashcroft. J. Hendrickson 10 PROGRAM ELEMENT, PROJECT, TASK 9 PERFORMING ORGWNIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS AREA 6 WORK UNIT NUMBERS University of'Central Florida . Orlando, FL 32816 . H CONTReLLINGOFFICE NAME At40 ADDRESS 12 REPORT DATE 4 Trining. Analysis and Evaluatibn Group May 1982 13 NUMBER OF R.AGES .Department of the Navy . 368 , Orlandn, Fl 3781 3 SECURITY CLASS (of th report) MONITORING AGENCY NAME 6 ADDRESS(if different froth ControllingOffice) 15 14 . , . Uncl,assified . 5.DECLASSIFIcAiroN oowNGRAIDINC"-) . SCHEDULE - 16 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of thls.,Reporf, Apprdved for public release; distributibnis-unlimited. .. , g . i . In Block 70, 1f'ditfewent from Report) _. 17 DISTRIBUTION SW.TEMENT (of the abstiect entered i' . - 3 -,._, .. ... , 18 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES , . o . / identify by block number, 19 KEY WORDS (Continue on roterse ide If necee/ry end Secondary education , Naval leadership . Remedial reading Meteorology Reading'in context. Astronomy Currl,culum developMent . Electricity Naval history . identify by block number) - 20 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse trIde U neceseary end -,,/ Vie third year Naval Junior This workbook supplements thetextbook, of .Reserve Officers Training Corps(NJROTC) program. Workbook ForNa01 ., Science 3 is the result of a jointeffort by'theUniversity of Central The workbook Florida and the TrainingAnalysisand EvaldatiOilGroup-(TAEG). materials suitable for d'as developed in responseto a needforinstructional skills to cape se with students who,-clonot haveguff1cient reading (continuedon reverse) . Dr, FORM EDITION OFANOV 65 IS OBSOLETE Li1 JAN 7314 Unclassified S N0102- LF014-660r SECURITY CLASSIFICATION QF THIS PAGE(When Data Entered) 14 4 Unclassified SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE Mon Data Enforoti) 20. ABSTRACT (continued) with the regular curriculum material. Workbook for.Naval Science 3 is the first workbook in a series of three. Workbooks for the first and second year-NJROTC programs-will be published in 1983. S'N 0102-1-F- 014-6601 Unclassified r. A SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(ITheto Del. Entered) \\ 1. INTRODUCTION The Training Analysis and EvalUation Group (TAEG) was tasked by the Chief of Naval Education andTrainingl tb'serye &s technical monitor provide production assistariCe in the developm60 of -supplementarinstruc-. tional materials for theNaval Junior Reserve OfficersTraining'Corps (NJROTC) program. .The tasking for thedevelOpmeirt of this workbook resulted from the successful usein the NJROTC program of a previous textbook prepared by the TAEG,.Im rovin Your Nav Readin Skills (described in Kincaid and Curry, 1979 .. he present-wor soo is e irst of a 'series oft 'three and is designed to supplement Naval Science 3, Vie primary text of the third year NJROTC program. Workbooks for the,fitst'and second year NJROTC r programs are currently being deVelop 1 This workbook is designeefor NJROTC students who do not have the reading skills,necessary to fully benefit from the regular curriculum materials. students who are reading significantly below their grade in 's'chool comprTte'a lal-ge proportion of the students .in the 250 NJROTC , programs across the country. In order that these students may more fully benefit from the program, it became necessary to develop easily 4gadable 6 materials containing appropriate instruc ional exercises. The Wdfkbook for Naval Sctence3is written, at the 8th g ade readability level as determined by-a Computer Readability Editing Systet'(CRES) analysis (Kincaid, Aagard, and O'Hara, 1980). The CRES analysis was also helpful inoselecting words for the vocabulary exercises contained in the workbook. o , .6( The workbook is t'he result of a joint effort of the University of , Central Florid&.and the TAEG. Stuart E. Omans of the University of Central Florida is the primary author of the workbook. Personnel from the TAEG paq-ii;ipatedin text, served as reviewers, and provided editing and production services: 4k . Topics included in the Workbook for Naval Science 3 were determined by interviewing several NJROTC instructors, and a majority agreed on the fAnal selection -of,topics. Topics in the Workbook for Naval Science 3 include na'al history 1920-1945, leadership characteristics, meteorology, astronomy, and introductory eleCtricity. Exercises include vocabulary development, matching,.concept application,' and extending learning, activities. a-: PqRSE OF THIS REPORT The purpose of this report is to make available the Workbpok for Naval Science 3. In-addition to its use in the NJROTC program, the workbook (and the two others being ,developed) may be useful in several remedial programs, such as Academic Remedial Training (ART) and the Verbal Skills Curriculum. Both of these-programs are. offered at each of the three Recruit Training Commands to.recruits deficient in reading or oral English skills. 1CNET ltr N-53 of 8 Jan 19$0 v REFERENCES Kincaid, J. P., Aagard, J. A. and O'Hara, J. W. Development and Test of a Computer Reklability Editing System. TAEG Report.No. 83, March 1980. )Traintng Analysis and Evaluation Group, Orlando, FL 32813 (AD A096873). Kincaid, J. P. and Curry, T. F. Development and Evaluation of d Remedial Reading Workbook for Navy Training. TAEG Report No. 79, December 1979. Training Analysis and Evaluation Group, Or)Nldo, FL 32813 (AD A979288). 70. 0.1,J .. 1 410 4 71% 'ft vii k an . WORKBOOK FOR NAVAL SC1ENCE13 4`1 An Illustrated Workbook for the NJROTCStudent by STUART E. OMANS A. and Richard s: Grove c Marguerite Marechal, Illustrator University of Central.
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    University of Massachusetts Amherst ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst Masters Theses 1911 - February 2014 1962 Submarine warfare, fiction or reality? John Charles Cheska University of Massachusetts Amherst Follow this and additional works at: Cheska, John Charles, "Submarine warfare, fiction or reality?" (1962). Masters Theses 1911 - February 2014. 1392. Retrieved from This thesis is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst. It has been accepted for inclusion in Masters Theses 1911 - February 2014 by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst. For more information, please contact [email protected]. bmbb ittmtL a zia a musv John C. Chaaka, Jr. A.B. Aaharat Collag* ThMis subnlttwi to tho Graduate Faculty in partial fulfillment of tha requlraaanta for tha degraa of Master of Arta Uoiwaity of Maaaaohuaetta Aaherat August, 1962 a 3, v TABU OF CONTENTS Hm ramp _, 4 CHAPTER I Command Structure and Policy 1 II Material III Operations 28 I? The Submarine War ae the Public Saw It V The Number of U-Boate Actually Sunk V VI Conclusion 69 APPENDXEJB APPENDIX 1 Admiralty Organisation in 1941 75 2 German 0-Boat 76 3 Effects of Strategic Bombing on Late Model 78 U-Boat Productions and Operations 4 U-Boats Sunk Off the United States Coaat 79 by United States Forces 5 U-Boats Sunk in Middle American Zone 80 inr United StatM ?bkii 6 U-Bosta Sunk Off South America 81 by United States Forces 7 U-Boats Sunk in the Atlantio in Area A 82 1 U-Boats Sunk in the Atlentio in Area B 84 9A U-Boats Sunk Off European Coast 87 by United States Forces 9B U-Bnata Sunk in Mediterranean Sea by United 87 States Forces TABLE OF CONTENTS klWDU p«g« 10 U-Boats Sunk by Strategic Bombing 38 by United States Amy Air Foreee 11 U-Boats Sunk by United States Forces in 90 Cooperation with other Nationalities 12 Bibliography 91 LIST OF MAPS AND GRAPHS MAP NO.
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